diff options
mode: <>2014-01-16 03:13:33 +0000 <>2014-01-16 03:13:33 +0000
commitbcc2c8fab9138ab1862c4c9f72b959f012ff0a57 (patch)
parent7647cfbac1724a56a4e9708871d05d9ad15610f7 (diff)
Remove remoting.ClientPlugin interface
There was only one implementation of the ClientPlugin interface, and we don't have plans to add other implementations, so it doesn't make sense to have it as interface. Moved ClientPluginAsync to ClientPlugin. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
6 files changed, 521 insertions, 723 deletions
diff --git a/remoting/remoting.gyp b/remoting/remoting.gyp
index 183608b..b8adb63 100644
--- a/remoting/remoting.gyp
+++ b/remoting/remoting.gyp
@@ -145,7 +145,6 @@
'remoting_webapp_js_files': [
- 'webapp/client_plugin_async.js',
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/all_js_load.gtestjs b/remoting/webapp/all_js_load.gtestjs
index c00cc0b..89a14a8 100644
--- a/remoting/webapp/all_js_load.gtestjs
+++ b/remoting/webapp/all_js_load.gtestjs
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ AllJsLoadTest.prototype = {
// All of our Javascript files should be listed here unless they are
// only used by JSCompiler
- 'client_plugin_async.js',
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/client_plugin.js b/remoting/webapp/client_plugin.js
index 8cd8f1c..cc621f2 100644
--- a/remoting/webapp/client_plugin.js
+++ b/remoting/webapp/client_plugin.js
@@ -2,54 +2,80 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
+ * @fileoverview
+ * Class that wraps low-level details of interacting with the client plugin.
+ *
+ * This abstracts a <embed> element and controls the plugin which does
+ * the actual remoting work. It also handles differences between
+ * client plugins versions when it is necessary.
+ */
+'use strict';
/** @suppress {duplicate} */
var remoting = remoting || {};
- * Interface used for ClientPlugin objects.
- * @interface
+ * @param {remoting.ViewerPlugin} plugin The plugin embed element.
+ * @constructor
-remoting.ClientPlugin = function() {
+remoting.ClientPlugin = function(plugin) {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
-/** @type {number} Desktop width */
-/** @type {number} Desktop height */
-/** @type {number} Desktop x DPI */
-/** @type {number} Desktop y DPI */
+ this.desktopWidth = 0;
+ this.desktopHeight = 0;
+ this.desktopXDpi = 96;
+ this.desktopYDpi = 96;
-/** @type {function(string): void} Outgoing signaling message callback. */
-/** @type {function(string): void} Debug messages callback. */
-/** @type {function(number, number): void} State change callback. */
-/** @type {function(boolean): void} Connection ready state callback. */
-/** @type {function(): void} Desktop size change callback. */
-/** @type {function(!Array.<string>): void} Capabilities negotiated callback. */
-/** @type {function(boolean): void} Request a PIN from the user. */
+ /** @param {string} iq The Iq stanza received from the host. */
+ this.onOutgoingIqHandler = function (iq) {};
+ /** @param {string} message Log message. */
+ this.onDebugMessageHandler = function (message) {};
+ /**
+ * @param {number} state The connection state.
+ * @param {number} error The error code, if any.
+ */
+ this.onConnectionStatusUpdateHandler = function(state, error) {};
+ /** @param {boolean} ready Connection ready state. */
+ this.onConnectionReadyHandler = function(ready) {};
+ /**
+ * @param {string} tokenUrl Token-request URL, received from the host.
+ * @param {string} hostPublicKey Public key for the host.
+ * @param {string} scope OAuth scope to request the token for.
+ */
+ this.fetchThirdPartyTokenHandler = function(
+ tokenUrl, hostPublicKey, scope) {};
+ this.onDesktopSizeUpdateHandler = function () {};
+ /** @param {!Array.<string>} capabilities The negotiated capabilities. */
+ this.onSetCapabilitiesHandler = function (capabilities) {};
+ this.fetchPinHandler = function (supportsPairing) {};
- * Initializes the plugin asynchronously and calls specified function
- * when done.
- *
- * @param {function(boolean): void} onDone Function to be called when
- * the plugin is initialized. Parameter is set to true when the plugin
- * is loaded successfully.
- */
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.initialize = function(onDone) {};
+ /** @type {number} */
+ this.pluginApiVersion_ = -1;
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ this.pluginApiFeatures_ = [];
+ /** @type {number} */
+ this.pluginApiMinVersion_ = -1;
+ /** @type {!Array.<string>} */
+ this.capabilities_ = [];
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ this.helloReceived_ = false;
+ /** @type {function(boolean)|null} */
+ this.onInitializedCallback_ = null;
+ /** @type {function(string, string):void} */
+ this.onPairingComplete_ = function(clientId, sharedSecret) {};
+ /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} */
+ this.perfStats_ = new remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats();
- * @return {boolean} True if the plugin and web-app versions are compatible.
- */
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.isSupportedVersion = function() {};
+ /** @type {remoting.ClientPlugin} */
+ var that = this;
+ /** @param {Event} event Message event from the plugin. */
+ this.plugin.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
+ that.handleMessage_(;
+ }, false);
+ window.setTimeout(this.showPluginForClickToPlay_.bind(this), 500);
* Set of features for which hasFeature() can be used to test.
@@ -71,26 +97,329 @@ remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature = {
- * @param {remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature} feature The feature to test for.
- * @return {boolean} True if the plugin supports the named feature.
+ * Chromoting session API version (for this javascript).
+ * This is compared with the plugin API version to verify that they are
+ * compatible.
