diff options
mode: <>2013-10-01 20:55:28 +0000 <>2013-10-01 20:55:28 +0000
commit89f63659a9f6f7a6c2c6571bb0d732d594ec0b92 (patch)
parent5d357b6e01620a6dcd8efec200577c88475c3f84 (diff)
Added tool to dump inter-module dependency graph to DOT/PNG with regexp filtering/highlighting.
Joi: this commit consists of 2 logical parts. Part #1 is refactoring of into a base class in and a subclass in the new trimmed down Part #2 is adding, which derives from the same base class and does its own thing. There are also trivial accompanying changes to This tool was very useful to me during a recent development for understanding inter-module dependencies and finding good places for new sources. BUG=292397 Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
4 files changed, 795 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/tools/checkdeps/ b/tools/checkdeps/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48ec64a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/checkdeps/
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Traverses the source tree, parses all found DEPS files, and constructs
+a dependency rule table to be used by subclasses.
+The format of the deps file:
+First you have the normal module-level deps. These are the ones used by
+gclient. An example would be:
+ deps = {
+ "base":""
+ }
+DEPS files not in the top-level of a module won't need this. Then you
+have any additional include rules. You can add (using "+") or subtract
+(using "-") from the previously specified rules (including
+module-level deps). You can also specify a path that is allowed for
+now but that we intend to remove, using "!"; this is treated the same
+as "+" when check_deps is run by our bots, but a presubmit step will
+show a warning if you add a new include of a file that is only allowed
+by "!".
+Note that for .java files, there is currently no difference between
+"+" and "!", even in the presubmit step.
+ include_rules = {
+ # Code should be able to use base (it's specified in the module-level
+ # deps above), but nothing in "base/evil" because it's evil.
+ "-base/evil",
+ # But this one subdirectory of evil is OK.
+ "+base/evil/not",
+ # And it can include files from this other directory even though there is
+ # no deps rule for it.
+ "+tools/crime_fighter",
+ # This dependency is allowed for now but work is ongoing to remove it,
+ # so you shouldn't add further dependencies on it.
+ "!base/evil/ok_for_now.h",
+ }
+If you have certain include rules that should only be applied for some
+files within this directory and subdirectories, you can write a
+section named specific_include_rules that is a hash map of regular
+expressions to the list of rules that should apply to files matching
+them. Note that such rules will always be applied before the rules
+from 'include_rules' have been applied, but the order in which rules
+associated with different regular expressions is applied is arbitrary.
+ specific_include_rules = {
+ ".*_(unit|browser|api)test\.cc": [
+ "+libraries/testsupport",
+ ],
+ }
+DEPS files may be placed anywhere in the tree. Each one applies to all
+subdirectories, where there may be more DEPS files that provide additions or
+subtractions for their own sub-trees.
+There is an implicit rule for the current directory (where the DEPS file lives)
+and all of its subdirectories. This prevents you from having to explicitly
+allow the current directory everywhere. This implicit rule is applied first,
+so you can modify or remove it using the normal include rules.
+The rules are processed in order. This means you can explicitly allow a higher
+directory and then take away permissions from sub-parts, or the reverse.
+Note that all directory separators must be slashes (Unix-style) and not
+backslashes. All directories should be relative to the source root and use
+only lowercase.
+import os
+import subprocess
+import copy
+from rules import Rule, Rules
+# Variable name used in the DEPS file to add or subtract include files from
+# the module-level deps.
+INCLUDE_RULES_VAR_NAME = 'include_rules'
+# Variable name used in the DEPS file to add or subtract include files
+# from module-level deps specific to files whose basename (last
+# component of path) matches a given regular expression.
+SPECIFIC_INCLUDE_RULES_VAR_NAME = 'specific_include_rules'
+# Optionally present in the DEPS file to list subdirectories which should not
+# be checked. This allows us to skip third party code, for example.
+SKIP_SUBDIRS_VAR_NAME = 'skip_child_includes'
+def NormalizePath(path):
+ """Returns a path normalized to how we write DEPS rules and compare paths.
+ """
+ return path.lower().replace('\\', '/')
+class DepsBuilder(object):
+ """Parses include_rules from DEPS files.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ base_directory=None,
+ verbose=False,
+ being_tested=False,
+ ignore_temp_rules=False,
+ ignore_specific_rules=False):
+ """Creates a new DepsBuilder.
+ Args:
+ base_directory: OS-compatible path to root of checkout, e.g. C:\chr\src.
+ verbose: Set to true for debug output.
+ being_tested: Set to true to ignore the DEPS file at tools/checkdeps/DEPS.
+ ignore_temp_rules: Ignore rules that start with Rule.TEMP_ALLOW ("!").
+ """
+ self.base_directory = base_directory
+ self.verbose = verbose
+ self._under_test = being_tested
+ self._ignore_temp_rules = ignore_temp_rules
+ self._ignore_specific_rules = ignore_specific_rules
+ if not base_directory:
+ self.base_directory = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', '..'))
+ self.git_source_directories = set()
+ self._AddGitSourceDirectories()
+ # Map of normalized directory paths to rules to use for those
+ # directories, or None for directories that should be skipped.
+ self.directory_rules = {}
+ self._ApplyDirectoryRulesAndSkipSubdirs(Rules(), self.base_directory)
+ def _ApplyRules(self, existing_rules, includes, specific_includes, cur_dir):
+ """Applies the given include rules, returning the new rules.
+ Args:
+ existing_rules: A set of existing rules that will be combined.
+ include: The list of rules from the "include_rules" section of DEPS.
+ specific_includes: E.g. {'.*_unittest\.cc': ['+foo', '-blat']} rules
+ from the "specific_include_rules" section of DEPS.
+ cur_dir: The current directory, normalized path. We will create an
+ implicit rule that allows inclusion from this directory.
