diff options
3 files changed, 201 insertions, 290 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_store.h b/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_store.h
index 34aa4b2..c1026ef 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_store.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_store.h
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ struct SBAddPrefix {
SBPrefix prefix;
SBAddPrefix(int32 id, SBPrefix p) : chunk_id(id), prefix(p) {}
+ SBAddPrefix() {}
int32 GetAddChunkId() const { return chunk_id; }
SBPrefix GetAddPrefix() const { return prefix; }
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ struct SBSubPrefix {
SBSubPrefix(int32 id, int32 add_id, int prefix)
: chunk_id(id), add_chunk_id(add_id), add_prefix(prefix) {}
+ SBSubPrefix() {}
int32 GetAddChunkId() const { return add_chunk_id; }
SBPrefix GetAddPrefix() const { return add_prefix; }
@@ -76,6 +78,8 @@ struct SBAddFullHash {
SBAddFullHash(int32 id, int32 r, SBFullHash h)
: chunk_id(id), received(r), full_hash(h) {}
+ SBAddFullHash() {}
int32 GetAddChunkId() const { return chunk_id; }
SBPrefix GetAddPrefix() const { return full_hash.prefix; }
@@ -87,6 +91,7 @@ struct SBSubFullHash {
SBSubFullHash(int32 id, int32 add_id, SBFullHash h)
: chunk_id(id), add_chunk_id(add_id), full_hash(h) {}
+ SBSubFullHash() {}
int32 GetAddChunkId() const { return add_chunk_id; }
SBPrefix GetAddPrefix() const { return full_hash.prefix; }
diff --git a/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/ b/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/
index 2e90f4f..ef58b44 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/
+++ b/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/
@@ -12,36 +12,140 @@ namespace {
// that byte-order changes force corruption.
const int32 kFileMagic = 0x600D71FE;
const int32 kFileVersion = 7; // SQLite storage was 6...
-const size_t kFileHeaderSize = 8 * sizeof(int32);
-bool ReadInt32(FILE* fp, int32* value) {
- DCHECK(value);
- const size_t ret = fread(value, sizeof(*value), 1, fp);
- return ret == 1;
+// Header at the front of the main database file.
+struct FileHeader {
+ int32 magic, version;
+ int32 add_chunk_count, sub_chunk_count;
+ int32 add_prefix_count, sub_prefix_count;
+ int32 add_hash_count, sub_hash_count;
+// Header for each chunk in the chunk-accumulation file.
+struct ChunkHeader {
+ int32 add_prefix_count, sub_prefix_count;
+ int32 add_hash_count, sub_hash_count;
+// Rewind the file. Using fseek(2) because rewind(3) errors are
+// weird.
+bool FileRewind(FILE* fp) {
+ int rv = fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ DCHECK_EQ(rv, 0);
+ return rv == 0;
-bool WriteInt32(FILE* fp, int32 value) {
- const size_t ret = fwrite(&value, sizeof(value), 1, fp);
- return ret == 1;
+// Read an array of |nmemb| items from |fp| into |ptr|. Return true
+// on success.
+template <class T>
+bool ReadArray(T* ptr, size_t nmemb, FILE* fp) {
+ const size_t ret = fread(ptr, sizeof(T), nmemb, fp);
+ if (ret != nmemb)
+ return false;
+ return true;
-bool ReadHash(FILE* fp, SBFullHash* value) {
- DCHECK(value);
- const size_t ret = fread(&value->full_hash, sizeof(value->full_hash),
- 1, fp);
- return ret == 1;
+// Write an array of |nmemb| items from |ptr| to |fp|. Return true on
+// success.
+template <class T>
+bool WriteArray(const T* ptr, size_t nmemb, FILE* fp) {
+ const size_t ret = fwrite(ptr, sizeof(T), nmemb, fp);
+ if (ret != nmemb)
+ return false;
+ return true;
-bool WriteHash(FILE* fp, SBFullHash value) {
- const size_t ret = fwrite(&value.full_hash, sizeof(value.full_hash),
- 1, fp);
- return ret == 1;
+// Expand |values| to fit |count| new items, and read those items from
+// |fp|. Returns true on success.