+ *
+ * @const
+ * @private
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.hasFeature = function(feature) {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.API_VERSION_ = 6;
- * @return {HTMLEmbedElement} HTML element that corresponds to the plugin.
+ * The oldest API version that we support.
+ * This will differ from the |API_VERSION_| if we maintain backward
+ * compatibility with older API versions.
+ *
+ * @const
+ * @private
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.element = function() {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.API_MIN_VERSION_ = 5;
+ * @param {string} messageStr Message from the plugin.
+ */
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.handleMessage_ = function(messageStr) {
+ var message = /** @type {{method:string, data:Object.<string,string>}} */
+ jsonParseSafe(messageStr);
+ if (!message || !('method' in message) || !('data' in message)) {
+ console.error('Received invalid message from the plugin: ' + messageStr);
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Splits a string into a list of words delimited by spaces.
+ * @param {string} str String that should be split.
+ * @return {!Array.<string>} List of words.
+ */
+ var tokenize = function(str) {
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */
+ var tokens = str.match(/\S+/g);
+ return tokens ? tokens : [];
+ };
+ if (message.method == 'hello') {
+ // Reset the size in case we had to enlarge it to support click-to-play.
+ this.plugin.width = 0;
+ this.plugin.height = 0;
+ if (typeof['apiVersion'] != 'number' ||
+ typeof['apiMinVersion'] != 'number') {
+ console.error('Received invalid hello message: ' + messageStr);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.pluginApiVersion_ = /** @type {number} */['apiVersion'];
+ if (this.pluginApiVersion_ >= 7) {
+ if (typeof['apiFeatures'] != 'string') {
+ console.error('Received invalid hello message: ' + messageStr);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.pluginApiFeatures_ =
+ /** @type {Array.<string>} */ tokenize(['apiFeatures']);
+ // Negotiate capabilities.
+ /** @type {!Array.<string>} */
+ var requestedCapabilities = [];
+ if ('requestedCapabilities' in {
+ if (typeof['requestedCapabilities'] != 'string') {
+ console.error('Received invalid hello message: ' + messageStr);
+ return;
+ }
+ requestedCapabilities = tokenize(['requestedCapabilities']);
+ }
+ /** @type {!Array.<string>} */
+ var supportedCapabilities = [];
+ if ('supportedCapabilities' in {
+ if (typeof['supportedCapabilities'] != 'string') {
+ console.error('Received invalid hello message: ' + messageStr);
+ return;
+ }
+ supportedCapabilities = tokenize(['supportedCapabilities']);
+ }
+ // At the moment the webapp does not recognize any of
+ // 'requestedCapabilities' capabilities (so they all should be disabled)
+ // and do not care about any of 'supportedCapabilities' capabilities (so
+ // they all can be enabled).
+ this.capabilities_ = supportedCapabilities;
+ // Let the host know that the webapp can be requested to always send
+ // the client's dimensions.
+ this.capabilities_.push(
+ remoting.ClientSession.Capability.SEND_INITIAL_RESOLUTION);
+ // Let the host know that we're interested in knowing whether or not
+ // it rate-limits desktop-resize requests.
+ this.capabilities_.push(
+ remoting.ClientSession.Capability.RATE_LIMIT_RESIZE_REQUESTS);
+ } else if (this.pluginApiVersion_ >= 6) {
+ this.pluginApiFeatures_ = ['highQualityScaling', 'injectKeyEvent'];
+ } else {
+ this.pluginApiFeatures_ = ['highQualityScaling'];
+ }
+ this.pluginApiMinVersion_ =
+ /** @type {number} */['apiMinVersion'];
+ this.helloReceived_ = true;
+ if (this.onInitializedCallback_ != null) {
+ this.onInitializedCallback_(true);
+ this.onInitializedCallback_ = null;
+ }
+ } else if (message.method == 'sendOutgoingIq') {
+ if (typeof['iq'] != 'string') {
+ console.error('Received invalid sendOutgoingIq message: ' + messageStr);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.onOutgoingIqHandler(['iq']);
+ } else if (message.method == 'logDebugMessage') {
+ if (typeof['message'] != 'string') {
+ console.error('Received invalid logDebugMessage message: ' + messageStr);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.onDebugMessageHandler(['message']);
+ } else if (message.method == 'onConnectionStatus') {
+ if (typeof['state'] != 'string' ||
+ !remoting.ClientSession.State.hasOwnProperty(['state']) ||
+ typeof['error'] != 'string') {
+ console.error('Received invalid onConnectionState message: ' +
+ messageStr);
+ return;
+ }
+ /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.State} */
+ var state = remoting.ClientSession.State[['state']];
+ var error;
+ if (remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError.hasOwnProperty(
+['error'])) {
+ error = /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError} */
+ remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError[['error']];
+ } else {
+ error = remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError.UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ this.onConnectionStatusUpdateHandler(state, error);
+ } else if (message.method == 'onDesktopSize') {
+ if (typeof['width'] != 'number' ||
+ typeof['height'] != 'number') {
+ console.error('Received invalid onDesktopSize message: ' + messageStr);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.desktopWidth = /** @type {number} */['width'];
+ this.desktopHeight = /** @type {number} */['height'];
+ this.desktopXDpi = (typeof['x_dpi'] == 'number') ?
+ /** @type {number} */ (['x_dpi']) : 96;
+ this.desktopYDpi = (typeof['y_dpi'] == 'number') ?
