/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence. * * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "mali_kernel_common.h" #include "mali_kernel_descriptor_mapping.h" #include "mali_mem_validation.h" #include "mali_memory.h" #include "mali_mmu_page_directory.h" #include "mali_kernel_memory_engine.h" #include "mali_block_allocator.h" #include "mali_kernel_mem_os.h" #include "mali_session.h" #include "mali_l2_cache.h" #include "mali_cluster.h" #include "mali_group.h" #if MALI_USE_UNIFIED_MEMORY_PROVIDER != 0 #include "ump_kernel_interface.h" #endif /* kernel side OS functions and user-kernel interface */ #include "mali_osk.h" #include "mali_osk_mali.h" #include "mali_ukk.h" #include "mali_osk_list.h" #include "mali_osk_bitops.h" /** * Per-session memory descriptor mapping table sizes */ #define MALI_MEM_DESCRIPTORS_INIT 64 #define MALI_MEM_DESCRIPTORS_MAX 65536 typedef struct dedicated_memory_info { u32 base; u32 size; struct dedicated_memory_info * next; } dedicated_memory_info; /* types used for external_memory and ump_memory physical memory allocators, which are using the mali_allocation_engine */ #if MALI_USE_UNIFIED_MEMORY_PROVIDER != 0 typedef struct ump_mem_allocation { mali_allocation_engine * engine; mali_memory_allocation * descriptor; u32 initial_offset; u32 size_allocated; ump_dd_handle ump_mem; } ump_mem_allocation ; #endif typedef struct external_mem_allocation { mali_allocation_engine * engine; mali_memory_allocation * descriptor; u32 initial_offset; u32 size; } external_mem_allocation; /** * @brief Internal function for unmapping memory * * Worker function for unmapping memory from a user-process. We assume that the * session/descriptor's lock was obtained before entry. For example, the * wrapper _mali_ukk_mem_munmap() will lock the descriptor, then call this * function to do the actual unmapping. mali_memory_core_session_end() could * also call this directly (depending on compilation options), having locked * the descriptor. * * This function will fail if it is unable to put the MMU in stall mode (which * might be the case if a page fault is also being processed). * * @param args see _mali_uk_mem_munmap_s in "mali_utgard_uk_types.h" * @return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK on success, otherwise a suitable _mali_osk_errcode_t on failure. */ static _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_mem_munmap_internal( _mali_uk_mem_munmap_s *args ); #if MALI_USE_UNIFIED_MEMORY_PROVIDER != 0 static void ump_memory_release(void * ctx, void * handle); static mali_physical_memory_allocation_result ump_memory_commit(void* ctx, mali_allocation_engine * engine, mali_memory_allocation * descriptor, u32* offset, mali_physical_memory_allocation * alloc_info); #endif /* MALI_USE_UNIFIED_MEMORY_PROVIDER != 0*/ static void external_memory_release(void * ctx, void * handle); static mali_physical_memory_allocation_result external_memory_commit(void* ctx, mali_allocation_engine * engine, mali_memory_allocation * descriptor, u32* offset, mali_physical_memory_allocation * alloc_info); /* nop functions */ /* mali address manager needs to allocate page tables on allocate, write to page table(s) on map, write to page table(s) and release page tables on release */ static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_address_manager_allocate(mali_memory_allocation * descriptor); /* validates the range, allocates memory for the page tables if needed */ static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_address_manager_map(mali_memory_allocation * descriptor, u32 offset, u32 *phys_addr, u32 size); static void mali_address_manager_release(mali_memory_allocation * descriptor); /* MMU variables */ typedef struct mali_mmu_page_table_allocation { _mali_osk_list_t list; u32 * usage_map; u32 usage_count; u32 num_pages; mali_page_table_block pages; } mali_mmu_page_table_allocation; typedef struct mali_mmu_page_table_allocations { _mali_osk_lock_t *lock; _mali_osk_list_t partial; _mali_osk_list_t full; /* we never hold on to a empty allocation */ } mali_mmu_page_table_allocations; static mali_kernel_mem_address_manager mali_address_manager = { mali_address_manager_allocate, /* allocate */ mali_address_manager_release, /* release */ mali_address_manager_map, /* map_physical */ NULL /* unmap_physical not present*/ }; /* the mmu page table cache */ static struct mali_mmu_page_table_allocations page_table_cache; static mali_kernel_mem_address_manager process_address_manager = { _mali_osk_mem_mapregion_init, /* allocate */ _mali_osk_mem_mapregion_term, /* release */ _mali_osk_mem_mapregion_map, /* map_physical */ _mali_osk_mem_mapregion_unmap /* unmap_physical */ }; static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_mmu_page_table_cache_create(void); static void mali_mmu_page_table_cache_destroy(void); static mali_allocation_engine memory_engine = NULL; static mali_physical_memory_allocator * physical_memory_allocators = NULL; static dedicated_memory_info * mem_region_registrations = NULL; /* called during module init */ _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_memory_initialize(void) { _mali_osk_errcode_t err; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ("Memory system initializing\n")); err = mali_mmu_page_table_cache_create(); if(_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != