diff options
9 files changed, 80 insertions, 898 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd b/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
index ad0dfd4..90b5d28 100644
--- a/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
+++ b/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd
@@ -5254,56 +5254,6 @@ Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of y
Hide Details
- <!-- Strings for the extensions permission dialog experiment -->
- <!-- TODO(meacer): Remove these once the experiments are completed. -->
- Do you trust this extension to use these privileges safely?
- </message>
- Once installed, this extension could potentially use these privileges to do malicious things to your web browsing experience. Are you sure you want to install this extension?
- </message>
- Are you sure you want to install this extension given that it requires these privileges?
- </message>
- Make sure that these privileges make sense for what you think the extension needs to do. If they do not, click Cancel.
- </message>
- Do you trust this extension to perform these actions?
- </message>
- <message name="IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_EXPERIMENT_INSTALL_BUTTON_TRUST" desc="Text for the install button on the extension install prompt (for experiment group 1)">
- Yes, I trust this extension!
- </message>
- <message name="IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_EXPERIMENT_INSTALL_BUTTON_YES" desc="Text for the install button on the extension install prompt (for experiment group 2)">
- Yes, install
- </message>
- <message name="IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_EXPERIMENT_INSTALL_BUTTON_SURE" desc="Text for the install button on the extension install prompt (for experiment group 3)">
- Yes, I'm sure
- </message>
- <message name="IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_EXPERIMENT_INSTALL_BUTTON_TRUST2" desc="Text for the install button on the extension install prompt (for experiment group 4)">
- Yes, I trust it
- </message>
- <message name="IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_EXPERIMENT_INSTALL_BUTTON_NOPE" desc="Text for the cancel button on the extension install prompt">
- Nope, cancel
- </message>
- <message name="IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_EXPERIMENT_SHOW_DETAILS" desc="The label of the button which displays permission info when clicked">
- Show details
- </message>
- <message name="IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_EXPERIMENT_SHOW_PERMISSIONS" desc="The label of the button which displays permission list when clicked">
- Show permissions
- </message>
- <message name="IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_EXPERIMENT_CHECKBOX_INFO" desc="Text for the label that explains that user should check all checkboxes to process for installation.">
- Please check all boxes to proceed.
- </message>
- <message name="IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_WARNING_FULL_ACCESS_EXPLANATION" desc="Extra explanation text for full access permission">
- This extension can read and change all data on your computer and all websites including Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc.
- </message>
- <message name="IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_WARNING_ALL_HOSTS_EXPLANATION" desc="Extra explanation text for all sites permission">
- This extension can read and change your information on all websites including Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc.
- </message>
<!-- Global error messages for extensions -->
<message name="IDS_EXTENSION_WARNINGS_WRENCH_MENU_ITEM" desc="The wrench menu item indicating that extensions caused problems.">
Extension error
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
index 45047b8..e8dea3cb 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -381,11 +381,6 @@ int ExtensionInstallPrompt::Prompt::GetDialogButtons() const {
return kButtons[type_];
-bool ExtensionInstallPrompt::Prompt::ShouldShowExplanationText() const {
- return type_ == INSTALL_PROMPT && extension_->is_extension() &&
- experiment_.get() && experiment_->text_only();
bool ExtensionInstallPrompt::Prompt::HasAcceptButtonLabel() const {
return ShouldDisplayRevokeButton();
@@ -419,21 +414,15 @@ base::string16 ExtensionInstallPrompt::Prompt::GetAcceptButtonLabel() const {
return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(id);
- if (ShouldShowExplanationText())
- return experiment_->GetOkButtonText();
return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(kAcceptButtonIds[type_]);
bool ExtensionInstallPrompt::Prompt::HasAbortButtonLabel() const {
- if (ShouldShowExplanationText())
- return true;
return kAbortButtonIds[type_] > 0;
base::string16 ExtensionInstallPrompt::Prompt::GetAbortButtonLabel() const {
- if (ShouldShowExplanationText())
- return experiment_->GetCancelButtonText();
return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(kAbortButtonIds[type_]);
@@ -909,11 +898,6 @@ void ExtensionInstallPrompt::LoadImageIfNeeded() {
void ExtensionInstallPrompt::ShowConfirmation() {
- if (prompt_->type() == INSTALL_PROMPT)
- prompt_->set_experiment(ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::Find());
- else
- prompt_->set_experiment(ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::ControlGroup());
scoped_refptr<const PermissionSet> permissions_to_display;
if (custom_permissions_.get()) {
permissions_to_display = custom_permissions_;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt.h b/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt.h
index 8bb83fa..56b774c 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt.h
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt_experiment.h"
#include "extensions/common/url_pattern.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
@@ -141,7 +140,6 @@ class ExtensionInstallPrompt
base::string16 GetRetainedDevicesHeading() const;
bool ShouldShowPermissions() const;
- bool ShouldShowExplanationText() const;
// Getters for webstore metadata. Only populated when the type is
@@ -200,13 +198,6 @@ class ExtensionInstallPrompt
bool has_webstore_data() const { return has_webstore_data_; }
- const ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment* experiment() const {
- return experiment_.get();
- }
- void set_experiment(ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment* experiment) {
- experiment_ = experiment;
- }
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Prompt>;
@@ -271,8 +262,6 @@ class ExtensionInstallPrompt
std::vector<base::FilePath> retained_files_;
std::vector<base::string16> retained_device_messages_;
- scoped_refptr<ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment> experiment_;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
deleted file mode 100644
index 499435a..0000000
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt_experiment.h"
-#include "chrome/grit/generated_resources.h"
-#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
-namespace {
-const char kExperimentName[] = "ExtensionPermissionDialog";
-const char kGroupPrefix[] = "Group";
-// Flags for groups. Not all combinations make sense.
