path: root/o3d/command_buffer/samples/bubble/
diff options
mode: <>2009-05-27 23:15:42 +0000 <>2009-05-27 23:15:42 +0000
commit05b47f7a8c5451f858dc220df0e3a97542edace6 (patch)
treea2273d619f0625c9d44d40842845ccce2eac1045 /o3d/command_buffer/samples/bubble/
parent5cdc8bdb4c847cefe7f4542bd10c9880c2c557a0 (diff)
This is the O3D source tree's initial commit to the Chromium tree. It
is not built or referenced at all by the chrome build yet, and doesn't yet build in it's new home. We'll change that shortly. git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'o3d/command_buffer/samples/bubble/')
1 files changed, 1266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/o3d/command_buffer/samples/bubble/ b/o3d/command_buffer/samples/bubble/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42eae04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/o3d/command_buffer/samples/bubble/
@@ -0,0 +1,1266 @@
+ * Copyright 2009, Google Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+ * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * distribution.
+ * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+// This is the Soap Bubble sample / demo. It runs as a native client NPAPI
+// plug-in.
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __native_demo__
+#include <sys/nacl_syscalls.h>
+#include "native_client/service_runtime/nrd_xfer_lib/nrd_all_modules.h"
+#include "command_buffer/common/cross/gapi_interface.h"
+#include "command_buffer/common/cross/rpc_imc.h"
+#include "command_buffer/client/cross/cmd_buffer_helper.h"
+#include "command_buffer/client/cross/buffer_sync_proxy.h"
+#include "command_buffer/client/cross/fenced_allocator.h"
+#include "command_buffer/samples/bubble/utils.h"
+#include "command_buffer/samples/bubble/iridescence_texture.h"
+#include "command_buffer/samples/bubble/perlin_noise.h"
+#include "third_party/vectormath/files/vectormathlibrary/include/vectormath/scalar/cpp/vectormath_aos.h" // NOLINT
+#include "native_client/intermodule_comm/nacl_imc.h"
+#include "native_client/tools/npapi_runtime/nacl_npapi.h"
+// Cube map data is hard-coded in as a byte array.
+// Format is 64x64xBRGA, D3D face ordering (+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z).
+extern unsigned char g_cubemap_data[];
+const unsigned int kCubeMapWidth = 64;
+const unsigned int kCubeMapHeight = 64;
+const unsigned int kCubeMapFaceSize = kCubeMapWidth * kCubeMapHeight * 4;
+// Define this to debug command buffers: it will call Finish() and check for a
+// parse error. If there was one, it will warn about it in the console window.
+// #define DEBUG_CMD
+#ifdef DEBUG_CMD
+#define CHECK_ERROR(HELPER) do { \
+ HELPER->Finish(); \
+ BufferSyncInterface::ParseError error = \
+ HELPER->interface()->GetParseError(); \
+ if (error != BufferSyncInterface::PARSE_NO_ERROR) { \
+ printf("CMD error %d at %s:%d\n", error, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ } \
+ } while (false)
+#define CHECK_ERROR(HELPER) do { } while (false)
+namespace Vectormath {
+namespace Aos {
+// Creates a perspective projection matrix.
+Matrix4 CreatePerspectiveMatrix(float vertical_field_of_view_radians,
+ float aspect,
+ float z_near,
+ float z_far) {
+ float dz = z_near - z_far;
+ float vertical_scale = 1.0f / tanf(vertical_field_of_view_radians / 2.0f);
+ float horizontal_scale = vertical_scale / aspect;
+ return Matrix4(Vector4(horizontal_scale, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
+ Vector4(0.0f, vertical_scale, 0.0f, 0.0f),
+ Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, z_far / dz, -1.0f),
+ Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, z_near * z_far / dz, 0.0f));
+} // namespace Aos
+} // namespace Vectormath
+namespace o3d {
+namespace command_buffer {
+namespace math = Vectormath::Aos;
+// Adds a Clear command into the command buffer.
+// Parameters:
+// cmd_buffer: the command buffer helper.
+// buffers: a bitfield of which buffers to clear (a combination of
+// GAPIInterface::COLOR, GAPIInterface::DEPTH and GAPIInterface::STENCIL).
+// color: the color buffer clear value.
+// depth: the depth buffer clear value.
+// stencil: the stencil buffer clear value.
+void ClearCmd(CommandBufferHelper *cmd_buffer,
+ const unsigned int buffers,
+ const RGBA &color,
+ float depth,
+ unsigned int stencil) {
+ CommandBufferEntry args[7];
+ args[0].value_uint32 = buffers;
+ args[1].value_float =;
+ args[2].value_float =;
+ args[3].value_float =;
+ args[4].value_float = color.alpha;
+ args[5].value_float = depth;
+ args[6].value_uint32 = stencil;
+ cmd_buffer->AddCommand(command_buffer::CLEAR, 7, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(cmd_buffer);
+// Adds a SetViewport command into the buffer.
+// Parameters:
+// cmd_buffer: the command buffer helper.
+// x, y, width, height: the dimensions of the Viewport.
+// z_near, z_far: the near and far clip plane distances.
+void SetViewportCmd(CommandBufferHelper *cmd_buffer,
+ unsigned int x,
+ unsigned int y,
+ unsigned int width,
+ unsigned int height,
+ float z_near,
+ float z_far) {
+ CommandBufferEntry args[6];
+ args[0].value_uint32 = x;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = y;
+ args[2].value_uint32 = width;
+ args[3].value_uint32 = height;
+ args[4].value_float = z_near;
+ args[5].value_float = z_far;
+ cmd_buffer->AddCommand(command_buffer::SET_VIEWPORT, 6, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(cmd_buffer);
+// Copy a data buffer to args, for IMMEDIATE commands. Returns the number of
+// args used.
