path: root/media/video/capture
diff options
authormcasas <>2015-07-16 19:00:32 -0700
committerCommit bot <>2015-07-17 02:01:19 +0000
commit26973ef3748fda32787ce05a021ed4c68565fe6a (patch)
tree78de02cfe3e5bd0639c0ee688f142768f8390e2d /media/video/capture
parentc36773843cb0d729166bb19074e960129e609dd5 (diff)
Folder shuffle media/capture -> media/capture/content and media/video/capture -> media/capture/video
Folder reorg, no code changes whatsoever (except #include path renaming). Rationale: media/capture includes ATM screen/tab capture; media/video has a bunch of unrelated files and a large capture/ folder. All that can be consolidated under media/capture/bla where bla={content, video}. Suggestion: move audio capture code in capture/audio. TBR= for content/browser/DEPS since is a mechanical folder name change. Review URL: Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#339199}
Diffstat (limited to 'media/video/capture')
63 files changed, 0 insertions, 9499 deletions
diff --git a/media/video/capture/OWNERS b/media/video/capture/OWNERS
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diff --git a/media/video/capture/android/ b/media/video/capture/android/
deleted file mode 100644
index 81470a7..0000000
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-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/android/video_capture_device_android.h"
-#include "base/android/jni_android.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "jni/VideoCapture_jni.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/android/video_capture_device_factory_android.h"
-using base::android::AttachCurrentThread;
-using base::android::CheckException;
-using base::android::GetClass;
-using base::android::MethodID;
-using base::android::JavaRef;
-using base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef;
-namespace media {
-// static
-bool VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::RegisterVideoCaptureDevice(JNIEnv* env) {
- return RegisterNativesImpl(env);
-const std::string VideoCaptureDevice::Name::GetModel() const {
- // Android cameras are not typically USB devices, and this method is currently
- // only used for USB model identifiers, so this implementation just indicates
- // an unknown device model.
- return "";
-VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid(const Name& device_name)
- : state_(kIdle), got_first_frame_(false), device_name_(device_name) {}
-VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::~VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid() {
- StopAndDeAllocate();
-bool VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::Init() {
- int id;
- if (!base::StringToInt(, &id))
- return false;
- j_capture_.Reset(VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryAndroid::createVideoCaptureAndroid(
- id, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(this)));
- return true;
-void VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::AllocateAndStart(
- const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<Client> client) {
- DVLOG(1) << "VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::AllocateAndStart";
- {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (state_ != kIdle)
- return;
- client_ = client.Pass();
- got_first_frame_ = false;
- }
- JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
- jboolean ret = Java_VideoCapture_allocate(
- env,
- j_capture_.obj(),
- params.requested_format.frame_size.width(),
- params.requested_format.frame_size.height(),
- params.requested_format.frame_rate);
- if (!ret) {
- SetErrorState("failed to allocate");
- return;
- }
- // Store current width and height.
- capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(
- Java_VideoCapture_queryWidth(env, j_capture_.obj()),
- Java_VideoCapture_queryHeight(env, j_capture_.obj()));
- capture_format_.frame_rate =
- Java_VideoCapture_queryFrameRate(env, j_capture_.obj());
- capture_format_.pixel_format = GetColorspace();
- DCHECK_NE(capture_format_.pixel_format,
- CHECK(capture_format_.frame_size.GetArea() > 0);
- CHECK(!(capture_format_.frame_size.width() % 2));
- CHECK(!(capture_format_.frame_size.height() % 2));
- if (capture_format_.frame_rate > 0) {
- frame_interval_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(
- (base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond + capture_format_.frame_rate - 1) /
- capture_format_.frame_rate);
- }
- DVLOG(1) << "VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::Allocate: queried frame_size="
- << capture_format_.frame_size.ToString()
- << ", frame_rate=" << capture_format_.frame_rate;
- ret = Java_VideoCapture_startCapture(env, j_capture_.obj());
- if (!ret) {
- SetErrorState("failed to start capture");
- return;
- }
- {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- state_ = kCapturing;
- }
-void VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::StopAndDeAllocate() {
- DVLOG(1) << "VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::StopAndDeAllocate";
- {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (state_ != kCapturing && state_ != kError)
- return;
- }
- JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
- jboolean ret = Java_VideoCapture_stopCapture(env, j_capture_.obj());
- if (!ret) {
- SetErrorState("failed to stop capture");
- return;
- }
- {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- state_ = kIdle;
- client_.reset();
- }
- Java_VideoCapture_deallocate(env, j_capture_.obj());
-void VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::OnFrameAvailable(JNIEnv* env,
- jobject obj,
- jbyteArray data,
- jint length,
- jint rotation) {
- DVLOG(3) << "VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::OnFrameAvailable: length =" << length;
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (state_ != kCapturing || !client_.get())
- return;
- jbyte* buffer = env->GetByteArrayElements(data, NULL);
- if (!buffer) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::OnFrameAvailable: "
- "failed to GetByteArrayElements";
- return;
- }
- base::TimeTicks current_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
- if (!got_first_frame_) {
- // Set aside one frame allowance for fluctuation.
- expected_next_frame_time_ = current_time - frame_interval_;
- got_first_frame_ = true;
- }
- // Deliver the frame when it doesn't arrive too early.
- if (expected_next_frame_time_ <= current_time) {
- expected_next_frame_time_ += frame_interval_;
- client_->OnIncomingCapturedData(reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(buffer),
- length,
- capture_format_,
- rotation,
- base::TimeTicks::Now());
- }
- env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, buffer, JNI_ABORT);
-void VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::OnError(JNIEnv* env,
- jobject obj,
- jstring message) {
- const char *native_string = env->GetStringUTFChars(message, JNI_FALSE);
- SetErrorState(native_string);
- env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(message, native_string);
-VideoCapturePixelFormat VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::GetColorspace() {
- JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
- int current_capture_colorspace =
- Java_VideoCapture_getColorspace(env, j_capture_.obj());
- switch (current_capture_colorspace) {
- return media::VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_I420;
- default:
- }
-void VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::SetErrorState(const std::string& reason) {
- {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- state_ = kError;
- }
- client_->OnError(reason);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/android/video_capture_device_android.h b/media/video/capture/android/video_capture_device_android.h
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--- a/media/video/capture/android/video_capture_device_android.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <jni.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "media/base/media_export.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-namespace media {
-// VideoCaptureDevice on Android. The VideoCaptureDevice API's are called
-// by VideoCaptureManager on its own thread, while OnFrameAvailable is called
-// on JAVA thread (i.e., UI thread). Both will access |state_| and |client_|,
-// but only VideoCaptureManager would change their value.
-class MEDIA_EXPORT VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid : public VideoCaptureDevice {
- public:
- // Automatically generated enum to interface with Java world.
- //
- // A Java counterpart will be generated for this enum.
- enum AndroidImageFormat {
- // Android graphics ImageFormat mapping, see reference in:
- //
- ANDROID_IMAGE_FORMAT_YV12 = 842094169,
- };
- explicit VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid(const Name& device_name);
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid() override;
- static VideoCaptureDevice* Create(const Name& device_name);
- static bool RegisterVideoCaptureDevice(JNIEnv* env);
- // Registers the Java VideoCaptureDevice pointer, used by the rest of the
- // methods of the class to operate the Java capture code. This method must be
- // called after the class constructor and before AllocateAndStart().
- bool Init();
- // VideoCaptureDevice implementation.
- void AllocateAndStart(const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<Client> client) override;
- void StopAndDeAllocate() override;
- // Implement
- void OnFrameAvailable(
- JNIEnv* env,
- jobject obj,
- jbyteArray data,
- jint length,
- jint rotation);
- // Implement
- void OnError(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jstring message);
- private:
- enum InternalState {
- kIdle, // The device is opened but not in use.
- kCapturing, // Video is being captured.
- kError // Hit error. User needs to recover by destroying the object.
- };
- VideoCapturePixelFormat GetColorspace();
- void SetErrorState(const std::string& reason);
- // Prevent racing on accessing |state_| and |client_| since both could be
- // accessed from different threads.
- base::Lock lock_;
- InternalState state_;
- bool got_first_frame_;
- base::TimeTicks expected_next_frame_time_;
- base::TimeDelta frame_interval_;
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client_;
- Name device_name_;
- VideoCaptureFormat capture_format_;
- // Java VideoCaptureAndroid instance.
- base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> j_capture_;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/android/ b/media/video/capture/android/
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index 5f5532d..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/android/
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-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/android/video_capture_device_factory_android.h"
-#include "base/android/jni_string.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "jni/VideoCaptureFactory_jni.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/android/video_capture_device_android.h"
-using base::android::AttachCurrentThread;
-using base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef;
-namespace media {
-// static
-bool VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryAndroid::RegisterVideoCaptureDeviceFactory(
- JNIEnv* env) {
- return RegisterNativesImpl(env);
-// static
- int id,
- jlong nativeVideoCaptureDeviceAndroid) {
- return (Java_VideoCaptureFactory_createVideoCapture(
- AttachCurrentThread(),
- base::android::GetApplicationContext(),
- id,
- nativeVideoCaptureDeviceAndroid));
-scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryAndroid::Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- int id;
- if (!base::StringToInt(, &id))
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice>();
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid> video_capture_device(
- new VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid(device_name));
- if (video_capture_device->Init())
- return video_capture_device.Pass();
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Error creating Video Capture Device.";
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice>();
-void VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryAndroid::GetDeviceNames(
- VideoCaptureDevice::Names* device_names) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- device_names->clear();
- JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
- const jobject context = base::android::GetApplicationContext();
- const int num_cameras = Java_VideoCaptureFactory_getNumberOfCameras(env,
- context);
- DVLOG(1) << "VideoCaptureDevice::GetDeviceNames: num_cameras=" << num_cameras;
- if (num_cameras <= 0)
- return;
- for (int camera_id = num_cameras - 1; camera_id >= 0; --camera_id) {
- base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> device_name =
- Java_VideoCaptureFactory_getDeviceName(env, camera_id, context);
- if (device_name.obj() == NULL)
- continue;
- const int capture_api_type =
- Java_VideoCaptureFactory_getCaptureApiType(env, camera_id, context);
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name name(
- base::android::ConvertJavaStringToUTF8(device_name),
- base::IntToString(camera_id),
- static_cast<VideoCaptureDevice::Name::CaptureApiType>(
- capture_api_type));
- device_names->push_back(name);
- DVLOG(1) << "VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryAndroid::GetDeviceNames: camera "
- << "device_name=" << << ", unique_id=" <<;
- }
-void VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryAndroid::GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* capture_formats) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- int id;
- if (!base::StringToInt(, &id))
- return;
- JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
- base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobjectArray> collected_formats =
- Java_VideoCaptureFactory_getDeviceSupportedFormats(env,
- base::android::GetApplicationContext(), id);
- if (collected_formats.is_null())
- return;
- jsize num_formats = env->GetArrayLength(collected_formats.obj());
- for (int i = 0; i < num_formats; ++i) {
- base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> format(
- env, env->GetObjectArrayElement(collected_formats.obj(), i));
- VideoCapturePixelFormat pixel_format =
- switch (media::Java_VideoCaptureFactory_getCaptureFormatPixelFormat(
- env, format.obj())) {
- case VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::ANDROID_IMAGE_FORMAT_YV12:
- pixel_format = media::VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12;
- break;
- case VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::ANDROID_IMAGE_FORMAT_NV21:
- pixel_format = media::VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV21;
- break;
- default:
- continue;
- }
- VideoCaptureFormat capture_format(
- gfx::Size(media::Java_VideoCaptureFactory_getCaptureFormatWidth(env,
- format.obj()),
- media::Java_VideoCaptureFactory_getCaptureFormatHeight(env,
- format.obj())),
- media::Java_VideoCaptureFactory_getCaptureFormatFramerate(env,
- format.obj()),
- pixel_format);
- capture_formats->push_back(capture_format);
- DVLOG(1) << << " "
- << VideoCaptureFormat::ToString(capture_format);
- }
-// static
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner) {
- return new VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryAndroid();
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/android/video_capture_device_factory_android.h b/media/video/capture/android/video_capture_device_factory_android.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9941393..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/android/video_capture_device_factory_android.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h"
-#include <jni.h>
-#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-namespace media {
-// VideoCaptureDeviceFactory on Android. This class implements the static
-// VideoCapture methods and the factory of VideoCaptureAndroid.
-class MEDIA_EXPORT VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryAndroid :
- public VideoCaptureDeviceFactory {
- public:
- static bool RegisterVideoCaptureDeviceFactory(JNIEnv* env);
- static base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> createVideoCaptureAndroid(
- int id,
- jlong nativeVideoCaptureDeviceAndroid);
- VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryAndroid() {}
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryAndroid() override {}
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) override;
- void GetDeviceNames(VideoCaptureDevice::Names* device_names) override;
- void GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) override;
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryAndroid);};
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/ b/media/video/capture/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4232feb..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/fake_video_capture_device.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "media/audio/fake_audio_input_stream.h"
-#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPaint.h"
-namespace media {
-static const int kFakeCaptureBeepCycle = 10; // Visual beep every 0.5s.
-void DrawPacman(bool use_argb,
- uint8_t* const data,
- int frame_count,
- int frame_interval,
- const gfx::Size& frame_size) {
- // |kN32_SkColorType| stands for the appropriiate RGBA/BGRA format.
- const SkColorType colorspace =
- use_argb ? kN32_SkColorType : kAlpha_8_SkColorType;
- const SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(frame_size.width(),
- frame_size.height(),
- colorspace,
- kOpaque_SkAlphaType);
- SkBitmap bitmap;
- bitmap.setInfo(info);
- bitmap.setPixels(data);
- SkPaint paint;
- paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style);
- SkCanvas canvas(bitmap);
- // Equalize Alpha_8 that has light green background while RGBA has white.
- if (use_argb) {
- const SkRect full_frame = SkRect::MakeWH(frame_size.width(),
- frame_size.height());
- paint.setARGB(255, 0, 127, 0);
- canvas.drawRect(full_frame, paint);
- }
- paint.setColor(SK_ColorGREEN);
- // Draw a sweeping circle to show an animation.
- const int end_angle = (3 * kFakeCaptureBeepCycle * frame_count % 361);
- const int radius = std::min(frame_size.width(), frame_size.height()) / 4;
- const SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(frame_size.width() / 2 - radius,
- frame_size.height() / 2 - radius,
- 2 * radius,
- 2 * radius);
- canvas.drawArc(rect, 0, end_angle, true, paint);
- // Draw current time.
- const int elapsed_ms = frame_interval * frame_count;
- const int milliseconds = elapsed_ms % 1000;
- const int seconds = (elapsed_ms / 1000) % 60;
- const int minutes = (elapsed_ms / 1000 / 60) % 60;
- const int hours = (elapsed_ms / 1000 / 60 / 60) % 60;
- const std::string time_string = base::StringPrintf("%d:%02d:%02d:%03d %d",
- hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, frame_count);
- canvas.scale(3, 3);
- canvas.drawText(, time_string.length(), 30, 20, paint);
- FakeVideoCaptureDeviceType device_type)
- : device_type_(device_type),
- frame_count_(0),
- weak_factory_(this) {}
-FakeVideoCaptureDevice::~FakeVideoCaptureDevice() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
-void FakeVideoCaptureDevice::AllocateAndStart(
- const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- client_ = client.Pass();
- // Incoming |params| can be none of the supported formats, so we get the
- // closest thing rounded up. TODO(mcasas): Use the |params|, if they belong to
- // the supported ones, when is verified.
- DCHECK_EQ(params.requested_format.pixel_format,
- capture_format_.pixel_format = params.requested_format.pixel_format;
- capture_format_.frame_rate = 30.0;
- if (params.requested_format.frame_size.width() > 1280)
- capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(1920, 1080);
- else if (params.requested_format.frame_size.width() > 640)
- capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(1280, 720);
- else if (params.requested_format.frame_size.width() > 320)
- capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(640, 480);
- else
- capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(320, 240);
- if (device_type_ == USING_OWN_BUFFERS ||
- device_type_ == USING_OWN_BUFFERS_TRIPLANAR) {
- capture_format_.pixel_storage = PIXEL_STORAGE_CPU;
- fake_frame_.reset(new uint8[VideoFrame::AllocationSize(
- PIXEL_FORMAT_I420, capture_format_.frame_size)]);
- BeepAndScheduleNextCapture(
- base::TimeTicks::Now(),
- base::Bind(&FakeVideoCaptureDevice::CaptureUsingOwnBuffers,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
- } else if (device_type_ == USING_CLIENT_BUFFERS) {
- DVLOG(1) << "starting with "
- << (params.use_gpu_memory_buffers ? "GMB" : "ShMem");
- BeepAndScheduleNextCapture(
- base::TimeTicks::Now(),
- base::Bind(&FakeVideoCaptureDevice::CaptureUsingClientBuffers,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- params.use_gpu_memory_buffers
- params.use_gpu_memory_buffers ? PIXEL_STORAGE_GPUMEMORYBUFFER
- } else {
- client_->OnError("Unknown Fake Video Capture Device type.");
- }
-void FakeVideoCaptureDevice::StopAndDeAllocate() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- client_.reset();
-void FakeVideoCaptureDevice::CaptureUsingOwnBuffers(
- base::TimeTicks expected_execution_time) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- const size_t frame_size = capture_format_.ImageAllocationSize();
- memset(fake_frame_.get(), 0, frame_size);
- DrawPacman(false /* use_argb */,
- fake_frame_.get(),
- frame_count_,
- kFakeCapturePeriodMs,
- capture_format_.frame_size);
- // Give the captured frame to the client.
- if (device_type_ == USING_OWN_BUFFERS) {
- client_->OnIncomingCapturedData(fake_frame_.get(),
- frame_size,
- capture_format_,
- 0 /* rotation */,
- base::TimeTicks::Now());
- } else if (device_type_ == USING_OWN_BUFFERS_TRIPLANAR) {
- client_->OnIncomingCapturedYuvData(
- fake_frame_.get(),
- fake_frame_.get() + capture_format_.frame_size.GetArea(),
- fake_frame_.get() + capture_format_.frame_size.GetArea() * 5 / 4,
- capture_format_.frame_size.width(),
- capture_format_.frame_size.width() / 2,
- capture_format_.frame_size.width() / 2,
- capture_format_,
- 0 /* rotation */,
- base::TimeTicks::Now());
- }
- BeepAndScheduleNextCapture(
- expected_execution_time,
- base::Bind(&FakeVideoCaptureDevice::CaptureUsingOwnBuffers,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
-void FakeVideoCaptureDevice::CaptureUsingClientBuffers(
- VideoCapturePixelFormat pixel_format,
- VideoPixelStorage pixel_storage,
- base::TimeTicks expected_execution_time) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client::Buffer> capture_buffer(
- client_->ReserveOutputBuffer(capture_format_.frame_size, pixel_format,
- pixel_storage));
- DLOG_IF(ERROR, !capture_buffer) << "Couldn't allocate Capture Buffer";
- if (capture_buffer.get()) {
- uint8_t* const data_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(capture_buffer->data());
- DCHECK(data_ptr) << "Buffer has NO backing memory";
- memset(data_ptr, 0, capture_buffer->size());
- DrawPacman(
- (pixel_format == media::VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB), /* use_argb */
- data_ptr, frame_count_, kFakeCapturePeriodMs,
- capture_format_.frame_size);
- // Give the captured frame to the client.
- const VideoCaptureFormat format(capture_format_.frame_size,
- capture_format_.frame_rate, pixel_format,
- pixel_storage);
- client_->OnIncomingCapturedBuffer(capture_buffer.Pass(), format,
- base::TimeTicks::Now());
- }
- BeepAndScheduleNextCapture(
- expected_execution_time,
- base::Bind(&FakeVideoCaptureDevice::CaptureUsingClientBuffers,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), pixel_format, pixel_storage));
-void FakeVideoCaptureDevice::BeepAndScheduleNextCapture(
- base::TimeTicks expected_execution_time,
- const base::Callback<void(base::TimeTicks)>& next_capture) {
- // Generate a synchronized beep sound every so many frames.
- if (frame_count_++ % kFakeCaptureBeepCycle == 0)
- FakeAudioInputStream::BeepOnce();
- // Reschedule next CaptureTask.
- const base::TimeTicks current_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
- const base::TimeDelta frame_interval =
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kFakeCapturePeriodMs);
- // Don't accumulate any debt if we are lagging behind - just post the next
- // frame immediately and continue as normal.
- const base::TimeTicks next_execution_time =
- std::max(current_time, expected_execution_time + frame_interval);
- const base::TimeDelta delay = next_execution_time - current_time;
- base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(next_capture, next_execution_time), delay);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/fake_video_capture_device.h b/media/video/capture/fake_video_capture_device.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 10b53db..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/fake_video_capture_device.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Implementation of a fake VideoCaptureDevice class. Used for testing other
-// video capture classes when no real hardware is available.
-#include <string>
-#include "base/atomicops.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-namespace media {
-class MEDIA_EXPORT FakeVideoCaptureDevice : public VideoCaptureDevice {
- public:
- enum FakeVideoCaptureDeviceType {
- };
- static int FakeCapturePeriodMs() { return kFakeCapturePeriodMs; }
- explicit FakeVideoCaptureDevice(FakeVideoCaptureDeviceType device_type);
- ~FakeVideoCaptureDevice() override;
- // VideoCaptureDevice implementation.
- void AllocateAndStart(const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<Client> client) override;
- void StopAndDeAllocate() override;
- private:
- static const int kFakeCapturePeriodMs = 50;
- void CaptureUsingOwnBuffers(base::TimeTicks expected_execution_time);
- void CaptureUsingClientBuffers(VideoCapturePixelFormat pixel_format,
- VideoPixelStorage pixel_storage,
- base::TimeTicks expected_execution_time);
- void BeepAndScheduleNextCapture(
- base::TimeTicks expected_execution_time,
- const base::Callback<void(base::TimeTicks)>& next_capture);
- // |thread_checker_| is used to check that all methods are called in the
- // correct thread that owns the object.
- base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
- const FakeVideoCaptureDeviceType device_type_;
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client_;
- // |fake_frame_| is used for capturing on Own Buffers.
- scoped_ptr<uint8[]> fake_frame_;
- int frame_count_;
- VideoCaptureFormat capture_format_;
- // FakeVideoCaptureDevice post tasks to itself for frame construction and
- // needs to deal with asynchronous StopAndDeallocate().
- base::WeakPtrFactory<FakeVideoCaptureDevice> weak_factory_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FakeVideoCaptureDevice);
-} // namespace media
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deleted file mode 100644
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-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/fake_video_capture_device_factory.h"
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "media/base/media_switches.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/fake_video_capture_device.h"
-namespace media {
- : number_of_devices_(1) {
-scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> FakeVideoCaptureDeviceFactory::Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- const std::string option = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->
- GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStream);
- FakeVideoCaptureDevice::FakeVideoCaptureDeviceType fake_vcd_type;
- if (option.empty())
- fake_vcd_type = FakeVideoCaptureDevice::USING_OWN_BUFFERS;
- else if (base::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(option, "triplanar"))
- fake_vcd_type = FakeVideoCaptureDevice::USING_OWN_BUFFERS_TRIPLANAR;
- else
- fake_vcd_type = FakeVideoCaptureDevice::USING_CLIENT_BUFFERS;
- for (int n = 0; n < number_of_devices_; ++n) {
- std::string possible_id = base::StringPrintf("/dev/video%d", n);
- if ( == 0) {
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice>(
- new FakeVideoCaptureDevice(fake_vcd_type));
- }
- }
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice>();
-void FakeVideoCaptureDeviceFactory::GetDeviceNames(
- VideoCaptureDevice::Names* const device_names) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(device_names->empty());
- for (int n = 0; n < number_of_devices_; ++n) {
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name name(base::StringPrintf("fake_device_%d", n),
- base::StringPrintf("/dev/video%d", n)
-#if defined(OS_LINUX)
- , VideoCaptureDevice::Name::V4L2_SINGLE_PLANE
-#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
- , VideoCaptureDevice::Name::AVFOUNDATION
-#elif defined(OS_WIN)
- , VideoCaptureDevice::Name::DIRECT_SHOW
-#elif defined(OS_ANDROID)
- , VideoCaptureDevice::Name::API2_LEGACY
- );
- device_names->push_back(name);
- }
-void FakeVideoCaptureDeviceFactory::GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- const int frame_rate = 1000 / FakeVideoCaptureDevice::FakeCapturePeriodMs();
- const gfx::Size supported_sizes[] = {gfx::Size(320, 240),
- gfx::Size(640, 480),
- gfx::Size(1280, 720),
- gfx::Size(1920, 1080)};
- supported_formats->clear();
- for (const auto& size : supported_sizes) {
- supported_formats->push_back(VideoCaptureFormat(
- size, frame_rate, media::VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_I420));
- }
-} // namespace media
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deleted file mode 100644
index 00cea5d..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/fake_video_capture_device_factory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Implementation of a fake VideoCaptureDeviceFactory class.
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h"
-namespace media {
-// Extension of VideoCaptureDeviceFactory to create and manipulate fake devices,
-// not including file-based ones.
-class MEDIA_EXPORT FakeVideoCaptureDeviceFactory :
- public VideoCaptureDeviceFactory {
- public:
- FakeVideoCaptureDeviceFactory();
- ~FakeVideoCaptureDeviceFactory() override {}
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) override;
- void GetDeviceNames(VideoCaptureDevice::Names* device_names) override;
- void GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) override;
- void set_number_of_devices(int number_of_devices) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- number_of_devices_ = number_of_devices;
- }
- int number_of_devices() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- return number_of_devices_;
- }
- private:
- int number_of_devices_;
-} // namespace media
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deleted file mode 100644
index e222bd02..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/
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@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/run_loop.h"
-#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread.h"
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/fake_video_capture_device.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/fake_video_capture_device_factory.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Bool;
-using ::testing::Combine;
-using ::testing::SaveArg;
-using ::testing::Values;
-namespace media {
-namespace {
-// This class is a Client::Buffer that allocates and frees the requested |size|.
-class MockBuffer : public VideoCaptureDevice::Client::Buffer {
- public:
- MockBuffer(int buffer_id, size_t size)
- : id_(buffer_id), size_(size), data_(new uint8[size_]) {}
- ~MockBuffer() override { delete[] data_; }
- int id() const override { return id_; }
- size_t size() const override { return size_; }
- void* data() override { return data_; }
- ClientBuffer AsClientBuffer() override { return nullptr; }
-#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- base::FileDescriptor AsPlatformFile() override {
- return base::FileDescriptor();
- }
- private:
- const int id_;
- const size_t size_;
- uint8* const data_;
-class MockClient : public VideoCaptureDevice::Client {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD1(OnError, void(const std::string& reason));
- explicit MockClient(base::Callback<void(const VideoCaptureFormat&)> frame_cb)
- : frame_cb_(frame_cb) {}
- // Client virtual methods for capturing using Device Buffers.
- void OnIncomingCapturedData(const uint8* data,
- int length,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& format,
- int rotation,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp) {
- frame_cb_.Run(format);
- }
- void OnIncomingCapturedYuvData(const uint8* y_data,
- const uint8* u_data,
- const uint8* v_data,
- size_t y_stride,
- size_t u_stride,
- size_t v_stride,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
- int clockwise_rotation,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp) {
- frame_cb_.Run(frame_format);
- }
- // Virtual methods for capturing using Client's Buffers.
- scoped_ptr<Buffer> ReserveOutputBuffer(const gfx::Size& dimensions,
- media::VideoCapturePixelFormat format,
- media::VideoPixelStorage storage) {
- storage == media::PIXEL_STORAGE_CPU) ||
- (format == media::VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB &&
- EXPECT_GT(dimensions.GetArea(), 0);
- const VideoCaptureFormat frame_format(dimensions, 0.0, format);
- return make_scoped_ptr(
- new MockBuffer(0, frame_format.ImageAllocationSize()));
- }
- void OnIncomingCapturedBuffer(scoped_ptr<Buffer> buffer,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp) {
- frame_cb_.Run(frame_format);
- }
- void OnIncomingCapturedVideoFrame(
- scoped_ptr<Buffer> buffer,
- const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp) {
- VideoCaptureFormat format(frame->natural_size(), 30.0,
- frame_cb_.Run(format);
- }
- double GetBufferPoolUtilization() const override { return 0.0; }
- private:
- base::Callback<void(const VideoCaptureFormat&)> frame_cb_;
-class DeviceEnumerationListener :
- public base::RefCounted<DeviceEnumerationListener> {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD1(OnEnumeratedDevicesCallbackPtr,
- void(VideoCaptureDevice::Names* names));
- // GMock doesn't support move-only arguments, so we use this forward method.
- void OnEnumeratedDevicesCallback(
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names> names) {
- OnEnumeratedDevicesCallbackPtr(names.release());
- }
- private:
- friend class base::RefCounted<DeviceEnumerationListener>;
- virtual ~DeviceEnumerationListener() {}
-} // namespace
-class FakeVideoCaptureDeviceTest
- : public testing::TestWithParam<
- ::testing::tuple<FakeVideoCaptureDevice::FakeVideoCaptureDeviceType,
- bool>> {
- protected:
- FakeVideoCaptureDeviceTest()
- : loop_(new base::MessageLoop()),
- client_(new MockClient(
- base::Bind(&FakeVideoCaptureDeviceTest::OnFrameCaptured,
- base::Unretained(this)))),
- video_capture_device_factory_(new FakeVideoCaptureDeviceFactory()) {
- device_enumeration_listener_ = new DeviceEnumerationListener();
- }
- void SetUp() override {
- EXPECT_CALL(*client_, OnError(_)).Times(0);
- }
- void OnFrameCaptured(const VideoCaptureFormat& format) {
- last_format_ = format;
- run_loop_->QuitClosure().Run();
- }
- void WaitForCapturedFrame() {
- run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop());
- run_loop_->Run();
- }
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names> EnumerateDevices() {
- VideoCaptureDevice::Names* names;
- EXPECT_CALL(*device_enumeration_listener_.get(),
- OnEnumeratedDevicesCallbackPtr(_)).WillOnce(SaveArg<0>(&names));
- video_capture_device_factory_->EnumerateDeviceNames(
- base::Bind(&DeviceEnumerationListener::OnEnumeratedDevicesCallback,
- device_enumeration_listener_));
- base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names>(names);
- }
- const VideoCaptureFormat& last_format() const { return last_format_; }
- VideoCaptureDevice::Names names_;
- const scoped_ptr<base::MessageLoop> loop_;
- scoped_ptr<base::RunLoop> run_loop_;
- scoped_ptr<MockClient> client_;
- scoped_refptr<DeviceEnumerationListener> device_enumeration_listener_;
- VideoCaptureFormat last_format_;
- const scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDeviceFactory> video_capture_device_factory_;
-TEST_P(FakeVideoCaptureDeviceTest, CaptureUsing) {
- const scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names> names(EnumerateDevices());
- ASSERT_FALSE(names->empty());
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> device(
- new FakeVideoCaptureDevice(testing::get<0>(GetParam())));
- ASSERT_TRUE(device);
- VideoCaptureParams capture_params;
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_size.SetSize(640, 480);
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_rate = 30;
- capture_params.requested_format.pixel_format =
- capture_params.use_gpu_memory_buffers = ::testing::get<1>(GetParam());
- device->AllocateAndStart(capture_params, client_.Pass());
- WaitForCapturedFrame();
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_size.width(), 640);
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_size.height(), 480);
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_rate, 30.0);
- device->StopAndDeAllocate();
- ,
- FakeVideoCaptureDeviceTest,
- Combine(Values(FakeVideoCaptureDevice::USING_OWN_BUFFERS,
- FakeVideoCaptureDevice::USING_CLIENT_BUFFERS),
- Bool()));
-TEST_F(FakeVideoCaptureDeviceTest, GetDeviceSupportedFormats) {
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names> names(EnumerateDevices());
- VideoCaptureFormats supported_formats;
- for (const auto& names_iterator : *names) {
- video_capture_device_factory_->GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- names_iterator, &supported_formats);
- ASSERT_EQ(supported_formats.size(), 4u);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[0].frame_size.width(), 320);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[0].frame_size.height(), 240);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[0].pixel_format,
- EXPECT_GE(supported_formats[0].frame_rate, 20.0);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[1].frame_size.width(), 640);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[1].frame_size.height(), 480);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[1].pixel_format,
- EXPECT_GE(supported_formats[1].frame_rate, 20.0);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[2].frame_size.width(), 1280);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[2].frame_size.height(), 720);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[2].pixel_format,
- EXPECT_GE(supported_formats[2].frame_rate, 20.0);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[3].frame_size.width(), 1920);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[3].frame_size.height(), 1080);
- EXPECT_EQ(supported_formats[3].pixel_format,
- EXPECT_GE(supported_formats[3].frame_rate, 20.0);
- }
-}; // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/ b/media/video/capture/
deleted file mode 100644
index 00b99d7..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/file_video_capture_device.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-namespace media {
-static const int kY4MHeaderMaxSize = 200;
-static const char kY4MSimpleFrameDelimiter[] = "FRAME";
-static const int kY4MSimpleFrameDelimiterSize = 6;
-int ParseY4MInt(const base::StringPiece& token) {
- int temp_int;
- CHECK(base::StringToInt(token, &temp_int)) << token;
- return temp_int;
-// Extract numerator and denominator out of a token that must have the aspect
-// numerator:denominator, both integer numbers.
-void ParseY4MRational(const base::StringPiece& token,
- int* numerator,
- int* denominator) {
- size_t index_divider = token.find(':');
- CHECK_NE(index_divider, token.npos);
- *numerator = ParseY4MInt(token.substr(0, index_divider));
- *denominator = ParseY4MInt(token.substr(index_divider + 1, token.length()));
- CHECK(*denominator);
-// This function parses the ASCII string in |header| as belonging to a Y4M file,
-// returning the collected format in |video_format|. For a non authoritative
-// explanation of the header format, check
-// Restrictions: Only interlaced I420 pixel format is supported, and pixel
-// aspect ratio is ignored.
-// Implementation notes: Y4M header should end with an ASCII 0x20 (whitespace)
-// character, however all examples mentioned in the Y4M header description end
-// with a newline character instead. Also, some headers do _not_ specify pixel
-// format, in this case it means I420.
-// This code was inspired by third_party/libvpx/.../y4minput.* .
