diff options
4 files changed, 154 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/common/extensions/docs/manifest.html b/chrome/common/extensions/docs/manifest.html
index 952768c..1c5d814 100644
--- a/chrome/common/extensions/docs/manifest.html
+++ b/chrome/common/extensions/docs/manifest.html
@@ -253,12 +253,12 @@ are <b>name</b> and <b>version</b>.
"<a href="autoupdate.html">update_url</a>": "http://<em>path/to/updateInfo</em>.xml",
"<a href="background_pages.html">background_page</a>": "<em>aFile</em>.html",
- "<a href="browserAction.html">brower_action</a>": [...],
+ "<a href="browserAction.html">brower_action</a>": {...},
"<a href="content_scripts.html">content_scripts</a>": [...],
- "<a href="pageAction.html">page_action</a>": [...],
+ "<a href="pageAction.html">page_action</a>": {...},
"<a href="#permissions">permissions</a>": [...],
"<a href="npapi.html">plugins</a>": [...],
- "<a href="themes.html">theme</a>": [...],
+ "<a href="themes.html">theme</a>": {...},
"<a href="toolstrip.html">toolstrips</a>": [...]
diff --git a/chrome/common/extensions/docs/pageAction.html b/chrome/common/extensions/docs/pageAction.html
index eb96f53..f1bf2c4 100644
--- a/chrome/common/extensions/docs/pageAction.html
+++ b/chrome/common/extensions/docs/pageAction.html
@@ -159,21 +159,21 @@
<li jsinstance="0">
- <a href="#icons">Icons</a>
+ <a href="#manifest">Manifest</a>
<li jsinstance="*0" style="display: none; ">
</li><li jsinstance="1">
- <a href="#H2-1">Style Guide</a>
+ <a href="#ui">Parts of the UI</a>
<li jsinstance="*0" style="display: none; ">
</li><li jsinstance="*2">
- <a href="#manifest">Manifest</a>
+ <a href="#tips">Tips</a>
<li jsinstance="*0" style="display: none; ">
@@ -239,10 +239,20 @@
<div id="static"><div id="pageData-title" class="pageData">Page Actions</div>
-<p>Page actions are a simple way to represent actions that can be taken on a page ("Email this page", "Share with Facebook", etc).</p>
+Use page actions to put icons inside the address bar.
+Page actions represent actions
+that can be taken on the current page,
+but that aren't applicable to all pages.
+Some examples:
+"Subscribe to this page's RSS feed",
+"Make a slideshow out of this page's photos".
+<span class="comment">
+[PENDING: check]
-Page actions are displayed as icons on the right side of the OmniBox.
The RSS icon in the following screenshot
represents a page action
that lets you subscribe to
@@ -251,48 +261,78 @@ the RSS feed for the current page.
<img src="images/page-action.png" width="361" height="79">
-<h2 id="icons">Icons</h2>
+If you want your icon to always be visible,
+use a <a href="browserAction.html">browser action</a> instead.
+<h2 id="manifest">Manifest</h2>
+Register your page action in the
+<a href="manifest.html">extension manifest</a>
+like this:
+<pre>"page_action": {
+ "default_title": "Do action", <em>// optional; shown in tooltip</em>
+ "default_icon": "icons/foo.png" <em>// optional</em>
+<p><b>Note:</b> Even if you don't include
+ any of the values,
+ you must include an empty <b>page_action</b> entry
+ in your manifest so that the system
+ reserves space for your page action
+ in the address bar.</p>
+<h2 id="ui">Parts of the UI</h2>
-<p>Page action icons can be
-up to 19px square.
-Larger icons will be
-resized to fit,
-but for best results,
-using a 19px icon is recommended.</p>
+Page actions have the same UI parts as browser actions —
+icon, tooltip, badge, and popup —
+with the addition that page actions can appear and disappear.
+For information about the common UI parts,
+read about the
+<a href="browserAction.html#ui">browser action UI</a>.
-<p>Icons can be set two ways:
-using a static image
-or using the HTML5 <a href="">canvas element</a>.
-Using static images is easier
-for simple applications,
-but you can do
-more dynamic UIs
-using the canvas element.
+You make a page action appear and disappear using the
+<a href="#method-hide">hide()</a> and
+<a href="#method-show">show()</a> methods, respectively.
+<div class="comment">
+We should discuss how tabs and page actions are related.
+All methods take a tab ID argument.
+How do you get that tab ID?
+What's the usual way of arranging the code that monitors pages?
+Point to examples.]
-</p><p>Static images can be
-in any format WebKit can display.
-These include: png, bmp, ico, jpg, gif.</p>
-<a name="H2-1"></a><h2>Style Guide</h2>
+<h2 id="tips">Tips</h2>
<p>For the best visual impact,
-we recommend observing
-the following guidelines:</p>
+follow these guidelines:</p>
<li><b>Do</b> use page actions
- for features that only make sense
- for a few pages.