+unsigned int CopyToArgs(CommandBufferEntry *args,
+ const void *data,
+ size_t size) {
+ memcpy(args, data, size);
+ const unsigned int arg_size = sizeof(args[0]);
+ return static_cast<unsigned int>((size + arg_size - 1) / arg_size);
+// Our effect: this computes the reflection color using the iridescence texture,
+// and modulates it with the cubemap lookup on the reflected ray, passing the
+// transmission factor in the alpha (this should be used with One/SourceAlpha
+// blending mode).
+// We also attenuate the back face color because the incident light has already
+// been through the front face.
+// The width is modulated by an exponential factor of the Y component, to
+// simulate gravity, and by a noise texture.
+const char effect_data[] =
+ "vs\0" // Vertex program entry point
+ "ps\0" // Fragment program entry point
+ "struct a2v {\n"
+ " float3 position: POSITION;\n" // Object-space position
+ " float3 normal: NORMAL;\n" // Object-space normal
+ " float2 uv: TEXCOORD0;\n" // Noise texture UVs
+ "};\n"
+ "struct v2f {\n"
+ " float4 position: POSITION;\n" // Homogeneous clip space position
+ " float2 uv: TEXCOORD0;\n" // Noise texture UVs
+ " float2 params: TEXCOORD1;\n" // (cos i, thickness), where i is the
+ // angle of the incident ray
+ " float3 reflected: TEXCOORD4;\n" // Reflected ray direction
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "float4x4 worldViewProj : WorldViewProjection;\n" // MVP matrix
+ "float4x4 world : World;\n" // Object-to-world matrix
+ "float4x4 worldIT : WorldInverseTranspose;\n" // Object-to-world matrix
+ "float3 eye;\n" // World-space eye position
+ "float4 thickness_params;\n" // Thickness modulation parameters (xyz),
+ // Back face attenuation (w)
+ "sampler noise_sampler;\n" // Noise sampler
+ "sampler iridescence_sampler;\n" // Iridescence sampler
+ "sampler env_sampler;\n" // Environment map sampler
+ "\n"
+ "v2f vs(a2v i) {\n"
+ " v2f o;\n"
+ // Object-space position and normal
+ " float4 object_position =\n"
+ " float4(i.position.x, i.position.y, i.position.z, 1);\n"
+ " float4 object_normal = float4(i.normal.x, i.normal.y, i.normal.z, 0);\n"
+ // World-space position, normal, object center, and eye vector (incident
+ // ray)
+ " float3 normal = normalize(mul(object_normal, worldIT).xyz);\n"
+ " float4 position = mul(object_position, world);\n"
+ " float4 center = mul(float4(0, 0, 0, 1), world);\n"
+ " float3 eye_vector = normalize( - eye);\n"
+ // cos i (absolute value for back faces)
+ " float cos_i = abs(dot(normal, eye_vector));\n"
+ " float thickness =\n"
+ " exp(-(position.y-center.y)*thickness_params.x)*thickness_params.y;\n"
+ // Output parameters
+ " o.position = mul(object_position, worldViewProj);\n"
+ " o.params = float2(cos_i, thickness);\n"
+ " o.reflected = reflect(eye_vector, normal);\n"
+ " o.uv = i.uv;\n"
+ " return o;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "float4 ps(v2f i) : COLOR {\n"
+ // noise: remap [0 .. 1] to [-0.5 .. 0.5]
+ " float noise = tex2D(noise_sampler, i.uv).x - .5;\n"
+ " float thickness = i.params.y - noise * thickness_params.z;\n"
+ " float cos_i = i.params.x;\n"
+ // Modulate iridescence color by the environment looked up along the
+ // reflected ray.
+ " float4 color = tex2D(iridescence_sampler, float2(cos_i, thickness));\n"
+ " color *= texCUBE(env_sampler, i.reflected);\n"
+ // Modulate by per-face attenuation
+ " color.rgb *= thickness_params.w;\n"
+ " return color;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n";
+// Custom vertex, with position, normal and UVs.
+struct CustomVertex {
+ float x, y, z;
+ float nx, ny, nz;
+ float u, v;
+// Creates a sphere shape, filling vertices and indices.
+// There must be space for (rows+1) * (cols+1) vertices, and 6 * rows * cols
+// indices.
+void MakeSphere(unsigned int rows,
+ unsigned int cols,
+ CustomVertex *vertices,
+ unsigned int *indices) {
+ for (unsigned int y = 0; y < rows + 1; ++y) {
+ float phi = y * kPi / rows;
+ float y1 = cosf(phi);
+ float r = sinf(phi);
+ for (unsigned int x = 0; x < cols + 1; ++x) {
+ float theta = x * 2.f * kPi / cols;
+ float x1 = cosf(theta) * r;
+ float z1 = sinf(theta) * r;
+ unsigned int index = x + y * (cols + 1);
+ CustomVertex * vertex = vertices + index;
+ vertex->x = x1;
+ vertex->y = y1;
+ vertex->z = z1;
+ vertex->nx = x1;
+ vertex->ny = y1;
+ vertex->nz = z1;
+ vertex->u = x * 1.f / cols;
+ vertex->v = y * 1.f / rows;
+ if (x != cols && y != rows) {
+ // For each vertex, we add indices for 2 triangles representing the
+ // quad using this vertex as the upper left corner:
+ // [(x, y), (x+1, y), (x+1, y+1)] and
+ // [(x, y), (x+1, y+1), (x, y+1)].
+ // Note that we don't create triangles for the last row and the last
+ // column of vertices.
+ *indices++ = index;
+ *indices++ = index + 1;
+ *indices++ = index + cols + 2;
+ *indices++ = index;
+ *indices++ = index + cols + 2;
+ *indices++ = index + cols + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Makes a BGRA noise texture.
