path: root/content
diff options
mode: <>2012-03-28 12:40:02 +0000 <>2012-03-28 12:40:02 +0000
commitdd414bf1a20b69891729b94b3d76ac714d475a81 (patch)
tree1d706835f6628100e23b86b4c9c0677a4bd46b74 /content
parentfb82b78d9beeee9dfb947ddf86b34ef038bdd013 (diff)
Adds Analog Gain Control (AGC) to the WebRTC client.
The AGC functionality is as follows. It aims at maintaining the same speech loudness level from the microphone. This is done by both controlling the analog microphone gain and applying a digital gain. The microphone gain on the sound card is slowly increased/decreased during speech only. By observing the microphone control slider you can see it move when you speak. If you scream, the slider moves downwards and then upwards again when you return to normal. It is not uncommon that the slider hits the maximum. This means that the maximum analog gain is not large enough to give the desired loudness. Nevertheless, we can in general still attain the desired loudness. If the microphone control slider is moved manually, the analog adaptation restarts and returns to roughly the same position as before the change if the circumstances are still the same. When the input microphone signal causes saturation, the level is decreased dramatically and has to re-adapt towards the old level. The adaptation is a slowly varying process and at the beginning of a call this is noticed by a slow increase in volume. Smaller changes in microphone input level is leveled out by the built-in digital control. For larger differences we need to rely on the slow adaptation. BUG=115265 TEST=content_unittests Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'content')
11 files changed, 310 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/content/browser/renderer_host/media/ b/content/browser/renderer_host/media/
index 85d269f..121a5ac 100644
--- a/content/browser/renderer_host/media/
+++ b/content/browser/renderer_host/media/
@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ bool AudioInputRendererHost::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message,
IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AudioInputHostMsg_CreateStream, OnCreateStream)
IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AudioInputHostMsg_RecordStream, OnRecordStream)
IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AudioInputHostMsg_CloseStream, OnCloseStream)
- IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AudioInputHostMsg_GetVolume, OnGetVolume)
IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AudioInputHostMsg_SetVolume, OnSetVolume)
IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
@@ -200,7 +199,8 @@ void AudioInputRendererHost::OnStartDevice(int stream_id, int session_id) {
void AudioInputRendererHost::OnCreateStream(int stream_id,
const AudioParameters& params,
- const std::string& device_id) {
+ const std::string& device_id,
+ bool automatic_gain_control) {
VLOG(1) << "AudioInputRendererHost::OnCreateStream(stream_id="
<< stream_id << ")";
@@ -214,9 +214,11 @@ void AudioInputRendererHost::OnCreateStream(int stream_id,
// Create a new AudioEntry structure.
scoped_ptr<AudioEntry> entry(new AudioEntry());
+ uint32 mem_size = sizeof(AudioInputBufferParameters) + buffer_size;
// Create the shared memory and share it with the renderer process
// using a new SyncWriter object.
- if (!entry->shared_memory.CreateAndMapAnonymous(buffer_size)) {
+ if (!entry->shared_memory.CreateAndMapAnonymous(mem_size)) {
// If creation of shared memory failed then send an error message.
@@ -248,6 +250,9 @@ void AudioInputRendererHost::OnCreateStream(int stream_id,
+ // Set the initial AGC state for the audio input stream.
+ entry->controller->SetAutomaticGainControl(automatic_gain_control);
// If we have created the controller successfully create a entry and add it
// to the map.
entry->stream_id = stream_id;
@@ -290,21 +295,7 @@ void AudioInputRendererHost::OnSetVolume(int stream_id, double volume) {
- // TODO(henrika): TBI.
-void AudioInputRendererHost::OnGetVolume(int stream_id) {
- DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
- AudioEntry* entry = LookupById(stream_id);
- if (!entry) {
- SendErrorMessage(stream_id);
- return;
- }
- // TODO(henrika): TBI.
