path: root/content/browser/appcache/
diff options
mode: <>2014-04-09 00:00:23 +0000 <>2014-04-09 00:00:23 +0000
commit073f24d1ddca6c9f215b5e8ff2d8f524c3f6c918 (patch)
tree2255cd1b31ce2d12f778e6d42c4a846770eccaed /content/browser/appcache/
parente99f6c8c8137aa775ff165fcd89647fafb0376ef (diff)
Move mock_appcache_policy and some unit tests from webkit/ to content/
BUG=338338 Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'content/browser/appcache/')
1 files changed, 555 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/browser/appcache/ b/content/browser/appcache/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b00944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/browser/appcache/
@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "content/browser/appcache/mock_appcache_policy.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "webkit/browser/appcache/appcache.h"
+#include "webkit/browser/appcache/appcache_backend_impl.h"
+#include "webkit/browser/appcache/appcache_group.h"
+#include "webkit/browser/appcache/appcache_host.h"
+#include "webkit/browser/appcache/mock_appcache_service.h"
+#include "webkit/browser/quota/quota_manager.h"
+using appcache::AppCache;
+using appcache::AppCacheBackendImpl;
+using appcache::AppCacheEntry;
+using appcache::AppCacheFrontend;
+using appcache::AppCacheGroup;
+using appcache::AppCacheHost;
+using appcache::kNoCacheId;
+using appcache::MockAppCacheService;
+using appcache::ERROR_EVENT;
+using appcache::OBSOLETE;
+using appcache::OBSOLETE_EVENT;
+using appcache::PROGRESS_EVENT;
+using appcache::Status;
+using appcache::UNCACHED;
+namespace content {
+class AppCacheHostTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ AppCacheHostTest() {
+ get_status_callback_ =
+ base::Bind(&AppCacheHostTest::GetStatusCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this));
+ start_update_callback_ =
+ base::Bind(&AppCacheHostTest::StartUpdateCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this));
+ swap_cache_callback_ =
+ base::Bind(&AppCacheHostTest::SwapCacheCallback,
+ base::Unretained(this));
+ }
+ class MockFrontend : public AppCacheFrontend {
+ public:
+ MockFrontend()
+ : last_host_id_(-222), last_cache_id_(-222),
+ last_status_(appcache::OBSOLETE),
+ last_status_changed_(appcache::OBSOLETE),
+ last_event_id_(appcache::OBSOLETE_EVENT),
+ content_blocked_(false) {
+ }
+ virtual void OnCacheSelected(
+ int host_id, const appcache::AppCacheInfo& info) OVERRIDE {
+ last_host_id_ = host_id;
+ last_cache_id_ = info.cache_id;
+ last_status_ = info.status;
+ }
+ virtual void OnStatusChanged(const std::vector<int>& host_ids,
+ appcache::Status status) OVERRIDE {
+ last_status_changed_ = status;
+ }
+ virtual void OnEventRaised(const std::vector<int>& host_ids,
+ appcache::EventID event_id) OVERRIDE {
+ last_event_id_ = event_id;
+ }
+ virtual void OnErrorEventRaised(const std::vector<int>& host_ids,
+ const appcache::ErrorDetails& details)
+ last_event_id_ = ERROR_EVENT;
+ }
+ virtual void OnProgressEventRaised(const std::vector<int>& host_ids,
+ const GURL& url,
+ int num_total,
+ int num_complete) OVERRIDE {
+ last_event_id_ = PROGRESS_EVENT;
+ }
+ virtual void OnLogMessage(int host_id,
+ appcache::LogLevel log_level,
+ const std::string& message) OVERRIDE {
+ }
+ virtual void OnContentBlocked(int host_id,
+ const GURL& manifest_url) OVERRIDE {
+ content_blocked_ = true;
+ }
+ int last_host_id_;
+ int64 last_cache_id_;
+ appcache::Status last_status_;
+ appcache::Status last_status_changed_;
+ appcache::EventID last_event_id_;
+ bool content_blocked_;
+ };
+ class MockQuotaManagerProxy : public quota::QuotaManagerProxy {
+ public:
+ MockQuotaManagerProxy() : QuotaManagerProxy(NULL, NULL) {}
+ // Not needed for our tests.
