path: root/chrome/browser/
diff options
mode: <>2012-04-09 19:27:22 +0000 <>2012-04-09 19:27:22 +0000
commite7aa62a3bf6993369b5adb61028fddb3eb7a58bf (patch)
tree476e203d6e64f9b350130ecb3d16ff34c6835204 /chrome/browser/
parent6e575772033fb8ad816b805fbaa95bde2ce18985 (diff)
Upstream native crash handling changes for Android.
Android native crash handling is almost identical to linux handling with some differences. Note that even after this change Chrome on Android will not compile with the USE_LINUX_BREAKPAD flag. Forthcomming changes in breakpad should remedy this state of affairs. BUG= TEST= Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 484 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ b/chrome/browser/
deleted file mode 100644
index c385406..0000000
--- a/chrome/browser/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/browser/crash_handler_host_linux.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
-#include "base/eintr_wrapper.h"
-#include "base/file_path.h"
-#include "base/format_macros.h"
-#include "base/linux_util.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
-#include "base/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/path_service.h"
-#include "base/rand_util.h"
-#include "base/string_util.h"
-#include "base/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread.h"
-#include "breakpad/src/client/linux/handler/exception_handler.h"
-#include "breakpad/src/client/linux/minidump_writer/linux_dumper.h"
-#include "breakpad/src/client/linux/minidump_writer/minidump_writer.h"
-#include "chrome/app/breakpad_linux.h"
-#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
-#include "chrome/common/env_vars.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
-using content::BrowserThread;
-using google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler;
-namespace {
-// The length of the control message:
-const unsigned kControlMsgSize =
- CMSG_SPACE(2*sizeof(int)) + CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct ucred));
-// The length of the regular payload:
-const unsigned kCrashContextSize = sizeof(ExceptionHandler::CrashContext);
-// Handles the crash dump and frees the allocated BreakpadInfo struct.
-void CrashDumpTask(CrashHandlerHostLinux* handler, BreakpadInfo* info) {
- if (handler->IsShuttingDown())
- return;
- HandleCrashDump(*info);
- delete[] info->filename;
- delete[] info->process_type;
- delete[] info->crash_url;
- delete[] info->guid;
- delete[] info->distro;
- delete info;
-} // namespace
-// Since classes derived from CrashHandlerHostLinux are singletons, it's only
-// destroyed at the end of the processes lifetime, which is greater in span than
-// the lifetime of the IO message loop. Thus, all calls to base::Bind() use
-// non-refcounted pointers.
- : shutting_down_(false) {
- int fds[2];
- // We use SOCK_SEQPACKET rather than SOCK_DGRAM to prevent the process from
- // sending datagrams to other sockets on the system. The sandbox may prevent
- // the process from calling socket() to create new sockets, but it'll still
- // inherit some sockets. With PF_UNIX+SOCK_DGRAM, it can call sendmsg to send
- // a datagram to any (abstract) socket on the same system. With
- // SOCK_SEQPACKET, this is prevented.
- CHECK_EQ(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0, fds), 0);
- static const int on = 1;
- // Enable passcred on the server end of the socket
- CHECK_EQ(setsockopt(fds[1], SOL_SOCKET, SO_PASSCRED, &on, sizeof(on)), 0);
- process_socket_ = fds[0];
- browser_socket_ = fds[1];
- BrowserThread::PostTask(
- BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&CrashHandlerHostLinux::Init, base::Unretained(this)));
-CrashHandlerHostLinux::~CrashHandlerHostLinux() {
- HANDLE_EINTR(close(process_socket_));
- HANDLE_EINTR(close(browser_socket_));
-void CrashHandlerHostLinux::Init() {
- MessageLoopForIO* ml = MessageLoopForIO::current();
- CHECK(ml->WatchFileDescriptor(
- browser_socket_, true /* persistent */,
- MessageLoopForIO::WATCH_READ,
- &file_descriptor_watcher_, this));
- ml->AddDestructionObserver(this);
-void CrashHandlerHostLinux::InitCrashUploaderThread() {
- SetProcessType();
- uploader_thread_.reset(
- new base::Thread(std::string(process_type_ + "_crash_uploader").c_str()));
- uploader_thread_->Start();
-void CrashHandlerHostLinux::OnFileCanWriteWithoutBlocking(int fd) {
-void CrashHandlerHostLinux::OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking(int fd) {
- DCHECK_EQ(fd, browser_socket_);
- // A process has crashed and has signaled us by writing a datagram
- // to the death signal socket. The datagram contains the crash context needed
- // for writing the minidump as well as a file descriptor and a credentials
- // block so that they can't lie about their pid.
- //
- // The message sender is in chrome/app/
- const size_t kIovSize = 8;
- struct msghdr msg = {0};
- struct iovec iov[kIovSize];
- // Freed in WriteDumpFile();
- char* crash_context = new char[kCrashContextSize];
- // Freed in CrashDumpTask();
- char* guid = new char[kGuidSize + 1];
- char* crash_url = new char[kMaxActiveURLSize + 1];
- char* distro = new char[kDistroSize + 1];
- char* tid_buf_addr = NULL;
- int tid_fd = -1;
- uint64_t uptime;
- size_t oom_size;
- char control[kControlMsgSize];
- const ssize_t expected_msg_size =
- kCrashContextSize +
- kGuidSize + 1 +
- kMaxActiveURLSize + 1 +
- kDistroSize + 1 +
- sizeof(tid_buf_addr) + sizeof(tid_fd) +
- sizeof(uptime) +
- sizeof(oom_size);
- iov[0].iov_base = crash_context;
- iov[0].iov_len = kCrashContextSize;
- iov[1].iov_base = guid;
- iov[1].iov_len = kGuidSize + 1;
- iov[2].iov_base = crash_url;
- iov[2].iov_len = kMaxActiveURLSize + 1;
- iov[3].iov_base = distro;
- iov[3].iov_len = kDistroSize + 1;
- iov[4].iov_base = &tid_buf_addr;
- iov[4].iov_len = sizeof(tid_buf_addr);
- iov[5].iov_base = &tid_fd;
- iov[5].iov_len = sizeof(tid_fd);
- iov[6].iov_base = &uptime;
- iov[6].iov_len = sizeof(uptime);
- iov[7].iov_base = &oom_size;
- iov[7].iov_len = sizeof(oom_size);
- msg.msg_iov = iov;
- msg.msg_iovlen = kIovSize;
- msg.msg_control = control;
- msg.msg_controllen = kControlMsgSize;
- const ssize_t msg_size = HANDLE_EINTR(recvmsg(browser_socket_, &msg, 0));
- if (msg_size != expected_msg_size) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading from death signal socket. Crash dumping"
- << " is disabled."
- << " msg_size:" << msg_size
- << " errno:" << errno;
- file_descriptor_watcher_.StopWatchingFileDescriptor();
- return;
- }
- if (msg.msg_controllen != kControlMsgSize ||
- msg.msg_flags & ~MSG_TRUNC) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Received death signal message with the wrong size;"
- << " msg.msg_controllen:" << msg.msg_controllen
- << " msg.msg_flags:" << msg.msg_flags
- << " kCrashContextSize:" << kCrashContextSize
- << " kControlMsgSize:" << kControlMsgSize;
- return;
- }
- // Walk the control payload an extract the file descriptor and validated pid.
- pid_t crashing_pid = -1;
- int partner_fd = -1;
- int signal_fd = -1;
- for (struct cmsghdr *hdr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); hdr;
- hdr = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, hdr)) {
- if (hdr->cmsg_level != SOL_SOCKET)
- continue;
- if (hdr->cmsg_type == SCM_RIGHTS) {
- const unsigned len = hdr->cmsg_len -
- (((uint8_t*)CMSG_DATA(hdr)) - (uint8_t*)hdr);
- DCHECK_EQ(len % sizeof(int), 0u);
- const unsigned num_fds = len / sizeof(int);
- if (num_fds != 2) {
- // A nasty process could try and send us too many descriptors and
- // force a leak.
- LOG(ERROR) << "Death signal contained wrong number of descriptors;"
- << " num_fds:" << num_fds;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_fds; ++i)
- HANDLE_EINTR(close(reinterpret_cast<int*>(CMSG_DATA(hdr))[i]));
- return;
- } else {
- partner_fd = reinterpret_cast<int*>(CMSG_DATA(hdr))[0];
- signal_fd = reinterpret_cast<int*>(CMSG_DATA(hdr))[1];
- }
- } else if (hdr->cmsg_type == SCM_CREDENTIALS) {
- const struct ucred *cred =
- reinterpret_cast<struct ucred*>(CMSG_DATA(hdr));
- crashing_pid = cred->pid;
- }
- }
- if (crashing_pid == -1 || partner_fd == -1 || signal_fd == -1) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Death signal message didn't contain all expected control"
- << " messages";
- if (partner_fd >= 0)
- HANDLE_EINTR(close(partner_fd));
- if (signal_fd >= 0)
- HANDLE_EINTR(close(signal_fd));
- return;
- }
- // Kernel bug workaround (broken in 2.6.30 and 2.6.32, working in 2.6.38).
