/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Copyright @ 2015 Atlassian Pty Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.util; import java.awt.*; import java.beans.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import javax.net.ssl.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.msghistory.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.resources.*; import org.jitsi.service.configuration.*; import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.*; import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.codec.*; import org.jitsi.service.resources.*; import org.jitsi.util.*; import org.osgi.framework.*; /** * Cares about all common configurations. Storing and retrieving configuration * values. * * @author Yana Stamcheva * @author Damian Minkov */ public class ConfigurationUtils { /** * The logger for this class. */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ConfigurationUtils.class); /** * The send message command defined by the Enter key. */ public static final String ENTER_COMMAND = "Enter"; /** * The send message command defined by the Ctrl-Enter key. */ public static final String CTRL_ENTER_COMMAND = "Ctrl-Enter"; /** * Indicates whether the message automatic pop-up is enabled. */ private static boolean autoPopupNewMessage = false; /** * The send message command. ENTER or Ctrl-ENTER */ private static String sendMessageCommand; /** * Indicates if the call panel is shown. */ private static boolean isCallPanelShown = true; /** * Indicates if the offline contacts are shown. */ private static boolean isShowOffline = true; /** * Indicates if the application main window is visible by default. */ private static boolean isApplicationVisible = true; /** * Indicates if the quit warning should be shown. */ private static boolean isQuitWarningShown = true; /** * Indicates if the main frame should be minimized instead of hidden. */ private static boolean minimizeInsteadOfHide = false; /** * Indicates if typing notifications should be sent. */ private static boolean isSendTypingNotifications; /** * Indicates if confirmation should be requested before really moving a * contact. */ private static boolean isMoveContactConfirmationRequested = true; /** * Indicates if tabs in chat window are enabled. */ private static boolean isMultiChatWindowEnabled; /** * Indicates whether we will leave chat room on window closing. */ private static boolean isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabled; /** * Indicates if private messaging is enabled for chat rooms. */ private static boolean isPrivateMessagingInChatRoomDisabled; /** * Indicates if the history should be shown in the chat window. */ private static boolean isHistoryShown; /** * Indicates if the recent messages should be shown. */ private static boolean isRecentMessagesShown = true; /** * The size of the chat history to show in chat window. */ private static int chatHistorySize; /** * The size of the chat write area. */ private static int chatWriteAreaSize; /** * The transparency of the window. */ private static int windowTransparency; /** * Indicates if transparency is enabled. */ private static boolean isTransparentWindowEnabled; /** * Indicates if the window is decorated. */ private static boolean isWindowDecorated; /** * Indicates if the chat tool bar is visible. */ private static boolean isChatToolbarVisible; /** * Indicates if the chat style bar is visible. */ private static boolean isChatStylebarVisible; /** * Indicates if the smileys are shown. */ private static boolean isShowSmileys; /** * Indicates if the chat simple theme is activated. */ private static boolean isChatSimpleThemeEnabled; /** * Indicates if the add contact functionality is disabled. */ private static boolean isAddContactDisabled; /** * Indicates if the merge contact functionality is disabled. */ private static boolean isMergeContactDisabled; /** * Indicates if the go to chatroom functionality is disabled. */ private static boolean isGoToChatroomDisabled; /** * Indicates if the create group functionality is disabled. */ private static boolean isCreateGroupDisabled; /** * Indicates if the create group functionality is disabled. */ private static boolean isFlattenGroupEnabled; /** * Indicates if the remove contact functionality is disabled. */ private static boolean isRemoveContactDisabled; /** * Indicates if the move contact functionality is disabled. */ private static boolean isContactMoveDisabled; /** * Indicates if the rename contact functionality is disabled. */ private static boolean isContactRenameDisabled; /** * Indicates if the remove group functionality is disabled. */ private static boolean isGroupRemoveDisabled; /** * Indicates if the rename group functionality is disabled. */ private static boolean isGroupRenameDisabled; /** * Indicates if the pre set status messages are enabled. */ private static boolean isPresetStatusMessagesEnabled; /** * The last directory used in file transfer. */ private static String sendFileLastDir; /** * The configuration service. */ private static ConfigurationService configService = UtilActivator.getConfigurationService(); /** * The parent of the last contact. */ private static String lastContactParent = null; /** * The last conference call provider. */ private static ProtocolProviderService lastCallConferenceProvider = null; /** * Indicates if the "Advanced" configurations for an account should be * disabled for the user. */ private static boolean isAdvancedAccountConfigDisabled; /** * The default font family used in chat windows. */ private static String defaultFontFamily; /** * The default font size used in chat windows. */ private static String defaultFontSize; /** * Indicates if the font is bold in chat windows. */ private static boolean isDefaultFontBold = false; /** * Indicates if the font is italic in chat windows. */ private static boolean isDefaultFontItalic = false; /** * Indicates if the font is underline in chat windows. */ private static boolean isDefaultFontUnderline = false; /** * The default font color used in chat windows. */ private static int defaultFontColor = -1; /** * whether to show the status changed message in chat history area. */ private static boolean showStatusChangedInChat = false; /** * When enabled, allow to use the additional phone numbers * to route video calls and desktop sharing through it if possible. */ private static boolean routeVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumber = false; /** * Indicates that when we have a single account we can hide the select * account option when possible. */ private static boolean hideAccountSelectionWhenPossible = false; /** * Hide accounts from accounts status list. */ private static boolean hideAccountStatusSelectors = false; /** * Hide extended away status. */ private static boolean hideExtendedAwayStatus = false; /** * Whether to disable creation of auto answer submenu. */ private static boolean autoAnswerDisableSubmenu = false; /** * Whether the chat room user configuration functionality is disabled. */ private static boolean isChatRoomConfigDisabled = false; /** * Indicates if the single window interface is enabled. */ private static boolean isSingleWindowInterfaceEnabled = false; /** * Whether addresses will be shown in call history tooltips. */ private static boolean isHideAddressInCallHistoryTooltipEnabled = false; /** * The name of the property, whether to show addresses in call history * tooltip. */ private static final String HIDE_ADDR_IN_CALL_HISTORY_TOOLTIP_PROPERTY = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.contactlist" + ".HIDE_ADDRESS_IN_CALL_HISTORY_TOOLTIP_ENABLED"; /** * Texts to notify that sms has been sent or sms has been received. */ private static boolean isSmsNotifyTextDisabled = false; /** * To disable displaying sms delivered message or sms received. */ private static final String SMS_MSG_NOTIFY_TEXT_DISABLED_PROP = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.contactlist." + "SMS_MSG_NOTIFY_TEXT_DISABLED_PROP"; /** * Whether domain will be shown in receive call dialog. */ private static boolean isHideDomainInReceivedCallDialogEnabled = false; /** * The name of the property, whether to show addresses in call history * tooltip. */ private static final String HIDE_DOMAIN_IN_RECEIEVE_CALL_DIALOG_PROPERTY = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.call." + "HIDE_DOMAIN_IN_RECEIVE_CALL_DIALOG_ENABLED"; /** * The name of the show smileys property. */ private static final String SHOW_SMILEYS_PROPERTY = "net.java.sip.communicator.service.replacement.SMILEY.enable"; /** * The name of the simple theme property. */ private static final String CHAT_SIMPLE_THEME_ENABLED_PROP = "net.java.sip.communicator.service.gui.CHAT_SIMPLE_THEME_ENABLED"; /** * The name of the chat room configuration property. */ private static final String CHAT_ROOM_CONFIG_DISABLED_PROP = "net.java.sip.communicator.service.gui.CHAT_ROOM_CONFIG_DISABLED"; /** * The name of the single interface property. */ private static final String SINGLE_WINDOW_INTERFACE_ENABLED = "net.java.sip.communicator.service.gui.SINGLE_WINDOW_INTERFACE_ENABLED"; /** * Indicates if phone numbers should be normalized before dialed. */ private static boolean isNormalizePhoneNumber; /** * Indicates if a string containing alphabetical characters might be * considered as a phone number. */ private static boolean acceptPhoneNumberWithAlphaChars; /** * The name of the single interface property. */ public static final String ALERTER_ENABLED_PROP = "plugin.chatalerter.ENABLED"; /** * Indicates if window (task bar or dock icon) alerter is enabled. */ private static boolean alerterEnabled; /** * Loads all user interface configurations. */ public static void loadGuiConfigurations() { configService.addPropertyChangeListener( new ConfigurationChangeListener()); // Load the "auPopupNewMessage" property. String autoPopupProperty = "service.gui.AUTO_POPUP_NEW_MESSAGE"; String autoPopup = configService.getString(autoPopupProperty); if(autoPopup == null) autoPopup = UtilActivator.getResources(). getSettingsString(autoPopupProperty); if(autoPopup != null && autoPopup.