+ entry->controller->SetVolume(volume);
void AudioInputRendererHost::SendErrorMessage(int stream_id) {
diff --git a/content/browser/renderer_host/media/audio_input_renderer_host.h b/content/browser/renderer_host/media/audio_input_renderer_host.h
index 6d2a8b8..5a9cc6b 100644
--- a/content/browser/renderer_host/media/audio_input_renderer_host.h
+++ b/content/browser/renderer_host/media/audio_input_renderer_host.h
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT AudioInputRendererHost
// required properties.
void OnCreateStream(int stream_id,
const AudioParameters& params,
- const std::string& device_id);
+ const std::string& device_id,
+ bool automatic_gain_control);
// Record the audio input stream referenced by |stream_id|.
void OnRecordStream(int stream_id);
@@ -151,9 +152,6 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT AudioInputRendererHost
// Set the volume of the audio stream referenced by |stream_id|.
void OnSetVolume(int stream_id, double volume);
- // Get the volume of the audio stream referenced by |stream_id|.
- void OnGetVolume(int stream_id);
// Complete the process of creating an audio input stream. This will set up
// the shared memory or shared socket in low latency mode.
void DoCompleteCreation(media::AudioInputController* controller);
diff --git a/content/browser/renderer_host/media/ b/content/browser/renderer_host/media/
index 9524ad0..d720017 100644
--- a/content/browser/renderer_host/media/
+++ b/content/browser/renderer_host/media/
@@ -15,15 +15,20 @@ AudioInputSyncWriter::AudioInputSyncWriter(base::SharedMemory* shared_memory)
AudioInputSyncWriter::~AudioInputSyncWriter() {}
+// TODO(henrika): Combine into one method (including Write).
void AudioInputSyncWriter::UpdateRecordedBytes(uint32 bytes) {
socket_->Send(&bytes, sizeof(bytes));
-uint32 AudioInputSyncWriter::Write(const void* data, uint32 size) {
- uint32 write_size = std::min(size, shared_memory_->created_size());
- // Copy audio input samples from recorded data to shared memory.
- memcpy(shared_memory_->memory(), data, write_size);
- return write_size;
+uint32 AudioInputSyncWriter::Write(const void* data, uint32 size,
+ double volume) {
+ AudioInputBuffer* buffer =
+ reinterpret_cast<AudioInputBuffer*>(shared_memory_->memory());
+ buffer->params.volume = volume;
+ buffer->params.size = size;
+ memcpy(buffer->audio, data, size);
+ return size;
void AudioInputSyncWriter::Close() {
diff --git a/content/browser/renderer_host/media/audio_input_sync_writer.h b/content/browser/renderer_host/media/audio_input_sync_writer.h
index 3114c35..77acd50 100644
--- a/content/browser/renderer_host/media/audio_input_sync_writer.h
+++ b/content/browser/renderer_host/media/audio_input_sync_writer.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class AudioInputSyncWriter : public media::AudioInputController::SyncWriter {
// media::AudioOutputController::SyncWriter implementation.
virtual void UpdateRecordedBytes(uint32 bytes) OVERRIDE;
- virtual uint32 Write(const void* data, uint32 size) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual uint32 Write(const void* data, uint32 size, double volume) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Close() OVERRIDE;
bool Init();
diff --git a/content/common/media/audio_messages.h b/content/common/media/audio_messages.h
index bac2537..0acb35c 100644
--- a/content/common/media/audio_messages.h
+++ b/content/common/media/audio_messages.h
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
// IPC messages for the audio.
// Multiply-included message file, hence no include guard.
+#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/shared_memory.h"
#include "base/sync_socket.h"
@@ -91,10 +93,11 @@ IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(AudioHostMsg_CreateStream,
AudioParameters /* params */)
// Request that got sent to browser for creating an audio input stream
int /* stream_id */,
AudioParameters /* params */,
- std::string /* device_id */)
+ std::string /* device_id */,
+ bool /* automatic_gain_control */)
// Start buffering and play the audio stream specified by stream_id.
@@ -120,11 +123,6 @@ IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(AudioHostMsg_CloseStream,
int /* stream_id */)
-// Get audio volume of the input stream specified by
-// (render_view_id, stream_id).
- int /* stream_id */)
// Set audio volume of the stream specified by stream_id.
