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authorYohann Roussel <>2015-11-04 20:55:54 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2015-11-04 20:55:54 +0000
commit9094651366b598235536e624d6fc114e50d0d26a (patch)
parentc7557e40a8e0d5c004a2f05a75be0644dbf70c44 (diff)
parentc1bac9e658e28728da778d44863bd81dd96db8a7 (diff)
Merge "Replace README.txt by a link to AOSP page" into ub-jack-brest
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 252 deletions
diff --git a/jack-server/README.txt b/jack-server/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 13fbe7e..0000000
--- a/jack-server/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-Jack server
-The first time jack is used, it launches a local Jack compilation server on your computer:
-- This server brings an intrinsic speedup because it avoids launching a new JVM, loading Jack code,
- initializing Jack and warming up the JIT at each compilation. This server speeds up the
- compilation of a tree to be really close to the old toolchain, but also provides very good
- compilation times during small compilations (e.g. in incremental mode).
-- The server is also a short-term solution to control the number of parallel Jack compilations, and
- so to avoid the overloading of your computer (memory or disk issue), because it limits the number
- of parallel compilations.
-The Jack server shutdowns itself after an idle time without any compilation. It uses two TCP ports
-on the localhost interface, and so is not available externally. All these parameters (number of
-parallel compilations, timeout, ports number, ... can be modified by editing the $HOME/.jack file).
-$HOME/.jack file
-The $HOME/.jack file are setting Jack server variables in a full bash syntax. Follows description
-with default value:
- Enable the server feature of jack
- Set the TCP port number of the server for compilation purpose
- Set the TCP port number of the server for admin purpose
- Not used today
- Number of maximum parallel compilations allowed
- Number of idle seconds the server has to wait without any compilation before shutting down itself
- File where server logs are written. By default, this variable can be overloaded by environment
- variable
- The default command used to launch a JVM on the host. By default, this variable can be overloaded
- by environment variable
-Log file
-The log is at $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/out/dist/logs/jack-server.log if you ran a make command with a dist
-target, or else you can find it in by running "jack-admin server-log".
-If your computer becomes unresponsive during compilation or if you experience Jack compilations
-failing on “Out of memory error.”
-You can improve the situation by reducing the number of jack simultaneous compilations by editing
-your $HOME/.jack and changing SERVER_NB_COMPILE to a lower value.
-If your compilations are failing on “Cannot launch background server”
-The most likely cause is TCP ports are already used on your computer. Try to change it by editing
-your $HOME/.jack (SERVER_PORT_SERVICE and SERVER_PORT_ADMIN variables).
-If it doesn’t solve the problem, please report and attach you compilation log and the jack server
-log (see previous section where to find it). To unblock the situation, disable jack compilation
-server by editing your $HOME/.jack and changing SERVER to false. Unfortunately this will
-significantly slow down your compilation and may force you to launch make -j with load control
-(option "-l" of make). For example we're using make -j -l 60 on a Z620. Feel free to adjust -l
-argument according to your machine configuration.
-If your compilation gets stuck without any progress
-Please report and give us additional information when possible:
-- The command line getting stuck.
-- The output this command line.
-- The result of executing a “jack-admin server-stat”.
-- The file $HOME/.jack.
-- The content of the server log with the server state dumped:
- - Find the jack background server process: “jack-admin list-server”.
- - Send a “kill -3” to this server to dump his state in the log file.
- - To know where is the server log file, execute “jack-admin server-log”.
-- The result of executing “ls -lR $TMPDIR/jack-$USER”.
-- The result of running something like “ps j -U $USER”.
-You should be able to unblock yourself by killing the Jack background server (use “jack-admin
diff --git a/jack/README.txt b/jack/README.txt
index bdf6877..72ac230 100644
--- a/jack/README.txt
+++ b/jack/README.txt
@@ -1,151 +1,2 @@
-Jack is a new Android toolchain generating dex files. Jack is available in AOSP, reduces the number
-of external tools and provides an incremental compilation support to reduce development compilation
-Jack source code is available in AOSP in ub-jack* branches,
-Overview, supported features, how to use in Gradle and SDK release notes can be found on our public
-tool page
-Jack provides:
-A compiler from Java programming language source to the Android dex file format
-Several features integrated in the same tool
-An incremental compilation to speedup the compilation time
-Jill is another tool that translates an existing .jar to a .jack library file format.
-How to use in the Android source tree
-Below we describe how to use Jack in the Android source tree. Please have a look to Limitations
-sections before starting using it.
-How to use Jack
-If you're working in a tree supporting Jack and it's not default you can enable Jack with
-Then use your standard makefile commands to compile the tree or your project.
-Jack uses a local compilation server on your computer. For more information about the Jack server
-and its configuration files see jack-server/README.txt.
-Currently the incremental compilation is not enabled by default. Please have a look to 'Using Jack
-incremental compilation' section.
-If you have issues, or want to provide feedback
-To report bugs or request features use our issue tracker, available at and use
-the templates Jack tool bug report
-or Jack tool feature request
-How to get detailed build logs in case of Jack failure
-In case of Jack failures, you can have a more detailed log by setting one variable:
-$ export ANDROID_JACK_EXTRA_ARGS="--verbose debug --sanity-checks on -D sched.runner=single-threaded"
-Then use your standard makefile commands to compile the tree or your project and attach its standard
-output and error.
-Attach also the Jack server log: The log is at $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/out/dist/logs/jack-server.log if
-you ran a make command with a dist target, or else you can find it in by running
-"jack-admin server-log".
-To remove detailed build logs use:
-Your problems may also be related to the Jack server, check the "troubleshooting" section of
-If you are blocked due to a Jack bug
-You can continue to work
-on your own tree by temporarily switching to javac/dx toolchain. You must remove all dex files in
-the 'out' directory, and disable Jack with the command lines below. Then use your standard makefile
-commands to compile the tree or your project.
-$ mm clean-dex-files
-If a Jack bug is solved, you can switch back to Jack toolchain in your tree, you must remove all dex
-files in the 'out' directory, and enable Jack with the command line below. Then use your standard
-makefile commands to compile the tree or your project.
-$ mm clean-dex-files
-Using Jack incremental compilation
-Enabling incremental support in a project
-Add the following line to the file of the project that you want to build incrementally.
-LOCAL_JACK_ENABLED := incremental
-The first time that you build your project with Jack if some dependencies are not built, use mma to
-build them, and after that you can use the standard build command.
-If you have issues
-If you are experimenting issues using the incremental support, first please file a bug report and
-attach the incremental log that is located in the folder jack-incremental/logs into the output
-folder of your module to the bug report. Please send also detailed build logs (see previous section
-for how to).
-Then clean your incremental folder to restart from a full compilation of your module in order to see
- if it resolves your problem by using:
-mm clean-jack-incremental
-Then if the problem persists, it is recommended to disable incremental support and try again (see
-below for how to).
-How to disable incremental support
-Revert the modification done in your and clear your incremental folder by using the
-following command lines:
-mm clean-jack-incremental
-Known limitations
-- The Jack server is mono-user by default, so can be only used by one user on a computer. If it is
- not the case, please, choose different port numbers for each user and adjust SERVER_NB_COMPILE
- accordingly. You can also disable the Jack server by setting SERVER=false in your $HOME/.jack.
-- CTS compilation is very slow because of vm-tests-tf integration.
-- The build system is not fully optimized for Jack: we're currently doing extra jobs during the tree
- compilation.
-- Bytecode manipulation tools, like JaCoCo, are not supported.
+Please see documentation at