+void MakeNoiseTexture(unsigned int width,
+ unsigned int height,
+ unsigned int frequency,
+ unsigned int *seed,
+ unsigned char *texture) {
+ PerlinNoise2D perlin(frequency);
+ perlin.Initialize(seed);
+ scoped_array<float> values(new float[width * height]);
+ perlin.Generate(width, height, values.get());
+ for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+ // Attenuate the noise value with a function that goes to 0 on the poles to
+ // avoid discontinuities.
+ // Note: it'd be better to have a 3D noise texture, but they are way
+ // too expensive.
+ float attenuation = sinf(y * kPi / height);
+ for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+ float attenuated_value = values[y * width + x] * attenuation;
+ // remap [-1..1] to [0..1] and convert to color values.
+ unsigned char value = ToChar(attenuated_value * .5f + .5f);
+ *texture++ = value;
+ *texture++ = value;
+ *texture++ = value;
+ *texture++ = value;
+ }
+ }
+// Gets current time in microseconds.
+uint64_t GetTimeUsec() {
+ struct timeval tv;
+ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+ return tv.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + tv.tv_usec;
+class BubbleDemo {
+ public:
+ BubbleDemo();
+ ~BubbleDemo() {}
+ // Creates the socket pair for the connection.
+ nacl::HtpHandle CreateSockets();
+ // Initializes the demo once connected.
+ void Initialize();
+ // Finalizes the demo.
+ void Finalize();
+ // Renders a frame.
+ void Render();
+ private:
+ // A bubble instance.
+ struct Bubble {
+ math::Point3 position;
+ math::Vector3 rotation_speed;
+ float scale;
+ float base_thickness;
+ float thickness_falloff;
+ float noise_ratio;
+ };
+ // Depth sort functor for bubbles.
+ class BubbleSorter {
+ public:
+ explicit BubbleSorter(const math::Matrix4 &view) : view_(view) {}
+ bool operator()(const Bubble &l, const Bubble &r) {
+ return (view_ * l.position)[2] < (view_ * r.position)[2];
+ }
+ private:
+ const math::Matrix4 &view_;
+ };
+ // Draws one bubble.
+ void DrawBubble(const math::Matrix4& view,
+ const math::Matrix4& proj,
+ const BubbleDemo::Bubble &bubble,
+ const math::Vector3& rotation);
+ nacl::HtpHandle handle_pair_[2];
+ ResourceID vertex_buffer_id_;
+ ResourceID index_buffer_id_;
+ ResourceID vertex_struct_id_;
+ ResourceID effect_id_;
+ ResourceID noise_texture_id_;
+ ResourceID iridescence_texture_id_;
+ ResourceID cubemap_id_;
+ ResourceID noise_sampler_id_;
+ ResourceID iridescence_sampler_id_;
+ ResourceID cubemap_sampler_id_;
+ ResourceID noise_sampler_param_id_;
+ ResourceID iridescence_sampler_param_id_;
+ ResourceID cubemap_sampler_param_id_;
+ ResourceID mvp_param_id_;
+ ResourceID world_param_id_;
+ ResourceID worldIT_param_id_;
+ ResourceID eye_param_id_;
+ ResourceID thickness_param_id_;
+ scoped_ptr<IMCSender> sender_;
+ scoped_ptr<BufferSyncProxy> proxy_;
+ scoped_ptr<CommandBufferHelper> helper_;
+ scoped_ptr<FencedAllocatorWrapper> allocator_;
+ RPCShmHandle shm_;
+ unsigned int shm_id_;
+ void *shm_address_;
+ CustomVertex *vertices_;
+ unsigned int *indices_;
+ unsigned char *noise_texture_;
+ unsigned char *iridescence_texture_;
+ unsigned int seed_;
+ uint64_t start_time_;
+ float time_;
+ std::vector<Bubble> bubbles_;
+ : vertex_buffer_id_(1),
+ index_buffer_id_(1),
+ vertex_struct_id_(1),
+ effect_id_(1),
+ noise_texture_id_(1),
+ iridescence_texture_id_(2),
+ cubemap_id_(3),
+ noise_sampler_id_(1),
+ iridescence_sampler_id_(2),
+ cubemap_sampler_id_(3),
+ noise_sampler_param_id_(1),
+ iridescence_sampler_param_id_(2),
+ cubemap_sampler_param_id_(3),
+ mvp_param_id_(4),
+ world_param_id_(5),
+ worldIT_param_id_(6),
+ eye_param_id_(7),
+ thickness_param_id_(8),
+ shm_(kRPCInvalidHandle),
+ shm_id_(UINT_MAX),
+ shm_address_(NULL),
+ vertices_(NULL),
+ indices_(NULL),
+ noise_texture_(NULL),
+ iridescence_texture_(NULL),
+ seed_(GetTimeUsec()),
+ start_time_(0),
+ time_(0.f) {
+ handle_pair_[0] = nacl::kInvalidHtpHandle;
+ handle_pair_[1] = nacl::kInvalidHtpHandle;
+nacl::HtpHandle BubbleDemo::CreateSockets() {
+ nacl::Handle socket_pair[2];
+ if (nacl::SocketPair(socket_pair) < 0) {
+ return nacl::kInvalidHtpHandle;
+ }
+ handle_pair_[0] = nacl::CreateImcDesc(socket_pair[0]);
+ handle_pair_[1] = nacl::CreateImcDesc(socket_pair[1]);
+ return handle_pair_[1];
+const unsigned int kRows = 50;
+const unsigned int kCols = 100;
+const unsigned int kVertexCount = (kRows + 1) * (kCols + 1);
+const unsigned int kIndexCount = 6 * kRows * kCols;
+const unsigned int kVertexBufferSize = kVertexCount * sizeof(CustomVertex);
+const unsigned int kIndexBufferSize = kIndexCount * sizeof(unsigned int);
+const unsigned int kTexWidth = 512;
+const unsigned int kTexHeight = 512;
+const unsigned int kTexSize = kTexWidth * kTexHeight * 4;
+const unsigned int kShmSize = 3 << 20;
+const unsigned int kCommandBufferEntries = 1 << 16;
+const float kRefractionIndex = 1.33;
+const unsigned int kBubbleCount = 10;
+void BubbleDemo::Initialize() {
+ sender_.reset(new IMCSender(handle_pair_[0]));
+ proxy_.reset(new BufferSyncProxy(sender_.get()));
+ proxy_->InitConnection();
+ DCHECK_LE(kVertexBufferSize + kIndexBufferSize + 2 * kTexSize, kShmSize);
+ shm_ = CreateShm(kShmSize);
+ shm_address_ = MapShm(shm_, kShmSize);
+ shm_id_ = proxy_->RegisterSharedMemory(shm_, kShmSize);
+ helper_.reset(new CommandBufferHelper(proxy_.get()));
+ helper_->Init(kCommandBufferEntries);
+ allocator_.reset(new FencedAllocatorWrapper(kShmSize,
+ helper_.get(),
+ shm_address_));
+ vertices_ = allocator_->AllocTyped<CustomVertex>(kVertexCount);
+ indices_ = allocator_->AllocTyped<unsigned int>(kIndexCount);
+ MakeSphere(kRows, kCols, vertices_, indices_);
+ noise_texture_ = allocator_->AllocTyped<unsigned char>(kTexSize);
+ MakeNoiseTexture(kTexWidth, kTexHeight, 8, &seed_, noise_texture_);
+ iridescence_texture_ = allocator_->AllocTyped<unsigned char>(kTexSize);
+ MakeIridescenceTexture(kTexWidth, kTexHeight, kRefractionIndex,
+ kRedWavelength, iridescence_texture_);
+ // Clear the buffers.
