path: root/main/res
diff options
authorSamuel Tardieu <sam@rfc1149.net>2013-09-14 09:42:52 +0200
committerSamuel Tardieu <sam@rfc1149.net>2013-09-14 09:45:01 +0200
commit3bfd4f87361086e67b5809972f314e1c7f669fc4 (patch)
treeacc2794bd91077612a5157d6330fea0d383591fc /main/res
parentfe67dd412b14704720b9f1e0fe8e636278901f24 (diff)
Enable in-band registration for opencaching.pl
Diffstat (limited to 'main/res')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/main/res/values-de/strings.xml b/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
index 4d228fa..f9ddc7c 100644
--- a/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -485,17 +485,7 @@
<string name="auth_finish">Fertig</string>
<string name="auth_ocde">opencaching.de</string>
<string name="auth_ocpl">opencaching.pl</string>
- <string name="auth_authorize_oc">c:geo autorisieren</string>
- <string name="auth_start_oc">Starte Autorisierung</string>
- <string name="auth_again_oc">Neustarten</string>
- <string name="auth_pin_hint_oc">%s-PIN</string>
- <string name="auth_finish_oc">Fertig</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_wait_oc">Warten auf %s…</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_title_oc">PIN Code</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_message_oc">Bitte den %s-PIN-Code eingeben, dies ist notwendig um die Autorisierung abzuschließen.</string>
<string name="auth_dialog_completed_oc">c:geo ist nun autorisiert, caches zu laden und auf %s zu loggen.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_1_oc">Der folgende Prozess erlaubt es <b>c:geo</b> auf den persönlichen %s-Account zuzugreifen, wenn zugestimmt wird.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_2_oc">Ein Klick auf \"Starte Autorisierung\" öffnet eine %s-Seite in einem Browserfenster. Durch die Anmeldung und die Bestätigung wird <b>c:geo</b> ermöglicht, auf den persönlichen Account zuzugreifen. Wird dies bestätigt, nennt %s eine numerische PIN, diese muss kopiert und in <b>c:geo</b> eingefügt werden. Das ist alles.</string>
<string name="cache_offline">Offline</string>
<string name="cache_offline_refresh">Aktualisieren</string>
<string name="cache_offline_drop">Löschen</string>
diff --git a/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index 8bb63a3..7955a5d 100644
--- a/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -494,17 +494,7 @@
<string name="auth_dialog_completed_twitter">c:geo est maintenant autorisé à poster sur Twitter.</string>
<string name="auth_ocde">opencaching.de</string>
<string name="auth_ocpl">opencaching.pl</string>
- <string name="auth_authorize_oc">Autoriser c:geo</string>
- <string name="auth_start_oc">Commencer l\'autorisation</string>
- <string name="auth_again_oc">Recommencer</string>
- <string name="auth_pin_hint_oc">Code donné par %s</string>
- <string name="auth_finish_oc">Terminer</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_wait_oc">En attente de %s…</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_title_oc">Code PIN</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_message_oc">Veuillez saisir votre code PIN fourni par %s. Il est nécessaire pour finaliser l\'autorisation.</string>
<string name="auth_dialog_completed_oc">c:geo est désormais autorisé à interagir avec %s.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_1_oc">La procédure suivante permet à <b>c:geo</b> d\'accéder à %s - si vous acceptez.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_2_oc">Cliquer sur le bouton \"début d\'autorisation\" pour démarrer. Une fenêtre de navigateur va s\'ouvrir pour vous connecter sur %s. Accepter pour que <b>c:geo</b> accède à votre compte. %s vous affichera alors un code PIN composé de chiffres. Merci de recopier ce code dans <b>c:geo</b> et de confirmer. C\'est tout.</string>
<string name="cache_offline">Hors ligne</string>
<string name="cache_offline_refresh">Recharger</string>
<string name="cache_offline_drop">Effacer</string>
diff --git a/main/res/values-it/strings.xml b/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
index 8712b03..53e2688 100644
--- a/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
+++ b/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -486,17 +486,7 @@
<!-- auth opencaching -->
<string name="auth_ocde">opencaching.de</string>
- <string name="auth_authorize_oc">Autorizza c:geo</string>
- <string name="auth_start_oc">Start autorizzazione</string>
- <string name="auth_again_oc">Start nuovamente</string>
- <string name="auth_pin_hint_oc">PIN assegnato da %s</string>
- <string name="auth_finish_oc">Fine</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_wait_oc">In attesa di %s…</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_title_oc">PIN code</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_message_oc">Prego riportare il PIN fornito dal sito %s. È necessario per completare l\'autorizzazione.</string>