err) { MALI_ERROR(err); } memory_engine = mali_allocation_engine_create(&mali_address_manager, &process_address_manager); MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL( memory_engine, _MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); MALI_SUCCESS; } /* called if/when our module is unloaded */ void mali_memory_terminate(void) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ("Memory system terminating\n")); mali_mmu_page_table_cache_destroy(); while ( NULL != mem_region_registrations) { dedicated_memory_info * m; m = mem_region_registrations; mem_region_registrations = m->next; _mali_osk_mem_unreqregion(m->base, m->size); _mali_osk_free(m); } while ( NULL != physical_memory_allocators) { mali_physical_memory_allocator * m; m = physical_memory_allocators; physical_memory_allocators = m->next; m->destroy(m); } if (NULL != memory_engine) { mali_allocation_engine_destroy(memory_engine); memory_engine = NULL; } } _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_memory_session_begin(struct mali_session_data * session_data) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(5, ("Memory session begin\n")); /* create descriptor mapping table */ session_data->descriptor_mapping = mali_descriptor_mapping_create(MALI_MEM_DESCRIPTORS_INIT, MALI_MEM_DESCRIPTORS_MAX); if (NULL == session_data->descriptor_mapping) { MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_NOMEM); } session_data->memory_lock = _mali_osk_lock_init( _MALI_OSK_LOCKFLAG_ORDERED | _MALI_OSK_LOCKFLAG_ONELOCK | _MALI_OSK_LOCKFLAG_NONINTERRUPTABLE, 0, _MALI_OSK_LOCK_ORDER_MEM_SESSION); if (NULL == session_data->memory_lock) { mali_descriptor_mapping_destroy(session_data->descriptor_mapping); _mali_osk_free(session_data); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } /* Init the session's memory allocation list */ _MALI_OSK_INIT_LIST_HEAD( &session_data->memory_head ); MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(5, ("MMU session begin: success\n")); MALI_SUCCESS; } static void descriptor_table_cleanup_callback(int descriptor_id, void* map_target) { mali_memory_allocation * descriptor; descriptor = (mali_memory_allocation*)map_target; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Cleanup of descriptor %d mapping to 0x%x in descriptor table\n", descriptor_id, map_target)); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(descriptor); mali_allocation_engine_release_memory(memory_engine, descriptor); _mali_osk_free(descriptor); } void mali_memory_session_end(struct mali_session_data *session_data) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("MMU session end\n")); if (NULL == session_data) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("No session data found during session end\n")); return; } #ifndef MALI_UKK_HAS_IMPLICIT_MMAP_CLEANUP #if _MALI_OSK_SPECIFIC_INDIRECT_MMAP #error Indirect MMAP specified, but UKK does not have implicit MMAP cleanup. Current implementation does not handle this. #else { _mali_osk_errcode_t err; err = _MALI_OSK_ERR_BUSY; while (err == _MALI_OSK_ERR_BUSY) { /* Lock the session so we can modify the memory list */ _mali_osk_lock_wait( session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW ); err = _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK; /* Free all memory engine allocations */ if (0 == _mali_osk_list_empty(&session_data->memory_head)) { mali_memory_allocation *descriptor; mali_memory_allocation *temp; _mali_uk_mem_munmap_s unmap_args; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Memory found on session usage list during session termination\n")); unmap_args.ctx = session_data; /* use the 'safe' list iterator, since freeing removes the active block from the list we're iterating */ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(descriptor, temp, &session_data->memory_head, mali_memory_allocation, list) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Freeing block with mali address 0x%x size %d mapped in user space at 0x%x\n", descriptor->mali_address, descriptor->size, descriptor->size, descriptor->mapping) ); /* ASSERT that the descriptor's lock references the correct thing */ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT( descriptor->lock == session_data->memory_lock ); /* Therefore, we have already locked the descriptor */ unmap_args.size = descriptor->size; unmap_args.mapping = descriptor->mapping; unmap_args.cookie = (u32)descriptor; /* * This removes the descriptor from the list, and frees the descriptor * * Does not handle the _MALI_OSK_SPECIFIC_INDIRECT_MMAP case, since * the only OS we are aware of that requires indirect MMAP also has * implicit mmap cleanup. */ err = _mali_ukk_mem_munmap_internal( &unmap_args ); if (err == _MALI_OSK_ERR_BUSY) { _mali_osk_lock_signal( session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW ); /* * Reason for this; * We where unable to stall the MMU, probably because we are in page fault handling. * Sleep for a while with the session lock released, then try again. * Abnormal termination of programs with running Mali jobs is a normal reason for this. */ _mali_osk_time_ubusydelay(10); break; /* Will jump back into: "while (err == _MALI_OSK_ERR_BUSY)" */ } } } } /* Assert that we really did free everything */ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT( _mali_osk_list_empty(&session_data->memory_head) ); } #endif /* _MALI_OSK_SPECIFIC_INDIRECT_MMAP */ #else /* Lock the session so we can modify the memory list */ _mali_osk_lock_wait( session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW ); #endif /* MALI_UKK_HAS_IMPLICIT_MMAP_CLEANUP */ if (NULL != session_data->descriptor_mapping) { mali_descriptor_mapping_call_for_each(session_data->descriptor_mapping, descriptor_table_cleanup_callback); mali_descriptor_mapping_destroy(session_data->descriptor_mapping); session_data->descriptor_mapping = NULL; } _mali_osk_lock_signal( session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW ); /** * @note Could the VMA close handler mean that we use the session data after it was freed? * In which case, would need to refcount the session data, and free on VMA close */ /* Free the lock */ _mali_osk_lock_term( session_data->memory_lock ); return; } _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_memory_core_resource_os_memory(_mali_osk_resource_t * resource) { mali_physical_memory_allocator * allocator; mali_physical_memory_allocator ** next_allocator_list; u32 alloc_order = resource->alloc_order; allocator = mali_os_allocator_create(resource->size, resource->cpu_usage_adjust, resource->description); if (NULL == allocator) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Failed