-void ParseY4MTags(const std::string& file_header,
- media::VideoCaptureFormat* video_format) {
- video_format->pixel_format = media::VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_I420;
- video_format->frame_size.set_width(0);
- video_format->frame_size.set_height(0);
- size_t index = 0;
- size_t blank_position = 0;
- base::StringPiece token;
- while ((blank_position = file_header.find_first_of("\n ", index)) !=
- std::string::npos) {
- // Every token is supposed to have an identifier letter and a bunch of
- // information immediately after, which we extract into a |token| here.
- token =
- base::StringPiece(&file_header[index + 1], blank_position - index - 1);
- CHECK(!token.empty());
- switch (file_header[index]) {
- case 'W':
- video_format->frame_size.set_width(ParseY4MInt(token));
- break;
- case 'H':
- video_format->frame_size.set_height(ParseY4MInt(token));
- break;
- case 'F': {
- // If the token is "FRAME", it means we have finished with the header.
- if (token[0] == 'R')
- break;
- int fps_numerator, fps_denominator;
- ParseY4MRational(token, &fps_numerator, &fps_denominator);
- video_format->frame_rate = fps_numerator / fps_denominator;
- break;
- }
- case 'I':
- // Interlacing is ignored, but we don't like mixed modes.
- CHECK_NE(token[0], 'm');
- break;
- case 'A':
- // Pixel aspect ratio ignored.
- break;
- case 'C':
- CHECK(token == "420" || token == "420jpeg" || token == "420paldv")
- << token; // Only I420 is supported, and we fudge the variants.
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- // We're done if we have found a newline character right after the token.
- if (file_header[blank_position] == '\n')
- break;
- index = blank_position + 1;
- }
- // Last video format semantic correctness check before sending it back.
- CHECK(video_format->IsValid());
-// Reads and parses the header of a Y4M |file|, returning the collected pixel
-// format in |video_format|. Returns the index of the first byte of the first
-// video frame.
-// Restrictions: Only trivial per-frame headers are supported.
-// static
-int64 FileVideoCaptureDevice::ParseFileAndExtractVideoFormat(
- base::File* file,
- media::VideoCaptureFormat* video_format) {
- std::string header(kY4MHeaderMaxSize, 0);
- file->Read(0, &header[0], kY4MHeaderMaxSize - 1);
- size_t header_end = header.find(kY4MSimpleFrameDelimiter);
- CHECK_NE(header_end, header.npos);
- ParseY4MTags(header, video_format);
- return header_end + kY4MSimpleFrameDelimiterSize;
-// Opens a given file for reading, and returns the file to the caller, who is
-// responsible for closing it.
-// static
-base::File FileVideoCaptureDevice::OpenFileForRead(
- const base::FilePath& file_path) {
- base::File file(file_path, base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ);
- DLOG_IF(ERROR, file.IsValid())
- << file_path.value()
- << ", error: " << base::File::ErrorToString(file.error_details());
- return file.Pass();
-FileVideoCaptureDevice::FileVideoCaptureDevice(const base::FilePath& file_path)
- : capture_thread_("CaptureThread"),
- file_path_(file_path),
- frame_size_(0),
- current_byte_index_(0),
- first_frame_byte_index_(0) {}
-FileVideoCaptureDevice::~FileVideoCaptureDevice() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- // Check if the thread is running.
- // This means that the device have not been DeAllocated properly.
- CHECK(!capture_thread_.IsRunning());
-void FileVideoCaptureDevice::AllocateAndStart(
- const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- CHECK(!capture_thread_.IsRunning());
- capture_thread_.Start();
- capture_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&FileVideoCaptureDevice::OnAllocateAndStart,
- base::Unretained(this),
- params,
- base::Passed(&client)));
-void FileVideoCaptureDevice::StopAndDeAllocate() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- CHECK(capture_thread_.IsRunning());
- capture_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&FileVideoCaptureDevice::OnStopAndDeAllocate,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- capture_thread_.Stop();
-int FileVideoCaptureDevice::CalculateFrameSize() const {
- DCHECK_EQ(capture_format_.pixel_format, VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_I420);
- DCHECK_EQ(capture_thread_.message_loop(), base::MessageLoop::current());
- return capture_format_.ImageAllocationSize();
-void FileVideoCaptureDevice::OnAllocateAndStart(
- const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) {
- DCHECK_EQ(capture_thread_.message_loop(), base::MessageLoop::current());
- client_ = client.Pass();
- // Open the file and parse the header. Get frame size and format.
- DCHECK(!file_.IsValid());
- file_ = OpenFileForRead(file_path_);
- if (!file_.IsValid()) {
- client_->OnError("Could not open Video file");
- return;
- }
- first_frame_byte_index_ =
- ParseFileAndExtractVideoFormat(&file_, &capture_format_);
- current_byte_index_ = first_frame_byte_index_;
- DVLOG(1) << "Opened video file " << capture_format_.frame_size.ToString()
- << ", fps: " << capture_format_.frame_rate;
- frame_size_ = CalculateFrameSize();
- video_frame_.reset(new uint8[frame_size_]);
- capture_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&FileVideoCaptureDevice::OnCaptureTask,
- base::Unretained(this)));
-void FileVideoCaptureDevice::OnStopAndDeAllocate() {
- DCHECK_EQ(capture_thread_.message_loop(), base::MessageLoop::current());
- file_.Close();
- client_.reset();
- current_byte_index_ = 0;
- first_frame_byte_index_ = 0;
- frame_size_ = 0;
- next_frame_time_ = base::TimeTicks();
- video_frame_.reset();
-void FileVideoCaptureDevice::OnCaptureTask() {
- DCHECK_EQ(capture_thread_.message_loop(), base::MessageLoop::current());
- if (!client_)
- return;
- int result = file_.Read(current_byte_index_,
- reinterpret_cast<char*>(video_frame_.get()),
- frame_size_);
- // If we passed EOF to base::File, it will return 0 read characters. In that
- // case, reset the pointer and read again.
- if (result != frame_size_) {
- CHECK_EQ(result, 0);
- current_byte_index_ = first_frame_byte_index_;
- CHECK_EQ(file_.Read(current_byte_index_,
- reinterpret_cast<char*>(video_frame_.get()),
- frame_size_),
- frame_size_);
- } else {
- current_byte_index_ += frame_size_ + kY4MSimpleFrameDelimiterSize;
- }
- // Give the captured frame to the client.
- const base::TimeTicks current_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
- client_->OnIncomingCapturedData(video_frame_.get(),
- frame_size_,
- capture_format_,
- 0,
- current_time);
- // Reschedule next CaptureTask.
- const base::TimeDelta frame_interval =
- base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1E6 / capture_format_.frame_rate);
- if (next_frame_time_.is_null()) {
- next_frame_time_ = current_time + frame_interval;
- } else {
- next_frame_time_ += frame_interval;
- // Don't accumulate any debt if we are lagging behind - just post next frame
- // immediately and continue as normal.
- if (next_frame_time_ < current_time)
- next_frame_time_ = current_time;
- }
- base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
- base::Bind(&FileVideoCaptureDevice::OnCaptureTask,
- base::Unretained(this)),
- next_frame_time_ - current_time);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/file_video_capture_device.h b/media/video/capture/file_video_capture_device.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ea6f35..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/file_video_capture_device.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <string>
-#include "base/files/file.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-namespace media {
-// Implementation of a VideoCaptureDevice class that reads from a file. Used for
-// testing the video capture pipeline when no real hardware is available. The
-// only supported file format is YUV4MPEG2 (a.k.a. Y4M), a minimal container
-// with a series of uncompressed video only frames, see the link
-// for more information
-// on the file format. Several restrictions and notes apply, see the
-// implementation file.
-// Example videos can be found in
-class MEDIA_EXPORT FileVideoCaptureDevice : public VideoCaptureDevice {
- public:
- static int64 ParseFileAndExtractVideoFormat(
- base::File* file,
- media::VideoCaptureFormat* video_format);
- static base::File OpenFileForRead(const base::FilePath& file_path);
- // Constructor of the class, with a fully qualified file path as input, which
- // represents the Y4M video file to stream repeatedly.
- explicit FileVideoCaptureDevice(const base::FilePath& file_path);
- // VideoCaptureDevice implementation, class methods.
- ~FileVideoCaptureDevice() override;
- void AllocateAndStart(const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) override;
- void StopAndDeAllocate() override;
- private:
- // Returns size in bytes of an I420 frame, not including possible paddings,
- // defined by |capture_format_|.
- int CalculateFrameSize() const;
- // Called on the |capture_thread_|.
- void OnAllocateAndStart(const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<Client> client);
- void OnStopAndDeAllocate();
- void OnCaptureTask();
- // |thread_checker_| is used to check that destructor, AllocateAndStart() and
- // StopAndDeAllocate() are called in the correct thread that owns the object.
- base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
- // |capture_thread_| is used for internal operations via posting tasks to it.
- // It is active between OnAllocateAndStart() and OnStopAndDeAllocate().
- base::Thread capture_thread_;
- // The following members belong to |capture_thread_|.
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client_;
- const base::FilePath file_path_;
- base::File file_;
- scoped_ptr<uint8[]> video_frame_;
- VideoCaptureFormat capture_format_;
- int frame_size_;
- int64 current_byte_index_;
- int64 first_frame_byte_index_;
- // Target time for the next frame.
- base::TimeTicks next_frame_time_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FileVideoCaptureDevice);
-} // namespace media
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deleted file mode 100644
index d5dd112..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/file_video_capture_device_factory.h"
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
-#include "media/base/media_switches.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/file_video_capture_device.h"
-namespace media {
-const char kFileVideoCaptureDeviceName[] =
- "/dev/placeholder-for-file-backed-fake-capture-device";
-// Inspects the command line and retrieves the file path parameter.
-base::FilePath GetFilePathFromCommandLine() {
- base::FilePath command_line_file_path =
- base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValuePath(
- switches::kUseFileForFakeVideoCapture);
- CHECK(!command_line_file_path.empty());
- return command_line_file_path;
-scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> FileVideoCaptureDeviceFactory::Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice>(new FileVideoCaptureDevice(
- base::FilePath(base::SysUTF8ToWide(;
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice>(new FileVideoCaptureDevice(
- base::FilePath(;
-void FileVideoCaptureDeviceFactory::GetDeviceNames(
- VideoCaptureDevice::Names* const device_names) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(device_names->empty());
- const base::FilePath command_line_file_path = GetFilePathFromCommandLine();
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- device_names->push_back(VideoCaptureDevice::Name(
- base::SysWideToUTF8(command_line_file_path.value()),
- kFileVideoCaptureDeviceName,
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name::DIRECT_SHOW));
-#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
- device_names->push_back(VideoCaptureDevice::Name(
- command_line_file_path.value(),
- kFileVideoCaptureDeviceName,
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name::AVFOUNDATION));
-#elif defined(OS_LINUX)
- device_names->push_back(VideoCaptureDevice::Name(
- command_line_file_path.value(),
- kFileVideoCaptureDeviceName,
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name::V4L2_SINGLE_PLANE));
- device_names->push_back(VideoCaptureDevice::Name(
- command_line_file_path.value(),
- kFileVideoCaptureDeviceName));
-void FileVideoCaptureDeviceFactory::GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- base::File file =
- FileVideoCaptureDevice::OpenFileForRead(GetFilePathFromCommandLine());
- if (!file.IsValid())
- return;
- VideoCaptureFormat capture_format;
- FileVideoCaptureDevice::ParseFileAndExtractVideoFormat(&file,
- &capture_format);
- supported_formats->push_back(capture_format);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/file_video_capture_device_factory.h b/media/video/capture/file_video_capture_device_factory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 523cd71..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/file_video_capture_device_factory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h"
-namespace media {
-// Extension of VideoCaptureDeviceFactory to create and manipulate file-backed
-// fake devices. These devices play back video-only files as video capture
-// input.
-class MEDIA_EXPORT FileVideoCaptureDeviceFactory :
- public VideoCaptureDeviceFactory {
- public:
- FileVideoCaptureDeviceFactory() {}
- ~FileVideoCaptureDeviceFactory() override {}
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) override;
- void GetDeviceNames(VideoCaptureDevice::Names* device_names) override;
- void GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) override;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/linux/ b/media/video/capture/linux/
deleted file mode 100644
index 28fb2a6..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/linux/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate.h"
-#include <poll.h>
-#include <sys/fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/files/file_enumerator.h"
-#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "media/base/bind_to_current_loop.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate_multi_plane.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate_single_plane.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/video_capture_device_linux.h"
-namespace media {
-// Desired number of video buffers to allocate. The actual number of allocated
-// buffers by v4l2 driver can be higher or lower than this number.
-// kNumVideoBuffers should not be too small, or Chrome may not return enough
-// buffers back to driver in time.
-const uint32 kNumVideoBuffers = 4;
-// Timeout in milliseconds v4l2_thread_ blocks waiting for a frame from the hw.
-const int kCaptureTimeoutMs = 200;
-// The number of continuous timeouts tolerated before treated as error.
-const int kContinuousTimeoutLimit = 10;
-// MJPEG is preferred if the requested width or height is larger than this.
-const int kMjpegWidth = 640;
-const int kMjpegHeight = 480;
-// Typical framerate, in fps
-const int kTypicalFramerate = 30;
-// V4L2 color formats supported by V4L2CaptureDelegate derived classes.
-// This list is ordered by precedence of use -- but see caveats for MJPEG.
-static struct{
- uint32_t fourcc;
- VideoCapturePixelFormat pixel_format;
- size_t num_planes;
-} const kSupportedFormatsAndPlanarity[] = {
-#if !defined(OS_OPENBSD)
- // TODO(mcasas): add V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420M when available in bots.
- // MJPEG is usually sitting fairly low since we don't want to have to
- // decode.
- // However, is needed for large resolutions due to USB bandwidth
- // limitations,
- // so GetListOfUsableFourCcs() can duplicate it on top, see that method.
- // JPEG works as MJPEG on some gspca webcams from field reports, see
- //, put it as the
- // least
- // preferred format.
-// static
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& v4l2_task_runner,
- int power_line_frequency) {
- switch (device_name.capture_api_type()) {
- case VideoCaptureDevice::Name::V4L2_SINGLE_PLANE:
- return make_scoped_refptr(new V4L2CaptureDelegateSinglePlane(
- device_name, v4l2_task_runner, power_line_frequency));
- case VideoCaptureDevice::Name::V4L2_MULTI_PLANE:
-#if !defined(OS_OPENBSD)
- return make_scoped_refptr(new V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane(
- device_name, v4l2_task_runner, power_line_frequency));
- default:
- NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "Unknown V4L2 capture API type";
- return scoped_refptr<V4L2CaptureDelegate>();
- }
-// static
-size_t V4L2CaptureDelegate::GetNumPlanesForFourCc(uint32_t fourcc) {
- for (const auto& fourcc_and_pixel_format : kSupportedFormatsAndPlanarity) {
- if (fourcc_and_pixel_format.fourcc == fourcc)
- return fourcc_and_pixel_format.num_planes;
- }
- DVLOG(1) << "Unknown fourcc " << FourccToString(fourcc);
- return 0;
-// static
-VideoCapturePixelFormat V4L2CaptureDelegate::V4l2FourCcToChromiumPixelFormat(
- uint32_t v4l2_fourcc) {
- for (const auto& fourcc_and_pixel_format : kSupportedFormatsAndPlanarity) {
- if (fourcc_and_pixel_format.fourcc == v4l2_fourcc)
- return fourcc_and_pixel_format.pixel_format;
- }
- // Not finding a pixel format is OK during device capabilities enumeration.
- // Let the caller decide if VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN is an error or
- // not.
- DVLOG(1) << "Unsupported pixel format: " << FourccToString(v4l2_fourcc);
-// static
-std::list<uint32_t> V4L2CaptureDelegate::GetListOfUsableFourCcs(
- bool prefer_mjpeg) {
- std::list<uint32_t> supported_formats;
- for (const auto& format : kSupportedFormatsAndPlanarity)
- supported_formats.push_back(format.fourcc);
- // Duplicate MJPEG on top of the list depending on |prefer_mjpeg|.
- if (prefer_mjpeg)
- supported_formats.push_front(V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG);
- return supported_formats;
-// static
-std::string V4L2CaptureDelegate::FourccToString(uint32_t fourcc) {
- return base::StringPrintf("%c%c%c%c", fourcc & 0xFF, (fourcc >> 8) & 0xFF,
- (fourcc >> 16) & 0xFF, (fourcc >> 24) & 0xFF);
-V4L2CaptureDelegate::BufferTracker::BufferTracker() {
-V4L2CaptureDelegate::BufferTracker::~BufferTracker() {
- for (const auto& plane : planes_) {
- if (plane.start == nullptr)
- continue;
- const int result = munmap(plane.start, plane.length);
- PLOG_IF(ERROR, result < 0) << "Error munmap()ing V4L2 buffer";
- }
-void V4L2CaptureDelegate::BufferTracker::AddMmapedPlane(uint8_t* const start,
- size_t length) {
- Plane plane;
- plane.start = start;
- plane.length = length;
- plane.payload_size = 0;
- planes_.push_back(plane);
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& v4l2_task_runner,
- int power_line_frequency)
- : capture_type_((device_name.capture_api_type() ==
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name::V4L2_SINGLE_PLANE)
- v4l2_task_runner_(v4l2_task_runner),
- device_name_(device_name),
- power_line_frequency_(power_line_frequency),
- is_capturing_(false),
- timeout_count_(0),
- rotation_(0) {
-V4L2CaptureDelegate::~V4L2CaptureDelegate() {
-void V4L2CaptureDelegate::AllocateAndStart(
- int width,
- int height,
- float frame_rate,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) {
- DCHECK(v4l2_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- DCHECK(client);
- client_ = client.Pass();
- // Need to open camera with O_RDWR after Linux kernel 3.3.
- device_fd_.reset(HANDLE_EINTR(open(, O_RDWR)));
- if (!device_fd_.is_valid()) {
- SetErrorState("Failed to open V4L2 device driver file.");
- return;
- }
- v4l2_capability cap = {};
- if (!((HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &cap)) == 0) &&
- ((cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE ||
- cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE) &&
- !(cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_OUTPUT) &&
- !(cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE)))) {
- device_fd_.reset();
- SetErrorState("This is not a V4L2 video capture device");
- return;
- }
- // Get supported video formats in preferred order.
- // For large resolutions, favour mjpeg over raw formats.
- const std::list<uint32_t>& desired_v4l2_formats =
- GetListOfUsableFourCcs(width > kMjpegWidth || height > kMjpegHeight);
- std::list<uint32_t>::const_iterator best = desired_v4l2_formats.end();
- v4l2_fmtdesc fmtdesc = {};
- fmtdesc.type = capture_type_;
- for (; HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &fmtdesc)) == 0;
- ++fmtdesc.index) {
- best = std::find(desired_v4l2_formats.begin(), best, fmtdesc.pixelformat);
- }
- if (best == desired_v4l2_formats.end()) {
- SetErrorState("Failed to find a supported camera format.");
- return;
- }
- DVLOG(1) << "Chosen pixel format is " << FourccToString(*best);
- video_fmt_.type = capture_type_;
- if (!FillV4L2Format(&video_fmt_, width, height, *best)) {
- SetErrorState("Failed filling in V4L2 Format");
- return;
- }
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_S_FMT, &video_fmt_)) < 0) {
- SetErrorState("Failed to set video capture format");
- return;
- }
- const VideoCapturePixelFormat pixel_format =
- V4l2FourCcToChromiumPixelFormat(video_fmt_.fmt.pix.pixelformat);
- SetErrorState("Unsupported pixel format");
- return;
- }
- // Set capture framerate in the form of capture interval.
- v4l2_streamparm streamparm = {};
- streamparm.type = capture_type_;
- // The following line checks that the driver knows about framerate get/set.
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_G_PARM, &streamparm)) >= 0) {
- // Now check if the device is able to accept a capture framerate set.
- if (streamparm.parm.capture.capability & V4L2_CAP_TIMEPERFRAME) {
- // |frame_rate| is float, approximate by a fraction.
- streamparm.parm.capture.timeperframe.numerator =
- media::kFrameRatePrecision;
- streamparm.parm.capture.timeperframe.denominator =
- (frame_rate) ? (frame_rate * media::kFrameRatePrecision)
- : (kTypicalFramerate * media::kFrameRatePrecision);
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_S_PARM, &streamparm)) <
- 0) {
- SetErrorState("Failed to set camera framerate");
- return;
- }
- DVLOG(2) << "Actual camera driverframerate: "
- << streamparm.parm.capture.timeperframe.denominator << "/"
- << streamparm.parm.capture.timeperframe.numerator;
- }
- }
- // TODO(mcasas): what should be done if the camera driver does not allow
- // framerate configuration, or the actual one is different from the desired?
- // Set anti-banding/anti-flicker to 50/60Hz. May fail due to not supported
- // operation (|errno| == EINVAL in this case) or plain failure.
- if ((power_line_frequency_ == V4L2_CID_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_50HZ) ||
- (power_line_frequency_ == V4L2_CID_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_60HZ) ||
- (power_line_frequency_ == V4L2_CID_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_AUTO)) {
- struct v4l2_control control = {};
- control.value = power_line_frequency_;
- const int retval =
- HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control));
- if (retval != 0)
- DVLOG(1) << "Error setting power line frequency removal";
- }
- capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(video_fmt_.fmt.pix.width,
- video_fmt_.fmt.pix.height);
- capture_format_.frame_rate = frame_rate;
- capture_format_.pixel_format = pixel_format;
- v4l2_requestbuffers r_buffer = {};
- r_buffer.type = capture_type_;
- r_buffer.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
- r_buffer.count = kNumVideoBuffers;
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &r_buffer)) < 0) {
- SetErrorState("Error requesting MMAP buffers from V4L2");
- return;
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r_buffer.count; ++i) {
- if (!MapAndQueueBuffer(i)) {
- SetErrorState("Allocate buffer failed");
- return;
- }
- }
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_STREAMON, &capture_type_))
- < 0) {
- SetErrorState("VIDIOC_STREAMON failed");
- return;
- }
- is_capturing_ = true;
- // Post task to start fetching frames from v4l2.
- v4l2_task_runner_->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&V4L2CaptureDelegate::DoCapture, this));
-void V4L2CaptureDelegate::StopAndDeAllocate() {
- DCHECK(v4l2_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- // The order is important: stop streaming, clear |buffer_pool_|,
- // thus munmap()ing the v4l2_buffers, and then return them to the OS.
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &capture_type_))
- < 0) {
- SetErrorState("VIDIOC_STREAMOFF failed");
- return;
- }
- buffer_tracker_pool_.clear();
- v4l2_requestbuffers r_buffer = {};
- r_buffer.type = capture_type_;
- r_buffer.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
- r_buffer.count = 0;
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &r_buffer)) < 0)
- SetErrorState("Failed to VIDIOC_REQBUFS with count = 0");
- // At this point we can close the device.
- // This is also needed for correctly changing settings later via VIDIOC_S_FMT.
- device_fd_.reset();
- is_capturing_ = false;
- client_.reset();
-void V4L2CaptureDelegate::SetRotation(int rotation) {
- DCHECK(v4l2_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- DCHECK(rotation >= 0 && rotation < 360 && rotation % 90 == 0);
- rotation_ = rotation;
-bool V4L2CaptureDelegate::MapAndQueueBuffer(int index) {
- v4l2_buffer buffer;
- FillV4L2Buffer(&buffer, index);
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buffer)) < 0) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Error querying status of a MMAP V4L2 buffer";
- return false;
- }
- const scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>& buffer_tracker = CreateBufferTracker();
- if (!buffer_tracker->Init(device_fd_.get(), buffer)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Error creating BufferTracker";
- return false;
- }
- buffer_tracker_pool_.push_back(buffer_tracker);
- // Enqueue the buffer in the drivers incoming queue.
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_QBUF, &buffer)) < 0) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Error enqueuing a V4L2 buffer back into the driver";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-void V4L2CaptureDelegate::FillV4L2Buffer(v4l2_buffer* buffer,
- int i) const {
- memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(*buffer));
- buffer->memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
- buffer->index = i;
- FinishFillingV4L2Buffer(buffer);
-void V4L2CaptureDelegate::DoCapture() {
- DCHECK(v4l2_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- if (!is_capturing_)
- return;
- pollfd device_pfd = {};
- device_pfd.fd = device_fd_.get();
- const int result = HANDLE_EINTR(poll(&device_pfd, 1, kCaptureTimeoutMs));
- if (result < 0) {
- SetErrorState("Poll failed");
- return;
- }
- // Check if poll() timed out; track the amount of times it did in a row and
- // throw an error if it times out too many times.
- if (result == 0) {
- timeout_count_++;
- if (timeout_count_ >= kContinuousTimeoutLimit) {
- SetErrorState("Multiple continuous timeouts while read-polling.");
- timeout_count_ = 0;
- return;
- }
- } else {
- timeout_count_ = 0;
- }
- // Deenqueue, send and reenqueue a buffer if the driver has filled one in.
- if (device_pfd.revents & POLLIN) {
- v4l2_buffer buffer;
- FillV4L2Buffer(&buffer, 0);
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buffer)) < 0) {
- SetErrorState("Failed to dequeue capture buffer");
- return;
- }
- SetPayloadSize(buffer_tracker_pool_[buffer.index], buffer);
- SendBuffer(buffer_tracker_pool_[buffer.index], video_fmt_);
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(device_fd_.get(), VIDIOC_QBUF, &buffer)) < 0) {
- SetErrorState("Failed to enqueue capture buffer");
- return;
- }
- }
- v4l2_task_runner_->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&V4L2CaptureDelegate::DoCapture, this));
-void V4L2CaptureDelegate::SetErrorState(const std::string& reason) {
- DCHECK(v4l2_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- is_capturing_ = false;
- client_->OnError(reason);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate.h b/media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bc4846..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#if defined(OS_OPENBSD)
-#include <sys/videoio.h>
-#include <linux/videodev2.h>
-#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-namespace media {
-// Class doing the actual Linux capture using V4L2 API. V4L2 SPLANE/MPLANE
-// capture specifics are implemented in derived classes. Created and destroyed
-// on the owner's thread, otherwise living and operating on |v4l2_task_runner_|.
-class V4L2CaptureDelegate
- : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<V4L2CaptureDelegate> {
- public:
- // Creates the appropiate VideoCaptureDelegate according to parameters.
- static scoped_refptr<V4L2CaptureDelegate> CreateV4L2CaptureDelegate(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& v4l2_task_runner,
- int power_line_frequency);
- // Retrieves the #planes for a given |fourcc|, or 0 if unknown.
- static size_t GetNumPlanesForFourCc(uint32_t fourcc);
- // Returns the Chrome pixel format for |v4l2_fourcc| or
- static VideoCapturePixelFormat V4l2FourCcToChromiumPixelFormat(
- uint32_t v4l2_fourcc);
- // Composes a list of usable and supported pixel formats, in order of
- // preference, with MJPEG prioritised depending on |prefer_mjpeg|.
- static std::list<uint32_t> GetListOfUsableFourCcs(bool prefer_mjpeg);
- // Forward-to versions of VideoCaptureDevice virtual methods.
- void AllocateAndStart(int width,
- int height,
- float frame_rate,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client);
- void StopAndDeAllocate();
- void SetRotation(int rotation);
- protected:
- // Class keeping track of SPLANE/MPLANE V4L2 buffers, mmap()ed on construction
- // and munmap()ed on destruction. Destruction is syntactically equal for
- // S/MPLANE but not construction, so this is implemented in derived classes.
- // Internally it has a vector of planes, which for SPLANE will contain only
- // one element.
- class BufferTracker : public base::RefCounted<BufferTracker> {
- public:
- BufferTracker();
- // Abstract method to mmap() given |fd| according to |buffer|, planarity
- // specific.
- virtual bool Init(int fd, const v4l2_buffer& buffer) = 0;
- uint8_t* const GetPlaneStart(size_t plane) const {
- DCHECK_LT(plane, planes_.size());
- return planes_[plane].start;
- }
- size_t GetPlanePayloadSize(size_t plane) const {
- DCHECK_LT(plane, planes_.size());
- return planes_[plane].payload_size;
- }
- void SetPlanePayloadSize(size_t plane, size_t payload_size) {
- DCHECK_LT(plane, planes_.size());
- DCHECK_LE(payload_size, planes_[plane].length);
- planes_[plane].payload_size = payload_size;
- }
- protected:
- friend class base::RefCounted<BufferTracker>;
- virtual ~BufferTracker();
- // Adds a given mmap()ed plane to |planes_|.
- void AddMmapedPlane(uint8_t* const start, size_t length);
- private:
- struct Plane {
- uint8_t* start;
- size_t length;
- size_t payload_size;
- };
- std::vector<Plane> planes_;
- };
- V4L2CaptureDelegate(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& v4l2_task_runner,
- int power_line_frequency);
- virtual ~V4L2CaptureDelegate();
- // Creates the necessary, planarity-specific, internal tracking schemes,
- virtual scoped_refptr<BufferTracker> CreateBufferTracker() const = 0;
- // Fill in |format| with the given parameters, in a planarity dependent way.
- virtual bool FillV4L2Format(v4l2_format* format,
- uint32_t width,
- uint32_t height,
- uint32_t pixelformat_fourcc) const = 0;
- // Finish filling |buffer| struct with planarity-dependent data.
- virtual void FinishFillingV4L2Buffer(v4l2_buffer* buffer) const = 0;
- // Fetch the number of bytes occupied by data in |buffer| and set to
- // |buffer_tracker|.
- virtual void SetPayloadSize(
- const scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>& buffer_tracker,
- const v4l2_buffer& buffer) const = 0;
- // Sends the captured |buffer| to the |client_|, synchronously.
- virtual void SendBuffer(
- const scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>& buffer_tracker,
- const v4l2_format& format) const = 0;
- // A few accessors for SendBuffer()'s to access private member variables.
- VideoCaptureFormat capture_format() const { return capture_format_; }
- VideoCaptureDevice::Client* client() const { return client_.get(); }
- int rotation() const { return rotation_; }
- private:
- friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<V4L2CaptureDelegate>;
- // Returns the input |fourcc| as a std::string four char representation.
- static std::string FourccToString(uint32_t fourcc);
- // VIDIOC_QUERYBUFs a buffer from V4L2, creates a BufferTracker for it and
- // enqueues it (VIDIOC_QBUF) back into V4L2.
- bool MapAndQueueBuffer(int index);
- // Fills all common parts of |buffer|. Delegates to FinishFillingV4L2Buffer()
- // for filling in the planar-dependent parts.
- void FillV4L2Buffer(v4l2_buffer* buffer, int i) const;
- void DoCapture();
- void SetErrorState(const std::string& reason);
- const v4l2_buf_type capture_type_;
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> v4l2_task_runner_;
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name device_name_;
- const int power_line_frequency_;
- // The following members are only known on AllocateAndStart().
- VideoCaptureFormat capture_format_;
- v4l2_format video_fmt_;
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client_;
- base::ScopedFD device_fd_;
- // Vector of BufferTracker to keep track of mmap()ed pointers and their use.
- std::vector<scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>> buffer_tracker_pool_;
- bool is_capturing_;
- int timeout_count_;
- // Clockwise rotation in degrees. This value should be 0, 90, 180, or 270.
- int rotation_;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/linux/ b/media/video/capture/linux/
deleted file mode 100644
index 06a15e5..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/linux/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate_multi_plane.h"
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-namespace media {
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& v4l2_task_runner,
- int power_line_frequency)
- : V4L2CaptureDelegate(device_name,
- v4l2_task_runner,
- power_line_frequency) {
-V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane::~V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane() {
-V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane::CreateBufferTracker() const {
- return make_scoped_refptr(new BufferTrackerMPlane());
-bool V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane::FillV4L2Format(
- v4l2_format* format,
- uint32_t width,
- uint32_t height,
- uint32_t pixelformat_fourcc) const {
- format->fmt.pix_mp.width = width;
- format->fmt.pix_mp.height = height;
- format->fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = pixelformat_fourcc;
- const size_t num_v4l2_planes =
- V4L2CaptureDelegate::GetNumPlanesForFourCc(pixelformat_fourcc);
- if (num_v4l2_planes == 0u)
- return false;
- DCHECK_LE(num_v4l2_planes, static_cast<size_t>(VIDEO_MAX_PLANES));
- format->fmt.pix_mp.num_planes = num_v4l2_planes;
- v4l2_planes_.resize(num_v4l2_planes);
- return true;
-void V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane::FinishFillingV4L2Buffer(
- v4l2_buffer* buffer) const {
- buffer->length = v4l2_planes_.size();
- static const struct v4l2_plane empty_plane = {};
- std::fill(v4l2_planes_.begin(), v4l2_planes_.end(), empty_plane);
- buffer->m.planes =;
-void V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane::SetPayloadSize(
- const scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>& buffer_tracker,
- const v4l2_buffer& buffer) const {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < v4l2_planes_.size() && i < buffer.length; i++)
- buffer_tracker->SetPlanePayloadSize(i, buffer.m.planes[i].bytesused);
-void V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane::SendBuffer(
- const scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>& buffer_tracker,
- const v4l2_format& format) const {
- DCHECK_EQ(capture_format().pixel_format, VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_I420);
- const size_t y_stride = format.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[0].bytesperline;
- const size_t u_stride = format.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[1].bytesperline;
- const size_t v_stride = format.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[2].bytesperline;
- DCHECK_GE(y_stride, 1u * capture_format().frame_size.width());
- DCHECK_GE(u_stride, 1u * capture_format().frame_size.width() / 2);
- DCHECK_GE(v_stride, 1u * capture_format().frame_size.width() / 2);
- client()->OnIncomingCapturedYuvData(buffer_tracker->GetPlaneStart(0),
- buffer_tracker->GetPlaneStart(1),
- buffer_tracker->GetPlaneStart(2),
- y_stride,
- u_stride,
- v_stride,
- capture_format(),
- rotation(),
- base::TimeTicks::Now());
-bool V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane::BufferTrackerMPlane::Init(
- int fd,
- const v4l2_buffer& buffer) {
- for (size_t p = 0; p < buffer.length; ++p) {
- // Some devices require mmap() to be called with both READ and WRITE.
- // See
- void* const start =
- mmap(NULL, buffer.m.planes[p].length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
- MAP_SHARED, fd, buffer.m.planes[p].m.mem_offset);
- if (start == MAP_FAILED) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Error mmap()ing a V4L2 buffer into userspace";
- return false;
- }
- AddMmapedPlane(static_cast<uint8_t*>(start), buffer.m.planes[p].length);
- DVLOG(3) << "Mmap()ed plane #" << p << " of " << buffer.m.planes[p].length
- << "B";
- }
- return true;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate_multi_plane.h b/media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate_multi_plane.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 64511ad..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate_multi_plane.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate.h"
-#if defined(OS_OPENBSD)
-#error "OpenBSD does not support MPlane capture API."