<string name="auth_dialog_completed_oc">c:geo è ora autorizzato ad accedere a %s.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_1_oc">La procedura seguente consentirà a <b>c:geo</b></string>
- <string name="about_auth_2_oc">Un click sul pulsante \"Autorizza c:geo\" inizierà la procedura. Verrà aperta la pagina %s nel browser. Effettua Login sulla pagina ed acconsenti a <b>c:geo</b></string>
<!-- cache -->
<plurals name="cache_counts">
diff --git a/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml
index 41cbbd7..152aae2 100644
--- a/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml
+++ b/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml
@@ -523,17 +523,7 @@
<!-- auth opencaching -->
<string name="auth_ocde">opencaching.de</string>
- <string name="auth_authorize_oc">c:geoを認証</string>
- <string name="auth_start_oc">認証を開始</string>
- <string name="auth_again_oc">再度認証を開始</string>
- <string name="auth_pin_hint_oc">%sのPINコード</string>
- <string name="auth_finish_oc">完了</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_wait_oc">%sからの返答を待っています…</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_title_oc">PINコード</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_message_oc">%sのサイトで表示されたPINコードを入力してください。認証を完了するために必要です。</string>
<string name="auth_dialog_completed_oc">c:geoは%sと連携するための認証を受けました。</string>
- <string name="about_auth_1_oc"><b>c:geo</b>が%sにアクセスする許可を得るには次のようにしてください。</string>
- <string name="about_auth_2_oc">「認証を開始する」ボタンを押すとブラウザで%sのページが開きます。そのページにログインすれば<b>c:geo</b>があなたのアカウントにアクセルする許可が得られます。ログインに成功したら数字のPINコードが表示されるので、この下の入力欄にコピー&amp;ペーストして「完了」ボタンを押してください。</string>
<!-- cache -->
<plurals name="cache_counts">
diff --git a/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
index 9632cf8..fbebb83 100644
--- a/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
+++ b/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
@@ -518,17 +518,7 @@
<!-- auth opencaching -->
<string name="auth_ocde">opencaching.de</string>
- <string name="auth_authorize_oc">Autoryzuj c:geo</string>
- <string name="auth_start_oc">Rozpocznij autoryzację</string>
- <string name="auth_again_oc">Spróbuj ponownie</string>
- <string name="auth_pin_hint_oc">PIN przypisany przez %s</string>
- <string name="auth_finish_oc">Zakończ</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_wait_oc">Czekam na %s…</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_title_oc">Kod PIN</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_message_oc">Proszę wpisz kod PIN dostarczony przez stronę %s. Jest to konieczne by zakończyć autoryzację.</string>
<string name="auth_dialog_completed_oc">c:geo został zautoryzowany by komunikować się z %s.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_1_oc">Następujący proces pozwolił <b>c:geo</b> aby uzyskać dostęp do %s - jeśli wyrażono zgodę.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_2_oc">Kliknięcie na przycisk \"autoryzuj c:geo\" rozpocznie proces. Zostanie otwarta przeglądarka ze stroną %s. Zaloguj się i pozwól <b>c:geo</b> uzyskać dostęp do Twojego konta. Po zaakceptowaniu, %s pokaże kod numeryczny PIN. Ten kod PIN musi być wklejony do <b>c:geo</b> i potwierdzony. To wszystko.</string>
<!-- cache -->
<plurals name="cache_counts">
diff --git a/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
index 7f5f787..c73c7d3 100644
--- a/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
+++ b/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -485,17 +485,7 @@
<string name="auth_finish">Fim</string>
<string name="auth_ocde">opencaching.de</string>
<string name="auth_ocpl">Opencaching.pl</string>
- <string name="auth_authorize_oc">Autorizar c:geo</string>
- <string name="auth_start_oc">Começar autorização</string>
- <string name="auth_again_oc">Iniciar de novo</string>
- <string name="auth_pin_hint_oc">PIN atribuído por %s</string>
- <string name="auth_finish_oc">Fim</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_wait_oc">A esperar pot %s…</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_title_oc">Código PIN</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_message_oc">Por favor insira o código PIN fornecido pelo site %s. É imperativo para que se complete a autorização.</string>
<string name="auth_dialog_completed_oc">c:geo está agora autorizado a interagir com %s.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_1_oc">O processo seguinte permite <b>c:geo</b> aceder ao Twitter - se concordar.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_2_oc">Um clique sobre o botão \"autorizar c:geo \" irá iniciar o processo. Este processo irá abrir um navegador com uma página em %s. Entre nesta página e permita o <b>c:geo</b> aceder à sua conta. Se isso for aceite, %s vai mostrar um código PIN numérico. Este PIN deve ser colado em <b>c:geo</b> e confirmado. É tudo.</string>
