/* * Linux Wireless Extensions support * * Copyright (C) 1999-2014, Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), * available at http://www.broadcom.com/licenses/GPLv2.php, with the * following added to such license: * * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you * permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and * distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that * you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of * the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not * derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any * modifications of the software. * * Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this * software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license * other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent. * * $Id: wl_iw.c 425990 2013-09-26 07:28:16Z $ */ #if defined(USE_IW) #define LINUX_PORT #include <typedefs.h> #include <linuxver.h> #include <osl.h> #include <bcmutils.h> #include <bcmendian.h> #include <proto/ethernet.h> #include <linux/if_arp.h> #include <asm/uaccess.h> typedef const struct si_pub si_t; #include <wlioctl.h> #include <wl_dbg.h> #include <wl_iw.h> #ifdef BCMWAPI_WPI /* these items should evetually go into wireless.h of the linux system headfile dir */ #ifndef IW_ENCODE_ALG_SM4 #define IW_ENCODE_ALG_SM4 0x20 #endif #ifndef IW_AUTH_WAPI_ENABLED #define IW_AUTH_WAPI_ENABLED 0x20 #endif #ifndef IW_AUTH_WAPI_VERSION_1 #define IW_AUTH_WAPI_VERSION_1 0x00000008 #endif #ifndef IW_AUTH_CIPHER_SMS4 #define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_SMS4 0x00000020 #endif #ifndef IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_WAPI_PSK #define IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_WAPI_PSK 4 #endif #ifndef IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_WAPI_CERT #define IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_WAPI_CERT 8 #endif #endif /* BCMWAPI_WPI */ /* Broadcom extensions to WEXT, linux upstream has obsoleted WEXT */ #ifndef IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_FT_802_1X #define IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_FT_802_1X 0x04 #endif #ifndef IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_FT_PSK #define IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_FT_PSK 0x08 #endif #ifndef IW_ENC_CAPA_FW_ROAM_ENABLE #define IW_ENC_CAPA_FW_ROAM_ENABLE 0x00000020 #endif /* FC9: wireless.h 2.6.25-14.fc9.i686 is missing these, even though WIRELESS_EXT is set to latest * version 22. */ #ifndef IW_ENCODE_ALG_PMK #define IW_ENCODE_ALG_PMK 4 #endif #ifndef IW_ENC_CAPA_4WAY_HANDSHAKE #define IW_ENC_CAPA_4WAY_HANDSHAKE 0x00000010 #endif /* End FC9. */ #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) #include <linux/rtnetlink.h> #endif #if defined(SOFTAP) struct net_device *ap_net_dev = NULL; tsk_ctl_t ap_eth_ctl; /* apsta AP netdev waiter thread */ #endif /* SOFTAP */ extern bool wl_iw_conn_status_str(uint32 event_type, uint32 status, uint32 reason, char* stringBuf, uint buflen); uint wl_msg_level = WL_ERROR_VAL; #define MAX_WLIW_IOCTL_LEN 1024 /* IOCTL swapping mode for Big Endian host with Little Endian dongle. Default to off */ #define htod32(i) (i) #define htod16(i) (i) #define dtoh32(i) (i) #define dtoh16(i) (i) #define htodchanspec(i) (i) #define dtohchanspec(i) (i) extern struct iw_statistics *dhd_get_wireless_stats(struct net_device *dev); extern int dhd_wait_pend8021x(struct net_device *dev); #if WIRELESS_EXT < 19 #define IW_IOCTL_IDX(cmd) ((cmd) - SIOCIWFIRST) #define IW_EVENT_IDX(cmd) ((cmd) - IWEVFIRST) #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT < 19 */ #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3, 8, 0)) #define DAEMONIZE(a) do { \ allow_signal(SIGKILL); \ allow_signal(SIGTERM); \ } while (0) #elif ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(3, 8, 0)) && \ (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 0))) #define DAEMONIZE(a) daemonize(a); \ allow_signal(SIGKILL); \ allow_signal(SIGTERM); #else /* Linux 2.4 (w/o preemption patch) */ #define RAISE_RX_SOFTIRQ() \ cpu_raise_softirq(smp_processor_id(), NET_RX_SOFTIRQ) #define DAEMONIZE(a) daemonize(); \ do { if (a) \ strncpy(current->comm, a, MIN(sizeof(current->comm), (strlen(a) + 1))); \ } while (0); #endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE */ #define ISCAN_STATE_IDLE 0 #define ISCAN_STATE_SCANING 1 /* the buf lengh can be WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN (8K) to reduce iteration */ #define WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN 2048 typedef struct iscan_buf { struct iscan_buf * next; char iscan_buf[WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN]; } iscan_buf_t; typedef struct iscan_info { struct net_device *dev; struct timer_list timer; uint32 timer_ms; uint32 timer_on; int iscan_state; iscan_buf_t * list_hdr; iscan_buf_t * list_cur; /* Thread to work on iscan */ #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3, 7, 0)) struct task_struct *kthread; #endif long sysioc_pid; struct semaphore sysioc_sem; struct completion sysioc_exited; char ioctlbuf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN]; } iscan_info_t; iscan_info_t *g_iscan = NULL; static void wl_iw_timerfunc(ulong data); static void wl_iw_set_event_mask(struct net_device *dev); static int wl_iw_iscan(iscan_info_t *iscan, wlc_ssid_t *ssid, uint16 action); /* priv_link becomes netdev->priv and is the link between netdev and wlif struct */ typedef struct priv_link { wl_iw_t *wliw; } priv_link_t; /* dev to priv_link */ #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 24)) #define WL_DEV_LINK(dev) (priv_link_t*)(dev->priv) #else #define WL_DEV_LINK(dev) (priv_link_t*)netdev_priv(dev) #endif /* dev to wl_iw_t */ #define IW_DEV_IF(dev) ((wl_iw_t*)(WL_DEV_LINK(dev))->wliw) static void swap_key_from_BE( wl_wsec_key_t *key ) { key->index = htod32(key->index); key->len = htod32(key->len); key->algo = htod32(key->algo); key->flags = htod32(key->flags); key->rxiv.hi = htod32(key->rxiv.hi); key->rxiv.lo = htod16(key->rxiv.lo); key->iv_initialized = htod32(key->iv_initialized); } static void swap_key_to_BE( wl_wsec_key_t *key ) { key->index = dtoh32(key->index); key->len = dtoh32(key->len); key->algo = dtoh32(key->algo); key->flags = dtoh32(key->flags); key->rxiv.hi = dtoh32(key->rxiv.hi); key->rxiv.lo = dtoh16(key->rxiv.lo); key->iv_initialized = dtoh32(key->iv_initialized); } static int dev_wlc_ioctl( struct net_device *dev, int cmd, void *arg, int len ) { struct ifreq ifr; wl_ioctl_t ioc; mm_segment_t fs; int ret; memset(&ioc, 0, sizeof(ioc)); ioc.cmd = cmd; ioc.buf = arg; ioc.len = len; strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, dev->name); ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t) &ioc; fs = get_fs(); set_fs(get_ds()); #if defined(WL_USE_NETDEV_OPS) ret = dev->netdev_ops->ndo_do_ioctl(dev, &ifr, SIOCDEVPRIVATE); #else ret = dev->do_ioctl(dev, &ifr, SIOCDEVPRIVATE); #endif set_fs(fs); return ret; } /* set named driver variable to int value and return error indication calling example: dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "arate", rate) */ static int dev_wlc_intvar_set( struct net_device *dev, char *name, int val) { char buf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN]; uint len; val = htod32(val); len = bcm_mkiovar(name, (char *)(&val), sizeof(val), buf, sizeof(buf)); ASSERT(len); return (dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_VAR, buf, len)); } static int dev_iw_iovar_setbuf( struct net_device *dev, char *iovar, void *param, int paramlen, void *bufptr, int buflen) { int iolen; iolen = bcm_mkiovar(iovar, param, paramlen, bufptr, buflen); ASSERT(iolen); BCM_REFERENCE(iolen); return (dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_VAR, bufptr, iolen)); } static int dev_iw_iovar_getbuf( struct net_device *dev, char *iovar, void *param, int paramlen, void *bufptr, int buflen) { int iolen; iolen = bcm_mkiovar(iovar, param, paramlen, bufptr, buflen); ASSERT(iolen); BCM_REFERENCE(iolen); return (dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_VAR, bufptr, buflen)); } #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 static int dev_wlc_bufvar_set( struct net_device *dev, char *name, char *buf, int len) { char *ioctlbuf; uint buflen; int error; ioctlbuf = kmalloc(MAX_WLIW_IOCTL_LEN, GFP_KERNEL); if (!ioctlbuf) return -ENOMEM; buflen = bcm_mkiovar(name, buf, len, ioctlbuf, MAX_WLIW_IOCTL_LEN); ASSERT(buflen); error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_VAR, ioctlbuf, buflen); kfree(ioctlbuf); return error; } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ /* get named driver variable to int value and return error indication calling example: dev_wlc_bufvar_get(dev, "arate", &rate) */ static int dev_wlc_bufvar_get( struct net_device *dev, char *name, char *buf, int buflen) { char *ioctlbuf; int error; uint len; ioctlbuf = kmalloc(MAX_WLIW_IOCTL_LEN, GFP_KERNEL); if (!ioctlbuf) return -ENOMEM; len = bcm_mkiovar(name, NULL, 0, ioctlbuf, MAX_WLIW_IOCTL_LEN); ASSERT(len); BCM_REFERENCE(len); error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_VAR, (void *)ioctlbuf, MAX_WLIW_IOCTL_LEN); if (!error) bcopy(ioctlbuf, buf, buflen); kfree(ioctlbuf); return (error); } /* get named driver variable to int value and return error indication calling example: dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "arate", &rate) */ static int dev_wlc_intvar_get( struct net_device *dev, char *name, int *retval) { union { char buf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN]; int val; } var; int error; uint len; uint data_null; len = bcm_mkiovar(name, (char *)(&data_null), 0, (char *)(&var), sizeof(var.buf)); ASSERT(len); error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_VAR, (void *)&var, len); *retval = dtoh32(var.val); return (error); } /* Maintain backward compatibility */ #if WIRELESS_EXT < 13 struct iw_request_info { __u16 cmd; /* Wireless Extension command */ __u16 flags; /* More to come ;-) */ }; typedef int (*iw_handler)(struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, void *wrqu, char *extra); #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT < 13 */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 12 static int wl_iw_set_leddc( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra ) { int dc = *(int *)extra; int error; error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "leddc", dc); return error; } static int wl_iw_set_vlanmode( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra ) { int mode = *(int *)extra; int error; mode = htod32(mode); error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "vlan_mode", mode); return error; } static int wl_iw_set_pm( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra ) { int pm = *(int *)extra; int error; pm = htod32(pm); error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_PM, &pm, sizeof(pm)); return error; } #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 12 */ int wl_iw_send_priv_event( struct net_device *dev, char *flag ) { union iwreq_data wrqu; char extra[IW_CUSTOM_MAX + 1]; int cmd; cmd = IWEVCUSTOM; memset(&wrqu, 0, sizeof(wrqu)); if (strlen(flag) > sizeof(extra)) return -1; strcpy(extra, flag); wrqu.data.length = strlen(extra); wireless_send_event(dev, cmd, &wrqu, extra); WL_TRACE(("Send IWEVCUSTOM Event as %s\n", extra)); return 0; } static int wl_iw_config_commit( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, void *zwrq, char *extra ) { wlc_ssid_t ssid; int error; struct sockaddr bssid; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWCOMMIT\n", dev->name)); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_SSID, &ssid, sizeof(ssid)))) return error; ssid.SSID_len = dtoh32(ssid.SSID_len); if (!ssid.SSID_len) return 0; bzero(&bssid, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_REASSOC, &bssid, ETHER_ADDR_LEN))) { WL_ERROR(("%s: WLC_REASSOC failed (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, error)); return error; } return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_name( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, union iwreq_data *cwrq, char *extra ) { int phytype, err; uint band[3]; char cap[5]; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWNAME\n", dev->name)); cap[0] = 0; if ((err = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_PHYTYPE, &phytype, sizeof(phytype))) < 0) goto done; if ((err = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_BANDLIST, band, sizeof(band))) < 0) goto done; band[0] = dtoh32(band[0]); switch (phytype) { case WLC_PHY_TYPE_A: strcpy(cap, "a"); break; case WLC_PHY_TYPE_B: strcpy(cap, "b"); break; case WLC_PHY_TYPE_LP: case WLC_PHY_TYPE_G: if (band[0] >= 2) strcpy(cap, "abg"); else strcpy(cap, "bg"); break; case WLC_PHY_TYPE_N: if (band[0] >= 2) strcpy(cap, "abgn"); else strcpy(cap, "bgn"); break; } done: snprintf(cwrq->name, IFNAMSIZ, "IEEE 802.11%s", cap); return 