-namespace base {
-class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
-} // namespace base
-namespace media {
-// V4L2 specifics for MPLANE API.
-class V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane final : public V4L2CaptureDelegate {
- public:
- V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& v4l2_task_runner,
- int power_line_frequency);
- private:
- // BufferTracker derivation to implement construction semantics for MPLANE.
- class BufferTrackerMPlane final : public BufferTracker {
- public:
- bool Init(int fd, const v4l2_buffer& buffer) override;
- private:
- ~BufferTrackerMPlane() override {}
- };
- ~V4L2CaptureDelegateMultiPlane() override;
- // V4L2CaptureDelegate virtual methods implementation.
- scoped_refptr<BufferTracker> CreateBufferTracker() const override;
- bool FillV4L2Format(v4l2_format* format,
- uint32_t width,
- uint32_t height,
- uint32_t pixelformat_fourcc) const override;
- void FinishFillingV4L2Buffer(v4l2_buffer* buffer) const override;
- void SetPayloadSize(const scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>& buffer_tracker,
- const v4l2_buffer& buffer) const override;
- void SendBuffer(const scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>& buffer_tracker,
- const v4l2_format& format) const override;
- // Vector to allocate and track as many v4l2_plane structs as planes, needed
- // for v4l2_buffer.m.planes. This is a scratchpad marked mutable to enable
- // using it in otherwise const methods.
- mutable std::vector<struct v4l2_plane> v4l2_planes_;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/linux/ b/media/video/capture/linux/
deleted file mode 100644
index e2e7e5b..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/linux/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate_single_plane.h"
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-namespace media {
-V4L2CaptureDelegateSinglePlane::CreateBufferTracker() const {
- return make_scoped_refptr(new BufferTrackerSPlane());
-bool V4L2CaptureDelegateSinglePlane::FillV4L2Format(
- v4l2_format* format,
- uint32_t width,
- uint32_t height,
- uint32_t pixelformat_fourcc) const {
- format->fmt.pix.width = width;
- format->fmt.pix.height = height;
- format->fmt.pix.pixelformat = pixelformat_fourcc;
- return true;
-void V4L2CaptureDelegateSinglePlane::FinishFillingV4L2Buffer(
- v4l2_buffer* buffer) const {
- buffer->type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
-void V4L2CaptureDelegateSinglePlane::SetPayloadSize(
- const scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>& buffer_tracker,
- const v4l2_buffer& buffer) const {
- buffer_tracker->SetPlanePayloadSize(0, buffer.bytesused);
-void V4L2CaptureDelegateSinglePlane::SendBuffer(
- const scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>& buffer_tracker,
- const v4l2_format& format) const {
- client()->OnIncomingCapturedData(
- buffer_tracker->GetPlaneStart(0),
- buffer_tracker->GetPlanePayloadSize(0),
- capture_format(),
- rotation(),
- base::TimeTicks::Now());
-bool V4L2CaptureDelegateSinglePlane::BufferTrackerSPlane::Init(
- int fd,
- const v4l2_buffer& buffer) {
- // Some devices require mmap() to be called with both READ and WRITE.
- // See
- void* const start = mmap(NULL, buffer.length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
- MAP_SHARED, fd, buffer.m.offset);
- if (start == MAP_FAILED) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Error mmap()ing a V4L2 buffer into userspace";
- return false;
- }
- AddMmapedPlane(static_cast<uint8_t*>(start), buffer.length);
- return true;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate_single_plane.h b/media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate_single_plane.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d4dc91..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate_single_plane.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-namespace base {
-class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
-} // namespace base
-namespace media {
-// V4L2 specifics for SPLANE API.
-class V4L2CaptureDelegateSinglePlane final : public V4L2CaptureDelegate {
- public:
- V4L2CaptureDelegateSinglePlane(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name,
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& v4l2_task_runner,
- int power_line_frequency)
- : V4L2CaptureDelegate(device_name,
- v4l2_task_runner,
- power_line_frequency) {}
- private:
- // BufferTracker derivation to implement construction semantics for SPLANE.
- class BufferTrackerSPlane final : public BufferTracker {
- public:
- bool Init(int fd, const v4l2_buffer& buffer) override;
- private:
- ~BufferTrackerSPlane() override {}
- };
- ~V4L2CaptureDelegateSinglePlane() override {}
- // V4L2CaptureDelegate virtual methods implementation.
- scoped_refptr<BufferTracker> CreateBufferTracker() const override;
- bool FillV4L2Format(v4l2_format* format,
- uint32_t width,
- uint32_t height,
- uint32_t pixelformat_fourcc) const override;
- void FinishFillingV4L2Buffer(v4l2_buffer* buffer) const override;
- void SetPayloadSize(const scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>& buffer_tracker,
- const v4l2_buffer& buffer) const override;
- void SendBuffer(const scoped_refptr<BufferTracker>& buffer_tracker,
- const v4l2_format& format) const override;
-} // namespace media
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5abfbff..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/linux/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/video_capture_device_chromeos.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/display.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/display_observer.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
-namespace media {
-// This is a delegate class used to transfer Display change events from the UI
-// thread to the media thread.
-class VideoCaptureDeviceChromeOS::ScreenObserverDelegate
- : public gfx::DisplayObserver,
- public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ScreenObserverDelegate> {
- public:
- ScreenObserverDelegate(
- VideoCaptureDeviceChromeOS* capture_device,
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner)
- : capture_device_(capture_device),
- ui_task_runner_(ui_task_runner),
- capture_task_runner_(base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()) {
- ui_task_runner_->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&ScreenObserverDelegate::AddObserverOnUIThread, this));
- }
- void RemoveObserver() {
- DCHECK(capture_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- capture_device_ = NULL;
- ui_task_runner_->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&ScreenObserverDelegate::RemoveObserverOnUIThread, this));
- }
- private:
- friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ScreenObserverDelegate>;
- ~ScreenObserverDelegate() override { DCHECK(!capture_device_); }
- void OnDisplayAdded(const gfx::Display& /*new_display*/) override {}
- void OnDisplayRemoved(const gfx::Display& /*old_display*/) override {}
- void OnDisplayMetricsChanged(const gfx::Display& display,
- uint32_t metrics) override {
- DCHECK(ui_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- if (!(metrics & DISPLAY_METRIC_ROTATION))
- return;
- SendDisplayRotation(display);
- }
- void AddObserverOnUIThread() {
- DCHECK(ui_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- gfx::Screen* screen =
- gfx::Screen::GetScreenByType(gfx::SCREEN_TYPE_ALTERNATE);
- if (screen) {
- screen->AddObserver(this);
- SendDisplayRotation(screen->GetPrimaryDisplay());
- }
- }
- void RemoveObserverOnUIThread() {
- DCHECK(ui_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- gfx::Screen* screen =
- gfx::Screen::GetScreenByType(gfx::SCREEN_TYPE_ALTERNATE);
- if (screen)
- screen->RemoveObserver(this);
- }
- // Post the screen rotation change from the UI thread to capture thread
- void SendDisplayRotation(const gfx::Display& display) {
- DCHECK(ui_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- capture_task_runner_->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&ScreenObserverDelegate::SendDisplayRotationOnCaptureThread,
- this, display));
- }
- void SendDisplayRotationOnCaptureThread(const gfx::Display& display) {
- DCHECK(capture_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- if (capture_device_)
- capture_device_->SetDisplayRotation(display);
- }
- VideoCaptureDeviceChromeOS* capture_device_;
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner_;
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> capture_task_runner_;
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner,
- const Name& device_name)
- : VideoCaptureDeviceLinux(device_name),
- screen_observer_delegate_(new ScreenObserverDelegate(this,
- ui_task_runner)) {
-VideoCaptureDeviceChromeOS::~VideoCaptureDeviceChromeOS() {
- screen_observer_delegate_->RemoveObserver();
-void VideoCaptureDeviceChromeOS::SetDisplayRotation(
- const gfx::Display& display) {
- if (display.IsInternal())
- SetRotation(display.rotation() * 90);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/linux/video_capture_device_chromeos.h b/media/video/capture/linux/video_capture_device_chromeos.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b77a9..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/linux/video_capture_device_chromeos.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/video_capture_device_linux.h"
-namespace gfx {
-class Display;
-} // namespace gfx
-namespace media {
-// This class is functionally the same as VideoCaptureDeviceLinux, with the
-// exception that it is aware of the orientation of the internal Display. When
-// the internal Display is rotated, the frames captured are rotated to match.
-class VideoCaptureDeviceChromeOS : public VideoCaptureDeviceLinux {
- public:
- explicit VideoCaptureDeviceChromeOS(
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner,
- const Name& device_name);
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceChromeOS() override;
- private:
- class ScreenObserverDelegate;
- void SetDisplayRotation(const gfx::Display& display);
- scoped_refptr<ScreenObserverDelegate> screen_observer_delegate_;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/linux/ b/media/video/capture/linux/
deleted file mode 100644
index f0af921..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/linux/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/video_capture_device_factory_linux.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#if defined(OS_OPENBSD)
-#include <sys/videoio.h>
-#include <linux/videodev2.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include "base/files/file_enumerator.h"
-#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
-#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/video_capture_device_chromeos.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/video_capture_device_linux.h"
-namespace media {
-static bool HasUsableFormats(int fd, uint32 capabilities) {
- const std::list<uint32_t>& usable_fourccs =
- VideoCaptureDeviceLinux::GetListOfUsableFourCCs(false);
- static const struct {
- int capability;
- v4l2_buf_type buf_type;
- } kCapabilityAndBufferTypes[] = {
- };
- for (const auto& capability_and_buffer_type : kCapabilityAndBufferTypes) {
- v4l2_fmtdesc fmtdesc = {};
- if (capabilities & capability_and_buffer_type.capability) {
- fmtdesc.type = capability_and_buffer_type.buf_type;
- for (; HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &fmtdesc)) == 0;
- ++fmtdesc.index) {
- if (std::find(usable_fourccs.begin(), usable_fourccs.end(),
- fmtdesc.pixelformat) != usable_fourccs.end())
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- DLOG(ERROR) << "No usable formats found";
- return false;
-static std::list<float> GetFrameRateList(int fd,
- uint32 fourcc,
- uint32 width,
- uint32 height) {
- std::list<float> frame_rates;
- v4l2_frmivalenum frame_interval = {};
- frame_interval.pixel_format = fourcc;
- frame_interval.width = width;
- frame_interval.height = height;
- &frame_interval)) == 0; ++frame_interval.index) {
- if (frame_interval.type == V4L2_FRMIVAL_TYPE_DISCRETE) {
- if (frame_interval.discrete.numerator != 0) {
- frame_rates.push_back(frame_interval.discrete.denominator /
- static_cast<float>(frame_interval.discrete.numerator));
- }
- } else if (frame_interval.type == V4L2_FRMIVAL_TYPE_CONTINUOUS ||
- frame_interval.type == V4L2_FRMIVAL_TYPE_STEPWISE) {
- // TODO(mcasas): see, support these devices.
- break;
- }
- }
- // Some devices, e.g. Kinect, do not enumerate any frame rates, see
- // Set their frame_rate to zero.
- if (frame_rates.empty())
- frame_rates.push_back(0);
- return frame_rates;
-static void GetSupportedFormatsForV4L2BufferType(
- int fd,
- v4l2_buf_type buf_type,
- media::VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) {
- v4l2_fmtdesc v4l2_format = {};
- v4l2_format.type = buf_type;
- for (; HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &v4l2_format)) == 0;
- ++v4l2_format.index) {
- VideoCaptureFormat supported_format;
- supported_format.pixel_format =
- VideoCaptureDeviceLinux::V4l2FourCcToChromiumPixelFormat(
- v4l2_format.pixelformat);
- if (supported_format.pixel_format == VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
- continue;
- v4l2_frmsizeenum frame_size = {};
- frame_size.pixel_format = v4l2_format.pixelformat;
- for (; HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_ENUM_FRAMESIZES, &frame_size)) == 0;
- ++frame_size.index) {
- if (frame_size.type == V4L2_FRMSIZE_TYPE_DISCRETE) {
- supported_format.frame_size.SetSize(frame_size.discrete.width,
- frame_size.discrete.height);
- } else if (frame_size.type == V4L2_FRMSIZE_TYPE_STEPWISE ||
- frame_size.type == V4L2_FRMSIZE_TYPE_CONTINUOUS) {
- // TODO(mcasas): see, support these devices.
- }
- const std::list<float> frame_rates = GetFrameRateList(
- fd, v4l2_format.pixelformat, frame_size.discrete.width,
- frame_size.discrete.height);
- for (const auto& frame_rate : frame_rates) {
- supported_format.frame_rate = frame_rate;
- supported_formats->push_back(supported_format);
- DVLOG(1) << VideoCaptureFormat::ToString(supported_format);
- }
- }
- }
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner)
- : ui_task_runner_(ui_task_runner) {
-VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryLinux::~VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryLinux() {
-scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryLinux::Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
-#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
- VideoCaptureDeviceChromeOS* self =
- new VideoCaptureDeviceChromeOS(ui_task_runner_, device_name);
- VideoCaptureDeviceLinux* self = new VideoCaptureDeviceLinux(device_name);
- if (!self)
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice>();
- // Test opening the device driver. This is to make sure it is available.
- // We will reopen it again in our worker thread when someone
- // allocates the camera.
- base::ScopedFD fd(HANDLE_EINTR(open(, O_RDONLY)));
- if (!fd.is_valid()) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot open device";
- delete self;
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice>();
- }
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice>(self);
-void VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryLinux::GetDeviceNames(
- VideoCaptureDevice::Names* const device_names) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(device_names->empty());
- const base::FilePath path("/dev/");
- base::FileEnumerator enumerator(
- path, false, base::FileEnumerator::FILES, "video*");
- while (!enumerator.Next().empty()) {
- const base::FileEnumerator::FileInfo info = enumerator.GetInfo();
- const std::string unique_id = path.value() + info.GetName().value();
- const base::ScopedFD fd(HANDLE_EINTR(open(unique_id.c_str(), O_RDONLY)));
- if (!fd.is_valid()) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't open " << info.GetName().value();
- continue;
- }
- // Test if this is a V4L2 capture device and if it has at least one
- // supported capture format. Devices that have capture and output
- // capabilities at the same time are memory-to-memory and are skipped, see
- //
- v4l2_capability cap;
- if ((HANDLE_EINTR(ioctl(fd.get(), VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &cap)) == 0) &&
- ((cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE ||
- cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE) &&
- !(cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_OUTPUT) &&
- !(cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE)) &&
- HasUsableFormats(fd.get(), cap.capabilities)) {
- device_names->push_back(VideoCaptureDevice::Name(
- base::StringPrintf("%s", cap.card), unique_id,
- (cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE)
- ? VideoCaptureDevice::Name::V4L2_MULTI_PLANE
- : VideoCaptureDevice::Name::V4L2_SINGLE_PLANE));
- }
- }
-void VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryLinux::GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (
- return;
- base::ScopedFD fd(HANDLE_EINTR(open(, O_RDONLY)));
- if (!fd.is_valid()) // Failed to open this device.
- return;
- supported_formats->clear();
- DCHECK_NE(device.capture_api_type(),
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name::API_TYPE_UNKNOWN);
- const v4l2_buf_type buf_type =
- (device.capture_api_type() == VideoCaptureDevice::Name::V4L2_MULTI_PLANE)
- GetSupportedFormatsForV4L2BufferType(fd.get(), buf_type, supported_formats);
- return;
-// static
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner) {
- return new VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryLinux(ui_task_runner);
-} // namespace media
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-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Implementation of a VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryLinux class.
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h"
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-namespace media {
-// Extension of VideoCaptureDeviceFactory to create and manipulate Linux
-// devices.
-class MEDIA_EXPORT VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryLinux
- : public VideoCaptureDeviceFactory {
- public:
- explicit VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryLinux(
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner);
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryLinux() override;
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) override;
- void GetDeviceNames(VideoCaptureDevice::Names* device_names) override;
- void GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) override;
- private:
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryLinux);
-} // namespace media
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index bd0d91f..0000000
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-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/video_capture_device_linux.h"
-#if defined(OS_OPENBSD)
-#include <sys/videoio.h>
-#include <linux/videodev2.h>
-#include <list>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/linux/v4l2_capture_delegate.h"
-namespace media {
-// USB VID and PID are both 4 bytes long.
-static const size_t kVidPidSize = 4;
-// /sys/class/video4linux/video{N}/device is a symlink to the corresponding
-// USB device info directory.
-static const char kVidPathTemplate[] =
- "/sys/class/video4linux/%s/device/../idVendor";
-static const char kPidPathTemplate[] =
- "/sys/class/video4linux/%s/device/../idProduct";
-static bool ReadIdFile(const std::string path, std::string* id) {
- char id_buf[kVidPidSize];
- FILE* file = fopen(path.c_str(), "rb");
- if (!file)
- return false;
- const bool success = fread(id_buf, kVidPidSize, 1, file) == 1;
- fclose(file);
- if (!success)
- return false;
- id->append(id_buf, kVidPidSize);
- return true;
-// Translates Video4Linux pixel formats to Chromium pixel formats.
-// static
-VideoCaptureDeviceLinux::V4l2FourCcToChromiumPixelFormat(uint32 v4l2_fourcc) {
- return V4L2CaptureDelegate::V4l2FourCcToChromiumPixelFormat(v4l2_fourcc);
-// Gets a list of usable Four CC formats prioritised.
-// static
-std::list<uint32_t> VideoCaptureDeviceLinux::GetListOfUsableFourCCs(
- bool favour_mjpeg) {
- return V4L2CaptureDelegate::GetListOfUsableFourCcs(favour_mjpeg);
-const std::string VideoCaptureDevice::Name::GetModel() const {
- // |unique_id| is of the form "/dev/video2". |file_name| is "video2".
- const std::string dev_dir = "/dev/";
- DCHECK_EQ(0,, dev_dir.length(), dev_dir));
- const std::string file_name =
- unique_id_.substr(dev_dir.length(), unique_id_.length());
- const std::string vidPath =
- base::StringPrintf(kVidPathTemplate, file_name.c_str());
- const std::string pidPath =
- base::StringPrintf(kPidPathTemplate, file_name.c_str());
- std::string usb_id;
- if (!ReadIdFile(vidPath, &usb_id))
- return "";
- usb_id.append(":");
- if (!ReadIdFile(pidPath, &usb_id))
- return "";
- return usb_id;
-VideoCaptureDeviceLinux::VideoCaptureDeviceLinux(const Name& device_name)
- : v4l2_thread_("V4L2CaptureThread"),
- device_name_(device_name) {
-VideoCaptureDeviceLinux::~VideoCaptureDeviceLinux() {
- // Check if the thread is running.
- // This means that the device has not been StopAndDeAllocate()d properly.
- DCHECK(!v4l2_thread_.IsRunning());
- v4l2_thread_.Stop();
-void VideoCaptureDeviceLinux::AllocateAndStart(
- const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) {
- DCHECK(!capture_impl_);
- if (v4l2_thread_.IsRunning())
- return; // Wrong state.
- v4l2_thread_.Start();
- const int line_frequency =
- TranslatePowerLineFrequencyToV4L2(GetPowerLineFrequencyForLocation());
- capture_impl_ = V4L2CaptureDelegate::CreateV4L2CaptureDelegate(
- device_name_, v4l2_thread_.task_runner(), line_frequency);
- if (!capture_impl_) {
- client->OnError("Failed to create VideoCaptureDelegate");
- return;
- }
- v4l2_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&V4L2CaptureDelegate::AllocateAndStart, capture_impl_,
- params.requested_format.frame_size.width(),
- params.requested_format.frame_size.height(),
- params.requested_format.frame_rate, base::Passed(&client)));
-void VideoCaptureDeviceLinux::StopAndDeAllocate() {
- if (!v4l2_thread_.IsRunning())
- return; // Wrong state.
- v4l2_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(
- base::Bind(&V4L2CaptureDelegate::StopAndDeAllocate, capture_impl_));
- v4l2_thread_.Stop();
- capture_impl_ = NULL;
-void VideoCaptureDeviceLinux::SetRotation(int rotation) {
- if (v4l2_thread_.IsRunning()) {
- v4l2_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&V4L2CaptureDelegate::SetRotation,
- capture_impl_, rotation));
- }
-// static
-int VideoCaptureDeviceLinux::TranslatePowerLineFrequencyToV4L2(int frequency) {
- switch (frequency) {
- case kPowerLine50Hz:
- case kPowerLine60Hz:
- default:
- // If we have no idea of the frequency, at least try and set it to AUTO.
- }
-} // namespace media
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Linux specific implementation of VideoCaptureDevice.
-// V4L2 is used for capturing. V4L2 does not provide its own thread for
-// capturing so this implementation uses a Chromium thread for fetching frames
-// from V4L2.
-#include <string>
-#include "base/files/file_util.h"
-#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread.h"
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-namespace media {
-class V4L2CaptureDelegate;
-// Linux V4L2 implementation of VideoCaptureDevice.
-class VideoCaptureDeviceLinux : public VideoCaptureDevice {
- public:
- static VideoCapturePixelFormat V4l2FourCcToChromiumPixelFormat(
- uint32 v4l2_fourcc);
- static std::list<uint32_t> GetListOfUsableFourCCs(bool favour_mjpeg);
- explicit VideoCaptureDeviceLinux(const Name& device_name);
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceLinux() override;
- // VideoCaptureDevice implementation.
- void AllocateAndStart(const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<Client> client) override;
- void StopAndDeAllocate() override;
- protected:
- void SetRotation(int rotation);
- private:
- static int TranslatePowerLineFrequencyToV4L2(int frequency);
- // Internal delegate doing the actual capture setting, buffer allocation and
- // circulacion with the V4L2 API. Created and deleted in the thread where
- // VideoCaptureDeviceLinux lives but otherwise operating on |v4l2_thread_|.
- scoped_refptr<V4L2CaptureDelegate> capture_impl_;
- base::Thread v4l2_thread_; // Thread used for reading data from the device.
- const Name device_name_;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/DEPS b/media/video/capture/mac/DEPS
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index 58a1003..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-include_rules = [
- "+third_party/decklink",
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/platform_video_capturing_mac.h b/media/video/capture/mac/platform_video_capturing_mac.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 33ad7b6..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/mac/platform_video_capturing_mac.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-namespace media {
-class VideoCaptureDeviceMac;
-// Protocol representing platform-dependent video capture on Mac, implemented
-// by both QTKit and AVFoundation APIs.
-@protocol PlatformVideoCapturingMac <NSObject>
-// This method initializes the instance by calling NSObject |init| and registers
-// internally a frame receiver at the same time. The frame receiver is supposed
-// to be initialised before and outlive the VideoCapturingDeviceMac
-// implementation.
-- (id)initWithFrameReceiver:(media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac*)frameReceiver;
-// Sets the frame receiver. This method executes the registration in mutual
-// exclusion.
-// TODO(mcasas): This method and stopCapture() are always called in sequence and
-// this one is only used to clear the frameReceiver, investigate if both can be
-// merged.
-- (void)setFrameReceiver:(media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac*)frameReceiver;
-// Sets which capture device to use by name passed as deviceId argument. The
-// device names are usually obtained via VideoCaptureDevice::GetDeviceNames()
-// method. This method will also configure all device properties except those in
-// setCaptureHeight:width:frameRate. If |deviceId| is nil, capture is stopped
-// and all potential configuration is torn down. Returns YES on sucess, NO
-// otherwise.
-- (BOOL)setCaptureDevice:(NSString*)deviceId;
-// Configures the capture properties.
-- (BOOL)setCaptureHeight:(int)height
- width:(int)width
- frameRate:(float)frameRate;
-// Starts video capturing, registers observers. Returns YES on sucess, NO
-// otherwise.
-- (BOOL)startCapture;
-// Stops video capturing, unregisters observers.
-- (void)stopCapture;
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_avfoundation_mac.h b/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_avfoundation_mac.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e30c2f8..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_avfoundation_mac.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#import "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
-#import "media/base/mac/avfoundation_glue.h"
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-#import "media/video/capture/mac/platform_video_capturing_mac.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-namespace media {
-class VideoCaptureDeviceMac;
-@class CrAVCaptureDevice;
-@class CrAVCaptureSession;
-@class CrAVCaptureVideoDataOutput;
-// Class used by VideoCaptureDeviceMac (VCDM) for video capture using
-// AVFoundation API. This class lives inside the thread created by its owner
-// VCDM.
-// * Clients (VCDM) should call +deviceNames to fetch the list of devices
-// available in the system; this method returns the list of device names that
-// have to be used with -setCaptureDevice:.
-// * Previous to any use, clients (VCDM) must call -initWithFrameReceiver: to
-// initialise an object of this class and register a |frameReceiver_|.
-// * Frame receiver registration or removal can also happen via explicit call
-// to -setFrameReceiver:. Re-registrations are safe and allowed, even during
-// capture using this method.
-// * Method -setCaptureDevice: must be called at least once with a device
-// identifier from +deviceNames. Creates all the necessary AVFoundation
-// objects on first call; it connects them ready for capture every time.
-// This method should not be called during capture (i.e. between
-// -startCapture and -stopCapture).
-// * -setCaptureWidth:height:frameRate: is called if a resolution or frame rate
-// different than the by default one set by -setCaptureDevice: is needed.
-// This method should not be called during capture. This method must be
-// called after -setCaptureDevice:.
-// * -startCapture registers the notification listeners and starts the
-// capture. The capture can be stop using -stopCapture. The capture can be
-// restarted and restoped multiple times, reconfiguring or not the device in
-// between.
-// * -setCaptureDevice can be called with a |nil| value, case in which it stops
-// the capture and disconnects the library objects. This step is not
-// necessary.
-// * Deallocation of the library objects happens gracefully on destruction of
-// the VideoCaptureDeviceAVFoundation object.
-@interface VideoCaptureDeviceAVFoundation
- : NSObject<CrAVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate,
- PlatformVideoCapturingMac> {
- @private
- // The following attributes are set via -setCaptureHeight:width:frameRate:.
- int frameWidth_;
- int frameHeight_;
- float frameRate_;
- base::Lock lock_; // Protects concurrent setting and using of frameReceiver_.
- media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac* frameReceiver_; // weak.
- base::scoped_nsobject<CrAVCaptureSession> captureSession_;
- // |captureDevice_| is an object coming from AVFoundation, used only to be
- // plugged in |captureDeviceInput_| and to query for session preset support.
- CrAVCaptureDevice* captureDevice_;
- // |captureDeviceInput_| is owned by |captureSession_|.
- CrAVCaptureDeviceInput* captureDeviceInput_;
- base::scoped_nsobject<CrAVCaptureVideoDataOutput> captureVideoDataOutput_;
- base::ThreadChecker main_thread_checker_;
- base::ThreadChecker callback_thread_checker_;
-// Returns a dictionary of capture devices with friendly name and unique id.
-+ (NSDictionary*)deviceNames;
-// Retrieve the capture supported formats for a given device |name|.
-+ (void)getDevice:(const media::VideoCaptureDevice::Name&)name
- supportedFormats:(media::VideoCaptureFormats*)formats;
-// Initializes the instance and the underlying capture session and registers the
-// frame receiver.
-- (id)initWithFrameReceiver:(media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac*)frameReceiver;
-// Sets the frame receiver.
-- (void)setFrameReceiver:(media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac*)frameReceiver;
-// Sets which capture device to use by name, retrieved via |deviceNames|. Once
-// the deviceId is known, the library objects are created if needed and
-// connected for the capture, and a by default resolution is set. If deviceId is
-// nil, then the eventual capture is stopped and library objects are
-// disconnected. Returns YES on sucess, NO otherwise. This method should not be
-// called during capture.
-- (BOOL)setCaptureDevice:(NSString*)deviceId;
-// Configures the capture properties for the capture session and the video data
-// output; this means it MUST be called after setCaptureDevice:. Return YES on
-// success, else NO.
-- (BOOL)setCaptureHeight:(int)height
- width:(int)width
- frameRate:(float)frameRate;
-// Starts video capturing and register the notification listeners. Must be
-// called after setCaptureDevice:, and, eventually, also after
-// setCaptureHeight:width:frameRate:. Returns YES on sucess, NO otherwise.
-- (BOOL)startCapture;
-// Stops video capturing and stops listening to notifications.
-- (void)stopCapture;
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/ b/media/video/capture/mac/
deleted file mode 100644
index fdf0f5e..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/mac/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#import "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_avfoundation_mac.h"
-#import <CoreVideo/CoreVideo.h>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_mac.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
-// Prefer MJPEG if frame width or height is larger than this.
-static const int kMjpegWidthThreshold = 640;
-static const int kMjpegHeightThreshold = 480;
-// This function translates Mac Core Video pixel formats to Chromium pixel
-// formats. Chromium pixel formats are sorted in order of preference.
-media::VideoCapturePixelFormat FourCCToChromiumPixelFormat(FourCharCode code) {
- switch (code) {
- case kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8:
- case CoreMediaGlue::kCMPixelFormat_422YpCbCr8_yuvs:
- case CoreMediaGlue::kCMVideoCodecType_JPEG_OpenDML:
- default:
- }
-@implementation VideoCaptureDeviceAVFoundation
-#pragma mark Class methods
-+ (void)getDeviceNames:(NSMutableDictionary*)deviceNames {
- // At this stage we already know that AVFoundation is supported and the whole
- // library is loaded and initialised, by the device monitoring.
- NSArray* devices = [AVCaptureDeviceGlue devices];
- for (CrAVCaptureDevice* device in devices) {
- if (([device hasMediaType:AVFoundationGlue::AVMediaTypeVideo()] ||
- [device hasMediaType:AVFoundationGlue::AVMediaTypeMuxed()]) &&
- ![device isSuspended]) {
- DeviceNameAndTransportType* nameAndTransportType =
- [[[DeviceNameAndTransportType alloc]
- initWithName:[device localizedName]
- transportType:[device transportType]] autorelease];
- [deviceNames setObject:nameAndTransportType
- forKey:[device uniqueID]];
- }
- }
-+ (NSDictionary*)deviceNames {
- NSMutableDictionary* deviceNames =
- [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init] autorelease];
- // The device name retrieval is not going to happen in the main thread, and
- // this might cause instabilities (it did in QTKit), so keep an eye here.
- [self getDeviceNames:deviceNames];
- return deviceNames;
-+ (void)getDevice:(const media::VideoCaptureDevice::Name&)name
- supportedFormats:(media::VideoCaptureFormats*)formats{
- NSArray* devices = [AVCaptureDeviceGlue devices];
- CrAVCaptureDevice* device = nil;
- for (device in devices) {
- if ([[device uniqueID] UTF8String] ==
- break;
- }
- if (device == nil)
- return;
- for (CrAVCaptureDeviceFormat* format in device.formats) {
- // MediaSubType is a CMPixelFormatType but can be used as CVPixelFormatType
- // as well according to CMFormatDescription.h
- const media::VideoCapturePixelFormat pixelFormat =
- FourCCToChromiumPixelFormat(
- CoreMediaGlue::CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaSubType(
- [format formatDescription]));
- CoreMediaGlue::CMVideoDimensions dimensions =
- CoreMediaGlue::CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(
- [format formatDescription]);
- for (CrAVFrameRateRange* frameRate in
- [format videoSupportedFrameRateRanges]) {
- media::VideoCaptureFormat format(
- gfx::Size(dimensions.width, dimensions.height),
- frameRate.maxFrameRate,
- pixelFormat);
- formats->push_back(format);
- DVLOG(2) << << " "
- << media::VideoCaptureFormat::ToString(format);
- }
- }
-#pragma mark Public methods
-- (id)initWithFrameReceiver:(media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac*)frameReceiver {
- if ((self = [super init])) {
- DCHECK(main_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(frameReceiver);
- [self setFrameReceiver:frameReceiver];
- captureSession_.reset(
- [[AVFoundationGlue::AVCaptureSessionClass() alloc] init]);
- }
- return self;
-- (void)dealloc {
- [self stopCapture];
- [super dealloc];
-- (void)setFrameReceiver:(media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac*)frameReceiver {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- frameReceiver_ = frameReceiver;
-- (BOOL)setCaptureDevice:(NSString*)deviceId {
- DCHECK(captureSession_);
- DCHECK(main_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (!deviceId) {
- // First stop the capture session, if it's running.
- [self stopCapture];
- // Now remove the input and output from the capture session.
- [captureSession_ removeOutput:captureVideoDataOutput_];
- if (captureDeviceInput_) {
- [captureSession_ removeInput:captureDeviceInput_];
- // No need to release |captureDeviceInput_|, is owned by the session.
- captureDeviceInput_ = nil;
- }
- return YES;
- }
- // Look for input device with requested name.
- captureDevice_ = [AVCaptureDeviceGlue deviceWithUniqueID:deviceId];
- if (!captureDevice_) {
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithUTF8String:"Could not open video capture device."]];
- return NO;
- }
- // Create the capture input associated with the device. Easy peasy.
- NSError* error = nil;
- captureDeviceInput_ = [AVCaptureDeviceInputGlue
- deviceInputWithDevice:captureDevice_
- error:&error];
- if (!captureDeviceInput_) {
- captureDevice_ = nil;
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithFormat:@"Could not create video capture input (%@): %@",
- [error localizedDescription],
- [error localizedFailureReason]]];
- return NO;
- }
- [captureSession_ addInput:captureDeviceInput_];
- // Create a new data output for video. The data output is configured to
- // discard late frames by default.
- captureVideoDataOutput_.reset(
- [[AVFoundationGlue::AVCaptureVideoDataOutputClass() alloc] init]);
- if (!captureVideoDataOutput_) {
- [captureSession_ removeInput:captureDeviceInput_];
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithUTF8String:"Could not create video data output."]];
- return NO;
- }
- [captureVideoDataOutput_ setAlwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames:true];
- [captureVideoDataOutput_
- setSampleBufferDelegate:self
- queue:dispatch_get_global_queue(
- [captureSession_ addOutput:captureVideoDataOutput_];
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)setCaptureHeight:(int)height
- width:(int)width
- frameRate:(float)frameRate {
- // Check if either of VideoCaptureDeviceMac::AllocateAndStart() or
- // VideoCaptureDeviceMac::ReceiveFrame() is calling here, depending on the
- // running state. VCDM::ReceiveFrame() calls here to change aspect ratio.