+ for features that make sense
+ for only a few pages.
</li><li><b>Don't</b> use page actions
for features that make sense
for most pages.
Use <a href="browserAction.html">browser actions</a> instead.
</li><li><b>Do</b> use icons
- that are slightly lighter-weight
- than <a href="browserAction.html#icons">browser action icons</a>.
+ that are slightly lighter weight
+ than <a href="browserAction.html#icon">browser action icons</a>.
Most icons that Chrome displays
in the location bar
- are smaller than 19px.
+ are smaller than 19 pixels.
If the edge pixels are used,
they are usually only used
for a faint shadow.
@@ -300,24 +340,6 @@ the following guidelines:</p>
That's just annoying.
-<h2 id="manifest">Manifest</h2>
-<p>Developers can declare page actions
- in the manifest
- using the following syntax:</p>
-<pre>"page_action": {
- "default_title": "Do action", // Optional, tooltip.
- "default_icon": "icons/foo.png" // Optional, icon.
-<p><b>Note:</b> Even if you don't include
- any of the values,
- you must include an empty page_action entry
- in your manifest so that the system knows
- to reserve space for your action
- in the omnibox.</p>
@@ -361,7 +383,7 @@ the following guidelines:</p>
<div class="description">
<p class="todo" style="display: none; ">Undocumented.</p>
- <p>Hide the page action.</p>
+ <p>Hides the page action.</p>
@@ -573,7 +595,7 @@ the following guidelines:</p>
<dd class="todo" style="display: none; ">
- <dd>An array of four integers in the range [0,255] that make up the ARGB color for the text of the badge.</dd>
+ <dd>An array of four integers in the range [0,255] that make up the ARGB color of the badge. For example, opaque red is [255, 255, 0, 0].</dd>
<dd style="display: none; ">
@@ -634,7 +656,7 @@ the following guidelines:</p>
<div class="description">
<p class="todo" style="display: none; ">Undocumented.</p>
- <p>Sets the badge text for the page action. This is printed on top of the icon.</p>
+ <p>Sets the badge text for the page action. The badge is displayed on top of the icon.</p>
@@ -988,7 +1010,7 @@ the following guidelines:</p>
<div class="description">
<p class="todo" style="display: none; ">Undocumented.</p>
- <p>Sets the icon for the page action. The icon can be specified either as the index of one of the icons that was pre-specified in the manifest, or as the pixel data from a Canvas element. Either the path or the imageData property must be specified.</p>
+ <p>Sets the icon for the page action. The icon can be specified either as the path to an image file or as the pixel data from a canvas element. Either the <b>path</b> or the <b>imageData</b> property must be specified.</p>
@@ -1099,7 +1121,7 @@ the following guidelines:</p>
<dd class="todo" style="display: none; ">
- <dd>Pixel data for an image. Must be an ImageData object (eg from a <code>canvas</code> element).</dd>
+ <dd>Pixel data for an image. Must be an ImageData object (for example, from a canvas element).</dd>
<dd style="display: none; ">
@@ -1140,7 +1162,7 @@ the following guidelines:</p>
<dd class="todo" style="display: none; ">
- <dd><b>Deprecated.</b> The zero-based index into the |icons| vector specified in the manifest.</dd>
+ <dd><b>Deprecated.</b> The zero-based index into the <b>icons</b> vector specified in the manifest.</dd>
<dd style="display: none; ">
@@ -1201,7 +1223,7 @@ the following guidelines:</p>
<div class="description">
<p class="todo" style="display: none; ">Undocumented.</p>
- <p>Set the title of the page action. This is displayed in a tooltip over the page action.</p>
+ <p>Sets the title of the page action. This is displayed in a tooltip over the page action.</p>
@@ -1373,7 +1395,7 @@ the following guidelines:</p>
<div class="description">
<p class="todo" style="display: none; ">Undocumented.</p>
- <p>Show the page action. The page action is shown whenever the tab is selected.</p>
+ <p>Shows the page action. The page action is shown whenever the tab is selected.</p>
@@ -1474,7 +1496,7 @@ the following guidelines:</p>
<div class="description">
<p class="todo" style="display: none; ">Undocumented.</p>
- <p>Fired when a page action button is clicked.</p>
+ <p>Fired when a page action icon is clicked.</p>
diff --git a/chrome/common/extensions/docs/static/manifest.html b/chrome/common/extensions/docs/static/manifest.html
index bdb086b..49aa63c 100644
--- a/chrome/common/extensions/docs/static/manifest.html
+++ b/chrome/common/extensions/docs/static/manifest.html
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ are <b>name</b> and <b>version</b>.