+ RGBA color = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
+ ClearCmd(helper_.get(), GAPIInterface::COLOR | GAPIInterface::DEPTH, color,
+ 1.f, 0);
+ // AddCommand copies the args, so it is safe to re-use args across various
+ // calls.
+ // 20 is the largest command we use (SET_PARAM_DATA_IMMEDIATE for matrices).
+ CommandBufferEntry args[20];
+ // Create geometry arrays and structures
+ args[0].value_uint32 = vertex_buffer_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = kVertexBufferSize; // size
+ args[2].value_uint32 = 0; // flags
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_VERTEX_BUFFER, 3, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = vertex_buffer_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = 0; // offset in VB
+ args[2].value_uint32 = kVertexBufferSize; // size
+ args[3].value_uint32 = shm_id_; // shm
+ args[4].value_uint32 = allocator_->GetOffset(vertices_); // offset in shm
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_VERTEX_BUFFER_DATA, 5, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = index_buffer_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = kIndexBufferSize; // size
+ args[2].value_uint32 = index_buffer::INDEX_32BIT; // flags
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_INDEX_BUFFER, 3, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = index_buffer_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = 0; // offset in IB
+ args[2].value_uint32 = kIndexBufferSize; // size
+ args[3].value_uint32 = shm_id_; // shm
+ args[4].value_uint32 = allocator_->GetOffset(indices_); // offset in shm
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_INDEX_BUFFER_DATA, 5, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = vertex_struct_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = 3; // input count
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_VERTEX_STRUCT, 2, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ // Set POSITION input stream
+ args[0].value_uint32 = vertex_struct_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = 0; // input
+ args[2].value_uint32 = vertex_buffer_id_; // buffer
+ args[3].value_uint32 = 0; // offset
+ args[4].value_uint32 =
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::Stride::MakeValue(sizeof(CustomVertex)) |
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::Type::MakeValue(vertex_struct::FLOAT3) |
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::Semantic::MakeValue(vertex_struct::POSITION) |
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::SemanticIndex::MakeValue(0);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_VERTEX_INPUT, 5, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ // Set NORMAL input stream
+ args[1].value_uint32 = 1; // input
+ args[3].value_uint32 = 12; // offset
+ args[4].value_uint32 =
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::Stride::MakeValue(sizeof(CustomVertex)) |
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::Type::MakeValue(vertex_struct::FLOAT3) |
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::Semantic::MakeValue(vertex_struct::NORMAL) |
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::SemanticIndex::MakeValue(0);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_VERTEX_INPUT, 5, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ // Set TEXCOORD0 input stream
+ args[1].value_uint32 = 2; // input
+ args[3].value_uint32 = 24; // offset
+ args[4].value_uint32 =
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::Stride::MakeValue(sizeof(CustomVertex)) |
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::Type::MakeValue(vertex_struct::FLOAT2) |
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::Semantic::MakeValue(vertex_struct::TEX_COORD) |
+ set_vertex_input_cmd::SemanticIndex::MakeValue(0);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_VERTEX_INPUT, 5, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ // Create a 2D texture.
+ args[0].value_uint32 = noise_texture_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 =
+ create_texture_2d_cmd::Width::MakeValue(kTexWidth) |
+ create_texture_2d_cmd::Height::MakeValue(kTexHeight);
+ args[2].value_uint32 =
+ create_texture_2d_cmd::Levels::MakeValue(0) |
+ create_texture_2d_cmd::Format::MakeValue(texture::ARGB8) |
+ create_texture_2d_cmd::Flags::MakeValue(0);
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_TEXTURE_2D, 3, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = noise_texture_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 =
+ set_texture_data_cmd::X::MakeValue(0) |
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Y::MakeValue(0);
+ args[2].value_uint32 =
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Width::MakeValue(kTexWidth) |
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Height::MakeValue(kTexHeight);
+ args[3].value_uint32 =
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Z::MakeValue(0) |
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Depth::MakeValue(1);
+ args[4].value_uint32 = set_texture_data_cmd::Level::MakeValue(0);
+ args[5].value_uint32 = kTexWidth * 4; // row_pitch
+ args[6].value_uint32 = 0; // slice_pitch
+ args[7].value_uint32 = kTexSize; // size
+ args[8].value_uint32 = shm_id_;
+ args[9].value_uint32 = allocator_->GetOffset(noise_texture_);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_TEXTURE_DATA, 10, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = noise_sampler_id_;
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_SAMPLER, 1, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = noise_sampler_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = noise_texture_id_;
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_SAMPLER_TEXTURE, 2, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = noise_sampler_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 =
+ set_sampler_states::AddressingU::MakeValue(sampler::WRAP) |
+ set_sampler_states::AddressingV::MakeValue(sampler::WRAP) |
+ set_sampler_states::AddressingW::MakeValue(sampler::WRAP) |
+ set_sampler_states::MagFilter::MakeValue(sampler::LINEAR) |
+ set_sampler_states::MinFilter::MakeValue(sampler::LINEAR) |
+ set_sampler_states::MipFilter::MakeValue(sampler::NONE) |
+ set_sampler_states::MaxAnisotropy::MakeValue(1);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_SAMPLER_STATES, 2, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ // Create a 2D texture.