-// Refer to the UI screens at for those that do.
-enum GroupFlag {
- // No changes (Control group).
- NONE = 0,
- // Indicates that the experiment is text only. A text only experiment
- // only adds an explanation text at the bottom of the permission dialog and
- // modifies the text on accept/cancel buttons.
- TEXT_ONLY = 1 << 0,
- // Indicates that the experiment shows inline explanations for permissions.
- // Indicates that the experiment highlights permission text color.
- // Indicates that the experiment highlights permission text background.
- // Indicates that the experiment highlights all permissions.
- // Indicates that the experiment puts a "show details" link in the UI.
- // Indicates that the experiment hides the permissions by default and the list
- // can be expanded.
- // Indicates that the experiment shows checkboxes for each permission.
-// Flags for the actual experiment groups. These flags define what kind of
-// UI changes each experiment group does. An experiment group may change
-// multiple aspects of the extension install dialog (e.g. one of the groups
-// show a details link and inline explanations for permissions). The control
-// group doesn't change the UI. Text only groups add a text warning to the UI,
-// with the text changing depending on the group number. Groups with inline
-// explanations show detailed explanations for a subset of permissions. Some
-// groups highlight the foreground or the background of permission texts.
-// The flags reflect the UI screens at
-const unsigned int kGroupFlags[] = {
- // Control group doesn't change the UI.
- // Adds "Do you trust this extension to use these privileges safely" text.
- // Adds "Extension can be malicious" text.
- // Adds "Are you sure you want to install" text.
- // Adds "Make sure these privileges make sense for this extension" text.
- // Adds "Do you trust this extension to perform these actions" text.
- // Adds inline explanations displayed by default.
- // Adds expandable inline explanations with a "Show Details" link.
- // Adds expandable permission list with a "Show Permissions" link.
- // Highlights text for risky permissions.
- // Highlights background for risky permissions.
- // Highlights background for all permissions
- // Displays checkboxes for all permissions.
-const size_t kGroupCount = arraysize(kGroupFlags);
-// Parameters for text only experiments.
-const struct TextParams {
- int text_id;
- int ok_text_id;
- int cancel_text_id;
-} kTextParams[] = {
- {
- },
- {
- },
- {
- },
- {
- },
- {
- }
-// Permission warnings in this list have inline explanation texts.
-const struct PermissionExplanations {
- int warning_msg_id;
- int extra_explanation_id;
-} kPermissionExplanations[] = {
- {
- },
- {
- }
-// Permission warnings in this list are going to be highlighted.
-// Note that the matching is done by string comparison, so this list must not
-// contain any dynamic strings (e.g. permission for 3 hosts with the host list).
-const int kHighlightedWarnings[] = {
-bool IsImportantWarning(const base::string16& message) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kHighlightedWarnings); ++i) {
- if (message == l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(kHighlightedWarnings[i]))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-} // namespace
- unsigned int group_id, unsigned int flags)
- : group_id_(group_id),
- flags_(flags) {
-ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::~ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment() {
-// static
- ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::ControlGroup() {
- return new ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment(0, kGroupFlags[0]);
-// static
- ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::Find() {
- base::FieldTrial* trial = base::FieldTrialList::Find(kExperimentName);
- // Default is control group.
- unsigned int group_id = 0;
- if (trial) {
- std::vector<std::string> tokens;
- base::SplitString(trial->group_name().c_str(), '_', &tokens);
- if (tokens.size() == 2 && tokens[0] == kGroupPrefix) {
- base::StringToUint(tokens[1], &group_id);
- if (group_id >= kGroupCount)
- group_id = 0;
- }
- }
- return new ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment(group_id, kGroupFlags[group_id]);
-base::string16 ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::GetExplanationText() const {
- DCHECK(group_id_ > 0 && group_id_ - 1 < arraysize(kTextParams));
- return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(kTextParams[group_id_ - 1].text_id);
-base::string16 ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::GetOkButtonText() const {
- DCHECK(group_id_ > 0 && group_id_ - 1 < arraysize(kTextParams));
- return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(kTextParams[group_id_ - 1].ok_text_id);
-base::string16 ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::GetCancelButtonText() const {
- DCHECK(group_id_ > 0 && group_id_ - 1 < arraysize(kTextParams));
- return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(kTextParams[group_id_ - 1].cancel_text_id);
-bool ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::text_only() const {
- return (flags_ & TEXT_ONLY) != 0;
-bool ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::ShouldHighlightText(
- const base::string16& message) const {
- return (flags_ & SHOULD_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT) != 0 && IsImportantWarning(message);
-bool ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::ShouldHighlightBackground(
- const base::string16& message) const {
- return (flags_ & SHOULD_HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND) != 0 &&
- IsImportantWarning(message));
-bool ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::show_details_link() const {
- return (flags_ & SHOULD_SHOW_DETAILS_LINK) != 0;
-bool ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::show_checkboxes() const {
- return (flags_ & SHOULD_SHOW_CHECKBOXES) != 0;
-bool ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::should_show_expandable_permission_list()
- const {
- return (flags_ & EXPANDABLE_PERMISSION_LIST) != 0;
-bool ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::should_show_inline_explanations() const {
- return (flags_ & INLINE_EXPLANATIONS) != 0;
-base::string16 ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::GetInlineExplanation(
- const base::string16& message) const {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kPermissionExplanations); ++i) {
- if (message == l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(
- kPermissionExplanations[i].warning_msg_id)) {
- return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(
- kPermissionExplanations[i].extra_explanation_id);
- }
- }
- return base::string16();
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt_experiment.h b/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt_experiment.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 630c1d1..0000000
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt_experiment.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-// Represents a permission dialog experiment.