0; } static int wl_iw_set_freq( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_freq *fwrq, char *extra ) { int error, chan; uint sf = 0; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWFREQ\n", dev->name)); /* Setting by channel number */ if (fwrq->e == 0 && fwrq->m < MAXCHANNEL) { chan = fwrq->m; } /* Setting by frequency */ else { /* Convert to MHz as best we can */ if (fwrq->e >= 6) { fwrq->e -= 6; while (fwrq->e--) fwrq->m *= 10; } else if (fwrq->e < 6) { while (fwrq->e++ < 6) fwrq->m /= 10; } /* handle 4.9GHz frequencies as Japan 4 GHz based channelization */ if (fwrq->m > 4000 && fwrq->m < 5000) sf = WF_CHAN_FACTOR_4_G; /* start factor for 4 GHz */ chan = wf_mhz2channel(fwrq->m, sf); } chan = htod32(chan); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_CHANNEL, &chan, sizeof(chan)))) return error; /* -EINPROGRESS: Call commit handler */ return -EINPROGRESS; } static int wl_iw_get_freq( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_freq *fwrq, char *extra ) { channel_info_t ci; int error; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWFREQ\n", dev->name)); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_CHANNEL, &ci, sizeof(ci)))) return error; /* Return radio channel in channel form */ fwrq->m = dtoh32(ci.hw_channel); fwrq->e = dtoh32(0); return 0; } static int wl_iw_set_mode( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, __u32 *uwrq, char *extra ) { int infra = 0, ap = 0, error = 0; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWMODE\n", dev->name)); switch (*uwrq) { case IW_MODE_MASTER: infra = ap = 1; break; case IW_MODE_ADHOC: case IW_MODE_AUTO: break; case IW_MODE_INFRA: infra = 1; break; default: return -EINVAL; } infra = htod32(infra); ap = htod32(ap); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_INFRA, &infra, sizeof(infra))) || (error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_AP, &ap, sizeof(ap)))) return error; /* -EINPROGRESS: Call commit handler */ return -EINPROGRESS; } static int wl_iw_get_mode( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, __u32 *uwrq, char *extra ) { int error, infra = 0, ap = 0; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWMODE\n", dev->name)); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_INFRA, &infra, sizeof(infra))) || (error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_AP, &ap, sizeof(ap)))) return error; infra = dtoh32(infra); ap = dtoh32(ap); *uwrq = infra ? ap ? IW_MODE_MASTER : IW_MODE_INFRA : IW_MODE_ADHOC; return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_range( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { struct iw_range *range = (struct iw_range *) extra; static int channels[MAXCHANNEL+1]; wl_uint32_list_t *list = (wl_uint32_list_t *) channels; wl_rateset_t rateset; int error, i, k; uint sf, ch; int phytype; int bw_cap = 0, sgi_tx = 0, nmode = 0; channel_info_t ci; uint8 nrate_list2copy = 0; uint16 nrate_list[4][8] = { {13, 26, 39, 52, 78, 104, 117, 130}, {14, 29, 43, 58, 87, 116, 130, 144}, {27, 54, 81, 108, 162, 216, 243, 270}, {30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 270, 300}}; int fbt_cap = 0; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWRANGE\n", dev->name)); if (!extra) return -EINVAL; dwrq->length = sizeof(struct iw_range); memset(range, 0, sizeof(*range)); /* We don't use nwids */ range->min_nwid = range->max_nwid = 0; /* Set available channels/frequencies */ list->count = htod32(MAXCHANNEL); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_VALID_CHANNELS, channels, sizeof(channels)))) return error; for (i = 0; i < dtoh32(list->count) && i < IW_MAX_FREQUENCIES; i++) { range->freq[i].i = dtoh32(list->element[i]); ch = dtoh32(list->element[i]); if (ch <= CH_MAX_2G_CHANNEL) sf = WF_CHAN_FACTOR_2_4_G; else sf = WF_CHAN_FACTOR_5_G; range->freq[i].m = wf_channel2mhz(ch, sf); range->freq[i].e = 6; } range->num_frequency = range->num_channels = i; /* Link quality (use NDIS cutoffs) */ range->max_qual.qual = 5; /* Signal level (use RSSI) */ range->max_qual.level = 0x100 - 200; /* -200 dBm */ /* Noise level (use noise) */ range->max_qual.noise = 0x100 - 200; /* -200 dBm */ /* Signal level threshold range (?) */ range->sensitivity = 65535; #if WIRELESS_EXT > 11 /* Link quality (use NDIS cutoffs) */ range->avg_qual.qual = 3; /* Signal level (use RSSI) */ range->avg_qual.level = 0x100 + WL_IW_RSSI_GOOD; /* Noise level (use noise) */ range->avg_qual.noise = 0x100 - 75; /* -75 dBm */ #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 11 */ /* Set available bitrates */ if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_CURR_RATESET, &rateset, sizeof(rateset)))) return error; rateset.count = dtoh32(rateset.count); range->num_bitrates = rateset.count; for (i = 0; i < rateset.count && i < IW_MAX_BITRATES; i++) range->bitrate[i] = (rateset.rates[i] & 0x7f) * 500000; /* convert to bps */ if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "nmode", &nmode))) return error; if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_PHYTYPE, &phytype, sizeof(phytype)))) return error; if (nmode == 1 && ((phytype == WLC_PHY_TYPE_SSN) || (phytype == WLC_PHY_TYPE_LCN) || (phytype == WLC_PHY_TYPE_LCN40))) { if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "mimo_bw_cap", &bw_cap))) return error; if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "sgi_tx", &sgi_tx))) return error; if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_CHANNEL, &ci, sizeof(channel_info_t)))) return error; ci.hw_channel = dtoh32(ci.hw_channel); if (bw_cap == 0 || (bw_cap == 2 && ci.hw_channel <= 14)) { if (sgi_tx == 0) nrate_list2copy = 0; else nrate_list2copy = 1; } if (bw_cap == 1 || (bw_cap == 2 && ci.hw_channel >= 36)) { if (sgi_tx == 0) nrate_list2copy = 2; else nrate_list2copy = 3; } range->num_bitrates += 8; ASSERT(range->num_bitrates < IW_MAX_BITRATES); for (k = 0; i < range->num_bitrates; k++, i++) { /* convert to bps */ range->bitrate[i] = (nrate_list[nrate_list2copy][k]) * 500000; } } /* Set an indication of the max TCP throughput * in bit/s that we can expect using this interface. * May be use for QoS stuff... Jean II */ if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_PHYTYPE, &i, sizeof(i)))) return error; i = dtoh32(i); if (i == WLC_PHY_TYPE_A) range->throughput = 24000000; /* 24 Mbits/s */ else range->throughput = 1500000; /* 1.5 Mbits/s */ /* RTS and fragmentation thresholds */ range->min_rts = 0; range->max_rts = 2347; range->min_frag = 256; range->max_frag = 2346; range->max_encoding_tokens = DOT11_MAX_DEFAULT_KEYS; range->num_encoding_sizes = 4; range->encoding_size[0] = WEP1_KEY_SIZE; range->encoding_size[1] = WEP128_KEY_SIZE; #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 range->encoding_size[2] = TKIP_KEY_SIZE; #else range->encoding_size[2] = 0; #endif range->encoding_size[3] = AES_KEY_SIZE; /* Do not support power micro-management */ range->min_pmp = 0; range->max_pmp = 0; range->min_pmt = 0; range->max_pmt = 0; range->pmp_flags = 0; range->pm_capa = 0; /* Transmit Power - values are in mW */ range->num_txpower = 2; range->txpower[0] = 1; range->txpower[1] = 255; range->txpower_capa = IW_TXPOW_MWATT; #if WIRELESS_EXT > 10 range->we_version_compiled = WIRELESS_EXT; range->we_version_source = 19; /* Only support retry limits */ range->retry_capa = IW_RETRY_LIMIT; range->retry_flags = IW_RETRY_LIMIT; range->r_time_flags = 0; /* SRL and LRL limits */ range->min_retry = 1; range->max_retry = 255; /* Retry lifetime limits unsupported */ range->min_r_time = 0; range->max_r_time = 0; #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 10 */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 range->enc_capa = IW_ENC_CAPA_WPA; range->enc_capa |= IW_ENC_CAPA_CIPHER_TKIP; range->enc_capa |= IW_ENC_CAPA_CIPHER_CCMP; range->enc_capa |= IW_ENC_CAPA_WPA2; /* Determine driver FBT capability. */ if (dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "fbt_cap", &fbt_cap) == 0) { if (fbt_cap == WLC_FBT_CAP_DRV_4WAY_AND_REASSOC) { /* Tell the host (e.g. wpa_supplicant) to let driver do the handshake */ range->enc_capa |= IW_ENC_CAPA_4WAY_HANDSHAKE; } } #ifdef BCMFW_ROAM_ENABLE_WEXT /* Advertise firmware roam capability to the external supplicant */ range->enc_capa |= IW_ENC_CAPA_FW_ROAM_ENABLE; #endif /* BCMFW_ROAM_ENABLE_WEXT */ /* Event capability (kernel) */ IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET_KERNEL(range->event_capa); /* Event capability (driver) */ IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET(range->event_capa, SIOCGIWAP); IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET(range->event_capa, SIOCGIWSCAN); IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET(range->event_capa, IWEVTXDROP); IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET(range->event_capa, IWEVMICHAELMICFAILURE); IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET(range->event_capa, IWEVASSOCREQIE); IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET(range->event_capa, IWEVASSOCRESPIE); IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET(range->event_capa, IWEVPMKIDCAND); #if WIRELESS_EXT >= 22 && defined(IW_SCAN_CAPA_ESSID) /* FC7 wireless.h defines EXT 22 but doesn't define scan_capa bits */ range->scan_capa = IW_SCAN_CAPA_ESSID; #endif #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ return 0; } static int rssi_to_qual(int rssi) { if (rssi <= WL_IW_RSSI_NO_SIGNAL) return 0; else if (rssi <= WL_IW_RSSI_VERY_LOW) return 1; else if (rssi <= WL_IW_RSSI_LOW) return 2; else if (rssi <= WL_IW_RSSI_GOOD) return 3; else if (rssi <= WL_IW_RSSI_VERY_GOOD) return 4; else return 5; } static int wl_iw_set_spy( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wl_iw_t *iw = IW_DEV_IF(dev); struct sockaddr *addr = (struct sockaddr *) extra; int i; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWSPY\n", dev->name)); if (!extra) return -EINVAL; iw->spy_num = MIN(ARRAYSIZE(iw->spy_addr), dwrq->length); for (i = 0; i < iw->spy_num; i++) memcpy(&iw->spy_addr[i], addr[i].sa_data, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); memset(iw->spy_qual, 0, sizeof(iw->spy_qual)); return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_spy( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wl_iw_t *iw = IW_DEV_IF(dev); struct sockaddr *addr = (struct sockaddr *) extra; struct iw_quality *qual = (struct iw_quality *) &addr[iw->spy_num]; int i; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWSPY\n", dev->name)); if (!extra) return -EINVAL; dwrq->length = iw->spy_num; for (i = 0; i < iw->spy_num; i++) { memcpy(addr[i].sa_data, &iw->spy_addr[i], ETHER_ADDR_LEN); addr[i].sa_family = AF_UNIX; memcpy(&qual[i], &iw->spy_qual[i], sizeof(struct iw_quality)); iw->spy_qual[i].updated = 0; } return 0; } static int wl_iw_set_wap( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct sockaddr *awrq, char *extra ) { int error = -EINVAL; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWAP\n", dev->name)); if (awrq->sa_family != ARPHRD_ETHER) { WL_ERROR(("%s: Invalid Header...sa_family\n", __FUNCTION__)); return -EINVAL; } /* Ignore "auto" or "off" */ if (ETHER_ISBCAST(awrq->sa_data) || ETHER_ISNULLADDR(awrq->sa_data)) { scb_val_t scbval; bzero(&scbval, sizeof(scb_val_t)); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_DISASSOC, &scbval, sizeof(scb_val_t)))) { WL_ERROR(("%s: WLC_DISASSOC failed (%d).\n", __FUNCTION__, error)); } return 0; } /* WL_ASSOC(("Assoc to %s\n", bcm_ether_ntoa((struct ether_addr *)&(awrq->sa_data), * eabuf))); */ /* Reassociate to the specified AP */ if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_REASSOC, awrq->sa_data, ETHER_ADDR_LEN))) { WL_ERROR(("%s: WLC_REASSOC failed (%d).\n", __FUNCTION__, error)); return error; } return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_wap( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct sockaddr *awrq, char *extra ) { WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWAP\n", dev->name)); awrq->sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; memset(awrq->sa_data, 0, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); /* Ignore error (may be down or disassociated) */ (void) dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_BSSID, awrq->sa_data, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); return 0; } #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 static int wl_iw_mlme( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct sockaddr *awrq, char *extra ) { struct iw_mlme *mlme; scb_val_t scbval; int error = -EINVAL; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWMLME\n", dev->name)); mlme = (struct iw_mlme *)extra; if (mlme == NULL) { WL_ERROR(("Invalid ioctl data.\n")); return error; } scbval.val = mlme->reason_code; bcopy(&mlme->addr.sa_data, &scbval.ea, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); if (mlme->cmd == IW_MLME_DISASSOC) { scbval.val = htod32(scbval.val); error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_DISASSOC, &scbval, sizeof(scb_val_t)); } else if (mlme->cmd == IW_MLME_DEAUTH) { scbval.val = htod32(scbval.val); error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SCB_DEAUTHENTICATE_FOR_REASON, &scbval, sizeof(scb_val_t)); } else { WL_ERROR(("%s: Invalid ioctl data.