/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Copyright @ 2015 Atlassian Pty Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.util; import java.util.logging.*; /** * Standard logging methods. * * @author Emil Ivov */ public class Logger { /** * The java.util.Logger that would actually be doing the logging. */ private final java.util.logging.Logger loggerDelegate; /** * Base constructor * * @param logger the implementation specific logger delegate that this * Logger instance should be created around. */ private Logger(java.util.logging.Logger logger) { this.loggerDelegate = logger; } /** * Find or create a logger for the specified class. If a logger has * already been created for that class it is returned. Otherwise * a new logger is created. *
* If a new logger is created its log level will be configured * based on the logging configuration and it will be configured * to also send logging output to its parent's handlers. *
* @param clazz The creating class. *
* @return a suitable Logger * @throws NullPointerException if the name is null. */ public static Logger getLogger(Class> clazz) throws NullPointerException { return getLogger(clazz.getName()); } /** * Find or create a logger for a named subsystem. If a logger has * already been created with the given name it is returned. Otherwise * a new logger is created. *
* If a new logger is created its log level will be configured * based on the logging configuration and it will be configured * to also send logging output to its parent's handlers. *
* @param name A name for the logger. This should be a dot-separated name * and should normally be based on the class name of the creator, such as * "net.java.sip.communicator.MyFunnyClass" *
* @return a suitable Logger * @throws NullPointerException if the name is null. */ public static Logger getLogger(String name) throws NullPointerException { return new Logger(java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(name)); } /** * Logs an entry in the calling method. */ public void logEntry() { if (loggerDelegate.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { StackTraceElement caller = new Throwable().getStackTrace()[1]; loggerDelegate.log(Level.FINEST, "[entry] " + caller.getMethodName()); } } /** * Logs exiting the calling method */ public void logExit() { if (loggerDelegate.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { StackTraceElement caller = new Throwable().getStackTrace()[1]; loggerDelegate.log(Level.FINEST, "[exit] " + caller.getMethodName()); } } /** * Check if a message with a TRACE level would actually be logged by this * logger. *
* @return true if the TRACE level is currently being logged */ public boolean isTraceEnabled() { return loggerDelegate.isLoggable(Level.FINER); } /** * Log a TRACE message. *
* If the logger is currently enabled for the TRACE message * level then the given message is forwarded to all the * registered output Handler objects. *
* @param msg The message to log */ public void trace(Object msg) { loggerDelegate.finer(msg!=null?msg.toString():"null"); } /** * Log a message, with associated Throwable information. *
* @param msg The message to log * @param t Throwable associated with log message. */ public void trace(Object msg, Throwable t) { loggerDelegate.log(Level.FINER, msg!=null?msg.toString():"null", t); } /** * Check if a message with a DEBUG level would actually be logged by this * logger. *
* @return true if the DEBUG level is currently being logged */ public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return loggerDelegate.isLoggable(Level.FINE); } /** * Log a DEBUG message. *
* If the logger is currently enabled for the DEBUG message * level then the given message is forwarded to all the * registered output Handler objects. *
* @param msg The message to log */ public void debug(Object msg) { loggerDelegate.fine(msg!=null?msg.toString():"null"); } /** * Log a message, with associated Throwable information. *
* @param msg The message to log * @param t Throwable associated with log message. */ public void debug(Object msg, Throwable t) { loggerDelegate.log(Level.FINE, msg!=null?msg.toString():"null", t); } /** * Check if a message with an INFO level would actually be logged by this * logger. * * @return true if the INFO level is currently being logged */ public boolean isInfoEnabled() { return loggerDelegate.isLoggable(Level.INFO); } /** * Log a INFO message. *
* If the logger is currently enabled for the INFO message * level then the given message is forwarded to all the * registered output Handler objects. *
* @param msg The message to log */ public void info(Object msg) { loggerDelegate.info(msg!=null?msg.toString():"null"); } /** * Log a message, with associated Throwable information. *
* @param msg The message to log * @param t Throwable associated with log message. */ public void info(Object msg, Throwable t) { loggerDelegate.log(Level.INFO, msg!=null?msg.toString():"null", t); } /** * Log a WARN message. *
* If the logger is currently enabled for the WARN message * level then the given message is forwarded to all the * registered output Handler objects. *
* @param msg The message to log */ public void warn(Object msg) { loggerDelegate.warning(msg!=null?msg.toString():"null"); } /** * Log a message, with associated Throwable information. *
* @param msg The message to log * @param t Throwable associated with log message. */ public void warn(Object msg, Throwable t) { loggerDelegate.log(Level.WARNING, msg!=null?msg.toString():"null", t); } /** * Log a ERROR message. *
* If the logger is currently enabled for the ERROR message * level then the given message is forwarded to all the * registered output Handler objects. *
* @param msg The message to log */ public void error(Object msg) { loggerDelegate.severe(msg!=null?msg.toString():"null"); } /** * Log a message, with associated Throwable information. *
* @param msg The message to log * @param t Throwable associated with log message. */ public void error(Object msg, Throwable t) { loggerDelegate.log(Level.SEVERE, msg!=null?msg.toString():"null", t); } /** * Log a FATAL message. *
* If the logger is currently enabled for the FATAL message * level then the given message is forwarded to all the * registered output Handler objects. *
* @param msg The message to log */ public void fatal(Object msg) { loggerDelegate.severe(msg!=null?msg.toString():"null"); } /** * Log a message, with associated Throwable information. *
* @param msg The message to log * @param t Throwable associated with log message. */ public void fatal(Object msg, Throwable t) { loggerDelegate.log(Level.SEVERE, msg!=null?msg.toString():"null", t); } /** * Set logging level for all handlers to FATAL */ public void setLevelFatal() { setLevel(Level.SEVERE); } /** * Set logging level for all handlers to ERROR */ public void setLevelError() { setLevel(Level.SEVERE); } /** * Set logging level for all handlers to WARNING */ public void setLevelWarn() { setLevel(Level.WARNING); } /** * Set logging level for all handlers to INFO */ public void setLevelInfo() { setLevel(Level.INFO); } /** * Set logging level for all handlers to DEBUG */ public void setLevelDebug() { setLevel(Level.FINE); } /** * Set logging level for all handlers to TRACE */ public void setLevelTrace() { setLevel(Level.FINER); } /** * Set logging level for all handlers to ALL (allow all log messages) */ public void setLevelAll() { setLevel(Level.ALL); } /** * Set logging level for all handlers to OFF (allow no log messages) */ public void setLevelOff() { setLevel(Level.OFF); } /** * Set logging level for all handlers to level * * @param level the level to set for all logger handlers */ private void setLevel(java.util.logging.Level level) { Handler[] handlers = loggerDelegate.getHandlers(); for (Handler handler : handlers) handler.setLevel(level); loggerDelegate.setLevel(level); } /** * Reinitialize the logging properties and reread the logging configuration. *
* The same rules are used for locating the configuration properties * as are used at startup. So if the properties containing the log dir * locations have changed, we would read the new configuration. */ public void reset() { try { FileHandler.pattern = null; LogManager.getLogManager().reset(); LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(); } catch (Exception e) { loggerDelegate.log(Level.INFO, "Failed to reinit logger.", e); } } }