-// TODO(meacer): Remove this class once the ExtensionPermissionDialog
-// experiment is completed (
-class ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment
- : public base::RefCounted<ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment> {
- public:
- ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment(unsigned int group_id, unsigned int flags);
- // Returns an experiment instance configured by the server. The ownership of
- // the returned pointer is passed to the caller.
- static ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment* Find();
- // Returns an experiment instance for the control group. The ownership of the
- // returned pointer is passed to the caller.
- static ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment* ControlGroup();
- // Returns true if this is a text only experiment. A text only experiment
- // only adds an explanation text at the bottom of the permission dialog
- // and changes the text on the add/cancel buttons.
- bool text_only() const;
- // The explanation text to be added for text only experiments.
- base::string16 GetExplanationText() const;
- // The text for the accept button for text only experiments.
- base::string16 GetOkButtonText() const;
- // The text for the cancel button for text only experiments.
- base::string16 GetCancelButtonText() const;
- // Returns true if the text color should be highlighted for the given
- // permission message.
- bool ShouldHighlightText(const base::string16& message) const;
- // Returns true if the text background should be highlighted for the given
- // permission message.
- bool ShouldHighlightBackground(const base::string16& message) const;
- // Returns true if there should be a "Show details" link at the bottom of the
- // permission dialog.
- bool show_details_link() const;
- // Returns true if there should be checkboxes next to permissions for the
- // user to click.
- bool show_checkboxes() const;
- // Returns true if the permission list should be hidden by default and can
- // be expanded when necessary.
- bool should_show_expandable_permission_list() const;
- // Returns true if the experiment should show inline explanations for
- // permissions.
- bool should_show_inline_explanations() const;
- // Returns the inline explanation text for the given permission warning.
- // Returns empty string if there is no corresponding inline explanation.
- base::string16 GetInlineExplanation(const base::string16& message) const;
- private:
- friend class base::RefCounted<ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment>;
- ~ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment();
- // Group id of the experiment. The zeroth group is the control group.
- const unsigned int group_id_;
- // Bitmask for the changes done to the UI by the experiment. An experiment can
- // change multiple parts of the UI.
- const unsigned int flags_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment);
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/
index 75d28c0..325fbdd 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/experience_sampling_private/experience_sampling.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/bundle_installer.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt_experiment.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt_show_params.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h"
@@ -87,20 +86,6 @@ const int kBundleLeftColumnWidth = 300;
// this case, so make it wider than normal.
const int kExternalInstallLeftColumnWidth = 350;
-// Lighter color for labels.
-const SkColor kLighterLabelColor = SkColorSetRGB(0x99, 0x99, 0x99);
-// Represents an action on a clickable link created by the install prompt
-// experiment. This is used to group the actions in UMA histograms named
-// Extensions.InstallPromptExperiment.ShowDetails and
-// Extensions.InstallPromptExperiment.ShowPermissions.
-enum ExperimentLinkAction {
void AddResourceIcon(const gfx::ImageSkia* skia_image, void* data) {
views::View* parent = static_cast<views::View*>(data);
views::ImageView* image_view = new views::ImageView();
@@ -140,34 +125,6 @@ BulletedView::BulletedView(views::View* view) {
-CheckboxedView::CheckboxedView(views::View* view,
- views::ButtonListener* listener) {
- views::GridLayout* layout = new views::GridLayout(this);
- SetLayoutManager(layout);
- views::ColumnSet* column_set = layout->AddColumnSet(0);
- column_set->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING,
- views::GridLayout::LEADING,
- 0,
- views::GridLayout::USE_PREF,
- 0, // No fixed width.
- 0);
- column_set->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING,
- views::GridLayout::LEADING,
- 0,
- views::GridLayout::USE_PREF,
- 0, // No fixed width.
- 0);
- layout->StartRow(0, 0);
- views::Checkbox* checkbox = new views::Checkbox(base::string16());
- checkbox->set_listener(listener);
- // Alignment needs to be explicitly set again here, otherwise the views are
- // not vertically centered.
- layout->AddView(checkbox, 1, 1,
- views::GridLayout::LEADING, views::GridLayout::CENTER);
- layout->AddView(view, 1, 1,
- views::GridLayout::LEADING, views::GridLayout::CENTER);
void ShowExtensionInstallDialogImpl(
ExtensionInstallPromptShowParams* show_params,
ExtensionInstallPrompt::Delegate* delegate,
@@ -201,10 +158,6 @@ ExtensionInstallDialogView::ExtensionInstallDialogView(
- scrollable_header_only_(NULL),
- show_details_link_(NULL),
- checkbox_info_label_(NULL),
- unchecked_boxes_(0),
handled_result_(false) {
@@ -215,7 +168,7 @@ ExtensionInstallDialogView::~ExtensionInstallDialogView() {
void ExtensionInstallDialogView::InitView() {
- // Possible grid layouts without ExtensionPermissionDialog experiment:
+ // Possible grid layouts:
// Inline install
// w/ permissions no permissions
// +--------------------+------+ +--------------+------+
@@ -247,54 +200,6 @@ void ExtensionInstallDialogView::InitView() {
// +--------------------| |
// | permission2 | |
// +--------------------+------+
- //
- // If the ExtensionPermissionDialog is on, the layout is modified depending
- // on the experiment group. For text only experiment, a footer is added at the
- // bottom of the layouts. For others, inline details are added below some of
- // the permissions.
