/* * SIP Communicator, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; /** * The ServerStoredDetails class contains a relatively large set of details that * various protocols may support storing online. Each detail is represented by * its own inner class that could be instantiated by either the protocol * provider implementation (for representing details returned by the server) or * by the using service (e.g. the UIService, when representing details that the * local user would like to set for the current account). *
* All detail classes inherit from the GenericDetail class, extending it to * represent more and more concrete details. The WorkAddressDetail for example, * meant to represent a postal work address, extends the AddressDetailClass * which is meant for representing all kinds of postal addresses. The * AddressDetailClass on its turn extends the StringDetail which itself inherits * from the GenericDetailClass. *
* When creating details that do not exist here (which you'll probably have to * do at one point or another) you are encouraged to extend from the most * concrete address possible so that your detail could be meaningfully handled * by the User Interface. *
* Let's assume for example that we'd like to add a BirthPlaceAddressDetail, * indicating place of birth. The BirthPlaceAddress detail class should extend * the AddressDetail class so that the GUI could understand that this is an * address and visualize it appropriately. The same goes for variations of an * EmailAddressDetail or any other detail having anything to do with a detail * represented in this class. *
* All details have a detailValue and a displayName as well as get methods that * would give you (read-only) access to them. Most classes extending the * GenericDetail to something more meaningful would provide additional accessors * allowing you to retrieve the value casted to its native class. *
* Detail names may be used when visualizing the detail (however, keep in mind * that you should leave space for internationalization when doing so). *
* This class is meant for usage with the OperationSetServerStoredAccountInfo * and OperationSetServerStoredContactInfo operation sets. * * @author Emil Ivov */ public class ServerStoredDetails { /** * A generic detail used as the root of all other server stored details. * This class should be extended or instantiated by implementors with the * purpose of representing details not defined here. */ public static class GenericDetail { protected Object value = null; protected String detailDisplayName = null; /** * Instantiates this detail setting its value and display name * accordingly. * @param detailDisplayName a display name that may be used as a * description when visualizing the value of the detail * @param value the value of the detail. */ public GenericDetail(String detailDisplayName, Object value) { this.value = value; this.detailDisplayName = detailDisplayName; } /** * Returns the value of the detail. * @return the value of the detail. */ public Object getDetailValue() { return value; } /** * Returns a display name that may be used as a description when * visualizing the value of the detail (make sure you don't use this * string in internationalized versions). * @return the detail's display (descriptive) name. */ public String getDetailDisplayName() { return detailDisplayName; } /** * Returns a String representation of the detail using both its value * and display name. * @return a String representation of the detail using both its value * and display name. */ public String toString() { return value == null ? "": value.toString(); } /** * Compares two GenericDetails according * their DetailDisplayName and Value * * @param obj Object expected GenericDetail otherwise return false * @return true if this object has the same display name and * value as obj and false otherwise */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(!(obj instanceof GenericDetail)) return false; if(this == obj) { return true; } GenericDetail other = (GenericDetail)obj; if(this.detailDisplayName != null // equals DisplayName && other.getDetailDisplayName() != null && this.detailDisplayName.equals(other.getDetailDisplayName()) && ((this.value != null // equals not null values && other.getDetailValue() != null && this.value.equals(other.getDetailValue())) || (this.value == null // or both values are null && other.getDetailValue() == null))) return true; else return false; } } /** * A generic detail that should be used (extended) when representing details * with a String content. */ public static class StringDetail extends GenericDetail { public StringDetail(String detailDisplayName, String value) { super(detailDisplayName, value); } public String getString() { return (String)value; } } //---------------------- physical addresses ----------------------------------- /** * A detail representing an address (street and street/house number). */ public static class AddressDetail extends StringDetail { public AddressDetail(String address) { super("Address", address); } public String getAddress() { return getString(); } } /** * A detail representing a street name and number associated with a work * address. */ public static class WorkAddressDetail extends AddressDetail { public WorkAddressDetail(String address) { super(address); } } /** * A City name associated with a (home) address. */ public static class CityDetail extends StringDetail { public CityDetail(String cityName) { super("City", cityName); } public String getCity() { return getString(); } } /** * A City name associated with a work address. */ public static class WorkCityDetail extends CityDetail { public WorkCityDetail(String cityName) { super(cityName); } } /** * The name of a state/province/region associated with a (home) address. */ public static class ProvinceDetail extends StringDetail { public ProvinceDetail(String province) { super("Region/Province/State", province); } public String getProvince() { return getString(); } } /** * The name of a state/province/region associated with a work address. */ public static class WorkProvinceDetail extends ProvinceDetail { public WorkProvinceDetail(String workProvince) { super(workProvince); } } /** * A postal or ZIP code associated with a (home) address. */ public static class PostalCodeDetail extends StringDetail { public PostalCodeDetail(String postalCode) { super("Postal/Zip Code", postalCode); } public String getPostalCode() { return getString(); } } /** * A postal or ZIP code associated with a work address. */ public static class WorkPostalCodeDetail extends PostalCodeDetail { public WorkPostalCodeDetail(String postalCode) { super(postalCode); } } //------------------------------ LOCALE DETAILS -------------------------------- /** * A generic detail that should be used (extended) when representing details * that have anything to do with locales (countries, languages, etc). Most * of the locales field could be ignored when extending the class. When * representing a country for example we'd only be using the fields * concerning the country. */ public static class LocaleDetail extends GenericDetail { public LocaleDetail(String detailDisplayName, Locale locale) { super(detailDisplayName, locale); } public Locale getLocale() { return (Locale)getDetailValue(); } } /** * A detail representing a country of residence for the corresponding * subject. */ public static class CountryDetail extends LocaleDetail { public CountryDetail(Locale locale) { super("Country", locale); } } /** * The name of a country associated with a work address. */ public static class WorkCountryDetail extends CountryDetail { public WorkCountryDetail(Locale locale) { super(locale); } } //-------------------------------- Language ------------------------------------ /** * A locale detail indicating a language spoken by the corresponding Contact. */ public static class SpokenLanguageDetail extends LocaleDetail { public SpokenLanguageDetail(Locale language) { super("Language", language); } } //------------------------- phones -------------------------------------------- /** * A generic detail used for representing a (personal) phone number. */ public static class PhoneNumberDetail extends StringDetail { public PhoneNumberDetail(String number) { super("Phone", number); } public String getNumber() { return getString(); } } /** * A detail used for representing a work phone number. */ public static class WorkPhoneDetail extends PhoneNumberDetail { public WorkPhoneDetail(String workPhone) { super(workPhone); super.detailDisplayName = "Work Phone"; } } /** * A detail used for representing a (personal) mobile phone number. */ public static class MobilePhoneDetail extends PhoneNumberDetail { public MobilePhoneDetail(String privateMobile) { super(privateMobile); super.detailDisplayName = "Mobile Phone"; } } /** * A detail used for representing a work mobile phone number. */ public static class WorkMobilePhoneDetail extends MobilePhoneDetail { public WorkMobilePhoneDetail(String workMobile) { super(workMobile); } } /** * A Fax number. */ public static class FaxDetail extends PhoneNumberDetail { public FaxDetail(String number) { super(number); super.detailDisplayName = "Fax"; } } /** * A Pager number. */ public static class PagerDetail extends PhoneNumberDetail { public PagerDetail(String number) { super(number); super.detailDisplayName = "Pager"; } } //----------------------------- web page --------------------------------------- /** * A generic detail representing any url */ public static class URLDetail extends GenericDetail { public URLDetail(String name, URL url) { super(name, url); } public URL getURL() { return (URL)getDetailValue(); } } /** * A personal web page. */ public static class WebPageDetail extends URLDetail { public WebPageDetail(URL url) { super("Web Page", url); } } /** * A web page associated with the subject's principal occupation (work). */ public static class WorkPageDetail extends WebPageDetail { public WorkPageDetail(URL url) { super(url); } } //--------------------------- Binary ------------------------------------------- /** * A generic detail used for representing binary content such as photos * logos, avatars .... */ public static class BinaryDetail extends GenericDetail { public BinaryDetail(String displayDetailName, byte[] bytes) { super(displayDetailName, bytes); } public byte[] getBytes() { return (byte[])getDetailValue(); } } /** * A detail containing any contact related images. */ public static class ImageDetail extends BinaryDetail { public ImageDetail(String detailDisplayName, byte[] image) { super(detailDisplayName, image); } } //-------------------------- Names --------------------------------------------- /** * A generic detail representing any kind of name. */ public static class NameDetail extends StringDetail { public NameDetail(String detailDisplayName, String name) { super(detailDisplayName, name); } public String getName() { return getString(); } } /** * The name of the organization (company, ngo, university, hospital or other) * employing the corresponding contact. */ public static class WorkOrganizationNameDetail extends NameDetail { public WorkOrganizationNameDetail(String workOrganizationName) { super("Work Organization Name", workOrganizationName); } } /** * A first, given name. */ public static class FirstNameDetail extends NameDetail { public FirstNameDetail(String firstName) { super("First Name", firstName); } } /** * A Middle (father's) name. */ public static class MiddleNameDetail extends NameDetail { public MiddleNameDetail(String middleName) { super("Middle Name", middleName); } } /** * A last (family) name. */ public static class LastNameDetail extends NameDetail { public LastNameDetail(String lastName) { super("Last Name", lastName); } } /** * The name that should be displayed to identify the information author. */ public static class DisplayNameDetail extends NameDetail { public DisplayNameDetail(String name) { super("Display Name", name); } } /** * An informal name (nickname) used for referring to the subject. */ public static class NicknameDetail extends NameDetail { public NicknameDetail(String name) { super("Nickname", name); } } /** * A bi-state detail indicating a gender. Constructor is private and the only * possible instances are GenderDetail.MALE and GenderDetail.FEMALE * construction. */ public static class GenderDetail extends StringDetail { public static final GenderDetail MALE = new GenderDetail("Male"); public static final GenderDetail FEMALE = new GenderDetail("Female"); public GenderDetail(String gender) { super("Gender", gender); } /** * Returns a "Male" or "Female" string. * @return a String with a "Male" or "Female" contents */ public String getGender() { return getString(); } } //-------------------------------- Date & Time --------------------------------- /** * A generic detail meant to represent any date (calendar) associated details. * Protocols that support separate fields for year, month, day and time, or * even age should try their best to convert to a date (setting to 0 * all unknown details). */ public static class CalendarDetail extends GenericDetail { public CalendarDetail(String detailDisplayName, Calendar date) { super(detailDisplayName, date); } public Calendar getCalendar() { return (Calendar)getDetailValue(); } } /** * A complete birth date. */ public static class BirthDateDetail extends CalendarDetail { public BirthDateDetail(Calendar date) { super("Birth Date", date); } } /** * A generic detail meant to represent the time zone associated with the * corresponding contact and that could be extended to represent other * time zone related details. */ public static class TimeZoneDetail extends GenericDetail { public TimeZoneDetail(String displayDetailName, TimeZone timeZone) { super(displayDetailName, timeZone); } public TimeZone getTimeZone() { return (TimeZone)getDetailValue(); } } //------------------------------- E-Mails ------------------------------------ /** * Represents a (personal) email address. */ public static class EmailAddressDetail extends StringDetail { public EmailAddressDetail(String value) { super("e-mail", value); } public String getEMailAddress() { return getString(); } } /** * Represents a (personal) email address. */ public static class WorkEmailAddressDetail extends StringDetail { public WorkEmailAddressDetail(String value) { super("Work e-mail", value); } } //----------------------------- Interests ------------------------------------- /** * Represents a personal interest or hobby. */ public static class InterestDetail extends StringDetail { public InterestDetail(String value) { super("Interest", value); } public String getInterest() { return getString(); } } //---------------------------- Numbers ----------------------------------------- /** * A generic detail that should be used (extended) when representing any * numbers. */ public static class NumberDetail extends GenericDetail { public NumberDetail(String detailName, java.math.BigDecimal value) { super(detailName, value); } public java.math.BigDecimal getNumber() { return (java.math.BigDecimal)getDetailValue(); } } //---------------------------- Numbers ----------------------------------------- /** * A generic detail that should be used (extended) when representing any * boolean values. */ public static class BooleanDetail extends GenericDetail { public BooleanDetail(String detailName, boolean value) { super(detailName, new Boolean(value)); } public boolean getBoolean() { return ((Boolean)getDetailValue()).booleanValue(); } } }