path: root/chrome/test/chromedriver/server/
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mode: <>2013-01-24 00:39:26 +0000 <>2013-01-24 00:39:26 +0000
commit64c826d2533934f45351374de004e5df20914847 (patch)
treeccb5bda659a44a54792ee03de7c15264abf62654 /chrome/test/chromedriver/server/
parentaffeb046e63105c43b81632e0e6154f63a754f6e (diff)
[ChromeDriver] Add server which communicates over the HTTP json wire protocol.
A fair amount of this is reused from the old chromedriver. Originally, it was planned to just have the shared library and submit a patch to the webdriver project to load it, but decided to go ahead and do this because it is quicker for now than to patch the webdriver project. May revisit this decision in the future. The server should require no updating for implementing new commands, unless they've just been added to the spec, in which case all is needed is a mapping from the URL to the command name. BUG=none TEST=ran with the webdriver python client Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/test/chromedriver/server/')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/test/chromedriver/server/ b/chrome/test/chromedriver/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0e1a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/test/chromedriver/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/command_executor.h"
+#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/server/http_handler.h"
+#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/server/http_response.h"
+#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/status.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace {
+class DummyExecutor : public CommandExecutor {
+ public:
+ DummyExecutor() : status_(kOk) {}
+ explicit DummyExecutor(StatusCode status) : status_(status) {}
+ virtual ~DummyExecutor() {}
+ virtual void Init() OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void ExecuteCommand(const std::string& name,
+ const base::DictionaryValue& params,
+ const std::string& session_id,
+ StatusCode* status,
+ scoped_ptr<base::Value>* value,
+ std::string* out_session_id) OVERRIDE {
+ *status = status_;
+ value->reset(base::Value::CreateIntegerValue(1));
+ *out_session_id = "session_id";
+ }
+ private:
+ StatusCode status_;
+TEST(HttpHandlerTest, HandleOutsideOfBaseUrl) {
+ HttpHandler handler(
+ scoped_ptr<CommandExecutor>(new DummyExecutor()),
+ scoped_ptr<HttpHandler::CommandMap>(new HttpHandler::CommandMap()),
+ "base/url/");
+ HttpRequest request(kGet, "base/path", "body");
+ HttpResponse response;
+ handler.Handle(request, &response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(HttpResponse::kBadRequest, response.status());
+TEST(HttpHandlerTest, HandleUnknownCommand) {
+ HttpHandler handler(
+ scoped_ptr<CommandExecutor>(new DummyExecutor()),
+ scoped_ptr<HttpHandler::CommandMap>(new HttpHandler::CommandMap()),
+ "/");
+ HttpRequest request(kGet, "/path", "");
+ HttpResponse response;
+ handler.Handle(request, &response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(HttpResponse::kNotFound, response.status());
+TEST(HttpHandlerTest, HandleNewSession) {
+ scoped_ptr<HttpHandler::CommandMap> map(new HttpHandler::CommandMap());
+ map->push_back(CommandMapping(kPost, "new", internal::kNewSessionIdCommand));
+ HttpHandler handler(
+ scoped_ptr<CommandExecutor>(new DummyExecutor()),
+ map.Pass(), "/base/");
+ HttpRequest request(kPost, "/base/new", "");
+ HttpResponse response;
+ handler.Handle(request, &response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(HttpResponse::kSeeOther, response.status());
+ std::string location;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(response.GetHeader("Location", &location));
+ std::string prefix = "/base/session/";
+ ASSERT_EQ(prefix, location.substr(0, prefix.length()));
+TEST(HttpHandlerTest, HandleInvalidPost) {
+ scoped_ptr<HttpHandler::CommandMap> map(new HttpHandler::CommandMap());
+ map->push_back(CommandMapping(kPost, "path", "cmd"));
+ HttpHandler handler(
+ scoped_ptr<CommandExecutor>(new DummyExecutor()),
+ map.Pass(), "/");
+ HttpRequest request(kPost, "/path", "should be a dictionary");
+ HttpResponse response;
+ handler.Handle(request, &response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(HttpResponse::kBadRequest, response.status());
+TEST(HttpHandlerTest, HandleUnimplementedCommand) {
+ scoped_ptr<HttpHandler::CommandMap> map(new HttpHandler::CommandMap());
+ map->push_back(CommandMapping(kPost, "path", "cmd"));
+ HttpHandler handler(
+ scoped_ptr<CommandExecutor>(new DummyExecutor(kUnknownCommand)),
+ map.Pass(), "/");
+ HttpRequest request(kPost, "/path", "");
+ HttpResponse response;
+ handler.Handle(request, &response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(HttpResponse::kNotImplemented, response.status());
+TEST(HttpHandlerTest, HandleCommand) {
+ scoped_ptr<HttpHandler::CommandMap> map(new HttpHandler::CommandMap());
+ map->push_back(CommandMapping(kPost, "path", "cmd"));
+ HttpHandler handler(
+ scoped_ptr<CommandExecutor>(new DummyExecutor()),
+ map.Pass(), "/");
+ HttpRequest request(kPost, "/path", "");
+ HttpResponse response;
+ handler.Handle(request, &response);
+ ASSERT_EQ(HttpResponse::kOk, response.status());
+ std::string mime;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(response.GetHeader("Content-Type", &mime));
+ base::DictionaryValue body;
+ body.SetInteger("status", kOk);
+ body.SetInteger("value", 1);
+ body.SetString("sessionId", "session_id");
+ std::string json;
+ base::JSONWriter::Write(&body, &json);
+ ASSERT_STREQ(json.c_str(), response.body().c_str());
+TEST(MatchesCommandTest, DiffMethod) {
+ CommandMapping command(kPost, "path", "command");
+ std::string session_id;
+ base::DictionaryValue params;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(internal::MatchesCommand(
+ kGet, "path", command, &session_id, &params));
+ ASSERT_STREQ("", session_id.c_str());
+ ASSERT_EQ(0u, params.size());
+TEST(MatchesCommandTest, DiffPathLength) {
+ CommandMapping command(kPost, "path/path", "command");
+ std::string session_id;
+ base::DictionaryValue params;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(internal::MatchesCommand(
+ kPost, "path", command, &session_id, &params));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(internal::MatchesCommand(
+ kPost, "", command, &session_id, &params));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(internal::MatchesCommand(
+ kPost, "/", command, &session_id, &params));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(internal::MatchesCommand(
+ kPost, "path/path/path", command, &session_id, &params));
+TEST(MatchesCommandTest, DiffPaths) {
+ CommandMapping command(kPost, "path/apath", "command");
+ std::string session_id;
+ base::DictionaryValue params;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(internal::MatchesCommand(
+ kPost, "path/bpath", command, &session_id, &params));
+TEST(MatchesCommandTest, Substitution) {
+ CommandMapping command(kPost, "path/:sessionId/space/:a/:b", "command");
+ std::string session_id;
+ base::DictionaryValue params;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(internal::MatchesCommand(
+ kPost, "path/1/space/2/3", command, &session_id, &params));
+ ASSERT_EQ("1", session_id);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2u, params.size());
+ std::string param;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(params.GetString("a", &param));
+ ASSERT_EQ("2", param);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(params.GetString("b", &param));
+ ASSERT_EQ("3", param);