diff options
mode: <>2014-06-11 13:19:47 +0000 <>2014-06-11 13:19:47 +0000
commite92d61e1866c035d790131692b2bb78754420153 (patch)
parentac59ea834e59a588c3354f14c2b4ae47cb384aad (diff)
Convert apk obfuscation to python
For the apk specific java files, we now run proguard on the jar instead of the classes. BUG=375324,359249 Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
4 files changed, 188 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/build/android/ant/apk-obfuscate.xml b/build/android/ant/apk-obfuscate.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 094c988..0000000
--- a/build/android/ant/apk-obfuscate.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- Copyright (C) 2005-2008 The Android Open Source Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<project default="-obfuscate">
- <property name="verbose" value="false" />
- <property name="out.dir" location="${OUT_DIR}" />
- <!-- Output directories -->
- <property name="out.dir" value="bin" />
- <property name="out.absolute.dir" location="${out.dir}" />
- <property name="out.classes.absolute.dir" location="${out.dir}/classes" />
- <!-- tools location -->
- <property name="sdk.dir" location="${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}"/>
- <property name="" location="${sdk.dir}/tools" />
- <property name="" location="${ANDROID_SDK_JAR}" />
- <path id="">
- <pathelement location="${}" />
- </path>
- <!-- jar file from where the tasks are loaded -->
- <path id="android.antlibs">
- <pathelement path="${sdk.dir}/tools/lib/ant-tasks.jar" />
- </path>
- <!-- Custom tasks -->
- <taskdef resource="" classpathref="android.antlibs" />
- <!-- Classpath for javac -->
- <path id="javac.custom.classpath">
- <filelist files="${INPUT_JARS_PATHS}"/>
- </path>
- <condition property="" value="true" else="false">
- <equals arg1="${IS_TEST_APK}" arg2="1" />
- </condition>
- <property name="proguard.enabled" value="${PROGUARD_ENABLED}" />
- <property name="proguard.config" value="${PROGUARD_FLAGS}" />
- <property name="manifest.file" value="${ANDROID_MANIFEST}" />
- <property name="manifest.abs.file" location="${manifest.file}" />
- <!-- Obfuscate target
- This is only active in release builds when proguard.config is defined
- in
- -->
- <!--
- Override obfuscate target to pass javac.custom.classpath to Proguard. SDK tools do not provide
- any way to pass custom class paths to Proguard.
- -->
- <target name="-obfuscate">
- <if condition="${}">
- <then>
- <!-- get the project manifest package -->
- <xpath input="${manifest.abs.file}"
- expression="/manifest/@package" output="" />
- <loadresource property="">
- <propertyresource name=""/>
- <filterchain>
- <replacestring from="." to="/"/>
- </filterchain>
- </loadresource>
- <property name="create.test.jar.exclusions" value="${}/R.class ${}/R$*.class ${}/Manifest.class ${}/Manifest$*.class ${}/BuildConfig.class"/>
- <jar destfile="${TEST_JAR_PATH}"
- excludes="${create.test.jar.exclusions}"
- duplicate="preserve"
- >
- <restrict>
- <name name="**/*.class"/>
- <archives>
- <zips>
- <path refid="javac.custom.classpath"/>
- </zips>
- </archives>
- </restrict>
- <fileset dir="${out.dir}/classes"/>
- </jar>
- </then>
- </if>
- <if>
- <condition>
- <and>
- <istrue value="${proguard.enabled}"/>
- <equals arg1="${CONFIGURATION_NAME}" arg2="Release"/>
- </and>
- </condition>
- <then>
- <property name="obfuscate.absolute.dir" location="${out.absolute.dir}/proguard"/>
- <property name="preobfuscate.jar.file" value="${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/original.jar"/>
- <property name="obfuscated.jar.file" value="${OBFUSCATED_JAR_PATH}"/>
- <property name="obfuscated.jar.abs.file" location="${obfuscated.jar.file}"/>
- <!-- Add Proguard Tasks -->
- <property name="proguard.jar" location="${}/proguard/lib/proguard.jar"/>
- <taskdef name="proguard" classname="proguard.ant.ProGuardTask" classpath="${proguard.jar}"/>
- <!-- Set the android classpath Path object into a single property. It'll be
- all the jar files separated by a platform path-separator.
