path: root/chrome/renderer/resources/extensions/event.js
diff options
mode: <>2012-07-03 20:24:32 +0000 <>2012-07-03 20:24:32 +0000
commitb12b86d9a48887a9f6bfcbd3ffab408d6e3fd3b3 (patch)
tree44b3fdcdfd9858c2ac1a884181bbde6c7a245ac5 /chrome/renderer/resources/extensions/event.js
parent8cca9621a858256226dfc6d7588a2fda32ad2daf (diff)
Revert 145145 - Filtered events.
Check bug 134977 for details Makes web_navigation events support filters, eg: chrome.webNavigation.onBeforeCommitted.addListener(callback, {url: [{hostSuffix: ''}]}); Now callback will only be called when the event has a URL with a host suffix of BUG=121479 Committed: Committed: Committed: Review URL: Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/renderer/resources/extensions/event.js')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/resources/extensions/event.js b/chrome/renderer/resources/extensions/event.js
index 4b784ad..a6d6363 100644
--- a/chrome/renderer/resources/extensions/event.js
+++ b/chrome/renderer/resources/extensions/event.js
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
var eventBindingsNatives = requireNative('event_bindings');
var AttachEvent = eventBindingsNatives.AttachEvent;
var DetachEvent = eventBindingsNatives.DetachEvent;
- var AttachFilteredEvent = eventBindingsNatives.AttachFilteredEvent;
- var DetachFilteredEvent = eventBindingsNatives.DetachFilteredEvent;
- var MatchAgainstEventFilter = eventBindingsNatives.MatchAgainstEventFilter;
var sendRequest = require('sendRequest').sendRequest;
var utils = require('utils');
var validate = require('schemaUtils').validate;
@@ -78,85 +75,6 @@
- // A map of event names to the event object that is registered to that name.
- var attachedNamedEvents = {};
- // An array of all attached event objects, used for detaching on unload.
- var allAttachedEvents = [];
- // A map of functions that massage event arguments before they are dispatched.
- // Key is event name, value is function.
- var eventArgumentMassagers = {};
- // Handles adding/removing/dispatching listeners for unfiltered events.
- var UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy = function(event) {
- this.event_ = event;
- };
- UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener =
- function(listener) {
- // Only attach / detach on the first / last listener removed.
- if (this.event_.listeners_.length == 0)
- AttachEvent(this.event_.eventName_);
- };
- UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener =
- function(listener) {
- if (this.event_.listeners_.length == 0)
- this.detach(true);
- };
- UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function(manual) {
- DetachEvent(this.event_.eventName_, manual);
- };
- UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function(ids) {
- return this.event_.listeners_;
- };
- var FilteredAttachmentStrategy = function(event) {
- this.event_ = event;
- this.listenerMap_ = {};
- };
- FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap = {};
- FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener = function(listener) {
- var id = AttachFilteredEvent(this.event_.eventName_,
- listener.filters || {});
- if (id == -1)
- throw new Error("Can't add listener");
- = id;
- this.listenerMap_[id] = listener;
- FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap[id] = this.event_;
- };
- FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener = function(listener) {
- this.detachListener(listener, true);
- };
- FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detachListener =
- function(listener, manual) {
- if ( == undefined)
- throw new Error(" undefined - '" + listener + "'");
- var id =;
- delete this.listenerMap_[id];
- delete FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap[id];
- DetachFilteredEvent(id, manual);
- };
- FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function(manual) {
- for (var i in this.listenerMap_)
- this.detachListener(this.listenerMap_[i], manual);
- };
- FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function(ids) {
- var result = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
- result.push(this.listenerMap_[ids[i]]);
- return result;
- };
// Event object. If opt_eventName is provided, this object represents
// the unique instance of that named event, and dispatching an event
// with that name will route through this object's listeners. Note that
@@ -174,20 +92,11 @@
this.eventName_ = opt_eventName;
this.listeners_ = [];
this.eventOptions_ = opt_eventOptions ||
- {supportsFilters: false,
- supportsListeners: true,
- supportsRules: false,
- };
+ {"supportsListeners": true, "supportsRules": false};
if (this.eventOptions_.supportsRules && !opt_eventName)
throw new Error("Events that support rules require an event name.");
- if (this.eventOptions_.supportsFilters) {
- this.attachmentStrategy_ = new FilteredAttachmentStrategy(this);
- } else {
- this.attachmentStrategy_ = new UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy(this);
- }
// Validate event arguments (the data that is passed to the callbacks)
// if we are in debug.
if (opt_argSchemas &&
@@ -206,6 +115,16 @@
+ // A map of event names to the event object that is registered to that name.
+ var attachedNamedEvents = {};
+ // An array of all attached event objects, used for detaching on unload.
+ var allAttachedEvents = [];
+ // A map of functions that massage event arguments before they are dispatched.
+ // Key is event name, value is function.
+ var eventArgumentMassagers = {};
chromeHidden.Event = {};
chromeHidden.Event.registerArgumentMassager = function(name, fn) {
@@ -217,12 +136,7 @@
// Dispatches a named event with the given JSON array, which is deserialized
// before dispatch. The JSON array is the list of arguments that will be
// sent with the event callback.