- DCHECK((![captureSession_ isRunning] &&
- main_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()) ||
- callback_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- frameWidth_ = width;
- frameHeight_ = height;
- frameRate_ = frameRate;
- FourCharCode best_fourcc = kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8;
- const bool prefer_mjpeg =
- width > kMjpegWidthThreshold || height > kMjpegHeightThreshold;
- for (CrAVCaptureDeviceFormat* format in captureDevice_.formats) {
- const FourCharCode fourcc =
- CoreMediaGlue::CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaSubType(
- [format formatDescription]);
- if (prefer_mjpeg &&
- fourcc == CoreMediaGlue::kCMVideoCodecType_JPEG_OpenDML) {
- best_fourcc = fourcc;
- break;
- }
- // Compare according to Chromium preference.
- if (FourCCToChromiumPixelFormat(fourcc) <
- FourCCToChromiumPixelFormat(best_fourcc)) {
- best_fourcc = fourcc;
- }
- }
- // The capture output has to be configured, despite Mac documentation
- // detailing that setting the sessionPreset would be enough. The reason for
- // this mismatch is probably because most of the AVFoundation docs are written
- // for iOS and not for MacOsX. AVVideoScalingModeKey() refers to letterboxing
- // yes/no and preserve aspect ratio yes/no when scaling. Currently we set
- // cropping and preservation.
- NSDictionary* videoSettingsDictionary = @{
- (id)kCVPixelBufferWidthKey : @(width),
- (id)kCVPixelBufferHeightKey : @(height),
- (id)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey : @(best_fourcc),
- AVFoundationGlue::AVVideoScalingModeKey() :
- AVFoundationGlue::AVVideoScalingModeResizeAspectFill()
- };
- [captureVideoDataOutput_ setVideoSettings:videoSettingsDictionary];
- CrAVCaptureConnection* captureConnection = [captureVideoDataOutput_
- connectionWithMediaType:AVFoundationGlue::AVMediaTypeVideo()];
- // Check selector existence, related to bugs and
- //
- // CMTimeMake accepts integer argumenst but |frameRate| is float, round it.
- if ([captureConnection
- respondsToSelector:@selector(isVideoMinFrameDurationSupported)] &&
- [captureConnection isVideoMinFrameDurationSupported]) {
- [captureConnection setVideoMinFrameDuration:
- CoreMediaGlue::CMTimeMake(media::kFrameRatePrecision,
- (int)(frameRate * media::kFrameRatePrecision))];
- }
- if ([captureConnection
- respondsToSelector:@selector(isVideoMaxFrameDurationSupported)] &&
- [captureConnection isVideoMaxFrameDurationSupported]) {
- [captureConnection setVideoMaxFrameDuration:
- CoreMediaGlue::CMTimeMake(media::kFrameRatePrecision,
- (int)(frameRate * media::kFrameRatePrecision))];
- }
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)startCapture {
- DCHECK(main_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (!captureSession_) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Video capture session not initialized.";
- return NO;
- }
- // Connect the notifications.
- NSNotificationCenter* nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
- [nc addObserver:self
- selector:@selector(onVideoError:)
- name:AVFoundationGlue::AVCaptureSessionRuntimeErrorNotification()
- object:captureSession_];
- [captureSession_ startRunning];
- return YES;
-- (void)stopCapture {
- DCHECK(main_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if ([captureSession_ isRunning])
- [captureSession_ stopRunning]; // Synchronous.
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
-#pragma mark Private methods
-// |captureOutput| is called by the capture device to deliver a new frame.
-- (void)captureOutput:(CrAVCaptureOutput*)captureOutput
- didOutputSampleBuffer:(CoreMediaGlue::CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer
- fromConnection:(CrAVCaptureConnection*)connection {
- // AVFoundation calls from a number of threads, depending on, at least, if
- // Chrome is on foreground or background. Sample the actual thread here.
- callback_thread_checker_.DetachFromThread();
- CHECK(callback_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- const CoreMediaGlue::CMFormatDescriptionRef formatDescription =
- CoreMediaGlue::CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription(sampleBuffer);
- const FourCharCode fourcc =
- CoreMediaGlue::CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaSubType(formatDescription);
- const CoreMediaGlue::CMVideoDimensions dimensions =
- CoreMediaGlue::CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(formatDescription);
- const media::VideoCaptureFormat captureFormat(
- gfx::Size(dimensions.width, dimensions.height),
- frameRate_,
- FourCCToChromiumPixelFormat(fourcc));
- char* baseAddress = 0;
- size_t frameSize = 0;
- CVImageBufferRef videoFrame = nil;
- if (fourcc == CoreMediaGlue::kCMVideoCodecType_JPEG_OpenDML) {
- // If MJPEG, use block buffer instead of pixel buffer.
- CoreMediaGlue::CMBlockBufferRef blockBuffer =
- CoreMediaGlue::CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer(sampleBuffer);
- if (blockBuffer) {
- size_t lengthAtOffset;
- CoreMediaGlue::CMBlockBufferGetDataPointer(
- blockBuffer, 0, &lengthAtOffset, &frameSize, &baseAddress);
- // Expect the MJPEG data to be available as a contiguous reference, i.e.
- // not covered by multiple memory blocks.
- CHECK_EQ(lengthAtOffset, frameSize);
- }
- } else {
- videoFrame = CoreMediaGlue::CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer);
- // Lock the frame and calculate frame size.
- if (CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(videoFrame, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly) ==
- kCVReturnSuccess) {
- baseAddress = static_cast<char*>(CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(videoFrame));
- frameSize = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(videoFrame) *
- CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(videoFrame);
- } else {
- videoFrame = nil;
- }
- }
- {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (frameReceiver_ && baseAddress) {
- frameReceiver_->ReceiveFrame(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(baseAddress),
- frameSize, captureFormat, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- if (videoFrame)
- CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(videoFrame, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly);
-- (void)onVideoError:(NSNotification*)errorNotification {
- NSError* error = base::mac::ObjCCast<NSError>([[errorNotification userInfo]
- objectForKey:AVFoundationGlue::AVCaptureSessionErrorKey()]);
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@",
- [error localizedDescription],
- [error localizedFailureReason]]];
-- (void)sendErrorString:(NSString*)error {
- DLOG(ERROR) << [error UTF8String];
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (frameReceiver_)
- frameReceiver_->ReceiveError([error UTF8String]);
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_decklink_mac.h b/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_decklink_mac.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 45e697d..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_decklink_mac.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Implementation of VideoCaptureDevice class for Blackmagic video capture
-// devices by using the DeckLink SDK.
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
-namespace {
-class DeckLinkCaptureDelegate;
-} // namespace
-namespace media {
-// Extension of VideoCaptureDevice to create and manipulate Blackmagic devices.
-// Creates a reference counted |decklink_capture_delegate_| that does all the
-// DeckLink SDK configuration and capture work while holding a weak reference to
-// us for sending back frames, logs and error messages.
-class MEDIA_EXPORT VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac : public VideoCaptureDevice {
- public:
- // Gets the names of all DeckLink video capture devices connected to this
- // computer, as enumerated by the DeckLink SDK. To allow the user to choose
- // exactly which capture format she wants, we enumerate as many cameras as
- // capture formats.
- static void EnumerateDevices(VideoCaptureDevice::Names* device_names);
- // Gets the supported formats of a particular device attached to the system,
- // identified by |device|. Formats are retrieved from the DeckLink SDK.
- // Following the enumeration, each camera will have only one capability.
- static void EnumerateDeviceCapabilities(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats);
- explicit VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac(const Name& device_name);
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac() override;
- // Copy of VideoCaptureDevice::Client::OnIncomingCapturedData(). Used by
- // |decklink_capture_delegate_| to forward captured frames.
- void OnIncomingCapturedData(const uint8* data,
- size_t length,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
- int rotation, // Clockwise.
- base::TimeTicks timestamp);
- // Forwarder to VideoCaptureDevice::Client::OnError().
- void SendErrorString(const std::string& reason);
- // Forwarder to VideoCaptureDevice::Client::OnLog().
- void SendLogString(const std::string& message);
- private:
- // VideoCaptureDevice implementation.
- void AllocateAndStart(const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) override;
- void StopAndDeAllocate() override;
- // Protects concurrent setting and using of |client_|.
- base::Lock lock_;
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client_;
- // Reference counted handle to the DeckLink capture delegate, ref counted by
- // the DeckLink SDK as well.
- scoped_refptr<DeckLinkCaptureDelegate> decklink_capture_delegate_;
- // Checks for Device (a.k.a. Audio) thread.
- base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/ b/media/video/capture/mac/
deleted file mode 100644
index ce334e0..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/mac/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_decklink_mac.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
-#include "third_party/decklink/mac/include/DeckLinkAPI.h"
-namespace {
-// DeckLink SDK uses ScopedComPtr-style APIs. Chrome ScopedComPtr is only
-// available for Windows builds. This is a verbatim knock-off of the needed
-// parts of base::win::ScopedComPtr<> for ref counting.
-template <class T>
-class ScopedDeckLinkPtr : public scoped_refptr<T> {
- private:
- using scoped_refptr<T>::ptr_;
- public:
- T** Receive() {
- DCHECK(!ptr_) << "Object leak. Pointer must be NULL";
- return &ptr_;
- }
- void** ReceiveVoid() {
- return reinterpret_cast<void**>(Receive());
- }
- void Release() {
- if (ptr_ != NULL) {
- ptr_->Release();
- ptr_ = NULL;
- }
- }
-// This class is used to interact directly with DeckLink SDK for video capture.
-// Implements the reference counted interface IUnknown. Has a weak reference to
-// VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac for sending captured frames, error messages and
-// logs.
-class DeckLinkCaptureDelegate :
- public IDeckLinkInputCallback,
- public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DeckLinkCaptureDelegate> {
- public:
- DeckLinkCaptureDelegate(const media::VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name,
- media::VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac* frame_receiver);
- void AllocateAndStart(const media::VideoCaptureParams& params);
- void StopAndDeAllocate();
- // Remove the VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac's weak reference.
- void ResetVideoCaptureDeviceReference();
- private:
- // IDeckLinkInputCallback interface implementation.
- HRESULT VideoInputFormatChanged(
- BMDVideoInputFormatChangedEvents notification_events,
- IDeckLinkDisplayMode* new_display_mode,
- BMDDetectedVideoInputFormatFlags detected_signal_flags) override;
- HRESULT VideoInputFrameArrived(
- IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame* video_frame,
- IDeckLinkAudioInputPacket* audio_packet) override;
- // IUnknown interface implementation.
- HRESULT QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppv) override;
- ULONG AddRef() override;
- ULONG Release() override;
- // Forwarder to VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::SendErrorString().
- void SendErrorString(const std::string& reason);
- // Forwarder to VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::SendLogString().
- void SendLogString(const std::string& message);
- const media::VideoCaptureDevice::Name device_name_;
- // Protects concurrent setting and using of |frame_receiver_|.
- base::Lock lock_;
- // Weak reference to the captured frames client, used also for error messages
- // and logging. Initialized on construction and used until cleared by calling
- // ResetVideoCaptureDeviceReference().
- media::VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac* frame_receiver_;
- // This is used to control the video capturing device input interface.
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkInput> decklink_input_;
- // |decklink_| represents a physical device attached to the host.
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLink> decklink_;
- // Checks for Device (a.k.a. Audio) thread.
- base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
- friend class scoped_refptr<DeckLinkCaptureDelegate>;
- friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DeckLinkCaptureDelegate>;
- ~DeckLinkCaptureDelegate() override;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DeckLinkCaptureDelegate);
-static float GetDisplayModeFrameRate(
- const ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkDisplayMode>& display_mode) {
- BMDTimeValue time_value, time_scale;
- float display_mode_frame_rate = 0.0f;
- if (display_mode->GetFrameRate(&time_value, &time_scale) == S_OK &&
- time_value > 0) {
- display_mode_frame_rate = static_cast<float>(time_scale) / time_value;
- }
- // Interlaced formats are going to be marked as double the frame rate,
- // which follows the general naming convention.
- if (display_mode->GetFieldDominance() == bmdLowerFieldFirst ||
- display_mode->GetFieldDominance() == bmdUpperFieldFirst) {
- display_mode_frame_rate *= 2.0f;
- }
- return display_mode_frame_rate;
- const media::VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name,
- media::VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac* frame_receiver)
- : device_name_(device_name),
- frame_receiver_(frame_receiver) {
-DeckLinkCaptureDelegate::~DeckLinkCaptureDelegate() {}
-void DeckLinkCaptureDelegate::AllocateAndStart(
- const media::VideoCaptureParams& params) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- scoped_refptr<IDeckLinkIterator> decklink_iter(
- CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance());
- DLOG_IF(ERROR, !decklink_iter.get()) << "Error creating DeckLink iterator";
- if (!decklink_iter.get())
- return;
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLink> decklink_local;
- while (decklink_iter->Next(decklink_local.Receive()) == S_OK) {
- CFStringRef device_model_name = NULL;
- if ((decklink_local->GetModelName(&device_model_name) == S_OK) ||
- ( == base::SysCFStringRefToUTF8(device_model_name))) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!decklink_local.get()) {
- SendErrorString("Device id not found in the system");
- return;
- }
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkInput> decklink_input_local;
- if (decklink_local->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkInput,
- decklink_input_local.ReceiveVoid()) != S_OK) {
- SendErrorString("Error querying input interface.");
- return;
- }
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator> display_mode_iter;
- if (decklink_input_local->GetDisplayModeIterator(
- display_mode_iter.Receive()) != S_OK) {
- SendErrorString("Error creating Display Mode Iterator");
- return;
- }
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkDisplayMode> chosen_display_mode;
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkDisplayMode> display_mode;
- float min_diff = FLT_MAX;
- while (display_mode_iter->Next(display_mode.Receive()) == S_OK) {
- const float diff = labs(display_mode->GetWidth() -
- params.requested_format.frame_size.width()) +
- labs(params.requested_format.frame_size.height() -
- display_mode->GetHeight()) + fabs(params.requested_format.frame_rate -
- GetDisplayModeFrameRate(display_mode));
- if (diff < min_diff) {
- chosen_display_mode = display_mode;
- min_diff = diff;
- }
- display_mode.Release();
- }
- if (!chosen_display_mode.get()) {
- SendErrorString("Could not find a display mode");
- return;
- }
-#if !defined(NDEBUG)
- DVLOG(1) << "Requested format: "
- << media::VideoCaptureFormat::ToString(params.requested_format);
- CFStringRef format_name = NULL;
- if (chosen_display_mode->GetName(&format_name) == S_OK)
- DVLOG(1) << "Chosen format: " << base::SysCFStringRefToUTF8(format_name);
- // Enable video input. Configure for no input video format change detection,
- // this in turn will disable calls to VideoInputFormatChanged().
- if (decklink_input_local->EnableVideoInput(
- chosen_display_mode->GetDisplayMode(), bmdFormat8BitYUV,
- bmdVideoInputFlagDefault) != S_OK) {
- SendErrorString("Could not select the video format we like.");
- return;
- }
- decklink_input_local->SetCallback(this);
- if (decklink_input_local->StartStreams() != S_OK)
- SendErrorString("Could not start capturing");
- decklink_.swap(decklink_local);
- decklink_input_.swap(decklink_input_local);
-void DeckLinkCaptureDelegate::StopAndDeAllocate() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (!decklink_input_.get())
- return;
- if (decklink_input_->StopStreams() != S_OK)
- SendLogString("Problem stopping capture.");
- decklink_input_->SetCallback(NULL);
- decklink_input_->DisableVideoInput();
- decklink_input_.Release();
- decklink_.Release();
- ResetVideoCaptureDeviceReference();
-HRESULT DeckLinkCaptureDelegate::VideoInputFormatChanged(
- BMDVideoInputFormatChangedEvents notification_events,
- IDeckLinkDisplayMode *new_display_mode,
- BMDDetectedVideoInputFormatFlags detected_signal_flags) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- return S_OK;
-HRESULT DeckLinkCaptureDelegate::VideoInputFrameArrived(
- IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame* video_frame,
- IDeckLinkAudioInputPacket* /* audio_packet */) {
- // Capture frames are manipulated as an IDeckLinkVideoFrame.
- uint8* video_data = NULL;
- video_frame->GetBytes(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&video_data));
- media::VideoCapturePixelFormat pixel_format =
- switch (video_frame->GetPixelFormat()) {
- case bmdFormat8BitYUV: // A.k.a. '2vuy';
- pixel_format = media::VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_UYVY;
- break;
- case bmdFormat8BitARGB:
- pixel_format = media::VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB;
- break;
- default:
- SendErrorString("Unsupported pixel format");
- break;
- }
- const media::VideoCaptureFormat capture_format(
- gfx::Size(video_frame->GetWidth(), video_frame->GetHeight()),
- 0.0f, // Frame rate is not needed for captured data callback.
- pixel_format);
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (frame_receiver_) {
- frame_receiver_->OnIncomingCapturedData(
- video_data,
- video_frame->GetRowBytes() * video_frame->GetHeight(),
- capture_format,
- 0, // Rotation.
- base::TimeTicks::Now());
- }
- return S_OK;
-HRESULT DeckLinkCaptureDelegate::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppv) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- CFUUIDBytes iunknown = CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(IUnknownUUID);
- if (memcmp(&iid, &iunknown, sizeof(REFIID)) == 0 ||
- memcmp(&iid, &IID_IDeckLinkInputCallback, sizeof(REFIID)) == 0) {
- *ppv = static_cast<IDeckLinkInputCallback*>(this);
- AddRef();
- return S_OK;
- }
-ULONG DeckLinkCaptureDelegate::AddRef() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DeckLinkCaptureDelegate>::AddRef();
- return 1;
-ULONG DeckLinkCaptureDelegate::Release() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- bool ret_value = !HasOneRef();
- base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DeckLinkCaptureDelegate>::Release();
- return ret_value;
-void DeckLinkCaptureDelegate::SendErrorString(const std::string& reason) {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (frame_receiver_)
- frame_receiver_->SendErrorString(reason);
-void DeckLinkCaptureDelegate::SendLogString(const std::string& message) {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (frame_receiver_)
- frame_receiver_->SendLogString(message);
-void DeckLinkCaptureDelegate::ResetVideoCaptureDeviceReference() {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- frame_receiver_ = NULL;
-} // namespace
-namespace media {
-static std::string JoinDeviceNameAndFormat(CFStringRef name,
- CFStringRef format) {
- return base::SysCFStringRefToUTF8(name) + " - " +
- base::SysCFStringRefToUTF8(format);
-// static
-void VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::EnumerateDevices(
- VideoCaptureDevice::Names* device_names) {
- scoped_refptr<IDeckLinkIterator> decklink_iter(
- CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance());
- // At this point, not being able to create a DeckLink iterator means that
- // there are no Blackmagic DeckLink devices in the system, don't print error.
- DVLOG_IF(1, !decklink_iter.get()) << "Could not create DeckLink iterator";
- if (!decklink_iter.get())
- return;
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLink> decklink;
- while (decklink_iter->Next(decklink.Receive()) == S_OK) {
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLink> decklink_local;
- decklink_local.swap(decklink);
- CFStringRef device_model_name = NULL;
- HRESULT hr = decklink_local->GetModelName(&device_model_name);
- DVLOG_IF(1, hr != S_OK) << "Error reading Blackmagic device model name";
- CFStringRef device_display_name = NULL;
- hr = decklink_local->GetDisplayName(&device_display_name);
- DVLOG_IF(1, hr != S_OK) << "Error reading Blackmagic device display name";
- DVLOG_IF(1, hr == S_OK) << "Blackmagic device found with name: " <<
- base::SysCFStringRefToUTF8(device_display_name);
- if (!device_model_name && !device_display_name)
- continue;
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkInput> decklink_input;
- if (decklink_local->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkInput,
- decklink_input.ReceiveVoid()) != S_OK) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Error Blackmagic querying input interface.";
- return;
- }
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator> display_mode_iter;
- if (decklink_input->GetDisplayModeIterator(display_mode_iter.Receive()) !=
- S_OK) {
- continue;
- }
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkDisplayMode> display_mode;
- while (display_mode_iter->Next(display_mode.Receive()) == S_OK) {
- CFStringRef format_name = NULL;
- if (display_mode->GetName(&format_name) == S_OK) {
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name name(
- JoinDeviceNameAndFormat(device_display_name, format_name),
- JoinDeviceNameAndFormat(device_model_name, format_name),
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name::DECKLINK,
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name::OTHER_TRANSPORT);
- device_names->push_back(name);
- DVLOG(1) << "Blackmagic camera enumerated: " <<;
- }
- display_mode.Release();
- }
- }
-// static
-void VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::EnumerateDeviceCapabilities(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) {
- scoped_refptr<IDeckLinkIterator> decklink_iter(
- CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance());
- DLOG_IF(ERROR, !decklink_iter.get()) << "Error creating DeckLink iterator";
- if (!decklink_iter.get())
- return;
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLink> decklink;
- while (decklink_iter->Next(decklink.Receive()) == S_OK) {
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLink> decklink_local;
- decklink_local.swap(decklink);
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkInput> decklink_input;
- if (decklink_local->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkInput,
- decklink_input.ReceiveVoid()) != S_OK) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Error Blackmagic querying input interface.";
- return;
- }
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator> display_mode_iter;
- if (decklink_input->GetDisplayModeIterator(display_mode_iter.Receive()) !=
- S_OK) {
- continue;
- }
- CFStringRef device_model_name = NULL;
- if (decklink_local->GetModelName(&device_model_name) != S_OK)
- continue;
- ScopedDeckLinkPtr<IDeckLinkDisplayMode> display_mode;
- while (display_mode_iter->Next(display_mode.Receive()) == S_OK) {
- CFStringRef format_name = NULL;
- if (display_mode->GetName(&format_name) == S_OK && !=
- JoinDeviceNameAndFormat(device_model_name, format_name)) {
- display_mode.Release();
- continue;
- }
- // IDeckLinkDisplayMode does not have information on pixel format, this
- // is only available on capture.
- const media::VideoCaptureFormat format(
- gfx::Size(display_mode->GetWidth(), display_mode->GetHeight()),
- GetDisplayModeFrameRate(display_mode),
- supported_formats->push_back(format);
- DVLOG(2) << << " " << VideoCaptureFormat::ToString(format);
- display_mode.Release();
- }
- return;
- }
- const Name& device_name)
- : decklink_capture_delegate_(
- new DeckLinkCaptureDelegate(device_name, this)) {
-VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::~VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac() {
- decklink_capture_delegate_->ResetVideoCaptureDeviceReference();
-void VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::OnIncomingCapturedData(
- const uint8* data,
- size_t length,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
- int rotation, // Clockwise.
- base::TimeTicks timestamp) {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (client_) {
- client_->OnIncomingCapturedData(data, length, frame_format, rotation,
- timestamp);
- }
-void VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::SendErrorString(const std::string& reason) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (client_)
- client_->OnError(reason);
-void VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::SendLogString(const std::string& message) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (client_)
- client_->OnLog(message);
-void VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::AllocateAndStart(
- const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- client_ = client.Pass();
- if (decklink_capture_delegate_.get())
- decklink_capture_delegate_->AllocateAndStart(params);
-void VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::StopAndDeAllocate() {
- if (decklink_capture_delegate_.get())
- decklink_capture_delegate_->StopAndDeAllocate();
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_factory_mac.h b/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_factory_mac.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f3a180c..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Implementation of a VideoCaptureDeviceFactory class for Mac.
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h"
-namespace media {
-// Extension of VideoCaptureDeviceFactory to create and manipulate Mac devices.
-class MEDIA_EXPORT VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac :
- public VideoCaptureDeviceFactory {
- public:
- static bool PlatformSupportsAVFoundation();
- explicit VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac(
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner);
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac() override;
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) override;
- void GetDeviceNames(VideoCaptureDevice::Names* device_names) override;
- void EnumerateDeviceNames(const base::Callback<
- void(scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDevice::Names>)>& callback) override;
- void GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) override;
- private:
- // Cache of |ui_task_runner| for enumerating devices there for QTKit.
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac);
-} // namespace media
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deleted file mode 100644
index 443b7f3..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/mac/
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@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_factory_mac.h"
-#import <IOKit/audio/IOAudioTypes.h>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/profiler/scoped_tracker.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-#include "base/task_runner_util.h"
-#import "media/base/mac/avfoundation_glue.h"
-#import "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_avfoundation_mac.h"
-#import "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_decklink_mac.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_mac.h"
-#import "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_qtkit_mac.h"
-namespace media {
-// In QTKit API, some devices are known to crash if VGA is requested, for them
-// HD is the only supported resolution (see In the
-// AVfoundation case, we skip enumerating them altogether. These devices are
-// identified by a characteristic trailing substring of uniqueId. At the moment
-// these are just Blackmagic devices.
-const struct NameAndVid {
- const char* unique_id_signature;
- const int capture_width;
- const int capture_height;
- const float capture_frame_rate;
-} kBlacklistedCameras[] = { {"-01FDA82C8A9C", 1280, 720, 60.0f } };
-static bool IsDeviceBlacklisted(const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& name) {
- bool is_device_blacklisted = false;
- for(size_t i = 0;
- !is_device_blacklisted && i < arraysize(kBlacklistedCameras); ++i) {
- is_device_blacklisted =
- base::EndsWith(,
- kBlacklistedCameras[i].unique_id_signature,
- base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII);
- }
- DVLOG_IF(2, is_device_blacklisted) << "Blacklisted camera: " <<
- << ", id: " <<;
- return is_device_blacklisted;
-static scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDevice::Names>
-EnumerateDevicesUsingQTKit() {
- // TODO(erikchen): Remove ScopedTracker below once is
- // fixed.
- tracked_objects::ScopedTracker tracking_profile(
- "458397 media::EnumerateDevicesUsingQTKit"));
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names> device_names(
- new VideoCaptureDevice::Names());
- NSMutableDictionary* capture_devices =
- [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init] autorelease];
- [VideoCaptureDeviceQTKit getDeviceNames:capture_devices];
- for (NSString* key in capture_devices) {
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name name(
- [[[capture_devices valueForKey:key] deviceName] UTF8String],
- [key UTF8String], VideoCaptureDevice::Name::QTKIT);
- if (IsDeviceBlacklisted(name))
- name.set_is_blacklisted(true);
- device_names->push_back(name);
- }
- return device_names.Pass();
-static void RunDevicesEnumeratedCallback(
- const base::Callback<void(scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDevice::Names>)>&
- callback,
- scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDevice::Names> device_names) {
- // TODO(erikchen): Remove ScopedTracker below once is
- // fixed.
- tracked_objects::ScopedTracker tracking_profile(
- "458397 media::RunDevicesEnumeratedCallback"));
- callback.Run(device_names.Pass());
-// static
-bool VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac::PlatformSupportsAVFoundation() {
- return AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported();
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner)
- : ui_task_runner_(ui_task_runner) {
- thread_checker_.DetachFromThread();
-VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac::~VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac() {}
-scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac::Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK_NE(device_name.capture_api_type(),
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name::API_TYPE_UNKNOWN);
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> capture_device;
- if (device_name.capture_api_type() == VideoCaptureDevice::Name::DECKLINK) {
- capture_device.reset(new VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac(device_name));
- } else {
- VideoCaptureDeviceMac* device = new VideoCaptureDeviceMac(device_name);
- capture_device.reset(device);
- if (!device->Init(device_name.capture_api_type())) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Could not initialize VideoCaptureDevice.";
- capture_device.reset();
- }
- }
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice>(capture_device.Pass());
-void VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac::GetDeviceNames(
- VideoCaptureDevice::Names* device_names) {
- // TODO(erikchen): Remove ScopedTracker below once is
- // fixed.
- tracked_objects::ScopedTracker tracking_profile(
- "458397 VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac::GetDeviceNames"));
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- // Loop through all available devices and add to |device_names|.
- NSDictionary* capture_devices;
- if (AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported()) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Enumerating video capture devices using AVFoundation";
- capture_devices = [VideoCaptureDeviceAVFoundation deviceNames];
- // Enumerate all devices found by AVFoundation, translate the info for each
- // to class Name and add it to |device_names|.
- for (NSString* key in capture_devices) {
- int transport_type = [[capture_devices valueForKey:key] transportType];
- // Transport types are defined for Audio devices and reused for video.
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name::TransportType device_transport_type =
- (transport_type == kIOAudioDeviceTransportTypeBuiltIn ||
- transport_type == kIOAudioDeviceTransportTypeUSB)
- ? VideoCaptureDevice::Name::USB_OR_BUILT_IN
- : VideoCaptureDevice::Name::OTHER_TRANSPORT;
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name name(
- [[[capture_devices valueForKey:key] deviceName] UTF8String],
- [key UTF8String], VideoCaptureDevice::Name::AVFOUNDATION,
- device_transport_type);
- if (IsDeviceBlacklisted(name))
- continue;
- device_names->push_back(name);
- }
- // Also retrieve Blackmagic devices, if present, via DeckLink SDK API.
- VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::EnumerateDevices(device_names);
- } else {
- // We should not enumerate QTKit devices in Device Thread;
- }
-void VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac::EnumerateDeviceNames(const base::Callback<
- void(scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDevice::Names>)>& callback) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported()) {
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names> device_names(
- new VideoCaptureDevice::Names());
- GetDeviceNames(device_names.get());
- callback.Run(device_names.Pass());
- } else {
- DVLOG(1) << "Enumerating video capture devices using QTKit";
- base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(ui_task_runner_.get(), FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&EnumerateDevicesUsingQTKit),
- base::Bind(&RunDevicesEnumeratedCallback, callback));
- }
-void VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac::GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- switch (device.capture_api_type()) {
- case VideoCaptureDevice::Name::AVFOUNDATION:
- DVLOG(1) << "Enumerating video capture capabilities, AVFoundation";
- [VideoCaptureDeviceAVFoundation getDevice:device
- supportedFormats:supported_formats];
- break;
- case VideoCaptureDevice::Name::QTKIT:
- // Blacklisted cameras provide their own supported format(s), otherwise no
- // such information is provided for QTKit devices.
- if (device.is_blacklisted()) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kBlacklistedCameras); ++i) {
- if (base::EndsWith(,
- kBlacklistedCameras[i].unique_id_signature,
- base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) {
- supported_formats->push_back(media::VideoCaptureFormat(
- gfx::Size(kBlacklistedCameras[i].capture_width,
- kBlacklistedCameras[i].capture_height),
- kBlacklistedCameras[i].capture_frame_rate,
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case VideoCaptureDevice::Name::DECKLINK:
- DVLOG(1) << "Enumerating video capture capabilities " <<;
- VideoCaptureDeviceDeckLinkMac::EnumerateDeviceCapabilities(
- device, supported_formats);
- break;
- default:
- }
-// static
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner) {
- return new VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac(ui_task_runner);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/ b/media/video/capture/mac/
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index 45027ba..0000000
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@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
-#import "media/base/mac/avfoundation_glue.h"
-#include "media/base/media_switches.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_factory_mac.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_mac.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace media {
-class VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMacTest : public testing::Test {
- void SetUp() override {
- AVFoundationGlue::InitializeAVFoundation();
- base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitch(
- switches::kEnableAVFoundation);
- }
- private:
- base::MessageLoop message_loop_;
-TEST_F(VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMacTest, ListDevicesAVFoundation) {
- if (!AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported()) {
- DVLOG(1) << "AVFoundation not supported, skipping test.";
- return;
- }
- VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac video_capture_device_factory(
- base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get());
- VideoCaptureDevice::Names names;
- video_capture_device_factory.GetDeviceNames(&names);
- if (!names.size()) {
- DVLOG(1) << "No camera available. Exiting test.";
- return;
- }
- // There should be no blacklisted devices, i.e. QTKit.
- std::string device_vid;
- for (VideoCaptureDevice::Names::const_iterator it = names.begin();
- it != names.end(); ++it) {
- EXPECT_EQ(it->capture_api_type(), VideoCaptureDevice::Name::AVFOUNDATION);
- }
-}; // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_mac.h b/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_mac.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe8a23..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_mac.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// MacOSX implementation of generic VideoCaptureDevice, using either QTKit or
-// AVFoundation as native capture API. QTKit is available in all OSX versions,
-// although namely deprecated in 10.9, and AVFoundation is available in versions
-// 10.7 (Lion) and later.
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-@protocol PlatformVideoCapturingMac;
-namespace base {
-class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
-// Small class to bundle device name and connection type into a dictionary.
-@interface DeviceNameAndTransportType : NSObject {
- @private
- base::scoped_nsobject<NSString> deviceName_;
- // The transport type of the device (USB, PCI, etc), values are defined in
- // <IOKit/audio/IOAudioTypes.h> as kIOAudioDeviceTransportType*.
- int32_t transportType_;
-- (id)initWithName:(NSString*)name transportType:(int32_t)transportType;
-- (NSString*)deviceName;
-- (int32_t)transportType;
-namespace media {
-enum {
- // Unknown transport type, addition to the kIOAudioDeviceTransportType*
- // family for QTKit devices where this attribute isn't published.
- kIOAudioDeviceTransportTypeUnknown = 'unkn'
-// Called by VideoCaptureManager to open, close and start, stop Mac video
-// capture devices.
-class VideoCaptureDeviceMac : public VideoCaptureDevice {
- public:
- explicit VideoCaptureDeviceMac(const Name& device_name);
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceMac() override;
- // VideoCaptureDevice implementation.
- void AllocateAndStart(const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) override;
- void StopAndDeAllocate() override;
- bool Init(VideoCaptureDevice::Name::CaptureApiType capture_api_type);
- // Called to deliver captured video frames.
- void ReceiveFrame(const uint8* video_frame,
- int video_frame_length,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
- int aspect_numerator,
- int aspect_denominator);
- // Forwarder to VideoCaptureDevice::Client::OnError().
- void ReceiveError(const std::string& reason);
- // Forwarder to VideoCaptureDevice::Client::OnLog().
- void LogMessage(const std::string& message);
- private:
- void SetErrorState(const std::string& reason);
- bool UpdateCaptureResolution();
- // Flag indicating the internal state.
- enum InternalState {
- kNotInitialized,
- kIdle,
- kCapturing,
- kError
- };
- Name device_name_;
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client_;
- VideoCaptureFormat capture_format_;
- // These variables control the two-step configure-start process for QTKit HD:
- // the device is first started with no configuration and the captured frames
- // are inspected to check if the camera really supports HD. AVFoundation does
- // not need this process so |final_resolution_selected_| is false then.
- bool final_resolution_selected_;
- bool tried_to_square_pixels_;
- // Only read and write state_ from inside this loop.