- // The kernel doesn't translate PIDs in SCM_CREDENTIALS across PID
- // namespaces. Thus |crashing_pid| might be garbage from our point of view.
- // In the future we can remove this workaround, but we have to wait a couple
- // of years to be sure that it's worked its way out into the world.
- // TODO(thestig) Remove the workaround when Ubuntu Lucid is deprecated.
- // The crashing process closes its copy of the signal_fd immediately after
- // calling sendmsg(). We can thus not reliably look for with with
- // FindProcessHoldingSocket(). But by necessity, it has to keep the
- // partner_fd open until the crashdump is complete.
- uint64_t inode_number;
- if (!base::FileDescriptorGetInode(&inode_number, partner_fd)) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get inode number for passed socket";
- HANDLE_EINTR(close(partner_fd));
- HANDLE_EINTR(close(signal_fd));
- return;
- }
- HANDLE_EINTR(close(partner_fd));
- pid_t actual_crashing_pid = -1;
- if (!base::FindProcessHoldingSocket(&actual_crashing_pid, inode_number)) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to find process holding other end of crash reply "
- "socket";
- HANDLE_EINTR(close(signal_fd));
- return;
- }
- crashing_pid = actual_crashing_pid;
- // The crashing TID set inside the compromised context via
- // sys_gettid() in ExceptionHandler::HandleSignal might be wrong (if
- // the kernel supports PID namespacing) and may need to be
- // translated.
- //
- // We expect the crashing thread to be in sys_read(), waiting for us to
- // write to |signal_fd|. Most newer kernels where we have the different pid
- // namespaces also have /proc/[pid]/syscall, so we can look through
- // |actual_crashing_pid|'s thread group and find the thread that's in the
- // read syscall with the right arguments.
- std::string expected_syscall_data;
- // /proc/[pid]/syscall is formatted as follows:
- // syscall_number arg1 ... arg6 sp pc
- // but we just check syscall_number through arg3.
- base::StringAppendF(&expected_syscall_data, "%d 0x%x %p 0x1 ",
- SYS_read, tid_fd, tid_buf_addr);
- bool syscall_supported = false;
- pid_t crashing_tid =
- base::FindThreadIDWithSyscall(crashing_pid,
- expected_syscall_data,
- &syscall_supported);
- if (crashing_tid == -1) {
- // We didn't find the thread we want. Maybe it didn't reach
- // sys_read() yet or the thread went away. We'll just take a
- // guess here and assume the crashing thread is the thread group
- // leader. If procfs syscall is not supported by the kernel, then
- // we assume the kernel also does not support TID namespacing and
- // trust the TID passed by the crashing process.
- LOG(WARNING) << "Could not translate tid - assuming crashing thread is "
- "thread group leader; syscall_supported=" << syscall_supported;
- crashing_tid = crashing_pid;
- }
- ExceptionHandler::CrashContext* bad_context =
- reinterpret_cast<ExceptionHandler::CrashContext*>(crash_context);
- bad_context->tid = crashing_tid;
- // Sanitize the string data a bit more
- guid[kGuidSize] = crash_url[kMaxActiveURLSize] = distro[kDistroSize] = 0;
- // Freed in CrashDumpTask();
- BreakpadInfo* info = new BreakpadInfo;
- info->process_type_length = process_type_.length();
- char* process_type_str = new char[info->process_type_length + 1];
- process_type_.copy(process_type_str, info->process_type_length);
- process_type_str[info->process_type_length] = '\0';
- info->process_type = process_type_str;
- info->crash_url_length = strlen(crash_url);
- info->crash_url = crash_url;
- info->guid_length = strlen(guid);
- info->guid = guid;
- info->distro_length = strlen(distro);
- info->distro = distro;
- info->upload = (getenv(env_vars::kHeadless) == NULL);
- info->process_start_time = uptime;
- info->oom_size = oom_size;
- BrowserThread::PostTask(
- BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&CrashHandlerHostLinux::WriteDumpFile,
- base::Unretained(this),
- info,
- crashing_pid,
- crash_context,
- signal_fd));
-void CrashHandlerHostLinux::WriteDumpFile(BreakpadInfo* info,
- pid_t crashing_pid,
- char* crash_context,
- int signal_fd) {
- DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE));
- FilePath dumps_path("/tmp");
- PathService::Get(base::DIR_TEMP, &dumps_path);
- if (!info->upload)
- PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_CRASH_DUMPS, &dumps_path);
- const uint64 rand = base::RandUint64();
- const std::string minidump_filename =
- base::StringPrintf("%s/chromium-%s-minidump-%016" PRIx64 ".dmp",
- dumps_path.value().c_str(),
- process_type_.c_str(),
- rand);
- if (!google_breakpad::WriteMinidump(minidump_filename.c_str(),
- crashing_pid, crash_context,
- kCrashContextSize)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write crash dump for pid " << crashing_pid;
- }
- delete[] crash_context;
- // Freed in CrashDumpTask();
- char* minidump_filename_str = new char[minidump_filename.length() + 1];
- minidump_filename.copy(minidump_filename_str, minidump_filename.length());
- minidump_filename_str[minidump_filename.length()] = '\0';
- info->filename = minidump_filename_str;
- BrowserThread::PostTask(
- BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&CrashHandlerHostLinux::QueueCrashDumpTask,
- base::Unretained(this),
- info,
- signal_fd));
-void CrashHandlerHostLinux::QueueCrashDumpTask(BreakpadInfo* info,
- int signal_fd) {
- DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
- // Send the done signal to the process: it can exit now.
