diff options
mode: <>2013-10-03 02:24:13 +0000 <>2013-10-03 02:24:13 +0000
commit42c770f028f7fc90e25b30f4250b813e80bb4b33 (patch)
parentecda276adeab2d9088562051806d7bc48e777938 (diff)
Fix a declarativeContent crash on pages with iframes, and make removing rules revert their actions.
BUG=172011 Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
3 files changed, 91 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/api/declarative_content/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/api/declarative_content/
index cff0379..63b8947 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/api/declarative_content/
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/api/declarative_content/
@@ -222,8 +222,18 @@ std::string ContentRulesRegistry::RemoveRulesImpl(
for (std::map<int, std::set<ContentRule*> >::iterator
it = active_rules_.begin();
it != active_rules_.end(); ++it) {
- // Has no effect if the rule wasn't present.
- it->second.erase(rule);
+ if (ContainsKey(it->second, rule)) {
+ content::WebContents* tab;
+ if (!ExtensionTabUtil::GetTabById(
+ it->first, profile_, true, NULL, NULL, &tab, NULL)) {
+ LOG(DFATAL) << "Tab id " << it->first
+ << " still in active_rules_, but tab has been destroyed";
+ continue;
+ }
+ ContentAction::ApplyInfo apply_info = {profile_, tab};
+ rule->actions().Revert(rule->extension_id(), base::Time(), &apply_info);
+ it->second.erase(rule);
+ }
// Remove reference to actual rule.
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/api/declarative_content/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/api/declarative_content/
index 04ecc9a..1c9b3af 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/api/declarative_content/
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/api/declarative_content/
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(DeclarativeContentApiTest, Overview) {
"var ShowPageAction = chrome.declarativeContent.ShowPageAction;\n"
"var rule0 = {\n"
- " conditions: [new PageStateMatcher({pageUrl: {hostPrefix: "
- "\"test1\"}}),\n"
- " new PageStateMatcher({css: "
- "[\"input[type='password']\"]})],\n"
+ " conditions: [new PageStateMatcher({\n"
+ " pageUrl: {hostPrefix: \"test1\"}}),\n"
+ " new PageStateMatcher({\n"
+ " css: [\"input[type='password']\"]})],\n"
" actions: [new ShowPageAction()]\n"
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(DeclarativeContentApiTest, Overview) {
// Give the mutation observer a chance to run and send back the
// matching-selector update.
ASSERT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScript(tab, std::string()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(page_action->GetIsVisible(tab_id));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(page_action->GetIsVisible(tab_id))
+ << "Adding a matching element should show the page action.";
// Remove it again to make sure that reverts the action.
@@ -107,6 +108,67 @@ IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(DeclarativeContentApiTest, Overview) {
// Give the mutation observer a chance to run and send back the
// matching-selector update.
ASSERT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScript(tab, std::string()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(page_action->GetIsVisible(tab_id))
+ << "Removing the matching element should hide the page action again.";
+// This tests against a renderer crash that was present during development.
+ AddExtensionMatchingExistingTabWithDeadFrames) {
+ ext_dir_.WriteManifest(kDeclarativeContentManifest);
+ ext_dir_.WriteFile(
+ FILE_PATH_LITERAL("background.js"),
+ "var PageStateMatcher = chrome.declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher;\n"
+ "var ShowPageAction = chrome.declarativeContent.ShowPageAction;\n"
+ "var onPageChanged = chrome.declarativeContent.onPageChanged;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "function setRules(rules, responseString) {\n"
+ " onPageChanged.removeRules(undefined, function() {\n"
+ " onPageChanged.addRules(rules, function() {\n"
+ " window.domAutomationController.send(responseString);\n"
+ " });\n"
+ " });\n"
+ "};\n");
+ content::WebContents* const tab =
+ browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetWebContentsAt(0);
+ const int tab_id = ExtensionTabUtil::GetTabId(tab);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScript(
+ tab, "document.body.innerHTML = '<iframe src=\"http://test2\">';"));
+ // Replace the iframe to destroy its WebFrame.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScript(
+ tab, "document.body.innerHTML = '<span class=\"foo\">';"));
+ const Extension* extension = LoadExtension(ext_dir_.unpacked_path());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(extension);
+ const ExtensionAction* page_action = ExtensionActionManager::Get(
+ browser()->profile())->GetPageAction(*extension);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page_action);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(page_action->GetIsVisible(tab_id));
+ EXPECT_EQ("rule0",
+ ExecuteScriptInBackgroundPage(
+ extension->id(),
+ "setRules([{\n"
+ " conditions: [new PageStateMatcher({\n"
+ " css: [\"span[class=foo]\"]})],\n"
+ " actions: [new ShowPageAction()]\n"
+ "}], 'rule0');\n"));
+ // Give the renderer a chance to apply the rules change and notify the
+ // browser.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScript(tab, std::string()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(tab->IsCrashed());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(page_action->GetIsVisible(tab_id))
+ << "Loading an extension when an open page matches its rules "
+ << "should show the page action.";
+ EXPECT_EQ("removed",
+ ExecuteScriptInBackgroundPage(
+ extension->id(),
+ "onPageChanged.removeRules(undefined, function() {\n"
+ " window.domAutomationController.send('removed');\n"
+ "});\n"));
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/extensions/ b/chrome/renderer/extensions/
index b52a083..b41dce5 100644
--- a/chrome/renderer/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/renderer/extensions/
@@ -59,39 +59,32 @@ void ContentWatcher::OnWatchPages(
if (new_css_selectors == css_selectors_)
+ matching_selectors_.clear();
css_selectors_ = new_css_selectors;
- for (std::map<WebKit::WebFrame*,
- std::vector<base::StringPiece> >::iterator
- it = matching_selectors_.begin();
- it != matching_selectors_.end(); ++it) {
- WebKit::WebFrame* frame = it->first;
- if (!css_selectors_.empty())
- EnsureWatchingMutations(frame);
- // Make sure to replace the contents of it->second because it contains
- // dangling StringPieces that referred into the old css_selectors_ content.
- it->second = FindMatchingSelectors(frame);
- }
// For each top-level frame, inform the browser about its new matching set of
// selectors.
- struct NotifyVisitor : public content::RenderViewVisitor {
- explicit NotifyVisitor(ContentWatcher* watcher) : watcher_(watcher) {}
+ struct WatchSelectors : public content::RenderViewVisitor {
+ explicit WatchSelectors(ContentWatcher* watcher) : watcher_(watcher) {}
virtual bool Visit(content::RenderView* view) OVERRIDE {
+ for (WebKit::WebFrame* frame = view->GetWebView()->mainFrame(); frame;
+ frame = frame->traverseNext(/*wrap=*/false)) {
+ if (!watcher_->css_selectors_.empty())
+ watcher_->EnsureWatchingMutations(frame);
+ watcher_->matching_selectors_[frame] =
+ watcher_->FindMatchingSelectors(frame);
+ }
return true; // Continue visiting.
ContentWatcher* watcher_;
- NotifyVisitor visitor(this);
+ WatchSelectors visitor(this);
void ContentWatcher::DidCreateDocumentElement(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) {
- // Make sure the frame is represented in the matching_selectors_ map.
- matching_selectors_[frame];
if (!css_selectors_.empty()) {