// TODO(hclam): change this to vector if we have channel numbers other than 2.
diff --git a/content/renderer/media/ b/content/renderer/media/
index 24e9da9..11a3938 100644
--- a/content/renderer/media/
+++ b/content/renderer/media/
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ AudioInputDevice::AudioInputDevice(const AudioParameters& params,
- pending_device_ready_(false) {
+ pending_device_ready_(false),
+ agc_is_enabled_(false) {
filter_ = RenderThreadImpl::current()->audio_input_message_filter();
@@ -82,15 +83,27 @@ void AudioInputDevice::Stop() {
bool AudioInputDevice::SetVolume(double volume) {
- return false;
+ if (volume < 0 || volume > 1.0)
+ return false;
+ message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(&AudioInputDevice::SetVolumeOnIOThread, this, volume));
+ return true;
bool AudioInputDevice::GetVolume(double* volume) {
return false;
+void AudioInputDevice::SetAutomaticGainControl(bool enabled) {
+ DVLOG(1) << "SetAutomaticGainControl(enabled=" << enabled << ")";
+ message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(&AudioInputDevice::SetAutomaticGainControlOnIOThread,
+ this, enabled));
void AudioInputDevice::InitializeOnIOThread() {
// Make sure we don't call Start() more than once.
@@ -104,7 +117,8 @@ void AudioInputDevice::InitializeOnIOThread() {
// and create the stream when getting a OnDeviceReady() callback.
if (!session_id_) {
Send(new AudioInputHostMsg_CreateStream(
- stream_id_, audio_parameters_, AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId));
+ stream_id_, audio_parameters_, AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId,
+ agc_is_enabled_));
} else {
Send(new AudioInputHostMsg_StartDevice(stream_id_, session_id_));
pending_device_ready_ = true;
@@ -133,6 +147,7 @@ void AudioInputDevice::ShutDownOnIOThread() {
stream_id_ = 0;
session_id_ = 0;
pending_device_ready_ = false;
+ agc_is_enabled_ = false;
// We can run into an issue where ShutDownOnIOThread is called right after
@@ -153,6 +168,18 @@ void AudioInputDevice::SetVolumeOnIOThread(double volume) {
Send(new AudioInputHostMsg_SetVolume(stream_id_, volume));
+void AudioInputDevice::SetAutomaticGainControlOnIOThread(bool enabled) {
+ DCHECK(message_loop()->BelongsToCurrentThread());
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, stream_id_) <<
+ "The AGC state can not be modified while capturing is active.";
+ if (stream_id_)
+ return;
+ // We simply store the new AGC setting here. This value will be used when
+ // a new stream is initialized and by GetAutomaticGainControl().
+ agc_is_enabled_ = enabled;
void AudioInputDevice::OnStreamCreated(
base::SharedMemoryHandle handle,
base::SyncSocket::Handle socket_handle,
@@ -250,7 +277,7 @@ void AudioInputDevice::OnDeviceReady(const std::string& device_id) {
stream_id_ = 0;
} else {
Send(new AudioInputHostMsg_CreateStream(stream_id_, audio_parameters_,
- device_id));
+ device_id, agc_is_enabled_));
pending_device_ready_ = false;
@@ -286,8 +313,17 @@ void AudioInputDevice::AudioThreadCallback::MapSharedMemory() {
void AudioInputDevice::AudioThreadCallback::Process(int pending_data) {
+ // The shared memory represents parameters, size of the data buffer and the
+ // actual data buffer containing audio data. Map the memory into this
+ // structure and parse out parameters and the data area.
+ AudioInputBuffer* buffer =
+ reinterpret_cast<AudioInputBuffer*>(shared_memory_.memory());
+ uint32 size = buffer->params.size;
+ DCHECK_EQ(size, memory_length_ - sizeof(AudioInputBufferParameters));
+ double volume = buffer->params.volume;
int audio_delay_milliseconds = pending_data / bytes_per_ms_;
- int16* memory = reinterpret_cast<int16*>(shared_memory_.memory());
+ int16* memory = reinterpret_cast<int16*>(&buffer->audio[0]);
const size_t number_of_frames = audio_parameters_.frames_per_buffer();
const int bytes_per_sample = sizeof(memory[0]);
@@ -306,5 +342,5 @@ void AudioInputDevice::AudioThreadCallback::Process(int pending_data) {
// Deliver captured data to the client in floating point format
// and update the audio-delay measurement.