- //
- // Regular install w/ permissions and footer (experiment):
- // +--------------------+------+
- // | heading | icon |
- // +--------------------| |
- // | permissions_header | |
- // +--------------------| |
- // | permission1 | |
- // +--------------------| |
- // | permission2 | |
- // +--------------------+------+
- // | footer text | |
- // +--------------------+------+
- //
- // Regular install w/ permissions and inline explanations (experiment):
- // +--------------------+------+
- // | heading | icon |
- // +--------------------| |
- // | permissions_header | |
- // +--------------------| |
- // | permission1 | |
- // +--------------------| |
- // | explanation1 | |
- // +--------------------| |
- // | permission2 | |
- // +--------------------| |
- // | explanation2 | |
- // +--------------------+------+
- //
- // Regular install w/ permissions and inline explanations (experiment):
- // +--------------------+------+
- // | heading | icon |
- // +--------------------| |
- // | permissions_header | |
- // +--------------------| |
- // |checkbox|permission1| |
- // +--------------------| |
- // |checkbox|permission2| |
- // +--------------------+------+
- //
- // Additionally, links or informational text is added to non-client areas of
- // the dialog depending on the experiment group.
int left_column_width =
(prompt_->ShouldShowPermissions() + prompt_->GetRetainedFileCount()) > 0
? kPermissionsLeftColumnWidth
@@ -316,27 +221,12 @@ void ExtensionInstallDialogView::InitView() {
scrollable_, left_column_width, column_set_id, false);
ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
- if (prompt_->ShouldShowPermissions() &&
- prompt_->experiment()->should_show_expandable_permission_list()) {
- // If the experiment should hide the permission list initially, create a
- // simple layout that contains only the header, extension name and icon.
- scrollable_header_only_ = new CustomScrollableView();
- CreateLayout(scrollable_header_only_, left_column_width,
- column_set_id, true);
- scroll_view_->SetContents(scrollable_header_only_);
- } else {
- scroll_view_->SetContents(scrollable_);
- }
+ scroll_view_->SetContents(scrollable_);
int dialog_width = left_column_width + 2 * views::kPanelHorizMargin;
if (!is_bundle_install())
dialog_width += views::kPanelHorizMargin + kIconSize + kIconOffset;
- // Widen the dialog for experiment with checkboxes so that the information
- // label fits the area to the left of the buttons.
- if (prompt_->experiment()->show_checkboxes())
- dialog_width += 4 * views::kPanelHorizMargin;
if (prompt_->has_webstore_data()) {
layout->StartRow(0, column_set_id);
views::View* rating = new views::View();
@@ -454,8 +344,6 @@ void ExtensionInstallDialogView::InitView() {
- false,
- true,
@@ -481,8 +369,6 @@ void ExtensionInstallDialogView::InitView() {
- false,
- true,
@@ -492,73 +378,12 @@ void ExtensionInstallDialogView::InitView() {
- if (prompt_->ShouldShowPermissions()) {
- if (prompt_->ShouldShowExplanationText()) {
- views::ColumnSet* column_set = layout->AddColumnSet(++column_set_id);
- column_set->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING,
- views::GridLayout::FILL,
- 1,
- views::GridLayout::USE_PREF,
- 0,
- 0);
- // Add two rows of space so that the text stands out.
- layout->AddPaddingRow(0, 2 * views::kRelatedControlVerticalSpacing);
- layout->StartRow(0, column_set_id);
- views::Label* explanation =
- new views::Label(prompt_->experiment()->GetExplanationText());
- explanation->SetMultiLine(true);
- explanation->SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::ALIGN_LEFT);
- explanation->SizeToFit(left_column_width + kIconSize);
- layout->AddView(explanation);
- }
- if (prompt_->experiment()->should_show_expandable_permission_list() ||
- (prompt_->experiment()->show_details_link() &&
- prompt_->experiment()->should_show_inline_explanations() &&
- !inline_explanations_.empty())) {
- // Don't show the "Show details" link if there are retained
- // files. These have their own "Show details" links and having
- // multiple levels of links is confusing.
