path: root/android_webview
diff options
mode: <>2012-09-13 16:41:14 +0000 <>2012-09-13 16:41:14 +0000
commit3206e4198b8655b5666c014d483a15b0f09ed926 (patch)
treefaf6fafe07fd39e662f9d1b007cac0b799971ee1 /android_webview
parentc32ec7781ac500adf5b8253efb3866dbc7aa0a3b (diff)
Revert 155208 - Revert 154435 - [Android] Port simple ContentSettings tests to android_webview.
This CL depends on Review URL: Review URL: Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'android_webview')
2 files changed, 714 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/android_webview/javatests/src/org/chromium/android_webview/test/ b/android_webview/javatests/src/org/chromium/android_webview/test/
index 50e2808..7e9ccc3 100644
--- a/android_webview/javatests/src/org/chromium/android_webview/test/
+++ b/android_webview/javatests/src/org/chromium/android_webview/test/
@@ -174,4 +174,14 @@ public class AndroidWebViewTestBase
+ protected ContentSettings getContentSettingsOnUiThread(
+ final ContentViewCore contentViewCore) throws Throwable {
+ return runTestOnUiThreadAndGetResult(new Callable<ContentSettings>() {
+ @Override
+ public ContentSettings call() throws Exception {
+ return contentViewCore.getContentSettings();
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/android_webview/javatests/src/org/chromium/android_webview/test/ b/android_webview/javatests/src/org/chromium/android_webview/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82f6daf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android_webview/javatests/src/org/chromium/android_webview/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+package org.chromium.android_webview.test;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
+import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.Smoke;
+import org.chromium.base.test.Feature;
+import org.chromium.base.test.UrlUtils;
+import org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents;
+import org.chromium.android_webview.AwContentsClient;
+import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentSettings;
+import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentViewCore;
+import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
+ * A test suite for ContentSettings class. The key objective is to verify that each
+ * settings applies either to each individual view or to all views of the
+ * application.
+ */
+public class AwSettingsTest extends AndroidWebViewTestBase {
+ private static final boolean ENABLED = true;
+ private static final boolean DISABLED = false;
+ /**
+ * A helper class for testing a particular preference from ContentSettings.
+ * The generic type T is the type of the setting. Usually, to test an
+ * effect of the preference, JS code is executed that sets document's title.
+ * In this case, requiresJsEnabled constructor argument must be set to true.
+ */
+ abstract class AwSettingsTestHelper<T> {
+ protected final ContentViewCore mContentViewCore;
+ protected final TestAwContentsClient mContentViewClient;
+ protected final ContentSettings mContentSettings;
+ AwSettingsTestHelper(ContentViewCore contentViewCore,
+ TestAwContentsClient contentViewClient,
+ boolean requiresJsEnabled) throws Throwable {
+ mContentViewCore = contentViewCore;
+ mContentViewClient = contentViewClient;
+ mContentSettings = getContentSettingsOnUiThread(mContentViewCore);
+ if (requiresJsEnabled) {
+ mContentSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled(true);
+ }
+ }
+ void ensureSettingHasAlteredValue() throws Throwable {
+ ensureSettingHasValue(getAlteredValue());
+ }
+ void ensureSettingHasInitialValue() throws Throwable {
+ ensureSettingHasValue(getInitialValue());
+ }
+ void setAlteredSettingValue() throws Throwable {
+ setCurrentValue(getAlteredValue());
+ }
+ void setInitialSettingValue() throws Throwable {
+ setCurrentValue(getInitialValue());
+ }
+ protected abstract T getAlteredValue();
+ protected abstract T getInitialValue();
+ protected abstract T getCurrentValue();
+ protected abstract void setCurrentValue(T value);
+ protected abstract void doEnsureSettingHasValue(T value) throws Throwable;
+ protected String getTitleOnUiThread() throws Throwable {
+ return AwSettingsTest.this.getTitleOnUiThread(mContentViewCore);
+ }
+ protected void loadDataSync(String data) throws Throwable {
+ AwSettingsTest.this.loadDataSync(
+ mContentViewCore,
+ mContentViewClient.getOnPageFinishedHelper(),
+ data,
+ "text/html",
+ false);
+ }
+ private void ensureSettingHasValue(T value) throws Throwable {
+ assertEquals(value, getCurrentValue());
+ doEnsureSettingHasValue(value);
+ }
+ }
+ class AwSettingsJavaScriptTestHelper extends AwSettingsTestHelper<Boolean> {
+ private static final String JS_ENABLED_STRING = "JS Enabled";
+ private static final String JS_DISABLED_STRING = "JS Disabled";
+ AwSettingsJavaScriptTestHelper(ContentViewCore contentViewCore,
+ TestAwContentsClient contentViewClient) throws Throwable {
+ super(contentViewCore, contentViewClient, false);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Boolean getAlteredValue() {
+ return ENABLED;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Boolean getInitialValue() {
+ return DISABLED;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Boolean getCurrentValue() {
+ return mContentSettings.getJavaScriptEnabled();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void setCurrentValue(Boolean value) {
+ mContentSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled(value);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void doEnsureSettingHasValue(Boolean value) throws Throwable {
