path: root/chrome/app_shim/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/app_shim/')
1 files changed, 693 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/app_shim/ b/chrome/app_shim/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9cf194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/app_shim/
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// On Mac, one can't make shortcuts with command-line arguments. Instead, we
+// produce small app bundles which locate the Chromium framework and load it,
+// passing the appropriate data. This is the entry point into the framework for
+// those app bundles.
+#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/at_exit.h"
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/files/file_path.h"
+#include "base/files/file_util.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/mac/bundle_locations.h"
+#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
+#include "base/mac/launch_services_util.h"
+#include "base/mac/mac_logging.h"
+#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
+#include "base/mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h"
+#include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
+#include "base/mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/path_service.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
+#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
+#include "chrome/common/mac/app_mode_common.h"
+#include "chrome/common/mac/app_shim_messages.h"
+#include "chrome/grit/generated_resources.h"
+#include "ipc/ipc_channel_proxy.h"
+#include "ipc/ipc_listener.h"
+#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
+#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
+#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
+namespace {
+// Timeout in seconds to wait for a reply for the initial Apple Event. Note that
+// kAEDefaultTimeout on Mac is "about one minute" according to Apple's
+// documentation, but is no longer supported for asynchronous Apple Events.
+const int kPingChromeTimeoutSeconds = 60;
+const app_mode::ChromeAppModeInfo* g_info;
+base::Thread* g_io_thread = NULL;
+} // namespace
+class AppShimController;
+// An application delegate to catch user interactions and send the appropriate
+// IPC messages to Chrome.
+@interface AppShimDelegate : NSObject<NSApplicationDelegate> {
+ @private
+ AppShimController* appShimController_; // Weak, initially NULL.
+ BOOL terminateNow_;
+ BOOL terminateRequested_;
+ std::vector<base::FilePath> filesToOpenAtStartup_;
+// The controller is initially NULL. Setting it indicates to the delegate that
+// the controller has finished initialization.
+- (void)setController:(AppShimController*)controller;
+// Gets files that were queued because the controller was not ready.
+// Returns whether any FilePaths were added to |out|.
+- (BOOL)getFilesToOpenAtStartup:(std::vector<base::FilePath>*)out;
+// If the controller is ready, this sends a FocusApp with the files to open.
+// Otherwise, this adds the files to |filesToOpenAtStartup_|.
+// Takes an array of NSString*.
+- (void)openFiles:(NSArray*)filename;
+// Terminate immediately. This is necessary as we override terminate: to send
+// a QuitApp message.
+- (void)terminateNow;
+// The AppShimController is responsible for communication with the main Chrome
+// process, and generally controls the lifetime of the app shim process.
+class AppShimController : public IPC::Listener {
+ public:
+ AppShimController();
+ virtual ~AppShimController();
+ // Called when the main Chrome process responds to the Apple Event ping that
+ // was sent, or when the ping fails (if |success| is false).
+ void OnPingChromeReply(bool success);
+ // Called |kPingChromeTimeoutSeconds| after startup, to allow a timeout on the
+ // ping event to be detected.
+ void OnPingChromeTimeout();
+ // Connects to Chrome and sends a LaunchApp message.
+ void Init();
+ // Create a channel from |socket_path| and send a LaunchApp message.
+ void CreateChannelAndSendLaunchApp(const base::FilePath& socket_path);
+ // Builds main menu bar items.
+ void SetUpMenu();
+ void SendSetAppHidden(bool hidden);
+ void SendQuitApp();
+ // Called when the app is activated, e.g. by clicking on it in the dock, by
+ // dropping a file on the dock icon, or by Cmd+Tabbing to it.
+ // Returns whether the message was sent.
+ bool SendFocusApp(apps::AppShimFocusType focus_type,
+ const std::vector<base::FilePath>& files);
+ private:
+ // IPC::Listener implemetation.
+ virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnChannelError() OVERRIDE;
+ // If Chrome failed to launch the app, |success| will be false and the app
+ // shim process should die.
+ void OnLaunchAppDone(apps::AppShimLaunchResult result);
+ // Hide this app.
+ void OnHide();
+ // Requests user attention.
+ void OnRequestUserAttention();
+ void OnSetUserAttention(apps::AppShimAttentionType attention_type);
+ // Terminates the app shim process.