- if (prompt_->GetRetainedFileCount() == 0) {
- int text_id =
- prompt_->experiment()->should_show_expandable_permission_list()
- show_details_link_ = new views::Link(
- l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(text_id));
- show_details_link_->SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::ALIGN_LEFT);
- show_details_link_->set_listener(this);
- UpdateLinkActionHistogram(LINK_SHOWN);
- } else {
- UpdateLinkActionHistogram(LINK_NOT_SHOWN);
- }
- }
- if (prompt_->experiment()->show_checkboxes()) {
- checkbox_info_label_ = new views::Label(
- l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(
- checkbox_info_label_->SetMultiLine(true);
- checkbox_info_label_->SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::ALIGN_LEFT);
- checkbox_info_label_->SetAutoColorReadabilityEnabled(false);
- checkbox_info_label_->SetEnabledColor(kLighterLabelColor);
- }
- }
gfx::Size scrollable_size = scrollable_->GetPreferredSize();
dialog_size_ = gfx::Size(
std::min(scrollable_size.height(), kDialogMaxHeight));
- if (scrollable_header_only_) {
- gfx::Size header_only_size = scrollable_header_only_->GetPreferredSize();
- scrollable_header_only_->SetBoundsRect(gfx::Rect(header_only_size));
- dialog_size_ = gfx::Size(
- dialog_width, std::min(header_only_size.height(), kDialogMaxHeight));
- }
std::string event_name = ExperienceSamplingEvent::kExtensionInstallDialog;
@@ -609,30 +434,10 @@ bool ExtensionInstallDialogView::AddPermissions(
views::Label* permission_label =
new views::Label(prompt_->GetPermission(i, perm_type));
- const SkColor kTextHighlight = SK_ColorRED;
- const SkColor kBackgroundHighlight = SkColorSetRGB(0xFB, 0xF7, 0xA3);
- if (prompt_->experiment()->ShouldHighlightText(
- prompt_->GetPermission(i, perm_type))) {
- permission_label->SetAutoColorReadabilityEnabled(false);
- permission_label->SetEnabledColor(kTextHighlight);
- } else if (prompt_->experiment()->ShouldHighlightBackground(
- prompt_->GetPermission(i, perm_type))) {
- permission_label->SetLineHeight(18);
- permission_label->set_background(
- views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(kBackgroundHighlight));
- }
- if (prompt_->experiment()->show_checkboxes()) {
- permission_label->SizeToFit(left_column_width);
- layout->AddView(new CheckboxedView(permission_label, this));
- ++unchecked_boxes_;
- } else {
- permission_label->SizeToFit(left_column_width - kBulletWidth);
- layout->AddView(new BulletedView(permission_label));
- }
+ permission_label->SizeToFit(left_column_width - kBulletWidth);
+ layout->AddView(new BulletedView(permission_label));
// If we have more details to provide, show them in collapsed form.
if (!prompt_->GetPermissionsDetails(i, perm_type).empty()) {
@@ -645,35 +450,9 @@ bool ExtensionInstallDialogView::AddPermissions(
- true,
- true,
- false);
+ true);
- if (prompt_->experiment()->should_show_inline_explanations()) {
- base::string16 explanation = prompt_->experiment()->GetInlineExplanation(
- prompt_->GetPermission(i, perm_type));
- if (!explanation.empty()) {
- PermissionDetails details;
- details.push_back(explanation);
- ExpandableContainerView* container =
- new ExpandableContainerView(this,
- base::string16(),
- details,
- left_column_width,
- false,
- false,
- true);
- // Inline explanations are expanded by default if there is
- // no "Show details" link.
- if (!prompt_->experiment()->show_details_link())
- container->ExpandWithoutAnimation();
- layout->StartRow(0, column_set_id);
- layout->AddView(container);
- inline_explanations_.push_back(container);
- }
- }
return true;
@@ -753,29 +532,6 @@ void ExtensionInstallDialogView::ContentsChanged() {
-void ExtensionInstallDialogView::ViewHierarchyChanged(
- const ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details) {
- views::DialogDelegateView::ViewHierarchyChanged(details);
- // Since we want the links to show up in the same visual row as the accept
- // and cancel buttons, which is provided by the framework, we must add the
- // buttons to the non-client view, which is the parent of this view.
- // Similarly, when we're removed from the view hierarchy, we must take care
- // to clean up those items as well.
- if (details.child == this) {
- if (details.is_add) {
- if (show_details_link_)
- details.parent->AddChildView(show_details_link_);
- if (checkbox_info_label_)
- details.parent->AddChildView(checkbox_info_label_);
- } else {
- if (show_details_link_)
- details.parent->RemoveChildView(show_details_link_);
- if (checkbox_info_label_)
- details.parent->RemoveChildView(checkbox_info_label_);
- }
- }
int ExtensionInstallDialogView::GetDialogButtons() const {
int buttons = prompt_->GetDialogButtons();
// Simply having just an OK button is *not* supported. See comment on function
@@ -836,85 +592,25 @@ base::string16 ExtensionInstallDialogView::GetWindowTitle() const {
void ExtensionInstallDialogView::LinkClicked(views::Link* source,
int event_flags) {
- if (source == show_details_link_) {
- UpdateLinkActionHistogram(LINK_CLICKED);
- // Show details link is used to either reveal whole permission list or to
- // reveal inline explanations.