- Each path must be quoted if it contains spaces.
- -->
- <pathconvert property="" refid="">
- <firstmatchmapper>
- <regexpmapper from='^([^ ]*)( .*)$$' to='"\1\2"'/>
- <identitymapper/>
- </firstmatchmapper>
- </pathconvert>
- <!-- Build a path object with all the jar files that must be obfuscated.
- This include the project compiled source code and any 3rd party jar
- files. -->
- <path id="project.all.classes.path">
- <pathelement location="${preobfuscate.jar.file}"/>
- <!-- Pass javac.custom.classpath for apks. -->
- <path refid="javac.custom.classpath"/>
- </path>
- <!-- Set the project jar files Path object into a single property. It'll be
- all the jar files separated by a platform path-separator.
- Each path must be quoted if it contains spaces.
- -->
- <pathconvert property="project.all.classes.value" refid="project.all.classes.path">
- <firstmatchmapper>
- <regexpmapper from='^([^ ]*)( .*)$$' to='"\1\2"'/>
- <identitymapper/>
- </firstmatchmapper>
- </pathconvert>
- <!-- Turn the path property ${proguard.config} from an A:B:C property
- into a series of includes: -include A -include B -include C
- suitable for processing by the ProGuard task. Note - this does
- not include the leading '-include "' or the closing '"'; those
- are added under the <proguard> call below.
- -->
- <path id="proguard.configpath">
- <filelist files="${proguard.config}"/>
- </path>
- <pathconvert pathsep='" -include "' property="proguard.configcmd"
- refid="proguard.configpath"/>
- <mkdir dir="${obfuscate.absolute.dir}"/>
- <delete file="${preobfuscate.jar.file}"/>
- <delete file="${obfuscated.jar.abs.file}"/>
- <jar basedir="${out.classes.absolute.dir}"
- destfile="${preobfuscate.jar.file}"/>
- <proguard>
- -include "${proguard.configcmd}"
- -injars ${project.all.classes.value}
- -outjars "${obfuscated.jar.abs.file}"
- -libraryjars ${}
- -dump "${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/dump.txt"
- -printseeds "${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/seeds.txt"
- -printusage "${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/usage.txt"
- -printmapping "${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/mapping.txt"
- </proguard>
- </then>
- </if>
- <touch file="${STAMP}" />
- </target>
diff --git a/build/android/gyp/ b/build/android/gyp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1e2eccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/gyp/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Generates the obfuscated jar and test jar for an apk.
+If proguard is not enabled or 'Release' is not in the configuration name,
+obfuscation will be a no-op.
+import fnmatch
+import optparse
+import os
+import sys
+import zipfile
+from util import build_utils
+def ParseArgs(argv):
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('--android-sdk', help='path to the Android SDK folder')
+ parser.add_option('--android-sdk-tools',
+ help='path to the Android SDK build tools folder')
+ parser.add_option('--android-sdk-jar',
+ help='path to Android SDK\'s android.jar')
+ parser.add_option('--proguard-jar-path',
+ help='Path to proguard.jar in the sdk')
+ parser.add_option('--input-jars-paths',
+ help='Path to jars to include in obfuscated jar')
+ parser.add_option('--proguard-config-files',
+ help='Paths to proguard config files')
+ parser.add_option('--configuration-name',
+ help='Gyp configuration name (i.e. Debug, Release)')
+ parser.add_option('--proguard-enabled', action='store_true',
+ help='Set if proguard is enabled for this target.')
+ parser.add_option('--obfuscated-jar-path',
+ help='Output path for obfuscated jar.')