+ /** @type {number} */ (['y_dpi']) : 96;
+ this.onDesktopSizeUpdateHandler();
+ } else if (message.method == 'onPerfStats') {
+ if (typeof['videoBandwidth'] != 'number' ||
+ typeof['videoFrameRate'] != 'number' ||
+ typeof['captureLatency'] != 'number' ||
+ typeof['encodeLatency'] != 'number' ||
+ typeof['decodeLatency'] != 'number' ||
+ typeof['renderLatency'] != 'number' ||
+ typeof['roundtripLatency'] != 'number') {
+ console.error('Received incorrect onPerfStats message: ' + messageStr);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.perfStats_ =
+ /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} */;
+ } else if (message.method == 'injectClipboardItem') {
+ if (typeof['mimeType'] != 'string' ||
+ typeof['item'] != 'string') {
+ console.error('Received incorrect injectClipboardItem message.');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (remoting.clipboard) {
+ remoting.clipboard.fromHost(['mimeType'],
+ }
+ } else if (message.method == 'onFirstFrameReceived') {
+ if (remoting.clientSession) {
+ remoting.clientSession.onFirstFrameReceived();
+ }
+ } else if (message.method == 'onConnectionReady') {
+ if (typeof['ready'] != 'boolean') {
+ console.error('Received incorrect onConnectionReady message.');
+ return;
+ }
+ var ready = /** @type {boolean} */['ready'];
+ this.onConnectionReadyHandler(ready);
+ } else if (message.method == 'fetchPin') {
+ // The pairingSupported value in the dictionary indicates whether both
+ // client and host support pairing. If the client doesn't support pairing,
+ // then the value won't be there at all, so give it a default of false.
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ var pairingSupported = false;
+ if ('pairingSupported' in {
+ pairingSupported =
+ /** @type {boolean} */['pairingSupported'];
+ if (typeof pairingSupported != 'boolean') {
+ console.error('Received incorrect fetchPin message.');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this.fetchPinHandler(pairingSupported);
+ } else if (message.method == 'setCapabilities') {
+ if (typeof['capabilities'] != 'string') {
+ console.error('Received incorrect setCapabilities message.');
+ return;
+ }
+ /** @type {!Array.<string>} */
+ var capabilities = tokenize(['capabilities']);
+ this.onSetCapabilitiesHandler(capabilities);
+ } else if (message.method == 'fetchThirdPartyToken') {
+ if (typeof['tokenUrl'] != 'string' ||
+ typeof['hostPublicKey'] != 'string' ||
+ typeof['scope'] != 'string') {
+ console.error('Received incorrect fetchThirdPartyToken message.');
+ return;
+ }
+ var tokenUrl = /** @type {string} */['tokenUrl'];
+ var hostPublicKey =
+ /** @type {string} */['hostPublicKey'];
+ var scope = /** @type {string} */['scope'];
+ this.fetchThirdPartyTokenHandler(tokenUrl, hostPublicKey, scope);
+ } else if (message.method == 'pairingResponse') {
+ var clientId = /** @type {string} */['clientId'];
+ var sharedSecret = /** @type {string} */['sharedSecret'];
+ if (typeof clientId != 'string' || typeof sharedSecret != 'string') {
+ console.error('Received incorrect pairingResponse message.');
+ return;
+ }
+ this.onPairingComplete_(clientId, sharedSecret);
+ } else if (message.method == 'extensionMessage') {
+ if (typeof(['type']) != 'string' ||
+ typeof(['data']) != 'string') {
+ console.error('Invalid extension message:',;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (['type']) {
+ case 'test-echo-reply':
+ console.log('Got echo reply: ' +['data']);
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.log('Unexpected message received: ' +
+['type'] + ': ' +['data']);
+ }
+ }
* Deletes the plugin.
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.cleanup = function() {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.cleanup = function() {
+ this.plugin.parentNode.removeChild(this.plugin);
+ * @return {HTMLEmbedElement} HTML element that correspods to the plugin.
+ */
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.element = function() {
+ return this.plugin;
+ * @param {function(boolean): void} onDone
+ */
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.initialize = function(onDone) {
+ if (this.helloReceived_) {
+ onDone(true);
+ } else {
+ this.onInitializedCallback_ = onDone;
+ }
+ * @return {boolean} True if the plugin and web-app versions are compatible.
+ */
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.isSupportedVersion = function() {
+ if (!this.helloReceived_) {
+ console.error(
+ "isSupportedVersion() is called before the plugin is initialized.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return this.API_VERSION_ >= this.pluginApiMinVersion_ &&
+ this.pluginApiVersion_ >= this.API_MIN_VERSION_;
+ * @param {remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature} feature The feature to test for.
+ * @return {boolean} True if the plugin supports the named feature.
+ */
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.hasFeature = function(feature) {
+ if (!this.helloReceived_) {
+ console.error(
+ "hasFeature() is called before the plugin is initialized.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return this.pluginApiFeatures_.indexOf(feature) > -1;
+ * @return {boolean} True if the plugin supports the injectKeyEvent API.
+ */
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.isInjectKeyEventSupported = function() {
+ return this.pluginApiVersion_ >= 6;
- * Must be called for each incoming stanza received from the host.
* @param {string} iq Incoming IQ stanza.
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.onIncomingIq = function(iq) {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.onIncomingIq = function(iq) {
+ if (this.plugin && this.plugin.postMessage) {
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'incomingIq', data: { iq: iq } }));
+ } else {
+ // plugin.onIq may not be set after the plugin has been shut
+ // down. Particularly this happens when we receive response to
+ // session-terminate stanza.
+ console.warn('plugin.onIq is not set so dropping incoming message.');
+ }
* @param {string} hostJid The jid of the host to connect to.