+ args[0].value_uint32 = iridescence_texture_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 =
+ create_texture_2d_cmd::Width::MakeValue(kTexWidth) |
+ create_texture_2d_cmd::Height::MakeValue(kTexHeight);
+ args[2].value_uint32 =
+ create_texture_2d_cmd::Levels::MakeValue(0) |
+ create_texture_2d_cmd::Format::MakeValue(texture::ARGB8) |
+ create_texture_2d_cmd::Flags::MakeValue(0);
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_TEXTURE_2D, 3, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = iridescence_texture_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 =
+ set_texture_data_cmd::X::MakeValue(0) |
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Y::MakeValue(0);
+ args[2].value_uint32 =
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Width::MakeValue(kTexWidth) |
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Height::MakeValue(kTexHeight);
+ args[3].value_uint32 =
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Z::MakeValue(0) |
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Depth::MakeValue(1);
+ args[4].value_uint32 = set_texture_data_cmd::Level::MakeValue(0);
+ args[5].value_uint32 = kTexWidth * 4; // row_pitch
+ args[6].value_uint32 = 0; // slice_pitch
+ args[7].value_uint32 = kTexSize; // size
+ args[8].value_uint32 = shm_id_;
+ args[9].value_uint32 = allocator_->GetOffset(iridescence_texture_);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_TEXTURE_DATA, 10, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = iridescence_sampler_id_;
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_SAMPLER, 1, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = iridescence_sampler_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = iridescence_texture_id_;
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_SAMPLER_TEXTURE, 2, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = iridescence_sampler_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 =
+ set_sampler_states::AddressingU::MakeValue(sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE) |
+ set_sampler_states::AddressingV::MakeValue(sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE) |
+ set_sampler_states::AddressingW::MakeValue(sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE) |
+ set_sampler_states::MagFilter::MakeValue(sampler::LINEAR) |
+ set_sampler_states::MinFilter::MakeValue(sampler::LINEAR) |
+ set_sampler_states::MipFilter::MakeValue(sampler::NONE) |
+ set_sampler_states::MaxAnisotropy::MakeValue(1);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_SAMPLER_STATES, 2, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ // Create a Cubemap texture.
+ args[0].value_uint32 = cubemap_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 =
+ create_texture_cube_cmd::Side::MakeValue(kCubeMapWidth);
+ args[2].value_uint32 =
+ create_texture_cube_cmd::Levels::MakeValue(0) |
+ create_texture_cube_cmd::Format::MakeValue(texture::ARGB8) |
+ create_texture_cube_cmd::Flags::MakeValue(0);
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_TEXTURE_CUBE, 3, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < 6; ++face) {
+ void *data = allocator_->Alloc(kCubeMapFaceSize);
+ memcpy(data, g_cubemap_data + face*kCubeMapFaceSize, kCubeMapFaceSize);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = cubemap_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 =
+ set_texture_data_cmd::X::MakeValue(0) |
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Y::MakeValue(0);
+ args[2].value_uint32 =
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Width::MakeValue(kCubeMapWidth) |
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Height::MakeValue(kCubeMapHeight);
+ args[3].value_uint32 =
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Z::MakeValue(0) |
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Depth::MakeValue(1);
+ args[4].value_uint32 =
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Level::MakeValue(0) |
+ set_texture_data_cmd::Face::MakeValue(face);
+ args[5].value_uint32 = kCubeMapWidth * 4; // row_pitch
+ args[6].value_uint32 = 0; // slice_pitch
+ args[7].value_uint32 = kCubeMapFaceSize; // size
+ args[8].value_uint32 = shm_id_;
+ args[9].value_uint32 = allocator_->GetOffset(data);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_TEXTURE_DATA, 10, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ allocator_->FreePendingToken(data, helper_->InsertToken());
+ }
+ args[0].value_uint32 = cubemap_sampler_id_;
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_SAMPLER, 1, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = cubemap_sampler_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = cubemap_id_;
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_SAMPLER_TEXTURE, 2, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = cubemap_sampler_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 =
+ set_sampler_states::AddressingU::MakeValue(sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE) |
+ set_sampler_states::AddressingV::MakeValue(sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE) |
+ set_sampler_states::AddressingW::MakeValue(sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE) |
+ set_sampler_states::MagFilter::MakeValue(sampler::LINEAR) |
+ set_sampler_states::MinFilter::MakeValue(sampler::LINEAR) |
+ set_sampler_states::MipFilter::MakeValue(sampler::NONE) |
+ set_sampler_states::MaxAnisotropy::MakeValue(1);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_SAMPLER_STATES, 2, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ // Create the effect, and parameters.