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
- InternalState state_;
- id<PlatformVideoCapturingMac> capture_device_;
- // Used with Bind and PostTask to ensure that methods aren't called after the
- // VideoCaptureDeviceMac is destroyed.
- // NOTE: Weak pointers must be invalidated before all other member variables.
- base::WeakPtrFactory<VideoCaptureDeviceMac> weak_factory_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VideoCaptureDeviceMac);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/ b/media/video/capture/mac/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa08e16..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/mac/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,579 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_mac.h"
-#include <IOKit/IOCFPlugIn.h>
-#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLib.h>
-#include <IOKit/usb/USBSpec.h>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/location.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_ioobject.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_ioplugininterface.h"
-#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#import "media/base/mac/avfoundation_glue.h"
-#import "media/video/capture/mac/platform_video_capturing_mac.h"
-#import "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_avfoundation_mac.h"
-#import "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_qtkit_mac.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
-@implementation DeviceNameAndTransportType
-- (id)initWithName:(NSString*)deviceName transportType:(int32_t)transportType {
- if (self = [super init]) {
- deviceName_.reset([deviceName copy]);
- transportType_ = transportType;
- }
- return self;
-- (NSString*)deviceName {
- return deviceName_;
-- (int32_t)transportType {
- return transportType_;
-@end // @implementation DeviceNameAndTransportType
-namespace media {
-// Mac specific limits for minimum and maximum frame rate.
-const float kMinFrameRate = 1.0f;
-const float kMaxFrameRate = 30.0f;
-// In device identifiers, the USB VID and PID are stored in 4 bytes each.
-const size_t kVidPidSize = 4;
-const struct Resolution {
- const int width;
- const int height;
-} kQVGA = { 320, 240 },
- kVGA = { 640, 480 },
- kHD = { 1280, 720 };
-const struct Resolution* const kWellSupportedResolutions[] = {
- &kQVGA,
- &kVGA,
- &kHD,
-// Rescaling the image to fix the pixel aspect ratio runs the risk of making
-// the aspect ratio worse, if QTKit selects a new source mode with a different
-// shape. This constant ensures that we don't take this risk if the current
-// aspect ratio is tolerable.
-const float kMaxPixelAspectRatio = 1.15;
-// The following constants are extracted from the specification "Universal
-// Serial Bus Device Class Definition for Video Devices", Rev. 1.1 June 1, 2005.
-// CS_INTERFACE: Sec. A.4 "Video Class-Specific Descriptor Types".
-const int kVcCsInterface = 0x24;
-// VC_PROCESSING_UNIT: Sec. A.5 "Video Class-Specific VC Interface Descriptor
-// Subtypes".
-const int kVcProcessingUnit = 0x5;
-// SET_CUR: Sec. A.8 "Video Class-Specific Request Codes".
-const int kVcRequestCodeSetCur = 0x1;
-// PU_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_CONTROL: Sec. A.9.5 "Processing Unit Control
-// Selectors".
-const int kPuPowerLineFrequencyControl = 0x5;
-// Sec. Power Line Frequency Control.
-const int k50Hz = 1;
-const int k60Hz = 2;
-const int kPuPowerLineFrequencyControlCommandSize = 1;
-// Addition to the IOUSB family of structures, with subtype and unit ID.
-typedef struct IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor {
- IOUSBDescriptorHeader header;
- UInt8 bDescriptorSubType;
- UInt8 bUnitID;
-} IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor;
-static void GetBestMatchSupportedResolution(gfx::Size* resolution) {
- int min_diff = kint32max;
- const int desired_area = resolution->GetArea();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kWellSupportedResolutions); ++i) {
- const int area = kWellSupportedResolutions[i]->width *
- kWellSupportedResolutions[i]->height;
- const int diff = std::abs(desired_area - area);
- if (diff < min_diff) {
- min_diff = diff;
- resolution->SetSize(kWellSupportedResolutions[i]->width,
- kWellSupportedResolutions[i]->height);
- }
- }
-// Tries to create a user-side device interface for a given USB device. Returns
-// true if interface was found and passes it back in |device_interface|. The
-// caller should release |device_interface|.
-static bool FindDeviceInterfaceInUsbDevice(
- const int vendor_id,
- const int product_id,
- const io_service_t usb_device,
- IOUSBDeviceInterface*** device_interface) {
- // Create a plugin, i.e. a user-side controller to manipulate USB device.
- IOCFPlugInInterface** plugin;
- SInt32 score; // Unused, but required for IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService.
- kern_return_t kr =
- IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(usb_device,
- kIOUSBDeviceUserClientTypeID,
- kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID,
- &plugin,
- &score);
- if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess || !plugin) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService";
- return false;
- }
- base::mac::ScopedIOPluginInterface<IOCFPlugInInterface> plugin_ref(plugin);
- // Fetch the Device Interface from the plugin.
- HRESULT res =
- (*plugin)->QueryInterface(plugin,
- CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOUSBDeviceInterfaceID),
- reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(device_interface));
- if (!SUCCEEDED(res) || !*device_interface) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "QueryInterface, couldn't create interface to USB";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-// Tries to find a Video Control type interface inside a general USB device
-// interface |device_interface|, and returns it in |video_control_interface| if
-// found. The returned interface must be released in the caller.
-static bool FindVideoControlInterfaceInDeviceInterface(
- IOUSBDeviceInterface** device_interface,
- IOCFPlugInInterface*** video_control_interface) {
- // Create an iterator to the list of Video-AVControl interfaces of the device,
- // then get the first interface in the list.
- io_iterator_t interface_iterator;
- IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest interface_request = {
- .bInterfaceClass = kUSBVideoInterfaceClass,
- .bInterfaceSubClass = kUSBVideoControlSubClass,
- .bInterfaceProtocol = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare,
- .bAlternateSetting = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare
- };
- kern_return_t kr =
- (*device_interface)->CreateInterfaceIterator(device_interface,
- &interface_request,
- &interface_iterator);
- if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create an iterator to the device's interfaces.";
- return false;
- }
- base::mac::ScopedIOObject<io_iterator_t> iterator_ref(interface_iterator);
- // There should be just one interface matching the class-subclass desired.
- io_service_t found_interface;
- found_interface = IOIteratorNext(interface_iterator);
- if (!found_interface) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not find a Video-AVControl interface in the device.";
- return false;
- }
- base::mac::ScopedIOObject<io_service_t> found_interface_ref(found_interface);
- // Create a user side controller (i.e. a "plugin") for the found interface.
- SInt32 score;
- kr = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(found_interface,
- kIOUSBInterfaceUserClientTypeID,
- kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID,
- video_control_interface,
- &score);
- if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess || !*video_control_interface) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-// Creates a control interface for |plugin_interface| and produces a command to
-// set the appropriate Power Line frequency for flicker removal.
-static void SetAntiFlickerInVideoControlInterface(
- IOCFPlugInInterface** plugin_interface,
- const int frequency) {
- // Create, the control interface for the found plugin, and release
- // the intermediate plugin.
- IOUSBInterfaceInterface** control_interface = NULL;
- HRESULT res = (*plugin_interface)->QueryInterface(
- plugin_interface,
- CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOUSBInterfaceInterfaceID),
- reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&control_interface));
- if (!SUCCEEDED(res) || !control_interface ) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn’t create control interface";
- return;
- }
- base::mac::ScopedIOPluginInterface<IOUSBInterfaceInterface>
- control_interface_ref(control_interface);
- // Find the device's unit ID presenting type 0x24 (kVcCsInterface) and
- // subtype 0x5 (kVcProcessingUnit). Inside this unit is where we find the
- // power line frequency removal setting, and this id is device dependent.
- int real_unit_id = -1;
- IOUSBDescriptorHeader* descriptor = NULL;
- IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor* cs_descriptor = NULL;
- IOUSBInterfaceInterface220** interface =
- reinterpret_cast<IOUSBInterfaceInterface220**>(control_interface);
- while ((descriptor = (*interface)->FindNextAssociatedDescriptor(
- interface, descriptor, kUSBAnyDesc))) {
- cs_descriptor =
- reinterpret_cast<IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor*>(descriptor);
- if ((descriptor->bDescriptorType == kVcCsInterface) &&
- (cs_descriptor->bDescriptorSubType == kVcProcessingUnit)) {
- real_unit_id = cs_descriptor->bUnitID;
- break;
- }
- }
- DVLOG_IF(1, real_unit_id == -1) << "This USB device doesn't seem to have a "
- << " VC_PROCESSING_UNIT, anti-flicker not available";
- if (real_unit_id == -1)
- return;
- if ((*control_interface)->USBInterfaceOpen(control_interface) !=
- kIOReturnSuccess) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open control interface";
- return;
- }
- // Create the control request and launch it to the device's control interface.
- // Note how the wIndex needs the interface number OR'ed in the lowest bits.
- IOUSBDevRequest command;
- command.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBOut,
- kUSBClass,
- kUSBInterface);
- command.bRequest = kVcRequestCodeSetCur;
- UInt8 interface_number;
- (*control_interface)->GetInterfaceNumber(control_interface,
- &interface_number);
- command.wIndex = (real_unit_id << 8) | interface_number;
- const int selector = kPuPowerLineFrequencyControl;
- command.wValue = (selector << 8);
- command.wLength = kPuPowerLineFrequencyControlCommandSize;
- command.wLenDone = 0;
- int power_line_flag_value = (frequency == 50) ? k50Hz : k60Hz;
- command.pData = &power_line_flag_value;
- IOReturn ret = (*control_interface)->ControlRequest(control_interface,
- 0, &command);
- DLOG_IF(ERROR, ret != kIOReturnSuccess) << "Anti-flicker control request"
- << " failed (0x" << std::hex << ret << "), unit id: " << real_unit_id;
- DVLOG_IF(1, ret == kIOReturnSuccess) << "Anti-flicker set to " << frequency
- << "Hz";
- (*control_interface)->USBInterfaceClose(control_interface);
-// Sets the flicker removal in a USB webcam identified by |vendor_id| and
-// |product_id|, if available. The process includes first finding all USB
-// devices matching the specified |vendor_id| and |product_id|; for each
-// matching device, a device interface, and inside it a video control interface
-// are created. The latter is used to a send a power frequency setting command.
-static void SetAntiFlickerInUsbDevice(const int vendor_id,
- const int product_id,
- const int frequency) {
- if (frequency == 0)
- return;
- DVLOG(1) << "Setting Power Line Frequency to " << frequency << " Hz, device "
- << std::hex << vendor_id << "-" << product_id;
- // Compose a search dictionary with vendor and product ID.
- CFMutableDictionaryRef query_dictionary =
- IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName);
- CFDictionarySetValue(query_dictionary, CFSTR(kUSBVendorName),
- CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &vendor_id));
- CFDictionarySetValue(query_dictionary, CFSTR(kUSBProductName),
- CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &product_id));
- io_iterator_t usb_iterator;
- kern_return_t kr = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault,
- query_dictionary,
- &usb_iterator);
- if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "No devices found with specified Vendor and Product ID.";
- return;
- }
- base::mac::ScopedIOObject<io_iterator_t> usb_iterator_ref(usb_iterator);
- while (io_service_t usb_device = IOIteratorNext(usb_iterator)) {
- base::mac::ScopedIOObject<io_service_t> usb_device_ref(usb_device);
- IOUSBDeviceInterface** device_interface = NULL;
- if (!FindDeviceInterfaceInUsbDevice(vendor_id, product_id,
- usb_device, &device_interface)) {
- return;
- }
- base::mac::ScopedIOPluginInterface<IOUSBDeviceInterface>
- device_interface_ref(device_interface);
- IOCFPlugInInterface** video_control_interface = NULL;
- if (!FindVideoControlInterfaceInDeviceInterface(device_interface,
- &video_control_interface)) {
- return;
- }
- base::mac::ScopedIOPluginInterface<IOCFPlugInInterface>
- plugin_interface_ref(video_control_interface);
- SetAntiFlickerInVideoControlInterface(video_control_interface, frequency);
- }
-const std::string VideoCaptureDevice::Name::GetModel() const {
- // Skip the AVFoundation's not USB nor built-in devices.
- if (capture_api_type() == AVFOUNDATION && transport_type() != USB_OR_BUILT_IN)
- return "";
- if (capture_api_type() == DECKLINK)
- return "";
- // Both PID and VID are 4 characters.
- if (unique_id_.size() < 2 * kVidPidSize)
- return "";
- // The last characters of device id is a concatenation of VID and then PID.
- const size_t vid_location = unique_id_.size() - 2 * kVidPidSize;
- std::string id_vendor = unique_id_.substr(vid_location, kVidPidSize);
- const size_t pid_location = unique_id_.size() - kVidPidSize;
- std::string id_product = unique_id_.substr(pid_location, kVidPidSize);
- return id_vendor + ":" + id_product;
-VideoCaptureDeviceMac::VideoCaptureDeviceMac(const Name& device_name)
- : device_name_(device_name),
- tried_to_square_pixels_(false),
- task_runner_(base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()),
- state_(kNotInitialized),
- capture_device_(nil),
- weak_factory_(this) {
- // Avoid reconfiguring AVFoundation or blacklisted devices.
- final_resolution_selected_ = AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported() ||
- device_name.is_blacklisted();
-VideoCaptureDeviceMac::~VideoCaptureDeviceMac() {
- DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- [capture_device_ release];
-void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::AllocateAndStart(
- const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) {
- DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- if (state_ != kIdle) {
- return;
- }
- // QTKit API can scale captured frame to any size requested, which would lead
- // to undesired aspect ratio changes. Try to open the camera with a known
- // supported format and let the client crop/pad the captured frames.
- gfx::Size resolution = params.requested_format.frame_size;
- if (!AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported())
- GetBestMatchSupportedResolution(&resolution);
- client_ = client.Pass();
- if (device_name_.capture_api_type() == Name::AVFOUNDATION)
- LogMessage("Using AVFoundation for device: " +;
- else
- LogMessage("Using QTKit for device: " +;
- NSString* deviceId =
- [NSString];
- [capture_device_ setFrameReceiver:this];
- if (![capture_device_ setCaptureDevice:deviceId]) {
- SetErrorState("Could not open capture device.");
- return;
- }
- capture_format_.frame_size = resolution;
- capture_format_.frame_rate =
- std::max(kMinFrameRate,
- std::min(params.requested_format.frame_rate, kMaxFrameRate));
- // Leave the pixel format selection to AVFoundation/QTKit. The pixel format
- // will be passed to |ReceiveFrame|.
- capture_format_.pixel_format = VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
- // QTKit: Set the capture resolution only if this is VGA or smaller, otherwise
- // leave it unconfigured and start capturing: QTKit will produce frames at the
- // native resolution, allowing us to identify cameras whose native resolution
- // is too low for HD. This additional information comes at a cost in startup
- // latency, because the webcam will need to be reopened if its default
- // resolution is not HD or VGA.
- // AVfoundation is configured for all resolutions.
- if (AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported() ||
- resolution.width() <= kVGA.width || resolution.height() <= kVGA.height) {
- if (!UpdateCaptureResolution())
- return;
- }
- // Try setting the power line frequency removal (anti-flicker). The built-in
- // cameras are normally suspended so the configuration must happen right
- // before starting capture and during configuration.
- const std::string& device_model = device_name_.GetModel();
- if (device_model.length() > 2 * kVidPidSize) {
- std::string vendor_id = device_model.substr(0, kVidPidSize);
- std::string model_id = device_model.substr(kVidPidSize + 1);
- int vendor_id_as_int, model_id_as_int;
- if (base::HexStringToInt(base::StringPiece(vendor_id), &vendor_id_as_int) &&
- base::HexStringToInt(base::StringPiece(model_id), &model_id_as_int)) {
- SetAntiFlickerInUsbDevice(vendor_id_as_int, model_id_as_int,
- GetPowerLineFrequencyForLocation());
- }
- }
- if (![capture_device_ startCapture]) {
- SetErrorState("Could not start capture device.");
- return;
- }
- state_ = kCapturing;
-void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::StopAndDeAllocate() {
- DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- DCHECK(state_ == kCapturing || state_ == kError) << state_;
- [capture_device_ setCaptureDevice:nil];
- [capture_device_ setFrameReceiver:nil];
- client_.reset();
- state_ = kIdle;
- tried_to_square_pixels_ = false;
-bool VideoCaptureDeviceMac::Init(
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name::CaptureApiType capture_api_type) {
- DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- DCHECK_EQ(state_, kNotInitialized);
- if (capture_api_type == Name::AVFOUNDATION) {
- capture_device_ =
- [[VideoCaptureDeviceAVFoundation alloc] initWithFrameReceiver:this];
- } else {
- capture_device_ =
- [[VideoCaptureDeviceQTKit alloc] initWithFrameReceiver:this];
- }
- if (!capture_device_)
- return false;
- state_ = kIdle;
- return true;
-void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::ReceiveFrame(
- const uint8* video_frame,
- int video_frame_length,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
- int aspect_numerator,
- int aspect_denominator) {
- // This method is safe to call from a device capture thread, i.e. any thread
- // controlled by QTKit/AVFoundation.
- if (!final_resolution_selected_) {
- DCHECK(!AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported());
- if (capture_format_.frame_size.width() > kVGA.width ||
- capture_format_.frame_size.height() > kVGA.height) {
- // We are requesting HD. Make sure that the picture is good, otherwise
- // drop down to VGA.
- bool change_to_vga = false;
- if (frame_format.frame_size.width() <
- capture_format_.frame_size.width() ||
- frame_format.frame_size.height() <
- capture_format_.frame_size.height()) {
- // These are the default capture settings, not yet configured to match
- // |capture_format_|.
- DCHECK(frame_format.frame_rate == 0);
- DVLOG(1) << "Switching to VGA because the default resolution is " <<
- frame_format.frame_size.ToString();
- change_to_vga = true;
- }
- if (capture_format_.frame_size == frame_format.frame_size &&
- aspect_numerator != aspect_denominator) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Switching to VGA because HD has nonsquare pixel " <<
- "aspect ratio " << aspect_numerator << ":" << aspect_denominator;
- change_to_vga = true;
- }
- if (change_to_vga)
- capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(kVGA.width, kVGA.height);
- }
- if (capture_format_.frame_size == frame_format.frame_size &&
- !tried_to_square_pixels_ &&
- (aspect_numerator > kMaxPixelAspectRatio * aspect_denominator ||
- aspect_denominator > kMaxPixelAspectRatio * aspect_numerator)) {
- // The requested size results in non-square PAR. Shrink the frame to 1:1
- // PAR (assuming QTKit selects the same input mode, which is not
- // guaranteed).
- int new_width = capture_format_.frame_size.width();
- int new_height = capture_format_.frame_size.height();
- if (aspect_numerator < aspect_denominator)
- new_width = (new_width * aspect_numerator) / aspect_denominator;
- else
- new_height = (new_height * aspect_denominator) / aspect_numerator;
- capture_format_.frame_size.SetSize(new_width, new_height);
- tried_to_square_pixels_ = true;
- }
- if (capture_format_.frame_size == frame_format.frame_size) {
- final_resolution_selected_ = true;
- } else {
- UpdateCaptureResolution();
- // Let the resolution update sink through QTKit and wait for next frame.
- return;
- }
- }
- // QTKit capture source can change resolution if someone else reconfigures the
- // camera, and that is fine: In AVFoundation, this
- // should not happen, it should resize internally.
- if (!AVFoundationGlue::IsAVFoundationSupported()) {
- capture_format_.frame_size = frame_format.frame_size;
- } else if (capture_format_.frame_size != frame_format.frame_size) {
- ReceiveError("Captured resolution " + frame_format.frame_size.ToString() +
- ", and expected " + capture_format_.frame_size.ToString());
- return;
- }
- client_->OnIncomingCapturedData(video_frame,
- video_frame_length,
- frame_format,
- 0,
- base::TimeTicks::Now());
-void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::ReceiveError(const std::string& reason) {
- task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&VideoCaptureDeviceMac::SetErrorState,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- reason));
-void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::SetErrorState(const std::string& reason) {
- DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- state_ = kError;
- client_->OnError(reason);
-void VideoCaptureDeviceMac::LogMessage(const std::string& message) {
- DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread());
- if (client_)
- client_->OnLog(message);
-bool VideoCaptureDeviceMac::UpdateCaptureResolution() {
- if (![capture_device_ setCaptureHeight:capture_format_.frame_size.height()
- width:capture_format_.frame_size.width()
- frameRate:capture_format_.frame_rate]) {
- ReceiveError("Could not configure capture device.");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_qtkit_mac.h b/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_qtkit_mac.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c1af697..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_qtkit_mac.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// VideoCaptureDeviceQTKit implements all QTKit related code for
-// communicating with a QTKit capture device.
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#include <vector>
-#import "media/video/capture/mac/platform_video_capturing_mac.h"
-namespace media {
-class VideoCaptureDeviceMac;
-@class QTCaptureDeviceInput;
-@class QTCaptureSession;
-@interface VideoCaptureDeviceQTKit : NSObject<PlatformVideoCapturingMac> {
- @private
- // Settings.
- float frameRate_;
- NSLock *lock_;
- media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac *frameReceiver_;
- // QTKit variables.
- QTCaptureSession *captureSession_;
- QTCaptureDeviceInput *captureDeviceInput_;
- // Buffer for adjusting frames which do not fit receiver
- // assumptions. scoped_array<> might make more sense, if the size
- // can be proven invariant.
- std::vector<UInt8> adjustedFrame_;
-// Fills up the |deviceNames| dictionary of capture devices with friendly name
-// and unique id. No thread assumptions, but this method should run in UI
-// thread, see
-+ (void)getDeviceNames:(NSMutableDictionary*)deviceNames;
-// Returns a dictionary of capture devices with friendly name and unique id, via
-// runing +getDeviceNames: on Main Thread.
-+ (NSDictionary*)deviceNames;
-// Initializes the instance and registers the frame receiver.
-- (id)initWithFrameReceiver:(media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac*)frameReceiver;
-// Set the frame receiver.
-- (void)setFrameReceiver:(media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac*)frameReceiver;
-// Sets which capture device to use. Returns YES on sucess, NO otherwise.
-- (BOOL)setCaptureDevice:(NSString*)deviceId;
-// Configures the capture properties.
-- (BOOL)setCaptureHeight:(int)height
- width:(int)width
- frameRate:(float)frameRate;
-// Start video capturing. Returns YES on sucess, NO otherwise.
-- (BOOL)startCapture;
-// Stops video capturing.
-- (void)stopCapture;
-// Handle any QTCaptureSessionRuntimeErrorNotifications.
-- (void)handleNotification:(NSNotification*)errorNotification;
diff --git a/media/video/capture/mac/ b/media/video/capture/mac/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d21d0d..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/mac/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#import "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_qtkit_mac.h"
-#import <QTKit/QTKit.h>
-#include "base/debug/crash_logging.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_nsexception_enabler.h"
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_mac.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
-@implementation VideoCaptureDeviceQTKit
-#pragma mark Class methods
-+ (void)getDeviceNames:(NSMutableDictionary*)deviceNames {
- // Third-party drivers often throw exceptions, which are fatal in
- // Chromium (see comments in scoped_nsexception_enabler.h). The
- // following catches any exceptions and continues in an orderly
- // fashion with no devices detected.
- NSArray* captureDevices =
- base::mac::RunBlockIgnoringExceptions(^{
- return [QTCaptureDevice inputDevicesWithMediaType:QTMediaTypeVideo];
- });
- for (QTCaptureDevice* device in captureDevices) {
- if ([[device attributeForKey:QTCaptureDeviceSuspendedAttribute] boolValue])
- continue;
- DeviceNameAndTransportType* nameAndTransportType =
- [[[DeviceNameAndTransportType alloc]
- initWithName:[device localizedDisplayName]
- transportType:media::kIOAudioDeviceTransportTypeUnknown]
- autorelease];
- [deviceNames setObject:nameAndTransportType
- forKey:[device uniqueID]];
- }
-+ (NSDictionary*)deviceNames {
- NSMutableDictionary* deviceNames =
- [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init] autorelease];
- // TODO(shess): Post to the main thread to see if that helps
- //
- [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(getDeviceNames:)
- withObject:deviceNames
- waitUntilDone:YES];
- return deviceNames;
-#pragma mark Public methods
-- (id)initWithFrameReceiver:(media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac*)frameReceiver {
- self = [super init];
- if (self) {
- frameReceiver_ = frameReceiver;
- lock_ = [[NSLock alloc] init];
- }
- return self;
-- (void)dealloc {
- [captureSession_ release];
- [captureDeviceInput_ release];
- [super dealloc];
-- (void)setFrameReceiver:(media::VideoCaptureDeviceMac*)frameReceiver {
- [lock_ lock];
- frameReceiver_ = frameReceiver;
- [lock_ unlock];
-- (BOOL)setCaptureDevice:(NSString*)deviceId {
- if (deviceId) {
- // Set the capture device.
- if (captureDeviceInput_) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Video capture device already set.";
- return NO;
- }
- // TODO(mcasas): Consider using [QTCaptureDevice deviceWithUniqueID] instead
- // of explicitly forcing reenumeration of devices.
- NSArray *captureDevices =
- [QTCaptureDevice inputDevicesWithMediaType:QTMediaTypeVideo];
- NSArray *captureDevicesNames =
- [captureDevices valueForKey:@"uniqueID"];
- NSUInteger index = [captureDevicesNames indexOfObject:deviceId];
- if (index == NSNotFound) {
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithUTF8String:"Video capture device not found."]];
- return NO;
- }
- QTCaptureDevice *device = [captureDevices objectAtIndex:index];
- if ([[device attributeForKey:QTCaptureDeviceSuspendedAttribute]
- boolValue]) {
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithUTF8String:"Cannot open suspended video capture device."]];
- return NO;
- }
- NSError *error;
- if (![device open:&error]) {
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithFormat:@"Could not open video capture device (%@): %@",
- [error localizedDescription],
- [error localizedFailureReason]]];
- return NO;
- }
- captureDeviceInput_ = [[QTCaptureDeviceInput alloc] initWithDevice:device];
- captureSession_ = [[QTCaptureSession alloc] init];
- QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput *captureDecompressedOutput =
- [[[QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput alloc] init] autorelease];
- [captureDecompressedOutput setDelegate:self];
- [captureDecompressedOutput setAutomaticallyDropsLateVideoFrames:YES];
- if (![captureSession_ addOutput:captureDecompressedOutput error:&error]) {
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithFormat:@"Could not connect video capture output (%@): %@",
- [error localizedDescription],
- [error localizedFailureReason]]];
- return NO;
- }
- // This key can be used to check if video capture code was related to a
- // particular crash.
- base::debug::SetCrashKeyValue("VideoCaptureDeviceQTKit", "OpenedDevice");
- // Set the video pixel format to 2VUY (a.k.a UYVY, packed 4:2:2).
- NSDictionary *captureDictionary = [NSDictionary
- dictionaryWithObject:
- [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8]
- forKey:(id)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey];
- [captureDecompressedOutput setPixelBufferAttributes:captureDictionary];
- return YES;
- } else {
- // Remove the previously set capture device.
- if (!captureDeviceInput_) {
- // Being here means stopping a device that never started OK in the first
- // place, log it.
- [self sendLogString:[NSString
- stringWithUTF8String:"No video capture device set, on removal."]];
- return YES;
- }
- // Tear down input and output, stop the capture and deregister observers.
- [self stopCapture];
- [captureSession_ release];
- captureSession_ = nil;
- [captureDeviceInput_ release];
- captureDeviceInput_ = nil;
- return YES;
- }
-- (BOOL)setCaptureHeight:(int)height
- width:(int)width
- frameRate:(float)frameRate {
- if (!captureDeviceInput_) {
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithUTF8String:"No video capture device set."]];
- return NO;
- }
- if ([[captureSession_ outputs] count] != 1) {
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithUTF8String:"Video capture capabilities already set."]];
- return NO;
- }
- if (frameRate <= 0.0f) {
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String: "Wrong frame rate."]];
- return NO;
- }
- frameRate_ = frameRate;
- QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput *output =
- [[captureSession_ outputs] objectAtIndex:0];
- // Set up desired output properties. The old capture dictionary is used to
- // retrieve the initial pixel format, which must be maintained.
- NSDictionary* videoSettingsDictionary = @{
- (id)kCVPixelBufferWidthKey : @(width),
- (id)kCVPixelBufferHeightKey : @(height),
- (id)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey : [[output pixelBufferAttributes]
- valueForKey:(id)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey]
- };
- [output setPixelBufferAttributes:videoSettingsDictionary];
- [output setMinimumVideoFrameInterval:(NSTimeInterval)1/frameRate];
- return YES;
-- (BOOL)startCapture {
- if ([[captureSession_ outputs] count] == 0) {
- // Capture properties not set.
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithUTF8String:"Video capture device not initialized."]];
- return NO;
- }
- if ([[captureSession_ inputs] count] == 0) {
- NSError *error;
- if (![captureSession_ addInput:captureDeviceInput_ error:&error]) {
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithFormat:@"Could not connect video capture device (%@): %@",
- [error localizedDescription],
- [error localizedFailureReason]]];
- return NO;
- }
- NSNotificationCenter * notificationCenter =
- [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
- [notificationCenter addObserver:self
- selector:@selector(handleNotification:)
- name:QTCaptureSessionRuntimeErrorNotification
- object:captureSession_];
- [captureSession_ startRunning];
- }
- return YES;
-- (void)stopCapture {
- // QTKit achieves thread safety and asynchronous execution by posting messages
- // to the main thread, e.g. -addOutput:. Both -removeOutput: and -removeInput:
- // post a message to the main thread while holding a lock that the
- // notification handler might need. To avoid a deadlock, we perform those
- // tasks in the main thread. See bugs and
- //
- [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(stopCaptureOnUIThread:)
- withObject:nil
- waitUntilDone:YES];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
-- (void)stopCaptureOnUIThread:(id)dummy {
- if ([[captureSession_ inputs] count] > 0) {
- DCHECK_EQ([[captureSession_ inputs] count], 1u);
- [captureSession_ removeInput:captureDeviceInput_];
- [captureSession_ stopRunning];
- }
- if ([[captureSession_ outputs] count] > 0) {
- DCHECK_EQ([[captureSession_ outputs] count], 1u);
- id output = [[captureSession_ outputs] objectAtIndex:0];
- [output setDelegate:nil];
- [captureSession_ removeOutput:output];
- }
-// |captureOutput| is called by the capture device to deliver a new frame.
-- (void)captureOutput:(QTCaptureOutput*)captureOutput
- didOutputVideoFrame:(CVImageBufferRef)videoFrame
- withSampleBuffer:(QTSampleBuffer*)sampleBuffer
- fromConnection:(QTCaptureConnection*)connection {
- [lock_ lock];
- if(!frameReceiver_) {
- [lock_ unlock];
- return;
- }
- // Lock the frame and calculate frame size.
- const int kLockFlags = 0;
- if (CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(videoFrame, kLockFlags)
- == kCVReturnSuccess) {
- void *baseAddress = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(videoFrame);
- size_t bytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(videoFrame);
- size_t frameWidth = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(videoFrame);
- size_t frameHeight = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(videoFrame);
- size_t frameSize = bytesPerRow * frameHeight;
- // TODO(shess): bytesPerRow may not correspond to frameWidth_*2,
- // but VideoCaptureController::OnIncomingCapturedData() requires
- // it to do so. Plumbing things through is intrusive, for now
- // just deliver an adjusted buffer.
- // TODO(nick): This workaround could probably be eliminated by using
- // VideoCaptureController::OnIncomingCapturedVideoFrame, which supports
- // pitches.
- UInt8* addressToPass = static_cast<UInt8*>(baseAddress);
- // UYVY is 2 bytes per pixel.
- size_t expectedBytesPerRow = frameWidth * 2;
- if (bytesPerRow > expectedBytesPerRow) {
- // TODO(shess): frameHeight and frameHeight_ are not the same,
- // try to do what the surrounding code seems to assume.
- // Ironically, captureCapability and frameSize are ignored
- // anyhow.
- adjustedFrame_.resize(expectedBytesPerRow * frameHeight);
- // std::vector is contiguous according to standard.
- UInt8* adjustedAddress = &adjustedFrame_[0];
- for (size_t y = 0; y < frameHeight; ++y) {
- memcpy(adjustedAddress + y * expectedBytesPerRow,
- addressToPass + y * bytesPerRow,
- expectedBytesPerRow);
- }
- addressToPass = adjustedAddress;
- frameSize = frameHeight * expectedBytesPerRow;
- }
- media::VideoCaptureFormat captureFormat(
- gfx::Size(frameWidth, frameHeight), frameRate_,
- // The aspect ratio dictionary is often missing, in which case we report
- // a pixel aspect ratio of 0:0.
- int aspectNumerator = 0, aspectDenominator = 0;
- CFDictionaryRef aspectRatioDict = (CFDictionaryRef)CVBufferGetAttachment(
- videoFrame, kCVImageBufferPixelAspectRatioKey, NULL);
- if (aspectRatioDict) {
- CFNumberRef aspectNumeratorRef = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(
- aspectRatioDict, kCVImageBufferPixelAspectRatioHorizontalSpacingKey);
- CFNumberRef aspectDenominatorRef = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(
- aspectRatioDict, kCVImageBufferPixelAspectRatioVerticalSpacingKey);
- DCHECK(aspectNumeratorRef && aspectDenominatorRef) <<
- "Aspect Ratio dictionary missing its entries.";
- CFNumberGetValue(aspectNumeratorRef, kCFNumberIntType, &aspectNumerator);
- CFNumberGetValue(
- aspectDenominatorRef, kCFNumberIntType, &aspectDenominator);
- }
- // Deliver the captured video frame.
