path: root/remoting/base
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authorsergeyu <>2015-10-20 17:22:01 -0700
committerCommit bot <>2015-10-21 00:22:39 +0000
commit815bc8f7727e03d4e66d19462bfca9d943be1198 (patch)
tree0a8f853106ba1fa495a1c33d0116942baf55f84d /remoting/base
parent20550da3be779194f3d7eb2475cd5bb07e4894aa (diff)
Replace PluginThreadTaskRunner with a simpler MainPluginThreadTaskRunner.
PluginThreadTaskRunner was designed to work with NPAPI and PPAPI, but it's no longer necessary. Replacing it with MainPluginThreadTaskRunner that's Pepper-specific and is much simpler. BUG=544275 Review URL: Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#355200}
Diffstat (limited to 'remoting/base')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 373 deletions
diff --git a/remoting/base/ b/remoting/base/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a7c8e1..0000000
--- a/remoting/base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "remoting/base/plugin_thread_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-namespace {
-base::TimeDelta CalcTimeDelta(base::TimeTicks when) {
- return std::max(when - base::TimeTicks::Now(), base::TimeDelta());
-} // namespace
-namespace remoting {
-PluginThreadTaskRunner::Delegate::~Delegate() {
-PluginThreadTaskRunner::PluginThreadTaskRunner(Delegate* delegate)
- : plugin_thread_id_(base::PlatformThread::CurrentId()),
- event_(false, false),
- delegate_(delegate),
- next_sequence_num_(0),
- quit_received_(false),
- stopped_(false) {
-PluginThreadTaskRunner::~PluginThreadTaskRunner() {
- DCHECK(delegate_ == NULL);
- DCHECK(stopped_);
-void PluginThreadTaskRunner::DetachAndRunShutdownLoop() {
- DCHECK(BelongsToCurrentThread());
- // Detach from the plugin thread and redirect all tasks posted after this
- // point to the shutdown task loop.
- {
- base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- DCHECK(delegate_ != NULL);
- DCHECK(!stopped_);
- delegate_ = NULL;
- stopped_ = quit_received_;
- }
- // When DetachAndRunShutdownLoop() is called from NPP_Destroy() all scheduled
- // timers are cancelled. It is OK to clear |scheduled_timers_| even if
- // the timers weren't actually cancelled (i.e. DetachAndRunShutdownLoop() is
- // called before NPP_Destroy()).
- scheduled_timers_.clear();
- // Run all tasks that are due.
- ProcessIncomingTasks();
- RunDueTasks(base::TimeTicks::Now());
- while (!stopped_) {
- if (delayed_queue_.empty()) {
- event_.Wait();
- } else {
- event_.TimedWait(CalcTimeDelta(;
- }
- // Run all tasks that are due.
- ProcessIncomingTasks();
- RunDueTasks(base::TimeTicks::Now());
- base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- stopped_ = quit_received_;
- }
-void PluginThreadTaskRunner::Quit() {
- base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- if (!quit_received_) {
- quit_received_ = true;
- event_.Signal();
- }
-bool PluginThreadTaskRunner::PostDelayedTask(
- const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
- const base::Closure& task,
- base::TimeDelta delay) {
- // Wrap the task into |base::PendingTask|.
- base::TimeTicks delayed_run_time;
- if (delay > base::TimeDelta()) {
- delayed_run_time = base::TimeTicks::Now() + delay;
- } else {
- DCHECK_EQ(delay.InMilliseconds(), 0) << "delay should not be negative";
- }
- base::PendingTask pending_task(from_here, task, delayed_run_time, false);
- // Push the task to the incoming queue.
- base::AutoLock locked(lock_);
- // Initialize the sequence number. The sequence number provides FIFO ordering
- // for tasks with the same |delayed_run_time|.
- pending_task.sequence_num = next_sequence_num_++;
- // Post an asynchronous call on the plugin thread to process the task.