+ parser.add_option('--testapp', action='store_true',
+ help='Set this if building an instrumentation test apk')
+ parser.add_option('--test-jar-path',
+ help='Output path for jar containing all the test apk\'s '
+ 'code.')
+ parser.add_option('--stamp', help='File to touch on success')
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if args:
+ parser.error('No positional arguments should be given. ' + str(args))
+ # Check that required options have been provided.
+ required_options = (
+ 'android_sdk',
+ 'android_sdk_tools',
+ 'android_sdk_jar',
+ 'proguard_jar_path',
+ 'input_jars_paths',
+ 'configuration_name',
+ 'obfuscated_jar_path',
+ )
+ build_utils.CheckOptions(options, parser, required=required_options)
+ return options, args
+def main(argv):
+ options, _ = ParseArgs(argv)
+ library_classpath = [options.android_sdk_jar]
+ javac_custom_classpath = build_utils.ParseGypList(options.input_jars_paths)
+ dependency_class_filters = [
+ '*R.class', '*R$*.class', '*Manifest.class', '*BuildConfig.class']
+ def DependencyClassFilter(name):
+ for name_filter in dependency_class_filters:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, name_filter):
+ return False
+ return True
+ if options.testapp:
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(options.test_jar_path, 'w') as test_jar:
+ for jar in build_utils.ParseGypList(options.input_jars_paths):
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(jar, 'r') as jar_zip:
+ for name in filter(DependencyClassFilter, jar_zip.namelist()):
+ with as zip_entry:
+ test_jar.writestr(name,
+ if options.configuration_name == 'Release' and options.proguard_enabled:
+ proguard_project_classpath = javac_custom_classpath
+ proguard_cmd = [
+ 'java', '-jar', options.proguard_jar_path,
+ '-forceprocessing',
+ '-injars', ':'.join(proguard_project_classpath),
+ '-libraryjars', ':'.join(library_classpath),
+ '-outjars', options.obfuscated_jar_path,
+ '-dump', options.obfuscated_jar_path + '.dump',
+ '-printseeds', options.obfuscated_jar_path + '.seeds',
+ '-printusage', options.obfuscated_jar_path + '.usage',
+ '-printmapping', options.obfuscated_jar_path + '.mapping',
+ ]
+ for proguard_file in build_utils.ParseGypList(
+ options.proguard_config_files):
+ proguard_cmd += ['-include', proguard_file]
+ build_utils.CheckOutput(proguard_cmd)
+ else:
+ output_files = [
+ options.obfuscated_jar_path,
+ options.obfuscated_jar_path + '.dump',
+ options.obfuscated_jar_path + '.seeds',
+ options.obfuscated_jar_path + '.usage',
+ options.obfuscated_jar_path + '.mapping']
+ for f in output_files:
+ if os.path.exists(f):
+ os.remove(f)
+ build_utils.Touch(f)
+ if options.stamp:
+ build_utils.Touch(options.stamp)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/build/apk_fake_jar.gypi b/build/apk_fake_jar.gypi
index 2787691..128b84c 100644
--- a/build/apk_fake_jar.gypi
+++ b/build/apk_fake_jar.gypi
@@ -12,14 +12,4 @@
'library_dexed_jars_paths': ['>(apk_output_jar_path)'],
- # Add an action with the appropriate output. This allows the generated
- # buildfiles to determine which target the output corresponds to.