+ void *data = allocator_->Alloc(sizeof(effect_data));
+ memcpy(data, effect_data, sizeof(effect_data));
+ args[0].value_uint32 = effect_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = sizeof(effect_data); // size
+ args[2].value_uint32 = shm_id_; // shm
+ args[3].value_uint32 = allocator_->GetOffset(data); // offset in shm
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_EFFECT, 4, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ allocator_->FreePendingToken(data, helper_->InsertToken());
+ {
+ const char param_name[] = "noise_sampler";
+ args[0].value_uint32 = noise_sampler_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = effect_id_;
+ args[2].value_uint32 = sizeof(param_name);
+ unsigned int arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 3, param_name,
+ sizeof(param_name));
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_PARAM_BY_NAME_IMMEDIATE, 3 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ }
+ {
+ const char param_name[] = "iridescence_sampler";
+ args[0].value_uint32 = iridescence_sampler_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = effect_id_;
+ args[2].value_uint32 = sizeof(param_name);
+ unsigned int arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 3, param_name,
+ sizeof(param_name));
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_PARAM_BY_NAME_IMMEDIATE, 3 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ }
+ {
+ const char param_name[] = "env_sampler";
+ args[0].value_uint32 = cubemap_sampler_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = effect_id_;
+ args[2].value_uint32 = sizeof(param_name);
+ unsigned int arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 3, param_name,
+ sizeof(param_name));
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_PARAM_BY_NAME_IMMEDIATE, 3 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ }
+ {
+ const char param_name[] = "worldViewProj";
+ args[0].value_uint32 = mvp_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = effect_id_;
+ args[2].value_uint32 = sizeof(param_name);
+ unsigned int arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 3, param_name,
+ sizeof(param_name));
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_PARAM_BY_NAME_IMMEDIATE, 3 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ }
+ {
+ const char param_name[] = "world";
+ args[0].value_uint32 = world_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = effect_id_;
+ args[2].value_uint32 = sizeof(param_name);
+ unsigned int arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 3, param_name,
+ sizeof(param_name));
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_PARAM_BY_NAME_IMMEDIATE, 3 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ }
+ {
+ const char param_name[] = "worldIT";
+ args[0].value_uint32 = worldIT_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = effect_id_;
+ args[2].value_uint32 = sizeof(param_name);
+ unsigned int arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 3, param_name,
+ sizeof(param_name));
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_PARAM_BY_NAME_IMMEDIATE, 3 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ }
+ {
+ const char param_name[] = "eye";
+ args[0].value_uint32 = eye_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = effect_id_;
+ args[2].value_uint32 = sizeof(param_name);
+ unsigned int arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 3, param_name,
+ sizeof(param_name));
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_PARAM_BY_NAME_IMMEDIATE, 3 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ }
+ {
+ const char param_name[] = "thickness_params";
+ args[0].value_uint32 = thickness_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = effect_id_;
+ args[2].value_uint32 = sizeof(param_name);
+ unsigned int arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 3, param_name,
+ sizeof(param_name));
+ helper_->AddCommand(CREATE_PARAM_BY_NAME_IMMEDIATE, 3 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ }
+ // Bind textures to the parameters
+ args[0].value_uint32 = noise_sampler_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = sizeof(Uint32); // NOLINT
+ args[2].value_uint32 = noise_sampler_id_;
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_PARAM_DATA_IMMEDIATE, 3, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = iridescence_sampler_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = sizeof(Uint32); // NOLINT
+ args[2].value_uint32 = iridescence_sampler_id_;
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_PARAM_DATA_IMMEDIATE, 3, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = cubemap_sampler_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = sizeof(Uint32); // NOLINT
+ args[2].value_uint32 = cubemap_sampler_id_;
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_PARAM_DATA_IMMEDIATE, 3, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ // Create our random bubbles.
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kBubbleCount; ++i) {
+ Bubble bubble;
+ bubble.position = math::Point3(Randf(-6.f, 6.f, &seed_),
+ Randf(-6.f, 6.f, &seed_),
+ Randf(-6.f, 6.f, &seed_));
+ bubble.rotation_speed = math::Vector3(Randf(-.1f, .1f, &seed_),
+ Randf(-.1f, .1f, &seed_),
+ Randf(-.1f, .1f, &seed_));
+ bubble.scale = Randf(.5, 2.f, &seed_);
+ float max_thickness = Randf(.3f, .5f, &seed_);
+ float min_thickness = Randf(.3f, max_thickness, &seed_);
+ // thickness = base * e^(-y*falloff) for y in [-scale..scale].
+ bubble.thickness_falloff =
+ logf(max_thickness/min_thickness)/(2 * bubble.scale);
+ bubble.base_thickness =
+ max_thickness * expf(-bubble.scale * bubble.thickness_falloff);
+ bubble.noise_ratio = Randf(.2f, .5f, &seed_);
+ bubbles_.push_back(bubble);
+ }
+ start_time_ = GetTimeUsec();
+void BubbleDemo::Finalize() {
+ helper_->Finish();
+ allocator_->Free(iridescence_texture_);
+ allocator_->Free(noise_texture_);
+ allocator_->Free(indices_);
+ allocator_->Free(vertices_);
+ allocator_.reset(NULL);
+ helper_.reset(NULL);
+ proxy_->CloseConnection();
+ proxy_->UnregisterSharedMemory(shm_id_);
+ proxy_.reset(NULL);
+ DestroyShm(shm_);
+ sender_->SendCall(POISONED_MESSAGE_ID, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
+ sender_.reset(NULL);
+ nacl::Close(handle_pair_[0]);
+ handle_pair_[0] = nacl::kInvalidHtpHandle;
+ nacl::Close(handle_pair_[1]);
+ handle_pair_[1] = nacl::kInvalidHtpHandle;
+void BubbleDemo::DrawBubble(const math::Matrix4& view,
+ const math::Matrix4& proj,
+ const BubbleDemo::Bubble &bubble,
+ const math::Vector3& rotation) {
+ math::Matrix4 view_inv = math::inverse(view);
+ math::Point3 eye(view_inv.getTranslation());
+ math::Matrix4 model =
+ math::Matrix4::translation(math::Vector3(bubble.position)) *
+ math::Matrix4::scale(math::Vector3(bubble.scale, bubble.scale,
+ bubble.scale)) *
+ math::Matrix4::rotationZYX(rotation);
+ math::Matrix4 modelIT = math::inverse(math::transpose(model));
+ math::Matrix4 mvp = proj * view * model;
+ // AddCommand copies the args, so it is safe to re-use args across various
+ // calls.
