# Bugs Before create a new bug, please, first search if the bug already exists to avoid duplication. Then, remember to add: - a short but clear title, - a good description, including details and steps to reproduce (if applicable), - your distro name, - your distro version. This will speed up the mitigation process. # Contributing Contributions are welcomed and appreciated! To start contributing: 1. Fork the repository on GitHub.com 2. Clone your fork - `$ git clone git@github.com:your-user-name/scudcloud.git` - `$ cd scudcloud` 3. Create a feature branch using the issue number (if exists): - `$ git checkout -b 123-named-feature-branch` 4. Backup local scudcloud - `$ sudo mv /opt/scudcloud /opt/scudcloud.bak` - `$ sudo mv /usr/bin/scudcloud /usr/bin/scudcloud.bak` 5. Install local scudcloud - `$ sudo ln -s scudcloud-1.0/lib/*.py /opt/scudcloud/lib` - `$ sudo ln -s scudcloud-1.0/resources/* /opt/scudcloud/resources` - `$ sudo ln -s scudcloud-1.0/scudcloud $INSTALL` 6. Make your changes - `$ git commit -am "implement feature"` 7. Submit a pull request on GitHub.com - `$ git push origin named-feature-branch` 8. Edit your pull request description in GitHub.com to include the issue number In case you need to inspect HTML/CSS/Javascript, start ScudCloud enabling the web console: scudcloud --debug=True Then right click in any element, and select `Inspect`. Then at the top, select `Console`. ## ScudCloud.js Some JavaScript functions are injected in Slack, to enable integration with ScudCloud. Then file is minimized, to allow a better performance. If you change anything in the JS source files and want to minimize again, minimize with http://jscompress.com/.