to create OS memory allocator\n")); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } allocator->alloc_order = alloc_order; /* link in the allocator: insertion into ordered list * resources of the same alloc_order will be Last-in-first */ next_allocator_list = &physical_memory_allocators; while (NULL != *next_allocator_list && (*next_allocator_list)->alloc_order < alloc_order ) { next_allocator_list = &((*next_allocator_list)->next); } allocator->next = (*next_allocator_list); (*next_allocator_list) = allocator; MALI_SUCCESS; } _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_memory_core_resource_dedicated_memory(_mali_osk_resource_t * resource) { mali_physical_memory_allocator * allocator; mali_physical_memory_allocator ** next_allocator_list; dedicated_memory_info * cleanup_data; u32 alloc_order = resource->alloc_order; /* do the low level linux operation first */ /* Request ownership of the memory */ if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != _mali_osk_mem_reqregion(resource->base, resource->size, resource->description)) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Failed to request memory region %s (0x%08X - 0x%08X)\n", resource->description, resource->base, resource->base + resource->size - 1)); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } /* create generic block allocator object to handle it */ allocator = mali_block_allocator_create(resource->base, resource->cpu_usage_adjust, resource->size, resource->description ); if (NULL == allocator) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Memory bank registration failed\n")); _mali_osk_mem_unreqregion(resource->base, resource->size); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } /* save low level cleanup info */ allocator->alloc_order = alloc_order; cleanup_data = _mali_osk_malloc(sizeof(dedicated_memory_info)); if (NULL == cleanup_data) { _mali_osk_mem_unreqregion(resource->base, resource->size); allocator->destroy(allocator); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } cleanup_data->base = resource->base; cleanup_data->size = resource->size; cleanup_data->next = mem_region_registrations; mem_region_registrations = cleanup_data; /* link in the allocator: insertion into ordered list * resources of the same alloc_order will be Last-in-first */ next_allocator_list = &physical_memory_allocators; while ( NULL != *next_allocator_list && (*next_allocator_list)->alloc_order < alloc_order ) { next_allocator_list = &((*next_allocator_list)->next); } allocator->next = (*next_allocator_list); (*next_allocator_list) = allocator; MALI_SUCCESS; } #if MALI_USE_UNIFIED_MEMORY_PROVIDER != 0 static mali_physical_memory_allocation_result ump_memory_commit(void* ctx, mali_allocation_engine * engine, mali_memory_allocation * descriptor, u32* offset, mali_physical_memory_allocation * alloc_info) { ump_dd_handle ump_mem; u32 nr_blocks; u32 i; ump_dd_physical_block * ump_blocks; ump_mem_allocation *ret_allocation; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(ctx); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(engine); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(descriptor); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(alloc_info); ret_allocation = _mali_osk_malloc( sizeof( ump_mem_allocation ) ); if ( NULL==ret_allocation ) return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; ump_mem = (ump_dd_handle)ctx; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("In ump_memory_commit\n")); nr_blocks = ump_dd_phys_block_count_get(ump_mem); MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Have %d blocks\n", nr_blocks)); if (nr_blocks == 0) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("No block count\n")); _mali_osk_free( ret_allocation ); return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; } ump_blocks = _mali_osk_malloc(sizeof(*ump_blocks)*nr_blocks ); if ( NULL==ump_blocks ) { _mali_osk_free( ret_allocation ); return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; } if (UMP_DD_INVALID == ump_dd_phys_blocks_get(ump_mem, ump_blocks, nr_blocks)) { _mali_osk_free(ump_blocks); _mali_osk_free( ret_allocation ); return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; } /* Store away the initial offset for unmapping purposes */ ret_allocation->initial_offset = *offset; for(i=0; iinitial_offset; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Mapping of external memory failed\n")); /* unmap all previous blocks (if any) */ mali_allocation_engine_unmap_physical(engine, descriptor, ret_allocation->initial_offset, size_allocated, (_mali_osk_mem_mapregion_flags_t)0 ); _mali_osk_free(ump_blocks); _mali_osk_free(ret_allocation); return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; } *offset += ump_blocks[i].size; } if (descriptor->flags & MALI_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAG_MAP_GUARD_PAGE) { /* Map in an extra virtual guard page at the end of the VMA */ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Mapping in extra guard page\n")); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_allocation_engine_map_physical(engine, descriptor, *offset, ump_blocks[0].addr , 0, _MALI_OSK_MALI_PAGE_SIZE )) { u32 size_allocated = *offset - ret_allocation->initial_offset; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Mapping of external memory (guard page) failed\n")); /* unmap all previous blocks (if any) */ mali_allocation_engine_unmap_physical(engine, descriptor, ret_allocation->initial_offset, size_allocated, (_mali_osk_mem_mapregion_flags_t)0 ); _mali_osk_free(ump_blocks); _mali_osk_free(ret_allocation); return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; } *offset += _MALI_OSK_MALI_PAGE_SIZE; } _mali_osk_free( ump_blocks ); ret_allocation->engine = engine; ret_allocation->descriptor = descriptor; ret_allocation->ump_mem = ump_mem; ret_allocation->size_allocated = *offset - ret_allocation->initial_offset; alloc_info->ctx = NULL; alloc_info->handle = ret_allocation; alloc_info->next = NULL; alloc_info->release = ump_memory_release; return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_FINISHED; } static void ump_memory_release(void * ctx, void * handle) { ump_dd_handle ump_mem; ump_mem_allocation *allocation; allocation = (ump_mem_allocation *)handle; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER( allocation ); ump_mem = allocation->ump_mem; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_DD_HANDLE_INVALID!