- struct msghdr msg = {0};
- struct iovec done_iov;
- done_iov.iov_base = const_cast<char*>("\x42");
- done_iov.iov_len = 1;
- msg.msg_iov = &done_iov;
- msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
- HANDLE_EINTR(sendmsg(signal_fd, &msg, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL));
- HANDLE_EINTR(close(signal_fd));
- uploader_thread_->message_loop()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&CrashDumpTask, base::Unretained(this), info));
-void CrashHandlerHostLinux::WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop() {
- file_descriptor_watcher_.StopWatchingFileDescriptor();
- // If we are quitting and there are crash dumps in the queue, turn them into
- // no-ops.
- shutting_down_ = true;
- uploader_thread_->Stop();
-bool CrashHandlerHostLinux::IsShuttingDown() const {
- return shutting_down_;
-ExtensionCrashHandlerHostLinux::ExtensionCrashHandlerHostLinux() {
- InitCrashUploaderThread();
-ExtensionCrashHandlerHostLinux::~ExtensionCrashHandlerHostLinux() {
-void ExtensionCrashHandlerHostLinux::SetProcessType() {
- process_type_ = "extension";
-// static
-ExtensionCrashHandlerHostLinux* ExtensionCrashHandlerHostLinux::GetInstance() {
- return Singleton<ExtensionCrashHandlerHostLinux>::get();
-GpuCrashHandlerHostLinux::GpuCrashHandlerHostLinux() {
- InitCrashUploaderThread();
-GpuCrashHandlerHostLinux::~GpuCrashHandlerHostLinux() {
-void GpuCrashHandlerHostLinux::SetProcessType() {
- process_type_ = "gpu-process";
-// static
-GpuCrashHandlerHostLinux* GpuCrashHandlerHostLinux::GetInstance() {
- return Singleton<GpuCrashHandlerHostLinux>::get();
-PluginCrashHandlerHostLinux::PluginCrashHandlerHostLinux() {
- InitCrashUploaderThread();
-PluginCrashHandlerHostLinux::~PluginCrashHandlerHostLinux() {
-void PluginCrashHandlerHostLinux::SetProcessType() {
- process_type_ = "plugin";
-// static
-PluginCrashHandlerHostLinux* PluginCrashHandlerHostLinux::GetInstance() {
- return Singleton<PluginCrashHandlerHostLinux>::get();
-PpapiCrashHandlerHostLinux::PpapiCrashHandlerHostLinux() {
- InitCrashUploaderThread();
-PpapiCrashHandlerHostLinux::~PpapiCrashHandlerHostLinux() {
-void PpapiCrashHandlerHostLinux::SetProcessType() {
- process_type_ = "ppapi";
-// static
-PpapiCrashHandlerHostLinux* PpapiCrashHandlerHostLinux::GetInstance() {
- return Singleton<PpapiCrashHandlerHostLinux>::get();
-RendererCrashHandlerHostLinux::RendererCrashHandlerHostLinux() {
- InitCrashUploaderThread();
-RendererCrashHandlerHostLinux::~RendererCrashHandlerHostLinux() {
-void RendererCrashHandlerHostLinux::SetProcessType() {
- process_type_ = "renderer";
-// static
-RendererCrashHandlerHostLinux* RendererCrashHandlerHostLinux::GetInstance() {
- return Singleton<RendererCrashHandlerHostLinux>::get();