\n", __FUNCTION__)); return error; } return error; } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ static int wl_iw_get_aplist( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wl_scan_results_t *list; struct sockaddr *addr = (struct sockaddr *) extra; struct iw_quality qual[IW_MAX_AP]; wl_bss_info_t *bi = NULL; int error, i; uint buflen = dwrq->length; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWAPLIST\n", dev->name)); if (!extra) return -EINVAL; /* Get scan results (too large to put on the stack) */ list = kmalloc(buflen, GFP_KERNEL); if (!list) return -ENOMEM; memset(list, 0, buflen); list->buflen = htod32(buflen); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SCAN_RESULTS, list, buflen))) { WL_ERROR(("%d: Scan results error %d\n", __LINE__, error)); kfree(list); return error; } list->buflen = dtoh32(list->buflen); list->version = dtoh32(list->version); list->count = dtoh32(list->count); ASSERT(list->version == WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION); for (i = 0, dwrq->length = 0; i < list->count && dwrq->length < IW_MAX_AP; i++) { bi = bi ? (wl_bss_info_t *)((uintptr)bi + dtoh32(bi->length)) : list->bss_info; ASSERT(((uintptr)bi + dtoh32(bi->length)) <= ((uintptr)list + buflen)); /* Infrastructure only */ if (!(dtoh16(bi->capability) & DOT11_CAP_ESS)) continue; /* BSSID */ memcpy(addr[dwrq->length].sa_data, &bi->BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); addr[dwrq->length].sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; qual[dwrq->length].qual = rssi_to_qual(dtoh16(bi->RSSI)); qual[dwrq->length].level = 0x100 + dtoh16(bi->RSSI); qual[dwrq->length].noise = 0x100 + bi->phy_noise; /* Updated qual, level, and noise */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 18 qual[dwrq->length].updated = IW_QUAL_ALL_UPDATED | IW_QUAL_DBM; #else qual[dwrq->length].updated = 7; #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 18 */ dwrq->length++; } kfree(list); if (dwrq->length) { memcpy(&addr[dwrq->length], qual, sizeof(struct iw_quality) * dwrq->length); /* Provided qual */ dwrq->flags = 1; } return 0; } static int wl_iw_iscan_get_aplist( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wl_scan_results_t *list; iscan_buf_t * buf; iscan_info_t *iscan = g_iscan; struct sockaddr *addr = (struct sockaddr *) extra; struct iw_quality qual[IW_MAX_AP]; wl_bss_info_t *bi = NULL; int i; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWAPLIST\n", dev->name)); if (!extra) return -EINVAL; if ((!iscan) || (iscan->sysioc_pid < 0)) { return wl_iw_get_aplist(dev, info, dwrq, extra); } buf = iscan->list_hdr; /* Get scan results (too large to put on the stack) */ while (buf) { list = &((wl_iscan_results_t*)buf->iscan_buf)->results; ASSERT(list->version == WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION); bi = NULL; for (i = 0, dwrq->length = 0; i < list->count && dwrq->length < IW_MAX_AP; i++) { bi = bi ? (wl_bss_info_t *)((uintptr)bi + dtoh32(bi->length)) : list->bss_info; ASSERT(((uintptr)bi + dtoh32(bi->length)) <= ((uintptr)list + WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN)); /* Infrastructure only */ if (!(dtoh16(bi->capability) & DOT11_CAP_ESS)) continue; /* BSSID */ memcpy(addr[dwrq->length].sa_data, &bi->BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); addr[dwrq->length].sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; qual[dwrq->length].qual = rssi_to_qual(dtoh16(bi->RSSI)); qual[dwrq->length].level = 0x100 + dtoh16(bi->RSSI); qual[dwrq->length].noise = 0x100 + bi->phy_noise; /* Updated qual, level, and noise */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 18 qual[dwrq->length].updated = IW_QUAL_ALL_UPDATED | IW_QUAL_DBM; #else qual[dwrq->length].updated = 7; #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 18 */ dwrq->length++; } buf = buf->next; } if (dwrq->length) { memcpy(&addr[dwrq->length], qual, sizeof(struct iw_quality) * dwrq->length); /* Provided qual */ dwrq->flags = 1; } return 0; } #if WIRELESS_EXT > 13 static int wl_iw_set_scan( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra ) { wlc_ssid_t ssid; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWSCAN\n", dev->name)); /* default Broadcast scan */ memset(&ssid, 0, sizeof(ssid)); #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 /* check for given essid */ if (wrqu->data.length == sizeof(struct iw_scan_req)) { if (wrqu->data.flags & IW_SCAN_THIS_ESSID) { struct iw_scan_req *req = (struct iw_scan_req *)extra; ssid.SSID_len = MIN(sizeof(ssid.SSID), req->essid_len); memcpy(ssid.SSID, req->essid, ssid.SSID_len); ssid.SSID_len = htod32(ssid.SSID_len); } } #endif /* Ignore error (most likely scan in progress) */ (void) dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SCAN, &ssid, sizeof(ssid)); return 0; } static int wl_iw_iscan_set_scan( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, union iwreq_data *wrqu, char *extra ) { wlc_ssid_t ssid; iscan_info_t *iscan = g_iscan; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWSCAN\n", dev->name)); /* use backup if our thread is not successful */ if ((!iscan) || (iscan->sysioc_pid < 0)) { return wl_iw_set_scan(dev, info, wrqu, extra); } if (iscan->iscan_state == ISCAN_STATE_SCANING) { return 0; } /* default Broadcast scan */ memset(&ssid, 0, sizeof(ssid)); #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 /* check for given essid */ if (wrqu->data.length == sizeof(struct iw_scan_req)) { if (wrqu->data.flags & IW_SCAN_THIS_ESSID) { struct iw_scan_req *req = (struct iw_scan_req *)extra; ssid.SSID_len = MIN(sizeof(ssid.SSID), req->essid_len); memcpy(ssid.SSID, req->essid, ssid.SSID_len); ssid.SSID_len = htod32(ssid.SSID_len); } } #endif iscan->list_cur = iscan->list_hdr; iscan->iscan_state = ISCAN_STATE_SCANING; wl_iw_set_event_mask(dev); wl_iw_iscan(iscan, &ssid, WL_SCAN_ACTION_START); iscan->timer.expires = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(iscan->timer_ms); add_timer(&iscan->timer); iscan->timer_on = 1; return 0; } #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 static bool ie_is_wpa_ie(uint8 **wpaie, uint8 **tlvs, int *tlvs_len) { /* Is this body of this tlvs entry a WPA entry? If */ /* not update the tlvs buffer pointer/length */ uint8 *ie = *wpaie; /* If the contents match the WPA_OUI and type=1 */ if ((ie[1] >= 6) && !bcmp((const void *)&ie[2], (const void *)(WPA_OUI "\x01"), 4)) { return TRUE; } /* point to the next ie */ ie += ie[1] + 2; /* calculate the length of the rest of the buffer */ *tlvs_len -= (int)(ie - *tlvs); /* update the pointer to the start of the buffer */ *tlvs = ie; return FALSE; } static bool ie_is_wps_ie(uint8 **wpsie, uint8 **tlvs, int *tlvs_len) { /* Is this body of this tlvs entry a WPS entry? If */ /* not update the tlvs buffer pointer/length */ uint8 *ie = *wpsie; /* If the contents match the WPA_OUI and type=4 */ if ((ie[1] >= 4) && !bcmp((const void *)&ie[2], (const void *)(WPA_OUI "\x04"), 4)) { return TRUE; } /* point to the next ie */ ie += ie[1] + 2; /* calculate the length of the rest of the buffer */ *tlvs_len -= (int)(ie - *tlvs); /* update the pointer to the start of the buffer */ *tlvs = ie; return FALSE; } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ #ifdef BCMWAPI_WPI static inline int _wpa_snprintf_hex(char *buf, size_t buf_size, const u8 *data, size_t len, int uppercase) { size_t i; char *pos = buf, *end = buf + buf_size; int ret; if (buf_size == 0) return 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ret = snprintf(pos, end - pos, uppercase ? "%02X" : "%02x", data[i]); if (ret < 0 || ret >= end - pos) { end[-1] = '\0'; return pos - buf; } pos += ret; } end[-1] = '\0'; return pos - buf; } /** * wpa_snprintf_hex - Print data as a hex string into a buffer * @buf: Memory area to use as the output buffer * @buf_size: Maximum buffer size in bytes (should be at least 2 * len + 1) * @data: Data to be printed * @len: Length of data in bytes * Returns: Number of bytes written */ static int wpa_snprintf_hex(char *buf, size_t buf_size, const u8 *data, size_t len) { return _wpa_snprintf_hex(buf, buf_size, data, len, 0); } #endif /* BCMWAPI_WPI */ static int wl_iw_handle_scanresults_ies(char **event_p, char *end, struct iw_request_info *info, wl_bss_info_t *bi) { #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 struct iw_event iwe; char *event; #ifdef BCMWAPI_WPI char *buf; int custom_event_len; #endif event = *event_p; if (bi->ie_length) { /* look for wpa/rsn ies in the ie list... */ bcm_tlv_t *ie; uint8 *ptr = ((uint8 *)bi) + sizeof(wl_bss_info_t); int ptr_len = bi->ie_length; if ((ie = bcm_parse_tlvs(ptr, ptr_len, DOT11_MNG_RSN_ID))) { iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE; iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_POINT(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie); } ptr = ((uint8 *)bi) + sizeof(wl_bss_info_t); if ((ie = bcm_parse_tlvs(ptr, ptr_len, DOT11_MNG_MDIE_ID))) { iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE; iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_POINT(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie); } ptr = ((uint8 *)bi) + sizeof(wl_bss_info_t); while ((ie = bcm_parse_tlvs(ptr, ptr_len, DOT11_MNG_WPA_ID))) { /* look for WPS IE */ if (ie_is_wps_ie(((uint8 **)&ie), &ptr, &ptr_len)) { iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE; iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_POINT(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie); break; } } ptr = ((uint8 *)bi) + sizeof(wl_bss_info_t); ptr_len = bi->ie_length; while ((ie = bcm_parse_tlvs(ptr, ptr_len, DOT11_MNG_WPA_ID))) { if (ie_is_wpa_ie(((uint8 **)&ie), &ptr, &ptr_len)) { iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE; iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_POINT(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie); break; } } #ifdef BCMWAPI_WPI ptr = ((uint8 *)bi) + sizeof(wl_bss_info_t); ptr_len = bi->ie_length; while ((ie = bcm_parse_tlvs(ptr, ptr_len, DOT11_MNG_WAPI_ID))) { WL_TRACE(("%s: found a WAPI IE...\n", __FUNCTION__)); #ifdef WAPI_IE_USE_GENIE iwe.cmd = IWEVGENIE; iwe.u.data.length = ie->len + 2; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_POINT(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)ie); #else /* using CUSTOM event */ iwe.cmd = IWEVCUSTOM; custom_event_len = strlen("wapi_ie=") + 2*(ie->len + 2); iwe.u.data.length = custom_event_len; buf = kmalloc(custom_event_len+1, GFP_KERNEL); if (buf == NULL) { WL_ERROR(("malloc(%d) returned NULL...\n", custom_event_len)); break; } memcpy(buf, "wapi_ie=", 8); wpa_snprintf_hex(buf + 8, 2+1, &(ie->id), 1); wpa_snprintf_hex(buf + 10, 2+1, &(ie->len), 1); wpa_snprintf_hex(buf + 12, 2*ie->len+1, ie->data, ie->len); event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_POINT(info, event, end, &iwe, buf); kfree(buf); #endif /* WAPI_IE_USE_GENIE */ break; } #endif /* BCMWAPI_WPI */ *event_p = event; } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_scan( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { channel_info_t ci; wl_scan_results_t *list; struct iw_event iwe; wl_bss_info_t *bi = NULL; int error, i, j; char *event = extra, *end = extra + dwrq->length, *value; uint buflen = dwrq->length; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWSCAN\n", dev->name)); if (!extra) return -EINVAL; /* Check for scan in progress */ if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_CHANNEL, &ci, sizeof(ci)))) return error; ci.scan_channel = dtoh32(ci.scan_channel); if (ci.scan_channel) return -EAGAIN; /* Get scan results (too large to put on the stack) */ list = kmalloc(buflen, GFP_KERNEL); if (!list) return -ENOMEM; memset(list, 0, buflen); list->buflen = htod32(buflen); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SCAN_RESULTS, list, buflen))) { kfree(list); return error; } list->buflen = dtoh32(list->buflen); list->version = dtoh32(list->version); list->count = dtoh32(list->count); ASSERT(list->version == WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION); for (i = 0; i < list->count && i < IW_MAX_AP; i++) { bi = bi ? (wl_bss_info_t *)((uintptr)bi + dtoh32(bi->length)) : list->bss_info; ASSERT(((uintptr)bi + dtoh32(bi->length)) <= ((uintptr)list + buflen)); /* First entry must be the BSSID */ iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWAP; iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; memcpy(iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_data, &bi->BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_EVENT(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_ADDR_LEN); /* SSID */ iwe.u.data.length = dtoh32(bi->SSID_len); iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWESSID; iwe.u.data.flags = 1; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_POINT(info, event, end, &iwe, bi->SSID); /* Mode */ if (dtoh16(bi->capability) & (DOT11_CAP_ESS | DOT11_CAP_IBSS)) { iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWMODE; if (dtoh16(bi->capability) & DOT11_CAP_ESS) iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_INFRA; else iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_ADHOC; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_EVENT(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_UINT_LEN); } /* Channel */ iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWFREQ; iwe.u.freq.m = wf_channel2mhz(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(bi->chanspec), CHSPEC_CHANNEL(bi->chanspec) <= CH_MAX_2G_CHANNEL ? WF_CHAN_FACTOR_2_4_G : WF_CHAN_FACTOR_5_G); iwe.u.freq.e = 6; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_EVENT(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_FREQ_LEN); /* Channel quality */ iwe.cmd = IWEVQUAL; iwe.u.qual.qual = rssi_to_qual(dtoh16(bi->RSSI)); iwe.u.qual.level = 0x100 + dtoh16(bi->RSSI); iwe.u.qual.noise = 0x100 + bi->phy_noise; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_EVENT(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_QUAL_LEN); /* WPA, WPA2, WPS, WAPI IEs */ wl_iw_handle_scanresults_ies(&event, end, info, bi); /* Encryption */ iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWENCODE; if (dtoh16(bi->capability) & DOT11_CAP_PRIVACY) iwe.u.data.flags = IW_ENCODE_ENABLED | IW_ENCODE_NOKEY; else iwe.u.data.flags = IW_ENCODE_DISABLED; iwe.u.data.length = 0; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_POINT(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)event); /* Rates */ if (bi->rateset.count) { value = event + IW_EV_LCP_LEN; iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWRATE; /* Those two flags are ignored... */ iwe.u.bitrate.fixed = iwe.u.bitrate.disabled = 0; for (j = 0; j < bi->rateset.count && j < IW_MAX_BITRATES; j++) { iwe.u.bitrate.value = (bi->rateset.rates[j] & 0x7f) * 500000; value = IWE_STREAM_ADD_VALUE(info, event, value, end, &iwe, IW_EV_PARAM_LEN); } event = value; } } kfree(list); dwrq->length = event - extra; dwrq->flags = 0; /* todo */ return 0; } static int wl_iw_iscan_get_scan( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wl_scan_results_t *list; struct iw_event iwe; wl_bss_info_t *bi = NULL; int ii, j; int apcnt; char *event = extra, *end = extra + dwrq->length, *value; iscan_info_t *iscan = g_iscan; iscan_buf_t * p_buf; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWSCAN\n", dev->name)); if (!extra) return -EINVAL; /* use backup if our thread is not successful */ if ((!iscan) || (iscan->sysioc_pid < 0)) { return wl_iw_get_scan(dev, info, dwrq, extra); } /* Check for scan in progress */ if (iscan->iscan_state == ISCAN_STATE_SCANING) return -EAGAIN; apcnt = 0; p_buf = iscan->list_hdr; /* Get scan results */ while (p_buf != iscan->list_cur) { list = &((wl_iscan_results_t*)p_buf->iscan_buf)->results; if (list->version != WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION) { WL_ERROR(("list->version %d != WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION\n", list->version)); } bi = NULL; for (ii = 0; ii < list->count && apcnt < IW_MAX_AP; apcnt++, ii++) { bi = bi ? (wl_bss_info_t *)((uintptr)bi + dtoh32(bi->length)) : list->bss_info; ASSERT(((uintptr)bi + dtoh32(bi->length)) <= ((uintptr)list + WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN)); /* overflow check cover fields before wpa IEs */ if (event + ETHER_ADDR_LEN + bi->SSID_len + IW_EV_UINT_LEN + IW_EV_FREQ_LEN + IW_EV_QUAL_LEN >= end) return -E2BIG; /* First entry must be the BSSID */ iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWAP; iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; memcpy(iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_data, &bi->BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_EVENT(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_ADDR_LEN); /* SSID */ iwe.u.data.length = dtoh32(bi->SSID_len); iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWESSID; iwe.u.data.flags = 1; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_POINT(info, event, end, &iwe, bi->SSID); /* Mode */ if (dtoh16(bi->capability) & (DOT11_CAP_ESS | DOT11_CAP_IBSS)) { iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWMODE; if (dtoh16(bi->capability) & DOT11_CAP_ESS) iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_INFRA; else iwe.u.mode = IW_MODE_ADHOC; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_EVENT(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_UINT_LEN); } /* Channel */ iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWFREQ; iwe.u.freq.m = wf_channel2mhz(CHSPEC_CHANNEL(bi->chanspec), CHSPEC_CHANNEL(bi->chanspec) <= CH_MAX_2G_CHANNEL ? WF_CHAN_FACTOR_2_4_G : WF_CHAN_FACTOR_5_G); iwe.u.freq.e = 6; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_EVENT(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_FREQ_LEN); /* Channel quality */ iwe.cmd = IWEVQUAL; iwe.u.qual.qual = rssi_to_qual(dtoh16(bi->RSSI)); iwe.u.qual.level = 0x100 + dtoh16(bi->RSSI); iwe.u.qual.noise = 0x100 + bi->phy_noise; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_EVENT(info, event, end, &iwe, IW_EV_QUAL_LEN); /* WPA, WPA2, WPS, WAPI IEs */ wl_iw_handle_scanresults_ies(&event, end, info, bi); /* Encryption */ iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWENCODE; if (dtoh16(bi->capability) & DOT11_CAP_PRIVACY) iwe.u.data.flags = IW_ENCODE_ENABLED | IW_ENCODE_NOKEY; else iwe.u.data.flags = IW_ENCODE_DISABLED; iwe.u.data.length = 0; event = IWE_STREAM_ADD_POINT(info, event, end, &iwe, (char *)event); /* Rates */ if (bi->rateset.count <= sizeof(bi->rateset.rates)) { if (event + IW_MAX_BITRATES*IW_EV_PARAM_LEN >= end) return -E2BIG; value = event + IW_EV_LCP_LEN; iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWRATE; /* Those two flags are ignored... */ iwe.u.bitrate.fixed = iwe.u.bitrate.disabled = 0; for (j = 0; j < bi->rateset.count && j < IW_MAX_BITRATES; j++) { iwe.u.bitrate.value = (bi->rateset.rates[j] & 0x7f) * 500000; value = IWE_STREAM_ADD_VALUE(info, event, value, end, &iwe, IW_EV_PARAM_LEN); } event = value; } } p_buf = p_buf->next; } /* while (p_buf) */ dwrq->length = event - extra; dwrq->flags = 0; /* todo */ return 0; } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 13 */ static int wl_iw_set_essid( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wlc_ssid_t ssid; int error; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWESSID\n", dev->name)); /* default Broadcast SSID */ memset(&ssid, 0, sizeof(ssid)); if (dwrq->length && extra) { #if WIRELESS_EXT > 20 ssid.SSID_len = MIN(sizeof(ssid.SSID), dwrq->length); #else ssid.SSID_len = MIN(sizeof(ssid.SSID), dwrq->length-1); #endif memcpy(ssid.SSID, extra, ssid.SSID_len); ssid.SSID_len = htod32(ssid.SSID_len); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_SSID, &ssid, sizeof(ssid)))) return error; } /* If essid null then it is "iwconfig <interface> essid off" command */ else { scb_val_t scbval; bzero(&scbval, sizeof(scb_val_t)); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_DISASSOC, &scbval, sizeof(scb_val_t)))) return error; } return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_essid( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wlc_ssid_t ssid; int error; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWESSID\n", dev->name)); if (!extra) return -EINVAL; if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_SSID, &ssid, sizeof(ssid)))) { WL_ERROR(("Error getting the SSID\n")); return error; } ssid.SSID_len = dtoh32(ssid.SSID_len); /* Get the current SSID */ memcpy(extra, ssid.SSID, ssid.SSID_len); dwrq->length = ssid.SSID_len; dwrq->flags = 1; /* active */ return 0; } static int wl_iw_set_nick( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wl_iw_t *iw = IW_DEV_IF(dev); WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWNICKN\n", dev->name)); if (!extra) return -EINVAL; /* Check the size of the string */ if (dwrq->length > sizeof(iw->nickname)) return -E2BIG; memcpy(iw->nickname, extra, dwrq->length); iw->nickname[dwrq->length - 1] = '\0'; return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_nick( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wl_iw_t *iw = IW_DEV_IF(dev); WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWNICKN\n", dev->name)); if (!extra) return -EINVAL; strcpy(extra, iw->nickname); dwrq->length = strlen(extra) + 1; return 0; } static int wl_iw_set_rate( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { wl_rateset_t rateset; int error, rate, i, error_bg, error_a; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWRATE\n", dev->name)); /* Get current rateset */ if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_CURR_RATESET, &rateset, sizeof(rateset)))) return error; rateset.count = dtoh32(rateset.count); if (vwrq->value < 0) { /* Select maximum rate */ rate = rateset.rates[rateset.count - 1] & 0x7f; } else if (vwrq->value < rateset.count) { /* Select rate by rateset index */ rate = rateset.rates[vwrq->value] & 0x7f; } else { /* Specified rate in bps */ rate = vwrq->value / 500000; } if (vwrq->fixed) { /* Set rate override, Since the is a/b/g-blind, both a/bg_rate are enforced. */ error_bg = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "bg_rate", rate); error_a = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "a_rate", rate); if (error_bg && error_a) return (error_bg | error_a); } else { /* clear rate override Since the is a/b/g-blind, both a/bg_rate are enforced. */ /* 0 is for clearing rate override */ error_bg = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "bg_rate", 0); /* 0 is for clearing rate override */ error_a = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "a_rate", 0); if (error_bg && error_a) return (error_bg | error_a); /* Remove rates above selected rate */ for (i = 0; i < rateset.count; i++) if ((rateset.rates[i] & 0x7f) > rate) break; rateset.count = htod32(i); /* Set current rateset */ if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_RATESET, &rateset, sizeof(rateset)))) return error; } return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_rate( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error, rate; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWRATE\n", dev->name)); /* Report the current tx rate */ if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_RATE, &rate, sizeof(rate)))) return error; rate = dtoh32(rate); vwrq->value = rate * 500000; return 0; } static int wl_iw_set_rts( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error, rts; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWRTS\n", dev->name)); if (vwrq->disabled) rts = DOT11_DEFAULT_RTS_LEN; else if (vwrq->value < 0 || vwrq->value > DOT11_DEFAULT_RTS_LEN) return -EINVAL; else rts = vwrq->value; if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "rtsthresh", rts))) return error; return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_rts( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error, rts; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWRTS\n", dev->name)); if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "rtsthresh", &rts))) return error; vwrq->value = rts; vwrq->disabled = (rts >= DOT11_DEFAULT_RTS_LEN); vwrq->fixed = 1; return 0; } static int wl_iw_set_frag( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error, frag; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWFRAG\n", dev->name)); if (vwrq->disabled) frag = DOT11_DEFAULT_FRAG_LEN; else if (vwrq->value < 0 || vwrq->value > DOT11_DEFAULT_FRAG_LEN) return -EINVAL; else frag = vwrq->value; if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "fragthresh", frag))) return error; return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_frag( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error, fragthreshold; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWFRAG\n", dev->name)); if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "fragthresh", &fragthreshold))) return error; vwrq->value = fragthreshold; vwrq->disabled = (fragthreshold >= DOT11_DEFAULT_FRAG_LEN); vwrq->fixed = 1; return 0; } static int wl_iw_set_txpow( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error, disable; uint16 txpwrmw; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWTXPOW\n", dev->name)); /* Make sure radio is off or on as far as software is concerned */ disable = vwrq->disabled ? WL_RADIO_SW_DISABLE : 0; disable += WL_RADIO_SW_DISABLE << 16; disable = htod32(disable); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_RADIO, &disable, sizeof(disable)))) return error; /* If Radio is off, nothing more to do */ if (disable & WL_RADIO_SW_DISABLE) return 0; /* Only handle mW */ if (!