+ virtual void RegisterClient(quota::QuotaClient* client) OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void NotifyStorageAccessed(quota::QuotaClient::ID client_id,
+ const GURL& origin,
+ quota::StorageType type) OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void NotifyStorageModified(quota::QuotaClient::ID client_id,
+ const GURL& origin,
+ quota::StorageType type,
+ int64 delta) OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void SetUsageCacheEnabled(quota::QuotaClient::ID client_id,
+ const GURL& origin,
+ quota::StorageType type,
+ bool enabled) OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void GetUsageAndQuota(
+ base::SequencedTaskRunner* original_task_runner,
+ const GURL& origin,
+ quota::StorageType type,
+ const GetUsageAndQuotaCallback& callback) OVERRIDE {}
+ virtual void NotifyOriginInUse(const GURL& origin) OVERRIDE {
+ inuse_[origin] += 1;
+ }
+ virtual void NotifyOriginNoLongerInUse(const GURL& origin) OVERRIDE {
+ inuse_[origin] -= 1;
+ }
+ int GetInUseCount(const GURL& origin) {
+ return inuse_[origin];
+ }
+ void reset() {
+ inuse_.clear();
+ }
+ // Map from origin to count of inuse notifications.
+ std::map<GURL, int> inuse_;
+ protected:
+ virtual ~MockQuotaManagerProxy() {}
+ };
+ void GetStatusCallback(Status status, void* param) {
+ last_status_result_ = status;
+ last_callback_param_ = param;
+ }
+ void StartUpdateCallback(bool result, void* param) {
+ last_start_result_ = result;
+ last_callback_param_ = param;
+ }
+ void SwapCacheCallback(bool result, void* param) {
+ last_swap_result_ = result;
+ last_callback_param_ = param;
+ }
+ base::MessageLoop message_loop_;
+ // Mock classes for the 'host' to work with
+ MockAppCacheService service_;
+ MockFrontend mock_frontend_;
+ // Mock callbacks we expect to receive from the 'host'
+ appcache::GetStatusCallback get_status_callback_;
+ appcache::StartUpdateCallback start_update_callback_;
+ appcache::SwapCacheCallback swap_cache_callback_;
+ Status last_status_result_;
+ bool last_swap_result_;
+ bool last_start_result_;
+ void* last_callback_param_;
+TEST_F(AppCacheHostTest, Basic) {
+ // Construct a host and test what state it appears to be in.
+ AppCacheHost host(1, &mock_frontend_, &service_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, host.host_id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(&service_, host.service());
+ EXPECT_EQ(&mock_frontend_, host.frontend());
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, host.associated_cache());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.is_selection_pending());
+ // See that the callbacks are delivered immediately
+ // and respond as if there is no cache selected.
+ last_status_result_ = OBSOLETE;
+ host.GetStatusWithCallback(get_status_callback_, reinterpret_cast<void*>(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(UNCACHED, last_status_result_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(1), last_callback_param_);
+ last_start_result_ = true;
+ host.StartUpdateWithCallback(start_update_callback_,
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(last_start_result_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(2), last_callback_param_);
+ last_swap_result_ = true;
+ host.SwapCacheWithCallback(swap_cache_callback_, reinterpret_cast<void*>(3));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(last_swap_result_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(3), last_callback_param_);
+TEST_F(AppCacheHostTest, SelectNoCache) {
+ scoped_refptr<MockQuotaManagerProxy> mock_quota_proxy(
+ new MockQuotaManagerProxy);
+ service_.set_quota_manager_proxy(mock_quota_proxy.get());
+ // Reset our mock frontend
+ mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_host_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_status_ = OBSOLETE;
+ const GURL kDocAndOriginUrl(GURL("http://whatever/").GetOrigin());
+ {
+ AppCacheHost host(1, &mock_frontend_, &service_);
+ host.SelectCache(kDocAndOriginUrl, kNoCacheId, GURL());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_quota_proxy->GetInUseCount(kDocAndOriginUrl));
+ // We should have received an OnCacheSelected msg
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_frontend_.last_host_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kNoCacheId, mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(UNCACHED, mock_frontend_.last_status_);
+ // Otherwise, see that it respond as if there is no cache selected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, host.host_id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(&service_, host.service());
+ EXPECT_EQ(&mock_frontend_, host.frontend());
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, host.associated_cache());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.is_selection_pending());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host.preferred_manifest_url().is_empty());
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, mock_quota_proxy->GetInUseCount(kDocAndOriginUrl));
+ service_.set_quota_manager_proxy(NULL);
+TEST_F(AppCacheHostTest, ForeignEntry) {
+ // Reset our mock frontend
+ mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_host_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_status_ = OBSOLETE;
+ // Precondition, a cache with an entry that is not marked as foreign.
