path: root/cc/trees/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cc/trees/')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cc/trees/ b/cc/trees/
index 66b0f92..650f7ca 100644
--- a/cc/trees/
+++ b/cc/trees/
@@ -3180,6 +3180,43 @@ class LayerTreeHostTestUIResource : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+class PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl : public LayerImpl {
+ public:
+ static scoped_ptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl> Create(
+ LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl, int id) {
+ return make_scoped_ptr(new PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl(tree_impl, id));
+ }
+ virtual ~PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl() {}
+ virtual void PushPropertiesTo(LayerImpl* layer) OVERRIDE {
+ LayerImpl::PushPropertiesTo(layer);
+ push_properties_count_++;
+ // Push state to the active tree because we can only access it from there.
+ static_cast<PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl*>(
+ layer)->push_properties_count_ = push_properties_count_;
+ }
+ virtual scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> CreateLayerImpl(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl)
+ return PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl::Create(tree_impl, id()).
+ PassAs<LayerImpl>();
+ }
+ size_t push_properties_count() const { return push_properties_count_; }
+ void reset_push_properties_count() { push_properties_count_ = 0; }
+ private:
+ size_t push_properties_count_;
+ PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl, int id)
+ : LayerImpl(tree_impl, id),
+ push_properties_count_(0) {
+ SetAnchorPoint(gfx::PointF());
+ SetBounds(gfx::Size(1, 1));
+ }
class PushPropertiesCountingLayer : public Layer {
static scoped_refptr<PushPropertiesCountingLayer> Create() {
@@ -3193,6 +3230,12 @@ class PushPropertiesCountingLayer : public Layer {
needs_push_properties_ = true;
+ virtual scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> CreateLayerImpl(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl)
+ return PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl::Create(tree_impl, id()).
+ PassAs<LayerImpl>();
+ }
size_t push_properties_count() const { return push_properties_count_; }
void reset_push_properties_count() { push_properties_count_ = 0; }
@@ -3405,6 +3448,206 @@ class LayerTreeHostTestLayersPushProperties : public LayerTreeHostTest {
+class LayerTreeHostTestImplLayersPushProperties
+ : public LayerTreeHostTestLayersPushProperties {
+ protected:
+ virtual void BeginTest() OVERRIDE {
+ expected_push_properties_root_impl_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_child_impl_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_child2_impl_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_ = 0;
+ LayerTreeHostTestLayersPushProperties::BeginTest();
+ }
+ virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) OVERRIDE {
+ // These commits are in response to the changes made in
+ // LayerTreeHostTestLayersPushProperties::DidCommitAndDrawFrame()
+ switch (num_commits_) {
+ case 0:
+ // Tree hasn't been setup yet don't bother to check anything.
+ return;
+ case 1:
+ // Root gets set up, Everyone is initialized.
+ ++expected_push_properties_root_impl_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_child_impl_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_child2_impl_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // Tree doesn't change but the one leaf that always pushes is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // Root is swapped here.
+ // Clear the expected push properties the tree will be rebuilt.
+ expected_push_properties_root_impl_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_child_impl_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_child2_impl_ = 0;
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_ = 0;
+ // Make sure the new root is pushed.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, static_cast<PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl*>(
+ host_impl->RootLayer())->push_properties_count());
+ return;
+ case 4:
+ // Root is swapped back all of the layers in the tree get pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_root_impl_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_child_impl_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_child2_impl_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ // Tree doesn't change but the one leaf that always pushes is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ // First child is removed. Structure of the tree changes here so swap
+ // some of the values. child_impl becomes child2_impl.
+ expected_push_properties_child_impl_ =
+ expected_push_properties_child2_impl_;
+ expected_push_properties_child2_impl_ = 0;
+ // grandchild_impl becomes grandchild2_impl.
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_ =
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_;
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_ = 0;
+ // grandchild_impl is now the leaf that always pushes. It is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ // The leaf that always pushes is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ // Child is added back. New layers are initialized.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_child2_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ // Leaf is removed.
+ expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_ = 0;
+ // Always pushing.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ // Leaf is added back
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_;
+ // The leaf that always pushes is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ // The leaf that always pushes is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ // The leaf that always pushes is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ // The leaf that always pushes is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ // This child position was changed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_child2_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ // The position of this child was changed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_child_impl_;
+ // The leaf that always pushes is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ // Second child is removed from tree. Don't discard counts because
+ // they are added back before commit.
+ // The leaf that always pushes is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ // Second child added back.
+ ++expected_push_properties_child2_impl_;
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ // The position of this child was changed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_;
+ // The leaf that always pushes is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ // Second child is invalidated with SetNeedsDisplay
+ ++expected_push_properties_child2_impl_;
+ // The leaf that always pushed is pushed.
+ ++expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ break;
+ }
+ PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl* root_impl_ = NULL;
+ PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl* child_impl_ = NULL;
+ PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl* child2_impl_ = NULL;
+ PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl* grandchild_impl_ = NULL;
+ PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl* leaf_always_pushing_layer_impl_ = NULL;
+ // Pull the layers that we need from the tree assuming the same structure
+ // as LayerTreeHostTestLayersPushProperties
+ root_impl_ = static_cast<PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl*>(
+ host_impl->RootLayer());
+ if (root_impl_ && root_impl_->children().size() > 0) {
+ child_impl_ = static_cast<PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl*>(
+ root_impl_->children()[0]);
+ if (child_impl_ && child_impl_->children().size() > 0)
+ grandchild_impl_ = static_cast<PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl*>(
+ child_impl_->children()[0]);
+ }
+ if (root_impl_ && root_impl_->children().size() > 1) {
+ child2_impl_ = static_cast<PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl*>(
+ root_impl_->children()[1]);
+ if (child2_impl_ && child2_impl_->children().size() > 0)
+ leaf_always_pushing_layer_impl_ =
+ static_cast<PushPropertiesCountingLayerImpl*>(
+ child2_impl_->children()[0]);
+ }
+ if (root_impl_)
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_root_impl_,
+ root_impl_->push_properties_count());
+ if (child_impl_)
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_child_impl_,
+ child_impl_->push_properties_count());
+ if (grandchild_impl_)
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_,
+ grandchild_impl_->push_properties_count());
+ if (child2_impl_)
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_child2_impl_,
+ child2_impl_->push_properties_count());
+ if (leaf_always_pushing_layer_impl_)
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_,
+ leaf_always_pushing_layer_impl_->push_properties_count());
+ }
+ size_t expected_push_properties_root_impl_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_child_impl_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_child2_impl_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_grandchild_impl_;
+ size_t expected_push_properties_grandchild2_impl_;
+TEST_F(LayerTreeHostTestImplLayersPushProperties, DelegatingRenderer) {
+ RunTestWithImplSidePainting();
class LayerTreeHostTestPropertyChangesDuringUpdateArePushed
: public LayerTreeHostTest {