+ Returns: A new set of rules combining the existing_rules with the other
+ arguments.
+ """
+ rules = copy.deepcopy(existing_rules)
+ # First apply the implicit "allow" rule for the current directory.
+ if cur_dir.startswith(
+ NormalizePath(os.path.normpath(self.base_directory))):
+ relative_dir = cur_dir[len(self.base_directory) + 1:]
+ source = relative_dir
+ if len(source) == 0:
+ source = 'top level' # Make the help string a little more meaningful.
+ rules.AddRule('+' + relative_dir,
+ relative_dir,
+ 'Default rule for ' + source)
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Internal error: base directory is not at the beginning' +
+ ' for\n %s and base dir\n %s' %
+ (cur_dir, self.base_directory))
+ def ApplyOneRule(rule_str, cur_dir, dependee_regexp=None):
+ """Deduces a sensible description for the rule being added, and
+ adds the rule with its description to |rules|.
+ If we are ignoring temporary rules, this function does nothing
+ for rules beginning with the Rule.TEMP_ALLOW character.
+ """
+ if self._ignore_temp_rules and rule_str.startswith(Rule.TEMP_ALLOW):
+ return
+ rule_block_name = 'include_rules'
+ if dependee_regexp:
+ rule_block_name = 'specific_include_rules'
+ if not relative_dir:
+ rule_description = 'the top level %s' % rule_block_name
+ else:
+ rule_description = relative_dir + "'s %s" % rule_block_name
+ rules.AddRule(rule_str, relative_dir, rule_description, dependee_regexp)
+ # Apply the additional explicit rules.
+ for (_, rule_str) in enumerate(includes):
+ ApplyOneRule(rule_str, cur_dir)
+ # Finally, apply the specific rules.
+ if not self._ignore_specific_rules:
+ for regexp, specific_rules in specific_includes.iteritems():
+ for rule_str in specific_rules:
+ ApplyOneRule(rule_str, cur_dir, regexp)
+ return rules
+ def _ApplyDirectoryRules(self, existing_rules, dir_name):
+ """Combines rules from the existing rules and the new directory.
+ Any directory can contain a DEPS file. Toplevel DEPS files can contain
+ module dependencies which are used by gclient. We use these, along with
+ additional include rules and implicit rules for the given directory, to
+ come up with a combined set of rules to apply for the directory.
+ Args:
+ existing_rules: The rules for the parent directory. We'll add-on to these.
+ dir_name: The directory name that the deps file may live in (if
+ it exists). This will also be used to generate the
+ implicit rules. This is a non-normalized path.
+ Returns: A tuple containing: (1) the combined set of rules to apply to the
+ sub-tree, and (2) a list of all subdirectories that should NOT be
+ checked, as specified in the DEPS file (if any).
+ """
+ norm_dir_name = NormalizePath(dir_name)
+ # Check for a .svn directory in this directory or check this directory is
+ # contained in git source direcotries. This will tell us if it's a source
+ # directory and should be checked.
+ if not (os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_name, ".svn")) or
+ (norm_dir_name in self.git_source_directories)):
+ return (None, [])
+ # Check the DEPS file in this directory.
+ if self.verbose:
+ print 'Applying rules from', dir_name
+ def FromImpl(_unused, _unused2):
+ pass # NOP function so "From" doesn't fail.
+ def FileImpl(_unused):
+ pass # NOP function so "File" doesn't fail.
+ class _VarImpl:
+ def __init__(self, local_scope):
+ self._local_scope = local_scope
+ def Lookup(self, var_name):
+ """Implements the Var syntax."""
+ if var_name in self._local_scope.get('vars', {}):
+ return self._local_scope['vars'][var_name]
+ raise Exception('Var is not defined: %s' % var_name)
+ local_scope = {}
+ global_scope = {
+ 'File': FileImpl,
+ 'From': FromImpl,
+ 'Var': _VarImpl(local_scope).Lookup,
+ }
+ deps_file = os.path.join(dir_name, 'DEPS')
+ # The second conditional here is to disregard the
+ # tools/checkdeps/DEPS file while running tests. This DEPS file
+ # has a skip_child_includes for 'testdata' which is necessary for
+ # running production tests, since there are intentional DEPS
+ # violations under the testdata directory. On the other hand when
+ # running tests, we absolutely need to verify the contents of that
+ # directory to trigger those intended violations and see that they
+ # are handled correctly.
+ if os.path.isfile(deps_file) and (
+ not self._under_test or not os.path.split(dir_name)[1] == 'checkdeps'):
+ execfile(deps_file, global_scope, local_scope)
+ elif self.verbose:
+ print ' No deps file found in', dir_name
+ # Even if a DEPS file does not exist we still invoke ApplyRules
+ # to apply the implicit "allow" rule for the current directory
+ include_rules = local_scope.get(INCLUDE_RULES_VAR_NAME, [])
+ specific_include_rules = local_scope.get(SPECIFIC_INCLUDE_RULES_VAR_NAME,
+ {})
+ skip_subdirs = local_scope.get(SKIP_SUBDIRS_VAR_NAME, [])
+ return (self._ApplyRules(existing_rules, include_rules,
+ specific_include_rules, norm_dir_name),
+ skip_subdirs)
+ def _ApplyDirectoryRulesAndSkipSubdirs(self, parent_rules, dir_path):
+ """Given |parent_rules| and a subdirectory |dir_path| from the
+ directory that owns the |parent_rules|, add |dir_path|'s rules to
+ |self.directory_rules|, and add None entries for any of its
+ subdirectories that should be skipped.
