package org.cyanogenmod.tests.alarmclock; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.DatabaseUtils; import; import android.provider.AlarmClock; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import cyanogenmod.alarmclock.ClockContract; import cyanogenmod.alarmclock.CyanogenModAlarmClock; import org.cyanogenmod.tests.TestActivity; /** * Tests functionality added in {@link cyanogenmod.alarmclock.CyanogenModAlarmClock} */ public class CMAlarmClockTest extends TestActivity { private static final String TAG = "CMAlarmClockTest"; private static final String[] ALARM_QUERY_COLUMNS = { ClockContract.AlarmsColumns._ID, ClockContract.AlarmsColumns.LABEL, ClockContract.AlarmsColumns.VIBRATE, ClockContract.AlarmsColumns.RINGTONE, ClockContract.AlarmsColumns.INCREASING_VOLUME, ClockContract.AlarmsColumns.PROFILE, ClockContract.AlarmsColumns.ENABLED }; @Override protected String tag() { return null; } @Override protected Test[] tests() { return mTests; } private Test[] mTests = new Test[] { new Test("Test query alarms and dump to log") { public void run() { Uri clockUri = ClockContract.AlarmsColumns.CONTENT_URI; Cursor allAlarms = getContentResolver().query(clockUri, ALARM_QUERY_COLUMNS, null, null, null); Log.d(TAG, "All alarms: " + DatabaseUtils.dumpCursorToString(allAlarms)); if (allAlarms != null && !allAlarms.isClosed()) { allAlarms.close(); } } }, new Test("Test create alarm") { public void run() { Intent intent = CyanogenModAlarmClock.createAlarmIntent(CMAlarmClockTest.this); intent.putExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_HOUR, 13); intent.putExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_MINUTES, 35); intent.putExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_MESSAGE, "Test from third party!"); intent.putExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_SKIP_UI, true); startActivityForResult(intent, 0); } }, new Test("Enable the first alarm if it exists") { public void run() { setAlarmEnabledAtIndex(0, true); } }, new Test("Disable the first alarm if it exists") { public void run() { setAlarmEnabledAtIndex(0, false); } }, new Test("Enable the second alarm if it exists") { public void run() { setAlarmEnabledAtIndex(1, true); } }, new Test("Disable the second alarm if it exists") { public void run() { setAlarmEnabledAtIndex(1, false); } }, }; /** * Retrieve the id of the alarm within the Alarms table at the given index. * @param index The index of the alarm for which to retrieve the id, beginning at zero. * @return The ID of the alarm at the given index or -1L if * no alarm exists at that index. */ private long getAlarmIdAtIndex(int index) { Uri clockUri = ClockContract.AlarmsColumns.CONTENT_URI; Cursor allAlarms = getContentResolver().query(clockUri, new String[]{ClockContract.AlarmsColumns._ID}, null, null, null); long theIdToReturn = -1L; int current = 0; int idColumnIndex = allAlarms.getColumnIndex(ClockContract.AlarmsColumns._ID); allAlarms.moveToFirst(); while(!allAlarms.isAfterLast()) { if (current == index) { theIdToReturn = allAlarms.getLong(idColumnIndex); break; } current++; allAlarms.moveToNext(); } if (allAlarms != null && !allAlarms.isClosed()) { allAlarms.close(); } return theIdToReturn; } /** * Construct a new Intent that will launch a DeskClock IntentService to * set an alarm's state to enabled or disabled. * @param alarmId The ID of the alarm that we will toggle. * @param enabledState The new state of the alarm, whether it will be enabled or disabled. * @return The Intent to launch that will perform this action. */ private Intent getIntentToSetAlarmEnabled(long alarmId, boolean enabledState) { Intent intent = new Intent(CyanogenModAlarmClock.ACTION_SET_ALARM_ENABLED); intent.setPackage(""); intent.putExtra(CyanogenModAlarmClock.EXTRA_ALARM_ID, alarmId); intent.putExtra(CyanogenModAlarmClock.EXTRA_ENABLED, enabledState); return intent; } private void setAlarmEnabledAtIndex(int index, boolean enabled) { long firstAlarmId = getAlarmIdAtIndex(index); if (firstAlarmId == -1L) { Toast.makeText(this, "Alarm not found!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); } else { startService(getIntentToSetAlarmEnabled(firstAlarmId, enabled)); } } }