! { dg-do compile } subroutine f6 !$omp declare reduction (foo:real:omp_out (omp_in)) ! { dg-error "Unclassifiable OpenMP directive" } !$omp declare reduction (bar:real:omp_out = omp_in * omp_out) & ! { dg-error "Unclassifiable OpenMP directive" } !$omp & initializer (omp_priv (omp_orig)) end subroutine f6 subroutine f7 integer :: a !$omp declare reduction (foo:integer:a (omp_out, omp_in)) ! { dg-error "Unclassifiable OpenMP directive" } !$omp declare reduction (bar:real:omp_out = omp_out.or.omp_in) ! { dg-error "Operands of logical operator" } !$omp declare reduction (baz:real:omp_out = omp_out + omp_in) !$omp & initializer (a (omp_priv, omp_orig)) ! { dg-error "Unclassifiable OpenMP directive" } real :: r r = 0.0 !$omp parallel reduction (bar:r) !$omp end parallel end subroutine f7 subroutine f8 interface subroutine f8a (x) integer :: x end subroutine f8a end interface !$omp declare reduction (baz:integer:omp_out = omp_out + omp_in) & !$omp & initializer (f8a (omp_orig)) ! { dg-error "One of actual subroutine arguments in INITIALIZER clause" } !$omp declare reduction (foo:integer:f8a) ! { dg-error "is not a variable" } !$omp declare reduction (bar:integer:omp_out = omp_out - omp_in) & !$omp & initializer (f8a) ! { dg-error "is not a variable" } end subroutine f8 subroutine f9 type dt ! { dg-error "which is not consistent with the CALL" } integer :: x = 0 integer :: y = 0 end type dt integer :: i !$omp declare reduction (foo:integer:dt (omp_out, omp_in)) ! { dg-error "which is not consistent with the CALL" } !$omp declare reduction (bar:integer:omp_out = omp_out + omp_in) & !$omp & initializer (dt (omp_priv, omp_orig)) ! { dg-error "which is not consistent with the CALL" } i = 0 !$omp parallel reduction (foo : i) !$omp end parallel !$omp parallel reduction (bar : i) !$omp end parallel end subroutine f9 subroutine f10 integer :: a, b !$omp declare reduction(foo:character(len=64) & !$omp & :omp_out(a:b) = omp_in(a:b)) ! { dg-error "Variable other than OMP_OUT or OMP_IN used in combiner" } !$omp declare reduction(bar:character(len=16) & !$omp & :omp_out = trim(omp_out) // omp_in) & !$omp & initializer (omp_priv(a:b) = ' ') ! { dg-error "Variable other than OMP_PRIV or OMP_ORIG used in INITIALIZER clause" } end subroutine f10