+template <class T>
+bool ReadToVector(std::vector<T>* values, size_t count, FILE* fp) {
+ // Pointers into an empty vector may not be valid.
+ if (!count)
+ return true;
+ // Grab the size for purposes of finding where to read to. The
+ // resize could invalidate any iterator captured here.
+ const size_t original_size = values->size();
+ values->resize(original_size + count);
+ // Sayeth Herb Sutter: Vectors are guaranteed to be contiguous. So
+ // get a pointer to where to read the data to.
+ T* ptr = &((*values)[original_size]);
+ if (!ReadArray(ptr, count, fp)) {
+ values->resize(original_size);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
-bool FileSeek(FILE* fp, size_t offset) {
- int rv = fseek(fp, offset, SEEK_SET);
- DCHECK_EQ(rv, 0);
- return rv == 0;
+// Write all of |values| to |fp|. Returns true on succsess.
+template <class T>
+bool WriteVector(const std::vector<T>& values, FILE* fp) {
+ // Pointers into empty vectors may not be valid.
+ if (values.empty())
+ return true;
+ // Sayeth Herb Sutter: Vectors are guaranteed to be contiguous. So
+ // get a pointer to where to write from.
+ const T* ptr = &(values[0]);
+ return WriteArray(ptr, values.size(), fp);
+// Remove deleted items (|chunk_id| in |del_set|) from the vector
+// starting at |offset| running to |end()|.
+template <class T>
+void RemoveDeleted(std::vector<T>* vec, size_t offset,
+ const base::hash_set<int32>& del_set) {
+ DCHECK(vec);
+ // Scan through the items read, dropping the items in |del_set|.
+ typename std::vector<T>::iterator add_iter = vec->begin() + offset;
+ for (typename std::vector<T>::iterator iter = add_iter;
+ iter != vec->end(); ++iter) {
+ if (del_set.count(iter->chunk_id) == 0) {
+ *add_iter = *iter;
+ ++add_iter;
+ }
+ }
+ vec->erase(add_iter, vec->end());
+// Combine |ReadToVector()| and |RemoveDeleted()|. Returns true on
+// success.
+template <class T>
+bool ReadToVectorAndDelete(std::vector<T>* values, size_t count, FILE* fp,
+ const base::hash_set<int32>& del_set) {
+ const size_t original_size = values->size();
+ if (!ReadToVector(values, count, fp))
+ return false;
+ RemoveDeleted(values, original_size, del_set);
+ return true;
+// Read an array of |count| integers and add them to |values|.
+// Returns true on success.
+bool ReadToChunkSet(std::set<int32>* values, size_t count, FILE* fp) {
+ if (!count)
+ return true;
+ std::vector<int32> flat_values;
+ if (!ReadToVector(&flat_values, count, fp))
+ return false;
+ values->insert(flat_values.begin(), flat_values.end());
+ return true;
+// Write the contents of |values| as an array of integers. Returns
+// true on success.
+bool WriteChunkSet(const std::set<int32>& values, FILE* fp) {
+ if (values.empty())
+ return true;
+ const std::vector<int32> flat_values(values.begin(), values.end());
+ return WriteVector(flat_values, fp);
// Delete the chunks in |deleted| from |chunks|.
