diff options
13 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ccbf8d9..78ed35b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -198,6 +198,8 @@ v8.log
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index e74a8f5..397632c 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -706,6 +706,40 @@ hooks = [
"-s", "src/tools/gn/bin/linux/gn32.sha1",
+ # Pull clang-format binaries using checked-in hashes.
+ {
+ "name": "clang_format_win",
+ "pattern": "src/third_party/clang_format/bin/win/clang-format.exe.sha1",
+ "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
+ "--no_resume",
+ "--platform=win32",
+ "--no_auth",
+ "--bucket", "chromium-clang-format",
+ "-s", "src/third_party/clang_format/bin/win/clang-format.exe.sha1",
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "clang_format_mac",
+ "pattern": "src/third_party/clang_format/bin/mac/clang-format.sha1",
+ "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
+ "--no_resume",
+ "--platform=darwin",
+ "--no_auth",
+ "--bucket", "chromium-clang-format",
+ "-s", "src/third_party/clang_format/bin/mac/clang-format.sha1",
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "clang_format_linux",
+ "pattern": "src/third_party/clang_format/bin/linux/clang-format.sha1",
+ "action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
+ "--no_resume",
+ "--platform=linux*",
+ "--no_auth",
+ "--bucket", "chromium-clang-format",
+ "-s", "src/third_party/clang_format/bin/linux/clang-format.sha1",
+ ],
+ },
# A change to a .gyp, .gypi, or to GYP itself should run the generator.
"name": "gyp",
diff --git a/third_party/clang_format/README.chromium b/third_party/clang_format/README.chromium
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..103b5ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/clang_format/README.chromium
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Name: clang-format
+Short Name: clang-format
+Version: 3.5
+Date: 8 January 2014
+Revision: 198831
+License: University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License
+License File: NOT_SHIPPED
+Security Critical: No
+A tool for formatting C++ code to style.
+Local Modifications:
diff --git a/third_party/clang_format/README.txt b/third_party/clang_format/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b042487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/clang_format/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+This folder contains clang-format binaries. The binaries will be automatically
+downloaded from Google Storage by gclient runhooks for the current platform.
+For a walkthrough on how to maintain these binaries:
+To upload a file:
+ python ~/depot_tools/ -b chromium-clang-format <FILENAME>
+To download a file given a .sha1 file:
+ python ~/depot_tools/ -b chromium-clang-format -s <FILENAME>.sha1
+List the contents of GN's Google Storage bucket:
+ python ~/depot_tools/third_party/gsutil/gsutil ls gs://chromium-clang-format/
+To initialize gsutil's credentials:
+ python ~/depot_tools/third_party/gsutil/gsutil config
+ That will give a URL which you should log into with your web browser. The
+ username should be the one that is on the ACL for the "chromium-clang-format"
+ bucket (probably your address). Contact the build team for help
+ getting access if necessary.
+ Copy the code back to the command line util. Ignore the project ID (it's OK
+ to just leave blank when prompted).
+gsutil documentation:
diff --git a/third_party/clang_format/bin/linux/clang-format.sha1 b/third_party/clang_format/bin/linux/clang-format.sha1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7229213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/clang_format/bin/linux/clang-format.sha1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ee0117f00e70c8cbaa780fc95b55754fc5a3bd06 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/clang_format/bin/mac/clang-format.sha1 b/third_party/clang_format/bin/mac/clang-format.sha1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..743ff4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/clang_format/bin/mac/clang-format.sha1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+bc7ce933f91ecf1ef08284421b1ff9617fad5d9a \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/clang_format/bin/win/clang-format.exe.sha1 b/third_party/clang_format/bin/win/clang-format.exe.sha1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aab6547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/clang_format/bin/win/clang-format.exe.sha1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ab07bc6cc1f91c920da95603a63cc8fdfc2f33d8 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/clang_format/scripts/clang-format-bbedit.applescript b/third_party/clang_format/scripts/clang-format-bbedit.applescript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa88fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/clang_format/scripts/clang-format-bbedit.applescript
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+-- In this file, change "/path/to/" to the path where you installed clang-format
+-- and save it to ~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Scripts. You can then
+-- select the script from the Script menu and clang-format will format the
+-- selection. Note that you can rename the menu item by renaming the script, and
+-- can assign the menu item a keyboard shortcut in the BBEdit preferences, under
+-- Menus & Shortcuts.
