diff options
1 files changed, 650 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gpu/tools/ b/gpu/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb22128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gpu/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import getpass
+import json
+import os
+import smtplib
+import sys
+import time
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+class Emailer:
+ DEFAULT_EMAIL_PASSWORD_FILE = '.email_password'
+ SUBJECT = 'Chrome GPU Bots Notification'
+ def __init__(self, email_from, email_to, email_password_file):
+ self.email_from = email_from
+ self.email_to = email_to
+ self.email_password = Emailer._getEmailPassword(email_password_file)
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_email_body(time_str, offline_str, failed_str, noteworthy_str):
+ return '%s%s%s%s' % (time_str, offline_str, failed_str, noteworthy_str)
+ def send_email(self, body):
+ message = 'From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n%s' % (self.email_from,
+ ','.join(self.email_to), Emailer.SUBJECT, body)
+ try:
+ server = smtplib.SMTP(Emailer.GMAIL_SMTP_SERVER)
+ server.starttls()
+ server.login(self.email_from, self.email_password)
+ server.sendmail(self.email_from, self.email_to, message)
+ server.quit()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print 'Error sending email: %s' % str(e)
+ def testEmailLogin(self):
+ server = smtplib.SMTP(Emailer.GMAIL_SMTP_SERVER)
+ server.starttls()
+ server.login(self.email_from, self.email_password)
+ server.quit()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _getEmailPassword(email_password_file):
+ password = ''
+ password_file = (email_password_file if email_password_file is not None
+ if os.path.isfile(password_file):
+ with open(password_file, 'r') as f:
+ password =
+ else:
+ password = getpass.getpass(
+ 'Please enter email password for source email account: ')
+ return password
+class GpuBot:
+ def __init__(self, waterfall_name, bot_name, bot_data):
+ self.waterfall_name = waterfall_name
+ self.bot_name = bot_name
+ self.bot_data = bot_data
+ self._end_time = None
+ self._hours_since_last_run = None
+ self.failure_string = None
+ self.bot_url = None
+ self.build_url = None
+ def getEndTime(self):
+ return self._end_time
+ def setEndTime(self, end_time):
+ self._end_time = end_time
+ self._hours_since_last_run = \
+ roughTimeDiffInHours(end_time, time.localtime())
+ def getHoursSinceLastRun(self):
+ return self._hours_since_last_run
+ def toDict(self):
+ dict = {'waterfall_name': self.waterfall_name, 'bot_name': self.bot_name}
+ if self._end_time is not None:
+ dict['end_time'] = serialTime(self._end_time)
+ dict['hours_since_last_run'] = self._hours_since_last_run
+ if self.failure_string is not None:
+ dict['failure_string'] = self.failure_string
+ if self.bot_url is not None:
+ dict['bot_url'] = self.bot_url
+ if self.build_url is not None:
+ dict['build_url'] = self.build_url
+ return dict
+ @staticmethod
+ def fromDict(dict):
+ gpu_bot = GpuBot(dict['waterfall_name'], dict['bot_name'], None)
+ if 'end_time' in dict:
+ gpu_bot._end_time = unserializeTime(dict['end_time'])
+ if 'hours_since_last_run' in dict:
+ self._hours_since_last_run = dict['hours_since_last_run']
+ if 'failure_string' in dict:
+ self.failure_string = dict['failure_string']
+ if 'bot_url' in dict:
+ self.bot_url = dict['bot_url']
+ if 'build_url' in dict:
+ self.build_url = dict['build_url']
+ return gpu_bot
+def errorNoMostRecentBuild(waterfall_name, bot_name):
+ print 'No most recent build available: %s::%s' % (waterfall_name, bot_name)
+class Waterfall:
+ BASE_URL = ''
+ BASE_BUILD_URL = BASE_URL + '%s/builders/%s'
+ SPECIFIC_BUILD_URL = BASE_URL + '%s/builders/%s/builds/%s'
+ BASE_JSON_BUILDERS_URL = BASE_URL + '%s/json/builders'
+ BASE_JSON_BUILDS_URL = BASE_URL + '%s/json/builders/%s/builds'
+ REGULAR_WATERFALLS = ['chromium.gpu',
+ 'tryserver.chromium.gpu',
+ '']
+ WEBKIT_GPU_BOTS = ['GPU Win Builder',
+ 'GPU Win Builder (dbg)',
+ 'GPU Win7 (NVIDIA)',
+ 'GPU Win7 (dbg) (NVIDIA)',
+ 'GPU Mac Builder',
+ 'GPU Mac Builder (dbg)',
+ 'GPU Mac10.7',
+ 'GPU Mac10.7 (dbg)',
+ 'GPU Linux Builder',
+ 'GPU Linux Builder (dbg)',
+ 'GPU Linux (NVIDIA)',
+ 'GPU Linux (dbg) (NVIDIA)']
+ FILTERED_WATERFALLS = [('chromium.webkit', WEBKIT_GPU_BOTS)]
+ @staticmethod
+ def getJsonFromUrl(url):
+ conn = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+ result =
+ conn.close()
+ return json.loads(result)
+ @staticmethod
+ def getBuildersJsonForWaterfall(waterfall):
+ querystring = '?filter'
+ return (Waterfall.getJsonFromUrl((Waterfall.BASE_JSON_BUILDERS_URL + '%s')
+ % (waterfall, querystring)))
+ @staticmethod
+ def getLastNBuildsForBuilder(n, waterfall, builder):
+ if n <= 0:
+ return {}
+ querystring = '?'