+ """
+ directory_rules, excluded_subdirs = self._ApplyDirectoryRules(parent_rules,
+ dir_path)
+ self.directory_rules[NormalizePath(dir_path)] = directory_rules
+ for subdir in excluded_subdirs:
+ self.directory_rules[NormalizePath(
+ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dir_path, subdir)))] = None
+ def GetDirectoryRules(self, dir_path):
+ """Returns a Rules object to use for the given directory, or None
+ if the given directory should be skipped. This takes care of
+ first building rules for parent directories (up to
+ self.base_directory) if needed.
+ Args:
+ dir_path: A real (non-normalized) path to the directory you want
+ rules for.
+ """
+ norm_dir_path = NormalizePath(dir_path)
+ if not norm_dir_path.startswith(
+ NormalizePath(os.path.normpath(self.base_directory))):
+ dir_path = os.path.join(self.base_directory, dir_path)
+ norm_dir_path = NormalizePath(dir_path)
+ parent_dir = os.path.dirname(dir_path)
+ parent_rules = None
+ if not norm_dir_path in self.directory_rules:
+ parent_rules = self.GetDirectoryRules(parent_dir)
+ # We need to check for an entry for our dir_path again, in case we
+ # are at a path e.g. A/B/C where A/B/DEPS specifies the C
+ # subdirectory to be skipped; in this case, the invocation to
+ # GetDirectoryRules(parent_dir) has already filled in an entry for
+ # A/B/C.
+ if not norm_dir_path in self.directory_rules:
+ if not parent_rules:
+ # If the parent directory should be skipped, then the current
+ # directory should also be skipped.
+ self.directory_rules[norm_dir_path] = None
+ else:
+ self._ApplyDirectoryRulesAndSkipSubdirs(parent_rules, dir_path)
+ return self.directory_rules[norm_dir_path]
+ def _AddGitSourceDirectories(self):
+ """Adds any directories containing sources managed by git to
+ self.git_source_directories.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.base_directory, '.git')):
+ return
+ popen_out = os.popen('cd %s && git ls-files --full-name .' %
+ subprocess.list2cmdline([self.base_directory]))
+ for line in popen_out.readlines():
+ dir_name = os.path.join(self.base_directory, os.path.dirname(line))
+ # Add the directory as well as all the parent directories. Use
+ # forward slashes and lower case to normalize paths.
+ while dir_name != self.base_directory:
+ self.git_source_directories.add(NormalizePath(dir_name))
+ dir_name = os.path.dirname(dir_name)
+ self.git_source_directories.add(NormalizePath(self.base_directory))
diff --git a/tools/checkdeps/ b/tools/checkdeps/
index 5bfde13..0dd0f49 100755
--- a/tools/checkdeps/
+++ b/tools/checkdeps/
@@ -1,114 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Makes sure that files include headers from allowed directories.
Checks DEPS files in the source tree for rules, and applies those rules to
-"#include" commands in source files. Any source file including something not
-permitted by the DEPS files will fail.
-The format of the deps file:
-First you have the normal module-level deps. These are the ones used by
-gclient. An example would be:
- deps = {
- "base":""
- }
-DEPS files not in the top-level of a module won't need this. Then you
-have any additional include rules. You can add (using "+") or subtract
-(using "-") from the previously specified rules (including
-module-level deps). You can also specify a path that is allowed for
-now but that we intend to remove, using "!"; this is treated the same
-as "+" when check_deps is run by our bots, but a presubmit step will
-show a warning if you add a new include of a file that is only allowed
-by "!".
-Note that for .java files, there is currently no difference between
-"+" and "!", even in the presubmit step.
- include_rules = {
- # Code should be able to use base (it's specified in the module-level
- # deps above), but nothing in "base/evil" because it's evil.
- "-base/evil",
- # But this one subdirectory of evil is OK.
- "+base/evil/not",
- # And it can include files from this other directory even though there is
- # no deps rule for it.
- "+tools/crime_fighter",
- # This dependency is allowed for now but work is ongoing to remove it,
- # so you shouldn't add further dependencies on it.
- "!base/evil/ok_for_now.h",
- }
-If you have certain include rules that should only be applied for some
-files within this directory and subdirectories, you can write a
-section named specific_include_rules that is a hash map of regular
-expressions to the list of rules that should apply to files matching
-them. Note that such rules will always be applied before the rules
-from 'include_rules' have been applied, but the order in which rules
-associated with different regular expressions is applied is arbitrary.
- specific_include_rules = {
- ".*_(unit|browser|api)test\.cc": [
- "+libraries/testsupport",
- ],
- }
-DEPS files may be placed anywhere in the tree. Each one applies to all
-subdirectories, where there may be more DEPS files that provide additions or
-subtractions for their own sub-trees.
-There is an implicit rule for the current directory (where the DEPS file lives)
-and all of its subdirectories. This prevents you from having to explicitly
-allow the current directory everywhere. This implicit rule is applied first,
-so you can modify or remove it using the normal include rules.
-The rules are processed in order. This means you can explicitly allow a higher
-directory and then take away permissions from sub-parts, or the reverse.
-Note that all directory separators must be slashes (Unix-style) and not
-backslashes. All directories should be relative to the source root and use
-only lowercase.
+"#include" and "import" directives in the .cpp and .java source files.
+Any source file including something not permitted by the DEPS files will fail.
+See for a detailed description of the DEPS format.
import os
import optparse
import re
-import subprocess
import sys
-import copy
import cpp_checker
import java_checker
import results
-from rules import Rule, Rules
-# Variable name used in the DEPS file to add or subtract include files from
-# the module-level deps.
-INCLUDE_RULES_VAR_NAME = 'include_rules'
-# Variable name used in the DEPS file to add or subtract include files
-# from module-level deps specific to files whose basename (last
-# component of path) matches a given regular expression.
