path: root/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/executor.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'ceee/ie/plugin/bho/executor.h')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/executor.h b/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/executor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..379ba32
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+++ b/ceee/ie/plugin/bho/executor.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// @file
+// CeeeExecutor & CeeeExecutorCreator implementation, interfaces to
+// execute code in other threads which can be running in other another process.
+#include <atlbase.h>
+#include <atlcom.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "ceee/ie/plugin/bho/infobar_manager.h"
+#include "ceee/ie/plugin/toolband/resource.h"
+#include "toolband.h" // NOLINT
+struct IWebBrowser2;
+namespace infobar_api {
+ class InfobarManager;
+// The executor creator hooks itself in the destination thread where
+// the executor will then be created and register in the CeeeBroker.
+// The creator of CeeeExecutors.
+class ATL_NO_VTABLE CeeeExecutorCreator
+ : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
+ public CComCoClass<CeeeExecutorCreator,
+ &CLSID_CeeeExecutorCreator>,
+ public ICeeeExecutorCreator {
+ public:
+ CeeeExecutorCreator();
+ void FinalRelease();
+ BEGIN_COM_MAP(CeeeExecutorCreator)
+ COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ICeeeExecutorCreator)
+ // @name ICeeeExecutorCreator implementation.
+ // @{
+ STDMETHOD(CreateWindowExecutor)(long thread_id, CeeeWindowHandle window);
+ STDMETHOD(Teardown)(long thread_id);
+ // @}
+ protected:
+ // The registered message we use to communicate with the destination thread.
+ static const UINT kCreateWindowExecutorMessage;
+ // The function that will be hooked in the destination thread.
+ // See
+ // for more details.
+ static LRESULT CALLBACK GetMsgProc(int code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
+ // We must remember the hook so that we can unhook when we are done.
+ HHOOK hook_;
+ // We can only work for one thread at a time. Used to validate that the
+ // call to ICeeeExecutorCreator::Teardown are balanced to a previous call
+ // to ICeeeExecutorCreator::CreateExecutor.
+ long current_thread_id_;
+// The executor object that is instantiated in the destination thread and
+// then called to... execute stuff...
+class ATL_NO_VTABLE CeeeExecutor
+ : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
+ public CComCoClass<CeeeExecutor, &CLSID_CeeeExecutor>,
+ public IObjectWithSiteImpl<CeeeExecutor>,
+ public ICeeeWindowExecutor,
+ public ICeeeTabExecutor,
+ public ICeeeCookieExecutor,
+ public ICeeeInfobarExecutor {
+ public:
+ BEGIN_COM_MAP(CeeeExecutor)
+ COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ICeeeWindowExecutor)
+ COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ICeeeCookieExecutor)
+ COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ICeeeInfobarExecutor)
+ // @name ICeeeWindowExecutor implementation.
+ // @{
+ STDMETHOD(Initialize)(CeeeWindowHandle hwnd);
+ STDMETHOD(GetWindow)(BOOL populate_tabs, CeeeWindowInfo* window_info);
+ STDMETHOD(GetTabs)(BSTR* tab_list);
+ STDMETHOD(UpdateWindow)(long left, long top, long width, long height,
+ CeeeWindowInfo* window_info);
+ STDMETHOD(RemoveWindow)();
+ STDMETHOD(GetTabIndex)(CeeeWindowHandle tab, long* index);
+ STDMETHOD(MoveTab)(CeeeWindowHandle tab, long index);
+ STDMETHOD(RemoveTab)(CeeeWindowHandle tab);
+ STDMETHOD(SelectTab)(CeeeWindowHandle tab);
+ // @}
+ // @name ICeeeTabExecutor implementation.
+ // @{
+ // Initialize was already declared in ICeeeWindowExecutor, so we don't
+ // add it here, even if it's part of the interface.
+ STDMETHOD(GetTabInfo)(CeeeTabInfo* tab_info);
+ STDMETHOD(Navigate)(BSTR url, long flags, BSTR target);
+ STDMETHOD(InsertCode)(BSTR code, BSTR file, BOOL all_frames,
+ CeeeTabCodeType type);
+ // @}
+ // @name ICeeeCookieExecutor implementation.
+ // @{
+ STDMETHOD(GetCookie)(BSTR url, BSTR name, CeeeCookieInfo* cookie_info);
+ STDMETHOD(RegisterCookieStore)();
+ STDMETHOD(CookieStoreIsRegistered)();
+ // @}
+ // @name ICeeeInfobarExecutor implementation.
+ // @{
+ STDMETHOD(SetExtensionId)(BSTR extension_id);
+ STDMETHOD(ShowInfobar)(BSTR url, CeeeWindowHandle* window_handle);
+ STDMETHOD(OnTopFrameBeforeNavigate)(BSTR url);
+ // @}
+ CeeeExecutor() : hwnd_(NULL) {}
+ protected:
+ // Get the IWebBrowser2 interface of the
+ // frame event host that was set as our site.
+ virtual HRESULT GetWebBrowser(IWebBrowser2** browser);
+ // Used via EnumChildWindows to get all tabs.
+ static BOOL CALLBACK GetTabsEnumProc(HWND window, LPARAM param);
+ // Ensure we're running inside the right thread.
+ HRESULT EnsureWindowThread();
+ // The HWND of the tab/window we are associated to.
+ HWND hwnd_;
+ // Extension id.
+ std::string extension_id_;
+ // Get the value of the cookie with the given name, associated with the given
+ // URL. Returns S_FALSE if the cookie does not exist, and returns an error
+ // code if something unexpected occurs.
+ virtual HRESULT GetCookieValue(BSTR url, BSTR name, BSTR* value);
+ // Mainly for unit testing purposes.
+ void set_cookie_store_is_registered(bool is_registered);
+ // Instance of InfobarManager for the tab associated with the thread to which
+ // the executor is attached.
+ scoped_ptr<infobar_api::InfobarManager> infobar_manager_;