 * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.
package net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.event;

import java.util.*;

import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*;

 * <tt>MessageReceivedEvent</tt>s indicate reception of an instant message.
 * (for an ad-hoc chat room; see <tt>AdHocChatRoom</tt>)
 * @author Valentin Martinet
public class AdHocChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent
    extends EventObject
     * An event type indicating that the message being received is a standard
     * conversation message sent by another member of the chatroom to all
     * current participants.
    public static final int CONVERSATION_MESSAGE_RECEIVED = 1;

     * An event type indicating that the message being received is a special
     * message that sent by either another member or the server itself,
     * indicating that some kind of action (other than the delivery of a
     * conversation message) has occurred. Action messages are widely used
     * in IRC through the /action and /me commands
    public static final int ACTION_MESSAGE_RECEIVED = 2;

     * An event type indicting that the message being received is a system
     * message being sent by the server or a system administrator, possibly
     * notifying us of something important such as ongoing maintenance
     * activities or server downtime.
    public static final int SYSTEM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED = 3;

     * The contact that has sent this message.
    private final Contact from;

     * A timestamp indicating the exact date when the event occurred.
    private final Date timestamp;

     * The received <tt>Message</tt>.
    private final Message message;

     * The type of message event that this instance represents.
    private final int eventType;

     * Creates a <tt>MessageReceivedEvent</tt> representing reception of the
     * <tt>source</tt> message received from the specified <tt>from</tt>
     * contact.
     * @param source the <tt>AdHocChatRoom</tt> for which the message is
     * received.
     * @param from the <tt>Contact</tt> that has sent this message.
     * @param timestamp the exact date when the event occurred.
     * @param message the received <tt>Message</tt>.
     * @param eventType the type of message event that this instance represents
     * (one of the XXX_MESSAGE_RECEIVED static fields).
    public AdHocChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent(AdHocChatRoom source,
                                             Contact from,
                                             Date timestamp,
                                             Message message,
                                             int eventType)

        this.from = from;
        this.timestamp = timestamp;
        this.message = message;
        this.eventType = eventType;

     * Returns a reference to the <tt>Contact</tt> that has send the
     * <tt>Message</tt> whose reception this event represents.
     * @return a reference to the <tt>Contact</tt> that has send the
     * <tt>Message</tt> whose reception this event represents.
    public Contact getSourceChatRoomParticipant()
        return from;

     * Returns the received message.
     * @return the <tt>Message</tt> that triggered this event.
    public Message getMessage()
        return message;

     * A timestamp indicating the exact date when the event occurred.
     * @return a Date indicating when the event occurred.
    public Date getTimestamp()
        return timestamp;

     * Returns the <tt>AdHocChatRoom</tt> that triggered this event.
     * @return the <tt>AdHocChatRoom</tt> that triggered this event.
    public AdHocChatRoom getSourceChatRoom()
        return (AdHocChatRoom) getSource();

     * Returns the type of message event represented by this event instance.
     * Message event type is one of the XXX_MESSAGE_RECEIVED fields of this
     * class.
     * @return one of the XXX_MESSAGE_RECEIVED fields of this
     * class indicating the type of this event.
    public int getEventType()
        return eventType;