-SPECIFIC_INCLUDE_RULES_VAR_NAME = 'specific_include_rules'
-# Optionally present in the DEPS file to list subdirectories which should not
-# be checked. This allows us to skip third party code, for example.
-SKIP_SUBDIRS_VAR_NAME = 'skip_child_includes'
-def NormalizePath(path):
- """Returns a path normalized to how we write DEPS rules and compare paths.
- """
- return path.lower().replace('\\', '/')
+from builddeps import DepsBuilder
+from rules import Rule, Rules
def _IsTestFile(filename):
@@ -118,8 +32,8 @@ def _IsTestFile(filename):
return re.match('(test|mock|dummy)_.*|.*_[a-z]*test\.(cc|mm|java)', filename)
-class DepsChecker(object):
- """Parses include_rules from DEPS files and can verify files in the
+class DepsChecker(DepsBuilder):
+ """Parses include_rules from DEPS files and erifies files in the
source tree against them.
@@ -135,27 +49,14 @@ class DepsChecker(object):
base_directory: OS-compatible path to root of checkout, e.g. C:\chr\src.
verbose: Set to true for debug output.
being_tested: Set to true to ignore the DEPS file at tools/checkdeps/DEPS.
+ ignore_temp_rules: Ignore rules that start with Rule.TEMP_ALLOW ("!").
- self.base_directory = base_directory
- self.verbose = verbose
- self._under_test = being_tested
- self._ignore_temp_rules = ignore_temp_rules
- self._skip_tests = skip_tests
- if not base_directory:
- self.base_directory = os.path.abspath(
- os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', '..'))
+ DepsBuilder.__init__(
+ self, base_directory, verbose, being_tested, ignore_temp_rules)
+ self._skip_tests = skip_tests
self.results_formatter = results.NormalResultsFormatter(verbose)
- self.git_source_directories = set()
- self._AddGitSourceDirectories()
- # Map of normalized directory paths to rules to use for those
- # directories, or None for directories that should be skipped.
- self.directory_rules = {}
- self._ApplyDirectoryRulesAndSkipSubdirs(Rules(), self.base_directory)
def Report(self):
"""Prints a report of results, and returns an exit code for the process."""
if self.results_formatter.GetResults():
@@ -164,194 +65,6 @@ class DepsChecker(object):
print '\nSUCCESS\n'
return 0
- def _ApplyRules(self, existing_rules, includes, specific_includes, cur_dir):
- """Applies the given include rules, returning the new rules.
- Args:
- existing_rules: A set of existing rules that will be combined.
- include: The list of rules from the "include_rules" section of DEPS.
- specific_includes: E.g. {'.*_unittest\.cc': ['+foo', '-blat']} rules
- from the "specific_include_rules" section of DEPS.
- cur_dir: The current directory, normalized path. We will create an
- implicit rule that allows inclusion from this directory.
- Returns: A new set of rules combining the existing_rules with the other
- arguments.
- """
- rules = copy.deepcopy(existing_rules)
- # First apply the implicit "allow" rule for the current directory.
- if cur_dir.startswith(
- NormalizePath(os.path.normpath(self.base_directory))):
- relative_dir = cur_dir[len(self.base_directory) + 1:]
- source = relative_dir
- if len(source) == 0:
- source = 'top level' # Make the help string a little more meaningful.
- rules.AddRule('+' + relative_dir, 'Default rule for ' + source)
- else:
- raise Exception('Internal error: base directory is not at the beginning' +
- ' for\n %s and base dir\n %s' %
- (cur_dir, self.base_directory))
- def ApplyOneRule(rule_str, dependee_regexp=None):
- """Deduces a sensible description for the rule being added, and
- adds the rule with its description to |rules|.
- If we are ignoring temporary rules, this function does nothing
- for rules beginning with the Rule.TEMP_ALLOW character.
- """
- if self._ignore_temp_rules and rule_str.startswith(Rule.TEMP_ALLOW):
- return
- rule_block_name = 'include_rules'
- if dependee_regexp:
- rule_block_name = 'specific_include_rules'
- if not relative_dir:
- rule_description = 'the top level %s' % rule_block_name
- else:
- rule_description = relative_dir + "'s %s" % rule_block_name
- rules.AddRule(rule_str, rule_description, dependee_regexp)
- # Apply the additional explicit rules.
- for (_, rule_str) in enumerate(includes):
- ApplyOneRule(rule_str)
- # Finally, apply the specific rules.
- for regexp, specific_rules in specific_includes.iteritems():
- for rule_str in specific_rules:
- ApplyOneRule(rule_str, regexp)
- return rules
- def _ApplyDirectoryRules(self, existing_rules, dir_name):
- """Combines rules from the existing rules and the new directory.
- Any directory can contain a DEPS file. Toplevel DEPS files can contain
- module dependencies which are used by gclient. We use these, along with
- additional include rules and implicit rules for the given directory, to
- come up with a combined set of rules to apply for the directory.
- Args:
- existing_rules: The rules for the parent directory. We'll add-on to these.
- dir_name: The directory name that the deps file may live in (if
- it exists). This will also be used to generate the
- implicit rules. This is a non-normalized path.
- Returns: A tuple containing: (1) the combined set of rules to apply to the
- sub-tree, and (2) a list of all subdirectories that should NOT be
- checked, as specified in the DEPS file (if any).
- """
- norm_dir_name = NormalizePath(dir_name)
- # Check for a .svn directory in this directory or check this directory is
- # contained in git source direcotries. This will tell us if it's a source
- # directory and should be checked.
- if not (os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_name, ".svn")) or
- (norm_dir_name in self.git_source_directories)):
- return (None, [])
- # Check the DEPS file in this directory.
- if self.verbose:
- print 'Applying rules from', dir_name
- def FromImpl(_unused, _unused2):
- pass # NOP function so "From" doesn't fail.