@@ -112,183 +216,6 @@ bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::Close() {
return true;
-bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::ReadChunksToSet(FILE* fp, std::set<int32>* chunks,
- int count) {
- DCHECK(fp);
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- int32 chunk_id;
- if (!ReadInt32(fp, &chunk_id))
- return false;
- chunks->insert(chunk_id);
- }
- return true;
-bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::WriteChunksFromSet(const std::set<int32>& chunks) {
- DCHECK(new_file_.get());
- for (std::set<int32>::const_iterator iter = chunks.begin();
- iter != chunks.end(); ++iter) {
- if (!WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), *iter))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::ReadAddPrefixes(
- FILE* fp, std::vector<SBAddPrefix>* add_prefixes, int count) {
- DCHECK(fp && add_prefixes);
- add_prefixes->reserve(add_prefixes->size() + count);
- for (int32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- int32 chunk_id;
- SBPrefix prefix;
- DCHECK_EQ(sizeof(int32), sizeof(prefix));
- if (!ReadInt32(fp, &chunk_id) || !ReadInt32(fp, &prefix))
- return false;
- if (add_del_cache_.count(chunk_id) > 0)
- continue;
- add_prefixes->push_back(SBAddPrefix(chunk_id, prefix));
- }
- return true;
-bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::WriteAddPrefixes(
- const std::vector<SBAddPrefix>& add_prefixes) {
- DCHECK(new_file_.get());
- for (std::vector<SBAddPrefix>::const_iterator iter = add_prefixes.begin();
- iter != add_prefixes.end(); ++iter) {
- DCHECK_EQ(sizeof(int32), sizeof(iter->prefix));
- if (!WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), iter->chunk_id) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), iter->prefix))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::ReadSubPrefixes(
- FILE* fp, std::vector<SBSubPrefix>* sub_prefixes, int count) {
- DCHECK(fp && sub_prefixes);
- sub_prefixes->reserve(sub_prefixes->size() + count);
- for (int32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- int32 chunk_id, add_chunk_id;
- SBPrefix add_prefix;
- DCHECK_EQ(sizeof(int32), sizeof(add_prefix));
- if (!ReadInt32(fp, &chunk_id) ||
- !ReadInt32(fp, &add_chunk_id) || !ReadInt32(fp, &add_prefix))
- return false;
- if (sub_del_cache_.count(chunk_id) > 0)
- continue;
- sub_prefixes->push_back(SBSubPrefix(chunk_id, add_chunk_id, add_prefix));
- }
- return true;
-bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::WriteSubPrefixes(
- std::vector<SBSubPrefix>& sub_prefixes) {
- DCHECK(new_file_.get());
- for (std::vector<SBSubPrefix>::const_iterator iter = sub_prefixes.begin();
- iter != sub_prefixes.end(); ++iter) {
- if (!WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), iter->chunk_id) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), iter->add_chunk_id) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), iter->add_prefix))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::ReadAddHashes(
- FILE* fp, std::vector<SBAddFullHash>* add_hashes, int count) {
- DCHECK(fp && add_hashes);
- add_hashes->reserve(add_hashes->size() + count);
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- int32 chunk_id;
- int32 received;
- SBFullHash full_hash;
- if (!ReadInt32(fp, &chunk_id) ||
- !ReadInt32(fp, &received) ||
- !ReadHash(fp, &full_hash))
- return false;
- if (add_del_cache_.count(chunk_id) > 0)
- continue;
- add_hashes->push_back(SBAddFullHash(chunk_id, received, full_hash));
- }
- return true;
-bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::WriteAddHashes(
- const std::vector<SBAddFullHash>& add_hashes) {
- DCHECK(new_file_.get());
- for (std::vector<SBAddFullHash>::const_iterator iter = add_hashes.begin();
- iter != add_hashes.end(); ++iter) {
- if (!WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), iter->chunk_id) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), iter->received) ||
- !WriteHash(new_file_.get(), iter->full_hash))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::ReadSubHashes(
- FILE* fp, std::vector<SBSubFullHash>* sub_hashes, int count) {
- DCHECK(fp);
- sub_hashes->reserve(sub_hashes->size() + count);
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- int32 chunk_id;
- int32 add_chunk_id;
- SBFullHash add_full_hash;