+ loadDataSync(getData());
+ assertEquals(
+ getTitleOnUiThread());
+ }
+ private String getData() {
+ return "<html><head><title>" + JS_DISABLED_STRING + "</title>"
+ + "</head><body onload=\"document.title='" + JS_ENABLED_STRING
+ + "';\"></body></html>";
+ }
+ }
+ class AwSettingsPluginsTestHelper extends AwSettingsTestHelper<Boolean> {
+ private static final String PLUGINS_ENABLED_STRING = "Embed";
+ private static final String PLUGINS_DISABLED_STRING = "NoEmbed";
+ AwSettingsPluginsTestHelper(ContentViewCore contentViewCore,
+ TestAwContentsClient contentViewClient) throws Throwable {
+ super(contentViewCore, contentViewClient, true);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Boolean getAlteredValue() {
+ return ENABLED;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Boolean getInitialValue() {
+ return DISABLED;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Boolean getCurrentValue() {
+ return mContentSettings.getPluginsEnabled();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void setCurrentValue(Boolean value) {
+ mContentSettings.setPluginsEnabled(value);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void doEnsureSettingHasValue(Boolean value) throws Throwable {
+ loadDataSync(getData());
+ assertEquals(
+ getTitleOnUiThread());
+ }
+ private String getData() {
+ return "<html><body onload=\"document.title = document.body.innerText;\">"
+ + "<noembed>No</noembed><span>Embed</span></body></html>";
+ }
+ }
+ class AwSettingsStandardFontFamilyTestHelper extends AwSettingsTestHelper<String> {
+ AwSettingsStandardFontFamilyTestHelper(
+ ContentViewCore contentViewCore,
+ TestAwContentsClient contentViewClient) throws Throwable {
+ super(contentViewCore, contentViewClient, true);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getAlteredValue() {
+ return "cursive";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getInitialValue() {
+ return "sans-serif";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getCurrentValue() {
+ return mContentSettings.getStandardFontFamily();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void setCurrentValue(String value) {
+ mContentSettings.setStandardFontFamily(value);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void doEnsureSettingHasValue(String value) throws Throwable {
+ loadDataSync(getData());
+ assertEquals(value, getTitleOnUiThread());
+ }
+ private String getData() {
+ return "<html><body onload=\"document.title = " +
+ "getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('font-family');\">"
+ + "</body></html>";
+ }
+ }
+ class AwSettingsDefaultFontSizeTestHelper extends AwSettingsTestHelper<Integer> {
+ AwSettingsDefaultFontSizeTestHelper(
+ ContentViewCore contentViewCore,
+ TestAwContentsClient contentViewClient) throws Throwable {
+ super(contentViewCore, contentViewClient, true);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getAlteredValue() {
+ return 42;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getInitialValue() {
+ return 16;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Integer getCurrentValue() {
+ return mContentSettings.getDefaultFontSize();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void setCurrentValue(Integer value) {
+ mContentSettings.setDefaultFontSize(value);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void doEnsureSettingHasValue(Integer value) throws Throwable {
+ loadDataSync(getData());
+ assertEquals(value.toString() + "px", getTitleOnUiThread());
+ }
+ private String getData() {
+ return "<html><body onload=\"document.title = " +
+ "getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('font-size');\">"
+ + "</body></html>";
+ }
+ }
+ class AwSettingsDefaultTextEncodingTestHelper extends AwSettingsTestHelper<String> {
+ AwSettingsDefaultTextEncodingTestHelper(
+ ContentViewCore contentViewCore,
+ TestAwContentsClient contentViewClient) throws Throwable {
+ super(contentViewCore, contentViewClient, true);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getAlteredValue() {
+ return "utf-8";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getInitialValue() {
+ return "Latin-1";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getCurrentValue() {
+ return mContentSettings.getDefaultTextEncodingName();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void setCurrentValue(String value) {
+ mContentSettings.setDefaultTextEncodingName(value);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void doEnsureSettingHasValue(String value) throws Throwable {
+ loadDataSync(getData());
+ assertEquals(value, getTitleOnUiThread());
+ }
+ private String getData() {
+ return "<html><body onload='document.title=document.defaultCharset'></body></html>";
+ }
+ }
+ class AwSettingsUserAgentTestHelper extends AwSettingsTestHelper<String> {
+ private final String mDefaultUa;
+ private static final String DEFAULT_UA = "";
+ private static final String CUSTOM_UA = "ChromeViewTest";
+ AwSettingsUserAgentTestHelper(
+ ContentViewCore contentViewCore,
+ TestAwContentsClient contentViewClient) throws Throwable {
+ super(contentViewCore, contentViewClient, true);
+ mDefaultUa = mContentSettings.getUserAgentString();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getAlteredValue() {
+ return CUSTOM_UA;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getInitialValue() {
+ return DEFAULT_UA;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getCurrentValue() {
+ // The test framework expects that getXXX() == Z after setXXX(Z).