- if (incoming_queue_.empty()) {
- PostRunTasks();
- }
- incoming_queue_.push(pending_task);
- pending_task.task.Reset();
- // No tasks should be posted after Quit() has been called.
- DCHECK(!quit_received_);
- return true;
-bool PluginThreadTaskRunner::PostNonNestableDelayedTask(
- const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
- const base::Closure& task,
- base::TimeDelta delay) {
- // All tasks running on this task loop are non-nestable.
- return PostDelayedTask(from_here, task, delay);
-bool PluginThreadTaskRunner::RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const {
- // In pepper plugins ideally we should use pp::Core::IsMainThread,
- // but it is problematic because we would need to keep reference to
- // Core somewhere, e.g. make the delegate ref-counted.
- return base::PlatformThread::CurrentId() == plugin_thread_id_;
-void PluginThreadTaskRunner::PostRunTasks() {
- // Post tasks to the plugin thread when it is availabe or spin the shutdown
- // task loop.
- if (delegate_ != NULL) {
- base::Closure closure = base::Bind(&PluginThreadTaskRunner::RunTasks, this);
- delegate_->RunOnPluginThread(
- base::TimeDelta(),
- &PluginThreadTaskRunner::TaskSpringboard,
- new base::Closure(closure));
- } else {
- event_.Signal();
- }
-void PluginThreadTaskRunner::PostDelayedRunTasks(base::TimeTicks when) {
- DCHECK(BelongsToCurrentThread());
- // |delegate_| is updated from the plugin thread only, so it is safe to access
- // it here without taking the lock.
- if (delegate_ != NULL) {
- // Schedule RunDelayedTasks() to be called at |when| if it hasn't been
- // scheduled already.
- if (scheduled_timers_.insert(when).second) {
- base::TimeDelta delay = CalcTimeDelta(when);
- base::Closure closure =
- base::Bind(&PluginThreadTaskRunner::RunDelayedTasks, this, when);
- delegate_->RunOnPluginThread(
- delay,
- &PluginThreadTaskRunner::TaskSpringboard,
- new base::Closure(closure));
- }
- } else {
- // Spin the shutdown loop if the task runner has already been detached.
- // The shutdown loop will pick the tasks to run itself.
- event_.Signal();
- }
-void PluginThreadTaskRunner::ProcessIncomingTasks() {
- DCHECK(BelongsToCurrentThread());
- // Grab all unsorted tasks accomulated so far.
- base::TaskQueue work_queue;
- {
- base::AutoLock locked(lock_);
- incoming_queue_.Swap(&work_queue);
- }
- while (!work_queue.empty()) {
- base::PendingTask pending_task = work_queue.front();
- work_queue.pop();
- if (pending_task.delayed_run_time.is_null()) {
- pending_task.task.Run();
- } else {
- delayed_queue_.push(pending_task);
- }
- }
-void PluginThreadTaskRunner::RunDelayedTasks(base::TimeTicks when) {
- DCHECK(BelongsToCurrentThread());
- scheduled_timers_.erase(when);
- // |stopped_| is updated by the plugin thread only, so it is safe to access
- // it here without taking the lock.
- if (!stopped_) {
- ProcessIncomingTasks();
- RunDueTasks(base::TimeTicks::Now());
- }
-void PluginThreadTaskRunner::RunDueTasks(base::TimeTicks now) {
- DCHECK(BelongsToCurrentThread());
- // Run all due tasks.
- while (!delayed_queue_.empty() &&
- <= now) {
- delayed_queue_.pop();
- }
- // Post a delayed asynchronous call to the plugin thread to process tasks from
- // the delayed queue.
- if (!delayed_queue_.empty()) {
- base::TimeTicks when =;
- if (scheduled_timers_.empty() || when < *scheduled_timers_.begin()) {
- PostDelayedRunTasks(when);
- }
- }
-void PluginThreadTaskRunner::RunTasks() {
- DCHECK(BelongsToCurrentThread());
- // |stopped_| is updated by the plugin thread only, so it is safe to access
- // it here without taking the lock.