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) autoPopupNewMessage = true; // Load the "sendMessageCommand" property. String messageCommandProperty = "service.gui.SEND_MESSAGE_COMMAND"; sendMessageCommand = UtilActivator.getResources() .getSettingsString(messageCommandProperty); // Load the showCallPanel property. String callPanelShown = configService.getString( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.showCallPanel"); if(callPanelShown != null && callPanelShown.length() > 0) { isCallPanelShown = Boolean.parseBoolean(callPanelShown); } // Load the "showOffline" property. String showOffline = configService.getString( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.showOffline"); if(showOffline != null && showOffline.length() > 0) { isShowOffline = Boolean.parseBoolean(showOffline); } // Load the "showApplication" property. isApplicationVisible = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.systray.showApplication", isApplicationVisible); // Load the "showAppQuitWarning" property. String quitWarningShown = configService.getString( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.quitWarningShown"); if(quitWarningShown != null && quitWarningShown.length() > 0) { isQuitWarningShown = Boolean.parseBoolean(quitWarningShown); } minimizeInsteadOfHide = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.minimizeInsteadOfHide", isPinnedToTaskBar()); // Load the "sendTypingNotifications" property. String isSendTypingNotifProperty = "service.gui.SEND_TYPING_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED"; String isSendTypingNotif = configService.getString(isSendTypingNotifProperty); if(isSendTypingNotif == null) isSendTypingNotif = UtilActivator.getResources(). getSettingsString(isSendTypingNotifProperty); if(isSendTypingNotif != null && isSendTypingNotif.length() > 0) { isSendTypingNotifications = Boolean.parseBoolean(isSendTypingNotif); } // Load the "isMoveContactConfirmationRequested" property. String isMoveContactConfirmationRequestedString = configService.getString( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.isMoveContactConfirmationRequested"); if(isMoveContactConfirmationRequestedString != null && isMoveContactConfirmationRequestedString.length() > 0) { isMoveContactConfirmationRequested = Boolean.parseBoolean(isMoveContactConfirmationRequestedString); } // Load the "isMultiChatWindowEnabled" property. String isMultiChatWindowEnabledStringProperty = "service.gui.IS_MULTI_CHAT_WINDOW_ENABLED"; String isMultiChatWindowEnabledString = configService.getString(isMultiChatWindowEnabledStringProperty); if(isMultiChatWindowEnabledString == null) isMultiChatWindowEnabledString = UtilActivator.getResources(). getSettingsString(isMultiChatWindowEnabledStringProperty); if(isMultiChatWindowEnabledString != null && isMultiChatWindowEnabledString.length() > 0) { isMultiChatWindowEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(isMultiChatWindowEnabledString); } isPrivateMessagingInChatRoomDisabled = configService.getBoolean( "service.gui.IS_PRIVATE_CHAT_IN_CHATROOM_DISABLED", false); // Load the "isLeaveChatroomOnWindowCloseEnabled" property. String isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabledStringProperty = "service.gui.LEAVE_CHATROOM_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE"; String isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabledString = configService.getString( isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabledStringProperty); if(isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabledString == null) { isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabledString = UtilActivator.getResources().getSettingsString( isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabledStringProperty); } if(isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabledString != null && isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabledString.length() > 0) { isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean( isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabledString); } // Load the "isHistoryShown" property. String isHistoryShownStringProperty = "service.gui.IS_MESSAGE_HISTORY_SHOWN"; String isHistoryShownString = configService.getString(isHistoryShownStringProperty); if(isHistoryShownString == null) isHistoryShownString = UtilActivator.getResources(). getSettingsString(isHistoryShownStringProperty); if(isHistoryShownString != null && isHistoryShownString.length() > 0) { isHistoryShown = Boolean.parseBoolean(isHistoryShownString); } // Load the "isRecentMessagesShown" property. isRecentMessagesShown = !configService.getBoolean( MessageHistoryService.PNAME_IS_RECENT_MESSAGES_DISABLED, !isRecentMessagesShown); // Load the "chatHistorySize" property. String chatHistorySizeStringProperty = "service.gui.MESSAGE_HISTORY_SIZE"; String chatHistorySizeString = configService.getString(chatHistorySizeStringProperty); if(chatHistorySizeString == null) chatHistorySizeString = UtilActivator.getResources(). getSettingsString(chatHistorySizeStringProperty); if(chatHistorySizeString != null && chatHistorySizeString.length() > 0) { chatHistorySize = Integer.parseInt(chatHistorySizeString); } // Load the "CHAT_WRITE_AREA_SIZE" property. String chatWriteAreaSizeStringProperty = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.CHAT_WRITE_AREA_SIZE"; String chatWriteAreaSizeString = configService.getString(chatWriteAreaSizeStringProperty); if(chatWriteAreaSizeString == null) chatWriteAreaSizeString = UtilActivator.getResources(). getSettingsString(chatWriteAreaSizeStringProperty); if(chatWriteAreaSizeString != null && chatWriteAreaSizeString.length() > 0) { chatWriteAreaSize = Integer.parseInt(chatWriteAreaSizeString); } // Load the "isTransparentWindowEnabled" property. String isTransparentWindowEnabledProperty = "impl.gui.IS_TRANSPARENT_WINDOW_ENABLED"; String isTransparentWindowEnabledString = configService.getString(isTransparentWindowEnabledProperty); if(isTransparentWindowEnabledString == null) isTransparentWindowEnabledString = UtilActivator.getResources(). getSettingsString(isTransparentWindowEnabledProperty); if(isTransparentWindowEnabledString != null && isTransparentWindowEnabledString.length() > 0) { isTransparentWindowEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(isTransparentWindowEnabledString); } // Load the "windowTransparency" property. String windowTransparencyProperty = "impl.gui.WINDOW_TRANSPARENCY"; String windowTransparencyString = configService.getString(windowTransparencyProperty); if(windowTransparencyString == null) windowTransparencyString = UtilActivator.getResources(). getSettingsString(windowTransparencyProperty); if(windowTransparencyString != null && windowTransparencyString.length() > 0) { windowTransparency = Integer.parseInt(windowTransparencyString); } // Load the "isWindowDecorated" property. String isWindowDecoratedProperty = "impl.gui.IS_WINDOW_DECORATED"; String isWindowDecoratedString = configService.getString(isWindowDecoratedProperty); if(isWindowDecoratedString == null) isWindowDecoratedString = UtilActivator.getResources(). getSettingsString(isWindowDecoratedProperty); if(isWindowDecoratedString != null && isWindowDecoratedString.length() > 0) { isWindowDecorated = Boolean.parseBoolean(isWindowDecoratedString); } // Load the "isChatToolbarVisible" property isChatToolbarVisible = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.ChatWindow.showToolbar", true); // Load the "isChatToolbarVisible" property isChatStylebarVisible = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.ChatWindow.showStylebar", true); // Load the "isShowSmileys" property isShowSmileys = configService.getBoolean( SHOW_SMILEYS_PROPERTY, true); // Load the "isChatSimpleThemeEnabled" property. isChatSimpleThemeEnabled = configService.getBoolean( CHAT_SIMPLE_THEME_ENABLED_PROP, true); // Load the "lastContactParent" property. lastContactParent = configService.getString( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.addcontact.lastContactParent"); // Load the "sendFileLastDir" property. sendFileLastDir = configService.getString( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.filetransfer." + "SEND_FILE_LAST_DIR"); // Load the "ADD_CONTACT_DISABLED" property. isAddContactDisabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.contactlist." + "CONTACT_ADD_DISABLED", false); // Load the "MERGE_CONTACT_DISABLED" property. isMergeContactDisabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.contactlist." + "CONTACT_MERGE_DISABLED", false); // Load the "CREATE_GROUP_DISABLED" property. isCreateGroupDisabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.contactlist." + "CREATE_GROUP_DISABLED", false); // Load the "FLATTEN_GROUP_ENABLED" property. isFlattenGroupEnabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.contactlist." + "FLATTEN_GROUP_ENABLED", false); // Load the "GO_TO_CHATROOM_DISABLED" property. isGoToChatroomDisabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.chatroomslist." + "GO_TO_CHATROOM_DISABLED", false); // Load the "REMOVE_CONTACT_DISABLED" property. isRemoveContactDisabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.contactlist." + "CONTACT_REMOVE_DISABLED", false); // Load the "CONTACT_MOVE_DISABLED" property. isContactMoveDisabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.contactlist." + "CONTACT_MOVE_DISABLED", false); // Load the "CONTACT_RENAME_DISABLED" property. isContactRenameDisabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.contactlist." + "CONTACT_RENAME_DISABLED", false); // Load the "GROUP_REMOVE_DISABLED" property. isGroupRemoveDisabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.contactlist." + "GROUP_REMOVE_DISABLED", false); // Load the "GROUP_RENAME_DISABLED" property. isGroupRenameDisabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.contactlist." + "GROUP_RENAME_DISABLED", false); // Load the "PRESET_STATUS_MESSAGES" property. isPresetStatusMessagesEnabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.presence." + "PRESET_STATUS_MESSAGES", true); // Load the "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.account // .ADVANCED_CONFIG_DISABLED" property. String advancedConfigDisabledDefaultProp = UtilActivator.getResources().getSettingsString( "impl.gui.main.account.ADVANCED_CONFIG_DISABLED"); boolean isAdvancedConfigDisabled = false; if (advancedConfigDisabledDefaultProp != null) isAdvancedConfigDisabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(advancedConfigDisabledDefaultProp); // Load the advanced account configuration disabled. isAdvancedAccountConfigDisabled = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.account." + "ADVANCED_CONFIG_DISABLED", isAdvancedConfigDisabled); // Single interface enabled property. String singleInterfaceEnabledProp = UtilActivator.getResources().getSettingsString( SINGLE_WINDOW_INTERFACE_ENABLED); boolean isEnabled = false; if (singleInterfaceEnabledProp != null) isEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(singleInterfaceEnabledProp); else isEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean( UtilActivator.getResources().getSettingsString( "impl.gui.SINGLE_WINDOW_INTERFACE")); // Load the advanced account configuration disabled. isSingleWindowInterfaceEnabled = configService.getBoolean( SINGLE_WINDOW_INTERFACE_ENABLED, isEnabled); if(isFontSupportEnabled()) { // Load default font family string. defaultFontFamily = configService.getString( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY"); // Load default font size. defaultFontSize = configService.getString( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE"); // Load isBold chat property. isDefaultFontBold = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_BOLD", isDefaultFontBold); // Load isItalic chat property. isDefaultFontItalic = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_ITALIC", isDefaultFontItalic); // Load isUnderline chat property. isDefaultFontUnderline = configService.getBoolean( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_UNDERLINE", isDefaultFontUnderline); // Load default font color property. int colorSetting = configService.getInt( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR", -1); if(colorSetting != -1) defaultFontColor = colorSetting; } String showStatusChangedInChatProperty = "impl.gui.SHOW_STATUS_CHANGED_IN_CHAT"; String showStatusChangedInChatDefault = UtilActivator.getResources(). getSettingsString(showStatusChangedInChatProperty); // if there is a default value use it if(showStatusChangedInChatDefault != null) showStatusChangedInChat = Boolean.parseBoolean( showStatusChangedInChatDefault); showStatusChangedInChat = configService.getBoolean( showStatusChangedInChatProperty, showStatusChangedInChat); String routeVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumberProperty = "impl.gui.ROUTE_VIDEO_AND_DESKTOP_TO_PNONENUMBER"; String routeVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumberDefault = UtilActivator.getResources() .getSettingsString(routeVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumberProperty); if(routeVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumberDefault != null) routeVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumber = Boolean.parseBoolean( routeVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumberDefault); routeVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumber = configService.getBoolean( routeVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumberProperty, routeVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumber); String hideAccountMenuProperty = "impl.gui.HIDE_SELECTION_ON_SINGLE_ACCOUNT"; String hideAccountMenuDefaultValue = UtilActivator.getResources() .getSettingsString(hideAccountMenuProperty); if(hideAccountMenuDefaultValue != null) hideAccountSelectionWhenPossible = Boolean.parseBoolean( hideAccountMenuDefaultValue); hideAccountSelectionWhenPossible = configService.getBoolean( hideAccountMenuProperty, hideAccountSelectionWhenPossible); String hideAccountStatusSelectorsProperty = "impl.gui.HIDE_ACCOUNT_STATUS_SELECTORS"; String hideAccountsStatusDefaultValue = UtilActivator.getResources() .getSettingsString(hideAccountStatusSelectorsProperty); if(hideAccountsStatusDefaultValue != null) hideAccountStatusSelectors = Boolean.parseBoolean( hideAccountsStatusDefaultValue); hideAccountStatusSelectors = configService.getBoolean( hideAccountStatusSelectorsProperty, hideAccountStatusSelectors); String autoAnswerDisableSubmenuProperty = "impl.gui.AUTO_ANSWER_DISABLE_SUBMENU"; String autoAnswerDisableSubmenuDefaultValue = UtilActivator.getResources() .getSettingsString(autoAnswerDisableSubmenuProperty); if(autoAnswerDisableSubmenuDefaultValue != null) autoAnswerDisableSubmenu = Boolean.parseBoolean( autoAnswerDisableSubmenuDefaultValue); autoAnswerDisableSubmenu = configService.getBoolean( autoAnswerDisableSubmenuProperty, autoAnswerDisableSubmenu); isChatRoomConfigDisabled = configService.getBoolean( CHAT_ROOM_CONFIG_DISABLED_PROP, isChatRoomConfigDisabled); isNormalizePhoneNumber = configService.getBoolean("impl.gui.NORMALIZE_PHONE_NUMBER", true); alerterEnabled = configService.getBoolean(ALERTER_ENABLED_PROP, true); // Load the "ACCEPT_PHONE_NUMBER_WITH_ALPHA_CHARS" property. acceptPhoneNumberWithAlphaChars = configService.getBoolean( "impl.gui.ACCEPT_PHONE_NUMBER_WITH_ALPHA_CHARS", true); isHideAddressInCallHistoryTooltipEnabled = configService.getBoolean( HIDE_ADDR_IN_CALL_HISTORY_TOOLTIP_PROPERTY, isHideAddressInCallHistoryTooltipEnabled); isHideDomainInReceivedCallDialogEnabled = configService.getBoolean( HIDE_DOMAIN_IN_RECEIEVE_CALL_DIALOG_PROPERTY, isHideDomainInReceivedCallDialogEnabled); String hideExtendedAwayStatusProperty = "net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol" + ".globalstatus.HIDE_EXTENDED_AWAY_STATUS"; String hideExtendedAwayStatusDefaultValue = UtilActivator.getResources() .getSettingsString(hideExtendedAwayStatusProperty); if(hideExtendedAwayStatusDefaultValue != null) hideExtendedAwayStatus = Boolean.parseBoolean( hideExtendedAwayStatusDefaultValue); hideExtendedAwayStatus = configService.getBoolean( hideExtendedAwayStatusProperty, hideExtendedAwayStatus); isSmsNotifyTextDisabled = configService.getBoolean( SMS_MSG_NOTIFY_TEXT_DISABLED_PROP, isSmsNotifyTextDisabled ); } private static boolean isPinnedToTaskBar() { if (!OSUtils.IS_WINDOWS) { return false; } File taskbar = new File(System.getenv("appdata"), "Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch\\User Pinned\\TaskBar"); File[] pins = taskbar.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File f) { return f.getName().endsWith(".lnk"); } }); String title = UtilActivator.getResources() .getSettingsString("service.gui.APPLICATION_NAME"); for (File pin : pins) { if (pin.getName().contains(title)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks whether font support is disabled, checking in default * settings for the default value. * @return is font support disabled. */ public static boolean isFontSupportEnabled() { String fontDisabledProp = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.FONT_SUPPORT_ENABLED"; boolean defaultValue = false; String defaultSettingStr = UtilActivator.getResources().getSettingsString(fontDisabledProp); if(defaultSettingStr != null) defaultValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(defaultSettingStr); return configService.getBoolean( fontDisabledProp, defaultValue); } /** * Return TRUE if "autoPopupNewMessage" property is true, otherwise - return * FALSE. Indicates to the user interface whether new messages should be * opened and bring to front. * @return TRUE if "autoPopupNewMessage" property is true, otherwise * - return FALSE. */ public static boolean isAutoPopupNewMessage() { return autoPopupNewMessage; } /** * Updates the "autoPopupNewMessage" property. * * @param autoPopup indicates to the user interface whether new * messages should be opened and bring to front. **/ public static void setAutoPopupNewMessage(boolean autoPopup) { autoPopupNewMessage = autoPopup; if(autoPopupNewMessage) configService.setProperty( "service.gui.AUTO_POPUP_NEW_MESSAGE", "yes"); else configService.setProperty( "service.gui.AUTO_POPUP_NEW_MESSAGE", "no"); } /** * Return TRUE if "showCallPanel" property is true, otherwise - return * FALSE. Indicates to the user interface whether the panel containing the * call and hangup