- def FileImpl(_unused):
- pass # NOP function so "File" doesn't fail.
- class _VarImpl:
- def __init__(self, local_scope):
- self._local_scope = local_scope
- def Lookup(self, var_name):
- """Implements the Var syntax."""
- if var_name in self._local_scope.get('vars', {}):
- return self._local_scope['vars'][var_name]
- raise Exception('Var is not defined: %s' % var_name)
- local_scope = {}
- global_scope = {
- 'File': FileImpl,
- 'From': FromImpl,
- 'Var': _VarImpl(local_scope).Lookup,
- }
- deps_file = os.path.join(dir_name, 'DEPS')
- # The second conditional here is to disregard the
- # tools/checkdeps/DEPS file while running tests. This DEPS file
- # has a skip_child_includes for 'testdata' which is necessary for
- # running production tests, since there are intentional DEPS
- # violations under the testdata directory. On the other hand when
- # running tests, we absolutely need to verify the contents of that
- # directory to trigger those intended violations and see that they
- # are handled correctly.
- if os.path.isfile(deps_file) and (
- not self._under_test or not os.path.split(dir_name)[1] == 'checkdeps'):
- execfile(deps_file, global_scope, local_scope)
- elif self.verbose:
- print ' No deps file found in', dir_name
- # Even if a DEPS file does not exist we still invoke ApplyRules
- # to apply the implicit "allow" rule for the current directory
- include_rules = local_scope.get(INCLUDE_RULES_VAR_NAME, [])
- specific_include_rules = local_scope.get(SPECIFIC_INCLUDE_RULES_VAR_NAME,
- {})
- skip_subdirs = local_scope.get(SKIP_SUBDIRS_VAR_NAME, [])
- return (self._ApplyRules(existing_rules, include_rules,
- specific_include_rules, norm_dir_name),
- skip_subdirs)
- def _ApplyDirectoryRulesAndSkipSubdirs(self, parent_rules, dir_path):
- """Given |parent_rules| and a subdirectory |dir_path| from the
- directory that owns the |parent_rules|, add |dir_path|'s rules to
- |self.directory_rules|, and add None entries for any of its
- subdirectories that should be skipped.
- """
- directory_rules, excluded_subdirs = self._ApplyDirectoryRules(parent_rules,
- dir_path)
- self.directory_rules[NormalizePath(dir_path)] = directory_rules
- for subdir in excluded_subdirs:
- self.directory_rules[NormalizePath(
- os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dir_path, subdir)))] = None
- def GetDirectoryRules(self, dir_path):
- """Returns a Rules object to use for the given directory, or None
- if the given directory should be skipped. This takes care of
- first building rules for parent directories (up to
- self.base_directory) if needed.
- Args:
- dir_path: A real (non-normalized) path to the directory you want
- rules for.
- """
- norm_dir_path = NormalizePath(dir_path)
- if not norm_dir_path.startswith(
- NormalizePath(os.path.normpath(self.base_directory))):
- dir_path = os.path.join(self.base_directory, dir_path)
- norm_dir_path = NormalizePath(dir_path)
- parent_dir = os.path.dirname(dir_path)
- parent_rules = None
- if not norm_dir_path in self.directory_rules:
- parent_rules = self.GetDirectoryRules(parent_dir)
- # We need to check for an entry for our dir_path again, in case we
- # are at a path e.g. A/B/C where A/B/DEPS specifies the C
- # subdirectory to be skipped; in this case, the invocation to
- # GetDirectoryRules(parent_dir) has already filled in an entry for
- # A/B/C.
- if not norm_dir_path in self.directory_rules:
- if not parent_rules:
- # If the parent directory should be skipped, then the current
- # directory should also be skipped.
- self.directory_rules[norm_dir_path] = None
- else:
- self._ApplyDirectoryRulesAndSkipSubdirs(parent_rules, dir_path)
- return self.directory_rules[norm_dir_path]
def CheckDirectory(self, start_dir):
"""Checks all relevant source files in the specified directory and
its subdirectories for compliance with DEPS rules throughout the
@@ -426,24 +139,6 @@ class DepsChecker(object):
problems.append((file_path, rule_type, violation_text))
return problems
- def _AddGitSourceDirectories(self):
- """Adds any directories containing sources managed by git to
- self.git_source_directories.
- """
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.base_directory, '.git')):
- return
- popen_out = os.popen('cd %s && git ls-files --full-name .' %
- subprocess.list2cmdline([self.base_directory]))
- for line in popen_out.readlines():
- dir_name = os.path.join(self.base_directory, os.path.dirname(line))
- # Add the directory as well as all the parent directories. Use
- # forward slashes and lower case to normalize paths.
- while dir_name != self.base_directory:
- self.git_source_directories.add(NormalizePath(dir_name))
- dir_name = os.path.dirname(dir_name)
- self.git_source_directories.add(NormalizePath(self.base_directory))
def PrintUsage():
print """Usage: python [--root <root>] [tocheck]
diff --git a/tools/checkdeps/ b/tools/checkdeps/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6008f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/checkdeps/
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Dumps a graph of allowed and disallowed inter-module dependencies described
+by the DEPS files in the source tree. Supports DOT and PNG as the output format.
+Enables filtering and differential highlighting of parts of the graph based on
+the specified criteria. This allows for a much easier visual analysis of the
+dependencies, including answering questions such as "if a new source must
+depend on modules A, B, and C, what valid options among the existing modules
+are there to put it in."
+See for a detailed description of the DEPS format.
+import os
+import optparse
+import pipes
+import re
+import sys
+from builddeps import DepsBuilder
+from rules import Rule
+class DepsGrapher(DepsBuilder):
+ """Parses include_rules from DEPS files and outputs a DOT graph of the
+ allowed and disallowed dependencies between directories and specific file
+ regexps. Can generate only a subgraph of the whole dependency graph
+ corresponding to the provided inclusion and exclusion regexp filters.
