diff options
3 files changed, 138 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/webdata/ b/chrome/browser/webdata/
index fffa704..e38b7ca 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/webdata/
+++ b/chrome/browser/webdata/
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ typedef std::vector<Tuple3<int64, string16, string16> > AutofillElementList;
// Current version number. Note: when changing the current version number,
// corresponding changes must happen in the unit tests, and new migration test
// added. See |WebDatabaseMigrationTest::kCurrentTestedVersionNumber|.
-const int kCurrentVersionNumber = 34;
-const int kCompatibleVersionNumber = 34;
+const int kCurrentVersionNumber = 35;
+const int kCompatibleVersionNumber = 35;
// ID of the url column in keywords.
const int kUrlIdPosition = 16;
@@ -3070,6 +3070,28 @@ sql::InitStatus WebDatabase::MigrateOldVersionsAsNeeded(){
+ case 34:
+ // Correct all country codes with value "UK" to be "GB". This data
+ // was mistakenly introduced in build 686.0. This migration is to clean
+ // it up. See for details.
+ {
+ sql::Statement s(db_.GetUniqueStatement(
+ "UPDATE autofill_profiles SET country_code=\"GB\" "
+ "WHERE country_code=\"UK\""));
+ if (!s.Run()) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to update web database to version 35.";
+ return sql::INIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ meta_table_.SetVersionNumber(35);
+ meta_table_.SetCompatibleVersionNumber(
+ std::min(35, kCompatibleVersionNumber));
// Add successive versions here. Each should set the version number and
// compatible version number as appropriate, then fall through to the next
// case.
diff --git a/chrome/browser/webdata/ b/chrome/browser/webdata/
index 2adae26..d9d19ae 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/webdata/
+++ b/chrome/browser/webdata/
@@ -2104,7 +2104,7 @@ class WebDatabaseMigrationTest : public testing::Test {
-const int WebDatabaseMigrationTest::kCurrentTestedVersionNumber = 34;
+const int WebDatabaseMigrationTest::kCurrentTestedVersionNumber = 35;
void WebDatabaseMigrationTest::LoadDatabase(const FilePath::StringType& file) {
std::string contents;
@@ -3172,3 +3172,62 @@ TEST_F(WebDatabaseMigrationTest, MigrateVersion33ToCurrent) {
EXPECT_EQ("US", country_code);
+// Cleans up bad country code "UK" in favor of good country code "GB".
+TEST_F(WebDatabaseMigrationTest, MigrateVersion34ToCurrent) {
+ // Initialize the database.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(LoadDatabase(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("version_34.sql")));
+ // Verify pre-conditions. These are expectations for version 34 of the
+ // database.
+ {
+ sql::Connection connection;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(connection.Open(GetDatabasePath()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(connection.DoesColumnExist("autofill_profiles",
+ "country_code"));
+ // Check that the country_code value is the one we expect.
+ sql::Statement s(
+ connection.GetUniqueStatement("SELECT country_code "
+ "FROM autofill_profiles"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step());
+ std::string country_code = s.ColumnString(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("UK", country_code);
+ // Should have only one.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(s.Step());
+ }
+ // Load the database via the WebDatabase class and migrate the database to
+ // the current version.
+ {
+ WebDatabase db;
+ ASSERT_EQ(sql::INIT_OK, db.Init(GetDatabasePath()));
+ }
+ // Verify post-conditions. These are expectations for current version of the
+ // database.
+ {
+ sql::Connection connection;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(connection.Open(GetDatabasePath()));
+ // Check version.
+ EXPECT_EQ(kCurrentTestedVersionNumber, VersionFromConnection(&connection));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(connection.DoesColumnExist("autofill_profiles",
+ "country_code"));
+ // Check that the country_code code is properly converted.
