path: root/tools/idl_parser
diff options
mode: <>2013-04-06 17:00:46 +0000 <>2013-04-06 17:00:46 +0000
commit683c8c52deba443b16049e26d470a8984347f6bf (patch)
treecf0b226190dfc93f63cd1814d8b9130f755bfff5 /tools/idl_parser
parent09b0a1b94a3fff60fe9c4f9498a40ede14839d9a (diff)
Add WebIDL and Pepper compliant lexer tool.
This CL is the first step towards supporting automatic doc generation. This lexer more closely follows the WebIDL spec. Tests run manually, CL will be added to automate. NOTRY=true To test: python BUG=224150 Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/idl_parser')
3 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/idl_parser/ b/tools/idl_parser/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e42734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/idl_parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+""" Lexer for PPAPI IDL
+The lexer uses the PLY library to build a tokenizer which understands both
+WebIDL and Pepper tokens.
+WebIDL, and WebIDL regular expressions can be found at:
+PLY can be found at:
+import optparse
+import os.path
+import sys
+# Try to load the ply module, if not, then assume it is in the third_party
+# directory.
+ # Disable lint check which fails to find the ply module.
+ # pylint: disable=F0401
+ from ply import lex
+ module_path, module_name = os.path.split(__file__)
+ third_party = os.path.join(module_path, '..', '..', 'third_party')
+ sys.path.append(third_party)
+ # pylint: disable=F0401
+ from ply import lex
+# IDL Lexer
+class IDLLexer(object):
+ # 'tokens' is a value required by lex which specifies the complete list
+ # of valid token types.
+ tokens = [
+ # Data types
+ 'float',
+ 'integer',
+ 'string',
+ # Operators
+ # Symbol and keywords types
+ 'identifier',
+ # Pepper Extras
+ ]
+ # 'keywords' is a map of string to token type. All tokens matching
+ # KEYWORD_OR_SYMBOL are matched against keywords dictionary, to determine
+ # if the token is actually a keyword.
+ keywords = {
+ 'any' : 'ANY',
+ 'attribute' : 'ATTRIBUTE',
+ 'boolean' : 'BOOLEAN',
+ 'byte' : 'BYTE',
+ 'callback' : 'CALLBACK',
+ 'const' : 'CONST',
+ 'creator' : 'CREATOR',
+ 'Date' : 'DATE',
+ 'deleter' : 'DELETER',
+ 'dictionary' : 'DICTIONARY',
+ 'DOMString' : 'DOMSTRING',
+ 'double' : 'DOUBLE',
+ 'enum' : 'ENUM',
+ 'false' : 'FALSE',
+ 'float' : 'FLOAT',
+ 'exception' : 'EXCEPTION',
+ 'getter': 'GETTER',
+ 'implements' : 'IMPLEMENTS',
+ 'Infinity' : 'INFINITY',
+ 'inherit' : 'INHERIT',
+ 'interface' : 'INTERFACE',
+ 'label' : 'LABEL',
+ 'legacycaller' : 'LEGACYCALLER',
+ 'long' : 'LONG',
+ 'namespace' : 'NAMESPACE',
+ 'Nan' : 'NAN',
+ 'null' : 'NULL',
+ 'object' : 'OBJECT',
+ 'octet' : 'OCTET',
+ 'optional' : 'OPTIONAL',
+ 'or' : 'OR',
+ 'partial' : 'PARTIAL',
+ 'readonly' : 'READONLY',
+ 'sequence' : 'SEQUENCE',
+ 'setter': 'SETTER',
+ 'short' : 'SHORT',
+ 'static' : 'STATIC',
+ 'stringifier' : 'STRINGIFIER',
+ 'struct' : 'STRUCT',
+ 'typedef' : 'TYPEDEF',
+ 'true' : 'TRUE',
+ 'unsigned' : 'UNSIGNED',
+ 'unrestricted' : 'UNRESTRICTED',
+ 'void' : 'VOID'
+ }
+ # Add keywords
+ for key in keywords:
+ tokens.append(keywords[key])
+ # 'literals' is a value expected by lex which specifies a list of valid
+ # literal tokens, meaning the token type and token value are identical.
+ literals = '"*.(){}[],;:=+-/~|&^?<>'
+ # Token definitions
+ #
+ # Lex assumes any value or function in the form of 't_<TYPE>' represents a
+ # regular expression where a match will emit a token of type <TYPE>. In the
+ # case of a function, the function is called when a match is made. These
+ # definitions come from WebIDL.