=ump_mem); /* At present, this is a no-op. But, it allows the mali_address_manager to * do unmapping of a subrange in future. */ mali_allocation_engine_unmap_physical( allocation->engine, allocation->descriptor, allocation->initial_offset, allocation->size_allocated, (_mali_osk_mem_mapregion_flags_t)0 ); _mali_osk_free( allocation ); ump_dd_reference_release(ump_mem) ; return; } _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_attach_ump_mem( _mali_uk_attach_ump_mem_s *args ) { ump_dd_handle ump_mem; mali_physical_memory_allocator external_memory_allocator; struct mali_session_data *session_data; mali_memory_allocation * descriptor; int md; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(args); MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL(args->ctx, _MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); session_data = (struct mali_session_data *)args->ctx; MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL(session_data, _MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); /* check arguments */ /* NULL might be a valid Mali address */ if ( ! args->size) MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); /* size must be a multiple of the system page size */ if ( args->size % _MALI_OSK_MALI_PAGE_SIZE ) MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Requested to map ump memory with secure id %d into virtual memory 0x%08X, size 0x%08X\n", args->secure_id, args->mali_address, args->size)); ump_mem = ump_dd_handle_create_from_secure_id( (int)args->secure_id ) ; if ( UMP_DD_HANDLE_INVALID==ump_mem ) MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); descriptor = _mali_osk_calloc(1, sizeof(mali_memory_allocation)); if (NULL == descriptor) { ump_dd_reference_release(ump_mem); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_NOMEM); } descriptor->size = args->size; descriptor->mapping = NULL; descriptor->mali_address = args->mali_address; descriptor->mali_addr_mapping_info = (void*)session_data; descriptor->process_addr_mapping_info = NULL; /* do not map to process address space */ descriptor->lock = session_data->memory_lock; if (args->flags & _MALI_MAP_EXTERNAL_MAP_GUARD_PAGE) { descriptor->flags = MALI_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAG_MAP_GUARD_PAGE; } _mali_osk_list_init( &descriptor->list ); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_descriptor_mapping_allocate_mapping(session_data->descriptor_mapping, descriptor, &md)) { ump_dd_reference_release(ump_mem); _mali_osk_free(descriptor); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } external_memory_allocator.allocate = ump_memory_commit; external_memory_allocator.allocate_page_table_block = NULL; external_memory_allocator.ctx = ump_mem; external_memory_allocator.name = "UMP Memory"; external_memory_allocator.next = NULL; _mali_osk_lock_wait(session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_allocation_engine_allocate_memory(memory_engine, descriptor, &external_memory_allocator, NULL)) { _mali_osk_lock_signal(session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); mali_descriptor_mapping_free(session_data->descriptor_mapping, md); ump_dd_reference_release(ump_mem); _mali_osk_free(descriptor); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_NOMEM); } _mali_osk_lock_signal(session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); args->cookie = md; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(5,("Returning from UMP attach\n")); /* All OK */ MALI_SUCCESS; } _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_release_ump_mem( _mali_uk_release_ump_mem_s *args ) { mali_memory_allocation * descriptor; struct mali_session_data *session_data; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(args); MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL(args->ctx, _MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); session_data = (struct mali_session_data *)args->ctx; MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL(session_data, _MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_descriptor_mapping_get(session_data->descriptor_mapping, args->cookie, (void**)&descriptor)) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Invalid memory descriptor %d used to release ump memory\n", args->cookie)); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } descriptor = mali_descriptor_mapping_free(session_data->descriptor_mapping, args->cookie); if (NULL != descriptor) { _mali_osk_lock_wait( session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW ); mali_allocation_engine_release_memory(memory_engine, descriptor); _mali_osk_lock_signal( session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW ); _mali_osk_free(descriptor); } MALI_SUCCESS; } #endif /* MALI_USE_UNIFIED_MEMORY_PROVIDER != 0 */ static mali_physical_memory_allocation_result external_memory_commit(void* ctx, mali_allocation_engine * engine, mali_memory_allocation * descriptor, u32* offset, mali_physical_memory_allocation * alloc_info) { u32 * data; external_mem_allocation * ret_allocation; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(ctx); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(engine); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(descriptor); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(alloc_info); ret_allocation = _mali_osk_malloc( sizeof(external_mem_allocation) ); if ( NULL == ret_allocation ) { return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; } data = (u32*)ctx; ret_allocation->engine = engine; ret_allocation->descriptor = descriptor; ret_allocation->initial_offset = *offset; alloc_info->ctx = NULL; alloc_info->handle = ret_allocation; alloc_info->next = NULL; alloc_info->release = external_memory_release; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(5, ("External map: mapping phys 0x%08X at mali virtual address 0x%08X staring at offset 0x%08X length 0x%08X\n", data[0], descriptor->mali_address, *offset, data[1])); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_allocation_engine_map_physical(engine, descriptor, *offset, data[0], 0, data[1])) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Mapping of external memory failed\n")); _mali_osk_free(ret_allocation); return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; } *offset += data[1]; if (descriptor->flags & MALI_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAG_MAP_GUARD_PAGE) { /* Map in an extra virtual guard page at the end of the VMA */ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Mapping in extra guard page\n")); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_allocation_engine_map_physical(engine, descriptor, *offset, data[0], 0, _MALI_OSK_MALI_PAGE_SIZE)) { u32 size_allocated = *offset - ret_allocation->initial_offset; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Mapping of external memory (guard page) failed\n")); /* unmap what we previously mapped */ mali_allocation_engine_unmap_physical(engine, descriptor, ret_allocation->initial_offset, size_allocated, (_mali_osk_mem_mapregion_flags_t)0 ); _mali_osk_free(ret_allocation); return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_FAILURE; } *offset += _MALI_OSK_MALI_PAGE_SIZE; } ret_allocation->size = *offset - ret_allocation->initial_offset; return MALI_MEM_ALLOC_FINISHED; } static void external_memory_release(void * ctx, void * handle) { external_mem_allocation * allocation; allocation = (external_mem_allocation *) handle; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER( allocation ); /* At present, this is a no-op. But, it allows the mali_address_manager to * do unmapping of a subrange in future. */ mali_allocation_engine_unmap_physical( allocation->engine, allocation->descriptor, allocation->initial_offset, allocation->size, (_mali_osk_mem_mapregion_flags_t)0 ); _mali_osk_free( allocation ); return; } _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_map_external_mem( _mali_uk_map_external_mem_s *args ) { mali_physical_memory_allocator external_memory_allocator; struct mali_session_data *session_data; u32 info[2]; mali_memory_allocation * descriptor; int md; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(args); MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL(args->ctx, _MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); session_data = (struct mali_session_data *)args->ctx; MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL(session_data, _MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); external_memory_allocator.allocate = external_memory_commit; external_memory_allocator.allocate_page_table_block = NULL; external_memory_allocator.ctx = &info[0]; external_memory_allocator.name = "External Memory"; external_memory_allocator.next = NULL; /* check arguments */ /* NULL might be a valid Mali address */ if ( ! args->size) MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); /* size must be a multiple of the system page size */ if ( args->size % _MALI_OSK_MALI_PAGE_SIZE ) MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Requested to map physical memory 0x%x-0x%x into virtual memory 0x%x\n", (void*)args->phys_addr, (void*)(args->phys_addr + args->size -1), (void*)args->mali_address) ); /* Validate the mali physical range */ if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_mem_validation_check(args->phys_addr, args->size)) { return _MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT; } info[0] = args->phys_addr; info[1] = args->size; descriptor = _mali_osk_calloc(1, sizeof(mali_memory_allocation)); if (NULL == descriptor) MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_NOMEM); descriptor->size = args->size; descriptor->mapping = NULL; descriptor->mali_address = args->mali_address; descriptor->mali_addr_mapping_info = (void*)session_data; descriptor->process_addr_mapping_info = NULL; /* do not map to process address space */ descriptor->lock = session_data->memory_lock; if (args->flags & _MALI_MAP_EXTERNAL_MAP_GUARD_PAGE) { descriptor->flags = MALI_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAG_MAP_GUARD_PAGE; } _mali_osk_list_init( &descriptor->list ); _mali_osk_lock_wait(session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_allocation_engine_allocate_memory(memory_engine, descriptor, &external_memory_allocator, NULL)) { _mali_osk_lock_signal(session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); _mali_osk_free(descriptor); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_NOMEM); } _mali_osk_lock_signal(session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_descriptor_mapping_allocate_mapping(session_data->descriptor_mapping, descriptor, &md)) { mali_allocation_engine_release_memory(memory_engine, descriptor); _mali_osk_free(descriptor); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } args->cookie = md; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(5,("Returning from range_map_external_memory\n")); /* All OK */ MALI_SUCCESS; } _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_unmap_external_mem( _mali_uk_unmap_external_mem_s *args ) { mali_memory_allocation * descriptor; void* old_value; struct mali_session_data *session_data; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(args); MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL(args->ctx, _MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); session_data = (struct mali_session_data *)args->ctx; MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL(session_data, _MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_descriptor_mapping_get(session_data->descriptor_mapping, args->cookie, (void**)&descriptor)) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Invalid