buttons should be shown. * @return TRUE if "showCallPanel" property is true, otherwise - return * FALSE. */ public static boolean isCallPanelShown() { return isCallPanelShown; } /** * Return TRUE if "showOffline" property is true, otherwise - return * FALSE. Indicates to the user interface whether offline user should be * shown in the contact list or not. * @return TRUE if "showOffline" property is true, otherwise - return * FALSE. */ public static boolean isShowOffline() { return isShowOffline; } /** * Return TRUE if "showApplication" property is true, otherwise - return * FALSE. Indicates to the user interface whether the main application * window should shown or hidden on startup. * @return TRUE if "showApplication" property is true, otherwise - return * FALSE. */ public static boolean isApplicationVisible() { return isApplicationVisible; } /** * Gets whether the application should be minimized and not hidden when * clicking close on the main frame. * @return true when the main frame should be minimized, * false otherwise */ public static boolean isMinimizeInsteadOfHide() { return minimizeInsteadOfHide; } /** * Sets whether the application should be minimized and not hidden when * clicking close on the main frame. * @param value true when the main frame should be minimized, * false otherwise */ public static void setIsMinimizeInsteadOfHide(boolean value) { minimizeInsteadOfHide = value; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.minimizeInsteadOfHide", value); } /** * Return TRUE if "quitWarningShown" property is true, otherwise - * return FALSE. Indicates to the user interface whether the quit warning * dialog should be shown when user clicks on the X button. * @return TRUE if "quitWarningShown" property is true, otherwise - * return FALSE. Indicates to the user interface whether the quit warning * dialog should be shown when user clicks on the X button. */ public static boolean isQuitWarningShown() { return isQuitWarningShown; } /** * Return TRUE if "sendTypingNotifications" property is true, otherwise - * return FALSE. Indicates to the user interface whether typing * notifications are enabled or disabled. * @return TRUE if "sendTypingNotifications" property is true, otherwise - * return FALSE. */ public static boolean isSendTypingNotifications() { return isSendTypingNotifications; } /** * Updates the "sendTypingNotifications" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isSendTypingNotif true to indicate that typing * notifications are enabled, false otherwise. */ public static void setSendTypingNotifications(boolean isSendTypingNotif) { isSendTypingNotifications = isSendTypingNotif; configService.setProperty( "service.gui.SEND_TYPING_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED", Boolean.toString(isSendTypingNotif)); } /** * Returns TRUE if the "isMoveContactConfirmationRequested" property is true, * otherwise - returns FALSE. Indicates to the user interface whether the * confirmation window during the move contact process is enabled or not. * @return TRUE if the "isMoveContactConfirmationRequested" property is true, * otherwise - returns FALSE */ public static boolean isMoveContactConfirmationRequested() { return isMoveContactConfirmationRequested; } /** * Returns true if the "isMultiChatWindowEnabled" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. Indicates to the user * interface whether the chat window could contain multiple chats or just * one chat. * @return true if the "isMultiChatWindowEnabled" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isMultiChatWindowEnabled() { return isMultiChatWindowEnabled; } /** * Returns true if the "isPrivateMessagingInChatRoomDisabled" * property is true, otherwise - returns false. * Indicates to the user interface whether the private messaging is disabled * in chat rooms. * * @return true if the "isPrivateMessagingInChatRoomDisabled" * property is true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isPrivateMessagingInChatRoomDisabled() { return isPrivateMessagingInChatRoomDisabled; } /** * Updates the "isMultiChatWindowEnabled" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isEnabled indicates if the chat window could * contain multiple chats or only one chat. */ public static void setMultiChatWindowEnabled(boolean isEnabled) { isMultiChatWindowEnabled = isEnabled; configService.setProperty( "service.gui.IS_MULTI_CHAT_WINDOW_ENABLED", Boolean.toString(isMultiChatWindowEnabled)); } /** * Returns true if the "isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabled" * property is true, otherwise - returns false. Indicates to * the user interface whether when closing the chat window we would leave * the chat room. * @return true if the "isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabled" * property is true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabled() { return isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabled; } /** * Updates the "isLeaveChatroomOnWindowClose" property through * the ConfigurationService. * * @param isLeave indicates whether to leave chat room on window close. */ public static void setLeaveChatRoomOnWindowClose(boolean isLeave) { isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabled = isLeave; configService.setProperty( "service.gui.LEAVE_CHATROOM_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE", Boolean.toString(isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabled)); } /** * Returns true if the "IS_MESSAGE_HISTORY_ENABLED" * property is true, otherwise - returns false. * Indicates to the user interface whether the history logging is enabled. * @return true if the "IS_MESSAGE_HISTORY_ENABLED" * property is true, otherwise - returns false. * * @deprecated Method will be removed once OTR bundle is updated on Android. */ @Deprecated public static boolean isHistoryLoggingEnabled() { return configService.getBoolean( MessageHistoryService.PNAME_IS_MESSAGE_HISTORY_ENABLED, true); } /** * Returns true if messages history is enabled. * Parameter id is ignored as it's an adapter for Android version * that has to work with old OTR bundle. * * @deprecated Method will be removed once OTR bundle is updated on Android. */ @Deprecated public static boolean isHistoryLoggingEnabled(String id) { return isHistoryLoggingEnabled(); } /** * Returns true if the "isHistoryShown" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. Indicates to the user * whether the history is shown in the chat window. * @return true if the "isHistoryShown" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isHistoryShown() { return isHistoryShown; } /** * Returns true if the "isRecentMessagesShown" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. Indicates to the user * whether the recent messages are shown. * @return true if the "isRecentMessagesShown" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isRecentMessagesShown() { return isRecentMessagesShown; } /** * Updates the "isHistoryShown" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isShown indicates if the message history is shown */ public static void setHistoryShown(boolean isShown) { isHistoryShown = isShown; configService.setProperty( "service.gui.IS_MESSAGE_HISTORY_SHOWN", Boolean.toString(isHistoryShown)); } /** * Updates the "isRecentMessagesShown" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isShown indicates if the recent messages is shown */ public static void setRecentMessagesShown(boolean isShown) { isRecentMessagesShown = isShown; configService.setProperty( MessageHistoryService.PNAME_IS_RECENT_MESSAGES_DISABLED, Boolean.toString(!isRecentMessagesShown)); } /** * Returns true if the "isWindowDecorated" property is * true, otherwise - returns false.. * @return true if the "isWindowDecorated" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isWindowDecorated() { return isWindowDecorated; } /** * Returns true if the "isChatToolbarVisible" property is * true, otherwise - returns false.. * @return true if the "isChatToolbarVisible" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isChatToolbarVisible() { return isChatToolbarVisible; } /** * Returns true if the "isChatStylebarVisible" property is * true, otherwise - returns false.. * @return true if the "isChatStylebarVisible" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isChatStylebarVisible() { return isChatStylebarVisible; } /** * Returns true if the "isShowSmileys" property is * true, otherwise - returns false.. * @return true if the "isShowSmileys" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isShowSmileys() { return isShowSmileys; } /** * Returns true if the "isChatSimpleTheme" property is * true, otherwise - returns false.. * @return true if the "isChatSimpleTheme" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isChatSimpleThemeEnabled() { return isChatSimpleThemeEnabled; } /** * Returns true if the "ADD_CONTACT_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false.. * @return true if the "ADD_CONTACT_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isAddContactDisabled() { return isAddContactDisabled; } /** * Returns true if the "MERGE_CONTACT_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. * @return true if the "MERGE_CONTACT_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isMergeContactDisabled() { return isMergeContactDisabled; } /** * Returns true if the "CREATE_GROUP_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false.. * @return true if the "CREATE_GROUP_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isCreateGroupDisabled() { return