- frameReceiver_->ReceiveFrame(addressToPass, frameSize, captureFormat,
- aspectNumerator, aspectDenominator);
- CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(videoFrame, kLockFlags);
- }
- [lock_ unlock];
-- (void)handleNotification:(NSNotification*)errorNotification {
- NSError * error = (NSError*)[[errorNotification userInfo]
- objectForKey:QTCaptureSessionErrorKey];
- [self sendErrorString:[NSString
- stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@",
- [error localizedDescription],
- [error localizedFailureReason]]];
-- (void)sendErrorString:(NSString*)error {
- DLOG(ERROR) << [error UTF8String];
- [lock_ lock];
- if (frameReceiver_)
- frameReceiver_->ReceiveError([error UTF8String]);
- [lock_ unlock];
-- (void)sendLogString:(NSString*)message {
- DVLOG(1) << [message UTF8String];
- [lock_ lock];
- if (frameReceiver_)
- frameReceiver_->LogMessage([message UTF8String]);
- [lock_ unlock];
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deleted file mode 100644
index cb03dba..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-#include "base/i18n/timezone.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-namespace media {
-const std::string VideoCaptureDevice::Name::GetNameAndModel() const {
- const std::string model_id = GetModel();
- if (model_id.empty())
- return device_name_;
- const std::string suffix = " (" + model_id + ")";
- if (base::EndsWith(device_name_, suffix, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE))
- return device_name_;
- return device_name_ + suffix;
-VideoCaptureDevice::Name::Name() {}
-VideoCaptureDevice::Name::Name(const std::string& name, const std::string& id)
- : device_name_(name), unique_id_(id) {}
-#if defined(OS_LINUX)
-VideoCaptureDevice::Name::Name(const std::string& name,
- const std::string& id,
- const CaptureApiType api_type)
- : device_name_(name),
- unique_id_(id),
- capture_api_class_(api_type) {}
-#elif defined(OS_WIN)
-VideoCaptureDevice::Name::Name(const std::string& name,
- const std::string& id,
- const CaptureApiType api_type)
- : device_name_(name),
- unique_id_(id),
- capture_api_class_(api_type),
- capabilities_id_(id) {}
-#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
-VideoCaptureDevice::Name::Name(const std::string& name,
- const std::string& id,
- const CaptureApiType api_type)
- : device_name_(name),
- unique_id_(id),
- capture_api_class_(api_type),
- transport_type_(OTHER_TRANSPORT),
- is_blacklisted_(false) {}
-VideoCaptureDevice::Name::Name(const std::string& name,
- const std::string& id,
- const CaptureApiType api_type,
- const TransportType transport_type)
- : device_name_(name),
- unique_id_(id),
- capture_api_class_(api_type),
- transport_type_(transport_type),
- is_blacklisted_(false) {}
-#elif defined(ANDROID)
-VideoCaptureDevice::Name::Name(const std::string& name,
- const std::string& id,
- const CaptureApiType api_type)
- : device_name_(name),
- unique_id_(id),
- capture_api_class_(api_type) {}
-VideoCaptureDevice::Name::~Name() {}
-#if defined(OS_LINUX)
-const char* VideoCaptureDevice::Name::GetCaptureApiTypeString() const {
- switch (capture_api_type()) {
- return "V4L2 SPLANE";
- case V4L2_MULTI_PLANE:
- return "V4L2 MPLANE";
- default:
- NOTREACHED() << "Unknown Video Capture API type!";
- return "Unknown API";
- }
-#elif defined(OS_WIN)
-const char* VideoCaptureDevice::Name::GetCaptureApiTypeString() const {
- switch(capture_api_type()) {
- return "Media Foundation";
- return "Direct Show";
- default:
- NOTREACHED() << "Unknown Video Capture API type!";
- return "Unknown API";
- }
-#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
-const char* VideoCaptureDevice::Name::GetCaptureApiTypeString() const {
- switch(capture_api_type()) {
- return "AV Foundation";
- case QTKIT:
- return "QTKit";
- case DECKLINK:
- return "DeckLink";
- default:
- NOTREACHED() << "Unknown Video Capture API type!";
- return "Unknown API";
- }
-#elif defined(OS_ANDROID)
-const char* VideoCaptureDevice::Name::GetCaptureApiTypeString() const {
- switch(capture_api_type()) {
- case API1:
- return "Camera API1";
- case API2_LEGACY:
- return "Camera API2 Legacy";
- case API2_FULL:
- return "Camera API2 Full";
- case API2_LIMITED:
- return "Camera API2 Limited";
- case TANGO:
- return "Tango API";
- default:
- NOTREACHED() << "Unknown Video Capture API type!";
- return "Unknown API";
- }
-VideoCaptureDevice::Client::Buffer::~Buffer() {}
-VideoCaptureDevice::~VideoCaptureDevice() {}
-int VideoCaptureDevice::GetPowerLineFrequencyForLocation() const {
- std::string current_country = base::CountryCodeForCurrentTimezone();
- if (current_country.empty())
- return 0;
- // Sorted out list of countries with 60Hz power line frequency, from
- //
- const char* countries_using_60Hz[] = {
- "AI", "AO", "AS", "AW", "AZ", "BM", "BR", "BS", "BZ", "CA", "CO",
- "CR", "CU", "DO", "EC", "FM", "GT", "GU", "GY", "HN", "HT", "JP",
- "KN", "KR", "KY", "MS", "MX", "NI", "PA", "PE", "PF", "PH", "PR",
- "PW", "SA", "SR", "SV", "TT", "TW", "UM", "US", "VG", "VI", "VE"};
- const char** countries_using_60Hz_end =
- countries_using_60Hz + arraysize(countries_using_60Hz);
- if (std::find(countries_using_60Hz, countries_using_60Hz_end,
- current_country) == countries_using_60Hz_end) {
- return kPowerLine50Hz;
- }
- return kPowerLine60Hz;
-} // namespace media
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5bc60f8..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// VideoCaptureDevice is the abstract base class for realizing video capture
-// device support in Chromium. It provides the interface for OS dependent
-// implementations.
-// The class is created and functions are invoked on a thread owned by
-// VideoCaptureManager. Capturing is done on other threads, depending on the OS
-// specific implementation.
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/files/file.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "media/base/media_export.h"
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/gpu_memory_buffer.h"
-namespace media {
-class MEDIA_EXPORT VideoCaptureDevice {
- public:
- // Represents a capture device name and ID.
- // You should not create an instance of this class directly by e.g. setting
- // various properties directly. Instead use
- // VideoCaptureDevice::GetDeviceNames to do this for you and if you need to
- // cache your own copy of a name, you can do so via the copy constructor.
- // The reason for this is that a device name might contain platform specific
- // settings that are relevant only to the platform specific implementation of
- // VideoCaptureDevice::Create.
- class MEDIA_EXPORT Name {
- public:
- Name();
- Name(const std::string& name, const std::string& id);
-#if defined(OS_LINUX)
- // Linux/CrOS targets Capture Api type: it can only be set on construction.
- enum CaptureApiType {
- };
-#elif defined(OS_WIN)
- // Windows targets Capture Api type: it can only be set on construction.
- enum CaptureApiType {
- };
-#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // Mac targets Capture Api type: it can only be set on construction.
- enum CaptureApiType {
- };
- // For AVFoundation Api, identify devices that are built-in or USB.
- enum TransportType {
- };
-#elif defined (OS_ANDROID)
- // Android targets Capture Api type: it can only be set on construction.
- // Automatically generated enum to interface with Java world.
- //
- // A Java counterpart will be generated for this enum.
- enum CaptureApiType {
- API1,
- };
-#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_LINUX) || \
- defined(OS_ANDROID)
- Name(const std::string& name, const std::string& id,
- const CaptureApiType api_type);
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- Name(const std::string& name,
- const std::string& id,
- const CaptureApiType api_type,
- const TransportType transport_type);
- ~Name();
- // Friendly name of a device
- const std::string& name() const { return device_name_; }
- // Unique name of a device. Even if there are multiple devices with the same
- // friendly name connected to the computer this will be unique.
- const std::string& id() const { return unique_id_; }
- // The unique hardware model identifier of the capture device. Returns
- // "[vid]:[pid]" when a USB device is detected, otherwise "".
- // The implementation of this method is platform-dependent.
- const std::string GetModel() const;
- // Friendly name of a device, plus the model identifier in parentheses.
- const std::string GetNameAndModel() const;
- // These operators are needed due to storing the name in an STL container.
- // In the shared build, all methods from the STL container will be exported
- // so even though they're not used, they're still depended upon.
- bool operator==(const Name& other) const {
- return == unique_id_;
- }
- bool operator<(const Name& other) const {
- return unique_id_ <;
- }
-#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_LINUX) || \
- defined(OS_ANDROID)
- CaptureApiType capture_api_type() const {
- return capture_api_class_.capture_api_type();
- }
- const char* GetCaptureApiTypeString() const;
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // Certain devices need an ID different from the |unique_id_| for
- // capabilities retrieval.
- const std::string& capabilities_id() const {
- return capabilities_id_;
- }
- void set_capabilities_id(const std::string& id) {
- capabilities_id_ = id;
- }
-#endif // if defined(OS_WIN)
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- TransportType transport_type() const {
- return transport_type_;
- }
- bool is_blacklisted() const {
- return is_blacklisted_;
- }
- void set_is_blacklisted(bool is_blacklisted) {
- is_blacklisted_ = is_blacklisted;
- }
-#endif // if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- private:
- std::string device_name_;
- std::string unique_id_;
-#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_LINUX) || \
- defined(OS_ANDROID)
- // This class wraps the CaptureApiType to give it a by default value if not
- // initialized.
- class CaptureApiClass {
- public:
- CaptureApiClass(): capture_api_type_(API_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {}
- CaptureApiClass(const CaptureApiType api_type)
- : capture_api_type_(api_type) {}
- CaptureApiType capture_api_type() const {
- DCHECK_NE(capture_api_type_, API_TYPE_UNKNOWN);
- return capture_api_type_;
- }
- private:
- CaptureApiType capture_api_type_;
- };
- CaptureApiClass capture_api_class_;
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // ID used for capabilities retrieval. By default is equal to |unique_id|.
- std::string capabilities_id_;
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- TransportType transport_type_;
- // Flag used to mark blacklisted devices for QTKit Api.
- bool is_blacklisted_;
- // Allow generated copy constructor and assignment.
- };
- // Manages a list of Name entries.
- typedef std::list<Name> Names;
- // Interface defining the methods that clients of VideoCapture must have. It
- // is actually two-in-one: clients may implement OnIncomingCapturedData() or
- // ReserveOutputBuffer() + OnIncomingCapturedVideoFrame(), or all of them.
- // All clients must implement OnError().
- class MEDIA_EXPORT Client {
- public:
- // Memory buffer returned by Client::ReserveOutputBuffer().
- class MEDIA_EXPORT Buffer {
- public:
- virtual ~Buffer() = 0;
- virtual int id() const = 0;
- virtual size_t size() const = 0;
- virtual void* data() = 0;
- virtual ClientBuffer AsClientBuffer() = 0;
-#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- virtual base::FileDescriptor AsPlatformFile() = 0;
- };
- virtual ~Client() {}
- // Captured a new video frame, data for which is pointed to by |data|.
- //
- // The format of the frame is described by |frame_format|, and is assumed to
- // be tightly packed. This method will try to reserve an output buffer and
- // copy from |data| into the output buffer. If no output buffer is
- // available, the frame will be silently dropped.
- virtual void OnIncomingCapturedData(const uint8* data,
- int length,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
- int clockwise_rotation,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp) = 0;
- // Captured a 3 planar YUV frame. Planes are possibly disjoint.
- // |frame_format| must indicate I420.
- virtual void OnIncomingCapturedYuvData(
- const uint8* y_data,
- const uint8* u_data,
- const uint8* v_data,
- size_t y_stride,
- size_t u_stride,
- size_t v_stride,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
- int clockwise_rotation,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp) = 0;
- // Reserve an output buffer into which contents can be captured directly.
- // The returned Buffer will always be allocated with a memory size suitable
- // for holding a packed video frame with pixels of |format| format, of
- // |dimensions| frame dimensions. It is permissible for |dimensions| to be
- // zero; in which case the returned Buffer does not guarantee memory
- // backing, but functions as a reservation for external input for the
- // purposes of buffer throttling.
- //
- // The output buffer stays reserved and mapped for use until the Buffer
- // object is destroyed or returned.
- virtual scoped_ptr<Buffer> ReserveOutputBuffer(
- const gfx::Size& dimensions,
- VideoCapturePixelFormat format,
- VideoPixelStorage storage) = 0;
- // Captured new video data, held in |frame| or |buffer|, respectively for
- // OnIncomingCapturedVideoFrame() and OnIncomingCapturedBuffer().
- //
- // In both cases, as the frame is backed by a reservation returned by
- // ReserveOutputBuffer(), delivery is guaranteed and will require no
- // additional copies in the browser process.
- virtual void OnIncomingCapturedBuffer(
- scoped_ptr<Buffer> buffer,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp) = 0;
- virtual void OnIncomingCapturedVideoFrame(
- scoped_ptr<Buffer> buffer,
- const scoped_refptr<VideoFrame>& frame,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp) = 0;
- // An error has occurred that cannot be handled and VideoCaptureDevice must
- // be StopAndDeAllocate()-ed. |reason| is a text description of the error.
- virtual void OnError(const std::string& reason) = 0;
- // VideoCaptureDevice requests the |message| to be logged.
- virtual void OnLog(const std::string& message) {}
- // Returns the current buffer pool utilization, in the range 0.0 (no buffers
- // are in use by producers or consumers) to 1.0 (all buffers are in use).
- virtual double GetBufferPoolUtilization() const = 0;
- };
- virtual ~VideoCaptureDevice();
- // Prepares the camera for use. After this function has been called no other
- // applications can use the camera. StopAndDeAllocate() must be called before
- // the object is deleted.
- virtual void AllocateAndStart(const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<Client> client) = 0;
- // Deallocates the camera, possibly asynchronously.
- //
- // This call requires the device to do the following things, eventually: put
- // camera hardware into a state where other applications could use it, free
- // the memory associated with capture, and delete the |client| pointer passed
- // into AllocateAndStart.
- //
- // If deallocation is done asynchronously, then the device implementation must
- // ensure that a subsequent AllocateAndStart() operation targeting the same ID
- // would be sequenced through the same task runner, so that deallocation
- // happens first.
- virtual void StopAndDeAllocate() = 0;
- // Gets the power line frequency from the current system time zone if this is
- // defined, otherwise returns 0.
- int GetPowerLineFrequencyForLocation() const;
- protected:
- static const int kPowerLine50Hz = 50;
- static const int kPowerLine60Hz = 60;
-} // namespace media
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deleted file mode 100644
index c87c39a..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/
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-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h"
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "media/base/media_switches.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/fake_video_capture_device_factory.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/file_video_capture_device_factory.h"
-namespace media {
-// static
-scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDeviceFactory> VideoCaptureDeviceFactory::CreateFactory(
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner) {
- const base::CommandLine* command_line =
- base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
- // Use a Fake or File Video Device Factory if the command line flags are
- // present, otherwise use the normal, platform-dependent, device factory.
- if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStream)) {
- if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kUseFileForFakeVideoCapture)) {
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDeviceFactory>(new
- media::FileVideoCaptureDeviceFactory());
- } else {
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDeviceFactory>(new
- media::FakeVideoCaptureDeviceFactory());
- }
- } else {
- // |ui_task_runner| is needed for the Linux ChromeOS factory to retrieve
- // screen rotations and for the Mac factory to run QTKit device enumeration.
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDeviceFactory>(
- CreateVideoCaptureDeviceFactory(ui_task_runner));
- }
-VideoCaptureDeviceFactory::VideoCaptureDeviceFactory() {
- thread_checker_.DetachFromThread();
-VideoCaptureDeviceFactory::~VideoCaptureDeviceFactory() {}
-void VideoCaptureDeviceFactory::EnumerateDeviceNames(const base::Callback<
- void(scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDevice::Names>)>& callback) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names> device_names(
- new VideoCaptureDevice::Names());
- GetDeviceNames(device_names.get());
- callback.Run(device_names.Pass());
-#if !defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_WIN)
-// static
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner) {
- return NULL;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h b/media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h
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index 224cdba..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-namespace media {
-// VideoCaptureDeviceFactory is the base class for creation of video capture
-// devices in the different platforms. VCDFs are created by MediaStreamManager
-// on IO thread and plugged into VideoCaptureManager, who owns and operates them
-// in Device Thread (a.k.a. Audio Thread).
-class MEDIA_EXPORT VideoCaptureDeviceFactory {
- public:
- static scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDeviceFactory> CreateFactory(
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner);
- VideoCaptureDeviceFactory();
- virtual ~VideoCaptureDeviceFactory();
- // Creates a VideoCaptureDevice object. Returns NULL if something goes wrong.
- virtual scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) = 0;
- // Asynchronous version of GetDeviceNames calling back to |callback|.
- virtual void EnumerateDeviceNames(const base::Callback<
- void(scoped_ptr<media::VideoCaptureDevice::Names>)>& callback);
- // Gets the supported formats of a particular device attached to the system.
- // This method should be called before allocating or starting a device. In
- // case format enumeration is not supported, or there was a problem, the
- // formats array will be empty.
- virtual void GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) = 0;
- protected:
- // Gets the names of all video capture devices connected to this computer.
- // Used by the default implementation of EnumerateDeviceNames().
- virtual void GetDeviceNames(VideoCaptureDevice::Names* device_names) = 0;
- base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
- private:
- static VideoCaptureDeviceFactory* CreateVideoCaptureDeviceFactory(
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner);
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VideoCaptureDeviceFactory);
-} // namespace media
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index 79becf3..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device_info.h"
-namespace media {
-VideoCaptureDeviceInfo::VideoCaptureDeviceInfo() {}
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& name,
- const VideoCaptureFormats& supported_formats)
- : name(name),
- supported_formats(supported_formats) {}
-VideoCaptureDeviceInfo::~VideoCaptureDeviceInfo() {}
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/video_capture_device_info.h b/media/video/capture/video_capture_device_info.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d215cf5..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/video_capture_device_info.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-namespace media {
-// A convenience wrap of a device's name and associated supported formats.
-struct MEDIA_EXPORT VideoCaptureDeviceInfo {
- VideoCaptureDeviceInfo();
- VideoCaptureDeviceInfo(const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& name,
- const VideoCaptureFormats& supported_formats);
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceInfo();
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name name;
- VideoCaptureFormats supported_formats;
-typedef std::vector<VideoCaptureDeviceInfo> VideoCaptureDeviceInfos;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/ b/media/video/capture/
deleted file mode 100644
index a6b8e18..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/run_loop.h"
-#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
-#include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread.h"
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
-#include "base/win/scoped_com_initializer.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_factory_win.h"
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
-#include "media/base/mac/avfoundation_glue.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/mac/video_capture_device_factory_mac.h"
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
-#include "base/android/jni_android.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/android/video_capture_device_android.h"
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
-// Mac/QTKit will always give you the size you ask for and this case will fail.
-#define MAYBE_AllocateBadSize DISABLED_AllocateBadSize
-// We will always get YUYV from the Mac QTKit/AVFoundation implementations.
-#define MAYBE_CaptureMjpeg DISABLED_CaptureMjpeg
-#elif defined(OS_WIN)
-#define MAYBE_AllocateBadSize AllocateBadSize
-#define MAYBE_CaptureMjpeg CaptureMjpeg
-#elif defined(OS_ANDROID)
-// TODO(wjia): enable those tests on Android.
-// On Android, native camera (JAVA) delivers frames on UI thread which is the
-// main thread for tests. This results in no frame received by
-// VideoCaptureAndroid.
-#define MAYBE_AllocateBadSize DISABLED_AllocateBadSize
-#define ReAllocateCamera DISABLED_ReAllocateCamera
-#define DeAllocateCameraWhileRunning DISABLED_DeAllocateCameraWhileRunning
-#define DeAllocateCameraWhileRunning DISABLED_DeAllocateCameraWhileRunning
-#define MAYBE_CaptureMjpeg DISABLED_CaptureMjpeg
-#define MAYBE_AllocateBadSize AllocateBadSize
-#define MAYBE_CaptureMjpeg CaptureMjpeg
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::SaveArg;
-namespace media {
-namespace {
-static const gfx::Size kCaptureSizes[] = {
- gfx::Size(640, 480),
- gfx::Size(1280, 720)
-class MockClient : public VideoCaptureDevice::Client {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD9(OnIncomingCapturedYuvData,
- void(const uint8* y_data,
- const uint8* u_data,
- const uint8* v_data,
- size_t y_stride,
- size_t u_stride,
- size_t v_stride,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
- int clockwise_rotation,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp));
- MOCK_METHOD0(DoReserveOutputBuffer, void(void));
- MOCK_METHOD0(DoOnIncomingCapturedBuffer, void(void));
- MOCK_METHOD0(DoOnIncomingCapturedVideoFrame, void(void));
- MOCK_METHOD1(OnError, void(const std::string& reason));
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetBufferPoolUtilization, double(void));
- explicit MockClient(base::Callback<void(const VideoCaptureFormat&)> frame_cb)
- : main_thread_(base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()),
- frame_cb_(frame_cb) {}
- void OnIncomingCapturedData(const uint8* data,
- int length,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& format,
- int rotation,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp) override {
- ASSERT_GT(length, 0);
- ASSERT_TRUE(data != NULL);
- main_thread_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(frame_cb_, format));
- }
- // Trampoline methods to workaround GMOCK problems with scoped_ptr<>.
- scoped_ptr<Buffer> ReserveOutputBuffer(
- const gfx::Size& dimensions,
- media::VideoCapturePixelFormat format,
- media::VideoPixelStorage storage) override {
- DoReserveOutputBuffer();
- NOTREACHED() << "This should never be called";
- return scoped_ptr<Buffer>();
- }
- void OnIncomingCapturedBuffer(scoped_ptr<Buffer> buffer,
- const VideoCaptureFormat& frame_format,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp) override {
- DoOnIncomingCapturedBuffer();
- }
- void OnIncomingCapturedVideoFrame(scoped_ptr<Buffer> buffer,
- const scoped_refptr<VideoFrame>& frame,
- const base::TimeTicks& timestamp) override {
- DoOnIncomingCapturedVideoFrame();
- }
- private:
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_thread_;
- base::Callback<void(const VideoCaptureFormat&)> frame_cb_;
-class DeviceEnumerationListener :
- public base::RefCounted<DeviceEnumerationListener> {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD1(OnEnumeratedDevicesCallbackPtr,
- void(VideoCaptureDevice::Names* names));
- // GMock doesn't support move-only arguments, so we use this forward method.
- void OnEnumeratedDevicesCallback(
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names> names) {
- OnEnumeratedDevicesCallbackPtr(names.release());
- }
- private:
- friend class base::RefCounted<DeviceEnumerationListener>;
- virtual ~DeviceEnumerationListener() {}
-} // namespace
-class VideoCaptureDeviceTest :
- public testing::TestWithParam<gfx::Size> {
- protected:
- typedef VideoCaptureDevice::Client Client;
- VideoCaptureDeviceTest()
- : loop_(new base::MessageLoop()),
- client_(
- new MockClient(base::Bind(&VideoCaptureDeviceTest::OnFrameCaptured,
- base::Unretained(this)))),
- video_capture_device_factory_(VideoCaptureDeviceFactory::CreateFactory(
- base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get())) {
- device_enumeration_listener_ = new DeviceEnumerationListener();
- }
- void SetUp() override {
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
- VideoCaptureDeviceAndroid::RegisterVideoCaptureDevice(
- base::android::AttachCurrentThread());
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- AVFoundationGlue::InitializeAVFoundation();
- EXPECT_CALL(*client_, OnIncomingCapturedYuvData(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_))
- .Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(*client_, DoReserveOutputBuffer()).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(*client_, DoOnIncomingCapturedBuffer()).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(*client_, DoOnIncomingCapturedVideoFrame()).Times(0);
- }
- void ResetWithNewClient() {
- client_.reset(new MockClient(base::Bind(
- &VideoCaptureDeviceTest::OnFrameCaptured, base::Unretained(this))));
- }
- void OnFrameCaptured(const VideoCaptureFormat& format) {
- last_format_ = format;
- run_loop_->QuitClosure().Run();
- }
- void WaitForCapturedFrame() {
- run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop());
- run_loop_->Run();
- }
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names> EnumerateDevices() {
- VideoCaptureDevice::Names* names;
- EXPECT_CALL(*device_enumeration_listener_.get(),
- OnEnumeratedDevicesCallbackPtr(_)).WillOnce(SaveArg<0>(&names));
- video_capture_device_factory_->EnumerateDeviceNames(
- base::Bind(&DeviceEnumerationListener::OnEnumeratedDevicesCallback,
- device_enumeration_listener_));
- base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names>(names);
- }
- const VideoCaptureFormat& last_format() const { return last_format_; }
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Name> GetFirstDeviceNameSupportingPixelFormat(
- const VideoCapturePixelFormat& pixel_format) {
- names_ = EnumerateDevices();
- if (names_->empty()) {
- DVLOG(1) << "No camera available.";
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Name>();
- }
- for (const auto& names_iterator : *names_) {
- VideoCaptureFormats supported_formats;
- video_capture_device_factory_->GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- names_iterator,
- &supported_formats);
- for (const auto& formats_iterator : supported_formats) {
- if (formats_iterator.pixel_format == pixel_format) {
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Name>(
- new VideoCaptureDevice::Name(names_iterator));
- }
- }
- }
- << "No camera can capture the"
- << " format: " << VideoCaptureFormat::PixelFormatToString(pixel_format);
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Name>();
- }
- bool IsCaptureSizeSupported(const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- const gfx::Size& size) {
- VideoCaptureFormats supported_formats;
- video_capture_device_factory_->GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- device, &supported_formats);
- const auto it =
- std::find_if(supported_formats.begin(), supported_formats.end(),
- [&size](VideoCaptureFormat const& f) {
- return f.frame_size == size;
- });
- if (it == supported_formats.end()) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Size " << size.ToString() << " is not supported.";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer initialize_com_;
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Names> names_;
- scoped_ptr<base::MessageLoop> loop_;
- scoped_ptr<base::RunLoop> run_loop_;
- scoped_ptr<MockClient> client_;
- scoped_refptr<DeviceEnumerationListener> device_enumeration_listener_;
- VideoCaptureFormat last_format_;
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDeviceFactory> video_capture_device_factory_;
-// Cause hangs on Windows Debug.
-#if defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(NDEBUG)
-#define MAYBE_OpenInvalidDevice DISABLED_OpenInvalidDevice
-#define MAYBE_OpenInvalidDevice OpenInvalidDevice
-TEST_F(VideoCaptureDeviceTest, MAYBE_OpenInvalidDevice) {
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name::CaptureApiType api_type =
- VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin::PlatformSupportsMediaFoundation()
- ? VideoCaptureDevice::Name::MEDIA_FOUNDATION
- : VideoCaptureDevice::Name::DIRECT_SHOW;
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name device_name("jibberish", "jibberish", api_type);
-#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name device_name("jibberish", "jibberish",
- VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac::PlatformSupportsAVFoundation()
- ? VideoCaptureDevice::Name::AVFOUNDATION
- : VideoCaptureDevice::Name::QTKIT);
- VideoCaptureDevice::Name device_name("jibberish", "jibberish");
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> device =
- video_capture_device_factory_->Create(device_name);
-#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
- EXPECT_TRUE(device == NULL);
- if (VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryMac::PlatformSupportsAVFoundation()) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(device == NULL);
- } else {
- // The presence of the actual device is only checked on AllocateAndStart()
- // and not on creation for QTKit API in Mac OS X platform.
- EXPECT_CALL(*client_, OnError(_)).Times(1);
- VideoCaptureParams capture_params;
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_size.SetSize(640, 480);
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_rate = 30;
- capture_params.requested_format.pixel_format =
- device->AllocateAndStart(capture_params, client_.Pass());
- device->StopAndDeAllocate();
- }
-TEST_P(VideoCaptureDeviceTest, CaptureWithSize) {
- names_ = EnumerateDevices();
- if (names_->empty()) {
- DVLOG(1) << "No camera available. Exiting test.";
- return;
- }
- const gfx::Size& size = GetParam();
- if (!IsCaptureSizeSupported(names_->front(), size))
- return;
- const int width = size.width();
- const int height = size.height();
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> device(
- video_capture_device_factory_->Create(names_->front()));
- ASSERT_TRUE(device);
- DVLOG(1) << names_->front().id();
- EXPECT_CALL(*client_, OnError(_)).Times(0);
- VideoCaptureParams capture_params;
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_size.SetSize(width, height);
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_rate = 30.0f;
- capture_params.requested_format.pixel_format =
- device->AllocateAndStart(capture_params, client_.Pass());
- // Get captured video frames.
- WaitForCapturedFrame();
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_size.width(), width);
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_size.height(), height);
- if (last_format().pixel_format != VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG)
- EXPECT_EQ(size.GetArea(), last_format().frame_size.GetArea());
- device->StopAndDeAllocate();
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
- VideoCaptureDeviceTest,
- testing::ValuesIn(kCaptureSizes));
-TEST_F(VideoCaptureDeviceTest, MAYBE_AllocateBadSize) {
- names_ = EnumerateDevices();
- if (names_->empty()) {
- DVLOG(1) << "No camera available. Exiting test.";
- return;
- }
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> device(
- video_capture_device_factory_->Create(names_->front()));
- ASSERT_TRUE(device);
- EXPECT_CALL(*client_, OnError(_)).Times(0);
- const gfx::Size input_size(640, 480);
- VideoCaptureParams capture_params;
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_size.SetSize(637, 472);
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_rate = 35;
- capture_params.requested_format.pixel_format =
- device->AllocateAndStart(capture_params, client_.Pass());
- WaitForCapturedFrame();
- device->StopAndDeAllocate();
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_size.width(), input_size.width());
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_size.height(), input_size.height());
- if (last_format().pixel_format != VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG)
- EXPECT_EQ(input_size.GetArea(), last_format().frame_size.GetArea());
-// Cause hangs on Windows Debug.
-#if defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(NDEBUG)
-#define MAYBE_ReAllocateCamera DISABLED_ReAllocateCamera
-#define MAYBE_ReAllocateCamera ReAllocateCamera
-TEST_F(VideoCaptureDeviceTest, MAYBE_ReAllocateCamera) {
- names_ = EnumerateDevices();
- if (names_->empty()) {
- DVLOG(1) << "No camera available. Exiting test.";
- return;
- }
- // First, do a number of very fast device start/stops.
- for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
- ResetWithNewClient();
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> device(
- video_capture_device_factory_->Create(names_->front()));
- gfx::Size resolution;
- if (i % 2) {
- resolution = gfx::Size(640, 480);
- } else {
- resolution = gfx::Size(1280, 1024);
- }
- VideoCaptureParams capture_params;
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_size = resolution;
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_rate = 30;
- capture_params.requested_format.pixel_format =
- device->AllocateAndStart(capture_params, client_.Pass());
- device->StopAndDeAllocate();
- }
- // Finally, do a device start and wait for it to finish.
- VideoCaptureParams capture_params;
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_size.SetSize(320, 240);
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_rate = 30;
- capture_params.requested_format.pixel_format =
- ResetWithNewClient();
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> device(
- video_capture_device_factory_->Create(names_->front()));
- device->AllocateAndStart(capture_params, client_.Pass());
- WaitForCapturedFrame();
- device->StopAndDeAllocate();
- device.reset();
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_size.width(), 320);
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_size.height(), 240);
-TEST_F(VideoCaptureDeviceTest, DeAllocateCameraWhileRunning) {
- names_ = EnumerateDevices();
- if (names_->empty()) {
- DVLOG(1) << "No camera available. Exiting test.";
- return;
- }
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> device(
- video_capture_device_factory_->Create(names_->front()));
- ASSERT_TRUE(device);
- EXPECT_CALL(*client_, OnError(_)).Times(0);
- VideoCaptureParams capture_params;
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_size.SetSize(640, 480);
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_rate = 30;
- capture_params.requested_format.pixel_format =
- device->AllocateAndStart(capture_params, client_.Pass());
- // Get captured video frames.
- WaitForCapturedFrame();
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_size.width(), 640);
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_size.height(), 480);
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().frame_rate, 30);
- device->StopAndDeAllocate();
-// Start the camera in 720p to capture MJPEG instead of a raw format.
-TEST_F(VideoCaptureDeviceTest, MAYBE_CaptureMjpeg) {
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Name> name =
- GetFirstDeviceNameSupportingPixelFormat(VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG);
- if (!name) {
- DVLOG(1) << "No camera supports MJPEG format. Exiting test.";
- return;
- }
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> device(
- video_capture_device_factory_->Create(*name));
- ASSERT_TRUE(device);
- EXPECT_CALL(*client_, OnError(_)).Times(0);
- VideoCaptureParams capture_params;
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_size.SetSize(1280, 720);
- capture_params.requested_format.frame_rate = 30;
- capture_params.requested_format.pixel_format =
- device->AllocateAndStart(capture_params, client_.Pass());
- // Get captured video frames.
- WaitForCapturedFrame();
- // Verify we get MJPEG from the device. Not all devices can capture 1280x720
- // @ 30 fps, so we don't care about the exact resolution we get.
- EXPECT_EQ(last_format().pixel_format, VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG);
- EXPECT_GE(static_cast<size_t>(1280 * 720),
- last_format().ImageAllocationSize());
- device->StopAndDeAllocate();
-TEST_F(VideoCaptureDeviceTest, GetDeviceSupportedFormats) {
- // Use VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_MAX to iterate all device names for testing
- // GetDeviceSupportedFormats().
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Name> name =
- GetFirstDeviceNameSupportingPixelFormat(VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_MAX);
- // Verify no camera returned for VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_MAX. Nothing else
- // to test here
- // since we cannot forecast the hardware capabilities.
-}; // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/ b/media/video/capture/win/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2de2786..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/win/capability_list_win.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <functional>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-namespace media {
-static bool CompareCapability(const VideoCaptureFormat& requested,
- const CapabilityWin& capability_lhs,
- const CapabilityWin& capability_rhs) {
- const VideoCaptureFormat& lhs = capability_lhs.supported_format;
- const VideoCaptureFormat& rhs = capability_rhs.supported_format;
- const int diff_height_lhs =
- std::abs(lhs.frame_size.height() - requested.frame_size.height());
- const int diff_height_rhs =
- std::abs(rhs.frame_size.height() - requested.frame_size.height());
- if (diff_height_lhs != diff_height_rhs)
- return diff_height_lhs < diff_height_rhs;
- const int diff_width_lhs =
- std::abs(lhs.frame_size.width() - requested.frame_size.width());
- const int diff_width_rhs =
- std::abs(rhs.frame_size.width() - requested.frame_size.width());
- if (diff_width_lhs != diff_width_rhs)
- return diff_width_lhs < diff_width_rhs;
- const float diff_fps_lhs = std::fabs(lhs.frame_rate - requested.frame_rate);
- const float diff_fps_rhs = std::fabs(rhs.frame_rate - requested.frame_rate);
- if (diff_fps_lhs != diff_fps_rhs)
- return diff_fps_lhs < diff_fps_rhs;
- return lhs.pixel_format < rhs.pixel_format;
-const CapabilityWin& GetBestMatchedCapability(
- const VideoCaptureFormat& requested,
- const CapabilityList& capabilities) {
- DCHECK(!capabilities.empty());
- const CapabilityWin* best_match = &(*capabilities.begin());
- for (const CapabilityWin& capability : capabilities) {
- if (CompareCapability(requested, capability, *best_match))
- best_match = &capability;
- }
- return *best_match;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/capability_list_win.h b/media/video/capture/win/capability_list_win.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dc74947..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/capability_list_win.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Windows specific implementation of VideoCaptureDevice.
