diff options
authordroger <>2016-03-10 07:00:03 -0800
committerCommit bot <>2016-03-10 15:01:14 +0000
commit4962c0925d49b909e90ff6b6569b104abbdd9ed8 (patch)
parentfd7ede807eb0e64820c805e8d5d0caf7ba9c5516 (diff)
tools/android/loading Initial infrastructure for trace collection on GCE
This CL adds some configuration and a http server in prevision to running the trace collection on GCE. It is far from complete, and does not collect any traces yet. Review URL: Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#380404}
4 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/android/loading/gce/ b/tools/android/loading/gce/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eda5520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/android/loading/gce/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Clovis in the Cloud: Developer Guide
+This document describes how to collect Chromium traces using Google Compute
+## Initial setup
+Install the [gcloud command line tool][1].
+Checkout the source:
+mkdir clovis
+cd clovis
+gcloud init
+When offered, accept to clone the Google Cloud repo.
+## Update or Change the code
+Make changes to the code, or simply copy the latest version from Chromium into
+your local Google Cloud repository. Then commit and push:
+git commit
+git push -u origin master
+If there are instances already running, they need to be restarted for this to
+take effect.
+## Start the app in the cloud
+Create an instance using latest ubuntu LTS:
+gcloud compute instances create clovis-tracer-1 \
+ --machine-type n1-standard-1 \
+ --image ubuntu-14-04 \
+ --zone europe-west1-c \
+ --tags clovis-http-server \
+ --scopes cloud-platform \
+ --metadata-from-file startup-script=default/
+This should output the IP address of the instance.
+Otherwise the IP address can be retrieved by doing:
+gcloud compute instances list
+Interact with the app on the port 8080 in your browser at
+TODO: allow starting the instance in the cloud without Supervisor. This enables
+iterative development on the instance using SSH, manually starting and stopping
+the app. This can be done using [instance metadata][2].
+## Stop the app in the cloud
+gcloud compute instances delete clovis-tracer-1
+## Connect to the instance with SSH
+gcloud compute ssh clovis-tracer-1
+## Use the app locally
+Setup the local environment:
+virtualenv env
+source env/bin/activate
+pip install -r pip_requirements.txt
+Launch the app:
+gunicorn --workers=2 main:app --bind
+In your browser, go to `http://localhost:8000` and use the app.
+Tear down the local environment:
+## Project-wide settings
+This is already setup, no need to do this again.
+Kept here for reference.
+### Server configuration file
+`` expects to find a `server_config.json` file, which is a dictionary
+with the keys:
+* `project_name`: the name of the Google Compute project,
+* `bucket_name`: the name of the Google Storage bucket used to store the
+ results.
+### Firewall rule
+Firewall rule to allow access to the instance HTTP server from the outside:
+gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-http-8080 \
+ --allow tcp:8080 \
+ --source-ranges \
+ --target-tags clovis-http-server \
+ --description "Allow port 8080 access to http-server"
+The firewall rule can be disabled with:
+gcloud compute firewall-rules delete default-allow-http-8080
diff --git a/tools/android/loading/gce/ b/tools/android/loading/gce/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67fe3d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/android/loading/gce/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import json
+from gcloud import storage
+from gcloud.exceptions import NotFound
+from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
+class ServerApp(object):
+ """Simple web server application, collecting traces and writing them in
+ Google Cloud Storage.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ print 'Initializing credentials'
+ self._credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
+ print 'Reading server configuration'
+ with open('server_config.json') as configuration_file:
+ self._config = json.load(configuration_file)
+ def _GetStorageClient(self):
+ return storage.Client(project = self._config['project_name'],
+ credentials = self._credentials)
+ def _GetStorageBucket(self, storage_client):
+ return storage_client.get_bucket(self._config['bucket_name'])
+ def _UploadFile(self, file_stream, filename):
+ client = self._GetStorageClient()
+ bucket = self._GetStorageBucket(client)
+ blob = bucket.blob(filename)
+ blob.upload_from_string(file_stream)
+ url = blob.public_url
+ return url
+ def _DeleteFile(self, filename):
+ client = self._GetStorageClient()
+ bucket = self._GetStorageBucket(client)
+ try:
+ bucket.delete_blob(filename)
+ return True
+ except NotFound:
+ return False
+ def _ReadFile(self, filename):
+ client = self._GetStorageClient()
+ bucket = self._GetStorageBucket(client)
+ blob = bucket.get_blob(filename)
+ if not blob:
+ return None
+ return blob.download_as_string()
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ path = environ['PATH_INFO']
+ if path == '/favicon.ico':
+ start_response('404 NOT FOUND', [('Content-Length', '0')])
+ return iter([''])
+ status = '200 OK'
+ if path == '/write':
+ url = self._UploadFile('foo', 'test.txt')
+ data = 'Writing file at\n' + url + '\n'
+ elif path == '/read':
+ data = self._ReadFile('test.txt')
+ if not data:
+ data = ''
+ status = '404 NOT FOUND'
+ elif path == '/delete':
+ if self._DeleteFile('test.txt'):
+ data = 'Success\n'
+ else:
+ data = 'Failed\n'
+ else:
+ data = environ['PATH_INFO'] + '\n'
+ response_headers = [
+ ('Content-type','text/plain'),
+ ('Content-Length', str(len(data)))
+ ]
+ start_response(status, response_headers)
+ return iter([data])
+app = ServerApp()
diff --git a/tools/android/loading/gce/pip_requirements.txt b/tools/android/loading/gce/pip_requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2d68b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/android/loading/gce/pip_requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tools/android/loading/gce/ b/tools/android/loading/gce/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f2cafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/android/loading/gce/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Script executed at instance startup. It installs the required dependencies,
+# downloads the source code, and starts a web server.
+set -v
+# Talk to the metadata server to get the project id
+PROJECTID=$(curl -s \
+ "" \
+ -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google")
+# Install dependencies from apt
+apt-get update
+apt-get install -yq git supervisor python-pip python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
+# Create a pythonapp user. The application will run as this user.
+useradd -m -d /home/pythonapp pythonapp
+# pip from apt is out of date, so make it update itself and install virtualenv.
+pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv
+# Get the source code from the Google Cloud Repository
+# git requires $HOME and it's not set during the startup script.
+export HOME=/root
+git config --global credential.helper
+git clone$PROJECTID /opt/app/clovis
+# Install app dependencies
+virtualenv /opt/app/clovis/env
+/opt/app/clovis/env/bin/pip install -r /opt/app/clovis/pip_requirements.txt
+# Make sure the pythonapp user owns the application code
+chown -R pythonapp:pythonapp /opt/app
+# Configure supervisor to start gunicorn inside of our virtualenv and run the
+# applicaiton.
+cat >/etc/supervisor/conf.d/python-app.conf << EOF
+command=/opt/app/clovis/env/bin/gunicorn --workers=2 main:app \
+ --bind
+# Environment variables ensure that the application runs inside of the
+# configured virtualenv.
+ HOME="/home/pythonapp",USER="pythonapp"
+supervisorctl reread
+supervisorctl update