+ const int kCacheId = 22;
+ const GURL kDocumentURL("http://origin/document");
+ scoped_refptr<AppCache> cache = new AppCache(, kCacheId);
+ cache->AddEntry(kDocumentURL, AppCacheEntry(AppCacheEntry::EXPLICIT));
+ AppCacheHost host(1, &mock_frontend_, &service_);
+ host.MarkAsForeignEntry(kDocumentURL, kCacheId);
+ // We should have received an OnCacheSelected msg for kNoCacheId.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_frontend_.last_host_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kNoCacheId, mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(UNCACHED, mock_frontend_.last_status_);
+ // See that it respond as if there is no cache selected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, host.host_id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(&service_, host.service());
+ EXPECT_EQ(&mock_frontend_, host.frontend());
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, host.associated_cache());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.is_selection_pending());
+ // See that the entry was marked as foreign.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cache->GetEntry(kDocumentURL)->IsForeign());
+TEST_F(AppCacheHostTest, ForeignFallbackEntry) {
+ // Reset our mock frontend
+ mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_host_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_status_ = OBSOLETE;
+ // Precondition, a cache with a fallback entry that is not marked as foreign.
+ const int kCacheId = 22;
+ const GURL kFallbackURL("http://origin/fallback_resource");
+ scoped_refptr<AppCache> cache = new AppCache(, kCacheId);
+ cache->AddEntry(kFallbackURL, AppCacheEntry(AppCacheEntry::FALLBACK));
+ AppCacheHost host(1, &mock_frontend_, &service_);
+ host.NotifyMainResourceIsNamespaceEntry(kFallbackURL);
+ host.MarkAsForeignEntry(GURL("http://origin/missing_document"), kCacheId);
+ // We should have received an OnCacheSelected msg for kNoCacheId.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_frontend_.last_host_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kNoCacheId, mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(UNCACHED, mock_frontend_.last_status_);
+ // See that the fallback entry was marked as foreign.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cache->GetEntry(kFallbackURL)->IsForeign());
+TEST_F(AppCacheHostTest, FailedCacheLoad) {
+ // Reset our mock frontend
+ mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_host_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_status_ = OBSOLETE;
+ AppCacheHost host(1, &mock_frontend_, &service_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.is_selection_pending());
+ const int kMockCacheId = 333;
+ // Put it in a state where we're waiting on a cache
+ // load prior to finishing cache selection.
+ host.pending_selected_cache_id_ = kMockCacheId;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host.is_selection_pending());
+ // The callback should not occur until we finish cache selection.
+ last_status_result_ = OBSOLETE;
+ last_callback_param_ = reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1);
+ host.GetStatusWithCallback(get_status_callback_, reinterpret_cast<void*>(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(OBSOLETE, last_status_result_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1), last_callback_param_);
+ // Satisfy the load with NULL, a failure.
+ host.OnCacheLoaded(NULL, kMockCacheId);
+ // Cache selection should have finished
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.is_selection_pending());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_frontend_.last_host_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kNoCacheId, mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(UNCACHED, mock_frontend_.last_status_);
+ // Callback should have fired upon completing the cache load too.
+ EXPECT_EQ(UNCACHED, last_status_result_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(1), last_callback_param_);
+TEST_F(AppCacheHostTest, FailedGroupLoad) {
+ AppCacheHost host(1, &mock_frontend_, &service_);
+ const GURL kMockManifestUrl("");
+ // Put it in a state where we're waiting on a cache
+ // load prior to finishing cache selection.
+ host.pending_selected_manifest_url_ = kMockManifestUrl;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host.is_selection_pending());
+ // The callback should not occur until we finish cache selection.
+ last_status_result_ = OBSOLETE;
+ last_callback_param_ = reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1);
+ host.GetStatusWithCallback(get_status_callback_, reinterpret_cast<void*>(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(OBSOLETE, last_status_result_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1), last_callback_param_);
+ // Satisfy the load will NULL, a failure.