"<a href="autoupdate.html">update_url</a>": "http://<em>path/to/updateInfo</em>.xml",
"<a href="background_pages.html">background_page</a>": "<em>aFile</em>.html",
- "<a href="browserAction.html">brower_action</a>": [...],
+ "<a href="browserAction.html">brower_action</a>": {...},
"<a href="content_scripts.html">content_scripts</a>": [...],
- "<a href="pageAction.html">page_action</a>": [...],
+ "<a href="pageAction.html">page_action</a>": {...},
"<a href="#permissions">permissions</a>": [...],
"<a href="npapi.html">plugins</a>": [...],
- "<a href="themes.html">theme</a>": [...],
+ "<a href="themes.html">theme</a>": {...},
"<a href="toolstrip.html">toolstrips</a>": [...]
diff --git a/chrome/common/extensions/docs/static/pageAction.html b/chrome/common/extensions/docs/static/pageAction.html
index 5d8f88a..402c431 100755
--- a/chrome/common/extensions/docs/static/pageAction.html
+++ b/chrome/common/extensions/docs/static/pageAction.html
@@ -1,10 +1,20 @@
<div id="pageData-title" class="pageData">Page Actions</div>
-<p>Page actions are a simple way to represent actions that can be taken on a page ("Email this page", "Share with Facebook", etc).</p>
+Use page actions to put icons inside the address bar.
+Page actions represent actions
+that can be taken on the current page,
+but that aren't applicable to all pages.
+Some examples:
+"Subscribe to this page's RSS feed",
+"Make a slideshow out of this page's photos".
+<span class="comment">
+[PENDING: check]
-Page actions are displayed as icons on the right side of the OmniBox.
The RSS icon in the following screenshot
represents a page action
that lets you subscribe to
@@ -14,48 +24,78 @@ the RSS feed for the current page.
<img src="images/page-action.png"
width="361" height="79" />
-<h2 id="icons">Icons</h2>
+If you want your icon to always be visible,
+use a <a href="browserAction.html">browser action</a> instead.
+<h2 id="manifest">Manifest</h2>
+Register your page action in the
+<a href="manifest.html">extension manifest</a>
+like this:
+<pre>"page_action": {
+ "default_title": "Do action", <em>// optional; shown in tooltip</em>
+ "default_icon": "icons/foo.png" <em>// optional</em>
+<p><b>Note:</b> Even if you don't include
+ any of the values,
+ you must include an empty <b>page_action</b> entry
+ in your manifest so that the system
+ reserves space for your page action
+ in the address bar.</p>
+<h2 id="ui">Parts of the UI</h2>
+Page actions have the same UI parts as browser actions &mdash;
+icon, tooltip, badge, and popup &mdash;
+with the addition that page actions can appear and disappear.
+For information about the common UI parts,
+read about the
+<a href="browserAction.html#ui">browser action UI</a>.
-<p>Page action icons can be
-up to 19px square.
-Larger icons will be
-resized to fit,
-but for best results,
-using a 19px icon is recommended.</p>
+You make a page action appear and disappear using the
+<a href="#method-hide">hide()</a> and
+<a href="#method-show">show()</a> methods, respectively.
-<p>Icons can be set two ways:
-using a static image
-or using the HTML5 <a href="">canvas element</a>.
-Using static images is easier
-for simple applications,
-but you can do
-more dynamic UIs
-using the canvas element.
+<div class="comment">
+We should discuss how tabs and page actions are related.
+All methods take a tab ID argument.
+How do you get that tab ID?
+What's the usual way of arranging the code that monitors pages?
+Point to examples.]
-<p>Static images can be
-in any format WebKit can display.
-These include: png, bmp, ico, jpg, gif.</p>
-<h2>Style Guide</h2>
+<h2 id="tips">Tips</h2>
<p>For the best visual impact,
-we recommend observing
-the following guidelines:</p>
+follow these guidelines:</p>
<li><b>Do</b> use page actions
- for features that only make sense
- for a few pages.
+ for features that make sense
+ for only a few pages.
<li><b>Don't</b> use page actions
for features that make sense
for most pages.
Use <a href="browserAction.html">browser actions</a> instead.
<li><b>Do</b> use icons
- that are slightly lighter-weight
- than <a href="browserAction.html#icons">browser action icons</a>.
+ that are slightly lighter weight
+ than <a href="browserAction.html#icon">browser action icons</a>.
Most icons that Chrome displays
in the location bar
- are smaller than 19px.
+ are smaller than 19 pixels.
If the edge pixels are used,
they are usually only used
for a faint shadow.
@@ -63,22 +103,4 @@ the following guidelines:</p>
That's just annoying.
-<h2 id="manifest">Manifest</h2>
-<p>Developers can declare page actions
- in the manifest
- using the following syntax:</p>
-<pre>"page_action": {
- "default_title": "Do action", // Optional, tooltip.
- "default_icon": "icons/foo.png" // Optional, icon.
-<p><b>Note:</b> Even if you don't include
- any of the values,
- you must include an empty page_action entry
- in your manifest so that the system knows
- to reserve space for your action
- in the omnibox.</p>