path: root/chrome/browser/extensions/
diff options
mode: <>2009-05-15 22:58:33 +0000 <>2009-05-15 22:58:33 +0000
commitb83e4600fc1c2f1c42598f8d89dbd36d9415309d (patch)
tree4b2ee497813a59a91105f91f6a5329224da18eac /chrome/browser/extensions/
parenta9a2668386addfa40ff262005d396468f54b99e2 (diff)
First step to enable end-to-end testing of extensions through the
automation interface. This adds a method to turn on automation of extension API functions, plumbing that redirects API requests through the automation interface when appropriate, and a couple of UITests that exercise the functionality. See for the original review. Review URL: Patch from Joi Sigurdsson <>. git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/extensions/')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da075ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/gfx/rect.h"
+#include "base/json_reader.h"
+#include "base/json_writer.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/automation_proxy_uitest.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/extension_automation_constants.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h"
+#include "chrome/test/ui/ui_test.h"
+#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
+namespace {
+static const char kTestDirectorySimpleApiCall[] =
+ "extensions/uitest/simple_api_call";
+static const char kTestDirectoryRoundtripApiCall[] =
+ "extensions/uitest/roundtrip_api_call";
+// Base class to test extensions almost end-to-end by including browser
+// startup, manifest parsing, and the actual process model in the
+// equation. This would also let you write UITests that test individual
+// Chrome Extensions as running in Chrome. Takes over implementation of
+// extension API calls so that behavior can be tested deterministically
+// through code, instead of having to contort the browser into a state
+// suitable for testing.
+template <class ParentTestType>
+class ExtensionUITest : public ParentTestType {
+ public:
+ explicit ExtensionUITest(const std::string& extension_path) {
+ launch_arguments_.AppendSwitch(switches::kEnableExtensions);
+ FilePath filename(test_data_directory_);
+ filename = filename.AppendASCII(extension_path);
+ launch_arguments_.AppendSwitchWithValue(switches::kLoadExtension,
+ filename.value());
+ }
+ void SetUp() {
+ ParentTestType::SetUp();
+ automation()->SetEnableExtensionAutomation(true);
+ }
+ void TearDown() {
+ automation()->SetEnableExtensionAutomation(false);
+ ParentTestType::TearDown();
+ }
+ void TestWithURL(const GURL& url) {
+ HWND external_tab_container = NULL;
+ scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tab(automation()->CreateExternalTab(NULL, gfx::Rect(),
+ WS_POPUP, false, &external_tab_container));
+ ASSERT_NE(FALSE, ::IsWindow(external_tab_container));
+ DoAdditionalPreNavigateSetup(tab.get());
+ // We explicitly do not make this a toolstrip in the extension manifest,
+ // so that the test can control when it gets loaded, and so that we test
+ // the intended behavior that tabs should be able to show extension pages
+ // (useful for development etc.)
+ tab->NavigateInExternalTab(url);
+ EXPECT_EQ(true, ExternalTabMessageLoop(external_tab_container, 5000));
+ // Since the tab goes away lazily, wait a bit.
+ PlatformThread::Sleep(1000);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(tab->is_valid());
+ }
+ // Override if you need additional stuff before we navigate the page.
+ virtual void DoAdditionalPreNavigateSetup(TabProxy* tab) {
+ }
+ private:
+// For tests that only need to check for a single postMessage
+// being received from the tab in Chrome. These tests can send a message
+// to the tab before receiving the new message, but there will not be
+// a chance to respond by sending a message from the test to the tab after
+// the postMessage is received.
+typedef ExtensionUITest<ExternalTabTestType> SingleMessageExtensionUITest;
+// A test that loads a basic extension that makes an API call that does
+// not require a response.
+class SimpleApiCallExtensionTest : public SingleMessageExtensionUITest {
+ public:
+ SimpleApiCallExtensionTest()
+ : SingleMessageExtensionUITest(kTestDirectorySimpleApiCall) {
+ }
+ private:
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SimpleApiCallExtensionTest);
+// TODO(port) Should become portable once ExternalTabMessageLoop is ported.
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+TEST_F(SimpleApiCallExtensionTest, RunTest) {
+ namespace keys = extension_automation_constants;
+ TestWithURL(GURL(
+ "chrome-extension://77774444789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456/test.html"));
+ AutomationProxyForExternalTab* proxy =
+ static_cast<AutomationProxyForExternalTab*>(automation());
+ ASSERT_GT(proxy->messages_received(), 0);
+ // Using EXPECT_TRUE rather than EXPECT_EQ as the compiler (VC++) isn't
+ // finding the right match for EqHelper.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(proxy->origin() == keys::kAutomationOrigin);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(proxy->target() == keys::kAutomationRequestTarget);
+ scoped_ptr<Value> message_value(JSONReader::Read(proxy->message(), false));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(message_value->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY));
+ DictionaryValue* message_dict =
+ reinterpret_cast<DictionaryValue*>(message_value.get());
+ std::string result;
+ message_dict->GetString(keys::kAutomationNameKey, &result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(result, "RemoveTab");
+ result = "";
+ message_dict->GetString(keys::kAutomationArgsKey, &result);
+ EXPECT_NE(result, "");
+ int callback_id = 0xBAADF00D;
+ message_dict->GetInteger(keys::kAutomationRequestIdKey, &callback_id);
+ EXPECT_NE(callback_id, 0xBAADF00D);
+ bool has_callback = true;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(message_dict->GetBoolean(keys::kAutomationHasCallbackKey,
+ &has_callback));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(has_callback);
+#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
+// A base class for an automation proxy that checks several messages in
+// a row.