+ for i in range(n):
+ querystring += 'select=-%d&' % (i + 1)
+ querystring += 'filter'
+ return Waterfall.getJsonFromUrl((Waterfall.BASE_JSON_BUILDS_URL + '%s') %
+ (waterfall, urllib.quote(builder), querystring))
+ @staticmethod
+ def getFilteredBuildersJsonForWaterfall(waterfall, filter):
+ querystring = '?'
+ for bot_name in filter:
+ querystring += 'select=%s&' % urllib.quote(bot_name)
+ querystring += 'filter'
+ return Waterfall.getJsonFromUrl((Waterfall.BASE_JSON_BUILDERS_URL + '%s')
+ % (waterfall, querystring))
+ @staticmethod
+ def getAllGpuBots():
+ allbots = {k: Waterfall.getBuildersJsonForWaterfall(k)
+ for k in Waterfall.REGULAR_WATERFALLS}
+ filteredbots = {k[0]:
+ Waterfall.getFilteredBuildersJsonForWaterfall(k[0], k[1])
+ for k in Waterfall.FILTERED_WATERFALLS}
+ allbots.update(filteredbots)
+ return allbots
+ @staticmethod
+ def getOfflineBots(bots):
+ offline_bots = []
+ for waterfall_name in bots:
+ waterfall = bots[waterfall_name]
+ for bot_name in waterfall:
+ bot = waterfall[bot_name]
+ if bot['state'] != 'offline':
+ continue
+ gpu_bot = GpuBot(waterfall_name, bot_name, bot)
+ gpu_bot.bot_url = Waterfall.BASE_BUILD_URL % (waterfall_name,
+ urllib.quote(bot_name))
+ most_recent_build = Waterfall.getMostRecentlyCompletedBuildForBot(
+ gpu_bot)
+ if (most_recent_build and 'times' in most_recent_build and
+ most_recent_build['times']):
+ gpu_bot.setEndTime(time.localtime(most_recent_build['times'][1]))
+ else:
+ errorNoMostRecentBuild(waterfall_name, bot_name)
+ offline_bots.append(gpu_bot)
+ return offline_bots
+ @staticmethod
+ def getMostRecentlyCompletedBuildForBot(bot):
+ if bot.bot_data is not None and 'most_recent_build' in bot.bot_data:
+ return bot.bot_data['most_recent_build']
+ # Unfortunately, the JSON API doesn't provide a "most recent completed
+ # build" call. We just have to get some number of the most recent (including
+ # current, in-progress builds) and give up if that's not enough.