+on urlToPOSIXPath(theURL)
+ return do shell script "python -c \"import urllib, urlparse, sys; print urllib.unquote(urlparse.urlparse(sys.argv[1])[2])\" " & quoted form of theURL
+end urlToPOSIXPath
+tell application "BBEdit"
+ set selectionOffset to characterOffset of selection
+ set selectionLength to length of selection
+ set fileURL to URL of text document 1
+end tell
+set filePath to urlToPOSIXPath(fileURL)
+set newContents to do shell script "/path/to/clang-format -offset=" & selectionOffset & " -length=" & selectionLength & " " & quoted form of filePath
+tell application "BBEdit"
+ -- "set contents of text document 1 to newContents" scrolls to the bottom while
+ -- replacing a selection flashes a bit but doesn't affect the scroll position.
+ set currentLength to length of contents of text document 1
+ select characters 1 thru currentLength of text document 1
+ set text of selection to newContents
+ select characters selectionOffset thru (selectionOffset + selectionLength - 1) of text document 1
+end tell
diff --git a/third_party/clang_format/scripts/ b/third_party/clang_format/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d575a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/clang_format/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#===- - ClangFormat Diff Reformatter ----*- python -*--===#
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+ClangFormat Diff Reformatter
+This script reads input from a unified diff and reformats all the changed
+lines. This is useful to reformat all the lines touched by a specific patch.
+Example usage for git users:
+ git diff -U0 HEAD^ | -p1 -i
+import argparse
+import difflib
+import re
+import string
+import subprocess
+import StringIO
+import sys
+# Change this to the full path if clang-format is not on the path.
+binary = 'clang-format'
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
+ 'Reformat changed lines in diff. Without -i '
+ 'option just output the diff that would be '
+ 'introduced.')
+ parser.add_argument('-i', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='apply edits to files instead of displaying a diff')
+ parser.add_argument('-p', metavar='NUM', default=0,
+ help='strip the smallest prefix containing P slashes')
+ parser.add_argument('-regex', metavar='PATTERN', default=None,
+ help='custom pattern selecting file paths to reformat '
+ '(case sensitive, overrides -iregex)')
+ parser.add_argument('-iregex', metavar='PATTERN', default=
+ r'.*\.(cpp|cc|c\+\+|cxx|c|cl|h|hpp|m|mm|inc|js)',
+ help='custom pattern selecting file paths to reformat '
+ '(case insensitive, overridden by -regex)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-style',
+ help=
+ 'formatting style to apply (LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit)')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # Extract changed lines for each file.
+ filename = None
+ lines_by_file = {}
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ match ='^\+\+\+\ (.*?/){%s}(\S*)' % args.p, line)
+ if match:
+ filename =
+ if filename == None:
+ continue
+ if args.regex is not None:
+ if not re.match('^%s$' % args.regex, filename):
+ continue
+ else:
+ if not re.match('^%s$' % args.iregex, filename, re.IGNORECASE):
+ continue
+ match ='^@@.*\+(\d+)(,(\d+))?', line)
+ if match:
+ start_line = int(
+ line_count = 1
+ if
+ line_count = int(
+ if line_count == 0:
+ continue
+ end_line = start_line + line_count - 1;
+ lines_by_file.setdefault(filename, []).extend(
+ ['-lines', str(start_line) + ':' + str(end_line)])
+ # Reformat files containing changes in place.
