# pelican-bootstrap3 This is a Bootstrap 3 theme for Pelican. It's fully responsive. Bootstrap 3 has seen an official, final release now, so I don't expect any breaking changes anymore. I will try to keep it up-to-date. ## Installation First: `git clone https://github.com/DandyDev/pelican-bootstrap3.git` Then: Point the `THEME` variable in your `pelicanconf.py` to `/path/to/pelican-bootstrap3` ## Usage This theme honors the following standard Pelican settings: * Putting feeds in the `` section: * `FEED_ALL_ATOM` * `FEED_ALL_RSS` * Template settings: * `DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU` * `DISPLAY_CATEGORIES_ON_MENU` * `MENUITEMS` * Analytics & Comments * `GOOGLE_ANALYTICS` * `DISQUS_SITENAME` It uses the `tag_cloud` variable for displaying tags in the sidebar. You can control the amount of tags shown with: `TAG_CLOUD_MAX_ITEMS` Categories are disabled by default because I don't use them myself. If you want to show them in the sidebar, uncomment the relevant section in `includes/sidebar.html` ## Extras ### GitHub The theme can show your most recently active GitHub repos in the sidebar. To enable, provide a `GITHUB_USER`. Appearance and behaviour can be controlled using the following variables: * `GITHUB_REPO_COUNT` (default: `5`) * `GITHUB_SKIP_FORK` (default: `False`) * `GITHUB_SHOW_USER_LINK` (default: `True`) * `GITHUB_SORT_ATTRIBUTE` (default: `pushed_at`, for other attributes like `stargazers_count` cf. `https://api.github.com/users//repos`) * `GITHUB_SORT_DESCENDING` (default: `True`) ### Bootswatch and other Bootstrap 3 themes I included all the lovely Bootstrap 3 themes from [Bootswatch](http://bootswatch.com/), built by [Thomas Park](https://github.com/thomaspark). You can tell Pelican what Bootswatch theme to use, by setting `BOOTSTRAP_THEME` to the desired theme, in lowercase (ie. 'readable' or 'cosmo' etc.). My own site is using _Readable_. If you want to use any other Bootstrap 3 compatible theme, just put the minified CSS in the `static/css` directory and rename it using the following naming scheme: `bootstrap.{theme-name}.min.css`. Then update the `BOOTSTRAP_THEME` variable with the _theme-name_ used. ### AddThis You can enable sharing buttons through [AddThis](http://www.addthis.com/) by setting `ADDTHIS_PROFILE` to your AddThis profile-id. This will display a **Tweet**, **Facebook Like** and **Google +1** button under each post. ### Facebook Open Graph In order to make the Facebook like button work better, the template contains Open Graph metatags like ``. You can disable them by setting `USE_OPEN_GRAPH` to `False`. You can use `OPEN_GRAPH_FB_APP_ID` to provide a Facebook _app id_. You can also provide a default image that will be passed to Facebook for the homepage of you site by setting `OPEN_GRAPH_IMAGE` to a relative file path, which will be prefixed by your site's static directory. ## Screenshot ![](screenshot.png) ![](screenshot-article.png) ## Live example [This is my website](http://dandydev.net)