/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence. * * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __MALI_PP_JOB_H__ #define __MALI_PP_JOB_H__ #include "mali_osk.h" #include "mali_osk_list.h" #include "mali_uk_types.h" #include "mali_session.h" #include "mali_kernel_common.h" #include "regs/mali_200_regs.h" /** * The structure represends a PP job, including all sub-jobs * (This struct unfortunatly needs to be public because of how the _mali_osk_list_* * mechanism works) */ struct mali_pp_job { _mali_osk_list_t list; /**< Used to link jobs together in the scheduler queue */ struct mali_session_data *session; /**< Session which submitted this job */ u32 id; /**< identifier for this job in kernel space (sequencial numbering) */ u32 user_id; /**< identifier for the job in user space */ u32 frame_registers[_MALI_PP_MAX_FRAME_REGISTERS]; /**< core specific registers associated with this job, see ARM DDI0415A */ u32 frame_registers_addr_frame[_MALI_PP_MAX_SUB_JOBS - 1]; /**< ADDR_FRAME registers for sub job 1-7 */ u32 frame_registers_addr_stack[_MALI_PP_MAX_SUB_JOBS - 1]; /**< ADDR_STACK registers for sub job 1-7 */ u32 wb0_registers[_MALI_PP_MAX_WB_REGISTERS]; /**< Write back unit 0 registers */ u32 wb1_registers[_MALI_PP_MAX_WB_REGISTERS]; /**< Write back unit 1 registers */ u32 wb2_registers[_MALI_PP_MAX_WB_REGISTERS]; /**< Write back unit 2 registers */ u32 perf_counter_flag; /**< bitmask indicating which performance counters to enable, see \ref _MALI_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_FLAG_SRC0_ENABLE and related macro definitions */ u32 perf_counter_src0; /**< Source id for performance counter 0 (see ARM DDI0415A, Table 3-60) */ u32 perf_counter_src1; /**< Source id for performance counter 1 (see ARM DDI0415A, Table 3-60) */ u32 perf_counter_value0[_MALI_PP_MAX_SUB_JOBS]; /**< Value of performance counter 0 (to be returned to user space), one for each sub job */ u32 perf_counter_value1[_MALI_PP_MAX_SUB_JOBS]; /**< Value of performance counter 1 (to be returned to user space), one for each sub job */ u32 sub_job_count; /**< Total number of sub-jobs in this superjob */ u32 sub_jobs_started; /**< Total number of sub-jobs started (always started in ascending order) */ u32 sub_jobs_completed; /**< Number of completed sub-jobs in this superjob */ u32 sub_job_errors; /**< Bitfield with errors (errors for each single sub-job is or'ed together) */ u32 pid; /**< Process ID of submitting process */ u32 tid; /**< Thread ID of submitting thread */ u32 frame_builder_id; /**< id of the originating frame builder */ u32 flush_id; /**< flush id within the originating frame builder */ }; struct mali_pp_job *mali_pp_job_create(struct mali_session_data *session, _mali_uk_pp_start_job_s *args, u32 id); void mali_pp_job_delete(struct mali_pp_job *job); _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_pp_job_check(struct mali_pp_job *job); /****************************************************** * simple utility functions for dealing with pp jobs: *****************************************************/ MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_id(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return (NULL == job) ? 0 : job->id; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_user_id(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->user_id; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_frame_builder_id(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->frame_builder_id; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_flush_id(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->flush_id; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32* mali_pp_job_get_frame_registers(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->frame_registers; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_addr_frame(struct mali_pp_job *job, u32 sub_job) { if (sub_job == 0) { return job->frame_registers[MALI200_REG_ADDR_FRAME / sizeof(u32)]; } else if (sub_job < _MALI_PP_MAX_SUB_JOBS) { return job->frame_registers_addr_frame[sub_job - 1]; } return 0; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_addr_stack(struct mali_pp_job *job, u32 sub_job) { if (sub_job == 0) { return job->frame_registers[MALI200_REG_ADDR_STACK / sizeof(u32)]; } else if (sub_job < _MALI_PP_MAX_SUB_JOBS) { return job->frame_registers_addr_stack[sub_job - 1]; } return 0; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32* mali_pp_job_get_wb0_registers(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->wb0_registers; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32* mali_pp_job_get_wb1_registers(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->wb1_registers; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32* mali_pp_job_get_wb2_registers(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->wb2_registers; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE void mali_pp_job_disable_wb0(struct mali_pp_job *job) { job->wb0_registers[MALI200_REG_ADDR_WB_SOURCE_SELECT] = 0; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE void mali_pp_job_disable_wb1(struct mali_pp_job *job) { job->wb1_registers[MALI200_REG_ADDR_WB_SOURCE_SELECT] = 0; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE void mali_pp_job_disable_wb2(struct mali_pp_job *job) { job->wb2_registers[MALI200_REG_ADDR_WB_SOURCE_SELECT] = 0; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE struct mali_session_data *mali_pp_job_get_session(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->session; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE mali_bool mali_pp_job_has_unstarted_sub_jobs(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return (job->sub_jobs_started < job->sub_job_count) ? MALI_TRUE : MALI_FALSE; } /* Function used when we are terminating a session with jobs. Return TRUE if it has a rendering job. Makes sure that no new subjobs is started. */ MALI_STATIC_INLINE mali_bool mali_pp_job_is_currently_rendering_and_if_so_abort_new_starts(struct mali_pp_job *job) { /* All can not be started, since then it would not be in the job queue */ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT( job->sub_jobs_started != job->sub_job_count ); /* If at least one job is started */ if ( (job->sub_jobs_started > 0) ) { /* If at least one job is currently being rendered, and thus assigned to a group and core */ if (job->sub_jobs_started > job->sub_jobs_completed ) { u32 jobs_remaining = job->sub_job_count - job->sub_jobs_started; job->sub_jobs_started += jobs_remaining; job->sub_jobs_completed += jobs_remaining; job->sub_job_errors += jobs_remaining; /* Returning TRUE indicating that we can not delete this job which is being redered */ return MALI_TRUE; } } /* The job is not being rendered to at the moment and can then safely be deleted */ return MALI_FALSE; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE mali_bool mali_pp_job_is_complete(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return (job->sub_job_count == job->sub_jobs_completed) ? MALI_TRUE : MALI_FALSE; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_first_unstarted_sub_job(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->sub_jobs_started; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_sub_job_count(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->sub_job_count; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE void mali_pp_job_mark_sub_job_started(struct mali_pp_job *job, u32 sub_job) { /* Assert that we are marking the "first unstarted sub job" as started */ MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(job->sub_jobs_started == sub_job); job->sub_jobs_started++; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE void mali_pp_job_mark_sub_job_completed(struct mali_pp_job *job, mali_bool success) { job->sub_jobs_completed++; if ( MALI_FALSE == success ) { job->sub_job_errors++; } } MALI_STATIC_INLINE mali_bool mali_pp_job_was_success(struct mali_pp_job *job) { if ( 0 == job->sub_job_errors ) { return MALI_TRUE; } return MALI_FALSE; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_perf_counter_flag(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->perf_counter_flag; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_perf_counter_src0(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->perf_counter_src0; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_perf_counter_src1(struct mali_pp_job *job) { return job->perf_counter_src1; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_perf_counter_value0(struct mali_pp_job *job, u32 sub_job) { return job->perf_counter_value0[sub_job]; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE u32 mali_pp_job_get_perf_counter_value1(struct mali_pp_job *job, u32 sub_job) { return job->perf_counter_value1[sub_job]; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE void mali_pp_job_set_perf_counter_value0(struct mali_pp_job *job, u32 sub_job, u32 value) { job->perf_counter_value0[sub_job] = value; } MALI_STATIC_INLINE void mali_pp_job_set_perf_counter_value1(struct mali_pp_job *job, u32 sub_job, u32 value) { job->perf_counter_value1[sub_job] = value; } #endif /* __MALI_PP_JOB_H__ */