+ host.OnGroupLoaded(NULL, kMockManifestUrl);
+ // Cache selection should have finished
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.is_selection_pending());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_frontend_.last_host_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kNoCacheId, mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(UNCACHED, mock_frontend_.last_status_);
+ // Callback should have fired upon completing the group load.
+ EXPECT_EQ(UNCACHED, last_status_result_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<void*>(1), last_callback_param_);
+TEST_F(AppCacheHostTest, SetSwappableCache) {
+ AppCacheHost host(1, &mock_frontend_, &service_);
+ host.SetSwappableCache(NULL);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.swappable_cache_.get());
+ scoped_refptr<AppCacheGroup> group1(new AppCacheGroup(
+, GURL(),>NewGroupId()));
+ host.SetSwappableCache(group1.get());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.swappable_cache_.get());
+ AppCache* cache1 = new AppCache(, 111);
+ cache1->set_complete(true);
+ group1->AddCache(cache1);
+ host.SetSwappableCache(group1.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cache1, host.swappable_cache_.get());
+ mock_frontend_.last_host_id_ = -222; // to verify we received OnCacheSelected
+ host.AssociateCompleteCache(cache1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.swappable_cache_.get()); // was same as associated cache
+ EXPECT_EQ(appcache::IDLE, host.GetStatus());
+ // verify OnCacheSelected was called
+ EXPECT_EQ(host.host_id(), mock_frontend_.last_host_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(cache1->cache_id(), mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(appcache::IDLE, mock_frontend_.last_status_);
+ AppCache* cache2 = new AppCache(, 222);
+ cache2->set_complete(true);
+ group1->AddCache(cache2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(cache2, host.swappable_cache_.get()); // updated to newest
+ scoped_refptr<AppCacheGroup> group2(
+ new AppCacheGroup(, GURL(""),
+ AppCache* cache3 = new AppCache(, 333);
+ cache3->set_complete(true);
+ group2->AddCache(cache3);
+ AppCache* cache4 = new AppCache(, 444);
+ cache4->set_complete(true);
+ group2->AddCache(cache4);
+ EXPECT_EQ(cache2, host.swappable_cache_.get()); // unchanged
+ host.AssociateCompleteCache(cache3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(cache4, host.swappable_cache_.get()); // newest cache in group2
+ EXPECT_FALSE(group1->HasCache()); // both caches in group1 have refcount 0
+ host.AssociateNoCache(GURL());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.swappable_cache_.get());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(group2->HasCache()); // both caches in group2 have refcount 0
+ // Host adds reference to newest cache when an update is complete.
+ AppCache* cache5 = new AppCache(, 555);
+ cache5->set_complete(true);
+ group2->AddCache(cache5);
+ host.group_being_updated_ = group2;
+ host.OnUpdateComplete(group2.get());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.group_being_updated_.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(cache5, host.swappable_cache_.get());
+ group2->RemoveCache(cache5);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(group2->HasCache());
+ host.group_being_updated_ = group2;
+ host.OnUpdateComplete(group2.get());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.group_being_updated_.get());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.swappable_cache_.get()); // group2 had no newest cache
+TEST_F(AppCacheHostTest, ForDedicatedWorker) {
+ const int kMockProcessId = 1;
+ const int kParentHostId = 1;
+ const int kWorkerHostId = 2;
+ AppCacheBackendImpl backend_impl;
+ backend_impl.Initialize(&service_, &mock_frontend_, kMockProcessId);
+ backend_impl.RegisterHost(kParentHostId);
+ backend_impl.RegisterHost(kWorkerHostId);
+ AppCacheHost* parent_host = backend_impl.GetHost(kParentHostId);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parent_host->is_for_dedicated_worker());
+ AppCacheHost* worker_host = backend_impl.GetHost(kWorkerHostId);
+ worker_host->SelectCacheForWorker(kParentHostId, kMockProcessId);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(worker_host->is_for_dedicated_worker());
+ EXPECT_EQ(parent_host, worker_host->GetParentAppCacheHost());
+ // We should have received an OnCacheSelected msg for the worker_host.
+ // The host for workers always indicates 'no cache selected' regardless
+ // of its parent's state. This is OK because the worker cannot access
+ // the scriptable interface, the only function available is resource
+ // loading (see appcache_request_handler_unittests those tests).