+ sql::Statement s(connection.GetUniqueStatement(
+ "SELECT country_code FROM autofill_profiles"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(s.Step());
+ std::string country_code = s.ColumnString(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("GB", country_code);
+ // Should have only one.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(s.Step());
+ }
diff --git a/chrome/test/data/web_database/version_34.sql b/chrome/test/data/web_database/version_34.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a29a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/test/data/web_database/version_34.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;
+INSERT INTO "meta" VALUES('Default Search Provider ID','2');
+INSERT INTO "meta" VALUES('Builtin Keyword Version','33');
+INSERT INTO "meta" VALUES('version','34');
+INSERT INTO "meta" VALUES('last_compatible_version','34');
+CREATE TABLE keywords (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,short_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,keyword VARCHAR NOT NULL,favicon_url VARCHAR NOT NULL,url VARCHAR NOT NULL,show_in_default_list INTEGER,safe_for_autoreplace INTEGER,originating_url VARCHAR,date_created INTEGER DEFAULT 0,usage_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,input_encodings VARCHAR,suggest_url VARCHAR,prepopulate_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0,autogenerate_keyword INTEGER DEFAULT 0,logo_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0,created_by_policy INTEGER DEFAULT 0,instant_url VARCHAR);
+INSERT INTO "keywords" VALUES(2,'Google','','','{google:baseURL}search?{google:RLZ}{google:acceptedSuggestion}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}sourceid=chrome&ie={inputEncoding}&q={searchTerms}',1,1,'',0,0,'UTF-8','{google:baseSuggestURL}search?client=chrome&hl={language}&q={searchTerms}',1,1,6256,0,'{google:baseURL}webhp?{google:RLZ}sourceid=chrome-instant&ie={inputEncoding}&ion=1{searchTerms}&nord=1');
+INSERT INTO "keywords" VALUES(3,'Yahoo!','','','{inputEncoding}&fr=crmas&p={searchTerms}',1,1,'',0,0,'UTF-8','{searchTerms}',2,0,6273,0,'');
+INSERT INTO "keywords" VALUES(4,'Bing','','','{searchTerms}',1,1,'',0,0,'UTF-8','{searchTerms}&language={language}',3,0,6250,0,'');
+INSERT INTO "keywords" VALUES(5,'Search the web (Babylon)','','','{searchTerms}?babsrc=browsersearch',1,0,'',1299093361,0,'','',0,0,0,0,'');
+CREATE TABLE logins (origin_url VARCHAR NOT NULL, action_url VARCHAR, username_element VARCHAR, username_value VARCHAR, password_element VARCHAR, password_value BLOB, submit_element VARCHAR, signon_realm VARCHAR NOT NULL,ssl_valid INTEGER NOT NULL,preferred INTEGER NOT NULL,date_created INTEGER NOT NULL,blacklisted_by_user INTEGER NOT NULL,scheme INTEGER NOT NULL,UNIQUE (origin_url, username_element, username_value, password_element, submit_element, signon_realm));
+CREATE TABLE ie7_logins (url_hash VARCHAR NOT NULL, password_value BLOB, date_created INTEGER NOT NULL,UNIQUE (url_hash));
+CREATE TABLE web_app_icons (url LONGVARCHAR,width int,height int,image BLOB, UNIQUE (url, width, height));
+CREATE TABLE autofill (name VARCHAR, value VARCHAR, value_lower VARCHAR, pair_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, count INTEGER DEFAULT 1);
+INSERT INTO "autofill" VALUES('firstname','David','david',1,1);
+INSERT INTO "autofill" VALUES('lastname','Holloway','holloway',2,1);
+INSERT INTO "autofill" VALUES('email','','',3,1);
+INSERT INTO "autofill" VALUES('phone','415-551-2222','415-551-2222',4,1);
+INSERT INTO "autofill" VALUES('fax','415-551-2222','415-551-2222',5,1);
+INSERT INTO "autofill" VALUES('address','1122 Boogie Boogie Avenue','1122 boogie boogie avenue',6,1);
+INSERT INTO "autofill" VALUES('city','San Francisco','san francisco',7,1);
+INSERT INTO "autofill" VALUES('zipcode','11001','11001',8,1);
+INSERT INTO "autofill" VALUES('country','UK','uk',9,1);
+CREATE TABLE autofill_dates ( pair_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0, date_created INTEGER DEFAULT 0);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_dates" VALUES(1,1299093389);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_dates" VALUES(2,1299093389);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_dates" VALUES(3,1299093389);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_dates" VALUES(4,1299093389);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_dates" VALUES(5,1299093389);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_dates" VALUES(6,1299093389);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_dates" VALUES(7,1299093389);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_dates" VALUES(8,1299093389);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_dates" VALUES(9,1299093389);
+CREATE TABLE autofill_profiles ( guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, company_name VARCHAR, address_line_1 VARCHAR, address_line_2 VARCHAR, city VARCHAR, state VARCHAR, zipcode VARCHAR, country VARCHAR, date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, country_code VARCHAR);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_profiles" VALUES('F19484ED-363F-4506-997E-E0F23EA834AB','','1122 Boogie Boogie Avenue','','San Francisco','?','11001','UK',1299093389,'UK');
+CREATE TABLE autofill_profile_names ( guid VARCHAR, first_name VARCHAR, middle_name VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_profile_names" VALUES('F19484ED-363F-4506-997E-E0F23EA834AB','David','','Holloway');
+CREATE TABLE autofill_profile_emails ( guid VARCHAR, email VARCHAR);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_profile_emails" VALUES('F19484ED-363F-4506-997E-E0F23EA834AB','');
+CREATE TABLE autofill_profile_phones ( guid VARCHAR, type INTEGER DEFAULT 0, number VARCHAR);
+INSERT INTO "autofill_profile_phones" VALUES('F19484ED-363F-4506-997E-E0F23EA834AB',0,'4155512222');
+INSERT INTO "autofill_profile_phones" VALUES('F19484ED-363F-4506-997E-E0F23EA834AB',1,'4155512222');
+CREATE TABLE credit_cards ( guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, name_on_card VARCHAR, expiration_month INTEGER, expiration_year INTEGER, card_number_encrypted BLOB, date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);
+CREATE TABLE token_service (service VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,encrypted_token BLOB);
+CREATE INDEX logins_signon ON logins (signon_realm);
+CREATE INDEX ie7_logins_hash ON ie7_logins (url_hash);
+CREATE INDEX web_apps_url_index ON web_apps (url);
+CREATE INDEX autofill_name ON autofill (name);
+CREATE INDEX autofill_name_value_lower ON autofill (name, value_lower);
+CREATE INDEX autofill_dates_pair_id ON autofill_dates (pair_id);