+ builds = Waterfall.getLastNBuildsForBuilder(NUM_BUILDS, bot.waterfall_name,
+ bot.bot_name)
+ for i in range(NUM_BUILDS):
+ current_build_name = '-%d' % (i + 1)
+ current_build = builds[current_build_name]
+ if 'results' in current_build and current_build['results'] is not None:
+ if bot.bot_data is not None:
+ bot.bot_data['most_recent_build'] = current_build
+ return current_build
+ return None
+ @staticmethod
+ def getFailedBots(bots):
+ failed_bots = []
+ for waterfall_name in bots:
+ waterfall = bots[waterfall_name]
+ for bot_name in waterfall:
+ bot = waterfall[bot_name]
+ gpu_bot = GpuBot(waterfall_name, bot_name, bot)
+ gpu_bot.bot_url = Waterfall.BASE_BUILD_URL % (waterfall_name,
+ urllib.quote(bot_name))
+ most_recent_build = Waterfall.getMostRecentlyCompletedBuildForBot(
+ gpu_bot)
+ if (most_recent_build and 'text' in most_recent_build and
+ 'failed' in most_recent_build['text']):
+ gpu_bot.failure_string = ' '.join(most_recent_build['text'])
+ gpu_bot.build_url = Waterfall.SPECIFIC_BUILD_URL % (waterfall_name,
+ urllib.quote(bot_name), most_recent_build['number'])
+ failed_bots.append(gpu_bot)
+ elif not most_recent_build:
+ errorNoMostRecentBuild(waterfall_name, bot_name)
+ return failed_bots
+def formatTime(t):
+ return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", t)
+def roughTimeDiffInHours(t1, t2):
+ datetimes = []
+ for t in [t1, t2]:
+ datetimes.append(datetime.datetime(t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday,
+ t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec))
+ datetime_diff = datetimes[0] - datetimes[1]
+ hours = float(datetime_diff.total_seconds()) / 3600.0
+ return abs(hours)
+def getBotStr(bot):
+ s = ' %s::%s\n' % (bot.waterfall_name, bot.bot_name)
+ if bot.failure_string is not None:
+ s += ' failure: %s\n' % bot.failure_string
+ if bot.getEndTime() is not None:
+ s += (' last build end time: %s (roughly %f hours ago)\n' %
+ (formatTime(bot.getEndTime()), bot.getHoursSinceLastRun()))
+ if bot.bot_url is not None:
+ s += ' bot url: %s\n' % bot.bot_url
+ if bot.build_url is not None:
+ s += ' build url: %s\n' % bot.build_url
+ s += '\n'
+ return s
+def getBotsStr(bots):
+ s = ''
+ for bot in bots:
+ s += getBotStr(bot)
+ s += '\n'
+ return s
+def getOfflineBotsStr(offline_bots):
+ return 'Offline bots:\n%s' % getBotsStr(offline_bots)
+def getFailedBotsStr(failed_bots):
+ return 'Failed bots:\n%s' % getBotsStr(failed_bots)
+def getBotDicts(bots):
+ dicts = []
+ for bot in bots:
+ dicts.append(bot.toDict())
+ return dicts
+def unserializeTime(t):
+ return time.struct_time((t['year'], t['mon'], t['day'], t['hour'], t['min'],
+ t['sec'], 0, 0, 0))
+def serialTime(t):
+ return {'year': t.tm_year, 'mon': t.tm_mon, 'day': t.tm_mday,
+ 'hour': t.tm_hour, 'min': t.tm_min, 'sec': t.tm_sec}
+def getSummary(offline_bots, failed_bots):
+ offline_bot_dict = getBotDicts(offline_bots)
+ failed_bot_dict = getBotDicts(failed_bots)
+ return {'offline': offline_bot_dict, 'failed': failed_bot_dict}
+def findBot(name, lst):
+ for bot in lst:
+ if bot.bot_name == name:
+ return bot
+ return None
+def getNoteworthyEvents(offline_bots, failed_bots, previous_results):
+ previous_offline = (previous_results['offline'] if 'offline'
+ in previous_results else [])
+ previous_failures = (previous_results['failed'] if 'failed'
+ in previous_results else [])
+ noteworthy_offline = []
+ for bot in offline_bots:
+ if bot.getHoursSinceLastRun() >= CRITICAL_NUM_HOURS:
+ previous_bot = findBot(bot.bot_name, previous_offline)
+ if (previous_bot is None or
+ previous_bot.getHoursSinceLastRun() < CRITICAL_NUM_HOURS):
+ noteworthy_offline.append(bot)
+ noteworthy_new_failures = []
+ for bot in failed_bots:
+ previous_bot = findBot(bot.bot_name, previous_failures)
+ if previous_bot is None:
+ noteworthy_new_failures.append(bot)
+ noteworthy_new_offline_recoveries = []
+ for bot in previous_offline:
+ if bot.getHoursSinceLastRun() < CRITICAL_NUM_HOURS:
+ continue
+ current_bot = findBot(bot.bot_name, offline_bots)
+ if current_bot is None:
+ noteworthy_new_offline_recoveries.append(bot)
+ noteworthy_new_failure_recoveries = []