+ // But setUserAgentString("" / null) resets the UA string to default,
+ // and getUserAgentString returns the default UA string afterwards.
+ // To align with the framework, we return an empty string instead of
+ // the default UA.
+ String currentUa = mContentSettings.getUserAgentString();
+ return mDefaultUa.equals(currentUa) ? DEFAULT_UA : currentUa;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void setCurrentValue(String value) {
+ mContentSettings.setUserAgentString(value);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void doEnsureSettingHasValue(String value) throws Throwable {
+ loadDataSync(getData());
+ assertEquals(
+ value == DEFAULT_UA ? mDefaultUa : value,
+ getTitleOnUiThread());
+ }
+ private String getData() {
+ return "<html>" +
+ "<body onload='document.writeln(document.title=navigator.userAgent)'></body>" +
+ "</html>";
+ }
+ }
+ class AwSettingsDomStorageEnabledTestHelper extends AwSettingsTestHelper<Boolean> {
+ private static final String NO_LOCAL_STORAGE = "No localStorage";
+ private static final String HAS_LOCAL_STORAGE = "Has localStorage";
+ AwSettingsDomStorageEnabledTestHelper(
+ ContentViewCore contentViewCore,
+ TestAwContentsClient contentViewClient) throws Throwable {
+ super(contentViewCore, contentViewClient, true);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Boolean getAlteredValue() {
+ return ENABLED;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Boolean getInitialValue() {
+ return DISABLED;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Boolean getCurrentValue() {
+ return mContentSettings.getDomStorageEnabled();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void setCurrentValue(Boolean value) {
+ mContentSettings.setDomStorageEnabled(value);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void doEnsureSettingHasValue(Boolean value) throws Throwable {
+ // It is not permitted to access localStorage from data URLs in WebKit,
+ // that is why a standalone page must be used.
+ AwSettingsTest.this.loadUrlSync(
+ mContentViewCore,
+ mContentViewClient.getOnPageFinishedHelper(),
+ UrlUtils.getTestFileUrl("webview/localStorage.html"));
+ assertEquals(
+ getTitleOnUiThread());
+ }
+ }
+ // The test verifies that JavaScript is disabled upon WebView
+ // creation without accessing ContentSettings. If the test passes,
+ // it means that WebView-specific web preferences configuration
+ // is applied on WebView creation. JS state is used, because it is
+ // enabled by default in Chrome, but must be disabled by default
+ // in WebView.