capture_callback_->Capture(audio_data_, number_of_frames,
- audio_delay_milliseconds);
+ audio_delay_milliseconds, volume);
diff --git a/content/renderer/media/audio_input_device.h b/content/renderer/media/audio_input_device.h
index a91ee16..99cd03c 100644
--- a/content/renderer/media/audio_input_device.h
+++ b/content/renderer/media/audio_input_device.h
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
#pragma once
+#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
@@ -95,7 +96,8 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT AudioInputDevice
virtual void Capture(const std::vector<float*>& audio_data,
size_t number_of_frames,
- size_t audio_delay_milliseconds) = 0;
+ size_t audio_delay_milliseconds,
+ double volume) = 0;
virtual void OnCaptureError() = 0;
virtual ~CaptureCallback() {}
@@ -149,8 +151,13 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT AudioInputDevice
return audio_parameters_.frames_per_buffer();
+ // Sets the Automatic Gain Control state to on or off.
+ // This method must be called before Start(). It will not have any effect
+ // if it is called while capturing has already started.
+ void SetAutomaticGainControl(bool enabled);
// Methods called on IO thread ----------------------------------------------
- // AudioInputMessageFilter::Delegate impl., called by AudioInputMessageFilter
+ // AudioInputMessageFilter::Delegate impl., called by AudioInputMessageFilter.
virtual void OnStreamCreated(base::SharedMemoryHandle handle,
base::SyncSocket::Handle socket_handle,
uint32 length) OVERRIDE;
@@ -168,6 +175,7 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT AudioInputDevice
void StartOnIOThread();
void ShutDownOnIOThread();
void SetVolumeOnIOThread(double volume);
+ void SetAutomaticGainControlOnIOThread(bool enabled);
void Send(IPC::Message* message);
@@ -198,6 +206,10 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT AudioInputDevice
// callback. Only modified on the IO thread.
bool pending_device_ready_;
+ // Stores the Automatic Gain Control state. Default is false.
+ // Only modified on the IO thread.
+ bool agc_is_enabled_;
// Our audio thread callback class. See source file for details.
class AudioThreadCallback;
diff --git a/content/renderer/media/ b/content/renderer/media/
index fefb10e..a25bdca 100644
--- a/content/renderer/media/
+++ b/content/renderer/media/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "media/audio/audio_util.h"
static const int64 kMillisecondsBetweenProcessCalls = 5000;
+static const double kMaxVolumeLevel = 255.0;
// Supported hardware sample rates for input and output sides.
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
@@ -40,7 +41,8 @@ WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl()
- recording_(false) {
+ recording_(false),
+ agc_is_enabled_(false) {
DVLOG(1) << "WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl()";
DCHECK(RenderThreadImpl::current()) <<
"WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl must be constructed on the render thread";
@@ -132,11 +134,21 @@ void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::OnRenderError() {
LOG(ERROR) << "OnRenderError()";
-void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Capture(
- const std::vector<float*>& audio_data,
- size_t number_of_frames,
- size_t audio_delay_milliseconds) {
+void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Capture(const std::vector<float*>& audio_data,
+ size_t number_of_frames,
+ size_t audio_delay_milliseconds,
+ double volume) {
DCHECK_LE(number_of_frames, input_buffer_size());
+#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
+ DCHECK_LE(volume, 1.0);
+#elif defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_OPENBSD)
+ // We have a special situation on Linux where the microphone volume can be
+ // "higher than maximum". The input volume slider in the sound preference
+ // allows the user to set a scaling that is higher than 100%. It means that
+ // even if the reported maximum levels is N, the actual microphone level can
+ // go up to 1.5*N and that corresponds to a normalized |volume| of 1.5.
+ DCHECK_LE(volume, 1.5);
int output_delay_ms = 0;
@@ -165,15 +177,17 @@ void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Capture(
const int bytes_per_10_msec =
channels * samples_per_10_msec * bytes_per_sample_;
size_t accumulated_audio_samples = 0;
char* audio_byte_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(input_buffer_.get());
+ // Map internal volume range of [0.0, 1.0] into [0, 255] used by the
+ // webrtc::VoiceEngine.
