path: root/chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_util.h
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mode: <>2009-09-10 06:05:27 +0000 <>2009-09-10 06:05:27 +0000
commit5852edc1b6eab234b9e048c41dd0d664ae7fc747 (patch)
tree9e5d8eb4833b76cdb11e66fc3607689e0f5e0122 /chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_util.h
parentf6059e37f8b8ac335ce18a189a13e702974a1c7e (diff)
Initial commit of sync engine code to browser/sync.
The code is not built on any platform yet. That will arrive as a subsequent checkin. This is an implementation of the interface exposed earlier through syncapi.h. It is the client side of a sync protocol that lets users sync their browser data (currently, just bookmarks) with their Google Account. Table of contents: browser/sync/ protocol - The protocol definition, and other definitions necessary to connect to the service. syncable/ - defines a data model for syncable objects, and provides a sqlite-based backing store for this model. engine/ - includes the core sync logic, including commiting changes to the server, downloading changes from the server, resolving conflicts, other parts of the sync algorithm. engine/net - parts of the sync engine focused on the business of talking to the server. Some of this is binds a generic "server connection" interface to a concrete implementation provided by Chromium. notifier - the part of the syncer focused on the business of sending and receiving xmpp notifications. Notifications are used instead of polling to achieve very low latency change propagation. util - not necessarily sync specific utility code. Much of this is scaffolding which should either be replaced by, or merged with, the utility code in base/. BUG=none TEST=this code includes its own suite of unit tests. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_util.h')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_util.h b/chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91e0c814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Utility functions manipulating syncable::Entries, intended for use by
+// the syncer.
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer_types.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable_id.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/syncable.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/util/path_helpers.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/util/sync_types.h"
+namespace browser_sync {
+class SyncerSession;
+class SyncEntity;
+class SyncerUtil {
+ public:
+ // TODO(ncarter): Remove unique-in-parent title support and name conflicts.
+ static syncable::Id GetNameConflictingItemId(
+ syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
+ const syncable::Id& parent_id,
+ const PathString& server_name);
+ static void ChangeEntryIDAndUpdateChildren(
+ syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
+ syncable::MutableEntry* entry,
+ const syncable::Id& new_id,
+ syncable::Directory::ChildHandles* children);
+ // Returns the number of unsynced entries.
+ static int GetUnsyncedEntries(syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
+ std::vector<int64> *handles);
+ static void ChangeEntryIDAndUpdateChildren(syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
+ syncable::MutableEntry* entry,
+ const syncable::Id& new_id);
+ static void AttemptReuniteLostCommitResponses(
+ syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
+ const SyncEntity& server_entry,
+ const std::string& client_id);
+ static UpdateAttemptResponse AttemptToUpdateEntry(
+ syncable::WriteTransaction* const trans,
+ syncable::MutableEntry* const entry,
+ SyncerSession* const session);
+ static UpdateAttemptResponse AttemptToUpdateEntryWithoutMerge(
+ syncable::WriteTransaction* const trans,
+ syncable::MutableEntry* const entry,
+ SyncerSession* const session, syncable::Id* const conflicting_id);
+ // Pass in name to avoid redundant UTF8 conversion.
+ static void UpdateServerFieldsFromUpdate(
+ syncable::MutableEntry* local_entry,
+ const SyncEntity& server_entry,
+ const syncable::SyncName& name);
+ static void ApplyExtendedAttributes(
+ syncable::MutableEntry* local_entry,
+ const SyncEntity& server_entry);
+ // Creates a new Entry iff no Entry exists with the given id.
+ static void CreateNewEntry(syncable::WriteTransaction *trans,
+ const syncable::Id& id);
+ static bool ServerAndLocalEntriesMatch(syncable::Entry* entry);
+ static void SplitServerInformationIntoNewEntry(
+ syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
+ syncable::MutableEntry* entry);
+ // This function is called on an entry when we can update the user-facing data
+ // from the server data.
+ static void UpdateLocalDataFromServerData(syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
+ syncable::MutableEntry* entry);
+ static VerifyCommitResult ValidateCommitEntry(syncable::MutableEntry* entry);
+ static VerifyResult VerifyNewEntry(const SyncEntity& entry,
+ syncable::MutableEntry* same_id,
+ const bool deleted);
+ // Assumes we have an existing entry; check here for updates that break
+ // consistency rules.