isCreateGroupDisabled; } /** * Returns true if the "FLATTEN_GROUP_ENABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false.. * @return true if the "FLATTEN_GROUP_ENABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isFlattenGroupEnabled() { return isFlattenGroupEnabled; } /** * Returns true if the "GO_TO_CHATROOM_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false.. * @return true if the "GO_TO_CHATROOM_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isGoToChatroomDisabled() { return isGoToChatroomDisabled; } /** * Returns true if the "REMOVE_CONTACT_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. * @return true if the "REMOVE_CONTACT_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isRemoveContactDisabled() { return isRemoveContactDisabled; } /** * Returns true if the "CONTACT_MOVE_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. * @return true if the "CONTACT_MOVE_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isContactMoveDisabled() { return isContactMoveDisabled; } /** * Returns true if the "CONTACT_RENAME_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. * @return true if the "CONTACT_RENAME_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isContactRenameDisabled() { return isContactRenameDisabled; } /** * Returns true if the "GROUP_REMOVE_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. * @return true if the "GROUP_REMOVE_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isGroupRemoveDisabled() { return isGroupRemoveDisabled; } /** * Returns true if the "GROUP_RENAME_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. * @return true if the "GROUP_RENAME_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isGroupRenameDisabled() { return isGroupRenameDisabled; } /** * Returns true if the "PRESET_STATUS_MESSAGES" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. * @return true if the "PRESET_STATUS_MESSAGES" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isPresetStatusMessagesEnabled() { return isPresetStatusMessagesEnabled; } /** * Returns true if the "ADVANCED_CONFIG_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false.. * @return true if the "ADVANCED_CONFIG_DISABLED" property is * true, otherwise - returns false. */ public static boolean isAdvancedAccountConfigDisabled() { return isAdvancedAccountConfigDisabled; } /** * Indicates if the chat room user configuration functionality is disabled. * * @return true if the chat room configuration is disabled, * false - otherwise */ public static boolean isChatRoomConfigDisabled() { return isChatRoomConfigDisabled; } /** * Returns the default chat font family. * * @return the default chat font family */ public static String getChatDefaultFontFamily() { return defaultFontFamily; } /** * Returns the default chat font size. * * @return the default chat font size */ public static int getChatDefaultFontSize() { if (defaultFontSize != null && defaultFontSize.length() > 0) return Integer.parseInt(defaultFontSize); return -1; } /** * Returns the default chat font color. * * @return the default chat font color */ public static Color getChatDefaultFontColor() { return defaultFontColor == -1 ? null : new Color(defaultFontColor); } /** * Returns the default chat font bold. * * @return the default chat font bold */ public static boolean isChatFontBold() { return isDefaultFontBold; } /** * Returns the default chat font italic. * * @return the default chat font italic */ public static boolean isChatFontItalic() { return isDefaultFontItalic; } /** * Returns the default chat font underline. * * @return the default chat font underline */ public static boolean isChatFontUnderline() { return isDefaultFontUnderline; } /** * Sets the advanced account config disabled property. * * @param disabled the new value to set */ public static void setAdvancedAccountConfigDisabled(boolean disabled) { isAdvancedAccountConfigDisabled = disabled; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main.account." + "ADVANCED_CONFIG_DISABLED", Boolean.toString(isAdvancedAccountConfigDisabled)); } /** * Return the "sendMessageCommand" property that was saved previously * through the ConfigurationService. Indicates to the user * interface whether the default send message command is Enter or CTRL-Enter. * @return "Enter" or "CTRL-Enter" message commands. */ public static String getSendMessageCommand() { return sendMessageCommand; } /** * Updates the "sendMessageCommand" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param newMessageCommand the command used to send a message ( it could be * ENTER_COMMAND or CTRL_ENTER_COMMAND) */ public static void setSendMessageCommand(String newMessageCommand) { sendMessageCommand = newMessageCommand; configService.setProperty( "service.gui.SEND_MESSAGE_COMMAND", newMessageCommand); } /** * Return the "lastContactParent" property that was saved previously * through the ConfigurationService. Indicates * the last selected group on adding new contact * @return group name of the last selected group when adding contact. */ public static String getLastContactParent() { return lastContactParent; } /** * Returns the call conference provider used for the last conference call. * @return the call conference provider used for the last conference call */ public static ProtocolProviderService getLastCallConferenceProvider() { if (lastCallConferenceProvider != null) return lastCallConferenceProvider; // Obtain the "lastCallConferenceAccount" property from the // configuration service return findProviderFromAccountId( configService.getString( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.call.lastCallConferenceProvider")); } /** * Returns the protocol provider associated with the given * accountId. * @param savedAccountId the identifier of the account * @return the protocol provider associated with the given * accountId */ private static ProtocolProviderService findProviderFromAccountId( String savedAccountId) { ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider = null; for (ProtocolProviderFactory providerFactory : UtilActivator.getProtocolProviderFactories().values()) { for (AccountID accountId : providerFactory.getRegisteredAccounts()) { // We're interested only in the savedAccountId if (!accountId.getAccountUniqueID().equals(savedAccountId)) continue; ServiceReference serRef = providerFactory.getProviderForAccount(accountId); protocolProvider = UtilActivator.bundleContext.getService(serRef); if (protocolProvider != null) break; } } return protocolProvider; } /** * Returns the number of messages from chat history that would be shown in * the chat window. * @return the number of messages from chat history that would be shown in * the chat window. */ public static int getChatHistorySize() { return chatHistorySize; } /** * Updates the "chatHistorySize" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param historySize indicates if the history logging is * enabled. */ public static void setChatHistorySize(int historySize) { chatHistorySize = historySize; configService.setProperty( "service.gui.MESSAGE_HISTORY_SIZE", Integer.toString(chatHistorySize)); } /** * Returns the preferred height of the chat write area. * * @return the preferred height of the chat write area. */ public static int getChatWriteAreaSize() { return chatWriteAreaSize; } /** * Returns true if transparent windows are enabled, * false otherwise. * * @return true if transparent windows are enabled, * false otherwise. */ public static boolean isTransparentWindowEnabled() { return isTransparentWindowEnabled; } /** * Returns the transparency value for all transparent windows. * * @return the transparency value for all transparent windows. */ public static int getWindowTransparency() { return windowTransparency; } /** * Returns the last opened directory of the send file file chooser. * * @return the last opened directory of the send file file chooser */ public static String getSendFileLastDir() { return sendFileLastDir; } /** * Returns true if phone numbers should be normalized, * false otherwise. * * @return true if phone numbers should be normalized, * false otherwise. */ public static boolean isNormalizePhoneNumber() { return isNormalizePhoneNumber; } /** * Updates the "NORMALIZE_PHONE_NUMBER" property. * * @param isNormalize indicates to the user interface whether all dialed * phone numbers should be normalized */ public static void setNormalizePhoneNumber(boolean isNormalize) { isNormalizePhoneNumber = isNormalize; configService.setProperty("impl.gui.NORMALIZE_PHONE_NUMBER", Boolean.toString(isNormalize)); } /** * Returns true if window alerter is enabled (tack bar or * dock icon). * * @return true if window alerter is enables, * false otherwise. */ public static boolean isAlerterEnabled() { return alerterEnabled; } /** * Updates the "plugin.chatalerter.ENABLED" property. * * @param isEnabled indicates whether to enable or disable alerter. */ public static void setAlerterEnabled(boolean isEnabled) { alerterEnabled = isEnabled; configService.setProperty(ALERTER_ENABLED_PROP, Boolean.toString(isEnabled)); } /** * Returns true if a string with a alphabetical character migth * be considered as a phone number. false otherwise. * * @return true if a string with a alphabetical character migth * be considered as a phone number. false otherwise. */ public static boolean acceptPhoneNumberWithAlphaChars() { return acceptPhoneNumberWithAlphaChars; } /** * Updates the "ACCEPT_PHONE_NUMBER_WITH_CHARS" property. * * @param