+ // 20 is the largest command we use (SET_PARAM_DATA_IMMEDIATE for matrices).
+ CommandBufferEntry args[20];
+ args[0].value_uint32 = vertex_struct_id_;
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_VERTEX_STRUCT, 1, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = mvp_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = sizeof(mvp);
+ unsigned int arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 2, &mvp, sizeof(mvp));
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_PARAM_DATA_IMMEDIATE, 2 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = world_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = sizeof(model);
+ arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 2, &model, sizeof(model));
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_PARAM_DATA_IMMEDIATE, 2 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = worldIT_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = sizeof(modelIT);
+ arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 2, &modelIT, sizeof(modelIT));
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_PARAM_DATA_IMMEDIATE, 2 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = eye_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = sizeof(eye);
+ arg_count = CopyToArgs(args + 2, &eye, sizeof(eye));
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_PARAM_DATA_IMMEDIATE, 2 + arg_count, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 =
+ set_blending::ColorSrcFunc::MakeValue(GAPIInterface::BLEND_FUNC_ONE) |
+ set_blending::ColorDstFunc::MakeValue(
+ set_blending::ColorEq::MakeValue(GAPIInterface::BLEND_EQ_ADD) |
+ set_blending::SeparateAlpha::MakeValue(0) |
+ set_blending::Enable::MakeValue(1);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_BLENDING, 1, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = effect_id_;
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_EFFECT, 1, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ // Draw back faces first.
+ args[0].value_uint32 =
+ set_polygon_raster::FillMode::MakeValue(
+ set_polygon_raster::CullMode::MakeValue(GAPIInterface::CULL_CCW);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_POLYGON_RASTER, 1, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = thickness_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = 4*sizeof(float); // NOLINT
+ args[2].value_float = bubble.thickness_falloff;
+ args[3].value_float = bubble.base_thickness;
+ args[4].value_float = bubble.noise_ratio;
+ args[5].value_float = .5f; // back face attenuation
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_PARAM_DATA_IMMEDIATE, 6, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = GAPIInterface::TRIANGLES;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = index_buffer_id_;
+ args[2].value_uint32 = 0; // first
+ args[3].value_uint32 = kIndexCount/3; // primitive count
+ args[4].value_uint32 = 0; // min index
+ args[5].value_uint32 = kVertexCount-1; // max index
+ helper_->AddCommand(DRAW_INDEXED, 6, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ // Then front faces.
+ args[0].value_uint32 =
+ set_polygon_raster::FillMode::MakeValue(
+ set_polygon_raster::CullMode::MakeValue(GAPIInterface::CULL_CW);
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_POLYGON_RASTER, 1, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = thickness_param_id_;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = 4*sizeof(float); // NOLINT
+ args[2].value_float = bubble.thickness_falloff;
+ args[3].value_float = bubble.base_thickness;
+ args[4].value_float = bubble.noise_ratio;
+ args[5].value_float = 1.f;
+ helper_->AddCommand(SET_PARAM_DATA_IMMEDIATE, 6, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ args[0].value_uint32 = GAPIInterface::TRIANGLES;
+ args[1].value_uint32 = index_buffer_id_;
+ args[2].value_uint32 = 0; // first
+ args[3].value_uint32 = kIndexCount/3; // primitive count
+ args[4].value_uint32 = 0; // min index
+ args[5].value_uint32 = kVertexCount-1; // max index
+ helper_->AddCommand(DRAW_INDEXED, 6, args);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+void BubbleDemo::Render() {
+ uint64_t time_usec = GetTimeUsec() - start_time_;
+ time_ = time_usec * 1.e-6f;
+ // Camera path
+ float r = 20.f;
+ float theta = time_ / 4.f;
+ float phi = 2 * theta;
+ math::Point3 eye(r * cosf(theta), r / 3.f * sinf(phi), r * sinf(theta));
+ math::Point3 target(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
+ math::Vector3 up(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
+ math::Matrix4 proj =
+ math::CreatePerspectiveMatrix(kPi / 4.f, 1.f, .1f, 10000.f);
+ math::Matrix4 view = math::Matrix4::lookAt(eye, target, up);
+ helper_->AddCommand(BEGIN_FRAME, 0 , NULL);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ RGBA color = {0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.f};
+ ClearCmd(helper_.get(), GAPIInterface::COLOR | GAPIInterface::DEPTH, color,
+ 1.f, 0);
+ // Sort bubbles back-to-front.
+ std::sort(bubbles_.begin(), bubbles_.end(), BubbleSorter(view));
+ // Then render them all.
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bubbles_.size(); ++i) {
+ const Bubble &bubble = bubbles_[i];
+ DrawBubble(view, proj, bubble, time_ * 2.f * kPi * bubble.rotation_speed);
+ }
+ helper_->AddCommand(END_FRAME, 0 , NULL);
+ CHECK_ERROR(helper_);
+ helper_->Flush();
+} // namespace command_buffer
+} // namespace o3d
+// Scriptable object for the plug-in, provides the glue with the browser.
+// Creates a BubbleDemo object and delegates calls to it.