+ uint32_t current_mic_level = static_cast<uint32_t>(volume * kMaxVolumeLevel);
// Write audio samples in blocks of 10 milliseconds to the registered
// webrtc::AudioTransport sink. Keep writing until our internal byte
// buffer is empty.
while (accumulated_audio_samples < number_of_frames) {
- // Deliver 10ms of recorded PCM audio.
- // TODO(henrika): add support for analog AGC?
+ // Deliver 10ms of recorded 16-bit linear PCM audio.
@@ -181,12 +195,24 @@ void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Capture(
input_delay_ms_ + output_delay_ms,
- 0, // clock_drift
- 0, // current_mic_level
- new_mic_level); // not used
+ 0, // TODO(henrika): |clock_drift| parameter is not utilized today.
+ current_mic_level,
+ new_mic_level);
accumulated_audio_samples += samples_per_10_msec;
audio_byte_buffer += bytes_per_10_msec;
+ // The AGC returns a non-zero microphone level if it has been decided
+ // that a new level should be set.
+ if (new_mic_level != 0) {
+ // Use IPC and set the new level. Note that, it will take some time
+ // before the new level is effective due to the IPC scheme.
+ // During this time, |current_mic_level| will contain "non-valid" values
+ // and it might reduce the AGC performance. Measurements on Windows 7 have
+ // shown that we might receive old volume levels for one or two callbacks.
+ SetMicrophoneVolume(new_mic_level);
+ }
void WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::OnCaptureError() {
@@ -331,8 +357,8 @@ int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Init() {
ChannelLayout out_channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO;
AudioParameters::Format in_format = AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR;
- size_t in_buffer_size = 0;
- size_t out_buffer_size = 0;
+ int in_buffer_size = 0;
+ int out_buffer_size = 0;
// TODO(henrika): factor out all platform specific parts in separate
// functions. Code is a bit messy right now.
@@ -357,6 +383,8 @@ int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Init() {
in_buffer_size = 440;
} else {
in_buffer_size = (in_sample_rate / 100);
+ DCHECK_EQ(in_buffer_size * 100, in_sample_rate) <<
+ "Sample rate not supported. Should have been caught in Init().";
// Render side: AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY is based on the Core Audio (WASAPI)
@@ -401,6 +429,8 @@ int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Init() {
in_buffer_size = 440;
} else {
in_buffer_size = (in_sample_rate / 100);
+ DCHECK_EQ(in_buffer_size * 100, in_sample_rate) <<
+ "Sample rate not supported. Should have been caught in Init().";
// Render side: AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY on Mac OS X is based on a callback-
@@ -594,8 +624,8 @@ bool WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RecordingIsInitialized() const {
int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StartPlayout() {
DVLOG(1) << "StartPlayout()";
+ LOG_IF(ERROR, !audio_transport_callback_) << "Audio transport is missing";
if (!audio_transport_callback_) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Audio transport is missing";
return -1;
if (playing_) {
@@ -627,7 +657,6 @@ int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::StartRecording() {
DVLOG(1) << "StartRecording()";
LOG_IF(ERROR, !audio_transport_callback_) << "Audio transport is missing";
if (!audio_transport_callback_) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Audio transport is missing";
return -1;
@@ -675,13 +704,25 @@ bool WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Recording() const {
int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetAGC(bool enable) {
- DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetAGC() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED";
- return -1;
+ DVLOG(1) << "SetAGC(enable=" << enable << ")";
+ // The current implementation does not support changing the AGC state while
+ // recording. Using this approach simplifies the design and it is also
+ // inline with the latest WebRTC standard.
+ DCHECK(initialized_);
+ DCHECK(!recording_) << "Unable to set AGC state while recording is active.";
+ if (recording_) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ audio_input_device_->SetAutomaticGainControl(enable);
+ agc_is_enabled_ = enable;
+ return 0;
bool WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::AGC() const {
- DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::AGC() " << "NOT IMPLEMENTED";
- return false;
+ // To reduce the usage of IPC messages, an internal AGC state is used.
+ // TODO(henrika): investigate if there is a need for a "deeper" getter.
