/* * SIP Communicator, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.event; import java.util.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*; /** * Instances of this class represent a change avatar of a protocol * * @author Damien Roth */ public class AvatarEvent extends EventObject { /** * Serial version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; /** * The new avatar */ private byte[] newAvatar; /** * The provider that has generated the event. */ private ProtocolProviderService sourceProvider; /** * Creates an event instance indicating that the specified protocol * has changed its avatar to newAvatar. * * @param sourceOp the operation set that generated this event * @param sourceProvider the protocol provider that the contact belongs to * @param newAvatar the new avatar */ public AvatarEvent(OperationSetAvatar sourceOp, ProtocolProviderService sourceProvider, byte[] newAvatar) { super(sourceOp); this.sourceProvider = sourceProvider; this.newAvatar = newAvatar; } /** * Returns the provider that the source belongs to. * * @return the provider that the source belongs to. */ public ProtocolProviderService getSourceProvider() { return this.sourceProvider; } /** * Returns the new avatar * @return the new avatar */ public byte[] getNewAvatar() { return this.newAvatar; } /** * Returns the OperationSetAvatar instance that is the source * of this event. * * @return the OperationSetAvatar instance that is the source * of this event. */ public OperationSetAvatar getSourceAvatarOperationSet() { return (OperationSetAvatar) getSource(); } /** * Returns a String representation of this AvatarEvent * * @return a String representation of this AvatarEvent. */ public String toString() { return "AvatarEvent-[ Provider=" + getSourceProvider() + "]"; } }