/* * battery-factory.c - factory mode for battery driver * * Copyright (C) 2011 Samsung Electronics * SangYoung Son * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include "battery-factory.h" /* prototype */ static ssize_t factory_show_property(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf); static ssize_t factory_store_property(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count); static ssize_t ctia_show_property(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf); static ssize_t ctia_store_property(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count); #define FACTORY_ATTR(_name) \ { \ .attr = { .name = #_name, \ .mode = S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP, \ }, \ .show = factory_show_property, \ .store = factory_store_property, \ } static struct device_attribute factory_attrs[] = { FACTORY_ATTR(batt_reset_soc), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_read_raw_soc), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_read_adj_soc), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_type), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_temp_adc), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_temp_aver), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_temp_adc_aver), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_vol_aver), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_vfocv), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_lp_charging), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_charging_source), FACTORY_ATTR(test_mode), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_error_test), FACTORY_ATTR(siop_activated), FACTORY_ATTR(siop_level), FACTORY_ATTR(wc_status), FACTORY_ATTR(wpc_pin_state), FACTORY_ATTR(factory_mode), FACTORY_ATTR(update), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_slate_mode), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_vf_adc), /* not use */ FACTORY_ATTR(batt_vol_adc), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_vol_adc_cal), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_vol_adc_aver), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_temp_adc_cal), FACTORY_ATTR(auth_battery), #if defined(CONFIG_TARGET_LOCALE_KOR) || defined(CONFIG_MACH_M0_CTC) FACTORY_ATTR(batt_temp_adc_spec), FACTORY_ATTR(batt_sysrev), #endif }; enum { BATT_RESET_SOC = 0, BATT_READ_RAW_SOC, BATT_READ_ADJ_SOC, BATT_TYPE, BATT_TEMP_ADC, BATT_TEMP_AVER, BATT_TEMP_ADC_AVER, BATT_VOL_AVER, BATT_VFOCV, BATT_LP_CHARGING, BATT_CHARGING_SOURCE, TEST_MODE, BATT_ERROR_TEST, SIOP_ACTIVATED, SIOP_LEVEL, WC_STATUS, WPC_PIN_STATE, FACTORY_MODE, UPDATE, BATT_SLATE_MODE, BATT_VF_ADC, /* not use */ BATT_VOL_ADC, BATT_VOL_ADC_CAL, BATT_VOL_ADC_AVER, BATT_TEMP_ADC_CAL, AUTH_BATTERY, #if defined(CONFIG_TARGET_LOCALE_KOR) || defined(CONFIG_MACH_M0_CTC) BATT_TEMP_ADC_SPEC, BATT_SYSREV, #endif }; static ssize_t factory_show_property(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct battery_info *info = dev_get_drvdata(dev->parent); int i; int cnt, dat, d_max, d_min, d_total; int val; #if defined(CONFIG_MACH_KONA) int comp1, comp3; #endif const ptrdiff_t off = attr - factory_attrs; pr_debug("%s: %s\n", __func__, factory_attrs[off].attr.name); i = 0; val = 0; switch (off) { case BATT_READ_RAW_SOC: battery_update_info(info); val = info->battery_raw_soc; i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case BATT_READ_ADJ_SOC: val = info->battery_soc = battery_get_info(info, POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_CAPACITY); i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case BATT_TYPE: i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "SDI_SDI\n"); break; case BATT_TEMP_ADC: battery_get_info(info, POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_TEMP); val = info->battery_temper_adc; i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case BATT_TEMP_AVER: val = 0; for (cnt = 0; cnt < CNT_TEMPER_AVG; cnt++) { msleep(100); #if defined(CONFIG_MACH_KONA) info->battery_temper_adc = battery_get_info(info, POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_TEMP); #else battery_get_info(info, POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_TEMP); #endif val += info->battery_temper_adc; info->battery_temper_adc_avg = val / (cnt + 1); } #if !defined(CONFIG_MACH_KONA) #ifdef CONFIG_S3C_ADC info->battery_temper_avg = info->pdata->covert_adc( info->battery_temper_adc_avg, info->pdata->temper_ch); #else info->battery_temper_avg = info->battery_temper; #endif #else info->battery_temper_avg = info->battery_temper_adc_avg; #endif val = info->battery_temper_avg; pr_info("%s: temper avg(%d)\n", __func__, val); i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case BATT_TEMP_ADC_AVER: val = info->battery_temper_adc_avg; pr_info("%s: temper adc avg(%d)\n", __func__, val); i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case BATT_VOL_AVER: /* not use POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_VOLTAGE_AVG */ val = dat = d_max = d_min = d_total = 0; for (cnt = 0; cnt < CNT_VOLTAGE_AVG; cnt++) { msleep(200); dat = battery_get_info(info, POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_VOLTAGE_NOW); if (cnt != 0) { d_max = max(dat, d_max); d_min = min(dat, d_min); } else d_max = d_min = dat; d_total += dat; } val = (d_total - d_max - d_min) / (CNT_VOLTAGE_AVG - 2); #if defined(CONFIG_MACH_KONA) val /= 1000; #endif pr_info("%s: voltage avg(%d)\n", __func__, val); i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case BATT_VFOCV: battery_update_info(info); val = info->battery_vfocv; i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case BATT_LP_CHARGING: val = info->lpm_state; i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case BATT_CHARGING_SOURCE: val = info->cable_type = battery_get_info(info, POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_ONLINE); i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case TEST_MODE: val = info->battery_test_mode; i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case BATT_ERROR_TEST: i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "(%d): 0: normal, 1: full charged, 2: freezed, 3: overheated, 4: ovp, 5: vf\n", info->battery_error_test); break; case SIOP_ACTIVATED: val = info->siop_state; i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case SIOP_LEVEL: val = info->siop_lv; i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case WC_STATUS: case WPC_PIN_STATE: #ifdef CONFIG_BATTERY_WPC_CHARGER val = !gpio_get_value(GPIO_WPC_INT); #else val = false; #endif i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case FACTORY_MODE: i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", info->factory_mode); break; case BATT_SLATE_MODE: i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", info->slate_mode); break; case BATT_VF_ADC: battery_get_info(info, POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_PRESENT); val = info->battery_vf_adc; i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case BATT_VOL_ADC: i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "N/A\n"); break; case BATT_VOL_ADC_CAL: #if defined(CONFIG_MACH_KONA) /* For using compensation 1% value */ comp1 = info->is_comp_1; i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", comp1); break; #else i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "N/A\n"); break; #endif case BATT_VOL_ADC_AVER: #if defined(CONFIG_MACH_KONA) /* For using compensation 3% value */ comp3 = info->is_comp_3; i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", comp3); break; #else i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "N/A\n"); break; #endif case BATT_TEMP_ADC_CAL: case AUTH_BATTERY: i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "N/A\n"); break; #if defined(CONFIG_TARGET_LOCALE_KOR) || defined(CONFIG_MACH_M0_CTC) case BATT_SYSREV: val = system_rev; i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d\n", val); break; case BATT_TEMP_ADC_SPEC: i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "(HIGH: %d / %d, LOW: %d / %d)\n", info->pdata->overheat_stop_temp, info->pdata->overheat_recovery_temp, info->pdata->freeze_stop_temp, info->pdata->freeze_recovery_temp); break; #endif default: i = -EINVAL; } return i; } static ssize_t factory_store_property(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { struct battery_info *info = dev_get_drvdata(dev->parent); int x; int ret; const ptrdiff_t off = attr - factory_attrs; pr_info("%s: %s\n", __func__, factory_attrs[off].attr.name); x = 0; ret = 0; switch (off) { case BATT_RESET_SOC: if (sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &x) == 1) { if (x == 1) { pr_info("%s: Reset SOC.\n", __func__); battery_control_info(info, POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_CAPACITY, 1); info->battery_soc = battery_get_info(info, POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_CAPACITY); } else pr_info("%s: Not supported param.\n", __func__); ret = count; } break; case TEST_MODE: if (sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &x) == 1) { info->battery_test_mode = x; pr_info("%s: battery test mode: %d\n", __func__, info->battery_test_mode); ret = count; } break; case BATT_ERROR_TEST: if (sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &x) == 1) { info->battery_error_test = x; pr_info("%s: battery error test: %d\n", __func__, info->battery_error_test); ret = count; } break; case SIOP_ACTIVATED: if (sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &x) == 1) { info->siop_state = x; pr_info("%s: SIOP %s\n", __func__, (info->siop_state ? "activated" : "deactivated")); ret = count; } break; case SIOP_LEVEL: if (sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &x) == 1) { info->siop_lv = x; pr_info("%s: SIOP level %d\n", __func__, info->siop_lv); ret = count; } break; case FACTORY_MODE: if (sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &x) == 1) { if (x) info->factory_mode = true; else info->factory_mode = false; pr_info("%s: factory mode %s\n", __func__, (info->factory_mode ? "set" : "clear")); ret = count; } break; case UPDATE: pr_info("%s: battery