+ Also can highlight fanins and/or fanouts of certain nodes matching the
+ provided regexp patterns.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ base_directory,
+ verbose,
+ being_tested,
+ ignore_temp_rules,
+ ignore_specific_rules,
+ hide_disallowed_deps,
+ out_file,
+ out_format,
+ layout_engine,
+ unflatten_graph,
+ incl,
+ excl,
+ hilite_fanins,
+ hilite_fanouts):
+ """Creates a new DepsGrapher.
+ Args:
+ base_directory: OS-compatible path to root of checkout, e.g. C:\chr\src.
+ verbose: Set to true for debug output.
+ being_tested: Set to true to ignore the DEPS file at tools/graphdeps/DEPS.
+ ignore_temp_rules: Ignore rules that start with Rule.TEMP_ALLOW ("!").
+ ignore_specific_rules: Ignore rules from specific_include_rules sections.
+ hide_disallowed_deps: Hide disallowed dependencies from the output graph.
+ out_file: Output file name.
+ out_format: Output format (anything GraphViz dot's -T option supports).
+ layout_engine: Layout engine for formats other than 'dot'
+ (anything that GraphViz dot's -K option supports).
+ unflatten_graph: Try to reformat the output graph so it is narrower and
+ taller. Helps fight overly flat and wide graphs, but
+ sometimes produces a worse result.
+ incl: Include only nodes matching this regexp; such nodes' fanin/fanout
+ is also included.
+ excl: Exclude nodes matching this regexp; such nodes' fanin/fanout is
+ processed independently.
+ hilite_fanins: Highlight fanins of nodes matching this regexp with a
+ different edge and node color.
+ hilite_fanouts: Highlight fanouts of nodes matching this regexp with a
+ different edge and node color.
+ """
+ DepsBuilder.__init__(
+ self,
+ base_directory,
+ verbose,
+ being_tested,
+ ignore_temp_rules,
+ ignore_specific_rules)
+ self.ignore_temp_rules = ignore_temp_rules
+ self.ignore_specific_rules = ignore_specific_rules
+ self.hide_disallowed_deps = hide_disallowed_deps
+ self.out_file = out_file
+ self.out_format = out_format
+ self.layout_engine = layout_engine
+ self.unflatten_graph = unflatten_graph
+ self.incl = incl
+ self.excl = excl
+ self.hilite_fanins = hilite_fanins
+ self.hilite_fanouts = hilite_fanouts
+ self.deps = set()
+ def DumpDependencies(self):
+ """ Builds a dependency rule table and dumps the corresponding dependency
+ graph to all requested formats."""
+ self._BuildDepsGraph(self.base_directory)
+ self._DumpDependencies()
+ def _BuildDepsGraph(self, full_path):
+ """Recursively traverses the source tree starting at the specified directory
+ and builds a dependency graph representation in self.deps."""
+ rel_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, self.base_directory)
+ #if, rel_path) and not, rel_path):
+ rules = self.GetDirectoryRules(full_path)
+ if rules:
+ deps = rules.AsDependencyTuples(
+ include_general_rules=True,
+ include_specific_rules=not self.ignore_specific_rules)
+ self.deps.update(deps)
+ for item in os.listdir(full_path):
+ next_full_path = os.path.join(full_path, item)
+ if os.path.isdir(next_full_path):
+ self._BuildDepsGraph(next_full_path)
+ def _DumpDependencies(self):
+ """Dumps the built dependency graph to the specified file with specified
+ format."""
+ if self.out_format == 'dot' and not self.layout_engine:
+ if self.unflatten_graph:
+ pipe = pipes.Template()
+ pipe.append('unflatten -l 2 -c 3', '--')
+ out =, 'w')
+ else:
+ out = open(self.out_file, 'w')
+ else:
+ pipe = pipes.Template()
+ if self.unflatten_graph:
+ pipe.append('unflatten -l 2 -c 3', '--')
+ dot_cmd = 'dot -T' + self.out_format
+ if self.layout_engine:
+ dot_cmd += ' -K' + self.layout_engine
+ pipe.append(dot_cmd, '--')
+ out =, 'w')
+ self._DumpDependenciesImpl(self.deps, out)
+ out.close()
+ def _DumpDependenciesImpl(self, deps, out):
+ """Computes nodes' and edges' properties for the dependency graph |deps| and
+ carries out the actual dumping to a file/pipe |out|."""
+ deps_graph = dict()
+ deps_srcs = set()
+ # Pre-initialize the graph with src->(dst, allow) pairs.
+ for (allow, src, dst) in deps:
+ if allow == Rule.TEMP_ALLOW and self.ignore_temp_rules:
+ continue
+ deps_srcs.add(src)
+ if src not in deps_graph:
+ deps_graph[src] = []
+ deps_graph[src].append((dst, allow))
+ # Add all hierarchical parents too, in case some of them don't have their
+ # own DEPS, and therefore are missing from the list of rules. Those will
+ # be recursively populated with their parents' rules in the next block.
+ parent_src = os.path.dirname(src)
+ while parent_src:
+ if parent_src not in deps_graph:
+ deps_graph[parent_src] = []
+ parent_src = os.path.dirname(parent_src)
+ # For every node, propagate its rules down to all its children.
+ deps_srcs = list(deps_srcs)
+ deps_srcs.sort()
+ for src in deps_srcs:
+ parent_src = os.path.dirname(src)
+ if parent_src:
+ # We presort the list, so parents are guaranteed to precede children.
+ assert parent_src in deps_graph,\
+ "src: %s, parent_src: %s" % (src, parent_src)
+ for (dst, allow) in deps_graph[parent_src]:
+ # Check that this node does not explicitly override a rule from the
+ # parent that we're about to add.