+ return agc_is_enabled_;
int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetWaveOutVolume(uint16_t volume_left,
@@ -754,8 +795,7 @@ int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MaxSpeakerVolume(uint32_t* max_volume) const {
return -1;
-int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MinSpeakerVolume(
- uint32_t* min_volume) const {
+int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MinSpeakerVolume(uint32_t* min_volume) const {
return -1;
@@ -772,32 +812,39 @@ int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneVolumeIsAvailable(bool* available) {
int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::SetMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t volume) {
- return -1;
+ DVLOG(1) << "SetMicrophoneVolume(" << volume << ")";
+ if (volume > kMaxVolumeLevel)
+ return -1;
+ // WebRTC uses a range of [0, 255] to represent the level of the microphone
+ // volume. The IPC channel between the renderer and browser process works
+ // with doubles in the [0.0, 1.0] range and we have to compensate for that.
+ double normalized_volume = static_cast<double>(volume / kMaxVolumeLevel);
+ audio_input_device_->SetVolume(normalized_volume);
+ return 0;
int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneVolume(uint32_t* volume) const {
+ // The microphone level is fed to this class using the Capture() callback
+ // and this external API should not be used. Additional IPC messages are
+ // required if support for this API is ever needed.
return -1;
-int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MaxMicrophoneVolume(
- uint32_t* max_volume) const {
- DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MaxMicrophoneVolume() "
- return -1;
+int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MaxMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t* max_volume) const {
+ *max_volume = kMaxVolumeLevel;
+ return 0;
-int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MinMicrophoneVolume(
- uint32_t* min_volume) const {
- DVLOG(2) << "WARNING: WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MinMicrophoneVolume() "
- return -1;
+int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MinMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t* min_volume) const {
+ *min_volume = 0;
+ return 0;
int32_t WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::MicrophoneVolumeStepSize(
uint16_t* step_size) const {
return -1;
diff --git a/content/renderer/media/webrtc_audio_device_impl.h b/content/renderer/media/webrtc_audio_device_impl.h
index b3f3534..c00e129 100644
--- a/content/renderer/media/webrtc_audio_device_impl.h
+++ b/content/renderer/media/webrtc_audio_device_impl.h
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
// base->StartPlayout(ch);
// base->StartSending(ch);
// ...
-// <== full-duplex audio session ==>
+// <== full-duplex audio session with AGC enabled ==>
// ...
// base->DeleteChannel(ch);
// base->Terminate();
@@ -57,15 +57,30 @@
// VoiceEngine::Delete(voe);
// }
-// Note that, WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::RegisterAudioCallback() will
-// be called by the webrtc::VoiceEngine::Init() call and the
-// webrtc::VoiceEngine is an webrtc::AudioTransport implementation.
-// Hence, when the underlying audio layer wants data samples to be played out,
-// the AudioDevice::RenderCallback() will be called, which in turn uses the
-// registered webrtc::AudioTransport callback and feeds the data to the
-// webrtc::VoiceEngine.
+// webrtc::VoiceEngine::Init() calls these ADM methods (in this order):
-// The picture below illustrates the media flow on the capture side:
+// RegisterAudioCallback(this)
+// webrtc::VoiceEngine is an webrtc::AudioTransport implementation and
+// implements the RecordedDataIsAvailable() and NeedMorePlayData() callbacks.
+// Init()
+// Creates and initializes the AudioDevice and AudioInputDevice objects.
+// SetAGC(true)
+// Enables the adaptive analog mode of the AGC which ensures that a
+// suitable microphone volume level will be set. This scheme will affect
+// the actual microphone control slider.
+// Media example:
+// When the underlying audio layer wants data samples to be played out, the
+// AudioDevice::RenderCallback() will be called, which in turn uses the
+// registered webrtc::AudioTransport callback and gets the data to be played
+// out from the webrtc::VoiceEngine.
+// The picture below illustrates the media flow on the capture side where the
+// AudioInputDevice client acts as link between the renderer and browser
+// process:
// .------------------. .----------------------.
// (Native audio) => | AudioInputStream |-> OnData ->| AudioInputController |-.
@@ -87,11 +102,106 @@
// The actual data is transferred via SharedMemory. IPC is not involved
// in the actual media transfer.
+// AGC overview:
+// It aims to maintain a constant speech loudness level from the microphone.