+ static VerifyResult VerifyUpdateConsistency(syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
+ const SyncEntity& entry,
+ syncable::MutableEntry* same_id,
+ const bool deleted,
+ const bool is_directory,
+ const bool is_bookmark);
+ // Assumes we have an existing entry; verify an update that seems to be
+ // expressing an 'undelete'
+ static VerifyResult VerifyUndelete(syncable::WriteTransaction* trans,
+ const SyncEntity& entry,
+ syncable::MutableEntry* same_id);
+ // Compute a local predecessor position for |update_item|. The position
+ // is determined by the SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT value of |update_item|,
+ // as well as the SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT values of any up-to-date
+ // children of |parent_id|.
+ static syncable::Id ComputePrevIdFromServerPosition(
+ syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
+ syncable::Entry* update_item,
+ const syncable::Id& parent_id);
+ // Append |item|, followed by a chain of its predecessors selected by
+ // |inclusion_filter|, to the |commit_ids| vector and tag them as included by
+ // storing in the set |inserted_items|. |inclusion_filter| (typically one of
+ // IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE or IS_UNSYNCED) selects which type of predecessors to
+ // include. Returns true if |item| was added, and false if it was already in
+ // the list.
+ //
+ // Use AddPredecessorsThenItem instead of this method if you want the
+ // item to be the last, rather than first, item appended.
+ static bool AddItemThenPredecessors(
+ syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
+ syncable::Entry* item,
+ syncable::IndexedBitField inclusion_filter,
+ syncable::MetahandleSet* inserted_items,
+ std::vector<syncable::Id>* commit_ids);
+ // Exactly like AddItemThenPredecessors, except items are appended in the
+ // reverse (and generally more useful) order: a chain of predecessors from
+ // far to near, and finally the item.
+ static void AddPredecessorsThenItem(
+ syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
+ syncable::Entry* item,
+ syncable::IndexedBitField inclusion_filter,
+ syncable::MetahandleSet* inserted_items,
+ std::vector<syncable::Id>* commit_ids);
+ static void AddUncommittedParentsAndTheirPredecessors(
+ syncable::BaseTransaction* trans,
+ syncable::MetahandleSet* inserted_items,
+ std::vector<syncable::Id>* commit_ids,
+ syncable::Id parent_id);
+ static void MarkDeletedChildrenSynced(
+ const syncable::ScopedDirLookup &dir,
+ std::set<syncable::Id>* deleted_folders);
+ // Examine the up-to-date predecessors of this item according to the server
+ // position, and then again according to the local position. Return true
+ // if they match. For an up-to-date item, this should be the case.
+ static bool ServerAndLocalOrdersMatch(syncable::Entry* entry);
+ private:
+ // Private ctor/dtor since this class shouldn't be instantiated.
+ SyncerUtil() {}
+ virtual ~SyncerUtil() {}
+#ifndef OS_WINDOWS
+// time.h on Linux and Mac both return seconds since the epoch, this should
+// be converted to milliseconds.
+inline int64 ServerTimeToClientTime(int64 server_time) {
+ return server_time / GG_LONGLONG(1000);
+inline int64 ClientTimeToServerTime(int64 client_time) {
+ return client_time * GG_LONGLONG(1000);
+// As we truncate server times on the client for posix and on the server for
+// windows we need two ClientAndServerTimeMatch fucntions.
+inline bool ClientAndServerTimeMatch(int64 client_time, int64 server_time) {
+ // Compare at the coarser timescale (client)
+ return client_time == ServerTimeToClientTime(server_time);
+// The sync server uses Java Times (ms since 1970)
+// and the client uses FILETIMEs (ns since 1601) so we need to convert
+// between the timescales.
+inline int64 ServerTimeToClientTime(int64 server_time) {
+ return server_time * GG_LONGLONG(10000) + GG_LONGLONG(116444736000000000);
+inline int64 ClientTimeToServerTime(int64 client_time) {
+ return (client_time - GG_LONGLONG(116444736000000000)) / GG_LONGLONG(10000);
+inline bool ClientAndServerTimeMatch(int64 client_time, int64 server_time) {
+ // Compare at the coarser timescale (server)
+ return ClientTimeToServerTime(client_time) == server_time;
+} // namespace browser_sync