accept indicates to the user interface whether a string with * alphabetical characters might be accepted as a phone number. */ public static void setAcceptPhoneNumberWithAlphaChars(boolean accept) { acceptPhoneNumberWithAlphaChars = accept; configService.setProperty( "impl.gui.ACCEPT_PHONE_NUMBER_WITH_ALPHA_CHARS", Boolean.toString(acceptPhoneNumberWithAlphaChars)); } /** * Returns true if status changed should be shown in * chat history area, false otherwise. * * @return true if status changed should be shown in * chat history area, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isShowStatusChangedInChat() { return showStatusChangedInChat; } /** * Whether allow to use additional phone numbers * to route video calls and desktop sharing through it. * @return whether allow to use additional phone numbers * to route video calls and desktop sharing through it. */ public static boolean isRouteVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumberEnabled() { return routeVideoAndDesktopUsingPhoneNumber; } /** * Whether allow user to select account when only a single * account is available. * @return whether allow user to select account when only a single * account is available. */ public static boolean isHideAccountSelectionWhenPossibleEnabled() { return hideAccountSelectionWhenPossible; } /** * Whether to hide account statuses from global menu. * @return whether to hide account statuses. */ public static boolean isHideAccountStatusSelectorsEnabled() { return hideAccountStatusSelectors; } /** * Whether to hide extended away status from global menu. * @return whether to hide extended away status. */ public static boolean isHideExtendedAwayStatus() { return hideExtendedAwayStatus; } /** * Whether creation of separate submenu for auto answer is disabled. * @return whether creation of separate submenu for auto answer * is disabled. */ public static boolean isAutoAnswerDisableSubmenu() { return autoAnswerDisableSubmenu; } /** * Indicates if the single interface is enabled. * * @return true if the single window interface is enabled, * false - otherwise */ public static boolean isSingleWindowInterfaceEnabled() { return isSingleWindowInterfaceEnabled; } /** * Whether addresses will be shown in call history tooltips. * @return whether addresses will be shown in call history tooltips. */ public static boolean isHideAddressInCallHistoryTooltipEnabled() { return isHideAddressInCallHistoryTooltipEnabled; } /** * Whether to display or not the text notifying that a message is * a incoming or outgoing sms message. * @return whether to display the text notifying that a message is sms. */ public static boolean isSmsNotifyTextDisabled() { return isSmsNotifyTextDisabled; } /** * Whether domain will be shown in receive call dialog. * @return whether domain will be shown in receive call dialog. */ public static boolean isHideDomainInReceivedCallDialogEnabled() { return isHideDomainInReceivedCallDialogEnabled; } /** * Updates the "singleWindowInterface" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isEnabled true to indicate that the * single window interface is enabled, false - otherwise */ public static void setSingleWindowInterfaceEnabled(boolean isEnabled) { isSingleWindowInterfaceEnabled = isEnabled; configService.setProperty(SINGLE_WINDOW_INTERFACE_ENABLED, isEnabled); } /** * Sets the transparency value for all transparent windows. * * @param transparency the transparency value for all transparent windows. */ public static void setWindowTransparency(int transparency) { windowTransparency = transparency; } /** * Updates the "showOffline" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isShowOffline true to indicate that the * offline users should be shown, false otherwise. */ public static void setShowOffline(boolean isShowOffline) { ConfigurationUtils.isShowOffline = isShowOffline; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.showOffline", Boolean.toString(isShowOffline)); } /** * Updates the "showCallPanel" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isCallPanelShown true to indicate that the * call panel should be shown, false otherwise. */ public static void setShowCallPanel(boolean isCallPanelShown) { ConfigurationUtils.isCallPanelShown = isCallPanelShown; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.showCallPanel", Boolean.toString(isCallPanelShown)); } /** * Updates the "showApplication" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isVisible true to indicate that the * application should be shown, false otherwise. */ public static void setApplicationVisible(boolean isVisible) { // If we're already in the desired visible state, don't change anything. if (isApplicationVisible == isVisible) return; isApplicationVisible = isVisible; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.systray.showApplication", Boolean.toString(isVisible)); } /** * Updates the "showAppQuitWarning" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isWarningShown indicates if the message warning the user that the * application would not be closed if she clicks the X button would be * shown again. */ public static void setQuitWarningShown(boolean isWarningShown) { isQuitWarningShown = isWarningShown; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.quitWarningShown", Boolean.toString(isQuitWarningShown)); } /** * Saves the popup handler choice made by the user. * * @param handler the handler which will be used */ public static void setPopupHandlerConfig(String handler) { configService.setProperty("systray.POPUP_HANDLER", handler); } /** * Updates the "lastContactParent" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param groupName the group name of the selected group when adding * last contact */ public static void setLastContactParent(String groupName) { lastContactParent = groupName; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.addcontact.lastContactParent", groupName); } /** * Updates the "isMoveContactQuestionEnabled" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isRequested indicates if a confirmation would be requested * from user during the move contact process. */ public static void setMoveContactConfirmationRequested(boolean isRequested) { isMoveContactConfirmationRequested = isRequested; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.isMoveContactConfirmationRequested", Boolean.toString(isMoveContactConfirmationRequested)); } /** * Updates the "isTransparentWindowEnabled" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isTransparent indicates if the transparency is enabled in the * application. */ public static void setTransparentWindowEnabled(boolean isTransparent) { isTransparentWindowEnabled = isTransparent; configService.setProperty( "impl.gui.IS_TRANSPARENT_WINDOW_ENABLED", Boolean.toString(isTransparentWindowEnabled)); } /** * Updates the "isChatToolbarVisible" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isVisible indicates if the chat toolbar is visible. */ public static void setChatToolbarVisible(boolean isVisible) { isChatToolbarVisible = isVisible; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.ChatWindow.showToolbar", Boolean.toString(isChatToolbarVisible)); } /** * Updates the "isShowSmileys" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isVisible indicates if the smileys are visible */ public static void setShowSmileys(boolean isVisible) { isShowSmileys = isVisible; configService.setProperty( SHOW_SMILEYS_PROPERTY, Boolean.toString(isShowSmileys)); } /** * Updates the "isChatSimpleThemeEnabled" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isEnabled indicates if the chat simple theme is enabled */ public static void setChatSimpleThemeEnabled(boolean isEnabled) { isChatSimpleThemeEnabled = isEnabled; configService.setProperty( CHAT_SIMPLE_THEME_ENABLED_PROP, Boolean.toString(isChatSimpleThemeEnabled)); } /** * Updates the "isChatStylebarVisible" property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param isVisible indicates if the chat stylebar is visible. */ public static void setChatStylebarVisible(boolean isVisible) { isChatStylebarVisible = isVisible; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.ChatWindow.showStylebar", Boolean.toString(isChatStylebarVisible)); } /** * Updates the "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.CHAT_WRITE_AREA_SIZE" * property through the ConfigurationService. * * @param size the new size to set */ public static void setChatWriteAreaSize(int size) { chatWriteAreaSize = size; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.CHAT_WRITE_AREA_SIZE", Integer.toString(chatWriteAreaSize)); } /** * Updates the "SEND_FILE_LAST_DIR" * property through the ConfigurationService. * * @param lastDir last download directory */ public static void setSendFileLastDir(String lastDir) { sendFileLastDir = lastDir; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.filetransfer.SEND_FILE_LAST_DIR", lastDir); } /** * Sets the call conference provider used for the last conference call. * @param protocolProvider the call conference provider used for the last * conference call */ public static void setLastCallConferenceProvider( ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) { lastCallConferenceProvider = protocolProvider; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.call.lastCallConferenceProvider", protocolProvider.getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID()); } /** * Sets the default font family. * * @param fontFamily the default font family name */ public static void