<string name="cache_offline">Arquivo</string>
<string name="cache_offline_refresh">Actualizar</string>
<string name="cache_offline_drop">Apagar</string>
diff --git a/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml b/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml
index c5b8cb5..cf5b6c1 100644
--- a/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml
+++ b/main/res/values-sl/strings.xml
@@ -540,17 +540,7 @@
<!-- auth opencaching -->
<string name="auth_ocde">opencaching.de</string>
<string name="auth_ocpl">opencaching.pl</string>
- <string name="auth_authorize_oc">Poveži c:geo</string>
- <string name="auth_start_oc">Začni z avtorizacijo</string>
- <string name="auth_again_oc">Ponovno začni</string>
- <string name="auth_pin_hint_oc">PIN, ki ga dodeli %s</string>
- <string name="auth_finish_oc">Končaj</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_wait_oc">Čakam na %s…</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_title_oc">PIN koda</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_message_oc">Vnesite PIN kodo, ki ste jo dobili na spletni strani %s.</string>
<string name="auth_dialog_completed_oc">c:geo je sedaj povezan z %s.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_1_oc">Sledeči postopek omogoča <b>c:geotu</b> povezavo z %s.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_2_oc">Klik na gumb \"Poveži c:geo\" bo začel s postopkom avtorizacije. Med postopkom se bo odprl brskalnik s stranjo %s. V brskalniku se prijavite na to stran in dovolite aplikaciji <b>c:geo</b> da dostopa do vašega računa. Ko to potrdite, vam bo %s izpisal PIN kodo. To kodo prepišite v <b>c:geo</b> in potrdite.</string>
<!-- cache -->
<plurals name="cache_counts">
diff --git a/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml b/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml
index 2561c81..cd9511f 100644
--- a/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml
+++ b/main/res/values-sv/strings.xml
@@ -541,17 +541,7 @@
<!-- auth opencaching -->
<string name="auth_ocde">opencaching.de</string>
<string name="auth_ocpl">opencaching.pl</string>
- <string name="auth_authorize_oc">Tillåt c:geo</string>
- <string name="auth_start_oc">Starta godkännande</string>
- <string name="auth_again_oc">Starta igen</string>
- <string name="auth_pin_hint_oc">PIN erhållen från %s</string>
- <string name="auth_finish_oc">Slutför</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_wait_oc">Väntar på %s…</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_title_oc">PIN kod</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_message_oc">Vänlig ange PIN koden som du fått från %s. Den krävs för att slutföra godkännandet.</string>
<string name="auth_dialog_completed_oc">c:geo är nu godkänd för att kommunicera med %s.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_1_oc">Nedan tillåter du <b>c:geo</b> att kommunicera med %s.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_2_oc">Klicka på \"Tillåt c:geo\" nedan för att koppla ihop <b>c:geo</b> med %s. Logga in på den sida som kommer att öppnas i din webbläsare. Tillåt sedan <b>c:geo</b> att komma åt till konto. Efter detta kommer %s att visa en numerisk PIN kod. Denna PIN kod måste sedan anges i <b>c:geo</b> och godkännas.</string>
<!-- cache -->
<plurals name="cache_counts">
diff --git a/main/res/values/strings.xml b/main/res/values/strings.xml
index b7b56cd..c6b29b9 100644
--- a/main/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/main/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -549,17 +549,7 @@
<!-- auth opencaching -->
<string name="auth_ocde">opencaching.de</string>
<string name="auth_ocpl">opencaching.pl</string>
- <string name="auth_authorize_oc">Authorize c:geo</string>
- <string name="auth_start_oc">Start authorization</string>
- <string name="auth_again_oc">Start again</string>
- <string name="auth_pin_hint_oc">PIN assigned by %s</string>
- <string name="auth_finish_oc">Finish</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_wait_oc">Waiting for %s…</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_title_oc">PIN code</string>
- <string name="auth_dialog_pin_message_oc">Please type in PIN code provided by the %s website. It is required to complete authorization.</string>
<string name="auth_dialog_completed_oc">c:geo is now authorized to interact with %s.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_1_oc">The following process allows <b>c:geo</b> to access %s.</string>
- <string name="about_auth_2_oc">Pressing the \"authorize c:geo\" button will start the process. This process will open up a web browser with a %s page. Log in on this page and allow <b>c:geo</b> to access your account. After this, %s will show up a numeric PIN code. This PIN must be pasted into <b>c:geo</b> and confirmed. That\'s all.</string>
<!-- cache -->
<plurals name="cache_counts">