- if (!ReadInt32(fp, &chunk_id) ||
- !ReadInt32(fp, &add_chunk_id) ||
- !ReadHash(fp, &add_full_hash))
- return false;
- if (sub_del_cache_.count(chunk_id) > 0)
- continue;
- sub_hashes->push_back(SBSubFullHash(chunk_id, add_chunk_id, add_full_hash));
- }
- return true;
-bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::WriteSubHashes(
- std::vector<SBSubFullHash>& sub_hashes) {
- DCHECK(new_file_.get());
- for (std::vector<SBSubFullHash>::const_iterator iter = sub_hashes.begin();
- iter != sub_hashes.end(); ++iter) {
- if (!WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), iter->chunk_id) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), iter->add_chunk_id) ||
- !WriteHash(new_file_.get(), iter->full_hash))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::BeginUpdate() {
DCHECK(!file_.get() && !new_file_.get());
@@ -320,23 +247,15 @@ bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::BeginUpdate() {
return true;
- int32 magic, version;
- if (!ReadInt32(file.get(), &magic) || !ReadInt32(file.get(), &version))
- return OnCorruptDatabase();
- if (magic != kFileMagic || version != kFileVersion)
- return OnCorruptDatabase();
- int32 add_chunk_count, sub_chunk_count;
- if (!ReadInt32(file.get(), &add_chunk_count) ||
- !ReadInt32(file.get(), &sub_chunk_count))
+ FileHeader header;
+ if (!ReadArray(&header, 1, file.get()))
return OnCorruptDatabase();
- if (!FileSeek(file.get(), kFileHeaderSize))
+ if (header.magic != kFileMagic || header.version != kFileVersion)
return OnCorruptDatabase();
- if (!ReadChunksToSet(file.get(), &add_chunks_cache_, add_chunk_count) ||
- !ReadChunksToSet(file.get(), &sub_chunks_cache_, sub_chunk_count))
+ if (!ReadToChunkSet(&add_chunks_cache_, header.add_chunk_count, file.get()) ||
+ !ReadToChunkSet(&sub_chunks_cache_, header.sub_chunk_count, file.get()))
return OnCorruptDatabase();
@@ -349,16 +268,18 @@ bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::FinishChunk() {
!add_hashes_.size() && !sub_hashes_.size())
return true;
- if (!WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), add_prefixes_.size()) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), sub_prefixes_.size()) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), add_hashes_.size()) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), sub_hashes_.size()))
+ ChunkHeader header;
+ header.add_prefix_count = add_prefixes_.size();
+ header.sub_prefix_count = sub_prefixes_.size();
+ header.add_hash_count = add_hashes_.size();
+ header.sub_hash_count = sub_hashes_.size();
+ if (!WriteArray(&header, 1, new_file_.get()))
return false;
- if (!WriteAddPrefixes(add_prefixes_) ||
- !WriteSubPrefixes(sub_prefixes_) ||
- !WriteAddHashes(add_hashes_) ||
- !WriteSubHashes(sub_hashes_))
+ if (!WriteVector(add_prefixes_, new_file_.get()) ||
+ !WriteVector(sub_prefixes_, new_file_.get()) ||
+ !WriteVector(add_hashes_, new_file_.get()) ||
+ !WriteVector(sub_hashes_, new_file_.get()))
return false;
@@ -383,36 +304,38 @@ bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::DoUpdate(
if (!empty_) {
- int32 magic, version;
- int32 add_chunk_count, sub_chunk_count;
- int32 add_prefix_count, sub_prefix_count;
- int32 add_hash_count, sub_hash_count;
- if (!FileSeek(file_.get(), 0))
+ if (!FileRewind(file_.get()))
return OnCorruptDatabase();
- if (!ReadInt32(file_.get(), &magic) ||
- !ReadInt32(file_.get(), &version) ||
- !ReadInt32(file_.get(), &add_chunk_count) ||
- !ReadInt32(file_.get(), &sub_chunk_count) ||
- !ReadInt32(file_.get(), &add_prefix_count) ||
- !ReadInt32(file_.get(), &sub_prefix_count) ||
- !ReadInt32(file_.get(), &add_hash_count) ||
- !ReadInt32(file_.get(), &sub_hash_count))
+ // Read the file header and make sure it looks right.
+ FileHeader header;
+ if (!ReadArray(&header, 1, file_.get()))
return OnCorruptDatabase();
- if (magic != kFileMagic || version != kFileVersion)
+ if (header.magic != kFileMagic || header.version != kFileVersion)
return OnCorruptDatabase();
- const size_t prefixes_offset = kFileHeaderSize +
- (add_chunk_count + sub_chunk_count) * sizeof(int32);
- if (!FileSeek(file_.get(), prefixes_offset))
+ // Re-read the chunks-seen data to get to the later data in the
+ // file. No new elements should be added to the sets.