+ for filename, lines in lines_by_file.iteritems():
+ command = [binary, filename]
+ if args.i:
+ command.append('-i')
+ command.extend(lines)
+ if
+ command.extend(['-style',])
+ p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=None, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ sys.exit(p.returncode);
+ if not args.i:
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ code = f.readlines()
+ formatted_code = StringIO.StringIO(stdout).readlines()
+ diff = difflib.unified_diff(code, formatted_code,
+ filename, filename,
+ '(before formatting)', '(after formatting)')
+ diff_string = string.join(diff, '')
+ if len(diff_string) > 0:
+ sys.stdout.write(diff_string)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/third_party/clang_format/scripts/ b/third_party/clang_format/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16ff56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/clang_format/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# This file is a minimal clang-format sublime-integration. To install:
+# - Change 'binary' if clang-format is not on the path (see below).
+# - Put this file into your sublime Packages directory, e.g. on Linux:
+# ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/User/
+# - Add a key binding:
+# { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+c"], "command": "clang_format" },
+# With this integration you can press the bound key and clang-format will
+# format the current lines and selections for all cursor positions. The lines
+# or regions are extended to the next bigger syntactic entities.
+# It operates on the current, potentially unsaved buffer and does not create
+# or save any files. To revert a formatting, just undo.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sublime
+import sublime_plugin
+import subprocess
+# Change this to the full path if clang-format is not on the path.
+binary = 'clang-format'
+# Change this to format according to other formatting styles. See the output of
+# 'clang-format --help' for a list of supported styles. The default looks for
+# a '.clang-format' or '_clang-format' file to indicate the style that should be
+# used.
+style = 'file'
+class ClangFormatCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
+ def run(self, edit):
+ encoding = self.view.encoding()
+ if encoding == 'Undefined':
+ encoding = 'utf-8'
+ regions = []
+ command = [binary, '-style', style]
+ for region in self.view.sel():
+ regions.append(region)
+ region_offset = min(region.a, region.b)
+ region_length = abs(region.b - region.a)
+ command.extend(['-offset', str(region_offset),
+ '-length', str(region_length),
+ '-assume-filename', str(self.view.file_name())])
+ old_viewport_position = self.view.viewport_position()
+ buf = self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()))
+ p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+ output, error = p.communicate(buf.encode(encoding))
+ if error:
+ print(error)
+ self.view.replace(
+ edit, sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()),
+ output.decode(encoding))
+ self.view.sel().clear()
+ for region in regions:
+ self.view.sel().add(region)
+ # FIXME: Without the 10ms delay, the viewport sometimes jumps.
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: self.view.set_viewport_position(
+ old_viewport_position, False), 10)
diff --git a/third_party/clang_format/scripts/clang-format.el b/third_party/clang_format/scripts/clang-format.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..520a3e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/clang_format/scripts/clang-format.el
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+;;; Clang-format emacs integration for use with C/Objective-C/C++.
+;; This defines a function clang-format-region that you can bind to a key.
+;; A minimal .emacs would contain:
+;; (load "<path-to-clang>/tools/clang-format/clang-format.el")
+;; (global-set-key [C-M-tab] 'clang-format-region)
+;; Depending on your configuration and coding style, you might need to modify
+;; 'style' in clang-format, below.
+(require 'json)
+;; *Location of the clang-format binary. If it is on your PATH, a full path name
+;; need not be specified.
+(defvar clang-format-binary "clang-format")
+(defun clang-format-region ()
+ "Use clang-format to format the currently active region."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((beg (if mark-active
+ (region-beginning)
+ (min (line-beginning-position) (1- (point-max)))))
+ (end (if mark-active
+ (region-end)
+ (line-end-position))))
+ (clang-format beg end)))
+(defun clang-format-buffer ()
+ "Use clang-format to format the current buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (clang-format (point-min) (point-max)))
+(defun clang-format (begin end)
+ "Use clang-format to format the code between BEGIN and END."