+ EXPECT_EQ(kWorkerHostId, mock_frontend_.last_host_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kNoCacheId, mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(UNCACHED, mock_frontend_.last_status_);
+ // Simulate the parent being torn down.
+ backend_impl.UnregisterHost(kParentHostId);
+ parent_host = NULL;
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, backend_impl.GetHost(kParentHostId));
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, worker_host->GetParentAppCacheHost());
+TEST_F(AppCacheHostTest, SelectCacheAllowed) {
+ scoped_refptr<MockQuotaManagerProxy> mock_quota_proxy(
+ new MockQuotaManagerProxy);
+ MockAppCachePolicy mock_appcache_policy;
+ mock_appcache_policy.can_create_return_value_ = true;
+ service_.set_quota_manager_proxy(mock_quota_proxy.get());
+ service_.set_appcache_policy(&mock_appcache_policy);
+ // Reset our mock frontend
+ mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_host_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_status_ = OBSOLETE;
+ mock_frontend_.last_event_id_ = OBSOLETE_EVENT;
+ mock_frontend_.content_blocked_ = false;
+ const GURL kDocAndOriginUrl(GURL("http://whatever/").GetOrigin());
+ const GURL kManifestUrl(GURL("http://whatever/cache.manifest"));
+ {
+ AppCacheHost host(1, &mock_frontend_, &service_);
+ host.first_party_url_ = kDocAndOriginUrl;
+ host.SelectCache(kDocAndOriginUrl, kNoCacheId, kManifestUrl);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_quota_proxy->GetInUseCount(kDocAndOriginUrl));
+ // MockAppCacheService::LoadOrCreateGroup is asynchronous, so we shouldn't
+ // have received an OnCacheSelected msg yet.
+ EXPECT_EQ(-333, mock_frontend_.last_host_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(-333, mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OBSOLETE, mock_frontend_.last_status_);
+ // No error events either
+ EXPECT_EQ(OBSOLETE_EVENT, mock_frontend_.last_event_id_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(mock_frontend_.content_blocked_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host.is_selection_pending());
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, mock_quota_proxy->GetInUseCount(kDocAndOriginUrl));
+ service_.set_quota_manager_proxy(NULL);
+TEST_F(AppCacheHostTest, SelectCacheBlocked) {
+ scoped_refptr<MockQuotaManagerProxy> mock_quota_proxy(
+ new MockQuotaManagerProxy);
+ MockAppCachePolicy mock_appcache_policy;
+ mock_appcache_policy.can_create_return_value_ = false;
+ service_.set_quota_manager_proxy(mock_quota_proxy.get());
+ service_.set_appcache_policy(&mock_appcache_policy);
+ // Reset our mock frontend
+ mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_host_id_ = -333;
+ mock_frontend_.last_status_ = OBSOLETE;
+ mock_frontend_.last_event_id_ = OBSOLETE_EVENT;
+ mock_frontend_.content_blocked_ = false;
+ const GURL kDocAndOriginUrl(GURL("http://whatever/").GetOrigin());
+ const GURL kManifestUrl(GURL("http://whatever/cache.manifest"));
+ {
+ AppCacheHost host(1, &mock_frontend_, &service_);
+ host.first_party_url_ = kDocAndOriginUrl;
+ host.SelectCache(kDocAndOriginUrl, kNoCacheId, kManifestUrl);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_quota_proxy->GetInUseCount(kDocAndOriginUrl));
+ // We should have received an OnCacheSelected msg
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, mock_frontend_.last_host_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kNoCacheId, mock_frontend_.last_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(UNCACHED, mock_frontend_.last_status_);
+ // Also, an error event was raised
+ EXPECT_EQ(ERROR_EVENT, mock_frontend_.last_event_id_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mock_frontend_.content_blocked_);
+ // Otherwise, see that it respond as if there is no cache selected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, host.host_id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(&service_, host.service());
+ EXPECT_EQ(&mock_frontend_, host.frontend());
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, host.associated_cache());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(host.is_selection_pending());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(host.preferred_manifest_url().is_empty());
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, mock_quota_proxy->GetInUseCount(kDocAndOriginUrl));
+ service_.set_quota_manager_proxy(NULL);
+} // namespace content