+ # 't_ignore' is a special match of items to ignore
+ t_ignore = ' \t'
+ # Constant values
+ t_integer = r'-?(0([0-7]*|[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]+)|[1-9][0-9]*)'
+ t_float = r'-?(([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)'
+ t_float += r'([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?|[0-9]+[Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)'
+ # Special multi-character operators
+ t_ELLIPSIS = r'\.\.\.'
+ t_LSHIFT = r'<<'
+ t_RSHIFT = r'>>'
+ # A line ending '\n', we use this to increment the line number
+ def t_LINE_END(self, t):
+ r'\n+'
+ self.AddLines(len(t.value))
+ # We do not process escapes in the IDL strings. Strings are exclusively
+ # used for attributes and enums, and not used as typical 'C' constants.
+ def t_string(self, t):
+ r'"[^"]*"'
+ t.value = t.value[1:-1]
+ self.AddLines(t.value.count('\n'))
+ return t
+ # A C or C++ style comment: /* xxx */ or //
+ def t_COMMENT(self, t):
+ r'(/\*(.|\n)*?\*/)|(//.*(\n[ \t]*//.*)*)'
+ self.AddLines(t.value.count('\n'))
+ return t
+ # Return a "preprocessor" inline block
+ def t_INLINE(self, t):
+ r'\#inline (.|\n)*?\#endinl.*'
+ self.AddLines(t.value.count('\n'))
+ return t
+ # A symbol or keyword.
+ def t_KEYWORD_OR_SYMBOL(self, t):
+ r'_?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z_0-9]*'
+ # All non-keywords are assumed to be symbols
+ t.type = self.keywords.get(t.value, 'identifier')
+ # We strip leading underscores so that you can specify symbols with the same
+ # value as a keywords (E.g. a dictionary named 'interface').
+ if t.value[0] == '_':
+ t.value = t.value[1:]
+ return t
+ def t_ANY_error(self, t):
+ msg = 'Unrecognized input'
+ line = self.lexobj.lineno
+ # If that line has not been accounted for, then we must have hit
+ # EoF, so compute the beginning of the line that caused the problem.
+ if line >= len(self.index):
+ # Find the offset in the line of the first word causing the issue
+ word = t.value.split()[0]
+ offs = self.lines[line - 1].find(word)
+ # Add the computed line's starting position
+ self.index.append(self.lexobj.lexpos - offs)
+ msg = 'Unexpected EoF reached after'
+ pos = self.lexobj.lexpos - self.index[line]
+ out = self.ErrorMessage(line, pos, msg)
+ sys.stderr.write(out + '\n')
+ self.lex_errors += 1
+ def AddLines(self, count):
+ # Set the lexer position for the beginning of the next line. In the case
+ # of multiple lines, tokens can not exist on any of the lines except the
+ # last one, so the recorded value for previous lines are unused. We still
+ # fill the array however, to make sure the line count is correct.
+ self.lexobj.lineno += count
+ for _ in range(count):
+ self.index.append(self.lexobj.lexpos)
+ def FileLineMsg(self, line, msg):
+ # Generate a message containing the file and line number of a token.
+ filename = self.lexobj.filename
+ if filename:
+ return "%s(%d) : %s" % (filename, line + 1, msg)
+ return "<BuiltIn> : %s" % msg
+ def SourceLine(self, line, pos):
+ # Create a source line marker
+ caret = '\t^'.expandtabs(pos)
+ # We decrement the line number since the array is 0 based while the
+ # line numbers are 1 based.
+ return "%s\n%s" % (self.lines[line - 1], caret)
+ def ErrorMessage(self, line, pos, msg):
+ return "\n%s\n%s" % (
+ self.FileLineMsg(line, msg),
+ self.SourceLine(line, pos))
+ def GetTokens(self):
+ outlist = []
+ while True:
+ t = self.lexobj.token()
+ if not t:
+ break
+ outlist.append(t)
+ return outlist
+ def __init__(self, filename, data):
+ self.index = [0]
+ self.lex_errors = 0
+ self.lines = data.split('\n')
+ self.lexobj = lex.lex(object=self, lextab=None, optimize=0)
+ self.lexobj.filename = filename
+ self.lexobj.input(data)
+# FileToTokens
+# From a source file generate a list of tokens.