@@ -111,12 +440,29 @@ remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.onIncomingIq = function(iq) {};
remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.connect = function(
hostJid, hostPublicKey, localJid, sharedSecret,
authenticationMethods, authenticationTag,
- clientPairingId, clientPairedSecret) {};
+ clientPairingId, clientPairedSecret) {
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'connect', data: {
+ hostJid: hostJid,
+ hostPublicKey: hostPublicKey,
+ localJid: localJid,
+ sharedSecret: sharedSecret,
+ authenticationMethods: authenticationMethods,
+ authenticationTag: authenticationTag,
+ capabilities: this.capabilities_.join(" "),
+ clientPairingId: clientPairingId,
+ clientPairedSecret: clientPairedSecret
+ }
+ }));
* Release all currently pressed keys.
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.releaseAllKeys = function() {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.releaseAllKeys = function() {
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'releaseAllKeys', data: {} }));
* Send a key event to the host.
@@ -125,7 +471,13 @@ remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.releaseAllKeys = function() {};
* @param {boolean} pressed True to inject a key press, False for a release.
remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.injectKeyEvent =
- function(usbKeycode, pressed) {};
+ function(usbKeycode, pressed) {
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'injectKeyEvent', data: {
+ 'usbKeycode': usbKeycode,
+ 'pressed': pressed}
+ }));
* Remap one USB keycode to another in all subsequent key events.
@@ -134,7 +486,13 @@ remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.injectKeyEvent =
* @param {number} toKeycode The USB-style code to remap the key to.
remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.remapKey =
- function(fromKeycode, toKeycode) {};
+ function(fromKeycode, toKeycode) {
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'remapKey', data: {
+ 'fromKeycode': fromKeycode,
+ 'toKeycode': toKeycode}
+ }));
* Enable/disable redirection of the specified key to the web-app.
@@ -142,14 +500,22 @@ remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.remapKey =
* @param {number} keycode The USB-style code of the key.
* @param {Boolean} trap True to enable trapping, False to disable.
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.trapKey = function(keycode, trap) {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.trapKey = function(keycode, trap) {
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'trapKey', data: {
+ 'keycode': keycode,
+ 'trap': trap}
+ }));
- * Returns an associative array with a set of stats for this connection.
+ * Returns an associative array with a set of stats for this connecton.
* @return {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} The connection statistics.
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.getPerfStats = function() {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.getPerfStats = function() {
+ return this.perfStats_;
* Sends a clipboard item to the host.
@@ -157,7 +523,14 @@ remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.getPerfStats = function() {};
* @param {string} mimeType The MIME type of the clipboard item.
* @param {string} item The clipboard item.
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.sendClipboardItem = function(mimeType, item) {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.sendClipboardItem =
+ function(mimeType, item) {
+ if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.SEND_CLIPBOARD_ITEM))
+ return;
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'sendClipboardItem',
+ data: { mimeType: mimeType, item: item }}));
* Notifies the host that the client has the specified size and pixel density.
@@ -167,7 +540,16 @@ remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.sendClipboardItem = function(mimeType, item) {};
* @param {number} device_scale The number of device pixels per DIP.
remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.notifyClientResolution =
- function(width, height, device_scale) {};
+ function(width, height, device_scale) {
+ if (this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.NOTIFY_CLIENT_RESOLUTION)) {
+ var dpi = Math.floor(device_scale * 96);
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'notifyClientResolution',
+ data: { width: Math.floor(width * device_scale),
+ height: Math.floor(height * device_scale),
+ x_dpi: dpi, y_dpi: dpi }}));
+ }
* Requests that the host pause or resume sending video updates.
@@ -175,7 +557,12 @@ remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.notifyClientResolution =
* @param {boolean} pause True to suspend video updates, false otherwise.
remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.pauseVideo =
- function(pause) {};
+ function(pause) {
+ if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.PAUSE_VIDEO))
+ return;
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'pauseVideo', data: { pause: pause }}));
* Requests that the host pause or resume sending audio updates.
@@ -183,19 +570,38 @@ remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.pauseVideo =
* @param {boolean} pause True to suspend audio updates, false otherwise.
remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.pauseAudio =
- function(pause) {};
+ function(pause) {
+ if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.PAUSE_AUDIO))
+ return;
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'pauseAudio', data: { pause: pause }}));
- * Gives the client authenticator the PIN.
+ * Called when a PIN is obtained from the user.
* @param {string} pin The PIN.
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.onPinFetched = function(pin) {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.onPinFetched =
+ function(pin) {
+ if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.ASYNC_PIN)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'onPinFetched', data: { pin: pin }}));
* Tells the plugin to ask for the PIN asynchronously.
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.useAsyncPinDialog = function() {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.useAsyncPinDialog =
+ function() {
+ if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.ASYNC_PIN)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'useAsyncPinDialog', data: {} }));
* Sets the third party authentication token and shared secret.
@@ -203,8 +609,12 @@ remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.useAsyncPinDialog = function() {};
* @param {string} token The token received from the token URL.
* @param {string} sharedSecret Shared secret received from the token URL.
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.onThirdPartyTokenFetched =
- function(token, sharedSecret) {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.onThirdPartyTokenFetched = function(
+ token, sharedSecret) {
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'onThirdPartyTokenFetched',
+ data: { token: token, sharedSecret: sharedSecret}}));
* Request pairing with the host for PIN-less authentication.
@@ -213,5 +623,50 @@ remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.onThirdPartyTokenFetched =
* @param {function(string, string):void} onDone, Callback to receive the
* client id and shared secret when they are available.
-remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.requestPairing = function(
- clientName, onDone) {};
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.requestPairing =
+ function(clientName, onDone) {
+ if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.PINLESS_AUTH)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.onPairingComplete_ = onDone;
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'requestPairing', data: { clientName: clientName } }));
+ * Send an extension message to the host.
+ *
+ * @param {string} type The message type.
+ * @param {Object} message The message payload.
+ */
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.sendClientMessage =
+ function(type, message) {
+ if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.EXTENSION_MESSAGE)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
+ { method: 'extensionMessage',
+ data: { type: type, data: JSON.stringify(message) } }));
+ * If we haven't yet received a "hello" message from the plugin, change its
+ * size so that the user can confirm it if click-to-play is enabled, or can
+ * see the "this plugin is disabled" message if it is actually disabled.
+ * @private
+ */
+remoting.ClientPlugin.prototype.showPluginForClickToPlay_ = function() {
+ if (!this.helloReceived_) {
+ var width = 200;
+ var height = 200;
+ this.plugin.width = width;
+ this.plugin.height = height;
+ // Center the plugin just underneath the "Connnecting..." dialog.
+ var parentNode = this.plugin.parentNode;
+ var dialog = document.getElementById('client-dialog');
+ var dialogRect = dialog.getBoundingClientRect();
+ = (dialogRect.bottom + 16) + 'px';
+ = (window.innerWidth - width) / 2 + 'px';
+ }
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/client_plugin_async.js b/remoting/webapp/client_plugin_async.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e0461f..0000000
--- a/remoting/webapp/client_plugin_async.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,654 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview
- * Class that wraps low-level details of interacting with the client plugin.
- *
- * This abstracts a <embed> element and controls the plugin which does
- * the actual remoting work. It also handles differences between
- * client plugins versions when it is necessary.
- */
-'use strict';
-/** @suppress {duplicate} */
-var remoting = remoting || {};
- * @param {remoting.ViewerPlugin} plugin The plugin embed element.
- * @constructor
- * @implements {remoting.ClientPlugin}
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync = function(plugin) {
- this.plugin = plugin;
- this.desktopWidth = 0;
- this.desktopHeight = 0;
- this.desktopXDpi = 96;
- this.desktopYDpi = 96;
- /** @param {string} iq The Iq stanza received from the host. */
- this.onOutgoingIqHandler = function (iq) {};
- /** @param {string} message Log message. */
- this.onDebugMessageHandler = function (message) {};
- /**
- * @param {number} state The connection state.
- * @param {number} error The error code, if any.
- */
- this.onConnectionStatusUpdateHandler = function(state, error) {};
- /** @param {boolean} ready Connection ready state. */
- this.onConnectionReadyHandler = function(ready) {};
- /**
- * @param {string} tokenUrl Token-request URL, received from the host.
- * @param {string} hostPublicKey Public key for the host.
- * @param {string} scope OAuth scope to request the token for.
- */
- this.fetchThirdPartyTokenHandler = function(
- tokenUrl, hostPublicKey, scope) {};
- this.onDesktopSizeUpdateHandler = function () {};
- /** @param {!Array.<string>} capabilities The negotiated capabilities. */
- this.onSetCapabilitiesHandler = function (capabilities) {};
- this.fetchPinHandler = function (supportsPairing) {};
- /** @type {number} */
- this.pluginApiVersion_ = -1;
- /** @type {Array.<string>} */
- this.pluginApiFeatures_ = [];
- /** @type {number} */
- this.pluginApiMinVersion_ = -1;
- /** @type {!Array.<string>} */
- this.capabilities_ = [];
- /** @type {boolean} */
- this.helloReceived_ = false;
- /** @type {function(boolean)|null} */
- this.onInitializedCallback_ = null;
- /** @type {function(string, string):void} */
- this.onPairingComplete_ = function(clientId, sharedSecret) {};
- /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} */
- this.perfStats_ = new remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats();
- /** @type {remoting.ClientPluginAsync} */
- var that = this;
- /** @param {Event} event Message event from the plugin. */
- this.plugin.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
- that.handleMessage_(;
- }, false);
- window.setTimeout(this.showPluginForClickToPlay_.bind(this), 500);
- * Chromoting session API version (for this javascript).
- * This is compared with the plugin API version to verify that they are
- * compatible.
- *
- * @const
- * @private
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.API_VERSION_ = 6;
- * The oldest API version that we support.
- * This will differ from the |API_VERSION_| if we maintain backward
- * compatibility with older API versions.
- *
- * @const
- * @private
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.API_MIN_VERSION_ = 5;
- * @param {string} messageStr Message from the plugin.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.handleMessage_ = function(messageStr) {
- var message = /** @type {{method:string, data:Object.<string,string>}} */
- jsonParseSafe(messageStr);
- if (!message || !('method' in message) || !('data' in message)) {
- console.error('Received invalid message from the plugin: ' + messageStr);
- return;
- }
- /**
- * Splits a string into a list of words delimited by spaces.
- * @param {string} str String that should be split.
- * @return {!Array.<string>} List of words.
- */
- var tokenize = function(str) {
- /** @type {Array.<string>} */
- var tokens = str.match(/\S+/g);
- return tokens ? tokens : [];
- };
- if (message.method == 'hello') {
- // Reset the size in case we had to enlarge it to support click-to-play.