+// This is done by both controlling the analog microphone gain and applying
+// digital gain. The microphone gain on the sound card is slowly
+// increased/decreased during speech only. By observing the microphone control
+// slider you can see it move when you speak. If you scream, the slider moves
+// downwards and then upwards again when you return to normal. It is not
+// uncommon that the slider hits the maximum. This means that the maximum
+// analog gain is not large enough to give the desired loudness. Nevertheless,
+// we can in general still attain the desired loudness. If the microphone
+// control slider is moved manually, the gain adaptation restarts and returns
+// to roughly the same position as before the change if the circumstances are
+// still the same. When the input microphone signal causes saturation, the
+// level is decreased dramatically and has to re-adapt towards the old level.
+// The adaptation is a slowly varying process and at the beginning of capture
+// this is noticed by a slow increase in volume. Smaller changes in microphone
+// input level is leveled out by the built-in digital control. For larger
+// differences we need to rely on the slow adaptation.
+// See for more details.
+// AGC implementation details:
+// The adaptive analog mode of the AGC is always enabled for desktop platforms
+// in WebRTC.
+// Before recording starts, the ADM sets an AGC state in the
+// AudioInputDevice by calling AudioInputDevice::SetAutomaticGainControl(true).
+// A capture session with AGC is started up as follows (simplified):
+// [renderer]
+// |
+// ADM::StartRecording()
+// AudioInputDevice::InitializeOnIOThread()
+// AudioInputHostMsg_CreateStream(..., agc=true) [IPC]
+// |
+// [IPC to the browser]
+// |
+// AudioInputRendererHost::OnCreateStream()
+// AudioInputController::CreateLowLatency()
+// AudioInputController::DoSetAutomaticGainControl(true)
+// AudioInputStream::SetAutomaticGainControl(true)
+// |
+// AGC is now enabled in the media layer and streaming starts (details omitted).
+// The figure below illustrates the AGC scheme which is active in combination
+// with the default media flow explained earlier.
+// |
+// [browser]
+// |
+// AudioInputStream::(Capture thread loop)
+// AudioInputStreamImpl::QueryAgcVolume() => new volume once per second
+// AudioInputData::OnData(..., volume)
+// AudioInputController::OnData(..., volume)
+// AudioInputSyncWriter::Write(..., volume)
+// |
+// [volume | size | data] is sent to the renderer [shared memory]
+// |
+// [renderer]
+// |
+// AudioInputDevice::AudioThreadCallback::Process()
+// WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::Capture(..., volume)
+// AudioTransport::RecordedDataIsAvailable(...,volume, new_volume)
+// |
+// The AGC now uses the current volume input and computes a suitable new
+// level given by the |new_level| output. This value is only non-zero if the
+// AGC has take a decision that the microphone level should change.
+// |
+// if (new_volume != 0)
+// AudioInputDevice::SetVolume(new_volume)
+// AudioInputHostMsg_SetVolume(new_volume) [IPC]
+// |
+// [IPC to the browser]
+// |
+// AudioInputRendererHost::OnSetVolume()
+// AudioInputController::SetVolume()
+// AudioInputStream::SetVolume(scaled_volume)
+// |
+// Here we set the new microphone level in the media layer and at the same time
+// read the new setting (we might not get exactly what is set).
+// |
+// AudioInputData::OnData(..., updated_volume)
+// AudioInputController::OnData(..., updated_volume)
+// |
+// |
+// This process repeats until we stop capturing data. Note that, a common
+// steady state is that the volume control reaches its max and the new_volume
+// value from the AGC is zero. A loud voice input is required to break this
+// state and start lowering the level again.
// Implementation notes:
// - This class must be created on the main render thread.
// - The webrtc::AudioDeviceModule is reference counted.
-// - Recording is currently not supported on Mac OS X.
+// - AGC is only supported in combination with the WASAPI-based audio layer
+// on Windows, i.e., it is not supported on Windows XP.
+// - All volume levels required for the AGC scheme are transfered in a
+// normalized range [0.0, 1.0]. Scaling takes place in both endpoints
+// (WebRTC client a media layer). This approach ensures that we can avoid
+// transferring maximum levels between the renderer and the browser.
class CONTENT_EXPORT WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl
: NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public webrtc::AudioDeviceModule),
@@ -120,7 +230,8 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl
// AudioInputDevice::CaptureCallback implementation.
virtual void Capture(const std::vector<float*>& audio_data,
size_t number_of_frames,
- size_t audio_delay_milliseconds) OVERRIDE;
+ size_t audio_delay_milliseconds,
+ double volume) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnCaptureError() OVERRIDE;
// AudioInputDevice::CaptureEventHandler implementation.