setChatDefaultFontFamily(String fontFamily) { defaultFontFamily = fontFamily; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY", fontFamily); } /** * Sets the default font size. * * @param fontSize the default font size */ public static void setChatDefaultFontSize(int fontSize) { defaultFontSize = String.valueOf(fontSize); configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE", fontSize); } /** * Sets the default isBold property. * * @param isBold indicates if the default chat font is bold */ public static void setChatFontIsBold(boolean isBold) { isDefaultFontBold = isBold; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_BOLD", isBold); } /** * Sets the default isItalic property. * * @param isItalic indicates if the default chat font is italic */ public static void setChatFontIsItalic(boolean isItalic) { isDefaultFontItalic = isItalic; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_ITALIC", isItalic); } /** * Sets the default isUnderline property. * * @param isUnderline indicates if the default chat font is underline */ public static void setChatFontIsUnderline(boolean isUnderline) { isDefaultFontUnderline = isUnderline; configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_UNDERLINE", isUnderline); } /** * Sets the default font color. * * @param fontColor the default font color */ public static void setChatDefaultFontColor(Color fontColor) { defaultFontColor = fontColor.getRGB(); configService.setProperty( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR", defaultFontColor); } /** * Returns the current language configuration. * * @return the current locale */ public static Locale getCurrentLanguage() { String localeId = configService.getString( ResourceManagementService.DEFAULT_LOCALE_CONFIG); return (localeId != null) ? ResourceManagementServiceUtils.getLocale(localeId) : Locale.getDefault(); } /** * Sets the current language configuration. * * @param locale the locale to set */ public static void setLanguage(Locale locale) { String language = locale.getLanguage(); String country = locale.getCountry(); configService.setProperty( ResourceManagementService.DEFAULT_LOCALE_CONFIG, (country.length() > 0) ? (language + '_' + country) : language); } /** * Saves a chat room through the ConfigurationService. * * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider to which the chat room * belongs * @param oldChatRoomId the old identifier of the chat room * @param newChatRoomId the new identifier of the chat room * @param newChatRoomName the new chat room name */ public static void saveChatRoom( ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider, String oldChatRoomId, String newChatRoomId, String newChatRoomName) { String prefix = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.accounts"; List accounts = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix(prefix, true); for (String accountRootPropName : accounts) { String accountUID = configService.getString(accountRootPropName); if(accountUID.equals(protocolProvider .getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID())) { List chatRooms = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix( accountRootPropName + ".chatRooms", true); boolean isExistingChatRoom = false; for (String chatRoomPropName : chatRooms) { String chatRoomID = configService.getString(chatRoomPropName); if(!oldChatRoomId.equals(chatRoomID)) continue; isExistingChatRoom = true; configService.setProperty(chatRoomPropName, newChatRoomId); configService.setProperty( chatRoomPropName + ".chatRoomName", newChatRoomName); } if(!isExistingChatRoom) { String chatRoomNodeName = "chatRoom" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()); String chatRoomPackage = accountRootPropName + ".chatRooms." + chatRoomNodeName; configService.setProperty(chatRoomPackage, newChatRoomId); configService.setProperty( chatRoomPackage + ".chatRoomName", newChatRoomName); } } } } /** * Updates the status of the chat room through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider to which the chat room * belongs * @param chatRoomId the identifier of the chat room to update * @param chatRoomStatus the new status of the chat room */ public static void updateChatRoomStatus( ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider, String chatRoomId, String chatRoomStatus) { String prefix = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.accounts"; List accounts = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix(prefix, true); for (String accountRootPropName : accounts) { String accountUID = configService.getString(accountRootPropName); if(accountUID.equals(protocolProvider .getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID())) { List chatRooms = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix( accountRootPropName + ".chatRooms", true); for (String chatRoomPropName : chatRooms) { String chatRoomID = configService.getString(chatRoomPropName); if(!chatRoomId.equals(chatRoomID)) continue; configService.setProperty( chatRoomPropName + ".lastChatRoomStatus", chatRoomStatus); } } } } /** * Updates the value of a chat room property through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider to which the chat room * belongs * @param chatRoomId the identifier of the chat room to update * @param property the name of the property of the chat room * @param value the value of the property if null, property will be removed */ public static void updateChatRoomProperty( ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider, String chatRoomId, String property, String value) { String prefix = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.accounts"; List accounts = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix(prefix, true); for (String accountRootPropName : accounts) { String accountUID = configService.getString(accountRootPropName); if(accountUID.equals(protocolProvider .getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID())) { List chatRooms = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix( accountRootPropName + ".chatRooms", true); for (String chatRoomPropName : chatRooms) { String chatRoomID = configService.getString(chatRoomPropName); if(!chatRoomId.equals(chatRoomID)) continue; if(value != null) configService.setProperty( chatRoomPropName + "." + property, value); else configService.removeProperty(chatRoomPropName + "." + property); } } } } /** * Returns the chat room property, saved through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider, to which the chat room * belongs * @param chatRoomId the identifier of the chat room * @param property the property name, saved through the * ConfigurationService. * @return the value of the property, saved through the * ConfigurationService. */ public static String getChatRoomProperty( ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider, String chatRoomId, String property) { String prefix = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.accounts"; List accounts = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix(prefix, true); for (String accountRootPropName : accounts) { String accountUID = configService.getString(accountRootPropName); if(accountUID.equals(protocolProvider .getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID())) { List chatRooms = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix( accountRootPropName + ".chatRooms", true); for (String chatRoomPropName : chatRooms) { String chatRoomID = configService.getString(chatRoomPropName); if(!chatRoomId.equals(chatRoomID)) continue; return configService.getString( chatRoomPropName + "." + property); } } } return null; } /** * Returns the chat room prefix saved in ConfigurationService * associated with the accountID and chatRoomID. * * @param accountID the account id * @param chatRoomId the chat room id * @return the chat room prefix saved in ConfigurationService. */ public static String getChatRoomPrefix(String accountID, String chatRoomId) { String prefix = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.accounts"; List accounts = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix(prefix, true); for (String accountRootPropName : accounts) { String tmpAccountID = configService.getString(accountRootPropName); if(tmpAccountID.equals(accountID)) { List chatRooms = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix( accountRootPropName + ".chatRooms", true); for (String chatRoomPropName : chatRooms) { String tmpChatRoomID = configService.getString(chatRoomPropName); if(tmpChatRoomID.equals(chatRoomId)) { return chatRoomPropName; } } } } return null; } /** * Returns the last chat room status, saved through the * ConfigurationService. * * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider, to which the chat room * belongs * @param chatRoomId the identifier of the chat room * @return the last chat room status, saved through the * ConfigurationService. */ public static String getChatRoomStatus( ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider, String chatRoomId) { String prefix = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.accounts"; List accounts = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix(prefix, true); for (String accountRootPropName : accounts) { String accountUID = configService.getString(accountRootPropName); if(accountUID.equals(protocolProvider .getAccountID().getAccountUniqueID())) { List chatRooms = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix( accountRootPropName + ".chatRooms", true); for (String chatRoomPropName : chatRooms) { String