(vwrq->flags & IW_TXPOW_MWATT)) return -EINVAL; /* Value < 0 means just "on" or "off" */ if (vwrq->value < 0) return 0; if (vwrq->value > 0xffff) txpwrmw = 0xffff; else txpwrmw = (uint16)vwrq->value; error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "qtxpower", (int)(bcm_mw_to_qdbm(txpwrmw))); return error; } static int wl_iw_get_txpow( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error, disable, txpwrdbm; uint8 result; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWTXPOW\n", dev->name)); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_RADIO, &disable, sizeof(disable))) || (error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "qtxpower", &txpwrdbm))) return error; disable = dtoh32(disable); result = (uint8)(txpwrdbm & ~WL_TXPWR_OVERRIDE); vwrq->value = (int32)bcm_qdbm_to_mw(result); vwrq->fixed = 0; vwrq->disabled = (disable & (WL_RADIO_SW_DISABLE | WL_RADIO_HW_DISABLE)) ? 1 : 0; vwrq->flags = IW_TXPOW_MWATT; return 0; } #if WIRELESS_EXT > 10 static int wl_iw_set_retry( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error, lrl, srl; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWRETRY\n", dev->name)); /* Do not handle "off" or "lifetime" */ if (vwrq->disabled || (vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_LIFETIME)) return -EINVAL; /* Handle "[min|max] limit" */ if (vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_LIMIT) { /* "max limit" or just "limit" */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 20 if ((vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_LONG) ||(vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_MAX) || !((vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_SHORT) || (vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_MIN))) { #else if ((vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_MAX) || !(vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_MIN)) { #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 20 */ lrl = htod32(vwrq->value); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_LRL, &lrl, sizeof(lrl)))) return error; } /* "min limit" or just "limit" */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 20 if ((vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_SHORT) ||(vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_MIN) || !((vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_LONG) || (vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_MAX))) { #else if ((vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_MIN) || !(vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_MAX)) { #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 20 */ srl = htod32(vwrq->value); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_SRL, &srl, sizeof(srl)))) return error; } } return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_retry( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error, lrl, srl; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWRETRY\n", dev->name)); vwrq->disabled = 0; /* Can't be disabled */ /* Do not handle lifetime queries */ if ((vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_TYPE) == IW_RETRY_LIFETIME) return -EINVAL; /* Get retry limits */ if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_LRL, &lrl, sizeof(lrl))) || (error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_SRL, &srl, sizeof(srl)))) return error; lrl = dtoh32(lrl); srl = dtoh32(srl); /* Note : by default, display the min retry number */ if (vwrq->flags & IW_RETRY_MAX) { vwrq->flags = IW_RETRY_LIMIT | IW_RETRY_MAX; vwrq->value = lrl; } else { vwrq->flags = IW_RETRY_LIMIT; vwrq->value = srl; if (srl != lrl) vwrq->flags |= IW_RETRY_MIN; } return 0; } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 10 */ static int wl_iw_set_encode( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wl_wsec_key_t key; int error, val, wsec; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWENCODE\n", dev->name)); memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); if ((dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX) == 0) { /* Find the current key */ for (key.index = 0; key.index < DOT11_MAX_DEFAULT_KEYS; key.index++) { val = htod32(key.index); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_KEY_PRIMARY, &val, sizeof(val)))) return error; val = dtoh32(val); if (val) break; } /* Default to 0 */ if (key.index == DOT11_MAX_DEFAULT_KEYS) key.index = 0; } else { key.index = (dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX) - 1; if (key.index >= DOT11_MAX_DEFAULT_KEYS) return -EINVAL; } /* Interpret "off" to mean no encryption */ wsec = (dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_DISABLED) ? 0 : WEP_ENABLED; if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "wsec", wsec))) return error; /* Old API used to pass a NULL pointer instead of IW_ENCODE_NOKEY */ if (!extra || !dwrq->length || (dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_NOKEY)) { /* Just select a new current key */ val = htod32(key.index); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_KEY_PRIMARY, &val, sizeof(val)))) return error; } else { key.len = dwrq->length; if (dwrq->length > sizeof(key.data)) return -EINVAL; memcpy(key.data, extra, dwrq->length); key.flags = WL_PRIMARY_KEY; switch (key.len) { case WEP1_KEY_SIZE: key.algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_WEP1; break; case WEP128_KEY_SIZE: key.algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_WEP128; break; #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 14) case TKIP_KEY_SIZE: key.algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_TKIP; break; #endif case AES_KEY_SIZE: key.algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_AES_CCM; break; default: return -EINVAL; } /* Set the new key/index */ swap_key_from_BE(&key); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_KEY, &key, sizeof(key)))) return error; } /* Interpret "restricted" to mean shared key authentication */ val = (dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_RESTRICTED) ? 1 : 0; val = htod32(val); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_AUTH, &val, sizeof(val)))) return error; return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_encode( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wl_wsec_key_t key; int error, val, wsec, auth; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWENCODE\n", dev->name)); /* assure default values of zero for things we don't touch */ bzero(&key, sizeof(wl_wsec_key_t)); if ((dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX) == 0) { /* Find the current key */ for (key.index = 0; key.index < DOT11_MAX_DEFAULT_KEYS; key.index++) { val = key.index; if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_KEY_PRIMARY, &val, sizeof(val)))) return error; val = dtoh32(val); if (val) break; } } else key.index = (dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX) - 1; if (key.index >= DOT11_MAX_DEFAULT_KEYS) key.index = 0; /* Get info */ if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_WSEC, &wsec, sizeof(wsec))) || (error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_AUTH, &auth, sizeof(auth)))) return error; swap_key_to_BE(&key); wsec = dtoh32(wsec); auth = dtoh32(auth); /* Get key length */ dwrq->length = MIN(IW_ENCODING_TOKEN_MAX, key.len); /* Get flags */ dwrq->flags = key.index + 1; if (!(wsec & (WEP_ENABLED | TKIP_ENABLED | AES_ENABLED))) { /* Interpret "off" to mean no encryption */ dwrq->flags |= IW_ENCODE_DISABLED; } if (auth) { /* Interpret "restricted" to mean shared key authentication */ dwrq->flags |= IW_ENCODE_RESTRICTED; } /* Get key */ if (dwrq->length && extra) memcpy(extra, key.data, dwrq->length); return 0; } static int wl_iw_set_power( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error, pm; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWPOWER\n", dev->name)); pm = vwrq->disabled ? PM_OFF : PM_MAX; pm = htod32(pm); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_PM, &pm, sizeof(pm)))) return error; return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_power( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error, pm; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWPOWER\n", dev->name)); if ((error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_PM, &pm, sizeof(pm)))) return error; pm = dtoh32(pm); vwrq->disabled = pm ? 0 : 1; vwrq->flags = IW_POWER_ALL_R; return 0; } #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 static int wl_iw_set_wpaie( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *iwp, char *extra ) { #if defined(BCMWAPI_WPI) uchar buf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN] = {0}; uchar *p = buf; int wapi_ie_size; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWGENIE\n", dev->name)); if (extra[0] == DOT11_MNG_WAPI_ID) { wapi_ie_size = iwp->length; memcpy(p, extra, iwp->length); dev_wlc_bufvar_set(dev, "wapiie", buf, wapi_ie_size); } else #endif dev_wlc_bufvar_set(dev, "wpaie", extra, iwp->length); return 0; } static int wl_iw_get_wpaie( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *iwp, char *extra ) { WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWGENIE\n", dev->name)); iwp->length = 64; dev_wlc_bufvar_get(dev, "wpaie", extra, iwp->length); return 0; } static int wl_iw_set_encodeext( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_point *dwrq, char *extra ) { wl_wsec_key_t key; int error; struct iw_encode_ext *iwe; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWENCODEEXT\n", dev->name)); memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); iwe = (struct iw_encode_ext *)extra; /* disable encryption completely */ if (dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_DISABLED) { } /* get the key index */ key.index = 0; if (dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX) key.index = (dwrq->flags & IW_ENCODE_INDEX) - 1; key.len = iwe->key_len; /* Instead of bcast for ea address for default wep keys, driver needs it to be Null */ if (!ETHER_ISMULTI(iwe->addr.sa_data)) bcopy((void *)&iwe->addr.sa_data, (char *)&key.ea, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); /* check for key index change */ if (key.len == 0) { if (iwe->ext_flags & IW_ENCODE_EXT_SET_TX_KEY) { WL_WSEC(("Changing the the primary Key to %d\n", key.index)); /* change the key index .... */ key.index = htod32(key.index); error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_KEY_PRIMARY, &key.index, sizeof(key.index)); if (error) return error; } /* key delete */ else { swap_key_from_BE(&key); error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_KEY, &key, sizeof(key)); if (error) return error; } } /* This case is used to allow an external 802.1x supplicant * to pass the PMK to the in-driver supplicant for use in * the 4-way handshake. */ else if (iwe->alg == IW_ENCODE_ALG_PMK) { int j; wsec_pmk_t pmk; char keystring[WSEC_MAX_PSK_LEN + 1]; char* charptr = keystring; uint len; /* copy the raw hex key to the appropriate format */ for (j = 0; j < (WSEC_MAX_PSK_LEN / 2); j++) { sprintf(charptr, "%02x", iwe->key[j]); charptr += 2; } len = strlen(keystring); pmk.key_len = htod16(len); bcopy(keystring, pmk.key, len); pmk.flags = htod16(WSEC_PASSPHRASE); error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_WSEC_PMK, &pmk, sizeof(pmk)); if (error) return error; } else { if (iwe->key_len > sizeof(key.data)) return -EINVAL; WL_WSEC(("Setting the key index %d\n", key.index)); if (iwe->ext_flags & IW_ENCODE_EXT_SET_TX_KEY) { WL_WSEC(("key is a Primary Key\n")); key.flags = WL_PRIMARY_KEY; } bcopy((void *)iwe->key, key.data, iwe->key_len); if (iwe->alg == IW_ENCODE_ALG_TKIP) { uint8 keybuf[8]; bcopy(&key.data[24], keybuf, sizeof(keybuf)); bcopy(&key.data[16], &key.data[24], sizeof(keybuf)); bcopy(keybuf, &key.data[16], sizeof(keybuf)); } /* rx iv */ if (iwe->ext_flags & IW_ENCODE_EXT_RX_SEQ_VALID) { uchar *ivptr; ivptr = (uchar *)iwe->rx_seq; key.rxiv.hi = (ivptr[5] << 24) | (ivptr[4] << 16) | (ivptr[3] << 8) | ivptr[2]; key.rxiv.lo = (ivptr[1] << 8) | ivptr[0]; key.iv_initialized = TRUE; } switch (iwe->alg) { case IW_ENCODE_ALG_NONE: key.algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_OFF; break; case IW_ENCODE_ALG_WEP: if (iwe->key_len == WEP1_KEY_SIZE) key.algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_WEP1; else key.algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_WEP128; break; case IW_ENCODE_ALG_TKIP: key.algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_TKIP; break; case IW_ENCODE_ALG_CCMP: key.algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_AES_CCM; break; #ifdef BCMWAPI_WPI case IW_ENCODE_ALG_SM4: key.algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_SMS4; if (iwe->ext_flags & IW_ENCODE_EXT_GROUP_KEY) { key.flags &= ~WL_PRIMARY_KEY; } break; #endif default: break; } swap_key_from_BE(&key); dhd_wait_pend8021x(dev); error = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_KEY, &key, sizeof(key)); if (error) return error; } return 0; } #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 struct { pmkid_list_t pmkids; pmkid_t foo[MAXPMKID-1]; } pmkid_list; static int wl_iw_set_pmksa( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { struct