path: root/main/src/cgeo/geocaching/cgBase.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'main/src/cgeo/geocaching/cgBase.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/main/src/cgeo/geocaching/cgBase.java b/main/src/cgeo/geocaching/cgBase.java
index b26b8c8..38b404e 100644
--- a/main/src/cgeo/geocaching/cgBase.java
+++ b/main/src/cgeo/geocaching/cgBase.java
@@ -2595,158 +2595,6 @@ public class cgBase {
- public static boolean isInViewPort(int centerLat1, int centerLon1, int centerLat2, int centerLon2, int spanLat1, int spanLon1, int spanLat2, int spanLon2) {
- try {
- // expects coordinates in E6 format
- final int left1 = centerLat1 - (spanLat1 / 2);
- final int right1 = centerLat1 + (spanLat1 / 2);
- final int top1 = centerLon1 + (spanLon1 / 2);
- final int bottom1 = centerLon1 - (spanLon1 / 2);
- final int left2 = centerLat2 - (spanLat2 / 2);
- final int right2 = centerLat2 + (spanLat2 / 2);
- final int top2 = centerLon2 + (spanLon2 / 2);
- final int bottom2 = centerLon2 - (spanLon2 / 2);
- if (left2 <= left1) {
- return false;
- }
- if (right2 >= right1) {
- return false;
- }
- if (top2 >= top1) {
- return false;
- }
- if (bottom2 <= bottom1) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- Log.e(Settings.tag, "cgBase.isInViewPort: " + e.toString());
- return false;
- }
- }
- // viewport is defined by center, span and some (10%) reserve on every side
- /**
- * Check if coordinates are located in a viewport (defined by its center and span
- * in each direction). The viewport also includes a 10% extension on each side.
- *
- * @param centerLat
- * the viewport center latitude
- * @param centerLon
- * the viewport center longitude
- * @param spanLat
- * the latitude span
- * @param spanLon
- * the longitude span
- * @param coords
- * the coordinates to check
- * @return true if the coordinates are in the viewport
- */
- public static boolean isCacheInViewPort(int centerLat, int centerLon, int spanLat, int spanLon, final Geopoint coords) {
- return Math.abs(coords.getLatitudeE6() - centerLat) <= Math.abs(spanLat) * 0.6 &&
- Math.abs(coords.getLongitudeE6() - centerLon) <= Math.abs(spanLon) * 0.6;
- }
- private static char[] base64map1 = new char[64];
- static {
- int i = 0;
- for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) {
- base64map1[i++] = c;
- }
- for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) {
- base64map1[i++] = c;
- }
- for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++) {
- base64map1[i++] = c;
- }
- base64map1[i++] = '+';
- base64map1[i++] = '/';
- }
- private static byte[] base64map2 = new byte[128];
- static {
- for (int i = 0; i < base64map2.length; i++) {
- base64map2[i] = -1;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
- base64map2[base64map1[i]] = (byte) i;
- }
- }
- public static String base64Encode(byte[] in) {
- int iLen = in.length;
- int oDataLen = (iLen * 4 + 2) / 3; // output length without padding
- int oLen = ((iLen + 2) / 3) * 4; // output length including padding
- char[] out = new char[oLen];
- int ip = 0;
- int op = 0;
- while (ip < iLen) {
- int i0 = in[ip++] & 0xff;
- int i1 = ip < iLen ? in[ip++] & 0xff : 0;
- int i2 = ip < iLen ? in[ip++] & 0xff : 0;
- int o0 = i0 >>> 2;
- int o1 = ((i0 & 3) << 4) | (i1 >>> 4);
- int o2 = ((i1 & 0xf) << 2) | (i2 >>> 6);
- int o3 = i2 & 0x3F;
- out[op++] = base64map1[o0];
- out[op++] = base64map1[o1];
- out[op] = op < oDataLen ? base64map1[o2] : '=';
- op++;
- out[op] = op < oDataLen ? base64map1[o3] : '=';
- op++;
- }
- return new String(out);
- }
- public static byte[] base64Decode(String text) {
- char[] in = text.toCharArray();
- int iLen = in.length;
- if (iLen % 4 != 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length of Base64 encoded input string is not a multiple of 4.");
- }
- while (iLen > 0 && in[iLen - 1] == '=') {
- iLen--;
- }
- int oLen = (iLen * 3) / 4;
- byte[] out = new byte[oLen];
- int ip = 0;
- int op = 0;
- while (ip < iLen) {
- int i0 = in[ip++];
- int i1 = in[ip++];
- int i2 = ip < iLen ? in[ip++] : 'A';
- int i3 = ip < iLen ? in[ip++] : 'A';
- if (i0 > 127 || i1 > 127 || i2 > 127 || i3 > 127) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal character in Base64 encoded data.");
- }
- int b0 = base64map2[i0];
- int b1 = base64map2[i1];
- int b2 = base64map2[i2];
- int b3 = base64map2[i3];
- if (b0 < 0 || b1 < 0 || b2 < 0 || b3 < 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal character in Base64 encoded data.");
- }
- int o0 = (b0 << 2) | (b1 >>> 4);
- int o1 = ((b1 & 0xf) << 4) | (b2 >>> 2);
- int o2 = ((b2 & 3) << 6) | b3;
- out[op++] = (byte) o0;
- if (op < oLen) {
- out[op++] = (byte) o1;
- }
- if (op < oLen) {
- out[op++] = (byte) o2;
- }
- }
- return out;
- }
public static boolean runNavigation(Activity activity, Resources res, Settings settings, final Geopoint coords) {
return runNavigation(activity, res, settings, coords, null);