chatRoomID = configService.getString(chatRoomPropName); if(!chatRoomId.equals(chatRoomID)) continue; return configService.getString( chatRoomPropName + ".lastChatRoomStatus"); } } } return null; } /** * Stores the last group status for the given groupID. * @param groupID the identifier of the group * @param isCollapsed indicates if the group is collapsed or expanded */ public static void setContactListGroupCollapsed(String groupID, boolean isCollapsed) { String prefix = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.contactlist.groups"; List groups = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix(prefix, true); boolean isExistingGroup = false; for (String groupRootPropName : groups) { String storedID = configService.getString(groupRootPropName); if(storedID.equals(groupID)) { configService.setProperty( groupRootPropName + ".isClosed", Boolean.toString(isCollapsed)); isExistingGroup = true; break; } } if(!isExistingGroup) { String groupNodeName = "group" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()); String groupPackage = prefix + "." + groupNodeName; configService.setProperty( groupPackage, groupID); configService.setProperty( groupPackage + ".isClosed", Boolean.toString(isCollapsed)); } } /** * Returns true if the group given by groupID is collapsed * or false otherwise. * @param groupID the identifier of the group * @return true if the group given by groupID is collapsed * or false otherwise */ public static boolean isContactListGroupCollapsed(String groupID) { String prefix = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.contactlist.groups"; List groups = configService .getPropertyNamesByPrefix(prefix, true); for (String groupRootPropName : groups) { String storedID = configService.getString(groupRootPropName); if(storedID.equals(groupID)) { String status = (String) configService .getProperty( groupRootPropName + ".isClosed"); return Boolean.parseBoolean(status); } } return false; } /** * Indicates if the account configuration is disabled. * * @return true if the account manual configuration and creation * is disabled, otherwise return false */ public static boolean isShowAccountConfig() { final String SHOW_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_PROP = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.main." + "configforms.SHOW_ACCOUNT_CONFIG"; boolean defaultValue = !Boolean.parseBoolean(UtilActivator.getResources() .getSettingsString( "impl.gui.main.account.ACCOUNT_CONFIG_DISABLED")); Boolean showAccountConfigProp = configService.getBoolean(SHOW_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_PROP, defaultValue); return showAccountConfigProp.booleanValue(); } /** * Listens for changes of the properties. */ private static class ConfigurationChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { // All properties we're interested in here are Strings. if (!(evt.getNewValue() instanceof String)) return; String newValue = (String) evt.getNewValue(); if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.addcontact.lastContactParent")) { lastContactParent = newValue; } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "service.gui.AUTO_POPUP_NEW_MESSAGE")) { if("yes".equalsIgnoreCase(newValue)) { autoPopupNewMessage = true; } else { autoPopupNewMessage = false; } } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "service.gui.SEND_MESSAGE_COMMAND")) { sendMessageCommand = newValue; } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.showCallPanel")) { isCallPanelShown = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.showOffline")) { isShowOffline = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.systray.showApplication")) { isApplicationVisible = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue);; } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.quitWarningShown")) { isQuitWarningShown = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "service.gui.SEND_TYPING_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED")) { isSendTypingNotifications = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.isMoveContactConfirmationRequested")) { isMoveContactConfirmationRequested = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "service.gui.IS_MULTI_CHAT_WINDOW_ENABLED")) { isMultiChatWindowEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "service.gui.IS_PRIVATE_CHAT_IN_CHATROOM_DISABLED")) { isPrivateMessagingInChatRoomDisabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "service.gui.LEAVE_CHATROOM_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE")) { isLeaveChatRoomOnWindowCloseEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "service.gui.IS_MESSAGE_HISTORY_SHOWN")) { isHistoryShown = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "service.gui.MESSAGE_HISTORY_SIZE")) { chatHistorySize = Integer.parseInt(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.CHAT_WRITE_AREA_SIZE")) { chatWriteAreaSize = Integer.parseInt(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "impl.gui.IS_TRANSPARENT_WINDOW_ENABLED")) { isTransparentWindowEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "impl.gui.WINDOW_TRANSPARENCY")) { windowTransparency = Integer.parseInt(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.ChatWindow.showStylebar")) { isChatStylebarVisible = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.chat.ChatWindow.showToolbar")) { isChatToolbarVisible = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.gui.call.lastCallConferenceProvider")) { lastCallConferenceProvider = findProviderFromAccountId(newValue); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( "impl.gui.SHOW_STATUS_CHANGED_IN_CHAT")) { showStatusChangedInChat = Boolean.parseBoolean(newValue); } } } /** * Returns the package name under which we would store information for the * given factory. * @param factory the ProtocolProviderFactory, which package name * we're looking for * @return the package name under which we would store information for the * given factory */ public static String getFactoryImplPackageName( ProtocolProviderFactory factory) { String className = factory.getClass().getName(); return className.substring(0, className.lastIndexOf('.')); } /** * Returns the configured client port. * * @return the client port */ public static int getClientPort() { return configService.getInt( ProtocolProviderFactory.PREFERRED_CLEAR_PORT_PROPERTY_NAME, 5060); } /** * Sets the client port. * * @param port the port to set */ public static void setClientPort(int port) { configService.setProperty( ProtocolProviderFactory.PREFERRED_CLEAR_PORT_PROPERTY_NAME, port); } /** * Returns the client secure port. * * @return the client secure port */ public static int getClientSecurePort() { return configService.getInt( ProtocolProviderFactory.PREFERRED_SECURE_PORT_PROPERTY_NAME, 5061); } /** * Sets the client secure port. * * @param port the port to set */ public static void setClientSecurePort(int port) { configService.setProperty( ProtocolProviderFactory.PREFERRED_SECURE_PORT_PROPERTY_NAME, port); } /** * Returns the list of enabled SSL protocols. * * @return the list of enabled SSL protocols */ public static String[] getEnabledSslProtocols() { String enabledSslProtocols = configService .getString("gov.nist.javax.sip.TLS_CLIENT_PROTOCOLS"); if(StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(enabledSslProtocols, true)) { SSLSocket temp; try { temp = (SSLSocket) SSLSocketFactory .getDefault().createSocket(); return temp.getEnabledProtocols(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e); return getAvailableSslProtocols(); } } return enabledSslProtocols.split("(,)|(,\\s)"); } /** * Returns the list of available SSL protocols. * * @return the list of available SSL protocols */ public static String[] getAvailableSslProtocols() { SSLSocket temp; try { temp = (SSLSocket) SSLSocketFactory .getDefault().createSocket(); return temp.getSupportedProtocols(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e); return new String[]{}; } } /** * Sets the enables SSL protocols list. * * @param enabledProtocols the list of enabled SSL protocols to set */ public static void setEnabledSslProtocols(String[] enabledProtocols) { if(enabledProtocols == null || enabledProtocols.length == 0) configService.removeProperty( "gov.nist.javax.sip.TLS_CLIENT_PROTOCOLS"); else { String protocols = Arrays.toString(enabledProtocols); configService.setProperty( "gov.nist.javax.sip.TLS_CLIENT_PROTOCOLS", protocols.substring(1, protocols.length() - 1)); } } /** * Returns true if the account associated with * protocolProvider has at least one video format enabled in it's * configuration, false otherwise. * * @return true if the account associated with * protocolProvider has at least one video format enabled in it's * configuration, false otherwise. */ public static boolean hasEnabledVideoFormat( ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) { Map accountProperties = protocolProvider.getAccountID().getAccountProperties(); EncodingConfiguration encodingConfiguration; String overrideEncodings = accountProperties .get(ProtocolProviderFactory.OVERRIDE_ENCODINGS); if(Boolean.parseBoolean(overrideEncodings)) { encodingConfiguration = UtilActivator.getMediaService(). createEmptyEncodingConfiguration(); encodingConfiguration.loadProperties(accountProperties, ProtocolProviderFactory.ENCODING_PROP_PREFIX); } else { encodingConfiguration = UtilActivator.getMediaService(). getCurrentEncodingConfiguration(); } return encodingConfiguration.hasEnabledFormat(MediaType.VIDEO); } }