iw_pmksa *iwpmksa; uint i; char eabuf[ETHER_ADDR_STR_LEN]; pmkid_t * pmkid_array = pmkid_list.pmkids.pmkid; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWPMKSA\n", dev->name)); iwpmksa = (struct iw_pmksa *)extra; bzero((char *)eabuf, ETHER_ADDR_STR_LEN); if (iwpmksa->cmd == IW_PMKSA_FLUSH) { WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_set_pmksa - IW_PMKSA_FLUSH\n")); bzero((char *)&pmkid_list, sizeof(pmkid_list)); } if (iwpmksa->cmd == IW_PMKSA_REMOVE) { pmkid_list_t pmkid, *pmkidptr; pmkidptr = &pmkid; bcopy(&iwpmksa->bssid.sa_data[0], &pmkidptr->pmkid[0].BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); bcopy(&iwpmksa->pmkid[0], &pmkidptr->pmkid[0].PMKID, WPA2_PMKID_LEN); { uint j; WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_set_pmksa,IW_PMKSA_REMOVE - PMKID: %s = ", bcm_ether_ntoa(&pmkidptr->pmkid[0].BSSID, eabuf))); for (j = 0; j < WPA2_PMKID_LEN; j++) WL_TRACE(("%02x ", pmkidptr->pmkid[0].PMKID[j])); WL_TRACE(("\n")); } for (i = 0; i < pmkid_list.pmkids.npmkid; i++) if (!bcmp(&iwpmksa->bssid.sa_data[0], &pmkid_array[i].BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN)) break; for (; i < pmkid_list.pmkids.npmkid; i++) { bcopy(&pmkid_array[i+1].BSSID, &pmkid_array[i].BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); bcopy(&pmkid_array[i+1].PMKID, &pmkid_array[i].PMKID, WPA2_PMKID_LEN); } pmkid_list.pmkids.npmkid--; } if (iwpmksa->cmd == IW_PMKSA_ADD) { bcopy(&iwpmksa->bssid.sa_data[0], &pmkid_array[pmkid_list.pmkids.npmkid].BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); bcopy(&iwpmksa->pmkid[0], &pmkid_array[pmkid_list.pmkids.npmkid].PMKID, WPA2_PMKID_LEN); { uint j; uint k; k = pmkid_list.pmkids.npmkid; BCM_REFERENCE(k); WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_set_pmksa,IW_PMKSA_ADD - PMKID: %s = ", bcm_ether_ntoa(&pmkid_array[k].BSSID, eabuf))); for (j = 0; j < WPA2_PMKID_LEN; j++) WL_TRACE(("%02x ", pmkid_array[k].PMKID[j])); WL_TRACE(("\n")); } pmkid_list.pmkids.npmkid++; } WL_TRACE(("PRINTING pmkid LIST - No of elements %d\n", pmkid_list.pmkids.npmkid)); for (i = 0; i < pmkid_list.pmkids.npmkid; i++) { uint j; WL_TRACE(("PMKID[%d]: %s = ", i, bcm_ether_ntoa(&pmkid_array[i].BSSID, eabuf))); for (j = 0; j < WPA2_PMKID_LEN; j++) WL_TRACE(("%02x ", pmkid_array[i].PMKID[j])); printf("\n"); } WL_TRACE(("\n")); dev_wlc_bufvar_set(dev, "pmkid_info", (char *)&pmkid_list, sizeof(pmkid_list)); return 0; } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ static int wl_iw_get_encodeext( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWENCODEEXT\n", dev->name)); return 0; } static int wl_iw_set_wpaauth( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error = 0; int paramid; int paramval; uint32 cipher_combined; int val = 0; wl_iw_t *iw = IW_DEV_IF(dev); WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWAUTH\n", dev->name)); paramid = vwrq->flags & IW_AUTH_INDEX; paramval = vwrq->value; WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCSIWAUTH, paramid = 0x%0x, paramval = 0x%0x\n", dev->name, paramid, paramval)); switch (paramid) { case IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION: /* supported wpa version disabled or wpa or wpa2 */ if (paramval & IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_DISABLED) val = WPA_AUTH_DISABLED; else if (paramval & (IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_WPA)) val = WPA_AUTH_PSK | WPA_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED; else if (paramval & IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_WPA2) val = WPA2_AUTH_PSK | WPA2_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED; #ifdef BCMWAPI_WPI else if (paramval & IW_AUTH_WAPI_VERSION_1) val = WAPI_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED; #endif WL_TRACE(("%s: %d: setting wpa_auth to 0x%0x\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val)); if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "wpa_auth", val))) return error; break; case IW_AUTH_CIPHER_PAIRWISE: case IW_AUTH_CIPHER_GROUP: { int fbt_cap = 0; if (paramid == IW_AUTH_CIPHER_PAIRWISE) { iw->pwsec = paramval; } else { iw->gwsec = paramval; } if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "wsec", &val))) return error; cipher_combined = iw->gwsec | iw->pwsec; val &= ~(WEP_ENABLED | TKIP_ENABLED | AES_ENABLED); if (cipher_combined & (IW_AUTH_CIPHER_WEP40 | IW_AUTH_CIPHER_WEP104)) val |= WEP_ENABLED; if (cipher_combined & IW_AUTH_CIPHER_TKIP) val |= TKIP_ENABLED; if (cipher_combined & IW_AUTH_CIPHER_CCMP) val |= AES_ENABLED; #ifdef BCMWAPI_WPI val &= ~SMS4_ENABLED; if (cipher_combined & IW_AUTH_CIPHER_SMS4) val |= SMS4_ENABLED; #endif if (iw->privacy_invoked && !val) { WL_WSEC(("%s: %s: 'Privacy invoked' TRUE but clearing wsec, assuming " "we're a WPS enrollee\n", dev->name, __FUNCTION__)); if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "is_WPS_enrollee", TRUE))) { WL_WSEC(("Failed to set iovar is_WPS_enrollee\n")); return error; } } else if (val) { if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "is_WPS_enrollee", FALSE))) { WL_WSEC(("Failed to clear iovar is_WPS_enrollee\n")); return error; } } if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "wsec", val))) return error; /* Ensure in-dongle supplicant is turned on when FBT wants to do the 4-way * handshake. */ if (dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "fbt_cap", &fbt_cap) == 0) { if (fbt_cap == WLC_FBT_CAP_DRV_4WAY_AND_REASSOC) { if ((paramid == IW_AUTH_CIPHER_PAIRWISE) && (val & AES_ENABLED)) { if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "sup_wpa", 1))) return error; } else if (val == 0) { if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "sup_wpa", 0))) return error; } } } break; } case IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT: if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "wpa_auth", &val))) return error; if (val & (WPA_AUTH_PSK | WPA_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED)) { if (paramval & (IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_FT_PSK | IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_PSK)) val = WPA_AUTH_PSK; else val = WPA_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED; if (paramval & (IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_FT_802_1X | IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_FT_PSK)) val |= WPA2_AUTH_FT; } else if (val & (WPA2_AUTH_PSK | WPA2_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED)) { if (paramval & (IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_FT_PSK | IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_PSK)) val = WPA2_AUTH_PSK; else val = WPA2_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED; if (paramval & (IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_FT_802_1X | IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_FT_PSK)) val |= WPA2_AUTH_FT; } #ifdef BCMWAPI_WPI if (paramval & (IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_WAPI_PSK | IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_WAPI_CERT)) val = WAPI_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED; #endif WL_TRACE(("%s: %d: setting wpa_auth to %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val)); if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "wpa_auth", val))) return error; break; case IW_AUTH_TKIP_COUNTERMEASURES: dev_wlc_bufvar_set(dev, "tkip_countermeasures", (char *)¶mval, 1); break; case IW_AUTH_80211_AUTH_ALG: /* open shared */ WL_ERROR(("Setting the D11auth %d\n", paramval)); if (paramval & IW_AUTH_ALG_OPEN_SYSTEM) val = 0; else if (paramval & IW_AUTH_ALG_SHARED_KEY) val = 1; else error = 1; if (!error && (error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "auth", val))) return error; break; case IW_AUTH_WPA_ENABLED: if (paramval == 0) { val = 0; WL_TRACE(("%s: %d: setting wpa_auth to %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, val)); error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "wpa_auth", val); return error; } else { /* If WPA is enabled, wpa_auth is set elsewhere */ } break; case IW_AUTH_DROP_UNENCRYPTED: dev_wlc_bufvar_set(dev, "wsec_restrict", (char *)¶mval, 1); break; case IW_AUTH_RX_UNENCRYPTED_EAPOL: dev_wlc_bufvar_set(dev, "rx_unencrypted_eapol", (char *)¶mval, 1); break; #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 case IW_AUTH_ROAMING_CONTROL: WL_TRACE(("%s: IW_AUTH_ROAMING_CONTROL\n", __FUNCTION__)); /* driver control or user space app control */ break; case IW_AUTH_PRIVACY_INVOKED: { int wsec; if (paramval == 0) { iw->privacy_invoked = FALSE; if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "is_WPS_enrollee", FALSE))) { WL_WSEC(("Failed to clear iovar is_WPS_enrollee\n")); return error; } } else { iw->privacy_invoked = TRUE; if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "wsec", &wsec))) return error; if (!WSEC_ENABLED(wsec)) { /* if privacy is true, but wsec is false, we are a WPS enrollee */ if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "is_WPS_enrollee", TRUE))) { WL_WSEC(("Failed to set iovar is_WPS_enrollee\n")); return error; } } else { if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "is_WPS_enrollee", FALSE))) { WL_WSEC(("Failed to clear iovar is_WPS_enrollee\n")); return error; } } } break; } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ #ifdef BCMWAPI_WPI case IW_AUTH_WAPI_ENABLED: if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "wsec", &val))) return error; if (paramval) { val |= SMS4_ENABLED; if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "wsec", val))) { WL_ERROR(("%s: setting wsec to 0x%0x returned error %d\n", __FUNCTION__, val, error)); return error; } if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_set(dev, "wpa_auth", WAPI_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED))) { WL_ERROR(("%s: setting wpa_auth(%d) returned %d\n", __FUNCTION__, WAPI_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED, error)); return error; } } break; #endif /* BCMWAPI_WPI */ default: break; } return 0; } #define VAL_PSK(_val) (((_val) & WPA_AUTH_PSK) || ((_val) & WPA2_AUTH_PSK)) static int wl_iw_get_wpaauth( struct net_device *dev, struct iw_request_info *info, struct iw_param *vwrq, char *extra ) { int error; int paramid; int paramval = 0; int val; wl_iw_t *iw = IW_DEV_IF(dev); WL_TRACE(("%s: SIOCGIWAUTH\n", dev->name)); paramid = vwrq->flags & IW_AUTH_INDEX; switch (paramid) { case IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION: /* supported wpa version disabled or wpa or wpa2 */ if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "wpa_auth", &val))) return error; if (val & (WPA_AUTH_NONE | WPA_AUTH_DISABLED)) paramval = IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_DISABLED; else if (val & (WPA_AUTH_PSK | WPA_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED)) paramval = IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_WPA; else if (val & (WPA2_AUTH_PSK | WPA2_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED)) paramval = IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_WPA2; break; case IW_AUTH_CIPHER_PAIRWISE: paramval = iw->pwsec; break; case IW_AUTH_CIPHER_GROUP: paramval = iw->gwsec; break; case IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT: /* psk, 1x */ if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "wpa_auth", &val))) return error; if (VAL_PSK(val)) paramval = IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_PSK; else paramval = IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_802_1X; break; case IW_AUTH_TKIP_COUNTERMEASURES: dev_wlc_bufvar_get(dev, "tkip_countermeasures", (char *)¶mval, 1); break; case IW_AUTH_DROP_UNENCRYPTED: dev_wlc_bufvar_get(dev, "wsec_restrict", (char *)¶mval, 1); break; case IW_AUTH_RX_UNENCRYPTED_EAPOL: dev_wlc_bufvar_get(dev, "rx_unencrypted_eapol", (char *)¶mval, 1); break; case IW_AUTH_80211_AUTH_ALG: /* open, shared, leap */ if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "auth", &val))) return error; if (!val) paramval = IW_AUTH_ALG_OPEN_SYSTEM; else paramval = IW_AUTH_ALG_SHARED_KEY; break; case IW_AUTH_WPA_ENABLED: if ((error = dev_wlc_intvar_get(dev, "wpa_auth", &val))) return error; if (val) paramval = TRUE; else paramval = FALSE; break; #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 case IW_AUTH_ROAMING_CONTROL: WL_ERROR(("%s: IW_AUTH_ROAMING_CONTROL\n", __FUNCTION__)); /* driver control or user space app control */ break; case IW_AUTH_PRIVACY_INVOKED: paramval = iw->privacy_invoked; break; #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ } vwrq->value = paramval; return 0; } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ static const iw_handler wl_iw_handler[] = { (iw_handler) wl_iw_config_commit, /* SIOCSIWCOMMIT */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_name, /* SIOCGIWNAME */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* SIOCSIWNWID */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* SIOCGIWNWID */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_freq, /* SIOCSIWFREQ */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_freq, /* SIOCGIWFREQ */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_mode, /* SIOCSIWMODE */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_mode, /* SIOCGIWMODE */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* SIOCSIWSENS */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* SIOCGIWSENS */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* SIOCSIWRANGE */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_range, /* SIOCGIWRANGE */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* SIOCSIWPRIV */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* SIOCGIWPRIV */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* SIOCSIWSTATS */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* SIOCGIWSTATS */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_spy, /* SIOCSIWSPY */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_spy, /* SIOCGIWSPY */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* -- hole -- */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* -- hole -- */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_wap, /* SIOCSIWAP */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_wap, /* SIOCGIWAP */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 (iw_handler) wl_iw_mlme, /* SIOCSIWMLME */ #else (iw_handler) NULL, /* -- hole -- */ #endif (iw_handler) wl_iw_iscan_get_aplist, /* SIOCGIWAPLIST */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 13 (iw_handler) wl_iw_iscan_set_scan, /* SIOCSIWSCAN */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_iscan_get_scan, /* SIOCGIWSCAN */ #else /* WIRELESS_EXT > 13 */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* SIOCSIWSCAN */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* SIOCGIWSCAN */ #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 13 */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_essid, /* SIOCSIWESSID */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_essid, /* SIOCGIWESSID */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_nick, /* SIOCSIWNICKN */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_nick, /* SIOCGIWNICKN */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* -- hole -- */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* -- hole -- */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_rate, /* SIOCSIWRATE */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_rate, /* SIOCGIWRATE */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_rts, /* SIOCSIWRTS */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_rts, /* SIOCGIWRTS */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_frag, /* SIOCSIWFRAG */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_frag, /* SIOCGIWFRAG */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_txpow, /* SIOCSIWTXPOW */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_txpow, /* SIOCGIWTXPOW */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 10 (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_retry, /* SIOCSIWRETRY */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_retry, /* SIOCGIWRETRY */ #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 10 */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_encode, /* SIOCSIWENCODE */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_encode, /* SIOCGIWENCODE */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_power, /* SIOCSIWPOWER */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_power, /* SIOCGIWPOWER */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 (iw_handler) NULL, /* -- hole -- */ (iw_handler) NULL, /* -- hole -- */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_wpaie, /* SIOCSIWGENIE */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_wpaie, /* SIOCGIWGENIE */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_wpaauth, /* SIOCSIWAUTH */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_wpaauth, /* SIOCGIWAUTH */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_encodeext, /* SIOCSIWENCODEEXT */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_get_encodeext, /* SIOCGIWENCODEEXT */ (iw_handler) wl_iw_set_pmksa, /* SIOCSIWPMKSA */ #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ }; #if WIRELESS_EXT > 12 enum { WL_IW_SET_LEDDC = SIOCIWFIRSTPRIV, WL_IW_SET_VLANMODE, WL_IW_SET_PM, #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ WL_IW_SET_LAST }; static iw_handler wl_iw_priv_handler[] = { wl_iw_set_leddc, wl_iw_set_vlanmode, wl_iw_set_pm, #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ NULL }; static struct iw_priv_args wl_iw_priv_args[] = { { WL_IW_SET_LEDDC, IW_PRIV_TYPE_INT | IW_PRIV_SIZE_FIXED | 1, 0, "set_leddc" }, { WL_IW_SET_VLANMODE, IW_PRIV_TYPE_INT | IW_PRIV_SIZE_FIXED | 1, 0, "set_vlanmode" }, { WL_IW_SET_PM, IW_PRIV_TYPE_INT | IW_PRIV_SIZE_FIXED | 1, 0, "set_pm" }, #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ { 0, 0, 0, { 0 } } }; const struct iw_handler_def wl_iw_handler_def = { .num_standard = ARRAYSIZE(wl_iw_handler), .num_private = ARRAY_SIZE(wl_iw_priv_handler), .num_private_args = ARRAY_SIZE(wl_iw_priv_args), .standard = (iw_handler *) wl_iw_handler, .private = wl_iw_priv_handler, .private_args = wl_iw_priv_args, #if WIRELESS_EXT >= 19 get_wireless_stats: dhd_get_wireless_stats, #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT >= 19 */ }; #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 12 */ int wl_iw_ioctl( struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd ) { struct iwreq *wrq = (struct iwreq *) rq; struct iw_request_info info; iw_handler handler; char *extra = NULL; size_t token_size = 1; int max_tokens = 0, ret = 0; if (cmd < SIOCIWFIRST || IW_IOCTL_IDX(cmd) >= ARRAYSIZE(wl_iw_handler) || !(handler = wl_iw_handler[IW_IOCTL_IDX(cmd)])) return -EOPNOTSUPP; switch (cmd) { case SIOCSIWESSID: case SIOCGIWESSID: case SIOCSIWNICKN: case SIOCGIWNICKN: max_tokens = IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE + 1; break; case SIOCSIWENCODE: case SIOCGIWENCODE: #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 case SIOCSIWENCODEEXT: case SIOCGIWENCODEEXT: #endif max_tokens = IW_ENCODING_TOKEN_MAX; break; case SIOCGIWRANGE: max_tokens = sizeof(struct iw_range); break; case SIOCGIWAPLIST: token_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr) + sizeof(struct iw_quality); max_tokens = IW_MAX_AP; break; #if WIRELESS_EXT > 13 case SIOCGIWSCAN: if (g_iscan) max_tokens = wrq->u.data.length; else max_tokens = IW_SCAN_MAX_DATA; break; #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 13 */ case SIOCSIWSPY: token_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr); max_tokens = IW_MAX_SPY; break; case SIOCGIWSPY: token_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr) + sizeof(struct iw_quality); max_tokens = IW_MAX_SPY; break; default: break; } if (max_tokens && wrq->u.data.pointer) { if (wrq->u.data.length > max_tokens) return -E2BIG; if (!(extra = kmalloc(max_tokens * token_size, GFP_KERNEL))) return -ENOMEM; if (copy_from_user(extra, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length * token_size)) { kfree(extra); return -EFAULT; } } info.cmd = cmd; info.flags = 0; ret = handler(dev, &info, &wrq->u, extra); if (extra) { if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, extra, wrq->u.data.length * token_size)) { kfree(extra); return -EFAULT; } kfree(extra); } return ret; } /* Convert a connection status event into a connection status string. * Returns TRUE if a matching connection status string was found. */ bool wl_iw_conn_status_str(uint32 event_type, uint32 status, uint32 reason, char* stringBuf, uint buflen) { typedef struct conn_fail_event_map_t { uint32 inEvent; /* input: event type to match */ uint32 inStatus; /* input: event status code to match */ uint32 inReason; /* input: event reason code to match */ const char* outName; /* output: failure type */ const char* outCause; /* output: failure cause */ } conn_fail_event_map_t; /* Map of WLC_E events to connection failure strings */ # define WL_IW_DONT_CARE 9999 const conn_fail_event_map_t event_map [] = { /* inEvent inStatus inReason */ /* outName outCause */ {WLC_E_SET_SSID, WLC_E_STATUS_SUCCESS, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "Success"}, {WLC_E_SET_SSID, WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "NoNetworks"}, {WLC_E_SET_SSID, WLC_E_STATUS_FAIL, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "ConfigMismatch"}, {WLC_E_PRUNE, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, WLC_E_PRUNE_ENCR_MISMATCH, "Conn", "EncrypMismatch"}, {WLC_E_PRUNE, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, WLC_E_RSN_MISMATCH, "Conn", "RsnMismatch"}, {WLC_E_AUTH, WLC_E_STATUS_TIMEOUT, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "AuthTimeout"}, {WLC_E_AUTH, WLC_E_STATUS_FAIL, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "AuthFail"}, {WLC_E_AUTH, WLC_E_STATUS_NO_ACK, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "AuthNoAck"}, {WLC_E_REASSOC, WLC_E_STATUS_FAIL, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "ReassocFail"}, {WLC_E_REASSOC, WLC_E_STATUS_TIMEOUT, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "ReassocTimeout"}, {WLC_E_REASSOC, WLC_E_STATUS_ABORT, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "ReassocAbort"}, {WLC_E_PSK_SUP, WLC_SUP_KEYED, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Sup", "ConnSuccess"}, {WLC_E_PSK_SUP, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Sup", "WpaHandshakeFail"}, {WLC_E_DEAUTH_IND, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "Deauth"}, {WLC_E_DISASSOC_IND, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "DisassocInd"}, {WLC_E_DISASSOC, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, WL_IW_DONT_CARE, "Conn", "Disassoc"} }; const char* name = ""; const char* cause = NULL; int i; /* Search the event map table for a matching event */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(event_map)/sizeof(event_map[0]); i++) { const conn_fail_event_map_t* row = &event_map[i]; if (row->inEvent == event_type && (row->inStatus == status || row->inStatus == WL_IW_DONT_CARE) && (row->inReason == reason || row->inReason == WL_IW_DONT_CARE)) { name = row->outName; cause = row->outCause; break; } } /* If found, generate a connection failure string and return TRUE */ if (cause) { memset(stringBuf, 0, buflen); snprintf(stringBuf, buflen, "%s %s %02d %02d", name, cause, status, reason); WL_TRACE(("Connection status: %s\n", stringBuf)); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } #if (WIRELESS_EXT > 14) /* Check if we have received an event that indicates connection failure * If so, generate a connection failure report string. * The caller supplies a buffer to hold the generated string. */ static bool wl_iw_check_conn_fail(wl_event_msg_t *e, char* stringBuf, uint buflen) { uint32 event = ntoh32(e->event_type); uint32 status = ntoh32(e->status); uint32 reason = ntoh32(e->reason); if (wl_iw_conn_status_str(event, status, reason, stringBuf, buflen)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 14 */ #ifndef IW_CUSTOM_MAX #define IW_CUSTOM_MAX 256 /* size of extra buffer used for translation of events */ #endif /* IW_CUSTOM_MAX */ void wl_iw_event(struct net_device *dev, wl_event_msg_t *e, void* data) { #if WIRELESS_EXT > 13 union iwreq_data wrqu; char extra[IW_CUSTOM_MAX + 1]; int cmd = 0; uint32 event_type = ntoh32(e->event_type); uint16 flags = ntoh16(e->flags); uint32 datalen = ntoh32(e->datalen); uint32 status = ntoh32(e->status); memset(&wrqu, 0, sizeof(wrqu)); memset(extra, 0, sizeof(extra)); memcpy(wrqu.addr.sa_data, &e->addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); wrqu.addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; switch (event_type) { case WLC_E_TXFAIL: cmd = IWEVTXDROP; break; #if WIRELESS_EXT > 14 case WLC_E_JOIN: case WLC_E_ASSOC_IND: case WLC_E_REASSOC_IND: cmd = IWEVREGISTERED; break; case WLC_E_DEAUTH_IND: case WLC_E_DISASSOC_IND: cmd = SIOCGIWAP; wrqu.data.length = strlen(extra); bzero(wrqu.addr.sa_data, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); bzero(&extra, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); break; case WLC_E_LINK: case WLC_E_NDIS_LINK: cmd = SIOCGIWAP; wrqu.data.length = strlen(extra); if (!