- this.plugin.width = 0;
- this.plugin.height = 0;
- if (typeof['apiVersion'] != 'number' ||
- typeof['apiMinVersion'] != 'number') {
- console.error('Received invalid hello message: ' + messageStr);
- return;
- }
- this.pluginApiVersion_ = /** @type {number} */['apiVersion'];
- if (this.pluginApiVersion_ >= 7) {
- if (typeof['apiFeatures'] != 'string') {
- console.error('Received invalid hello message: ' + messageStr);
- return;
- }
- this.pluginApiFeatures_ =
- /** @type {Array.<string>} */ tokenize(['apiFeatures']);
- // Negotiate capabilities.
- /** @type {!Array.<string>} */
- var requestedCapabilities = [];
- if ('requestedCapabilities' in {
- if (typeof['requestedCapabilities'] != 'string') {
- console.error('Received invalid hello message: ' + messageStr);
- return;
- }
- requestedCapabilities = tokenize(['requestedCapabilities']);
- }
- /** @type {!Array.<string>} */
- var supportedCapabilities = [];
- if ('supportedCapabilities' in {
- if (typeof['supportedCapabilities'] != 'string') {
- console.error('Received invalid hello message: ' + messageStr);
- return;
- }
- supportedCapabilities = tokenize(['supportedCapabilities']);
- }
- // At the moment the webapp does not recognize any of
- // 'requestedCapabilities' capabilities (so they all should be disabled)
- // and do not care about any of 'supportedCapabilities' capabilities (so
- // they all can be enabled).
- this.capabilities_ = supportedCapabilities;
- // Let the host know that the webapp can be requested to always send
- // the client's dimensions.
- this.capabilities_.push(
- remoting.ClientSession.Capability.SEND_INITIAL_RESOLUTION);
- // Let the host know that we're interested in knowing whether or not
- // it rate-limits desktop-resize requests.
- this.capabilities_.push(
- remoting.ClientSession.Capability.RATE_LIMIT_RESIZE_REQUESTS);
- } else if (this.pluginApiVersion_ >= 6) {
- this.pluginApiFeatures_ = ['highQualityScaling', 'injectKeyEvent'];
- } else {
- this.pluginApiFeatures_ = ['highQualityScaling'];
- }
- this.pluginApiMinVersion_ =
- /** @type {number} */['apiMinVersion'];
- this.helloReceived_ = true;
- if (this.onInitializedCallback_ != null) {
- this.onInitializedCallback_(true);
- this.onInitializedCallback_ = null;
- }
- } else if (message.method == 'sendOutgoingIq') {
- if (typeof['iq'] != 'string') {
- console.error('Received invalid sendOutgoingIq message: ' + messageStr);
- return;
- }
- this.onOutgoingIqHandler(['iq']);
- } else if (message.method == 'logDebugMessage') {
- if (typeof['message'] != 'string') {
- console.error('Received invalid logDebugMessage message: ' + messageStr);
- return;
- }
- this.onDebugMessageHandler(['message']);
- } else if (message.method == 'onConnectionStatus') {
- if (typeof['state'] != 'string' ||
- !remoting.ClientSession.State.hasOwnProperty(['state']) ||
- typeof['error'] != 'string') {
- console.error('Received invalid onConnectionState message: ' +
- messageStr);
- return;
- }
- /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.State} */
- var state = remoting.ClientSession.State[['state']];
- var error;
- if (remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError.hasOwnProperty(
-['error'])) {
- error = /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError} */
- remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError[['error']];
- } else {
- error = remoting.ClientSession.ConnectionError.UNKNOWN;
- }
- this.onConnectionStatusUpdateHandler(state, error);
- } else if (message.method == 'onDesktopSize') {
- if (typeof['width'] != 'number' ||
- typeof['height'] != 'number') {
- console.error('Received invalid onDesktopSize message: ' + messageStr);
- return;
- }
- this.desktopWidth = /** @type {number} */['width'];
- this.desktopHeight = /** @type {number} */['height'];
- this.desktopXDpi = (typeof['x_dpi'] == 'number') ?
- /** @type {number} */ (['x_dpi']) : 96;
- this.desktopYDpi = (typeof['y_dpi'] == 'number') ?
- /** @type {number} */ (['y_dpi']) : 96;
- this.onDesktopSizeUpdateHandler();
- } else if (message.method == 'onPerfStats') {
- if (typeof['videoBandwidth'] != 'number' ||
- typeof['videoFrameRate'] != 'number' ||
- typeof['captureLatency'] != 'number' ||
- typeof['encodeLatency'] != 'number' ||
- typeof['decodeLatency'] != 'number' ||
- typeof['renderLatency'] != 'number' ||
- typeof['roundtripLatency'] != 'number') {
- console.error('Received incorrect onPerfStats message: ' + messageStr);
- return;
- }
- this.perfStats_ =
- /** @type {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} */;
- } else if (message.method == 'injectClipboardItem') {
- if (typeof['mimeType'] != 'string' ||
- typeof['item'] != 'string') {
- console.error('Received incorrect injectClipboardItem message.');
- return;
- }
- if (remoting.clipboard) {
- remoting.clipboard.fromHost(['mimeType'],
- }
- } else if (message.method == 'onFirstFrameReceived') {
- if (remoting.clientSession) {
- remoting.clientSession.onFirstFrameReceived();
- }
- } else if (message.method == 'onConnectionReady') {
- if (typeof['ready'] != 'boolean') {
- console.error('Received incorrect onConnectionReady message.');
- return;
- }
- var ready = /** @type {boolean} */['ready'];
- this.onConnectionReadyHandler(ready);
- } else if (message.method == 'fetchPin') {
- // The pairingSupported value in the dictionary indicates whether both
- // client and host support pairing. If the client doesn't support pairing,
- // then the value won't be there at all, so give it a default of false.