+ if ((dst, Rule.ALLOW) not in deps_graph[src]) and \
+ ((dst, Rule.TEMP_ALLOW) not in deps_graph[src]) and \
+ ((dst, Rule.DISALLOW) not in deps_graph[src]):
+ deps_graph[src].append((dst, allow))
+ node_props = {}
+ edges = []
+ # 1) Populate a list of edge specifications in DOT format;
+ # 2) Populate a list of computed raw node attributes to be output as node
+ # specifications in DOT format later on.
+ # Edges and nodes are emphasized with color and line/border weight depending
+ # on how many of incl/excl/hilite_fanins/hilite_fanouts filters they hit,
+ # and in what way.
+ for src in deps_graph.keys():
+ for (dst, allow) in deps_graph[src]:
+ if allow == Rule.DISALLOW and self.hide_disallowed_deps:
+ continue
+ if allow == Rule.ALLOW and src == dst:
+ continue
+ edge_spec = "%s->%s" % (src, dst)
+ if not, edge_spec) or \
+, edge_spec):
+ continue
+ if src not in node_props:
+ node_props[src] = {'hilite': None, 'degree': 0}
+ if dst not in node_props:
+ node_props[dst] = {'hilite': None, 'degree': 0}
+ edge_weight = 1
+ if self.hilite_fanouts and, src):
+ node_props[src]['hilite'] = 'lightgreen'
+ node_props[dst]['hilite'] = 'lightblue'
+ node_props[dst]['degree'] += 1
+ edge_weight += 1
+ if self.hilite_fanins and, dst):
+ node_props[src]['hilite'] = 'lightblue'
+ node_props[dst]['hilite'] = 'lightgreen'
+ node_props[src]['degree'] += 1
+ edge_weight += 1
+ if allow == Rule.ALLOW:
+ edge_color = (edge_weight > 1) and 'blue' or 'green'
+ edge_style = 'solid'
+ elif allow == Rule.TEMP_ALLOW:
+ edge_color = (edge_weight > 1) and 'blue' or 'green'
+ edge_style = 'dashed'
+ else:
+ edge_color = 'red'
+ edge_style = 'dashed'
+ edges.append(' "%s" -> "%s" [style=%s,color=%s,penwidth=%d];' % \
+ (src, dst, edge_style, edge_color, edge_weight))
+ # Reformat the computed raw node attributes into a final DOT representation.
+ nodes = []
+ for (node, attrs) in node_props.iteritems():
+ attr_strs = []
+ if attrs['hilite']:
+ attr_strs.append('style=filled,fillcolor=%s' % attrs['hilite'])
+ attr_strs.append('penwidth=%d' % (attrs['degree'] or 1))
+ nodes.append(' "%s" [%s];' % (node, ','.join(attr_strs)))
+ # Output nodes and edges to |out| (can be a file or a pipe).
+ edges.sort()
+ nodes.sort()
+ out.write('digraph DEPS {\n'
+ ' fontsize=8;\n')
+ out.write('\n'.join(nodes))
+ out.write('\n\n')
+ out.write('\n'.join(edges))
+ out.write('\n}\n')
+ out.close()
+def PrintUsage():
+ print """Usage: python [--root <root>]
+ --root ROOT Specifies the repository root. This defaults to "../../.."
+ relative to the script file. This will be correct given the
+ normal location of the script in "<root>/tools/graphdeps".
+ --(others) There are a few lesser-used options; run with --help to show them.
+ Dump the whole dependency graph:
+ Find a suitable place for a new source that must depend on /apps and
+ /content/browser/renderer_host. Limit potential candidates to /apps,
+ /chrome/browser and content/browser, and descendants of those three.
+ Generate both DOT and PNG output. The output will highlight the fanins
+ of /apps and /content/browser/renderer_host. Nodes belonging to both fanins
+ will be emphasized by a thicker outline. Those nodes are the ones that are
+ allowed to depend on both targets, therefore they are all legal candidates
+ to place our new source in:
+ \
+ --root=./src \
+ --dot=./ \
+ --png=./DEPS.png \
+ --incl='^(apps|chrome/browser|content/browser)' \
+ --fanin='^(apps|content/browser/renderer_host)$' \
+ --excl='third_party' \
+ --ignore-specific-rules \
+ --ignore-temp-rules"""
+def main():
+ option_parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "", "--root",
+ default="", dest="base_directory",
+ help="Specifies the repository root. This defaults "
+ "to '../../..' relative to the script file, which "
+ "will normally be the repository root.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "-f", "--format",
+ dest="out_format", default="dot",
+ help="Output file format. "
+ "Can be anything that GraphViz dot's -T option supports. "
+ "The most useful ones are: dot (text), svg (image), pdf (image)."