- chromeHidden.Event.dispatchJSON = function(name, args, filteringInfo) {
- var listenerIDs = null;
- if (filteringInfo) {
- listenerIDs = MatchAgainstEventFilter(name, filteringInfo);
- }
+ chromeHidden.Event.dispatchJSON = function(name, args) {
if (attachedNamedEvents[name]) {
if (args) {
// TODO(asargent): This is an antiquity. Until all callers of
@@ -234,18 +148,8 @@
if (eventArgumentMassagers[name])
- var event = attachedNamedEvents[name];
- var result;
- // TODO(koz): We have to do this differently for unfiltered events (which
- // have listenerIDs = null) because some bindings write over
- // event.dispatch (eg: and so expect
- // events to go through it. These places need to be fixed so that they
- // expect a listenerIDs parameter.
- if (listenerIDs)
- result = event.dispatch_(args, listenerIDs);
- else
- result = event.dispatch.apply(event, args);
+ var result = attachedNamedEvents[name].dispatch.apply(
+ attachedNamedEvents[name], args);
if (result && result.validationErrors)
return result.validationErrors;
@@ -266,34 +170,13 @@
// Registers a callback to be called when this event is dispatched.
- chrome.Event.prototype.addListener = function(cb, filters) {
+ chrome.Event.prototype.addListener = function(cb) {
if (!this.eventOptions_.supportsListeners)
throw new Error("This event does not support listeners.");
- if (filters) {
- if (!this.eventOptions_.supportsFilters)
- throw new Error("This event does not support filters.");
- if (filters.url && !(filters.url instanceof Array))
- throw new Error("filters.url should be an array");
- }
- var listener = {callback: cb, filters: filters};
- this.attach_(listener);
- this.listeners_.push(listener);
- };
- chrome.Event.prototype.attach_ = function(listener) {
- this.attachmentStrategy_.onAddedListener(listener);
if (this.listeners_.length == 0) {
- allAttachedEvents[allAttachedEvents.length] = this;
- if (!this.eventName_)
- return;
- if (attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName_]) {
- throw new Error("chrome.Event '" + this.eventName_ +
- "' is already attached.");
- }
- attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName_] = this;
+ this.attach_();
+ this.listeners_.push(cb);
// Unregisters a callback.
@@ -305,22 +188,9 @@
- var removedListener = this.listeners_.splice(idx, 1)[0];
- this.attachmentStrategy_.onRemovedListener(removedListener);
+ this.listeners_.splice(idx, 1);
if (this.listeners_.length == 0) {
- var i = allAttachedEvents.indexOf(this);
- if (i >= 0)
- delete allAttachedEvents[i];
- if (!this.eventName_)
- return;
- if (!attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName_]) {
- throw new Error("chrome.Event '" + this.eventName_ +
- "' is not attached.");
- }
- delete attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName_];
+ this.detach_(true);
@@ -342,7 +212,7 @@
// found.
chrome.Event.prototype.findListener_ = function(cb) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.listeners_.length; i++) {
- if (this.listeners_[i].callback == cb) {
+ if (this.listeners_[i] == cb) {
return i;
@@ -350,21 +220,21 @@
return -1;
- chrome.Event.prototype.dispatch_ = function(args, listenerIDs) {
+ // Dispatches this event object to all listeners, passing all supplied
+ // arguments to this function each listener.
+ chrome.Event.prototype.dispatch = function(varargs) {
if (!this.eventOptions_.supportsListeners)
throw new Error("This event does not support listeners.");
+ var args =;
var validationErrors = this.validateEventArgs_(args);
if (validationErrors) {
return {validationErrors: validationErrors};
- var listeners = this.attachmentStrategy_.getListenersByIDs(listenerIDs);
var results = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.listeners_.length; i++) {
try {
- var result = listeners[i].callback.apply(null, args);
+ var result = this.listeners_[i].apply(null, args);
if (result !== undefined)
} catch (e) {
@@ -374,17 +244,39 @@
if (results.length)
return {results: results};
- }
+ };
- // Dispatches this event object to all listeners, passing all supplied
- // arguments to this function each listener.
- chrome.Event.prototype.dispatch = function(varargs) {
- return this.dispatch_(, undefined);
+ // Attaches this event object to its name. Only one object can have a given
+ // name.
+ chrome.Event.prototype.attach_ = function() {
+ AttachEvent(this.eventName_);
+ allAttachedEvents[allAttachedEvents.length] = this;
+ if (!this.eventName_)
+ return;
+ if (attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName_]) {
+ throw new Error("chrome.Event '" + this.eventName_ +
+ "' is already attached.");
+ }
+ attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName_] = this;
// Detaches this event object from its name.
- chrome.Event.prototype.detach_ = function() {
- this.attachmentStrategy_.detach(false);
+ chrome.Event.prototype.detach_ = function(manual) {
+ var i = allAttachedEvents.indexOf(this);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ delete allAttachedEvents[i];
+ DetachEvent(this.eventName_, manual);
+ if (!this.eventName_)
+ return;
+ if (!attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName_]) {
+ throw new Error("chrome.Event '" + this.eventName_ +
+ "' is not attached.");
+ }
+ delete attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName_];
chrome.Event.prototype.destroy_ = function() {
@@ -471,7 +363,7 @@
for (var i = 0; i < allAttachedEvents.length; ++i) {
var event = allAttachedEvents[i];
if (event)
- event.detach_();
+ event.detach_(false);