- /** @type {boolean} */
- var pairingSupported = false;
- if ('pairingSupported' in {
- pairingSupported =
- /** @type {boolean} */['pairingSupported'];
- if (typeof pairingSupported != 'boolean') {
- console.error('Received incorrect fetchPin message.');
- return;
- }
- }
- this.fetchPinHandler(pairingSupported);
- } else if (message.method == 'setCapabilities') {
- if (typeof['capabilities'] != 'string') {
- console.error('Received incorrect setCapabilities message.');
- return;
- }
- /** @type {!Array.<string>} */
- var capabilities = tokenize(['capabilities']);
- this.onSetCapabilitiesHandler(capabilities);
- } else if (message.method == 'fetchThirdPartyToken') {
- if (typeof['tokenUrl'] != 'string' ||
- typeof['hostPublicKey'] != 'string' ||
- typeof['scope'] != 'string') {
- console.error('Received incorrect fetchThirdPartyToken message.');
- return;
- }
- var tokenUrl = /** @type {string} */['tokenUrl'];
- var hostPublicKey =
- /** @type {string} */['hostPublicKey'];
- var scope = /** @type {string} */['scope'];
- this.fetchThirdPartyTokenHandler(tokenUrl, hostPublicKey, scope);
- } else if (message.method == 'pairingResponse') {
- var clientId = /** @type {string} */['clientId'];
- var sharedSecret = /** @type {string} */['sharedSecret'];
- if (typeof clientId != 'string' || typeof sharedSecret != 'string') {
- console.error('Received incorrect pairingResponse message.');
- return;
- }
- this.onPairingComplete_(clientId, sharedSecret);
- } else if (message.method == 'extensionMessage') {
- if (typeof(['type']) != 'string' ||
- typeof(['data']) != 'string') {
- console.error('Invalid extension message:',;
- return;
- }
- switch (['type']) {
- case 'test-echo-reply':
- console.log('Got echo reply: ' +['data']);
- break;
- default:
- console.log('Unexpected message received: ' +
-['type'] + ': ' +['data']);
- }
- }
- * Deletes the plugin.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.cleanup = function() {
- this.plugin.parentNode.removeChild(this.plugin);
- * @return {HTMLEmbedElement} HTML element that correspods to the plugin.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.element = function() {
- return this.plugin;
- * @param {function(boolean): void} onDone
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.initialize = function(onDone) {
- if (this.helloReceived_) {
- onDone(true);
- } else {
- this.onInitializedCallback_ = onDone;
- }
- * @return {boolean} True if the plugin and web-app versions are compatible.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.isSupportedVersion = function() {
- if (!this.helloReceived_) {
- console.error(
- "isSupportedVersion() is called before the plugin is initialized.");
- return false;
- }
- return this.API_VERSION_ >= this.pluginApiMinVersion_ &&
- this.pluginApiVersion_ >= this.API_MIN_VERSION_;
- * @param {remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature} feature The feature to test for.
- * @return {boolean} True if the plugin supports the named feature.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.hasFeature = function(feature) {
- if (!this.helloReceived_) {
- console.error(
- "hasFeature() is called before the plugin is initialized.");
- return false;
- }
- return this.pluginApiFeatures_.indexOf(feature) > -1;
- * @return {boolean} True if the plugin supports the injectKeyEvent API.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.isInjectKeyEventSupported = function() {
- return this.pluginApiVersion_ >= 6;
- * @param {string} iq Incoming IQ stanza.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.onIncomingIq = function(iq) {
- if (this.plugin && this.plugin.postMessage) {
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'incomingIq', data: { iq: iq } }));
- } else {
- // plugin.onIq may not be set after the plugin has been shut
- // down. Particularly this happens when we receive response to
- // session-terminate stanza.
- console.warn('plugin.onIq is not set so dropping incoming message.');
- }
- * @param {string} hostJid The jid of the host to connect to.
- * @param {string} hostPublicKey The base64 encoded version of the host's
- * public key.
- * @param {string} localJid Local jid.
- * @param {string} sharedSecret The access code for IT2Me or the PIN
- * for Me2Me.
- * @param {string} authenticationMethods Comma-separated list of
- * authentication methods the client should attempt to use.
- * @param {string} authenticationTag A host-specific tag to mix into
- * authentication hashes.
- * @param {string} clientPairingId For paired Me2Me connections, the
- * pairing id for this client, as issued by the host.
- * @param {string} clientPairedSecret For paired Me2Me connections, the
- * paired secret for this client, as issued by the host.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.connect = function(
- hostJid, hostPublicKey, localJid, sharedSecret,
- authenticationMethods, authenticationTag,
- clientPairingId, clientPairedSecret) {
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'connect', data: {
- hostJid: hostJid,
- hostPublicKey: hostPublicKey,
- localJid: localJid,
- sharedSecret: sharedSecret,
- authenticationMethods: authenticationMethods,
- authenticationTag: authenticationTag,
- capabilities: this.capabilities_.join(" "),
- clientPairingId: clientPairingId,
- clientPairedSecret: clientPairedSecret
- }
- }));
- * Release all currently pressed keys.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.releaseAllKeys = function() {
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'releaseAllKeys', data: {} }));
- * Send a key event to the host.
- *
- * @param {number} usbKeycode The USB-style code of the key to inject.
- * @param {boolean} pressed True to inject a key press, False for a release.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.injectKeyEvent =
- function(usbKeycode, pressed) {
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'injectKeyEvent', data: {
- 'usbKeycode': usbKeycode,
- 'pressed': pressed}
- }));
- * Remap one USB keycode to another in all subsequent key events.
- *
- * @param {number} fromKeycode The USB-style code of the key to remap.