- if (prompt_->experiment()->should_show_expandable_permission_list()) {
- gfx::Rect bounds = GetWidget()->GetWindowBoundsInScreen();
- int spacing = bounds.height() -
- scrollable_header_only_->GetPreferredSize().height();
- int content_height = std::min(scrollable_->GetPreferredSize().height(),
- kDialogMaxHeight);
- bounds.set_height(spacing + content_height);
- scroll_view_->SetContents(scrollable_);
- GetWidget()->SetBoundsConstrained(bounds);
- ContentsChanged();
- } else {
- ToggleInlineExplanations();
- }
- show_details_link_->SetVisible(false);
+ GURL store_url(extension_urls::GetWebstoreItemDetailURLPrefix() +
+ prompt_->extension()->id());
+ OpenURLParams params(
+ store_url, Referrer(), NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB,
+ false);
+ if (navigator_) {
+ navigator_->OpenURL(params);
} else {
- GURL store_url(extension_urls::GetWebstoreItemDetailURLPrefix() +
- prompt_->extension()->id());
- OpenURLParams params(
- store_url, Referrer(), NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB,
- false);
- if (navigator_) {
- navigator_->OpenURL(params);
- } else {
- chrome::ScopedTabbedBrowserDisplayer displayer(
- profile_, chrome::GetActiveDesktop());
- displayer.browser()->OpenURL(params);
- }
- GetWidget()->Close();
+ chrome::ScopedTabbedBrowserDisplayer displayer(
+ profile_, chrome::GetActiveDesktop());
+ displayer.browser()->OpenURL(params);
-void ExtensionInstallDialogView::ToggleInlineExplanations() {
- for (InlineExplanations::iterator it = inline_explanations_.begin();
- it != inline_explanations_.end(); ++it)
- (*it)->ToggleDetailLevel();
+ GetWidget()->Close();
void ExtensionInstallDialogView::Layout() {
scroll_view_->SetBounds(0, 0, width(), height());
- if (show_details_link_ || checkbox_info_label_) {
- views::LabelButton* cancel_button = GetDialogClientView()->cancel_button();
- gfx::Rect parent_bounds = parent()->GetContentsBounds();
- // By default, layouts have an inset of kButtonHEdgeMarginNew. In order to
- // align the link horizontally with the left side of the contents of the
- // layout, put a horizontal margin with this amount.
- const int horizontal_margin = views::kButtonHEdgeMarginNew;
- const int vertical_margin = views::kButtonVEdgeMarginNew;
- int y_buttons = parent_bounds.bottom() -
- cancel_button->GetPreferredSize().height() - vertical_margin;
- int max_width = dialog_size_.width() - cancel_button->width() * 2 -
- horizontal_margin * 2 - views::kRelatedButtonHSpacing;
- if (show_details_link_) {
- gfx::Size link_size = show_details_link_->GetPreferredSize();
- show_details_link_->SetBounds(
- horizontal_margin,
- y_buttons + (cancel_button->height() - link_size.height()) / 2,
- link_size.width(), link_size.height());
- }
- if (checkbox_info_label_) {
- gfx::Size label_size = checkbox_info_label_->GetPreferredSize();
- checkbox_info_label_->SetBounds(
- horizontal_margin,
- y_buttons + (cancel_button->height() - label_size.height()) / 2,
- label_size.width(), label_size.height());
- checkbox_info_label_->SizeToFit(max_width);
- }
- }
- // Disable accept button if there are unchecked boxes and
- // the experiment is on.
- if (prompt_->experiment()->show_checkboxes())
- GetDialogClientView()->ok_button()->SetEnabled(unchecked_boxes_ == 0);
@@ -922,51 +618,18 @@ gfx::Size ExtensionInstallDialogView::GetPreferredSize() const {
return dialog_size_;
-void ExtensionInstallDialogView::ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender,
- const ui::Event& event) {
- if (std::string(views::Checkbox::kViewClassName) == sender->GetClassName()) {
- views::Checkbox* checkbox = static_cast<views::Checkbox*>(sender);
- if (checkbox->checked())
- --unchecked_boxes_;
- else
- ++unchecked_boxes_;
- GetDialogClientView()->ok_button()->SetEnabled(unchecked_boxes_ == 0);
- checkbox_info_label_->SetVisible(unchecked_boxes_ > 0);
- }
void ExtensionInstallDialogView::UpdateInstallResultHistogram(bool accepted)
const {
if (prompt_->type() == ExtensionInstallPrompt::INSTALL_PROMPT)
UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Extensions.InstallPrompt.Accepted", accepted);
-void ExtensionInstallDialogView::UpdateLinkActionHistogram(int action_type)
- const {
- if (prompt_->experiment()->should_show_expandable_permission_list()) {
- // The clickable link in the UI is "Show Permissions".
- "Extensions.InstallPromptExperiment.ShowPermissions",
- action_type,
- } else {
- // The clickable link in the UI is "Show Details".
- "Extensions.InstallPromptExperiment.ShowDetails",
- action_type,
- }
// ExpandableContainerView::DetailsView ----------------------------------------
ExpandableContainerView::DetailsView::DetailsView(int horizontal_space,
- bool parent_bulleted,
- bool lighter_color)
+ bool parent_bulleted)
: layout_(new views::GridLayout(this)),
- state_(0),
- lighter_color_(lighter_color) {
+ state_(0) {
views::ColumnSet* column_set = layout_->AddColumnSet(0);
// If the parent is using bullets for its items, then a padding of one unit
@@ -992,10 +655,6 @@ void ExpandableContainerView::DetailsView::AddDetail(
new views::Label(PrepareForDisplay(detail, false));
- if (lighter_color_) {
- detail_label->SetEnabledColor(kLighterLabelColor);
- detail_label->SetAutoColorReadabilityEnabled(false);
- }
@@ -1017,13 +676,11 @@ ExpandableContainerView::ExpandableContainerView(
const base::string16& description,
const PermissionDetails& details,
int horizontal_space,
- bool parent_bulleted,
- bool show_expand_link,
- bool lighter_color_details)
+ bool parent_bulleted)
: owner_(owner),
- more_details_(NULL),
+ more_details_(NULL),
expanded_(false) {
views::GridLayout* layout = new views::GridLayout(this);
@@ -1049,8 +706,7 @@ ExpandableContainerView::ExpandableContainerView(
if (details.empty())
- details_view_ = new DetailsView(horizontal_space, parent_bulleted,
- lighter_color_details);
+ details_view_ = new DetailsView(horizontal_space, parent_bulleted);
layout->StartRow(0, column_set_id);
@@ -1058,60 +714,57 @@ ExpandableContainerView::ExpandableContainerView(
for (size_t i = 0; i < details.size(); ++i)
- // TODO(meacer): Remove show_expand_link when the experiment is completed.