memory descriptor %d used to unmap external memory\n", args->cookie)); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } old_value = mali_descriptor_mapping_free(session_data->descriptor_mapping, args->cookie); if (NULL != old_value) { _mali_osk_lock_wait( session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW ); mali_allocation_engine_release_memory(memory_engine, descriptor); _mali_osk_lock_signal( session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW ); _mali_osk_free(descriptor); } MALI_SUCCESS; } _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_init_mem( _mali_uk_init_mem_s *args ) { MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(args); MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL(args->ctx, _MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); args->memory_size = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024UL; /* 2GB address space */ args->mali_address_base = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024UL; /* staring at 1GB, causing this layout: (0-1GB unused)(1GB-3G usage by Mali)(3G-4G unused) */ MALI_SUCCESS; } _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_term_mem( _mali_uk_term_mem_s *args ) { MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(args); MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL(args->ctx, _MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); MALI_SUCCESS; } static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_address_manager_allocate(mali_memory_allocation * descriptor) { struct mali_session_data *session_data; u32 actual_size; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(descriptor); session_data = (struct mali_session_data *)descriptor->mali_addr_mapping_info; actual_size = descriptor->size; if (descriptor->flags & MALI_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAG_MAP_GUARD_PAGE) { actual_size += _MALI_OSK_MALI_PAGE_SIZE; } return mali_mmu_pagedir_map(session_data->page_directory, descriptor->mali_address, actual_size); } static void mali_address_manager_release(mali_memory_allocation * descriptor) { const u32 illegal_mali_address = 0xffffffff; struct mali_session_data *session_data; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(descriptor); /* It is allowed to call this function several times on the same descriptor. When memory is released we set the illegal_mali_address so we can early out here. */ if ( illegal_mali_address == descriptor->mali_address) return; session_data = (struct mali_session_data *)descriptor->mali_addr_mapping_info; mali_mmu_pagedir_unmap(session_data->page_directory, descriptor->mali_address, descriptor->size); descriptor->mali_address = illegal_mali_address ; } static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_address_manager_map(mali_memory_allocation * descriptor, u32 offset, u32 *phys_addr, u32 size) { struct mali_session_data *session_data; u32 mali_address; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(descriptor); MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(phys_addr); session_data = (struct mali_session_data *)descriptor->mali_addr_mapping_info; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(session_data); mali_address = descriptor->mali_address + offset; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(7, ("Mali map: mapping 0x%08X to Mali address 0x%08X length 0x%08X\n", *phys_addr, mali_address, size)); mali_mmu_pagedir_update(session_data->page_directory, mali_address, *phys_addr, size); MALI_SUCCESS; } /* This handler registered to mali_mmap for MMU builds */ _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_mem_mmap( _mali_uk_mem_mmap_s *args ) { struct mali_session_data *session_data; mali_memory_allocation * descriptor; /* validate input */ if (NULL == args) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3,("mali_ukk_mem_mmap: args was NULL\n")); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS); } /* Unpack arguments */ session_data = (struct mali_session_data *)args->ctx; /* validate input */ if (NULL == session_data) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3,("mali_ukk_mem_mmap: session data was NULL\n")); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } descriptor = (mali_memory_allocation*) _mali_osk_calloc( 1, sizeof(mali_memory_allocation) ); if (NULL == descriptor) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3,("mali_ukk_mem_mmap: descriptor was NULL\n")); MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_NOMEM); } descriptor->size = args->size; descriptor->mali_address = args->phys_addr; descriptor->mali_addr_mapping_info = (void*)session_data; descriptor->process_addr_mapping_info = args->ukk_private; /* save to be used during physical manager callback */ descriptor->flags = MALI_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAG_MAP_INTO_USERSPACE; descriptor->lock = session_data->memory_lock; _mali_osk_list_init( &descriptor->list ); _mali_osk_lock_wait(session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); if (0 == mali_allocation_engine_allocate_memory(memory_engine, descriptor, physical_memory_allocators, &session_data->memory_head)) { /* We do not FLUSH nor TLB_ZAP on MMAP, since we do both of those on job start*/ _mali_osk_lock_signal(session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); args->mapping = descriptor->mapping; args->cookie = (u32)descriptor; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(7, ("MMAP OK\n")); MALI_SUCCESS; } else { _mali_osk_lock_signal(session_data->memory_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); /* OOM, but not a fatal error */ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Memory allocation failure, OOM\n")); _mali_osk_free(descriptor); /* Linux will free the CPU address allocation, userspace client the Mali address allocation */ MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } } static _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_mem_munmap_internal( _mali_uk_mem_munmap_s *args ) { struct mali_session_data *session_data; mali_memory_allocation * descriptor; u32 num_groups = mali_group_get_glob_num_groups(); struct mali_group *group; u32 i; descriptor = (mali_memory_allocation *)args->cookie; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(descriptor); /** @note args->context unused; we use the memory_session from the cookie */ /* args->mapping and args->size are also discarded. They are only necessary for certain do_munmap implementations. However, they could be used to check the descriptor at this point. */ session_data = (struct mali_session_data *)descriptor->mali_addr_mapping_info; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(session_data); /* Unmapping the memory from the mali virtual address space. It is allowed to call this function severeal times, which might happen if zapping below fails. */ mali_allocation_engine_release_pt1_mali_pagetables_unmap(memory_engine, descriptor); #ifdef MALI_UNMAP_FLUSH_ALL_MALI_L2 { u32 number_of_clusters = mali_cluster_get_glob_num_clusters(); for (i = 0; i < number_of_clusters; i++) { struct mali_cluster *cluster; cluster = mali_cluster_get_global_cluster(i); if( mali_cluster_power_is_enabled_get(cluster) ) { mali_cluster_l2_cache_invalidate_all_force(cluster); } } } #endif for (i = 0; i < num_groups; i++) { group = mali_group_get_glob_group(i); mali_group_lock(group); mali_group_remove_session_if_unused(group, session_data); if (mali_group_get_session(group) == session_data) { /* The Zap also does the stall and disable_stall */ mali_bool zap_success = mali_mmu_zap_tlb(mali_group_get_mmu(group)); if (MALI_TRUE != zap_success) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ("Mali memory unmap failed. Doing pagefault handling.\n")); mali_group_bottom_half(group, GROUP_EVENT_MMU_PAGE_FAULT); /* The bottom half will also do the unlock */ continue; } } mali_group_unlock(group); } /* Removes the descriptor from the session's memory list, releases physical memory, releases descriptor */ mali_allocation_engine_release_pt2_physical_memory_free(memory_engine, descriptor); _mali_osk_free(descriptor); return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK; } /* Handler for unmapping memory for MMU builds */ _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_ukk_mem_munmap( _mali_uk_mem_munmap_s *args ) { mali_memory_allocation * descriptor; _mali_osk_lock_t *descriptor_lock; _mali_osk_errcode_t err; descriptor = (mali_memory_allocation *)args->cookie; MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(descriptor); /** @note args->context unused; we use the memory_session from the cookie */ /* args->mapping and args->size are also discarded. They are only necessary for certain do_munmap implementations. However, they could be used to check the descriptor at this point. */ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER((struct mali_session_data *)descriptor->mali_addr_mapping_info); descriptor_lock = descriptor->lock; /* should point to the session data lock... */ err = _MALI_OSK_ERR_BUSY; while (err == _MALI_OSK_ERR_BUSY) { if (descriptor_lock) { _mali_osk_lock_wait( descriptor_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW ); } err = _mali_ukk_mem_munmap_internal( args ); if (descriptor_lock) { _mali_osk_lock_signal( descriptor_lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW ); } if (err == _MALI_OSK_ERR_BUSY) { /* * Reason for this; * We where unable to stall the MMU, probably because we are in page fault handling. * Sleep for a while with the session lock released, then try again. * Abnormal termination of programs with running Mali jobs is a normal reason for this. */ _mali_osk_time_ubusydelay(10); } } return err; } u32 _mali_ukk_report_memory_usage(void) { return mali_allocation_engine_memory_usage(physical_memory_allocators); } _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_mmu_get_table_page(u32 *table_page, mali_io_address *mapping) { _mali_osk_lock_wait(page_table_cache.lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); if (0 == _mali_osk_list_empty(&page_table_cache.partial)) { mali_mmu_page_table_allocation * alloc = _MALI_OSK_LIST_ENTRY(page_table_cache.partial.next, mali_mmu_page_table_allocation, list); int page_number = _mali_osk_find_first_zero_bit(alloc->usage_map, alloc->num_pages); MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(6, ("Partial page table allocation found, using page offset %d\n", page_number)); _mali_osk_set_nonatomic_bit(page_number, alloc->usage_map); alloc->usage_count++; if (alloc->num_pages == alloc->usage_count) { /* full, move alloc to full list*/ _mali_osk_list_move(&alloc->list, &page_table_cache.full); } _mali_osk_lock_signal(page_table_cache.lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); *table_page = (MALI_MMU_PAGE_SIZE * page_number) + alloc->pages.phys_base; *mapping = (mali_io_address)((MALI_MMU_PAGE_SIZE * page_number) + (u32)alloc->pages.mapping); MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Page table allocated for VA=0x%08X, MaliPA=0x%08X\n", *mapping, *table_page )); MALI_SUCCESS; } else { mali_mmu_page_table_allocation * alloc; /* no free pages, allocate a new one */ alloc = (mali_mmu_page_table_allocation *)_mali_osk_calloc(1, sizeof(mali_mmu_page_table_allocation)); if (NULL == alloc) { _mali_osk_lock_signal(page_table_cache.lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); *table_page = MALI_INVALID_PAGE; MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_NOMEM); } _MALI_OSK_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&alloc->list); if (_MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != mali_allocation_engine_allocate_page_tables(memory_engine, &alloc->pages, physical_memory_allocators)) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("No more memory for page tables\n")); _mali_osk_free(alloc); _mali_osk_lock_signal(page_table_cache.lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); *table_page = MALI_INVALID_PAGE; *mapping = NULL; MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_NOMEM); } /* create the usage map */ alloc->num_pages = alloc->pages.size / MALI_MMU_PAGE_SIZE; alloc->usage_count = 1; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("New page table cache expansion, %d pages in new cache allocation\n", alloc->num_pages)); alloc->usage_map = _mali_osk_calloc(1, ((alloc->num_pages + BITS_PER_LONG - 1) & ~(BITS_PER_LONG-1) / BITS_PER_LONG) * sizeof(unsigned long)); if (NULL == alloc->usage_map) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Failed to allocate memory to describe MMU page table cache usage\n")); alloc->pages.release(&alloc->pages); _mali_osk_free(alloc); _mali_osk_lock_signal(page_table_cache.lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); *table_page = MALI_INVALID_PAGE; *mapping = NULL; MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_NOMEM); } _mali_osk_set_nonatomic_bit(0, alloc->usage_map); if (alloc->num_pages > 1) { _mali_osk_list_add(&alloc->list, &page_table_cache.partial); } else { _mali_osk_list_add(&alloc->list, &page_table_cache.full); } _mali_osk_lock_signal(page_table_cache.lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); *table_page = alloc->pages.phys_base; /* return the first page */ *mapping = alloc->pages.mapping; /* Mapping for first page */ MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Page table allocated: VA=0x%08X, MaliPA=0x%08X\n", *mapping, *table_page )); MALI_SUCCESS; } } void mali_mmu_release_table_page(u32 pa) { mali_mmu_page_table_allocation * alloc, * temp_alloc; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT_IF(1, pa & 4095, ("Bad page address 0x%x given to mali_mmu_release_table_page\n", (void*)pa)); MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Releasing table page 0x%08X to the cache\n", pa)); _mali_osk_lock_wait(page_table_cache.lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); /* find the entry this address belongs to */ /* first check the partial list */ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(alloc, temp_alloc, &page_table_cache.partial, mali_mmu_page_table_allocation, list) { u32 start = alloc->pages.phys_base; u32 last = start + (alloc->num_pages - 1) * MALI_MMU_PAGE_SIZE; if (pa >= start && pa <= last) { MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 != _mali_osk_test_bit((pa - start)/MALI_MMU_PAGE_SIZE, alloc->usage_map)); _mali_osk_clear_nonatomic_bit((pa - start)/MALI_MMU_PAGE_SIZE, alloc->usage_map); alloc->usage_count--; _mali_osk_memset((void*)( ((u32)alloc->pages.mapping) + (pa - start) ), 0, MALI_MMU_PAGE_SIZE); if (0 == alloc->usage_count) { /* empty, release whole page alloc */ _mali_osk_list_del(&alloc->list); alloc->pages.release(&alloc->pages); _mali_osk_free(alloc->usage_map); _mali_osk_free(alloc); } _mali_osk_lock_signal(page_table_cache.lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("(partial list)Released table page 0x%08X to the cache\n", pa)); return; } } /* the check the full list */ _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(alloc, temp_alloc, &page_table_cache.full, mali_mmu_page_table_allocation, list) { u32 start = alloc->pages.phys_base; u32 last = start + (alloc->num_pages - 1) * MALI_MMU_PAGE_SIZE; if (pa >= start && pa <= last) { _mali_osk_clear_nonatomic_bit((pa - start)/MALI_MMU_PAGE_SIZE, alloc->usage_map); alloc->usage_count--; _mali_osk_memset((void*)( ((u32)alloc->pages.mapping) + (pa - start) ), 0, MALI_MMU_PAGE_SIZE); if (0 == alloc->usage_count) { /* empty, release whole page alloc */ _mali_osk_list_del(&alloc->list); alloc->pages.release(&alloc->pages); _mali_osk_free(alloc->usage_map); _mali_osk_free(alloc); } else { /* transfer to partial list */ _mali_osk_list_move(&alloc->list, &page_table_cache.partial); } _mali_osk_lock_signal(page_table_cache.lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("(full list)Released table page 0x%08X to the cache\n", pa)); return; } } MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("pa 0x%x not found in the page table cache\n", (void*)pa)); _mali_osk_lock_signal(page_table_cache.lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW); } static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_mmu_page_table_cache_create(void) { page_table_cache.lock = _mali_osk_lock_init( _MALI_OSK_LOCKFLAG_ORDERED | _MALI_OSK_LOCKFLAG_ONELOCK | _MALI_OSK_LOCKFLAG_NONINTERRUPTABLE, 0, _MALI_OSK_LOCK_ORDER_MEM_PT_CACHE); MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL( page_table_cache.lock, _MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT ); _MALI_OSK_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&page_table_cache.partial); _MALI_OSK_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&page_table_cache.full); MALI_SUCCESS; } static void mali_mmu_page_table_cache_destroy(void) { mali_mmu_page_table_allocation * alloc, *temp; _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(alloc, temp, &page_table_cache.partial, mali_mmu_page_table_allocation, list) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT_IF(1, 0 != alloc->usage_count, ("Destroying page table cache while pages are tagged as in use. %d allocations still marked as in use.\n", alloc->usage_count)); _mali_osk_list_del(&alloc->list); alloc->pages.release(&alloc->pages); _mali_osk_free(alloc->usage_map); _mali_osk_free(alloc); } MALI_DEBUG_PRINT_IF(1, 0 == _mali_osk_list_empty(&page_table_cache.full), ("Page table cache full list contains one or more elements \n")); _MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(alloc, temp, &page_table_cache.full, mali_mmu_page_table_allocation, list) { MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Destroy alloc 0x%08X with usage count %d\n", (u32)alloc, alloc->usage_count)); _mali_osk_list_del(&alloc->list); alloc->pages.release(&alloc->pages); _mali_osk_free(alloc->usage_map); _mali_osk_free(alloc); } _mali_osk_lock_term(page_table_cache.lock); }