+def FileToTokens(filename):
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as srcfile:
+ lexer = IDLLexer(filename,
+ return lexer.GetTokens()
+# TextToTokens
+# From a source file generate a list of tokens.
+def TextToTokens(text):
+ lexer = IDLLexer(None, text)
+ return lexer.GetTokens()
+# TestSameText
+# From a set of tokens, generate a new source text by joining with a
+# single space. The new source is then tokenized and compared against the
+# old set.
+def TestSameText(filename):
+ tokens1 = FileToTokens(filename)
+ to_text = '\n'.join(['%s' % t.value for t in tokens1])
+ tokens2 = TextToTokens(to_text)
+ count1 = len(tokens1)
+ count2 = len(tokens2)
+ if count1 != count2:
+ print "Size mismatch original %d vs %d\n" % (count1, count2)
+ if count1 > count2:
+ count1 = count2
+ failed = 0
+ for i in range(count1):
+ if tokens1[i].value != tokens2[i].value:
+ print "%d >>%s<< >>%s<<" % (i, tokens1[i].type, tokens2[i].value)
+ failed = failed + 1
+ return failed
+# TestExpectedText
+# From a set of tokens pairs, verify the type field of the second matches
+# the value of the first, so that:
+# integer 123 float 1.1
+# will generate a passing test, where the first token has both the type and
+# value of the keyword integer and the second has the type of integer and
+# value of 123.
+def TestExpect(filename):
+ tokens = FileToTokens(filename)
+ count = len(tokens)
+ index = 0
+ errors = 0
+ while index < count:
+ expect_type = tokens[index].value
+ actual_type = tokens[index + 1].type
+ index += 2
+ if expect_type != actual_type:
+ sys.stderr.write('Mismatch: Expected %s, but got %s.\n' %
+ (expect_type, actual_type))
+ errors += 1
+ return errors
+def Main(args):
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('--test', help='Run tests.', action='store_true')
+ # If no arguments are provided, run tests.
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ args = ['--test', 'test_lexer/', 'test_lexer/']
+ options, filenames = parser.parse_args(args)
+ if not filenames:
+ parser.error('No files specified.')
+ for filename in filenames:
+ try:
+ if options.test:
+ if TestSameText(filename):
+ sys.stderr.write('Failed text match on %s.\n' % filename)
+ return -1
+ if TestExpect(filename):
+ sys.stderr.write('Failed expected type match on %s.\n' % filename)
+ return -1
+ print 'Passed: ' + filename
+ except lex.LexError as le:
+ sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % str(le))
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(Main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/tools/idl_parser/test_lexer/ b/tools/idl_parser/test_lexer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e155753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/idl_parser/test_lexer/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ANY any
+ATTRIBUTE attribute
+BOOLEAN boolean
+BYTE byte
+CALLBACK callback
+CONST const
+CREATOR creator
+DATE Date
+DELETER deleter
+DICTIONARY dictionary
+DOUBLE double
+FALSE false
+FLOAT float
+EXCEPTION exception
+GETTER getter
+IMPLEMENTS implements
+INFINITY Infinity
+INTERFACE interface
+LABEL label
+LEGACYCALLER legacycaller
+LONG long
+NAMESPACE namespace
+NAN Nan
+NULL null
+OBJECT object
+OPTIONAL optional
+OR or
+PARTIAL partial
+READONLY readonly
+SETTER setter
+SHORT short
+STATIC static
+STRINGIFIER stringifier
+STRUCT struct
+TYPEDEF typedef
+TRUE true
+UNSIGNED unsigned
+UNRESTRICTED unrestricted
+VOID void
diff --git a/tools/idl_parser/test_lexer/ b/tools/idl_parser/test_lexer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1040724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/idl_parser/test_lexer/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+integer 1 integer 123 integer 12345
+identifier A123 identifier A_A
+[ [
+] ]
+* *
+. .
+( (
+) )
+{ {
+} }
+[ [
+] ]
+, ,
+; ;
+: :
+= =
++ +
+- -
+/ /
+~ ~
+| |
+& &
+^ ^
+> >
+< <
+float 1.1
+float 1e1
+float -1.1
+float -1e1
+float 1e-1
+float -1e-1
+float 1.0e1
+float -1.0e-1
+integer 00
+integer 01
+integer 0123
+identifier blah