- if (show_expand_link) {
- views::Link* link = new views::Link(
- l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_EXTENSIONS_SHOW_DETAILS));
+ views::Link* link = new views::Link(
+ l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_EXTENSIONS_SHOW_DETAILS));
+ // Make sure the link width column is as wide as needed for both Show and
+ // Hide details, so that the arrow doesn't shift horizontally when we
+ // toggle.
+ int link_col_width =
+ views::kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing +
+ std::max(gfx::GetStringWidth(
+ link->font_list()),
+ gfx::GetStringWidth(
+ link->font_list()));
+ column_set = layout->AddColumnSet(++column_set_id);
+ // Padding to the left of the More Details column. If the parent is using
+ // bullets for its items, then a padding of one unit will make the child
+ // item (which has no bullet) look like a sibling of its parent. Therefore
+ // increase the indentation by one more unit to show that it is in fact a
+ // child item (with no missing bullet) and not a sibling.
+ column_set->AddPaddingColumn(
+ 0, views::kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing * (parent_bulleted ? 2 : 1));
+ // The More Details column.
+ column_set->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING,
+ views::GridLayout::LEADING,
+ 0,
+ views::GridLayout::FIXED,
+ link_col_width,
+ link_col_width);
+ // The Up/Down arrow column.
+ column_set->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING,
+ views::GridLayout::LEADING,
+ 0,
+ views::GridLayout::USE_PREF,
+ 0,
+ 0);
- // Make sure the link width column is as wide as needed for both Show and
- // Hide details, so that the arrow doesn't shift horizontally when we
- // toggle.
- int link_col_width =
- views::kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing +
- std::max(gfx::GetStringWidth(
- link->font_list()),
- gfx::GetStringWidth(
- link->font_list()));
- column_set = layout->AddColumnSet(++column_set_id);
- // Padding to the left of the More Details column. If the parent is using
- // bullets for its items, then a padding of one unit will make the child
- // item (which has no bullet) look like a sibling of its parent. Therefore
- // increase the indentation by one more unit to show that it is in fact a
- // child item (with no missing bullet) and not a sibling.
- column_set->AddPaddingColumn(
- 0, views::kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing * (parent_bulleted ? 2 : 1));
- // The More Details column.
- column_set->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING,
- views::GridLayout::LEADING,
- 0,
- views::GridLayout::FIXED,
- link_col_width,
- link_col_width);
- // The Up/Down arrow column.
- column_set->AddColumn(views::GridLayout::LEADING,
- views::GridLayout::LEADING,
- 0,
- views::GridLayout::USE_PREF,
- 0,
- 0);
+ // Add the More Details link.
+ layout->StartRow(0, column_set_id);
+ more_details_ = link;
+ more_details_->set_listener(this);
+ more_details_->SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ layout->AddView(more_details_);
- // Add the More Details link.
- layout->StartRow(0, column_set_id);
- more_details_ = link;
- more_details_->set_listener(this);
- more_details_->SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::ALIGN_LEFT);
- layout->AddView(more_details_);
- // Add the arrow after the More Details link.
- ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
- arrow_toggle_ = new views::ImageButton(this);
- arrow_toggle_->SetImage(views::Button::STATE_NORMAL,
- rb.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_DOWN_ARROW));
- layout->AddView(arrow_toggle_);
- }
+ // Add the arrow after the More Details link.
+ ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
+ arrow_toggle_ = new views::ImageButton(this);
+ arrow_toggle_->SetImage(views::Button::STATE_NORMAL,
+ rb.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_DOWN_ARROW));
+ layout->AddView(arrow_toggle_);
ExpandableContainerView::~ExpandableContainerView() {
@@ -1168,11 +821,6 @@ void ExpandableContainerView::ToggleDetailLevel() {
-void ExpandableContainerView::ExpandWithoutAnimation() {
- expanded_ = true;
- details_view_->AnimateToState(1.0);
// static
ExtensionInstallPrompt::GetDefaultShowDialogCallback() {
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/extension_install_dialog_view.h b/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/extension_install_dialog_view.h
index 93d721c..c904edd 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/extension_install_dialog_view.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/extension_install_dialog_view.h
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#include "ui/views/window/dialog_delegate.h"
typedef std::vector<base::string16> PermissionDetails;
-class ExpandableContainerView;
class ExtensionInstallPromptShowParams;
class Profile;
@@ -51,8 +50,7 @@ class CustomScrollableView : public views::View {
// Implements the extension installation dialog for TOOLKIT_VIEWS.
class ExtensionInstallDialogView : public views::DialogDelegateView,
- public views::LinkListener,
- public views::ButtonListener {
+ public views::LinkListener {
Profile* profile,
@@ -79,18 +77,10 @@ class ExtensionInstallDialogView : public views::DialogDelegateView,
base::string16 GetWindowTitle() const override;
void Layout() override;
gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() const override;
- void ViewHierarchyChanged(
- const ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details) override;
// views::LinkListener:
void LinkClicked(views::Link* source, int event_flags) override;
- // views::ButtonListener:
- void ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender, const ui::Event& event) override;
- // Experimental: Toggles inline permission explanations with an animation.