update\n", __func__); ret = count; break; case BATT_SLATE_MODE: if (sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &x) == 1) { if (x) info->slate_mode = 1; else info->slate_mode = 0; pr_info("%s: slate_mode %s\n", __func__, (info->slate_mode ? "set" : "clear")); ret = count; } break; default: ret = -EINVAL; } schedule_work(&info->monitor_work); return ret; } #define CTIA_ATTR(_name) \ { \ .attr = { .name = #_name, \ .mode = S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP, \ }, \ .show = ctia_show_property, \ .store = ctia_store_property, \ } /* CTIA */ static struct device_attribute ctia_attrs[] = { CTIA_ATTR(talk_wcdma), CTIA_ATTR(talk_gsm), CTIA_ATTR(call), CTIA_ATTR(video), CTIA_ATTR(music), CTIA_ATTR(browser), CTIA_ATTR(hotspot), CTIA_ATTR(camera), CTIA_ATTR(data_call), CTIA_ATTR(gps), CTIA_ATTR(lte), CTIA_ATTR(wifi), CTIA_ATTR(use), }; static ssize_t ctia_show_property(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct battery_info *info = dev_get_drvdata(dev->parent); int i = 0; const ptrdiff_t off = attr - ctia_attrs; pr_info("%s: %s\n", __func__, ctia_attrs[off].attr.name); i += scnprintf(buf + i, PAGE_SIZE - i, "%d 0x%04x\n", info->event_state, info->event_type); return i; } static ssize_t ctia_store_property(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { struct battery_info *info = dev_get_drvdata(dev->parent); int x = 0; int ret = -EINVAL; const ptrdiff_t off = attr - ctia_attrs; pr_info("%s: %s\n", __func__, ctia_attrs[off].attr.name); if (sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &x) == 1) { if (x == 1) { info->event_type |= (1 << off); pr_info("%s: set case #%d, event(0x%04x)\n", __func__, off, info->event_type); } else if (x == 0) { info->event_type &= ~(1 << off); pr_info("%s: clear case #%d, event(0x%04x)\n", __func__, off, info->event_type); } else { pr_info("%s: invalid case #%d, event(0x%04x)\n", __func__, off, info->event_type); } ret = count; } battery_event_control(info); return ret; } void battery_create_attrs(struct device *dev) { struct battery_info *info = dev_get_drvdata(dev->parent); int i, rc; pr_info("%s\n", __func__); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(factory_attrs); i++) { rc = device_create_file(dev, &factory_attrs[i]); pr_debug("%s: factory attr: %s\n", __func__, factory_attrs[i].attr.name); if (rc) goto create_factory_attrs_failed; } pr_info("%s: factory attrs created\n", __func__); if (!info->pdata->ctia_spec) { pr_info("%s: not support CTIA spec\n", __func__); return; } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ctia_attrs); i++) { rc = device_create_file(dev, &ctia_attrs[i]); pr_debug("%s: CTIA attr: %s\n", __func__, ctia_attrs[i].attr.name); if (rc) goto create_ctia_attrs_failed; } pr_info("%s: CTIA attrs created\n", __func__); return; create_factory_attrs_failed: pr_info("%s: factory attrs created failed\n", __func__); while (i--) device_remove_file(dev, &factory_attrs[i]); return; create_ctia_attrs_failed: pr_info("%s: CTIA attrs created failed\n", __func__); while (i--) device_remove_file(dev, &ctia_attrs[i]); return; } #if defined(CONFIG_TARGET_LOCALE_KOR) int battery_info_proc(char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int *eof, void *data) { struct battery_info *info = data; struct timespec cur_time; ktime_t ktime; int len = 0; /* Guess we need no more than 100 bytes. */ int size = 100; ktime = alarm_get_elapsed_realtime(); cur_time = ktime_to_timespec(ktime); len = snprintf(buf, size, "%lu\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%d\t%u\t%d\t%d\t%u\t" "%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%d\t%u\t%u\n", cur_time.tv_sec, info->battery_raw_soc, info->battery_soc, info->battery_vcell / 1000, info->battery_vfocv / 1000, info->battery_full_soc, info->battery_present, info->battery_temper, info->battery_temper_adc, info->battery_health, info->charge_real_state, info->charge_virt_state, info->cable_type, info->charge_current, info->full_charged_state, info->recharge_phase, info->abstimer_state, info->monitor_interval, info->charge_start_time); return len; } #elif defined(CONFIG_MACH_M0_CTC) int battery_info_proc(char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int *eof, void *data) { struct battery_info *info = data; struct timespec cur_time; ktime_t ktime; int len = 0; /* Guess we need no more than 100 bytes. */ int size = 100; ktime = alarm_get_elapsed_realtime(); cur_time = ktime_to_timespec(ktime); len = snprintf(buf, size, "%lu\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%d\t%d\t%u\t" "%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%d\t%u\t%u\n", cur_time.tv_sec, info->battery_raw_soc, info->battery_soc, info->battery_vcell / 1000, info->battery_vfocv / 1000, info->battery_present, info->battery_temper, info->battery_temper_adc, info->battery_health, info->charge_real_state, info->charge_virt_state, info->cable_type, info->charge_current, info->full_charged_state, info->recharge_phase, info->abstimer_state, info->monitor_interval, info->charge_start_time); return len; } #endif