+ "NOTES: dotty has a known problem with fonts when displaying DOT "
+ "files on Ubuntu - if labels are unreadable, try other formats.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "-o", "--out",
+ dest="out_file", default="DEPS",
+ help="Output file name. If the name does not end in an extension "
+ "matching the output format, that extension is automatically "
+ "appended.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "-l", "--layout-engine",
+ dest="layout_engine", default="",
+ help="Layout rendering engine. "
+ "Can be anything that GraphViz dot's -K option supports. "
+ "The most useful are in decreasing order: dot, fdp, circo, osage. "
+ "NOTE: '-f dot' and '-f dot -l dot' are different: the former "
+ "will dump a raw DOT graph and stop; the latter will further "
+ "filter it through 'dot -Tdot -Kdot' layout engine.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "-i", "--incl",
+ default="^.*$", dest="incl",
+ help="Include only dependent nodes that match the specified regexp. "
+ "Such nodes\" fanins and fanouts are also included, "
+ "unless filtered out by --excl.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "-e", "--excl",
+ default="^$", dest="excl",
+ help="Exclude dependent nodes that match the specified regexp. "
+ "Such nodes\" fanins and fanouts are not directly affected.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "", "--fanin",
+ default="", dest="hilite_fanins",
+ help="Highlight fanins of nodes matching the specified regexp.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "", "--fanout",
+ default="", dest="hilite_fanouts",
+ help="Highlight fanouts of nodes matching the specified regexp.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "", "--ignore-temp-rules",
+ action="store_true", dest="ignore_temp_rules", default=False,
+ help="Ignore !-prefixed (temporary) rules in DEPS files.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "", "--ignore-specific-rules",
+ action="store_true", dest="ignore_specific_rules", default=False,
+ help="Ignore specific_include_rules section of DEPS files.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "", "--hide-disallowed-deps",
+ action="store_true", dest="hide_disallowed_deps", default=False,
+ help="Hide disallowed dependencies in the output graph.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "", "--unflatten",
+ action="store_true", dest="unflatten_graph", default=False,
+ help="Try to reformat the output graph so it is narrower and taller. "
+ "Helps fight overly flat and wide graphs, but sometimes produces "
+ "inferior results.")
+ option_parser.add_option(
+ "-v", "--verbose",
+ action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Print debug logging")
+ options, args = option_parser.parse_args()
+ if not options.out_file.endswith(options.out_format):
+ options.out_file += '.' + options.out_format
+ deps_grapher = DepsGrapher(
+ base_directory=options.base_directory,
+ verbose=options.verbose,
+ being_tested=False,
+ ignore_temp_rules=options.ignore_temp_rules,
+ ignore_specific_rules=options.ignore_specific_rules,
+ hide_disallowed_deps=options.hide_disallowed_deps,
+ out_file=options.out_file,
+ out_format=options.out_format,
+ layout_engine=options.layout_engine,
+ unflatten_graph=options.unflatten_graph,
+ incl=options.incl,
+ excl=options.excl,
+ hilite_fanins=options.hilite_fanins,
+ hilite_fanouts=options.hilite_fanouts)
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ PrintUsage()
+ return 1
+ print 'Using base directory: ', deps_grapher.base_directory
+ print 'include nodes : ', options.incl
+ print 'exclude nodes : ', options.excl
+ print 'highlight fanins of : ', options.hilite_fanins
+ print 'highlight fanouts of: ', options.hilite_fanouts
+ deps_grapher.DumpDependencies()
+ return 0
+if '__main__' == __name__:
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/tools/checkdeps/ b/tools/checkdeps/
index 09d718c..b8a07df 100644
--- a/tools/checkdeps/
+++ b/tools/checkdeps/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -21,14 +21,22 @@ class Rule(object):
- def __init__(self, allow, directory, source):
+ def __init__(self, allow, directory, dependent_directory, source):
self.allow = allow
self._dir = directory
+ self._dependent_dir = dependent_directory
self._source = source
def __str__(self):
return '"%s%s" from %s.' % (self.allow, self._dir, self._source)
+ def AsDependencyTuple(self):
+ """Returns a tuple (allow, dependent dir, dependee dir) for this rule,
+ which is fully self-sufficient to answer the question whether the dependent
+ is allowed to depend on the dependee, without knowing the external
+ context."""
+ return (self.allow, self._dependent_dir or '.', self._dir or '.')
def ParentOrMatch(self, other):
"""Returns true if the input string is an exact match or is a parent
of the current rule. For example, the input "foo" would match "foo/bar"."""
@@ -46,7 +54,7 @@ class MessageRule(Rule):
def __init__(self, reason):
- super(MessageRule, self).__init__(Rule.DISALLOW, '', '')
+ super(MessageRule, self).__init__(Rule.DISALLOW, '', '', '')
self._reason = reason
def __str__(self):
@@ -102,13 +110,32 @@ class Rules(object):
result.append(' }')
return '\n'.join(result)
- def AddRule(self, rule_string, source, dependee_regexp=None):
+ def AsDependencyTuples(self, include_general_rules, include_specific_rules):
+ """Returns a list of tuples (allow, dependent dir, dependee dir) for the
+ specified rules (general/specific). Currently only general rules are
+ supported."""
+ def AddDependencyTuplesImpl(deps, rules, extra_dependent_suffix=""):
+ for rule in rules:
+ (allow, dependent, dependee) = rule.AsDependencyTuple()
+ tup = (allow, dependent + extra_dependent_suffix, dependee)
+ deps.add(tup)
+ deps = set()
+ if include_general_rules:
+ AddDependencyTuplesImpl(deps, self._general_rules)
+ if include_specific_rules:
+ for regexp, rules in self._specific_rules.iteritems():
+ AddDependencyTuplesImpl(deps, rules, "/" + regexp)
+ return deps
+ def AddRule(self, rule_string, dependent_dir, source, dependee_regexp=None):
"""Adds a rule for the given rule string.
rule_string: The include_rule string read from the DEPS file to apply.
source: A string representing the location of that string (filename, etc.)
so that we can give meaningful errors.
+ dependent_dir: The directory to which this rule applies.
dependee_regexp: The rule will only be applied to dependee files
whose filename (last component of their path)
matches the expression. None to match all
@@ -128,7 +155,7 @@ class Rules(object):
# passed "foo", we should remove "foo", "foo/bar", but not "foobar".
rules_to_update = [x for x in rules_to_update
if not x.ParentOrMatch(rule_dir)]
- rules_to_update.insert(0, Rule(rule_type, rule_dir, source))
+ rules_to_update.insert(0, Rule(rule_type, rule_dir, dependent_dir, source))
if not dependee_regexp:
self._general_rules = rules_to_update