(flags & WLC_EVENT_MSG_LINK)) { bzero(wrqu.addr.sa_data, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); bzero(&extra, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); } break; case WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME: cmd = IWEVCUSTOM; if (datalen + 1 <= sizeof(extra)) { wrqu.data.length = datalen + 1; extra[0] = WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME; memcpy(&extra[1], data, datalen); WL_TRACE(("WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME len %d \n", wrqu.data.length)); } break; case WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME_COMPLETE: cmd = IWEVCUSTOM; if (sizeof(status) + 1 <= sizeof(extra)) { wrqu.data.length = sizeof(status) + 1; extra[0] = WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME_COMPLETE; memcpy(&extra[1], &status, sizeof(status)); WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_event status %d \n", status)); } break; #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 14 */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 17 case WLC_E_MIC_ERROR: { struct iw_michaelmicfailure *micerrevt = (struct iw_michaelmicfailure *)&extra; cmd = IWEVMICHAELMICFAILURE; wrqu.data.length = sizeof(struct iw_michaelmicfailure); if (flags & WLC_EVENT_MSG_GROUP) micerrevt->flags |= IW_MICFAILURE_GROUP; else micerrevt->flags |= IW_MICFAILURE_PAIRWISE; memcpy(micerrevt->src_addr.sa_data, &e->addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); micerrevt->src_addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; break; } case WLC_E_ASSOC_REQ_IE: cmd = IWEVASSOCREQIE; wrqu.data.length = datalen; if (datalen < sizeof(extra)) memcpy(extra, data, datalen); break; case WLC_E_ASSOC_RESP_IE: cmd = IWEVASSOCRESPIE; wrqu.data.length = datalen; if (datalen < sizeof(extra)) memcpy(extra, data, datalen); break; case WLC_E_PMKID_CACHE: { struct iw_pmkid_cand *iwpmkidcand = (struct iw_pmkid_cand *)&extra; pmkid_cand_list_t *pmkcandlist; pmkid_cand_t *pmkidcand; int count; if (data == NULL) break; cmd = IWEVPMKIDCAND; pmkcandlist = data; count = ntoh32_ua((uint8 *)&pmkcandlist->npmkid_cand); wrqu.data.length = sizeof(struct iw_pmkid_cand); pmkidcand = pmkcandlist->pmkid_cand; while (count) { bzero(iwpmkidcand, sizeof(struct iw_pmkid_cand)); if (pmkidcand->preauth) iwpmkidcand->flags |= IW_PMKID_CAND_PREAUTH; bcopy(&pmkidcand->BSSID, &iwpmkidcand->bssid.sa_data, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); wireless_send_event(dev, cmd, &wrqu, extra); pmkidcand++; count--; } break; } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 17 */ case WLC_E_SCAN_COMPLETE: #if WIRELESS_EXT > 14 cmd = SIOCGIWSCAN; #endif WL_TRACE(("event WLC_E_SCAN_COMPLETE\n")); if ((g_iscan) && (g_iscan->sysioc_pid >= 0) && (g_iscan->iscan_state != ISCAN_STATE_IDLE)) up(&g_iscan->sysioc_sem); break; default: /* Cannot translate event */ break; } if (cmd) { if (cmd == SIOCGIWSCAN) wireless_send_event(dev, cmd, &wrqu, NULL); else wireless_send_event(dev, cmd, &wrqu, extra); } #if WIRELESS_EXT > 14 /* Look for WLC events that indicate a connection failure. * If found, generate an IWEVCUSTOM event. */ memset(extra, 0, sizeof(extra)); if (wl_iw_check_conn_fail(e, extra, sizeof(extra))) { cmd = IWEVCUSTOM; wrqu.data.length = strlen(extra); wireless_send_event(dev, cmd, &wrqu, extra); } #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 14 */ #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 13 */ } int wl_iw_get_wireless_stats(struct net_device *dev, struct iw_statistics *wstats) { int res = 0; wl_cnt_t cnt; int phy_noise; int rssi; scb_val_t scb_val; phy_noise = 0; if ((res = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_PHY_NOISE, &phy_noise, sizeof(phy_noise)))) goto done; phy_noise = dtoh32(phy_noise); WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats phy noise=%d\n *****", phy_noise)); scb_val.val = 0; if ((res = dev_wlc_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_RSSI, &scb_val, sizeof(scb_val_t)))) goto done; rssi = dtoh32(scb_val.val); WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats rssi=%d ****** \n", rssi)); if (rssi <= WL_IW_RSSI_NO_SIGNAL) wstats->qual.qual = 0; else if (rssi <= WL_IW_RSSI_VERY_LOW) wstats->qual.qual = 1; else if (rssi <= WL_IW_RSSI_LOW) wstats->qual.qual = 2; else if (rssi <= WL_IW_RSSI_GOOD) wstats->qual.qual = 3; else if (rssi <= WL_IW_RSSI_VERY_GOOD) wstats->qual.qual = 4; else wstats->qual.qual = 5; /* Wraps to 0 if RSSI is 0 */ wstats->qual.level = 0x100 + rssi; wstats->qual.noise = 0x100 + phy_noise; #if WIRELESS_EXT > 18 wstats->qual.updated |= (IW_QUAL_ALL_UPDATED | IW_QUAL_DBM); #else wstats->qual.updated |= 7; #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 18 */ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 11 WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats counters=%d\n *****", (int)sizeof(wl_cnt_t))); memset(&cnt, 0, sizeof(wl_cnt_t)); res = dev_wlc_bufvar_get(dev, "counters", (char *)&cnt, sizeof(wl_cnt_t)); if (res) { WL_ERROR(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats counters failed error=%d ****** \n", res)); goto done; } cnt.version = dtoh16(cnt.version); if (cnt.version != WL_CNT_T_VERSION) { WL_TRACE(("\tIncorrect version of counters struct: expected %d; got %d\n", WL_CNT_T_VERSION, cnt.version)); goto done; } wstats->discard.nwid = 0; wstats->discard.code = dtoh32(cnt.rxundec); wstats->discard.fragment = dtoh32(cnt.rxfragerr); wstats->discard.retries = dtoh32(cnt.txfail); wstats->discard.misc = dtoh32(cnt.rxrunt) + dtoh32(cnt.rxgiant); wstats->miss.beacon = 0; WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats counters txframe=%d txbyte=%d\n", dtoh32(cnt.txframe), dtoh32(cnt.txbyte))); WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats counters rxfrmtoolong=%d\n", dtoh32(cnt.rxfrmtoolong))); WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats counters rxbadplcp=%d\n", dtoh32(cnt.rxbadplcp))); WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats counters rxundec=%d\n", dtoh32(cnt.rxundec))); WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats counters rxfragerr=%d\n", dtoh32(cnt.rxfragerr))); WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats counters txfail=%d\n", dtoh32(cnt.txfail))); WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats counters rxrunt=%d\n", dtoh32(cnt.rxrunt))); WL_TRACE(("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats counters rxgiant=%d\n", dtoh32(cnt.rxgiant))); #endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 11 */ done: return res; } static void wl_iw_timerfunc(ulong data) { iscan_info_t *iscan = (iscan_info_t *)data; iscan->timer_on = 0; if (iscan->iscan_state != ISCAN_STATE_IDLE) { WL_TRACE(("timer trigger\n")); up(&iscan->sysioc_sem); } } static void wl_iw_set_event_mask(struct net_device *dev) { char eventmask[WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN]; char iovbuf[WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN + 12]; /* Room for "event_msgs" + '\0' + bitvec */ dev_iw_iovar_getbuf(dev, "event_msgs", "", 0, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf)); bcopy(iovbuf, eventmask, WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN); setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_SCAN_COMPLETE); dev_iw_iovar_setbuf(dev, "event_msgs", eventmask, WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf)); } static int wl_iw_iscan_prep(wl_scan_params_t *params, wlc_ssid_t *ssid) { int err = 0; memcpy(¶ms->bssid, ðer_bcast, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); params->bss_type = DOT11_BSSTYPE_ANY; params->scan_type = 0; params->nprobes = -1; params->active_time = -1; params->passive_time = -1; params->home_time = -1; params->channel_num = 0; params->nprobes = htod32(params->nprobes); params->active_time = htod32(params->active_time); params->passive_time = htod32(params->passive_time); params->home_time = htod32(params->home_time); if (ssid && ssid->SSID_len) memcpy(¶ms->ssid, ssid, sizeof(wlc_ssid_t)); return err; } static int wl_iw_iscan(iscan_info_t *iscan, wlc_ssid_t *ssid, uint16 action) { int params_size = (WL_SCAN_PARAMS_FIXED_SIZE + OFFSETOF(wl_iscan_params_t, params)); wl_iscan_params_t *params; int err = 0; if (ssid && ssid->SSID_len) { params_size += sizeof(wlc_ssid_t); } params = (wl_iscan_params_t*)kmalloc(params_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (params == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } memset(params, 0, params_size); ASSERT(params_size < WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN); err = wl_iw_iscan_prep(¶ms->params, ssid); if (!err) { params->version = htod32(ISCAN_REQ_VERSION); params->action = htod16(action); params->scan_duration = htod16(0); /* params_size += OFFSETOF(wl_iscan_params_t, params); */ (void) dev_iw_iovar_setbuf(iscan->dev, "iscan", params, params_size, iscan->ioctlbuf, WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN); } kfree(params); return err; } static uint32 wl_iw_iscan_get(iscan_info_t *iscan) { iscan_buf_t * buf; iscan_buf_t * ptr; wl_iscan_results_t * list_buf; wl_iscan_results_t list; wl_scan_results_t *results; uint32 status; /* buffers are allocated on demand */ if (iscan->list_cur) { buf = iscan->list_cur; iscan->list_cur = buf->next; } else { buf = kmalloc(sizeof(iscan_buf_t), GFP_KERNEL); if (!buf) return WL_SCAN_RESULTS_ABORTED; buf->next = NULL; if (!iscan->list_hdr) iscan->list_hdr = buf; else { ptr = iscan->list_hdr; while (ptr->next) { ptr = ptr->next; } ptr->next = buf; } } memset(buf->iscan_buf, 0, WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN); list_buf = (wl_iscan_results_t*)buf->iscan_buf; results = &list_buf->results; results->buflen = WL_ISCAN_RESULTS_FIXED_SIZE; results->version = 0; results->count = 0; memset(&list, 0, sizeof(list)); list.results.buflen = htod32(WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN); (void) dev_iw_iovar_getbuf( iscan->dev, "iscanresults", &list, WL_ISCAN_RESULTS_FIXED_SIZE, buf->iscan_buf, WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN); results->buflen = dtoh32(results->buflen); results->version = dtoh32(results->version); results->count = dtoh32(results->count); WL_TRACE(("results->count = %d\n", results->count)); WL_TRACE(("results->buflen = %d\n", results->buflen)); status = dtoh32(list_buf->status); return status; } static void wl_iw_send_scan_complete(iscan_info_t *iscan) { union iwreq_data wrqu; memset(&wrqu, 0, sizeof(wrqu)); /* wext expects to get no data for SIOCGIWSCAN Event */ wireless_send_event(iscan->dev, SIOCGIWSCAN, &wrqu, NULL); } static int _iscan_sysioc_thread(void *data) { uint32 status; iscan_info_t *iscan = (iscan_info_t *)data; DAEMONIZE("iscan_sysioc"); status = WL_SCAN_RESULTS_PARTIAL; while (down_interruptible(&iscan->sysioc_sem) == 0) { if (iscan->timer_on) { del_timer(&iscan->timer); iscan->timer_on = 0; } #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) rtnl_lock(); #endif status = wl_iw_iscan_get(iscan); #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) rtnl_unlock(); #endif switch (status) { case WL_SCAN_RESULTS_PARTIAL: WL_TRACE(("iscanresults incomplete\n")); #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) rtnl_lock(); #endif /* make sure our buffer size is enough before going next round */ wl_iw_iscan(iscan, NULL, WL_SCAN_ACTION_CONTINUE); #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) rtnl_unlock(); #endif /* Reschedule the timer */ iscan->timer.expires = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(iscan->timer_ms); add_timer(&iscan->timer); iscan->timer_on = 1; break; case WL_SCAN_RESULTS_SUCCESS: WL_TRACE(("iscanresults complete\n")); iscan->iscan_state = ISCAN_STATE_IDLE; wl_iw_send_scan_complete(iscan); break; case WL_SCAN_RESULTS_PENDING: WL_TRACE(("iscanresults pending\n")); /* Reschedule the timer */ iscan->timer.expires = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(iscan->timer_ms); add_timer(&iscan->timer); iscan->timer_on = 1; break; case WL_SCAN_RESULTS_ABORTED: WL_TRACE(("iscanresults aborted\n")); iscan->iscan_state = ISCAN_STATE_IDLE; wl_iw_send_scan_complete(iscan); break; default: WL_TRACE(("iscanresults returned unknown status %d\n", status)); break; } } complete_and_exit(&iscan->sysioc_exited, 0); } int wl_iw_attach(struct net_device *dev, void * dhdp) { iscan_info_t *iscan = NULL; if (!dev) return 0; iscan = kmalloc(sizeof(iscan_info_t), GFP_KERNEL); if (!iscan) return -ENOMEM; memset(iscan, 0, sizeof(iscan_info_t)); #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3, 7, 0)) iscan->kthread = NULL; #endif iscan->sysioc_pid = -1; /* we only care about main interface so save a global here */ g_iscan = iscan; iscan->dev = dev; iscan->iscan_state = ISCAN_STATE_IDLE; /* Set up the timer */ iscan->timer_ms = 2000; init_timer(&iscan->timer); iscan->timer.data = (ulong)iscan; iscan->timer.function = wl_iw_timerfunc; sema_init(&iscan->sysioc_sem, 0); init_completion(&iscan->sysioc_exited); #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3, 7, 0)) iscan->kthread = kthread_run(_iscan_sysioc_thread, iscan, "iscan_sysioc"); iscan->sysioc_pid = iscan->kthread->pid; #else iscan->sysioc_pid = kernel_thread(_iscan_sysioc_thread, iscan, 0); #endif if (iscan->sysioc_pid < 0) return -ENOMEM; return 0; } void wl_iw_detach(void) { iscan_buf_t *buf; iscan_info_t *iscan = g_iscan; if (!iscan) return; if (iscan->sysioc_pid >= 0) { KILL_PROC(iscan->sysioc_pid, SIGTERM); wait_for_completion(&iscan->sysioc_exited); } while (iscan->list_hdr) { buf = iscan->list_hdr->next; kfree(iscan->list_hdr); iscan->list_hdr = buf; } kfree(iscan); g_iscan = NULL; } #endif /* USE_IW */