+ (let* ((orig-windows (get-buffer-window-list (current-buffer)))
+ (orig-window-starts (mapcar #'window-start orig-windows))
+ (orig-point (point))
+ (style "file"))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) clang-format-binary
+ t (list t nil) nil
+ "-offset" (number-to-string (1- begin))
+ "-length" (number-to-string (- end begin))
+ "-cursor" (number-to-string (1- (point)))
+ "-assume-filename" (buffer-file-name)
+ "-style" style)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((json-output (json-read-from-string
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (point-min) (line-beginning-position 2)))))
+ (delete-region (point-min) (line-beginning-position 2))
+ (goto-char (1+ (cdr (assoc 'Cursor json-output))))
+ (dotimes (index (length orig-windows))
+ (set-window-start (nth index orig-windows)
+ (nth index orig-window-starts)))))))
diff --git a/third_party/clang_format/scripts/ b/third_party/clang_format/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5a5756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/clang_format/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# This file is a minimal clang-format vim-integration. To install:
+# - Change 'binary' if clang-format is not on the path (see below).
+# - Add to your .vimrc:
+# map <C-I> :pyf <path-to-this-file>/<CR>
+# imap <C-I> <ESC>:pyf <path-to-this-file>/<CR>i
+# The first line enables clang-format for NORMAL and VISUAL mode, the second
+# line adds support for INSERT mode. Change "C-I" to another binding if you
+# need clang-format on a different key (C-I stands for Ctrl+i).
+# With this integration you can press the bound key and clang-format will
+# format the current line in NORMAL and INSERT mode or the selected region in
+# VISUAL mode. The line or region is extended to the next bigger syntactic
+# entity.
+# It operates on the current, potentially unsaved buffer and does not create
+# or save any files. To revert a formatting, just undo.
+import difflib
+import json
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import vim
+# Change this to the full path if clang-format is not on the path.
+binary = 'clang-format'
+# Change this to format according to other formatting styles. See the output of
+# 'clang-format --help' for a list of supported styles. The default looks for
+# a '.clang-format' or '_clang-format' file to indicate the style that should be
+# used.
+style = 'file'
+# Get the current text.
+buf = vim.current.buffer
+text = '\n'.join(buf)
+# Determine range to format.
+cursor = int(vim.eval('line2byte(line("."))+col(".")')) - 2
+lines = '%s:%s' % (vim.current.range.start + 1, vim.current.range.end + 1)
+# Avoid flashing an ugly, ugly cmd prompt on Windows when invoking clang-format.
+startupinfo = None
+if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
+ startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
+ startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
+ startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE
+# Call formatter.
+command = [binary, '-lines', lines, '-style', style, '-cursor', str(cursor)]
+ command.extend(['-assume-filename',])
+p = subprocess.Popen(command,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo)
+stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input=text)
+# If successful, replace buffer contents.
+if stderr:
+ message = stderr.splitlines()[0]
+ parts = message.split(' ', 2)
+ if len(parts) > 2:
+ message = parts[2]
+ print 'Formatting failed: %s (total %d warnings, %d errors)' % (
+ message, stderr.count('warning:'), stderr.count('error:'))
+if not stdout:
+ print ('No output from clang-format (crashed?).\n' +
+ 'Please report to')
+ lines = stdout.split('\n')
+ output = json.loads(lines[0])
+ lines = lines[1:]
+ sequence = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, vim.current.buffer, lines)
+ for op in reversed(sequence.get_opcodes()):
+ if op[0] is not 'equal':
+ vim.current.buffer[op[1]:op[2]] = lines[op[3]:op[4]]
+ vim.command('goto %d' % (output['Cursor'] + 1))
diff --git a/tools/checklicenses/ b/tools/checklicenses/
index 16fc1ac..d3918ac7 100755
--- a/tools/checklicenses/
+++ b/tools/checklicenses/
+ #
+ 'third_party/clang_format/scripts': [
+ ],
# Not used.
# Using third_party/cros_dbus_cplusplus/cros_dbus_cplusplus.gyp instead.
'third_party/cros_dbus_cplusplus/source/': [