+class MultiMessageAutomationProxy : public AutomationProxyForExternalTab {
+ public:
+ explicit MultiMessageAutomationProxy(int execution_timeout)
+ : AutomationProxyForExternalTab(execution_timeout) {
+ }
+ // Call when testing with the current tab is finished.
+ void Quit() {
+ PostQuitMessage(0);
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual void OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) {
+ IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(MultiMessageAutomationProxy, msg)
+ IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutomationMsg_DidNavigate,
+ AutomationProxyForExternalTab::OnDidNavigate)
+ IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutomationMsg_ForwardMessageToExternalHost,
+ OnForwardMessageToExternalHost)
+ }
+ void OnForwardMessageToExternalHost(int handle,
+ const std::string& message,
+ const std::string& origin,
+ const std::string& target) {
+ messages_received_++;
+ message_ = message;
+ origin_ = origin;
+ target_ = target;
+ HandleMessageFromChrome();
+ }
+ // Override to do your custom checking and initiate any custom actions
+ // needed in your particular unit test.
+ virtual void HandleMessageFromChrome() = 0;
+// This proxy is specific to RoundtripApiCallExtensionTest.
+class RoundtripAutomationProxy : public MultiMessageAutomationProxy {
+ public:
+ explicit RoundtripAutomationProxy(int execution_timeout)
+ : MultiMessageAutomationProxy(execution_timeout),
+ tab_(NULL) {
+ }
+ // Must set before initiating test.
+ TabProxy* tab_;
+ protected:
+ virtual void HandleMessageFromChrome() {
+ namespace keys = extension_automation_constants;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_ != NULL);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(messages_received_ == 1 || messages_received_ == 2);
+ // Using EXPECT_TRUE rather than EXPECT_EQ as the compiler (VC++) isn't
+ // finding the right match for EqHelper.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(origin_ == keys::kAutomationOrigin);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(target_ == keys::kAutomationRequestTarget);
+ scoped_ptr<Value> message_value(JSONReader::Read(message_, false));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(message_value->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY));
+ DictionaryValue* request_dict =
+ static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(message_value.get());
+ std::string function_name;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(request_dict->GetString(keys::kAutomationNameKey,
+ &function_name));
+ int request_id = -2;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(request_dict->GetInteger(keys::kAutomationRequestIdKey,
+ &request_id));
+ bool has_callback = false;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(request_dict->GetBoolean(keys::kAutomationHasCallbackKey,
+ &has_callback));
+ if (messages_received_ == 1) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(function_name, "GetLastFocusedWindow");
+ EXPECT_GE(request_id, 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(has_callback);
+ DictionaryValue response_dict;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response_dict.SetInteger(keys::kAutomationRequestIdKey,
+ request_id));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(response_dict.SetString(keys::kAutomationResponseKey, "42"));
+ std::string response_json;
+ JSONWriter::Write(&response_dict, false, &response_json);
+ tab_->HandleMessageFromExternalHost(
+ response_json,
+ keys::kAutomationOrigin,
+ keys::kAutomationResponseTarget);
+ } else if (messages_received_ == 2) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(function_name, "RemoveTab");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(has_callback);
+ std::string args;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(request_dict->GetString(keys::kAutomationArgsKey, &args));
+ EXPECT_NE(args.find("42"), -1);
+ Quit();
+ } else {
+ Quit();
+ FAIL();
+ }
+ }
+class RoundtripApiCallExtensionTest
+ : public ExtensionUITest<
+ CustomAutomationProxyTest<RoundtripAutomationProxy>> {
+ public:
+ RoundtripApiCallExtensionTest()
+ : ExtensionUITest<
+ CustomAutomationProxyTest<
+ RoundtripAutomationProxy> >(kTestDirectoryRoundtripApiCall) {
+ }
+ void DoAdditionalPreNavigateSetup(TabProxy* tab) {
+ RoundtripAutomationProxy* proxy =
+ static_cast<RoundtripAutomationProxy*>(automation());
+ proxy->tab_ = tab;
+ }
+ private:
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RoundtripApiCallExtensionTest);
+// TODO(port) Should become portable once
+// ExternalTabMessageLoop is ported.
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+TEST_F(RoundtripApiCallExtensionTest, RunTest) {
+ TestWithURL(GURL(
+ "chrome-extension://66664444789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456/test.html"));
+ RoundtripAutomationProxy* proxy =
+ static_cast<RoundtripAutomationProxy*>(automation());
+ // Validation is done in the RoundtripAutomationProxy, so we just check
+ // something basic here.
+ EXPECT_EQ(proxy->messages_received(), 2);
+#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
+} // namespace