/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package net.java.sip.communicator.util.swing; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.service.configuration.*; import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*; /** * @author Yana Stamcheva * @author Lubomir Marinov */ public class SIPCommDialog extends JDialog { /** * Serial version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; /** * The Logger used by the SIPCommDialog class and its * instances for logging output. */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SIPCommDialog.class); /** * The action map of this dialog. */ private ActionMap amap; /** * The input map of this dialog. */ private InputMap imap; /** * Indicates if the size and location of this dialog are stored after * closing. */ private boolean isSaveSizeAndLocation = true; /** * Creates an instance of SIPCommDialog. */ public SIPCommDialog() { super(); this.init(); } /** * Creates an instance of SIPCommDialog by specifying the * Dialogowner of this dialog. * @param owner the owner of this dialog */ public SIPCommDialog(Dialog owner) { super(owner); this.init(); } /** * Creates an instance of SIPCommDialog by specifying the * Frame owner. * @param owner the owner of this dialog */ public SIPCommDialog(Frame owner) { super(owner); this.init(); } /** * Creates an instance of SIPCommDialog by specifying explicitly * if the size and location properties are saved. By default size and * location are stored. * @param isSaveSizeAndLocation indicates whether to save the size and * location of this dialog */ public SIPCommDialog(boolean isSaveSizeAndLocation) { this(); this.isSaveSizeAndLocation = isSaveSizeAndLocation; } /** * Creates an instance of SIPCommDialog by specifying the owner * of this dialog and indicating whether to save the size and location * properties. * @param owner the owner of this dialog * @param isSaveSizeAndLocation indicates whether to save the size and * location of this dialog */ public SIPCommDialog(Dialog owner, boolean isSaveSizeAndLocation) { this(owner); this.isSaveSizeAndLocation = isSaveSizeAndLocation; } /** * Creates an instance of SIPCommDialog by specifying the owner * of this dialog and indicating whether to save the size and location * properties. * @param owner the owner of this dialog * @param isSaveSizeAndLocation indicates whether to save the size and * location of this dialog */ public SIPCommDialog(Frame owner, boolean isSaveSizeAndLocation) { this(owner); this.isSaveSizeAndLocation = isSaveSizeAndLocation; } /** * Initializes this dialog. */ private void init() { // If on MacOS we would use the native background. if (!OSUtils.IS_MAC) this.setContentPane(new SIPCommFrame.MainContentPane()); this.addWindowListener(new DialogWindowAdapter()); this.initInputMap(); GuiUtils.addWindow(this); } private void initInputMap() { amap = this.getRootPane().getActionMap(); amap.put("close", new CloseAction()); imap = this.getRootPane().getInputMap( JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); imap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0), "close"); // put the defaults for macosx if(OSUtils.IS_MAC) { imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_W, InputEvent.META_DOWN_MASK), "close"); imap.put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_W, InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK), "close"); } } /** * The action invoked when user presses Escape key. */ private class CloseAction extends UIAction { /** * Serial version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(isSaveSizeAndLocation) saveSizeAndLocation(); close(true); } } /** * Adds a key - action pair for this frame. * * @param keyStroke the key combination * @param action the action which will be executed when user presses the * given key combination */ protected void addKeyBinding(KeyStroke keyStroke, Action action) { String actionID = action.getClass().getName(); amap.put(actionID, action); imap.put(keyStroke, actionID); } /** * Before closing the application window saves the current size and position * through the ConfigurationService. */ public class DialogWindowAdapter extends WindowAdapter { /** * Invoked when this window is in the process of being closed. * @param e the WindowEvent that notified us */ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { if(isSaveSizeAndLocation) saveSizeAndLocation(); close(false); } } /** * Saves the size and the location of this dialog through the * ConfigurationService. */ private void saveSizeAndLocation() { try { SIPCommFrame.saveSizeAndLocation(this); } catch (ConfigPropertyVetoException e1) { logger.error("The proposed property change " + "represents an unacceptable value"); } } /** * Sets window size and position. */ private void setSizeAndLocation() { ConfigurationService config = UtilActivator.getConfigurationService(); String className = this.getClass().getName().replaceAll("\\$", "_"); int width = config.getInt(className + ".width", 0); int height = config.getInt(className + ".height", 0); String xString = config.getString(className + ".x"); String yString = config.getString(className + ".y"); if(width > 0 && height > 0) this.setSize(width, height); if(xString != null && yString != null) { int x = Integer.parseInt(xString); int y = Integer.parseInt(yString); if(ScreenInformation. isTitleOnScreen(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height)) || config.getBoolean( SIPCommFrame.PNAME_CALCULATED_POSITIONING, true)) { this.setLocation(x, y); } } else this.setCenterLocation(); } /** * Positions this window in the center of the screen. */ private void setCenterLocation() { setLocationRelativeTo(getParent()); } /** * Checks whether the current component will * exceeds the screen size and if it do will set a default size */ private void ensureOnScreenLocationAndSize() { ConfigurationService config = UtilActivator.getConfigurationService(); if(!config.getBoolean(SIPCommFrame.PNAME_CALCULATED_POSITIONING, true)) return; int x = this.getX(); int y = this.getY(); int width = this.getWidth(); int height = this.getHeight(); Rectangle virtualBounds = ScreenInformation.getScreenBounds(); // the default distance to the screen border final int borderDistance = 10; // in case any of the sizes exceeds the screen size // we set default one // get the left upper point of the window if (!(virtualBounds.contains(x, y))) { // top left exceeds screen bounds if (x < virtualBounds.x) { // window is too far to the left // move it to the right x = virtualBounds.x + borderDistance; } else if (x > virtualBounds.x) { // window is too far to the right // can only occour, when screen resolution is // changed or displayed are disconnected // move the window in the bounds to the very right x = virtualBounds.x + virtualBounds.width - width - borderDistance; if (x < virtualBounds.x + borderDistance) { x = virtualBounds.x + borderDistance; } } // top left exceeds screen bounds if (y < virtualBounds.y) { // window is too far to the top // move it to the bottom y = virtualBounds.y + borderDistance; } else if (y > virtualBounds.y) { // window is too far to the bottom // can only occour, when screen resolution is // changed or displayed are disconnected // move the window in the bounds to the very bottom y = virtualBounds.y + virtualBounds.height - height - borderDistance; if (y < virtualBounds.y + borderDistance) { y = virtualBounds.y + borderDistance; } } this.setLocation(x, y); } // check the lower right corder if (!(virtualBounds.contains(x, y, width, height))) { if (x + width > virtualBounds.x + virtualBounds.width) { // location of window is too far to the right, its right // border is out of bounds // calculate a new horizontal position // move the whole window to the left x = virtualBounds.x + virtualBounds.width - width - borderDistance; if (x < virtualBounds.x + borderDistance) { // window is already on left side, it is too wide. x = virtualBounds.x + borderDistance; // reduce the width, so it surely fits width = virtualBounds.width - 2 * borderDistance; } } if (y + height > virtualBounds.y + virtualBounds.height) { // location of window is too far to the bottom, its bottom // border is out of bounds // calculate a new vertical position // move the whole window to the top y = virtualBounds.y + virtualBounds.height - height - borderDistance; if (y < virtualBounds.y + borderDistance) { // window is already on top, it is too high. y = virtualBounds.y + borderDistance; // reduce the width, so it surely fits height = virtualBounds.height - 2 * borderDistance; } } this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height)); this.setSize(width, height); this.setLocation(x, y); } } /** * Overwrites the setVisible method in order to set the size and the * position of this window before showing it. * @param isVisible indicates if the dialog should be visible */ public void setVisible(boolean isVisible) { if(isVisible) { this.pack(); if(isSaveSizeAndLocation) this.setSizeAndLocation(); else { this.pack(); this.setCenterLocation(); } ensureOnScreenLocationAndSize(); JButton button = this.getRootPane().getDefaultButton(); if(button != null) button.requestFocus(); } super.setVisible(isVisible); } /** * Overwrites the dispose method in order to save the size and the position * of this window before closing it. */ public void dispose() { if(isSaveSizeAndLocation) this.saveSizeAndLocation(); super.dispose(); } /** * All functions implemented in this method will be invoked when user * presses the Escape key. * @param isEscaped indicates if this frame has been closed by pressing the * Esc key; otherwise, false */ protected void close(boolean isEscaped) { } }