+ // NOTE(shess): Reading rather than fseek() because calculating
+ // checksums (future CL) will need to scan all data. The code
+ // could just remember state from |BeginUpdate()|, but that call
+ // may be far removed from this call in time, so this seems like a
+ // reasonable trade-off.
+ if (!ReadToChunkSet(&add_chunks_cache_, header.add_chunk_count,
+ file_.get()) ||
+ !ReadToChunkSet(&sub_chunks_cache_, header.sub_chunk_count,
+ file_.get()))
return OnCorruptDatabase();
- if (!ReadAddPrefixes(file_.get(), &add_prefixes, add_prefix_count) ||
- !ReadSubPrefixes(file_.get(), &sub_prefixes, sub_prefix_count) ||
- !ReadAddHashes(file_.get(), &add_full_hashes, add_hash_count) ||
- !ReadSubHashes(file_.get(), &sub_full_hashes, sub_hash_count))
+ if (!ReadToVectorAndDelete(&add_prefixes, header.add_prefix_count,
+ file_.get(), add_del_cache_) ||
+ !ReadToVectorAndDelete(&sub_prefixes, header.sub_prefix_count,
+ file_.get(), sub_del_cache_) ||
+ !ReadToVectorAndDelete(&add_full_hashes, header.add_hash_count,
+ file_.get(), add_del_cache_) ||
+ !ReadToVectorAndDelete(&sub_full_hashes, header.sub_hash_count,
+ file_.get(), sub_del_cache_))
return OnCorruptDatabase();
// Close the file so we can later rename over it.
@@ -421,18 +344,14 @@ bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::DoUpdate(
// Rewind the temporary storage.
- if (!FileSeek(new_file_.get(), 0))
+ if (!FileRewind(new_file_.get()))
return false;
// Append the accumulated chunks onto the vectors from file_.
for (int i = 0; i < chunks_written_; ++i) {
- int32 add_prefix_count, sub_prefix_count;
- int32 add_hash_count, sub_hash_count;
+ ChunkHeader header;
- if (!ReadInt32(new_file_.get(), &add_prefix_count) ||
- !ReadInt32(new_file_.get(), &sub_prefix_count) ||
- !ReadInt32(new_file_.get(), &add_hash_count) ||
- !ReadInt32(new_file_.get(), &sub_hash_count))
+ if (!ReadArray(&header, 1, new_file_.get()))
return false;
// TODO(shess): If the vectors were kept sorted, then this code
@@ -442,14 +361,18 @@ bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::DoUpdate(
// some sort of recursive binary merge might be in order (merge
// chunks pairwise, merge those chunks pairwise, and so on, then
// merge the result with the main list).
- if (!ReadAddPrefixes(new_file_.get(), &add_prefixes, add_prefix_count) ||
- !ReadSubPrefixes(new_file_.get(), &sub_prefixes, sub_prefix_count) ||
- !ReadAddHashes(new_file_.get(), &add_full_hashes, add_hash_count) ||
- !ReadSubHashes(new_file_.get(), &sub_full_hashes, sub_hash_count))
+ if (!ReadToVectorAndDelete(&add_prefixes, header.add_prefix_count,
+ new_file_.get(), add_del_cache_) ||
+ !ReadToVectorAndDelete(&sub_prefixes, header.sub_prefix_count,
+ new_file_.get(), sub_del_cache_) ||
+ !ReadToVectorAndDelete(&add_full_hashes, header.add_hash_count,
+ new_file_.get(), add_del_cache_) ||
+ !ReadToVectorAndDelete(&sub_full_hashes, header.sub_hash_count,
+ new_file_.get(), sub_del_cache_))
return false;
- // Add the pending adds which haven't since been deleted.
+ // Append items from |pending_adds| which haven't been deleted.
for (std::vector<SBAddFullHash>::const_iterator iter = pending_adds.begin();
iter != pending_adds.end(); ++iter) {
if (add_del_cache_.count(iter->chunk_id) == 0)
@@ -470,26 +393,29 @@ bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::DoUpdate(
// permanent data could leave additional data at the end. Won't
// cause any problems, but does waste space. There is no truncate()
// for stdio. Could use ftruncate() or re-open the file. Or maybe
- // ignore it, since we'll likely rewrite soon enough.