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testJavaScriptDisabledByDefault() throws Throwable {
+ final String JS_ENABLED_STRING = "JS has run";
+ final String JS_DISABLED_STRING = "JS has not run";
+ final String TEST_PAGE_HTML =
+ "<html><head><title>" + JS_DISABLED_STRING + "</title>"
+ + "</head><body onload=\"document.title='" + JS_ENABLED_STRING
+ + "';\"></body></html>";
+ final TestAwContentsClient contentClient = new TestAwContentsClient();
+ final ContentViewCore contentView =
+ createAwTestContainerViewOnMainSync(false, contentClient).getContentViewCore();
+ loadDataSync(
+ contentView,
+ contentClient.getOnPageFinishedHelper(),
+ "text/html",
+ false);
+ assertEquals(JS_DISABLED_STRING, getTitleOnUiThread(contentView));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testJavaScriptEnabledNormal() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, NORMAL_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsJavaScriptTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsJavaScriptTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testJavaScriptEnabledIncognito() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(INCOGNITO_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsJavaScriptTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsJavaScriptTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testJavaScriptEnabledBoth() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsJavaScriptTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsJavaScriptTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testPluginsEnabledNormal() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, NORMAL_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsPluginsTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsPluginsTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testPluginsEnabledIncognito() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(INCOGNITO_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsPluginsTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsPluginsTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testPluginsEnabledBoth() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsPluginsTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsPluginsTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testStandardFontFamilyNormal() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, NORMAL_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsStandardFontFamilyTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsStandardFontFamilyTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testStandardFontFamilyIncognito() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(INCOGNITO_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsStandardFontFamilyTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsStandardFontFamilyTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testStandardFontFamilyBoth() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsStandardFontFamilyTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsStandardFontFamilyTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testDefaultFontSizeNormal() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, NORMAL_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsDefaultFontSizeTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsDefaultFontSizeTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testDefaultFontSizeIncognito() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(INCOGNITO_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsDefaultFontSizeTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsDefaultFontSizeTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testDefaultFontSizeBoth() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsDefaultFontSizeTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsDefaultFontSizeTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testDefaultTextEncodingNormal() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, NORMAL_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsDefaultTextEncodingTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsDefaultTextEncodingTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testDefaultTextEncodingIncognito() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(INCOGNITO_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsDefaultTextEncodingTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsDefaultTextEncodingTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testDefaultTextEncodingBoth() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsDefaultTextEncodingTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsDefaultTextEncodingTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testUserAgentNormal() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, NORMAL_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsUserAgentTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsUserAgentTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testUserAgentIncognito() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(INCOGNITO_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsUserAgentTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsUserAgentTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testUserAgentBoth() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsUserAgentTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsUserAgentTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testDomStorageEnabledNormal() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, NORMAL_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsDomStorageEnabledTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsDomStorageEnabledTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testDomStorageEnabledIncognito() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(INCOGNITO_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsDomStorageEnabledTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsDomStorageEnabledTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ @SmallTest
+ @Feature({"Android-WebView", "Preferences"})
+ public void testDomStorageEnabledBoth() throws Throwable {
+ ViewPair views = createViews(NORMAL_VIEW, INCOGNITO_VIEW);
+ runPerViewSettingsTest(
+ new AwSettingsDomStorageEnabledTestHelper(views.getView0(), views.getClient0()),
+ new AwSettingsDomStorageEnabledTestHelper(views.getView1(), views.getClient1()));
+ }
+ class ViewPair {
+ private final ContentViewCore view0;
+ private final TestAwContentsClient client0;
+ private final ContentViewCore view1;
+ private final TestAwContentsClient client1;
+ ViewPair(ContentViewCore view0, TestAwContentsClient client0,
+ ContentViewCore view1, TestAwContentsClient client1) {
+ this.view0 = view0;
+ this.client0 = client0;
+ this.view1 = view1;
+ this.client1 = client1;
+ }
+ ContentViewCore getView0() {
+ return view0;
+ }
+ TestAwContentsClient getClient0() {
+ return client0;
+ }
+ ContentViewCore getView1() {
+ return view1;
+ }
+ TestAwContentsClient getClient1() {
+ return client1;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs the tests to check if a setting works properly in the case of
+ * multiple WebViews.
+ *
+ * @param helper0 Test helper for the first ContentView
+ * @param helper1 Test helper for the second ContentView
+ * @throws Throwable
+ */
+ private void runPerViewSettingsTest(AwSettingsTestHelper helper0,
+ AwSettingsTestHelper helper1) throws Throwable {
+ helper0.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ helper1.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ helper1.setAlteredSettingValue();
+ helper0.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ helper1.ensureSettingHasAlteredValue();
+ helper1.setInitialSettingValue();
+ helper0.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ helper1.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ helper0.setAlteredSettingValue();
+ helper0.ensureSettingHasAlteredValue();
+ helper1.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ helper0.setInitialSettingValue();
+ helper0.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ helper1.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ helper0.setAlteredSettingValue();
+ helper0.ensureSettingHasAlteredValue();
+ helper1.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ helper1.setAlteredSettingValue();
+ helper0.ensureSettingHasAlteredValue();
+ helper1.ensureSettingHasAlteredValue();
+ helper0.setInitialSettingValue();
+ helper0.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ helper1.ensureSettingHasAlteredValue();
+ helper1.setInitialSettingValue();
+ helper0.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ helper1.ensureSettingHasInitialValue();
+ }
+ private ViewPair createViews(
+ boolean firstIsIncognito,
+ boolean secondIsIncognito) throws Throwable {
+ TestAwContentsClient client0 = new TestAwContentsClient();
+ TestAwContentsClient client1 = new TestAwContentsClient();
+ return new ViewPair(
+ createAwTestContainerViewOnMainSync(
+ firstIsIncognito, client0).getContentViewCore(),
+ client0,
+ createAwTestContainerViewOnMainSync(
+ secondIsIncognito, client1).getContentViewCore(),
+ client1);
+ }