@@ -336,6 +447,9 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl
bool playing_;
bool recording_;
+ // Local copy of the current Automatic Gain Control state.
+ bool agc_is_enabled_;
diff --git a/content/renderer/media/ b/content/renderer/media/
index d9b291c..e9323f2 100644
--- a/content/renderer/media/
+++ b/content/renderer/media/
@@ -437,6 +437,7 @@ TEST_F(WebRTCAudioDeviceTest, PlayLocalFile) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, base->StartPlayout(ch));
ScopedWebRTCPtr<webrtc::VoEFile> file(engine.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file.valid());
int duration = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(0, file->GetFileDuration(file_path.c_str(), duration,
@@ -465,8 +466,8 @@ TEST_F(WebRTCAudioDeviceTest, PlayLocalFile) {
// where they are decoded and played out on the default audio output device.
// Disabled when running headless since the bots don't have the required config.
// TODO(henrika): improve quality by using a wideband codec, enabling noise-
-// suppressions and perhaps also the digital AGC.
-TEST_F(WebRTCAudioDeviceTest, FullDuplexAudio) {
+// suppressions etc.
+TEST_F(WebRTCAudioDeviceTest, FullDuplexAudioWithAGC) {
if (IsRunningHeadless())
@@ -477,13 +478,13 @@ TEST_F(WebRTCAudioDeviceTest, FullDuplexAudio) {
- OnSetAudioStreamStatus(_, 1, StrEq("created")));
+ OnSetAudioStreamStatus(_, 1, StrEq("created")));
- OnSetAudioStreamPlaying(_, 1, true));
+ OnSetAudioStreamPlaying(_, 1, true));
- OnSetAudioStreamStatus(_, 1, StrEq("closed")));
+ OnSetAudioStreamStatus(_, 1, StrEq("closed")));
- OnDeleteAudioStream(_, 1)).Times(AnyNumber());
+ OnDeleteAudioStream(_, 1)).Times(AnyNumber());
scoped_refptr<WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl> audio_device(
new WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl());
@@ -496,10 +497,19 @@ TEST_F(WebRTCAudioDeviceTest, FullDuplexAudio) {
int err = base->Init(audio_device);
ASSERT_EQ(0, err);
+ ScopedWebRTCPtr<webrtc::VoEAudioProcessing> audio_processing(engine.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(audio_processing.valid());
+ bool enabled = false;
+ webrtc::AgcModes agc_mode = webrtc::kAgcDefault;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, audio_processing->GetAgcStatus(enabled, agc_mode));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(enabled);
+ EXPECT_EQ(agc_mode, webrtc::kAgcAdaptiveAnalog);
int ch = base->CreateChannel();
EXPECT_NE(-1, ch);
ScopedWebRTCPtr<webrtc::VoENetwork> network(engine.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(network.valid());
scoped_ptr<WebRTCTransportImpl> transport(
new WebRTCTransportImpl(network.get()));
EXPECT_EQ(0, network->RegisterExternalTransport(ch, *transport.get()));
diff --git a/content/renderer/pepper/ b/content/renderer/pepper/
index f6c3244..6c42f75 100644
--- a/content/renderer/pepper/
+++ b/content/renderer/pepper/
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ void PepperPlatformAudioInputImpl::InitializeOnIOThread(int session_id) {
if (!session_id) {
// We will be notified by OnStreamCreated().
filter_->Send(new AudioInputHostMsg_CreateStream(
- stream_id_, params_, AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId));
+ stream_id_, params_, AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId, false));
} else {
// We will be notified by OnDeviceReady().
filter_->Send(new AudioInputHostMsg_StartDevice(stream_id_, session_id));
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ void PepperPlatformAudioInputImpl::OnDeviceReady(const std::string& device_id) {
} else {
// We will be notified by OnStreamCreated().
filter_->Send(new AudioInputHostMsg_CreateStream(stream_id_, params_,
- device_id));
+ device_id, false));