- 'actions': [
- {
- 'action_name': 'fake_generate_jar',
- 'inputs': [],
- 'outputs': ['>(apk_output_jar_path)'],
- 'action': [],
- },
- ],
diff --git a/build/java_apk.gypi b/build/java_apk.gypi
index b654ad8..9e2b937 100644
--- a/build/java_apk.gypi
+++ b/build/java_apk.gypi
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
'jar_excluded_classes': [],
'jar_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(jar_name)',
'obfuscated_jar_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/obfuscated.jar',
+ 'test_jar_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(apk_name).jar',
'dex_path': '<(intermediate_dir)/classes.dex',
'emma_device_jar': '<(android_sdk_root)/tools/lib/emma_device.jar',
'android_manifest_path%': '<(java_in_dir)/AndroidManifest.xml',
@@ -585,6 +586,7 @@
'outputs': [
+ '<(jar_path)',
'action': [
'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
@@ -595,43 +597,72 @@
- 'action_name': 'ant_obfuscate_<(_target_name)',
+ 'action_name': 'obfuscate_<(_target_name)',
'message': 'Obfuscating <(_target_name)',
+ 'variables': {
+ 'additional_obfuscate_options': [],
+ 'proguard_out_dir': '<(intermediate_dir)/proguard',
+ 'proguard_input_jar_paths': [
+ '>@(input_jars_paths)',
+ '<(jar_path)',
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['is_test_apk == 1', {
+ 'additional_obfuscate_options': [
+ '--testapp',
+ ],
+ }],
+ ['proguard_enabled == "true"', {
+ 'additional_obfuscate_options': [
+ '--proguard-enabled',
+ ],
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['is_test_apk == 1', {
+ 'outputs': [
+ '<(test_jar_path)',
+ ],
+ }],
+ ],
'inputs': [
- '<(DEPTH)/build/android/ant/apk-obfuscate.xml',
+ '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
- '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
- '<(android_manifest_path)',
- '<(instr_stamp)',
+ '>@(proguard_input_jar_paths)',
'outputs': [
# This lists obfuscate_stamp instead of obfuscated_jar_path because
# ant only writes the latter if the md5 of the inputs changes.
+ # In non-Release builds, these paths will all be empty files.
+ '<(obfuscated_jar_path)',
+ '<(obfuscated_jar_path).dump',
+ '<(obfuscated_jar_path).seeds',
+ '<(obfuscated_jar_path).mapping',
+ '<(obfuscated_jar_path).usage',
'action': [
- 'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
- '-quiet',
- '-DANDROID_MANIFEST=<(android_manifest_path)',
- '-DANDROID_SDK_JAR=<(android_sdk_jar)',
- '-DANDROID_SDK_ROOT=<(android_sdk_root)',
- '-DANDROID_SDK_VERSION=<(android_sdk_version)',
- '-DANDROID_SDK_TOOLS=<(android_sdk_tools)',
- '-DAPK_NAME=<(apk_name)',
- '-DINPUT_JARS_PATHS=>(input_jars_paths)',
- '-DIS_TEST_APK=<(is_test_apk)',
- '-DOBFUSCATED_JAR_PATH=<(obfuscated_jar_path)',
- '-DOUT_DIR=<(intermediate_dir)',
- '-DPROGUARD_ENABLED=<(proguard_enabled)',
- '-DPROGUARD_FLAGS=<(proguard_flags_paths)',
- '-DTEST_JAR_PATH=<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(apk_name).jar',
+ 'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
- '-DSTAMP=<(obfuscate_stamp)',
- '-Dbasedir=.',
- '-buildfile',
- '<(DEPTH)/build/android/ant/apk-obfuscate.xml',
+ '--configuration-name', '<(CONFIGURATION_NAME)',
+ '--android-sdk', '<(android_sdk)',
+ '--android-sdk-tools', '<(android_sdk_tools)',
+ '--android-sdk-jar', '<(android_sdk_jar)',
+ '--input-jars-paths=>(proguard_input_jar_paths)',
+ '--test-jar-path', '<(test_jar_path)',
+ '--obfuscated-jar-path', '<(obfuscated_jar_path)',
+ '--proguard-jar-path', '<(android_sdk_root)/tools/proguard/lib/proguard.jar',
+ '--proguard-config-files=<(proguard_flags_paths)',
+ '--stamp', '<(obfuscate_stamp)',
+ '<@(additional_obfuscate_options)',