- void ToggleInlineExplanations();
// Initializes the dialog view, adding in permissions if they exist.
void InitView();
@@ -123,10 +113,6 @@ class ExtensionInstallDialogView : public views::DialogDelegateView,
// Updates the histogram that holds installation accepted/aborted data.
void UpdateInstallResultHistogram(bool accepted) const;
- // Updates the histogram that holds data about whether "Show details" or
- // "Show permissions" links were shown and/or clicked.
- void UpdateLinkActionHistogram(int action_type) const;
Profile* profile_;
content::PageNavigator* navigator_;
ExtensionInstallPrompt::Delegate* delegate_;
@@ -139,29 +125,9 @@ class ExtensionInstallDialogView : public views::DialogDelegateView,
// The container view for the scroll view.
CustomScrollableView* scrollable_;
- // The container for the simpler view with only the dialog header and the
- // extension icon. Used for the experiment where the permissions are
- // initially hidden when the dialog shows.
- CustomScrollableView* scrollable_header_only_;
// The preferred size of the dialog.
gfx::Size dialog_size_;
- // Experimental: "Show details" link to expand inline explanations and reveal
- // permision dialog.
- views::Link* show_details_link_;
- // Experimental: Label for showing information about the checkboxes.
- views::Label* checkbox_info_label_;
- // Experimental: Contains pointers to inline explanation views.
- typedef std::vector<ExpandableContainerView*> InlineExplanations;
- InlineExplanations inline_explanations_;
- // Experimental: Number of unchecked checkboxes in the permission list.
- // If this becomes zero, the accept button is enabled, otherwise disabled.
- int unchecked_boxes_;
// ExperienceSampling: Track this UI event.
scoped_ptr<extensions::ExperienceSamplingEvent> sampling_event_;
@@ -181,16 +147,6 @@ class BulletedView : public views::View {
-// A simple view that prepends a view with a checkbox with the help of a grid
-// layout. Used for the permission experiment.
-// TODO(meacer): Remove once the experiment is completed.
-class CheckboxedView : public views::View {
- public:
- CheckboxedView(views::View* view, views::ButtonListener* listener);
- private:
// A view to display text with an expandable details section.
class ExpandableContainerView : public views::View,
public views::ButtonListener,
@@ -201,9 +157,7 @@ class ExpandableContainerView : public views::View,
const base::string16& description,
const PermissionDetails& details,
int horizontal_space,
- bool parent_bulleted,
- bool show_expand_link,
- bool lighter_color_details);
+ bool parent_bulleted);
~ExpandableContainerView() override;
// views::View:
@@ -219,19 +173,11 @@ class ExpandableContainerView : public views::View,
void AnimationProgressed(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
void AnimationEnded(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
- // Expand/Collapse the detail section for this ExpandableContainerView.
- void ToggleDetailLevel();
- // Expand the detail section without any animation.
- // TODO(meacer): Remove once the experiment is completed.
- void ExpandWithoutAnimation();
// A view which displays all the details of an IssueAdviceInfoEntry.
class DetailsView : public views::View {
- explicit DetailsView(int horizontal_space, bool parent_bulleted,
- bool lighter_color);
+ DetailsView(int horizontal_space, bool parent_bulleted);
~DetailsView() override {}
// views::View:
@@ -246,24 +192,24 @@ class ExpandableContainerView : public views::View,
views::GridLayout* layout_;
double state_;
- // Whether the detail text should be shown with a lighter color.
- bool lighter_color_;
+ // Expand/Collapse the detail section for this ExpandableContainerView.
+ void ToggleDetailLevel();
// The dialog that owns |this|. It's also an ancestor in the View hierarchy.
ExtensionInstallDialogView* owner_;
// A view for showing |issue_advice.details|.
DetailsView* details_view_;
+ gfx::SlideAnimation slide_animation_;
// The 'more details' link shown under the heading (changes to 'hide details'
// when the details section is expanded).
views::Link* more_details_;
- gfx::SlideAnimation slide_animation_;
// The up/down arrow next to the 'more detail' link (points up/down depending
// on whether the details section is expanded).
views::ImageButton* arrow_toggle_;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/
index 2de6c33..801bc28 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_browsertest.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_icon_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt_experiment.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/extensions/extension_settings_handler.h"
@@ -114,7 +113,6 @@ void ExtensionInstallDialogViewTestBase::SetUpOnMainThread() {
install_prompt_ = new MockExtensionInstallPrompt(web_contents_);
- prompt_->set_experiment(ExtensionInstallPromptExperiment::ControlGroup());
scoped_ptr<ExtensionIconManager> icon_manager(new ExtensionIconManager());
diff --git a/chrome/chrome_browser_extensions.gypi b/chrome/chrome_browser_extensions.gypi
index a100bd3..6466702 100644
--- a/chrome/chrome_browser_extensions.gypi
+++ b/chrome/chrome_browser_extensions.gypi
@@ -582,8 +582,6 @@
- 'browser/extensions/',
- 'browser/extensions/extension_install_prompt_experiment.h',