- if (!FileSeek(new_file_.get(), 0))
+ // ignore it, since we'll likely rewrite the file soon enough.
+ if (!FileRewind(new_file_.get()))
return false;
- if (!WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), kFileMagic) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), kFileVersion) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), add_chunks_cache_.size()) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), sub_chunks_cache_.size()) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), add_prefixes.size()) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), sub_prefixes.size()) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), add_full_hashes.size()) ||
- !WriteInt32(new_file_.get(), sub_full_hashes.size()))
+ FileHeader header;
+ header.magic = kFileMagic;
+ header.version = kFileVersion;
+ header.add_chunk_count = add_chunks_cache_.size();
+ header.sub_chunk_count = sub_chunks_cache_.size();
+ header.add_prefix_count = add_prefixes.size();
+ header.sub_prefix_count = sub_prefixes.size();
+ header.add_hash_count = add_full_hashes.size();
+ header.sub_hash_count = sub_full_hashes.size();
+ if (!WriteArray(&header, 1, new_file_.get()))
return false;
- if (!WriteChunksFromSet(add_chunks_cache_) ||
- !WriteChunksFromSet(sub_chunks_cache_) ||
- !WriteAddPrefixes(add_prefixes) ||
- !WriteSubPrefixes(sub_prefixes) ||
- !WriteAddHashes(add_full_hashes) ||
- !WriteSubHashes(sub_full_hashes))
+ // Write all the chunk data.
+ if (!WriteChunkSet(add_chunks_cache_, new_file_.get()) ||
+ !WriteChunkSet(sub_chunks_cache_, new_file_.get()) ||
+ !WriteVector(add_prefixes, new_file_.get()) ||
+ !WriteVector(sub_prefixes, new_file_.get()) ||
+ !WriteVector(add_full_hashes, new_file_.get()) ||
+ !WriteVector(sub_full_hashes, new_file_.get()))
return false;
// Close the file handle and swizzle the file into place.
@@ -499,9 +425,8 @@ bool SafeBrowsingStoreFile::DoUpdate(
return false;
const FilePath new_filename = TemporaryFileForFilename(filename_);
- if (!file_util::Move(new_filename, filename_)) {
+ if (!file_util::Move(new_filename, filename_))
return false;
- }
// Pass the resulting data off to the caller.
diff --git a/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_store_file.h b/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_store_file.h
index 2ee9bdf..269067c 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_store_file.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_store_file.h
@@ -202,25 +202,6 @@ class SafeBrowsingStoreFile : public SafeBrowsingStore {
// Close all files and clear all buffers.
bool Close();
- // Helpers to read/write the various data sets. Excepting
- // ReadChunksToSet(), which is called too early, the readers skip
- // items from deleted chunks (listed in add_del_cache_ and
- // sub_del_cache_).
- bool ReadChunksToSet(FILE* fp, std::set<int32>* chunks, int count);
- bool WriteChunksFromSet(const std::set<int32>& chunks);
- bool ReadAddPrefixes(FILE* fp,
- std::vector<SBAddPrefix>* add_prefixes, int count);
- bool WriteAddPrefixes(const std::vector<SBAddPrefix>& add_prefixes);
- bool ReadSubPrefixes(FILE* fp,
- std::vector<SBSubPrefix>* sub_prefixes, int count);
- bool WriteSubPrefixes(std::vector<SBSubPrefix>& sub_prefixes);
- bool ReadAddHashes(FILE* fp,
- std::vector<SBAddFullHash>* add_hashes, int count);
- bool WriteAddHashes(const std::vector<SBAddFullHash>& add_hashes);
- bool ReadSubHashes(FILE* fp,
- std::vector<SBSubFullHash>* sub_hashes, int count);
- bool WriteSubHashes(std::vector<SBSubFullHash>& sub_hashes);
// Calls |corruption_callback_| if non-NULL, always returns false as
// a convenience to the caller.
bool OnCorruptDatabase();