-// DirectShow is used for capturing. DirectShow provide its own threads
-// for capturing.
-#include <list>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-namespace media {
-struct CapabilityWin {
- CapabilityWin(int index, const VideoCaptureFormat& format)
- : stream_index(index), supported_format(format), info_header() {}
- // Used by VideoCaptureDeviceWin.
- CapabilityWin(int index, const VideoCaptureFormat& format,
- const BITMAPINFOHEADER& info_header)
- : stream_index(index),
- supported_format(format),
- info_header(info_header) {
- }
- const int stream_index;
- const VideoCaptureFormat supported_format;
- // |info_header| is only valid if DirectShow is used.
- const BITMAPINFOHEADER info_header;
-typedef std::list<CapabilityWin> CapabilityList;
-const CapabilityWin& GetBestMatchedCapability(
- const VideoCaptureFormat& requested,
- const CapabilityList& capabilities);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/ b/media/video/capture/win/
deleted file mode 100644
index d371f8b..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/win/filter_base_win.h"
-#pragma comment(lib, "strmiids.lib")
-namespace media {
-// Implement IEnumPins.
-class PinEnumerator final
- : public IEnumPins,
- public base::RefCounted<PinEnumerator> {
- public:
- explicit PinEnumerator(FilterBase* filter)
- : filter_(filter),
- index_(0) {
- }
- // IUnknown implementation.
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void** object_ptr) override {
- if (iid == IID_IEnumPins || iid == IID_IUnknown) {
- AddRef();
- *object_ptr = static_cast<IEnumPins*>(this);
- return S_OK;
- }
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() override {
- base::RefCounted<PinEnumerator>::AddRef();
- return 1;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() override {
- base::RefCounted<PinEnumerator>::Release();
- return 1;
- }
- // Implement IEnumPins.
- STDMETHOD(Next)(ULONG count, IPin** pins, ULONG* fetched) override {
- ULONG pins_fetched = 0;
- while (pins_fetched < count && filter_->NoOfPins() > index_) {
- IPin* pin = filter_->GetPin(index_++);
- pin->AddRef();
- pins[pins_fetched++] = pin;
- }
- if (fetched)
- *fetched = pins_fetched;
- return pins_fetched == count ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
- }
- STDMETHOD(Skip)(ULONG count) override {
- if (filter_->NoOfPins()- index_ > count) {
- index_ += count;
- return S_OK;
- }
- index_ = 0;
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- STDMETHOD(Reset)() override {
- index_ = 0;
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHOD(Clone)(IEnumPins** clone) override {
- PinEnumerator* pin_enum = new PinEnumerator(filter_.get());
- pin_enum->AddRef();
- pin_enum->index_ = index_;
- *clone = pin_enum;
- return S_OK;
- }
- private:
- friend class base::RefCounted<PinEnumerator>;
- ~PinEnumerator() {}
- scoped_refptr<FilterBase> filter_;
- size_t index_;
-FilterBase::FilterBase() : state_(State_Stopped) {
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::EnumPins(IEnumPins** enum_pins) {
- *enum_pins = new PinEnumerator(this);
- (*enum_pins)->AddRef();
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::FindPin(LPCWSTR id, IPin** pin) {
- return E_NOTIMPL;
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::QueryFilterInfo(FILTER_INFO* info) {
- info->pGraph = owning_graph_.get();
- info->achName[0] = L'\0';
- if (info->pGraph)
- info->pGraph->AddRef();
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::JoinFilterGraph(IFilterGraph* graph, LPCWSTR name) {
- owning_graph_ = graph;
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::QueryVendorInfo(LPWSTR *pVendorInfo) {
- return S_OK;
-// Implement IMediaFilter.
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::Stop() {
- state_ = State_Stopped;
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::Pause() {
- state_ = State_Paused;
- return S_OK;
- state_ = State_Running;
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::GetState(DWORD msec_timeout, FILTER_STATE* state) {
- *state = state_;
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::SetSyncSource(IReferenceClock* clock) {
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::GetSyncSource(IReferenceClock** clock) {
- return E_NOTIMPL;
-// Implement from IPersistent.
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::GetClassID(CLSID* class_id) {
- return E_NOTIMPL;
-// Implement IUnknown.
-STDMETHODIMP FilterBase::QueryInterface(REFIID id, void** object_ptr) {
- if (id == IID_IMediaFilter || id == IID_IUnknown) {
- *object_ptr = static_cast<IMediaFilter*>(this);
- } else if (id == IID_IPersist) {
- *object_ptr = static_cast<IPersist*>(this);
- } else {
- }
- AddRef();
- return S_OK;
- base::RefCounted<FilterBase>::AddRef();
- return 1;
- base::RefCounted<FilterBase>::Release();
- return 1;
-FilterBase::~FilterBase() {
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/filter_base_win.h b/media/video/capture/win/filter_base_win.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 25876ed..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/filter_base_win.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Implement a simple base class for DirectShow filters. It may only be used in
-// a single threaded apartment.
-// Avoid including strsafe.h via dshow as it will cause build warnings.
-#include <dshow.h>
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
-namespace media {
-class FilterBase
- : public IBaseFilter,
- public base::RefCounted<FilterBase> {
- public:
- FilterBase();
- // Number of pins connected to this filter.
- virtual size_t NoOfPins() = 0;
- // Returns the IPin interface pin no index.
- virtual IPin* GetPin(int index) = 0;
- // Inherited from IUnknown.
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID id, void** object_ptr) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() override;
- // Inherited from IBaseFilter.
- STDMETHOD(EnumPins)(IEnumPins** enum_pins) override;
- STDMETHOD(FindPin)(LPCWSTR id, IPin** pin) override;
- STDMETHOD(QueryFilterInfo)(FILTER_INFO* info) override;
- STDMETHOD(JoinFilterGraph)(IFilterGraph* graph, LPCWSTR name) override;
- STDMETHOD(QueryVendorInfo)(LPWSTR* vendor_info) override;
- // Inherited from IMediaFilter.
- STDMETHOD(Stop)() override;
- STDMETHOD(Pause)() override;
- STDMETHOD(Run)(REFERENCE_TIME start) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetState)(DWORD msec_timeout, FILTER_STATE* state) override;
- STDMETHOD(SetSyncSource)(IReferenceClock* clock) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetSyncSource)(IReferenceClock** clock) override;
- // Inherited from IPersistent.
- STDMETHOD(GetClassID)(CLSID* class_id) override = 0;
- protected:
- friend class base::RefCounted<FilterBase>;
- virtual ~FilterBase();
- private:
- FILTER_STATE state_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IFilterGraph> owning_graph_;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/ b/media/video/capture/win/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7340725..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/win/pin_base_win.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-namespace media {
-// Implement IEnumPins.
-class TypeEnumerator final
- : public IEnumMediaTypes,
- public base::RefCounted<TypeEnumerator> {
- public:
- explicit TypeEnumerator(PinBase* pin)
- : pin_(pin),
- index_(0) {
- }
- // Implement from IUnknown.
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void** object_ptr) override {
- if (iid == IID_IEnumMediaTypes || iid == IID_IUnknown) {
- AddRef();
- *object_ptr = static_cast<IEnumMediaTypes*>(this);
- return S_OK;
- }
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() override {
- base::RefCounted<TypeEnumerator>::AddRef();
- return 1;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() override {
- base::RefCounted<TypeEnumerator>::Release();
- return 1;
- }
- // Implement IEnumMediaTypes.
- STDMETHOD(Next)(ULONG count, AM_MEDIA_TYPE** types, ULONG* fetched) override {
- ULONG types_fetched = 0;
- while (types_fetched < count) {
- // Allocate AM_MEDIA_TYPE that we will store the media type in.
- AM_MEDIA_TYPE* type = reinterpret_cast<AM_MEDIA_TYPE*>(CoTaskMemAlloc(
- sizeof(AM_MEDIA_TYPE)));
- if (!type) {
- FreeAllocatedMediaTypes(types_fetched, types);
- }
- ZeroMemory(type, sizeof(AM_MEDIA_TYPE));
- // Allocate a VIDEOINFOHEADER and connect it to the AM_MEDIA_TYPE.
- type->cbFormat = sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER);
- BYTE *format = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(CoTaskMemAlloc(
- if (!format) {
- CoTaskMemFree(type);
- FreeAllocatedMediaTypes(types_fetched, types);
- }
- type->pbFormat = format;
- // Get the media type from the pin.
- if (pin_->GetValidMediaType(index_++, type)) {
- types[types_fetched++] = type;
- } else {
- CoTaskMemFree(format);
- CoTaskMemFree(type);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (fetched)
- *fetched = types_fetched;
- return types_fetched == count ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
- }
- STDMETHOD(Skip)(ULONG count) override {
- index_ += count;
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHOD(Reset)() override {
- index_ = 0;
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHOD(Clone)(IEnumMediaTypes** clone) override {
- TypeEnumerator* type_enum = new TypeEnumerator(pin_.get());
- type_enum->AddRef();
- type_enum->index_ = index_;
- *clone = type_enum;
- return S_OK;
- }
- private:
- friend class base::RefCounted<TypeEnumerator>;
- ~TypeEnumerator() {}
- void FreeAllocatedMediaTypes(ULONG allocated, AM_MEDIA_TYPE** types) {
- for (ULONG i = 0; i < allocated; ++i) {
- CoTaskMemFree(types[i]->pbFormat);
- CoTaskMemFree(types[i]);
- }
- }
- scoped_refptr<PinBase> pin_;
- int index_;
-PinBase::PinBase(IBaseFilter* owner)
- : owner_(owner) {
- memset(&current_media_type_, 0, sizeof(current_media_type_));
-void PinBase::SetOwner(IBaseFilter* owner) {
- owner_ = owner;
-// Called on an output pin to and establish a
-// connection.
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::Connect(IPin* receive_pin,
- const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) {
- if (!receive_pin || !media_type)
- return E_POINTER;
- current_media_type_ = *media_type;
- receive_pin->AddRef();
- connected_pin_.Attach(receive_pin);
- HRESULT hr = receive_pin->ReceiveConnection(this, media_type);
- return hr;
-// Called from an output pin on an input pin to and establish a
-// connection.
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::ReceiveConnection(IPin* connector,
- const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) {
- if (!IsMediaTypeValid(media_type))
- current_media_type_ = *media_type;
- connector->AddRef();
- connected_pin_.Attach(connector);
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::Disconnect() {
- if (!connected_pin_.get())
- return S_FALSE;
- connected_pin_.Release();
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::ConnectedTo(IPin** pin) {
- *pin = connected_pin_.get();
- if (!connected_pin_.get())
- connected_pin_.get()->AddRef();
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::ConnectionMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) {
- if (!connected_pin_.get())
- *media_type = current_media_type_;
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::QueryPinInfo(PIN_INFO* info) {
- info->dir = PINDIR_INPUT;
- info->pFilter = owner_;
- if (owner_)
- owner_->AddRef();
- info->achName[0] = L'\0';
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::QueryDirection(PIN_DIRECTION* pin_dir) {
- *pin_dir = PINDIR_INPUT;
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::QueryId(LPWSTR* id) {
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::QueryAccept(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) {
- return S_FALSE;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::EnumMediaTypes(IEnumMediaTypes** types) {
- *types = new TypeEnumerator(this);
- (*types)->AddRef();
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::QueryInternalConnections(IPin** pins, ULONG* no_pins) {
- return E_NOTIMPL;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::EndOfStream() {
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::BeginFlush() {
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::EndFlush() {
- return S_OK;
- double rate) {
- return E_NOTIMPL;
-// Inherited from IMemInputPin.
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::GetAllocator(IMemAllocator** allocator) {
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::NotifyAllocator(IMemAllocator* allocator,
- BOOL read_only) {
- return S_OK;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::GetAllocatorRequirements(
- return E_NOTIMPL;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::ReceiveMultiple(IMediaSample** samples,
- long sample_count,
- long* processed) {
- DCHECK(samples);
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- *processed = 0;
- while (sample_count--) {
- hr = Receive(samples[*processed]);
- // S_FALSE means don't send any more.
- if (hr != S_OK)
- break;
- ++(*processed);
- }
- return hr;
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::ReceiveCanBlock() {
- return S_FALSE;
-// Inherited from IUnknown.
-STDMETHODIMP PinBase::QueryInterface(REFIID id, void** object_ptr) {
- if (id == IID_IPin || id == IID_IUnknown) {
- *object_ptr = static_cast<IPin*>(this);
- } else if (id == IID_IMemInputPin) {
- *object_ptr = static_cast<IMemInputPin*>(this);
- } else {
- }
- AddRef();
- return S_OK;
- base::RefCounted<PinBase>::AddRef();
- return 1;
-STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) PinBase::Release() {
- base::RefCounted<PinBase>::Release();
- return 1;
-PinBase::~PinBase() {
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/pin_base_win.h b/media/video/capture/win/pin_base_win.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f531ec2..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/pin_base_win.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Implement a simple base class for a DirectShow input pin. It may only be
-// used in a single threaded apartment.
-// Avoid including strsafe.h via dshow as it will cause build warnings.
-#include <dshow.h>
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
-namespace media {
-class PinBase
- : public IPin,
- public IMemInputPin,
- public base::RefCounted<PinBase> {
- public:
- explicit PinBase(IBaseFilter* owner);
- // Function used for changing the owner.
- // If the owner is deleted the owner should first call this function
- // with owner = NULL.
- void SetOwner(IBaseFilter* owner);
- // Checks if a media type is acceptable. This is called when this pin is
- // connected to an output pin. Must return true if the media type is
- // acceptable, false otherwise.
- virtual bool IsMediaTypeValid(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) = 0;
- // Enumerates valid media types.
- virtual bool GetValidMediaType(int index, AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) = 0;
- // Called when new media is received. Note that this is not on the same
- // thread as where the pin is created.
- STDMETHOD(Receive)(IMediaSample* sample) override = 0;
- STDMETHOD(Connect)(IPin* receive_pin,
- const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) override;
- STDMETHOD(ReceiveConnection)(IPin* connector,
- const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) override;
- STDMETHOD(Disconnect)() override;
- STDMETHOD(ConnectedTo)(IPin** pin) override;
- STDMETHOD(ConnectionMediaType)(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) override;
- STDMETHOD(QueryPinInfo)(PIN_INFO* info) override;
- STDMETHOD(QueryDirection)(PIN_DIRECTION* pin_dir) override;
- STDMETHOD(QueryId)(LPWSTR* id) override;
- STDMETHOD(QueryAccept)(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) override;
- STDMETHOD(EnumMediaTypes)(IEnumMediaTypes** types) override;
- STDMETHOD(QueryInternalConnections)(IPin** pins, ULONG* no_pins) override;
- STDMETHOD(EndOfStream)() override;
- STDMETHOD(BeginFlush)() override;
- STDMETHOD(EndFlush)() override;
- double dRate) override;
- // Inherited from IMemInputPin.
- STDMETHOD(GetAllocator)(IMemAllocator** allocator) override;
- STDMETHOD(NotifyAllocator)(IMemAllocator* allocator, BOOL read_only) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetAllocatorRequirements)(
- ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES* properties) override;
- STDMETHOD(ReceiveMultiple)(IMediaSample** samples,
- long sample_count,
- long* processed) override;
- STDMETHOD(ReceiveCanBlock)() override;
- // Inherited from IUnknown.
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID id, void** object_ptr) override;
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() override;
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() override;
- protected:
- friend class base::RefCounted<PinBase>;
- virtual ~PinBase();
- private:
- AM_MEDIA_TYPE current_media_type_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IPin> connected_pin_;
- // owner_ is the filter owning this pin. We don't reference count it since
- // that would create a circular reference count.
- IBaseFilter* owner_;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/sink_filter_observer_win.h b/media/video/capture/win/sink_filter_observer_win.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13451b4..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/sink_filter_observer_win.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Observer class of Sinkfilter. The implementor of this class receive video
-// frames from the SinkFilter DirectShow filter.
-namespace media {
-class SinkFilterObserver {
- public:
- // SinkFilter will call this function with all frames delivered to it.
- // buffer in only valid during this function call.
- virtual void FrameReceived(const uint8* buffer, int length) = 0;
- protected:
- virtual ~SinkFilterObserver();
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/ b/media/video/capture/win/
deleted file mode 100644
index 09d5dd9..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/win/sink_filter_win.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/sink_input_pin_win.h"
-namespace media {
-// Define GUID for I420. This is the color format we would like to support but
-// it is not defined in the DirectShow SDK.
-// 30323449-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71.
-GUID kMediaSubTypeI420 = {
- 0x30323449, 0x0000, 0x0010, { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9B, 0x71}
-// UYVY synonym with BT709 color components, used in HD video. This variation
-// might appear in non-USB capture cards and it's implemented as a normal YUV
-// pixel format with the characters HDYC encoded in the first array word.
-GUID kMediaSubTypeHDYC = {
- 0x43594448, 0x0000, 0x0010, { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9b, 0x71}
-SinkFilterObserver::~SinkFilterObserver() {}
-SinkFilter::SinkFilter(SinkFilterObserver* observer)
- : input_pin_(NULL) {
- input_pin_ = new SinkInputPin(this, observer);
-void SinkFilter::SetRequestedMediaFormat(VideoCapturePixelFormat pixel_format,
- float frame_rate,
- const BITMAPINFOHEADER& info_header) {
- input_pin_->SetRequestedMediaFormat(pixel_format, frame_rate, info_header);
-const VideoCaptureFormat& SinkFilter::ResultingFormat() {
- return input_pin_->ResultingFormat();
-size_t SinkFilter::NoOfPins() {
- return 1;
-IPin* SinkFilter::GetPin(int index) {
- return index == 0 ? input_pin_.get() : NULL;
-STDMETHODIMP SinkFilter::GetClassID(CLSID* clsid) {
- *clsid = __uuidof(SinkFilter);
- return S_OK;
-SinkFilter::~SinkFilter() {
- input_pin_->SetOwner(NULL);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/sink_filter_win.h b/media/video/capture/win/sink_filter_win.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 40dd544..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/sink_filter_win.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Implement a DirectShow sink filter used for receiving captured frames from
-// a DirectShow Capture filter.
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/filter_base_win.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/sink_filter_observer_win.h"
-namespace media {
-// Define GUID for I420. This is the color format we would like to support but
-// it is not defined in the DirectShow SDK.
-// 30323449-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71.
-extern GUID kMediaSubTypeI420;
-// UYVY synonym with BT709 color components, used in HD video. This variation
-// might appear in non-USB capture cards and it's implemented as a normal YUV
-// pixel format with the characters HDYC encoded in the first array word.
-extern GUID kMediaSubTypeHDYC;
-class SinkInputPin;
-class __declspec(uuid("88cdbbdc-a73b-4afa-acbf-15d5e2ce12c3"))
- SinkFilter : public FilterBase {
- public:
- explicit SinkFilter(SinkFilterObserver* observer);
- void SetRequestedMediaFormat(VideoCapturePixelFormat pixel_format,
- float frame_rate,
- const BITMAPINFOHEADER& info_header);
- // Returns the format that is negotiated when this
- // filter is connected to a media filter.
- const VideoCaptureFormat& ResultingFormat();
- // Implement FilterBase.
- size_t NoOfPins() override;
- IPin* GetPin(int index) override;
- STDMETHOD(GetClassID)(CLSID* clsid) override;
- private:
- ~SinkFilter() override;
- scoped_refptr<SinkInputPin> input_pin_;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/ b/media/video/capture/win/
deleted file mode 100644
index be5b3ab..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/win/sink_input_pin_win.h"
-#include <cstring>
-// Avoid including strsafe.h via dshow as it will cause build warnings.
-#include <dshow.h>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-namespace media {
-const REFERENCE_TIME kSecondsToReferenceTime = 10000000;
-static DWORD GetArea(const BITMAPINFOHEADER& info_header) {
- return info_header.biWidth * info_header.biHeight;
-SinkInputPin::SinkInputPin(IBaseFilter* filter, SinkFilterObserver* observer)
- : PinBase(filter), requested_frame_rate_(0), observer_(observer) {
-void SinkInputPin::SetRequestedMediaFormat(
- VideoCapturePixelFormat pixel_format,
- float frame_rate,
- const BITMAPINFOHEADER& info_header) {
- requested_pixel_format_ = pixel_format;
- requested_frame_rate_ = frame_rate;
- requested_info_header_ = info_header;
- resulting_format_.frame_size.SetSize(0, 0);
- resulting_format_.frame_rate = 0;
- resulting_format_.pixel_format = VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
-const VideoCaptureFormat& SinkInputPin::ResultingFormat() {
- return resulting_format_;
-bool SinkInputPin::IsMediaTypeValid(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) {
- GUID type = media_type->majortype;
- if (type != MEDIATYPE_Video)
- return false;
- GUID format_type = media_type->formattype;
- if (format_type != FORMAT_VideoInfo)
- return false;
- // Check for the sub types we support.
- GUID sub_type = media_type->subtype;
- reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(media_type->pbFormat);
- if (pvi == NULL)
- return false;
- // Store the incoming width and height.
- resulting_format_.frame_size.SetSize(pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth,
- abs(pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight));
- if (pvi->AvgTimePerFrame > 0) {
- resulting_format_.frame_rate =
- static_cast<int>(kSecondsToReferenceTime / pvi->AvgTimePerFrame);
- } else {
- resulting_format_.frame_rate = requested_frame_rate_;
- }
- if (sub_type == kMediaSubTypeI420 &&
- pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression == MAKEFOURCC('I', '4', '2', '0')) {
- resulting_format_.pixel_format = VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_I420;
- return true;
- }
- if (sub_type == MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2 &&
- pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression == MAKEFOURCC('Y', 'U', 'Y', '2')) {
- resulting_format_.pixel_format = VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUY2;
- return true;
- }
- if (sub_type == MEDIASUBTYPE_MJPG &&
- pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression == MAKEFOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G')) {
- resulting_format_.pixel_format = VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG;
- return true;
- }
- if (sub_type == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24 &&
- pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression == BI_RGB) {
- resulting_format_.pixel_format = VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24;
- return true;
- }
- if (sub_type == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32 &&
- pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression == BI_RGB) {
- resulting_format_.pixel_format = VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB32;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool SinkInputPin::GetValidMediaType(int index, AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) {
- if (media_type->cbFormat < sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER))
- return false;
- reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(media_type->pbFormat);
- ZeroMemory(pvi, sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER));
- pvi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- pvi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- if (requested_frame_rate_ > 0) {
- pvi->AvgTimePerFrame =
- kSecondsToReferenceTime / requested_frame_rate_;
- }
- media_type->majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
- media_type->formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo;
- media_type->bTemporalCompression = FALSE;
- if (requested_pixel_format_ == VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG) {
- // If the requested pixel format is MJPEG, accept only MJPEG.
- // This is ok since the capabilities of the capturer have been
- // enumerated and we know that it is supported.
- if (index != 0)
- return false;
- pvi->bmiHeader = requested_info_header_;
- return true;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0: {
- pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression = MAKEFOURCC('I', '4', '2', '0');
- pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 12; // bit per pixel
- pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth = requested_info_header_.biWidth;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight = requested_info_header_.biHeight;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = GetArea(requested_info_header_) * 3 / 2;
- media_type->subtype = kMediaSubTypeI420;
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression = MAKEFOURCC('Y', 'U', 'Y', '2');
- pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 16;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth = requested_info_header_.biWidth;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight = requested_info_header_.biHeight;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = GetArea(requested_info_header_) * 2;
- media_type->subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2;
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth = requested_info_header_.biWidth;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight = requested_info_header_.biHeight;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = GetArea(requested_info_header_) * 3;
- media_type->subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24;
- break;
- }
- case 3: {
- pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth = requested_info_header_.biWidth;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight = requested_info_header_.biHeight;
- pvi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = GetArea(requested_info_header_) * 4;
- media_type->subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32;
- break;
- }
- default:
- return false;
- }
- media_type->bFixedSizeSamples = TRUE;
- media_type->lSampleSize = pvi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage;
- return true;
-HRESULT SinkInputPin::Receive(IMediaSample* sample) {
- const int length = sample->GetActualDataLength();
- uint8* buffer = NULL;
- if (length <= 0) {
- DLOG(WARNING) << "Media sample length is 0 or less.";
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- if (FAILED(sample->GetPointer(&buffer)))
- return S_FALSE;
- observer_->FrameReceived(buffer, length);
- return S_OK;
-SinkInputPin::~SinkInputPin() {}
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/sink_input_pin_win.h b/media/video/capture/win/sink_input_pin_win.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3353e0f..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/sink_input_pin_win.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Implement a DirectShow input pin used for receiving captured frames from
-// a DirectShow Capture filter.
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/pin_base_win.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/sink_filter_win.h"
-namespace media {
-// Const used for converting Seconds to REFERENCE_TIME.
-extern const REFERENCE_TIME kSecondsToReferenceTime;
-// Input pin of the SinkFilter.
-class SinkInputPin : public PinBase {
- public:
- SinkInputPin(IBaseFilter* filter, SinkFilterObserver* observer);
- void SetRequestedMediaFormat(VideoCapturePixelFormat pixel_format,
- float frame_rate,
- const BITMAPINFOHEADER& info_header);
- // Returns the capability that is negotiated when this
- // pin is connected to a media filter.
- const VideoCaptureFormat& ResultingFormat();
- // Implement PinBase.
- bool IsMediaTypeValid(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) override;
- bool GetValidMediaType(int index, AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type) override;
- STDMETHOD(Receive)(IMediaSample* media_sample) override;
- private:
- ~SinkInputPin() override;
- VideoCapturePixelFormat requested_pixel_format_;
- float requested_frame_rate_;
- BITMAPINFOHEADER requested_info_header_;
- VideoCaptureFormat resulting_format_;
- SinkFilterObserver* observer_;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/ b/media/video/capture/win/
deleted file mode 100644
index 96b11de..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_factory_win.h"
-#include <mfapi.h>
-#include <mferror.h>
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
-#include "base/win/metro.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_co_mem.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_variant.h"
-#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
-#include "media/base/media_switches.h"
-#include "media/base/win/mf_initializer.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_mf_win.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_win.h"
-using base::win::ScopedCoMem;
-using base::win::ScopedComPtr;
-using base::win::ScopedVariant;
-using Name = media::VideoCaptureDevice::Name;
-using Names = media::VideoCaptureDevice::Names;
-namespace media {
-// Avoid enumerating and/or using certain devices due to they provoking crashes
-// or any other reason ( This enum is defined for the
-// purposes of UMA collection. Existing entries cannot be removed.
-enum BlacklistedCameraNames {
- // This one must be last, and equal to the previous enumerated value.
-// Blacklisted devices are identified by a characteristic prefix of the name.
-// This prefix is used case-insensitively. This list must be kept in sync with
-// |BlacklistedCameraNames|.
-static const char* const kBlacklistedCameraNames[] = {
- // Name of a fake DirectShow filter on computers with GTalk installed.
- "Google Camera Adapter",
- // The following software WebCams cause crashes.
- "IP Camera [JPEG/MJPEG]",
- "CyberLink Webcam Splitter",
- "EpocCam",
-static_assert(arraysize(kBlacklistedCameraNames) == BLACKLISTED_CAMERA_MAX + 1,
- "kBlacklistedCameraNames should be same size as BlacklistedCameraNames enum");
-static bool LoadMediaFoundationDlls() {
- static const wchar_t* const kMfDLLs[] = {
- L"%WINDIR%\\system32\\mf.dll",
- L"%WINDIR%\\system32\\mfplat.dll",
- L"%WINDIR%\\system32\\mfreadwrite.dll",
- };
- for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kMfDLLs); ++i) {
- wchar_t path[MAX_PATH] = {0};
- ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(kMfDLLs[i], path, arraysize(path));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static bool PrepareVideoCaptureAttributesMediaFoundation(
- IMFAttributes** attributes,
- int count) {
- InitializeMediaFoundation();
- if (FAILED(MFCreateAttributes(attributes, count)))
- return false;
-static bool CreateVideoCaptureDeviceMediaFoundation(const char* sym_link,
- IMFMediaSource** source) {
- ScopedComPtr<IMFAttributes> attributes;
- if (!PrepareVideoCaptureAttributesMediaFoundation(attributes.Receive(), 2))
- return false;
- base::SysUTF8ToWide(sym_link).c_str());
- return SUCCEEDED(MFCreateDeviceSource(attributes.get(), source));
-static bool EnumerateVideoDevicesMediaFoundation(IMFActivate*** devices,
- UINT32* count) {
- ScopedComPtr<IMFAttributes> attributes;
- if (!PrepareVideoCaptureAttributesMediaFoundation(attributes.Receive(), 1))
- return false;
- return SUCCEEDED(MFEnumDeviceSources(attributes.get(), devices, count));
-static bool IsDeviceBlackListed(const std::string& name) {
- static_cast<int>(arraysize(kBlacklistedCameraNames)));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kBlacklistedCameraNames); ++i) {
- if (base::StartsWith(name, kBlacklistedCameraNames[i],
- base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) {
- DVLOG(1) << "Enumerated blacklisted device: " << name;
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Media.VideoCapture.BlacklistedDevice",
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-static void GetDeviceNamesDirectShow(Names* device_names) {
- DCHECK(device_names);
- DVLOG(1) << " GetDeviceNamesDirectShow";
- ScopedComPtr<ICreateDevEnum> dev_enum;
- HRESULT hr = dev_enum.CreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL,
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return;
- ScopedComPtr<IEnumMoniker> enum_moniker;
- hr = dev_enum->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory,
- enum_moniker.Receive(), 0);
- // CreateClassEnumerator returns S_FALSE on some Windows OS
- // when no camera exist. Therefore the FAILED macro can't be used.
- if (hr != S_OK)
- return;
- // Enumerate all video capture devices.
- for (ScopedComPtr<IMoniker> moniker;
- enum_moniker->Next(1, moniker.Receive(), NULL) == S_OK;
- moniker.Release()) {
- ScopedComPtr<IPropertyBag> prop_bag;
- hr = moniker->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, prop_bag.ReceiveVoid());
- if (FAILED(hr))
- continue;
- // Find the description or friendly name.
- ScopedVariant name;
- hr = prop_bag->Read(L"Description", name.Receive(), 0);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- hr = prop_bag->Read(L"FriendlyName", name.Receive(), 0);
- if (FAILED(hr) || name.type() != VT_BSTR)
- continue;
- const std::string device_name(base::SysWideToUTF8(V_BSTR(name.ptr())));
- if (IsDeviceBlackListed(device_name))
- continue;
- name.Reset();
- hr = prop_bag->Read(L"DevicePath", name.Receive(), 0);
- std::string id;
- if (FAILED(hr) || name.type() != VT_BSTR) {
- id = device_name;
- } else {
- DCHECK_EQ(name.type(), VT_BSTR);
- id = base::SysWideToUTF8(V_BSTR(name.ptr()));
- }
- device_names->push_back(Name(device_name, id, Name::DIRECT_SHOW));
- }
-static void GetDeviceNamesMediaFoundation(Names* device_names) {
- DVLOG(1) << " GetDeviceNamesMediaFoundation";
- ScopedCoMem<IMFActivate*> devices;
- UINT32 count;
- if (!EnumerateVideoDevicesMediaFoundation(&devices, &count))
- return;
- for (UINT32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- ScopedCoMem<wchar_t> name;
- UINT32 name_size;
- HRESULT hr = devices[i]->GetAllocatedString(
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- ScopedCoMem<wchar_t> id;
- UINT32 id_size;
- hr = devices[i]->GetAllocatedString(
- &id_size);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- device_names->push_back(Name(
- base::SysWideToUTF8(std::wstring(name, name_size)),
- base::SysWideToUTF8(std::wstring(id, id_size)),
- }
- }
- DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "GetAllocatedString failed: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- devices[i]->Release();
- }
-static void GetDeviceSupportedFormatsDirectShow(const Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* formats) {
- DVLOG(1) << "GetDeviceSupportedFormatsDirectShow for " <<;
- ScopedComPtr<ICreateDevEnum> dev_enum;
- HRESULT hr = dev_enum.CreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL,
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return;
- ScopedComPtr<IEnumMoniker> enum_moniker;
- hr = dev_enum->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory,
- enum_moniker.Receive(), 0);
- // CreateClassEnumerator returns S_FALSE on some Windows OS when no camera
- // exists. Therefore the FAILED macro can't be used.
- if (hr != S_OK)
- return;
- // Walk the capture devices. No need to check for device presence again since
- // that is anyway needed in GetDeviceFilter(). "google camera adapter" and old
- // VFW devices are already skipped previously in GetDeviceNames() enumeration.
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IBaseFilter> capture_filter;
- hr = VideoCaptureDeviceWin::GetDeviceFilter(device.capabilities_id(),
- CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory,
- capture_filter.Receive());
- if (!capture_filter.get()) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create capture filter: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return;
- }
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IPin> output_capture_pin(
- VideoCaptureDeviceWin::GetPin(capture_filter.get(), PINDIR_OUTPUT,
- if (!output_capture_pin.get()) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get capture output pin";
- return;
- }
- ScopedComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> stream_config;
- hr = output_capture_pin.QueryInterface(stream_config.Receive());
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get IAMStreamConfig interface from "
- "capture device: " << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return;
- }
- int count = 0, size = 0;
- hr = stream_config->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&count, &size);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "GetNumberOfCapabilities failed: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return;
- }
- scoped_ptr<BYTE[]> caps(new BYTE[size]);
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- VideoCaptureDeviceWin::ScopedMediaType media_type;
- hr = stream_config->GetStreamCaps(i, media_type.Receive(), caps.get());
- // GetStreamCaps() may return S_FALSE, so don't use FAILED() or SUCCEED()
- // macros here since they'll trigger incorrectly.
- if (hr != S_OK || !media_type.get()) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "GetStreamCaps failed: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return;
- }
- if (media_type->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video &&
- media_type->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) {
- VideoCaptureFormat format;
- format.pixel_format =
- VideoCaptureDeviceWin::TranslateMediaSubtypeToPixelFormat(
- media_type->subtype);
- if (format.pixel_format == VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
- continue;
- reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(media_type->pbFormat);
- format.frame_size.SetSize(h->bmiHeader.biWidth,
- h->bmiHeader.biHeight);
- // Trust the frame rate from the VIDEOINFOHEADER.