+ for bot in previous_failures:
+ current_bot = findBot(bot.bot_name, failed_bots)
+ if current_bot is None:
+ noteworthy_new_failure_recoveries.append(bot)
+ return {'offline': noteworthy_offline, 'failed': noteworthy_new_failures,
+ 'recovered_failures': noteworthy_new_failure_recoveries,
+ 'recovered_offline': noteworthy_new_offline_recoveries}
+def getNoteworthyStr(noteworthy_events):
+ s = ''
+ if noteworthy_events['offline']:
+ s += 'IMPORTANT bots newly offline for over an hour:\n'
+ for bot in noteworthy_events['offline']:
+ s += getBotStr(bot)
+ s += '\n'
+ if noteworthy_events['failed']:
+ s += 'IMPORTANT new failing bots:\n'
+ for bot in noteworthy_events['failed']:
+ s += getBotStr(bot)
+ s += '\n'
+ if noteworthy_events['recovered_offline']:
+ s += 'IMPORTANT newly recovered previously offline bots:\n'
+ for bot in noteworthy_events['recovered_offline']:
+ s += getBotStr(bot)
+ s += '\n'
+ if noteworthy_events['recovered_failures']:
+ s += 'IMPORTANT newly recovered failing bots:\n'
+ for bot in noteworthy_events['recovered_failures']:
+ s += getBotStr(bot)
+ s += '\n'
+ return s
+def dictsToBots(bots):
+ offline_bots = []
+ for bot in bots['offline']:
+ offline_bots.append(GpuBot.fromDict(bot))
+ failed_bots = []
+ for bot in bots['failed']:
+ failed_bots.append(GpuBot.fromDict(bot))
+ return {'offline': offline_bots, 'failed': failed_bots}
+class GpuBotPoller:
+ DEFAULT_PREVIOUS_RESULTS_FILE = '.check_gpu_bots_previous_results'
+ def __init__(self, emailer, send_email_for_recovered_offline_bots,
+ send_email_for_recovered_failing_bots, send_email_on_error,
+ previous_results_file):
+ self.emailer = emailer
+ self.send_email_for_recovered_offline_bots = \
+ send_email_for_recovered_offline_bots
+ self.send_email_for_recovered_failing_bots = \
+ send_email_for_recovered_failing_bots
+ self.send_email_on_error = send_email_on_error
+ self.previous_results_file = previous_results_file
+ def shouldEmail(self, noteworthy_events):
+ if noteworthy_events['offline'] or noteworthy_events['failed']:
+ return True
+ if (self.send_email_for_recovered_offline_bots and
+ noteworthy_events['recovered_offline']):
+ return True
+ if (self.send_email_for_recovered_failing_bots and
+ noteworthy_events['recovered_failures']):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def writeResults(self, summary):
+ results_file = (self.previous_results_file
+ if self.previous_results_file is not None
+ with open(results_file, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(summary))
+ def getPreviousResults(self):
+ previous_results_file = (self.previous_results_file
+ if self.previous_results_file is not None
+ previous_results = {}
+ if os.path.isfile(previous_results_file):
+ with open(previous_results_file, 'r') as f:
+ previous_results = dictsToBots(json.loads(
+ return previous_results
+ def checkBots(self):
+ time_str = 'Current time: %s\n\n' % (formatTime(time.localtime()))
+ print time_str
+ try:
+ bots = Waterfall.getAllGpuBots()
+ offline_bots = Waterfall.getOfflineBots(bots)
+ offline_str = getOfflineBotsStr(offline_bots)
+ print offline_str
+ failed_bots = Waterfall.getFailedBots(bots)
+ failed_str = getFailedBotsStr(failed_bots)
+ print failed_str
+ previous_results = self.getPreviousResults()
+ noteworthy_events = getNoteworthyEvents(offline_bots, failed_bots,
+ previous_results)
+ noteworthy_str = getNoteworthyStr(noteworthy_events)
+ print noteworthy_str
+ summary = getSummary(offline_bots, failed_bots)
+ self.writeResults(summary)
+ if (self.emailer is not None and self.shouldEmail(noteworthy_events)):
+ self.emailer.send_email(Emailer.format_email_body(time_str, offline_str,
+ failed_str, noteworthy_str))
+ except Exception as e:
+ error_str = 'Error: %s' % str(e)
+ print error_str
+ if self.send_email_on_error:
+ self.emailer.send_email(error_str)
+def parseArgs(sys_args):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=sys_args[0],
+ description='Query the Chromium GPU Bots Waterfall, output ' +
+ 'potential problems, and optionally repeat automatically and/or ' +
+ 'email notifications of results.')