+class Plugin : public NPObject {
+ public:
+ NPError SetWindow(NPWindow *window) { return NPERR_NO_ERROR;}
+ static NPClass *GetNPClass() {
+ return &class_;
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit Plugin(NPP npp);
+ ~Plugin();
+ nacl::HtpHandle Create();
+ void Initialize();
+ void Destroy();
+ void Render();
+ static NPObject *Allocate(NPP npp, NPClass *npclass);
+ static void Deallocate(NPObject *object);
+ static bool HasMethod(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier name);
+ static bool Invoke(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier name,
+ const NPVariant *args, uint32_t argCount,
+ NPVariant *result);
+ static bool InvokeDefault(NPObject *header, const NPVariant *args,
+ uint32_t argCount, NPVariant *result);
+ static bool HasProperty(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier name);
+ static bool GetProperty(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier name,
+ NPVariant *variant);
+ static bool SetProperty(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier name,
+ const NPVariant *variant);
+ static bool Enumerate(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier **value,
+ uint32_t *count);
+ NPP npp_;
+ static NPClass class_;
+ NPIdentifier create_id_;
+ NPIdentifier initialize_id_;
+ NPIdentifier destroy_id_;
+ NPIdentifier render_id_;
+ scoped_ptr<o3d::command_buffer::BubbleDemo> demo_;
+Plugin::Plugin(NPP npp)
+ : npp_(npp) {
+ const char *names[4] = {"create", "initialize", "destroy", "render"};
+ NPIdentifier ids[4];
+ NPN_GetStringIdentifiers(names, 4, ids);
+ create_id_ = ids[0];
+ initialize_id_ = ids[1];
+ destroy_id_ = ids[2];
+ render_id_ = ids[3];
+Plugin::~Plugin() {
+ if (demo_.get()) demo_->Finalize();
+nacl::HtpHandle Plugin::Create() {
+ demo_.reset(new o3d::command_buffer::BubbleDemo());
+ return demo_->CreateSockets();
+void Plugin::Initialize() {
+ if (demo_.get()) demo_->Initialize();
+void Plugin::Destroy() {
+ if (demo_.get()) {
+ demo_->Finalize();
+ demo_.reset(NULL);
+ }
+void Plugin::Render() {
+ if (demo_.get()) demo_->Render();
+NPClass Plugin::class_ = {
+ Plugin::Allocate,
+ Plugin::Deallocate,
+ 0,
+ Plugin::HasMethod,
+ Plugin::Invoke,
+ 0,
+ Plugin::HasProperty,
+ Plugin::GetProperty,
+ Plugin::SetProperty,
+ 0,
+ Plugin::Enumerate,
+NPObject *Plugin::Allocate(NPP npp, NPClass *npclass) {
+ return new Plugin(npp);
+void Plugin::Deallocate(NPObject *object) {
+ delete static_cast<Plugin *>(object);
+bool Plugin::HasMethod(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier name) {
+ Plugin *plugin = static_cast<Plugin *>(header);
+ return (name == plugin->create_id_ ||
+ name == plugin->initialize_id_ ||
+ name == plugin->destroy_id_ ||
+ name == plugin->render_id_);
+bool Plugin::Invoke(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier name,
+ const NPVariant *args, uint32_t argCount,
+ NPVariant *result) {
+ Plugin *plugin = static_cast<Plugin *>(header);
+ if (name == plugin->create_id_ && argCount == 0) {
+ nacl::HtpHandle handle = plugin->Create();
+ if (handle == nacl::kInvalidHtpHandle) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ HANDLE_TO_NPVARIANT(handle, *result);
+ return true;
+ } else if (name == plugin->initialize_id_ && argCount == 0) {
+ plugin->Initialize();
+ return true;
+ } else if (name == plugin->destroy_id_ && argCount == 0) {
+ plugin->Destroy();
+ return true;
+ } else if (name == plugin->render_id_ && argCount == 0) {
+ plugin->Render();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+bool Plugin::InvokeDefault(NPObject *header, const NPVariant *args,
+ uint32_t argCount, NPVariant *result) {
+ return false;
+bool Plugin::HasProperty(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier name) {
+ return false;
+bool Plugin::GetProperty(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier name,
+ NPVariant *variant) {
+ return false;
+bool Plugin::SetProperty(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier name,
+ const NPVariant *variant) {
+ return false;
+bool Plugin::Enumerate(NPObject *header, NPIdentifier **value,
+ uint32_t *count) {
+ Plugin *plugin = static_cast<Plugin *>(header);
+ *count = 4;
+ NPIdentifier *ids = static_cast<NPIdentifier *>(
+ NPN_MemAlloc(*count * sizeof(NPIdentifier)));
+ ids[0] = plugin->create_id_;
+ ids[1] = plugin->initialize_id_;
+ ids[2] = plugin->destroy_id_;
+ ids[3] = plugin->render_id_;
+ *value = ids;
+ return true;
+NPError NPP_New(NPMIMEType mime_type, NPP instance, uint16_t mode,
+ int16_t argc, char* argn[], char* argv[],
+ NPSavedData* saved) {
+ if (instance == NULL) {
+ }
+ NPObject *object = NPN_CreateObject(instance, Plugin::GetNPClass());
+ if (object == NULL) {
+ }
+ instance->pdata = object;
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+NPError NPP_Destroy(NPP instance, NPSavedData** save) {
+ if (instance == NULL) {
+ }
+ Plugin* plugin = static_cast<Plugin*>(instance->pdata);
+ if (plugin != NULL) {
+ NPN_ReleaseObject(plugin);
+ }
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+NPObject* NPP_GetScriptableInstance(NPP instance) {
+ if (instance == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ NPObject* object = static_cast<NPObject*>(instance->pdata);
+ if (object) {
+ NPN_RetainObject(object);
+ }
+ return object;
+NPError NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window) {
+ if (instance == NULL) {
+ }
+ if (window == NULL) {
+ }
+ Plugin* plugin = static_cast<Plugin*>(instance->pdata);
+ if (plugin != NULL) {
+ return plugin->SetWindow(window);
+ }
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ printf("Bubble demo\n");
+ NaClNP_Init(&argc, argv);
+ NaClNP_MainLoop(0);
+ return 0;