- * @param {number} toKeycode The USB-style code to remap the key to.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.remapKey =
- function(fromKeycode, toKeycode) {
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'remapKey', data: {
- 'fromKeycode': fromKeycode,
- 'toKeycode': toKeycode}
- }));
- * Enable/disable redirection of the specified key to the web-app.
- *
- * @param {number} keycode The USB-style code of the key.
- * @param {Boolean} trap True to enable trapping, False to disable.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.trapKey = function(keycode, trap) {
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'trapKey', data: {
- 'keycode': keycode,
- 'trap': trap}
- }));
- * Returns an associative array with a set of stats for this connecton.
- *
- * @return {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} The connection statistics.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.getPerfStats = function() {
- return this.perfStats_;
- * Sends a clipboard item to the host.
- *
- * @param {string} mimeType The MIME type of the clipboard item.
- * @param {string} item The clipboard item.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.sendClipboardItem =
- function(mimeType, item) {
- if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.SEND_CLIPBOARD_ITEM))
- return;
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'sendClipboardItem',
- data: { mimeType: mimeType, item: item }}));
- * Notifies the host that the client has the specified size and pixel density.
- *
- * @param {number} width The available client width in DIPs.
- * @param {number} height The available client height in DIPs.
- * @param {number} device_scale The number of device pixels per DIP.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.notifyClientResolution =
- function(width, height, device_scale) {
- if (this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.NOTIFY_CLIENT_RESOLUTION)) {
- var dpi = Math.floor(device_scale * 96);
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'notifyClientResolution',
- data: { width: Math.floor(width * device_scale),
- height: Math.floor(height * device_scale),
- x_dpi: dpi, y_dpi: dpi }}));
- }
- * Requests that the host pause or resume sending video updates.
- *
- * @param {boolean} pause True to suspend video updates, false otherwise.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.pauseVideo =
- function(pause) {
- if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.PAUSE_VIDEO))
- return;
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'pauseVideo', data: { pause: pause }}));
- * Requests that the host pause or resume sending audio updates.
- *
- * @param {boolean} pause True to suspend audio updates, false otherwise.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.pauseAudio =
- function(pause) {
- if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.PAUSE_AUDIO))
- return;
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'pauseAudio', data: { pause: pause }}));
- * Called when a PIN is obtained from the user.
- *
- * @param {string} pin The PIN.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.onPinFetched =
- function(pin) {
- if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.ASYNC_PIN)) {
- return;
- }
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'onPinFetched', data: { pin: pin }}));
- * Tells the plugin to ask for the PIN asynchronously.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.useAsyncPinDialog =
- function() {
- if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.ASYNC_PIN)) {
- return;
- }
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'useAsyncPinDialog', data: {} }));
- * Sets the third party authentication token and shared secret.
- *
- * @param {string} token The token received from the token URL.
- * @param {string} sharedSecret Shared secret received from the token URL.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.onThirdPartyTokenFetched = function(
- token, sharedSecret) {
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'onThirdPartyTokenFetched',
- data: { token: token, sharedSecret: sharedSecret}}));
- * Request pairing with the host for PIN-less authentication.
- *
- * @param {string} clientName The human-readable name of the client.
- * @param {function(string, string):void} onDone, Callback to receive the
- * client id and shared secret when they are available.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.requestPairing =
- function(clientName, onDone) {
- if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.PINLESS_AUTH)) {
- return;
- }
- this.onPairingComplete_ = onDone;
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'requestPairing', data: { clientName: clientName } }));
- * Send an extension message to the host.
- *
- * @param {string} type The message type.
- * @param {Object} message The message payload.
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.sendClientMessage =
- function(type, message) {
- if (!this.hasFeature(remoting.ClientPlugin.Feature.EXTENSION_MESSAGE)) {
- return;
- }
- this.plugin.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
- { method: 'extensionMessage',
- data: { type: type, data: JSON.stringify(message) } }));
- * If we haven't yet received a "hello" message from the plugin, change its
- * size so that the user can confirm it if click-to-play is enabled, or can
- * see the "this plugin is disabled" message if it is actually disabled.
- * @private
- */
-remoting.ClientPluginAsync.prototype.showPluginForClickToPlay_ = function() {
- if (!this.helloReceived_) {
- var width = 200;
- var height = 200;
- this.plugin.width = width;
- this.plugin.height = height;
- // Center the plugin just underneath the "Connnecting..." dialog.
- var parentNode = this.plugin.parentNode;
- var dialog = document.getElementById('client-dialog');
- var dialogRect = dialog.getBoundingClientRect();
- = (dialogRect.bottom + 16) + 'px';
- = (window.innerWidth - width) / 2 + 'px';
- }
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/client_session.js b/remoting/webapp/client_session.js
index a6bc3bd..2d3e88d 100644
--- a/remoting/webapp/client_session.js
+++ b/remoting/webapp/client_session.js
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ remoting.ClientSession.prototype.createClientPlugin_ = function(container, id) {
plugin.tabIndex = 0; // Required, otherwise focus() doesn't work.
- return new remoting.ClientPluginAsync(plugin);
+ return new remoting.ClientPlugin(plugin);
diff --git a/remoting/webapp/main.html b/remoting/webapp/main.html
index a42c353..066d906 100644
--- a/remoting/webapp/main.html
+++ b/remoting/webapp/main.html
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="toolbar.css">
<script src="butter_bar.js"></script>
<script src="client_plugin.js"></script>
- <script src="client_plugin_async.js"></script>
<script src="client_screen.js"></script>
<script src="client_session.js"></script>
<script src="clipboard.js"></script>