+ parser.add_argument('--repeat-delay', type=int, dest='repeat_delay',
+ required=False,
+ help='How often to automatically re-run the script, in minutes.')
+ parser.add_argument('--email-from', type=str, dest='email_from',
+ required=False,
+ help='Email address to send from. Requires also specifying ' +
+ '\'--email-to\'.')
+ parser.add_argument('--email-to', type=str, dest='email_to', required=False,
+ nargs='+',
+ help='Email address(es) to send to. Requires also specifying ' +
+ '\'--email-from\'')
+ parser.add_argument('--send-email-for-recovered-offline-bots',
+ dest='send_email_for_recovered_offline_bots', action='store_true',
+ default=False,
+ help='Send an email out when a bot which has been offline for more ' +
+ 'than 1 hour goes back online.')
+ parser.add_argument('--send-email-for-recovered-failing-bots',
+ dest='send_email_for_recovered_failing_bots',
+ action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='Send an email when a failing bot recovers.')
+ parser.add_argument('--send-email-on-error',
+ dest='send_email_on_error',
+ action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='Send an email when the script has an error. For example, if ' +
+ 'the server is unreachable.')
+ parser.add_argument('--email-password-file',
+ dest='email_password_file',
+ required=False,
+ help=(('File containing the plaintext password of the source email ' +
+ 'account. By default, \'%s\' will be tried. If it does not exist, ' +
+ 'you will be prompted. If you opt to store your password on disk ' +
+ 'in plaintext, use of a dummy account is strongly recommended.')
+ parser.add_argument('--previous-results-file',
+ dest='previous_results_file',
+ required=False,
+ help=(('File to store the results of the previous invocation of ' +
+ 'this script. By default, \'%s\' will be used.')
+ args = parser.parse_args(sys_args[1:])
+ if args.email_from is not None and args.email_to is None:
+ parser.error('--email-from requires --email-to.')
+ elif args.email_to is not None and args.email_from is None:
+ parser.error('--email-to requires --email-from.')
+ elif args.email_from is None and args.send_email_for_recovered_offline_bots:
+ parser.error('--send-email-for-recovered-offline-bots requires ' +
+ '--email-to and --email-from.')
+ elif (args.email_from is None and args.send_email_for_recovered_failing_bots):
+ parser.error('--send-email-for-recovered-failing-bots ' +
+ 'requires --email-to and --email-from.')
+ elif (args.email_from is None and args.send_email_on_error):
+ parser.error('--send-email-on-error ' +
+ 'requires --email-to and --email-from.')
+ elif (args.email_password_file and
+ not os.path.isfile(args.email_password_file)):
+ parser.error('File does not exist: %s' % args.email_password_file)
+ return args
+def main(sys_args):
+ args = parseArgs(sys_args)
+ emailer = None
+ if args.email_from is not None and args.email_to is not None:
+ emailer = Emailer(args.email_from, args.email_to, args.email_password_file)
+ try:
+ emailer.testEmailLogin()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print 'Error logging into email account: %s' % str(e)
+ return 1
+ poller = GpuBotPoller(emailer,
+ args.send_email_for_recovered_offline_bots,
+ args.send_email_for_recovered_failing_bots,
+ args.send_email_on_error,
+ args.previous_results_file)
+ while True:
+ poller.checkBots()
+ if args.repeat_delay is None:
+ break
+ print 'Will run again in %d minutes...\n' % args.repeat_delay
+ time.sleep(args.repeat_delay * 60)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))