- if (!stopped_) {
- ProcessIncomingTasks();
- RunDueTasks(base::TimeTicks::Now());
- }
-// static
-void PluginThreadTaskRunner::TaskSpringboard(void* data) {
- base::Closure* task = reinterpret_cast<base::Closure*>(data);
- task->Run();
- delete task;
-} // namespace remoting
diff --git a/remoting/base/plugin_thread_task_runner.h b/remoting/base/plugin_thread_task_runner.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ae0025..0000000
--- a/remoting/base/plugin_thread_task_runner.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <set>
-#include "base/callback_forward.h"
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/pending_task.h"
-#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
-#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-namespace remoting {
-// SingleThreadTaskRunner for plugin main threads.
-class PluginThreadTaskRunner : public base::SingleThreadTaskRunner {
- public:
- class Delegate {
- public:
- virtual ~Delegate();
- virtual bool RunOnPluginThread(
- base::TimeDelta delay, void(function)(void*), void* data) = 0;
- };
- // Caller keeps ownership of delegate.
- PluginThreadTaskRunner(Delegate* delegate);
- // Detaches the PluginThreadTaskRunner from the underlying Delegate and
- // processes posted tasks until Quit() is called. This is used during plugin
- // shutdown, when the plugin environment has stopped accepting new tasks to
- // run, to process cleanup tasks posted to the plugin thread.
- // This method must be called on the plugin thread.
- void DetachAndRunShutdownLoop();
- // Makes DetachAndRunShutdownLoop() stop processing tasks and return control
- // to the caller. Calling Quit() before DetachAndRunShutdownLoop() causes
- // the latter to exit immediately when called, without processing any delayed
- // shutdown tasks. This method can be called from any thread.
- void Quit();
- // base::SingleThreadTaskRunner interface.
- bool PostDelayedTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
- const base::Closure& task,
- base::TimeDelta delay) override;
- bool PostNonNestableDelayedTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
- const base::Closure& task,
- base::TimeDelta delay) override;
- bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const override;
- protected:
- ~PluginThreadTaskRunner() override;
- private:
- // Methods that can be called from any thread.
- // Schedules RunTasks to be called on the plugin thread.
- void PostRunTasks();
- // Methods that are always called on the plugin thread.
- // Schedules RunDelayedTasks() to be called on the plugin thread. |when|
- // specifies the time when RunDelayedTasks() should be called.
- void PostDelayedRunTasks(base::TimeTicks when);
- // Processes the incoming task queue: runs all non delayed tasks and posts all
- // delayed tasks to |delayed_queue_|.
- void ProcessIncomingTasks();
- // Called in response to PostDelayedRunTasks().
- void RunDelayedTasks(base::TimeTicks when);
- // Runs all tasks that are due.
- void RunDueTasks(base::TimeTicks now);
- // Called in response to PostRunTasks().
- void RunTasks();
- static void TaskSpringboard(void* data);
- const base::PlatformThreadId plugin_thread_id_;
- // Used by the shutdown loop to block the thread until there is a task ready
- // to run.
- base::WaitableEvent event_;
- base::Lock lock_;
- // The members below are protected by |lock_|.
- // Pointer to the delegate that implements scheduling tasks via the plugin
- // API.
- Delegate* delegate_;
- // Contains all posted tasks that haven't been sorted yet.
- base::TaskQueue incoming_queue_;
- // The next sequence number to use for delayed tasks.
- int next_sequence_num_;
- // True if Quit() has been called.
- bool quit_received_;
- // The members below are accessed only on the plugin thread.
- // Contains delayed tasks, sorted by their 'delayed_run_time' property.
- base::DelayedTaskQueue delayed_queue_;
- // The list of timestamps when scheduled timers are expected to fire.
- std::set<base::TimeTicks> scheduled_timers_;
- // True if the shutdown task loop was been stopped.
- bool stopped_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PluginThreadTaskRunner);
-} // namespace remoting