/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence. * * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "mali_kernel_common.h" #include "mali_kernel_core.h" #include "mali_kernel_memory_engine.h" #include "mali_block_allocator.h" #include "mali_osk.h" #define MALI_BLOCK_SIZE (256UL * 1024UL) /* 256 kB, remember to keep the ()s */ typedef struct block_info { struct block_info * next; } block_info; /* The structure used as the handle produced by block_allocator_allocate, * and removed by block_allocator_release */ typedef struct block_allocator_allocation { /* The list will be released in reverse order */ block_info *last_allocated; mali_allocation_engine * engine; mali_memory_allocation * descriptor; u32 start_offset; u32 mapping_length; } block_allocator_allocation; typedef struct block_allocator { _mali_osk_lock_t *mutex; block_info * all_blocks; block_info * first_free; u32 base; u32 cpu_usage_adjust; u32 num_blocks; } block_allocator; MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 get_phys(block_allocator * info, block_info * block); static mali_physical_memory_allocation_result block_allocator_allocate(void* ctx, mali_allocation_engine * engine, mali_memory_allocation * descriptor, u32* offset, mali_physical_memory_allocation * alloc_info); static void block_allocator_release(void * ctx, void * handle); static mali_physical_memory_allocation_result block_allocator_allocate_page_table_block(void * ctx, mali_page_table_block * block); static void block_allocator_release_page_table_block( mali_page_table_block *page_table_block ); static void block_allocator_destroy(mali_physical_memory_allocator * allocator); static u32 block_allocator_stat(mali_physical_memory_allocator * allocator); mali_physical_memory_allocator * mali_block_allocator_create(u32 base_address, u32 cpu_usage_adjust, u32 size, const char *name) { mali_physical_memory_allocator * allocator; block_allocator * info; u32 usable_size; u32 num_blocks; usable_size = size & ~(MALI_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Mali block allocator create for region starting at 0x%08X length 0x%08X\n", base_address, size)); MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("%d usable bytes\n", usable_size)); num_blocks = usable_size / MALI_BLOCK_SIZE; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("which becomes %d blocks\n", num_blocks)); if (usable_size == 0) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Memory block of size %d is unusable\n", size)); return NULL; } allocator = _mali_osk_malloc(sizeof(mali_physical_memory_allocator)); if (NULL != allocator) { info = _mali_osk_malloc(sizeof(block_allocator)); if (NULL != info) { info->mutex = _mali_osk_lock_init( _MALI_OSK_LOCKFLAG_ORDERED, 0, _MALI_OSK_LOCK_ORDER_MEM_INFO); if (NULL != info->mutex) { info->all_blocks = _mali_osk_malloc(sizeof(block_info) * num_blocks); if (NULL != info->all_blocks) { u32 i; info->first_free = NULL; info->num_blocks = num_blocks; info->base = base_address; info->cpu_usage_adjust = cpu_usage_adjust; for ( i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) { info->all_blocks[i].next = info->first_free; info->first_free = &info->all_blocks[i]; } allocator->allocate = block_allocator_allocate; allocator->allocate_page_table_block = block_allocator_allocate_page_table_block; allocator->destroy = block_allocator_destroy; allocator->stat = block_allocator_stat; allocator->ctx = info; allocator->name = name; return allocator; } _mali_osk_lock_term(info->mutex); } _mali_osk_free(info); } _mali_osk_free(allocator); } return NULL; } static void block_allocator_destroy(mali_physical_memory_allocator * allocator) { block_allocator * info; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(allocator); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(allocator->ctx); info = (block_allocator*)allocator->ctx; _mali_osk_free(info->all_blocks); _mali_osk_lock_term(info->mutex); _mali_osk_free(info); _mali_osk_free(allocator); } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 get_phys(block_allocator * info, block_info * block) { return info->base + ((block - info->all_blocks) * MALI_BLOCK_SIZE); } static mali_physical_memory_allocation_result block_allocator_allocate(void* ctx, mali_allocation_engine * engine, mali_memory_allocation * descriptor, u32* offset, mali_physical_memory_allocation * alloc_info) { block_allocator * info; u32 left; block_info * last_allocated = NULL; mali_physical_memory_allocation_result result = MALI_MEM_ALLOC_NONE; block_allocator_allocation *ret_allocation; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(ctx); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(descriptor); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(offset); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(alloc_info); info = (block_allocator*)ctx; left = descriptor->size - *offset; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 != left); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != _mali_osk_lock_wait(info->mutex, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW)) return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; ret_allocation = _mali_osk_malloc( sizeof(block_allocator_allocation) ); if ( NULL == ret_allocation ) { /* Failure; try another allocator by returning MALI_MEM_ALLOC_NONE */ _mali_osk_lock_signal(info->mutex, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); return result; } ret_allocation->start_offset = *offset; ret_allocation->mapping_length = 0; while ((left > 0) && (info->first_free)) { block_info * block; u32 phys_addr; u32 padding; u32 current_mapping_size; block = info->first_free; info->first_free = info->first_free->next; block->next = last_allocated; last_allocated = block; phys_addr = get_phys(info, block); padding = *offset & (MALI_BLOCK_SIZE-1); if (MALI_BLOCK_SIZE - padding < left) { current_mapping_size = MALI_BLOCK_SIZE - padding; } else { current_mapping_size = left; } if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_allocation_engine_map_physical(engine, descriptor, *offset, phys_addr + padding, info->cpu_usage_adjust, current_mapping_size)) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Mapping of physical memory failed\n")); result = MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; mali_allocation_engine_unmap_physical(engine, descriptor, ret_allocation->start_offset, ret_allocation->mapping_length, (_mali_osk_mem_mapregion_flags_t)0); /* release all memory back to the pool */ while (last_allocated) { /* This relinks every block we've just allocated back into the free-list */ block = last_allocated->next; last_allocated->next = info->first_free; info->first_free = last_allocated; last_allocated = block; } break; } *offset += current_mapping_size; left -= current_mapping_size; ret_allocation->mapping_length += current_mapping_size; } _mali_osk_lock_signal(info->mutex, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); if (last_allocated) { if (left) result = MALI_MEM_ALLOC_PARTIAL; else result = MALI_MEM_ALLOC_FINISHED; /* Record all the information about this allocation */ ret_allocation->last_allocated = last_allocated; ret_allocation->engine = engine; ret_allocation->descriptor = descriptor; alloc_info->ctx = info; alloc_info->handle = ret_allocation; alloc_info->release = block_allocator_release; } else { /* Free the allocation information - nothing to be passed back */ _mali_osk_free( ret_allocation ); } return result; } static void block_allocator_release(void * ctx, void * handle) { block_allocator * info; block_info * block, * next; block_allocator_allocation *allocation; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(ctx); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(handle); info = (block_allocator*)ctx; allocation = (block_allocator_allocation*)handle; block = allocation->last_allocated; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(block); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != _mali_osk_lock_wait(info->mutex, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW)) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("allocator release: Failed to get mutex\n")); return; } /* unmap */ mali_allocation_engine_unmap_physical(allocation->engine, allocation->descriptor, allocation->start_offset, allocation->mapping_length, (_mali_osk_mem_mapregion_flags_t)0); while (block) { MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(!((block < info->all_blocks) || (block > (info->all_blocks + info->num_blocks)))); next = block->next; /* relink into free-list */ block->next = info->first_free; info->first_free = block; /* advance the loop */ block = next; } _mali_osk_lock_signal(info->mutex, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); _mali_osk_free( allocation ); } static mali_physical_memory_allocation_result block_allocator_allocate_page_table_block(void * ctx, mali_page_table_block * block) { block_allocator * info; mali_physical_memory_allocation_result result = MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(ctx); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(block); info = (block_allocator*)ctx; if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != _mali_osk_lock_wait(info->mutex, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW)) return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; if (NULL != info->first_free) { void * virt; u32 phys; u32 size; block_info * alloc; alloc = info->first_free; phys = get_phys(info, alloc); /* Does not modify info or alloc */ size = MALI_BLOCK_SIZE; /* Must be multiple of MALI_MMU_PAGE_SIZE */ virt = _mali_osk_mem_mapioregion( phys, size, "Mali block allocator page tables" ); /* Failure of _mali_osk_mem_mapioregion will result in MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE, * because it's unlikely another allocator will be able to map in. */ if ( NULL != virt ) { block->ctx = info; /* same as incoming ctx */ block->handle = alloc; block->phys_base = phys; block->size = size; block->release = block_allocator_release_page_table_block; block->mapping = virt; info->first_free = alloc->next; alloc->next = NULL; /* Could potentially link many blocks together instead */ result = MALI_MEM_ALLOC_FINISHED; } } else result = MALI_MEM_ALLOC_NONE; _mali_osk_lock_signal(info->mutex, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); return result; } static void block_allocator_release_page_table_block( mali_page_table_block *page_table_block ) { block_allocator * info; block_info * block, * next; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER( page_table_block ); info = (block_allocator*)page_table_block->ctx; block = (block_info*)page_table_block->handle; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(info); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(block); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != _mali_osk_lock_wait(info->mutex, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW)) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("allocator release: Failed to get mutex\n")); return; } /* Unmap all the physical memory at once */ _mali_osk_mem_unmapioregion( page_table_block->phys_base, page_table_block->size, page_table_block->mapping ); /** @note This loop handles the case where more than one block_info was linked. * Probably unnecessary for page table block releasing. */ while (block) { next = block->next; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(!((block < info->all_blocks) || (block > (info->all_blocks + info->num_blocks)))); block->next = info->first_free; info->first_free = block; block = next; } _mali_osk_lock_signal(info->mutex, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); } static u32 block_allocator_stat(mali_physical_memory_allocator * allocator) { block_allocator * info; block_info *block; u32 free_blocks = 0; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(allocator); info = (block_allocator*)allocator->ctx; block = info->first_free; while(block) { free_blocks++; block = block->next; } return (info->num_blocks - free_blocks) * MALI_BLOCK_SIZE; }