- format.frame_rate = (h->AvgTimePerFrame > 0) ?
- kSecondsToReferenceTime / static_cast<float>(h->AvgTimePerFrame) :
- 0.0f;
- formats->push_back(format);
- DVLOG(1) << << " " << VideoCaptureFormat::ToString(format);
- }
- }
-static void GetDeviceSupportedFormatsMediaFoundation(
- const Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* formats) {
- DVLOG(1) << "GetDeviceSupportedFormatsMediaFoundation for " <<;
- ScopedComPtr<IMFMediaSource> source;
- if (!CreateVideoCaptureDeviceMediaFoundation(,
- source.Receive())) {
- return;
- }
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMFSourceReader> reader;
- HRESULT hr =
- MFCreateSourceReaderFromMediaSource(source.get(), NULL, reader.Receive());
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "MFCreateSourceReaderFromMediaSource failed: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return;
- }
- DWORD stream_index = 0;
- ScopedComPtr<IMFMediaType> type;
- while (SUCCEEDED(reader->GetNativeMediaType(
- kFirstVideoStream, stream_index, type.Receive()))) {
- UINT32 width, height;
- hr = MFGetAttributeSize(type.get(), MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, &width, &height);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "MFGetAttributeSize failed: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return;
- }
- VideoCaptureFormat capture_format;
- capture_format.frame_size.SetSize(width, height);
- UINT32 numerator, denominator;
- hr = MFGetAttributeRatio(type.get(), MF_MT_FRAME_RATE, &numerator,
- &denominator);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "MFGetAttributeSize failed: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return;
- }
- capture_format.frame_rate = denominator
- ? static_cast<float>(numerator) / denominator : 0.0f;
- GUID type_guid;
- hr = type->GetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, &type_guid);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "GetGUID failed: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return;
- }
- VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin::FormatFromGuid(type_guid,
- &capture_format.pixel_format);
- type.Release();
- formats->push_back(capture_format);
- ++stream_index;
- DVLOG(1) << << " "
- << VideoCaptureFormat::ToString(capture_format);
- }
-// Returns true iff the current platform supports the Media Foundation API
-// and that the DLLs are available. On Vista this API is an optional download
-// but the API is advertised as a part of Windows 7 and onwards. However,
-// we've seen that the required DLLs are not available in some Win7
-// distributions such as Windows 7 N and Windows 7 KN.
-// static
-bool VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin::PlatformSupportsMediaFoundation() {
- // Even though the DLLs might be available on Vista, we get crashes
- // when running our tests on the build bots.
- if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::VERSION_WIN7)
- return false;
- static bool g_dlls_available = LoadMediaFoundationDlls();
- return g_dlls_available;
-VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin::VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin() {
- // Use Media Foundation for Metro processes (after and including Win8) and
- // DirectShow for any other versions, unless forced via flag. Media Foundation
- // can also be forced if appropriate flag is set and we are in Windows 7 or
- // 8 in non-Metro mode.
- const base::CommandLine* cmd_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
- use_media_foundation_ = (base::win::IsMetroProcess() &&
- !cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kForceDirectShowVideoCapture)) ||
- (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_WIN7 &&
- cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kForceMediaFoundationVideoCapture));
-scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin::Create(
- const Name& device_name) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> device;
- if (device_name.capture_api_type() == Name::MEDIA_FOUNDATION) {
- DCHECK(PlatformSupportsMediaFoundation());
- device.reset(new VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin(device_name));
- DVLOG(1) << " MediaFoundation Device: " <<;
- ScopedComPtr<IMFMediaSource> source;
- if (!CreateVideoCaptureDeviceMediaFoundation(,
- source.Receive())) {
- return scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice>();
- }
- if (!static_cast<VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin*>(device.get())->Init(source))
- device.reset();
- } else {
- DCHECK(device_name.capture_api_type() == Name::DIRECT_SHOW);
- device.reset(new VideoCaptureDeviceWin(device_name));
- DVLOG(1) << " DirectShow Device: " <<;
- if (!static_cast<VideoCaptureDeviceWin*>(device.get())->Init())
- device.reset();
- }
- return device.Pass();
-void VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin::GetDeviceNames(Names* device_names) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (use_media_foundation_) {
- GetDeviceNamesMediaFoundation(device_names);
- } else {
- GetDeviceNamesDirectShow(device_names);
- }
-void VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin::GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* formats) {
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- if (use_media_foundation_)
- GetDeviceSupportedFormatsMediaFoundation(device, formats);
- else
- GetDeviceSupportedFormatsDirectShow(device, formats);
-// static
- scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner) {
- return new VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin();
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_factory_win.h b/media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_factory_win.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f76fe63..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_factory_win.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Implementation of a VideoCaptureDeviceFactory class for Windows platforms.
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device_factory.h"
-namespace media {
-// Extension of VideoCaptureDeviceFactory to create and manipulate Windows
-// devices, via either DirectShow or MediaFoundation APIs.
-class MEDIA_EXPORT VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin :
- public VideoCaptureDeviceFactory {
- public:
- static bool PlatformSupportsMediaFoundation();
- VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin();
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin() override {}
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice> Create(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device_name) override;
- void GetDeviceNames(VideoCaptureDevice::Names* device_names) override;
- void GetDeviceSupportedFormats(
- const VideoCaptureDevice::Name& device,
- VideoCaptureFormats* supported_formats) override;
- private:
- bool use_media_foundation_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VideoCaptureDeviceFactoryWin);
-} // namespace media
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deleted file mode 100644
index f9d3dca..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/
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@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_mf_win.h"
-#include <mfapi.h>
-#include <mferror.h>
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_co_mem.h"
-#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/capability_list_win.h"
-using base::win::ScopedCoMem;
-using base::win::ScopedComPtr;
-namespace media {
-// In Windows device identifiers, the USB VID and PID are preceded by the string
-// "vid_" or "pid_". The identifiers are each 4 bytes long.
-const char kVidPrefix[] = "vid_"; // Also contains '\0'.
-const char kPidPrefix[] = "pid_"; // Also contains '\0'.
-const size_t kVidPidSize = 4;
-static bool GetFrameSize(IMFMediaType* type, gfx::Size* frame_size) {
- UINT32 width32, height32;
- if (FAILED(MFGetAttributeSize(type, MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, &width32, &height32)))
- return false;
- frame_size->SetSize(width32, height32);
- return true;
-static bool GetFrameRate(IMFMediaType* type, float* frame_rate) {
- UINT32 numerator, denominator;
- if (FAILED(MFGetAttributeRatio(type, MF_MT_FRAME_RATE, &numerator,
- &denominator))||
- !denominator) {
- return false;
- }
- *frame_rate = static_cast<float>(numerator) / denominator;
- return true;
-static bool FillFormat(IMFMediaType* type, VideoCaptureFormat* format) {
- GUID type_guid;
- if (FAILED(type->GetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, &type_guid)) ||
- !GetFrameSize(type, &format->frame_size) ||
- !GetFrameRate(type, &format->frame_rate) ||
- !VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin::FormatFromGuid(type_guid,
- &format->pixel_format)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-HRESULT FillCapabilities(IMFSourceReader* source,
- CapabilityList* capabilities) {
- DWORD stream_index = 0;
- ScopedComPtr<IMFMediaType> type;
- while (SUCCEEDED(hr = source->GetNativeMediaType(
- kFirstVideoStream, stream_index, type.Receive()))) {
- VideoCaptureFormat format;
- if (FillFormat(type.get(), &format))
- capabilities->emplace_back(stream_index, format);
- type.Release();
- ++stream_index;
- }
- if (capabilities->empty() && (SUCCEEDED(hr) || hr == MF_E_NO_MORE_TYPES))
- return (hr == MF_E_NO_MORE_TYPES) ? S_OK : hr;
-class MFReaderCallback final
- : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MFReaderCallback>,
- public IMFSourceReaderCallback {
- public:
- MFReaderCallback(VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin* observer)
- : observer_(observer), wait_event_(NULL) {
- }
- void SetSignalOnFlush(base::WaitableEvent* event) {
- wait_event_ = event;
- }
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void** object) override {
- if (riid != IID_IUnknown && riid != IID_IMFSourceReaderCallback)
- *object = static_cast<IMFSourceReaderCallback*>(this);
- AddRef();
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() override {
- base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MFReaderCallback>::AddRef();
- return 1U;
- }
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() override {
- base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MFReaderCallback>::Release();
- return 1U;
- }
- STDMETHOD(OnReadSample)(HRESULT status,
- DWORD stream_index,
- DWORD stream_flags,
- LONGLONG time_stamp,
- IMFSample* sample) override {
- base::TimeTicks stamp(base::TimeTicks::Now());
- if (!sample) {
- observer_->OnIncomingCapturedData(NULL, 0, 0, stamp);
- return S_OK;
- }
- DWORD count = 0;
- sample->GetBufferCount(&count);
- for (DWORD i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- ScopedComPtr<IMFMediaBuffer> buffer;
- sample->GetBufferByIndex(i, buffer.Receive());
- if (buffer.get()) {
- DWORD length = 0, max_length = 0;
- BYTE* data = NULL;
- buffer->Lock(&data, &max_length, &length);
- observer_->OnIncomingCapturedData(data, length, 0, stamp);
- buffer->Unlock();
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHOD(OnFlush)(DWORD stream_index) override {
- if (wait_event_) {
- wait_event_->Signal();
- wait_event_ = NULL;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHOD(OnEvent)(DWORD stream_index, IMFMediaEvent* event) override {
- return S_OK;
- }
- private:
- friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MFReaderCallback>;
- ~MFReaderCallback() {}
- VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin* observer_;
- base::WaitableEvent* wait_event_;
-// static
-bool VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin::FormatFromGuid(const GUID& guid,
- VideoCapturePixelFormat* format) {
- struct {
- const GUID& guid;
- const VideoCapturePixelFormat format;
- } static const kFormatMap[] = {
- };
- for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kFormatMap); ++i) {
- if (kFormatMap[i].guid == guid) {
- *format = kFormatMap[i].format;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-const std::string VideoCaptureDevice::Name::GetModel() const {
- const size_t vid_prefix_size = sizeof(kVidPrefix) - 1;
- const size_t pid_prefix_size = sizeof(kPidPrefix) - 1;
- const size_t vid_location = unique_id_.find(kVidPrefix);
- if (vid_location == std::string::npos ||
- vid_location + vid_prefix_size + kVidPidSize > unique_id_.size()) {
- return std::string();
- }
- const size_t pid_location = unique_id_.find(kPidPrefix);
- if (pid_location == std::string::npos ||
- pid_location + pid_prefix_size + kVidPidSize > unique_id_.size()) {
- return std::string();
- }
- std::string id_vendor =
- unique_id_.substr(vid_location + vid_prefix_size, kVidPidSize);
- std::string id_product =
- unique_id_.substr(pid_location + pid_prefix_size, kVidPidSize);
- return id_vendor + ":" + id_product;
-VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin::VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin(const Name& device_name)
- : name_(device_name), capture_(0) {
- DetachFromThread();
-VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin::~VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin() {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
-bool VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin::Init(
- const base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMFMediaSource>& source) {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
- DCHECK(!reader_.get());
- ScopedComPtr<IMFAttributes> attributes;
- MFCreateAttributes(attributes.Receive(), 1);
- DCHECK(attributes.get());
- callback_ = new MFReaderCallback(this);
- attributes->SetUnknown(MF_SOURCE_READER_ASYNC_CALLBACK, callback_.get());
- return SUCCEEDED(MFCreateSourceReaderFromMediaSource(
- source.get(), attributes.get(), reader_.Receive()));
-void VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin::AllocateAndStart(
- const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- client_ = client.Pass();
- DCHECK_EQ(capture_, false);
- CapabilityList capabilities;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- if (reader_.get()) {
- hr = FillCapabilities(reader_.get(), &capabilities);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- const CapabilityWin found_capability =
- GetBestMatchedCapability(params.requested_format, capabilities);
- ScopedComPtr<IMFMediaType> type;
- hr = reader_->GetNativeMediaType(
- kFirstVideoStream, found_capability.stream_index, type.Receive());
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- hr = reader_->SetCurrentMediaType(kFirstVideoStream, NULL, type.get());
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- hr = reader_->ReadSample(kFirstVideoStream, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
- NULL);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- capture_format_ = found_capability.supported_format;
- capture_ = true;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- OnError(hr);
-void VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin::StopAndDeAllocate() {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
- base::WaitableEvent flushed(false, false);
- const int kFlushTimeOutInMs = 1000;
- bool wait = false;
- {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (capture_) {
- capture_ = false;
- callback_->SetSignalOnFlush(&flushed);
- wait = SUCCEEDED(reader_->Flush(
- if (!wait) {
- callback_->SetSignalOnFlush(NULL);
- }
- }
- client_.reset();
- }
- // If the device has been unplugged, the Flush() won't trigger the event
- // and a timeout will happen.
- // TODO(tommi): Hook up the IMFMediaEventGenerator notifications API and
- // do not wait at all after getting MEVideoCaptureDeviceRemoved event.
- // See issue/226396.
- if (wait)
- flushed.TimedWait(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kFlushTimeOutInMs));
-void VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin::OnIncomingCapturedData(
- const uint8* data,
- int length,
- int rotation,
- const base::TimeTicks& time_stamp) {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- if (data && client_.get()) {
- client_->OnIncomingCapturedData(
- data, length, capture_format_, rotation, time_stamp);
- }
- if (capture_) {
- HRESULT hr =
- reader_->ReadSample(kFirstVideoStream, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- // If running the *VideoCap* unit tests on repeat, this can sometimes
- // It's not clear to me why this is, but it is possible that it has
- // something to do with this bug:
- //
- OnError(hr);
- }
- }
-void VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin::OnError(HRESULT hr) {
- if (client_.get()) {
- client_->OnError(
- base::StringPrintf("VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin: %s",
- logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr).c_str()));
- }
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_mf_win.h b/media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_mf_win.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ada6636..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_mf_win.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Windows specific implementation of VideoCaptureDevice.
-// DirectShow is used for capturing. DirectShow provide its own threads
-// for capturing.
-#include <mfidl.h>
-#include <mfreadwrite.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
-#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
-#include "media/base/media_export.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-interface IMFSourceReader;
-namespace media {
-class MFReaderCallback;
-const DWORD kFirstVideoStream =
-class MEDIA_EXPORT VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin
- : public base::NonThreadSafe,
- public VideoCaptureDevice {
- public:
- static bool FormatFromGuid(const GUID& guid, VideoCapturePixelFormat* format);
- explicit VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin(const Name& device_name);
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceMFWin() override;
- // Opens the device driver for this device.
- bool Init(const base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMFMediaSource>& source);
- // VideoCaptureDevice implementation.
- void AllocateAndStart(const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) override;
- void StopAndDeAllocate() override;
- // Captured new video data.
- void OnIncomingCapturedData(const uint8* data,
- int length,
- int rotation,
- const base::TimeTicks& time_stamp);
- private:
- void OnError(HRESULT hr);
- Name name_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMFActivate> device_;
- scoped_refptr<MFReaderCallback> callback_;
- base::Lock lock_; // Used to guard the below variables.
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMFSourceReader> reader_;
- VideoCaptureFormat capture_format_;
- bool capture_;
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/ b/media/video/capture/win/
deleted file mode 100644
index 344ee9b..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_win.h"
-#include <ks.h>
-#include <ksmedia.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <list>
-#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_co_mem.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_variant.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_mf_win.h"
-using base::win::ScopedCoMem;
-using base::win::ScopedComPtr;
-using base::win::ScopedVariant;
-namespace media {
-// Check if a Pin matches a category.
-bool PinMatchesCategory(IPin* pin, REFGUID category) {
- DCHECK(pin);
- bool found = false;
- ScopedComPtr<IKsPropertySet> ks_property;
- HRESULT hr = ks_property.QueryFrom(pin);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- GUID pin_category;
- DWORD return_value;
- &pin_category, sizeof(pin_category), &return_value);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (return_value == sizeof(pin_category))) {
- found = (pin_category == category);
- }
- }
- return found;
-// Check if a Pin's MediaType matches a given |major_type|.
-bool PinMatchesMajorType(IPin* pin, REFGUID major_type) {
- DCHECK(pin);
- AM_MEDIA_TYPE connection_media_type;
- HRESULT hr = pin->ConnectionMediaType(&connection_media_type);
- return SUCCEEDED(hr) && connection_media_type.majortype == major_type;
-// Finds and creates a DirectShow Video Capture filter matching the |device_id|.
-// |class_id| is usually CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory for standard DirectShow
-// devices but might also be AM_KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE or AM_KSCATEGORY_CROSSBAR, to
-// enumerate WDM capture devices or WDM crossbars, respectively.
-// static
-HRESULT VideoCaptureDeviceWin::GetDeviceFilter(const std::string& device_id,
- const CLSID device_class_id,
- IBaseFilter** filter) {
- DCHECK(filter);
- ScopedComPtr<ICreateDevEnum> dev_enum;
- HRESULT hr =
- dev_enum.CreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- ScopedComPtr<IEnumMoniker> enum_moniker;
- hr = dev_enum->CreateClassEnumerator(device_class_id, enum_moniker.Receive(),
- 0);
- // CreateClassEnumerator returns S_FALSE on some Windows OS
- // when no camera exist. Therefore the FAILED macro can't be used.
- if (hr != S_OK)
- return NULL;
- ScopedComPtr<IMoniker> moniker;
- ScopedComPtr<IBaseFilter> capture_filter;
- DWORD fetched = 0;
- while (enum_moniker->Next(1, moniker.Receive(), &fetched) == S_OK) {
- ScopedComPtr<IPropertyBag> prop_bag;
- hr = moniker->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, prop_bag.ReceiveVoid());
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- moniker.Release();
- continue;
- }
- // Find the device via DevicePath, Description or FriendlyName, whichever is
- // available first.
- static const wchar_t* kPropertyNames[] = {
- L"DevicePath", L"Description", L"FriendlyName"};
- ScopedVariant name;
- for (const auto* property_name : kPropertyNames) {
- if (name.type() != VT_BSTR)
- prop_bag->Read(property_name, name.Receive(), 0);
- }
- if (name.type() == VT_BSTR) {
- std::string device_path(base::SysWideToUTF8(V_BSTR(name.ptr())));
- if ( == 0) {
- // We have found the requested device
- hr = moniker->BindToObject(0, 0, IID_IBaseFilter,
- capture_filter.ReceiveVoid());
- DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to bind camera filter: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- break;
- }
- }
- moniker.Release();
- }
- *filter = capture_filter.Detach();
- if (!*filter && SUCCEEDED(hr))
- return hr;
-// Finds an IPin on an IBaseFilter given the direction, Category and/or Major
-// Type. If either |category| or |major_type| are GUID_NULL, they are ignored.
-// static
-ScopedComPtr<IPin> VideoCaptureDeviceWin::GetPin(IBaseFilter* filter,
- PIN_DIRECTION pin_dir,
- REFGUID category,
- REFGUID major_type) {
- ScopedComPtr<IPin> pin;
- ScopedComPtr<IEnumPins> pin_enum;
- HRESULT hr = filter->EnumPins(pin_enum.Receive());
- if (pin_enum.get() == NULL)
- return pin;
- // Get first unconnected pin.
- hr = pin_enum->Reset(); // set to first pin
- while ((hr = pin_enum->Next(1, pin.Receive(), NULL)) == S_OK) {
- PIN_DIRECTION this_pin_dir = static_cast<PIN_DIRECTION>(-1);
- hr = pin->QueryDirection(&this_pin_dir);
- if (pin_dir == this_pin_dir) {
- if ((category == GUID_NULL || PinMatchesCategory(pin.get(), category)) &&
- (major_type == GUID_NULL ||
- PinMatchesMajorType(pin.get(), major_type))) {
- return pin;
- }
- }
- pin.Release();
- }
- DCHECK(!pin.get());
- return pin;
-// static
- const GUID& sub_type) {
- static struct {
- const GUID& sub_type;
- VideoCapturePixelFormat format;
- } pixel_formats[] = {
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(pixel_formats); ++i) {
- if (sub_type == pixel_formats[i].sub_type)
- return pixel_formats[i].format;
- }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- WCHAR guid_str[128];
- StringFromGUID2(sub_type, guid_str, arraysize(guid_str));
- DVLOG(2) << "Device (also) supports an unknown media type " << guid_str;
-void VideoCaptureDeviceWin::ScopedMediaType::Free() {
- if (!media_type_)
- return;
- DeleteMediaType(media_type_);
- media_type_ = NULL;
-AM_MEDIA_TYPE** VideoCaptureDeviceWin::ScopedMediaType::Receive() {
- DCHECK(!media_type_);
- return &media_type_;
-// Release the format block for a media type.
-void VideoCaptureDeviceWin::ScopedMediaType::FreeMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* mt) {
- if (mt->cbFormat != 0) {
- CoTaskMemFree(mt->pbFormat);
- mt->cbFormat = 0;
- mt->pbFormat = NULL;
- }
- if (mt->pUnk != NULL) {
- // pUnk should not be used.
- mt->pUnk->Release();
- mt->pUnk = NULL;
- }
-// Delete a media type structure that was allocated on the heap.
-void VideoCaptureDeviceWin::ScopedMediaType::DeleteMediaType(
- AM_MEDIA_TYPE* mt) {
- if (mt != NULL) {
- FreeMediaType(mt);
- CoTaskMemFree(mt);
- }
-VideoCaptureDeviceWin::VideoCaptureDeviceWin(const Name& device_name)
- : device_name_(device_name), state_(kIdle) {
- DetachFromThread();
-VideoCaptureDeviceWin::~VideoCaptureDeviceWin() {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
- if (media_control_.get())
- media_control_->Stop();
- if (graph_builder_.get()) {
- if (sink_filter_.get()) {
- graph_builder_->RemoveFilter(sink_filter_.get());
- sink_filter_ = NULL;
- }
- if (capture_filter_.get())
- graph_builder_->RemoveFilter(capture_filter_.get());
- }
- if (capture_graph_builder_.get())
- capture_graph_builder_.Release();
-bool VideoCaptureDeviceWin::Init() {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
- hr = GetDeviceFilter(, CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory,
- capture_filter_.Receive());
- if (!capture_filter_.get()) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create capture filter: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return false;
- }
- output_capture_pin_ = GetPin(capture_filter_.get(), PINDIR_OUTPUT,
- if (!output_capture_pin_.get()) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get capture output pin";
- return false;
- }
- // Create the sink filter used for receiving Captured frames.
- sink_filter_ = new SinkFilter(this);
- if (sink_filter_.get() == NULL) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create send filter";
- return false;
- }
- input_sink_pin_ = sink_filter_->GetPin(0);
- hr = graph_builder_.CreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL,
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create graph builder: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return false;
- }
- hr = capture_graph_builder_.CreateInstance(CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2, NULL,
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create the Capture Graph Builder: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return false;
- }
- hr = capture_graph_builder_->SetFiltergraph(graph_builder_.get());
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to give graph to capture graph builder: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return false;
- }
- hr = graph_builder_.QueryInterface(media_control_.Receive());
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create media control builder: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return false;
- }
- hr = graph_builder_->AddFilter(capture_filter_.get(), NULL);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add the capture device to the graph: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return false;
- }
- hr = graph_builder_->AddFilter(sink_filter_.get(), NULL);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add the send filter to the graph: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return false;
- }
- // The following code builds the upstream portions of the graph,
- // for example if a capture device uses a Windows Driver Model (WDM)
- // driver, the graph may require certain filters upstream from the
- // WDM Video Capture filter, such as a TV Tuner filter or an Analog
- // Video Crossbar filter. We try using the more prevalent
- // MEDIATYPE_Interleaved first.
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> stream_config;
- hr = capture_graph_builder_->FindInterface(
- &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Interleaved, capture_filter_.get(),
- IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)stream_config.Receive());
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- hr = capture_graph_builder_->FindInterface(
- &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, capture_filter_.get(),
- IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)stream_config.Receive());
- DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to find CapFilter:IAMStreamConfig: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- }
- return CreateCapabilityMap();
-void VideoCaptureDeviceWin::AllocateAndStart(
- const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
- if (state_ != kIdle)
- return;
- client_ = client.Pass();
- // Get the camera capability that best match the requested format.
- const CapabilityWin found_capability =
- GetBestMatchedCapability(params.requested_format, capabilities_);
- // Reduce the frame rate if the requested frame rate is lower
- // than the capability.
- float frame_rate = std::min(found_capability.supported_format.frame_rate,
- params.requested_format.frame_rate);
- ScopedComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> stream_config;
- HRESULT hr = output_capture_pin_.QueryInterface(stream_config.Receive());
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- SetErrorState("Can't get the Capture format settings");
- return;
- }
- int count = 0, size = 0;
- hr = stream_config->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&count, &size);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- SetErrorState("Failed to GetNumberOfCapabilities");
- return;
- }
- scoped_ptr<BYTE[]> caps(new BYTE[size]);
- ScopedMediaType media_type;
- // Get the windows capability from the capture device.
- // GetStreamCaps can return S_FALSE which we consider an error. Therefore the
- // FAILED macro can't be used.
- hr = stream_config->GetStreamCaps(found_capability.stream_index,
- media_type.Receive(), caps.get());
- if (hr != S_OK) {
- SetErrorState("Failed to get capture device capabilities");
- return;
- }
- if (media_type->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) {
- reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(media_type->pbFormat);
- if (frame_rate > 0)
- h->AvgTimePerFrame = kSecondsToReferenceTime / frame_rate;
- }
- // Set the sink filter to request this format.
- sink_filter_->SetRequestedMediaFormat(
- found_capability.supported_format.pixel_format, frame_rate,
- found_capability.info_header);
- // Order the capture device to use this format.
- hr = stream_config->SetFormat(media_type.get());
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- // TODO(grunell): Log the error.
- SetErrorState("Failed to set capture device output format");
- return;
- }
- SetAntiFlickerInCaptureFilter();
- if (media_type->subtype == kMediaSubTypeHDYC) {
- // HDYC pixel format, used by the DeckLink capture card, needs an AVI
- // decompressor filter after source, let |graph_builder_| add it.
- hr = graph_builder_->Connect(output_capture_pin_.get(),
- input_sink_pin_.get());
- } else {
- hr = graph_builder_->ConnectDirect(output_capture_pin_.get(),
- input_sink_pin_.get(), NULL);
- }
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- SetErrorState("Failed to connect the Capture graph.");
- return;
- }
- hr = media_control_->Pause();
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- SetErrorState(
- "Failed to Pause the Capture device. "
- "Is it already occupied?");
- return;
- }
- // Get the format back from the sink filter after the filter have been
- // connected.
- capture_format_ = sink_filter_->ResultingFormat();
- // Start capturing.
- hr = media_control_->Run();
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- SetErrorState("Failed to start the Capture device.");
- return;
- }
- state_ = kCapturing;
-void VideoCaptureDeviceWin::StopAndDeAllocate() {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
- if (state_ != kCapturing)
- return;
- HRESULT hr = media_control_->Stop();
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- SetErrorState("Failed to stop the capture graph.");
- return;
- }
- graph_builder_->Disconnect(output_capture_pin_.get());
- graph_builder_->Disconnect(input_sink_pin_.get());
- client_.reset();
- state_ = kIdle;
-// Implements SinkFilterObserver::SinkFilterObserver.
-void VideoCaptureDeviceWin::FrameReceived(const uint8* buffer, int length) {
- client_->OnIncomingCapturedData(buffer, length, capture_format_, 0,
- base::TimeTicks::Now());
-bool VideoCaptureDeviceWin::CreateCapabilityMap() {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
- ScopedComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> stream_config;
- HRESULT hr = output_capture_pin_.QueryInterface(stream_config.Receive());
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DPLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get IAMStreamConfig interface from "
- "capture device: " << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return false;
- }
- // Get interface used for getting the frame rate.
- ScopedComPtr<IAMVideoControl> video_control;
- hr = capture_filter_.QueryInterface(video_control.Receive());
- DLOG_IF(WARNING, FAILED(hr)) << "IAMVideoControl Interface NOT SUPPORTED: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- int count = 0, size = 0;
- hr = stream_config->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&count, &size);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to GetNumberOfCapabilities: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return false;
- }
- scoped_ptr<BYTE[]> caps(new BYTE[size]);
- for (int stream_index = 0; stream_index < count; ++stream_index) {
- ScopedMediaType media_type;
- hr = stream_config->GetStreamCaps(stream_index, media_type.Receive(),
- caps.get());
- // GetStreamCaps() may return S_FALSE, so don't use FAILED() or SUCCEED()
- // macros here since they'll trigger incorrectly.
- if (hr != S_OK) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to GetStreamCaps: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- return false;
- }
- if (media_type->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video &&
- media_type->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) {
- VideoCaptureFormat format;
- format.pixel_format =
- TranslateMediaSubtypeToPixelFormat(media_type->subtype);
- if (format.pixel_format == VIDEO_CAPTURE_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
- continue;
- reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(media_type->pbFormat);
- format.frame_size.SetSize(h->bmiHeader.biWidth, h->bmiHeader.biHeight);
- // Try to get a better |time_per_frame| from IAMVideoControl. If not, use
- // the value from VIDEOINFOHEADER.
- REFERENCE_TIME time_per_frame = h->AvgTimePerFrame;
- if (video_control.get()) {
- ScopedCoMem<LONGLONG> max_fps;
- LONG list_size = 0;
- const SIZE size = {format.frame_size.width(),
- format.frame_size.height()};
- hr = video_control->GetFrameRateList(output_capture_pin_.get(),
- stream_index, size, &list_size,
- &max_fps);
- // Can't assume the first value will return the max fps.
- // Sometimes |list_size| will be > 0, but max_fps will be NULL. Some
- // drivers may return an HRESULT of S_FALSE which SUCCEEDED() translates
- // into success, so explicitly check S_OK. See
- if (hr == S_OK && list_size > 0 && max_fps) {
- time_per_frame =
- *std::min_element(max_fps.get(), max_fps.get() + list_size);
- }
- }
- format.frame_rate =
- (time_per_frame > 0)
- ? (kSecondsToReferenceTime / static_cast<float>(time_per_frame))
- : 0.0;
- capabilities_.emplace_back(stream_index, format, h->bmiHeader);
- }
- }
- return !capabilities_.empty();
-// Set the power line frequency removal in |capture_filter_| if available.
-void VideoCaptureDeviceWin::SetAntiFlickerInCaptureFilter() {
- const int power_line_frequency = GetPowerLineFrequencyForLocation();
- if (power_line_frequency != kPowerLine50Hz &&
- power_line_frequency != kPowerLine60Hz) {
- return;
- }
- ScopedComPtr<IKsPropertySet> ks_propset;
- DWORD type_support = 0;
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr = ks_propset.QueryFrom(capture_filter_.get())) &&
- SUCCEEDED(hr = ks_propset->QuerySupported(
- &type_support)) &&
- (type_support & KSPROPERTY_SUPPORT_SET)) {
- data.Property.Flags = KSPROPERTY_TYPE_SET;
- data.Value = (power_line_frequency == kPowerLine50Hz) ? 1 : 2;
- sizeof(data), &data, sizeof(data));
- DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Anti-flicker setting failed: "
- << logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
- DVLOG_IF(2, SUCCEEDED(hr)) << "Anti-flicker set correctly.";
- } else {
- DVLOG(2) << "Anti-flicker setting not supported.";
- }
-void VideoCaptureDeviceWin::SetErrorState(const std::string& reason) {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
- state_ = kError;
- client_->OnError(reason);
-} // namespace media
diff --git a/media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_win.h b/media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_win.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 53eb338..0000000
--- a/media/video/capture/win/video_capture_device_win.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Windows specific implementation of VideoCaptureDevice.
-// DirectShow is used for capturing. DirectShow provide its own threads
-// for capturing.
-// Avoid including strsafe.h via dshow as it will cause build warnings.
-#include <dshow.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
-#include "media/base/video_capture_types.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/video_capture_device.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/capability_list_win.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/sink_filter_win.h"
-#include "media/video/capture/win/sink_input_pin_win.h"
-namespace media {
-// All the methods in the class can only be run on a COM initialized thread.
-class VideoCaptureDeviceWin
- : public base::NonThreadSafe,
- public VideoCaptureDevice,
- public SinkFilterObserver {
- public:
- // A utility class that wraps the AM_MEDIA_TYPE type and guarantees that
- // we free the structure when exiting the scope. DCHECKing is also done to
- // avoid memory leaks.
- class ScopedMediaType {
- public:
- ScopedMediaType() : media_type_(NULL) {}
- ~ScopedMediaType() { Free(); }
- AM_MEDIA_TYPE* operator->() { return media_type_; }
- AM_MEDIA_TYPE* get() { return media_type_; }
- void Free();
- AM_MEDIA_TYPE** Receive();
- private:
- void FreeMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* mt);
- void DeleteMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* mt);
- AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type_;
- };
- static HRESULT GetDeviceFilter(const std::string& device_id,
- const CLSID device_class_id,
- IBaseFilter** filter);
- static base::win::ScopedComPtr<IPin> GetPin(IBaseFilter* filter,
- PIN_DIRECTION pin_dir,
- REFGUID category,
- REFGUID major_type);
- static VideoCapturePixelFormat TranslateMediaSubtypeToPixelFormat(
- const GUID& sub_type);
- explicit VideoCaptureDeviceWin(const Name& device_name);
- ~VideoCaptureDeviceWin() override;
- // Opens the device driver for this device.
- bool Init();
- // VideoCaptureDevice implementation.
- void AllocateAndStart(const VideoCaptureParams& params,
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client) override;
- void StopAndDeAllocate() override;
- private:
- enum InternalState {
- kIdle, // The device driver is opened but camera is not in use.
- kCapturing, // Video is being captured.
- kError // Error accessing HW functions.
- // User needs to recover by destroying the object.
- };
- // Implements SinkFilterObserver.
- void FrameReceived(const uint8* buffer, int length) override;
- bool CreateCapabilityMap();
- void SetAntiFlickerInCaptureFilter();
- void SetErrorState(const std::string& reason);
- Name device_name_;
- InternalState state_;
- scoped_ptr<VideoCaptureDevice::Client> client_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IBaseFilter> capture_filter_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IGraphBuilder> graph_builder_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<ICaptureGraphBuilder2> capture_graph_builder_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMediaControl> media_control_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IPin> input_sink_pin_;
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IPin> output_capture_pin_;
- scoped_refptr<SinkFilter> sink_filter_;
- // Map of all capabilities this device support.
- CapabilityList capabilities_;
- VideoCaptureFormat capture_format_;
-} // namespace media