+ void Close();
+ base::FilePath user_data_dir_;
+ scoped_ptr<IPC::ChannelProxy> channel_;
+ base::scoped_nsobject<AppShimDelegate> delegate_;
+ bool launch_app_done_;
+ bool ping_chrome_reply_received_;
+ NSInteger attention_request_id_;
+ : delegate_([[AppShimDelegate alloc] init]),
+ launch_app_done_(false),
+ ping_chrome_reply_received_(false),
+ attention_request_id_(0) {
+ // Since AppShimController is created before the main message loop starts,
+ // NSApp will not be set, so use sharedApplication.
+ [[NSApplication sharedApplication] setDelegate:delegate_];
+AppShimController::~AppShimController() {
+ // Un-set the delegate since NSApplication does not retain it.
+ [[NSApplication sharedApplication] setDelegate:nil];
+void AppShimController::OnPingChromeReply(bool success) {
+ ping_chrome_reply_received_ = true;
+ if (!success) {
+ [NSApp terminate:nil];
+ return;
+ }
+ Init();
+void AppShimController::OnPingChromeTimeout() {
+ if (!ping_chrome_reply_received_)
+ [NSApp terminate:nil];
+void AppShimController::Init() {
+ DCHECK(g_io_thread);
+ SetUpMenu();
+ // Chrome will relaunch shims when relaunching apps.
+ if (base::mac::IsOSLionOrLater())
+ [NSApp disableRelaunchOnLogin];
+ // The user_data_dir for shims actually contains the app_data_path.
+ // I.e. <user_data_dir>/<profile_dir>/Web Applications/_crx_extensionid/
+ user_data_dir_ = g_info->user_data_dir.DirName().DirName().DirName();
+ CHECK(!user_data_dir_.empty());
+ base::FilePath symlink_path =
+ user_data_dir_.Append(app_mode::kAppShimSocketSymlinkName);
+ base::FilePath socket_path;
+ if (!base::ReadSymbolicLink(symlink_path, &socket_path)) {
+ // The path in the user data dir is not a symlink, try connecting directly.
+ CreateChannelAndSendLaunchApp(symlink_path);
+ return;
+ }
+ app_mode::VerifySocketPermissions(socket_path);
+ CreateChannelAndSendLaunchApp(socket_path);
+void AppShimController::CreateChannelAndSendLaunchApp(
+ const base::FilePath& socket_path) {
+ IPC::ChannelHandle handle(socket_path.value());
+ channel_ = IPC::ChannelProxy::Create(handle,
+ this,
+ g_io_thread->message_loop_proxy().get());
+ bool launched_by_chrome =
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
+ app_mode::kLaunchedByChromeProcessId);
+ apps::AppShimLaunchType launch_type = launched_by_chrome ?
+ [delegate_ setController:this];
+ std::vector<base::FilePath> files;
+ [delegate_ getFilesToOpenAtStartup:&files];
+ channel_->Send(new AppShimHostMsg_LaunchApp(
+ g_info->profile_dir, g_info->app_mode_id, launch_type, files));
+void AppShimController::SetUpMenu() {
+ NSString* title = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(g_info->app_mode_name);
+ // Create a main menu since [NSApp mainMenu] is nil.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<NSMenu> main_menu([[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:title]);
+ // The title of the first item is replaced by OSX with the name of the app and
+ // bold styling. Create a dummy item for this and make it hidden.
+ NSMenuItem* dummy_item = [main_menu addItemWithTitle:title
+ action:nil
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
+ base::scoped_nsobject<NSMenu> dummy_submenu(
+ [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:title]);
+ [dummy_item setSubmenu:dummy_submenu];
+ [dummy_item setHidden:YES];
+ // Construct an unbolded app menu, to match how it appears in the Chrome menu
+ // bar when the app is focused.
+ NSMenuItem* item = [main_menu addItemWithTitle:title
+ action:nil
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
+ base::scoped_nsobject<NSMenu> submenu([[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:title]);
+ [item setSubmenu:submenu];
+ // Add a quit entry.
+ NSString* quit_localized_string =
+ l10n_util::GetNSStringF(IDS_EXIT_MAC, g_info->app_mode_name);
+ [submenu addItemWithTitle:quit_localized_string
+ action:@selector(terminate:)
+ keyEquivalent:@"q"];
+ // Add File, Edit, and Window menus. These are just here to make the
+ // transition smoother, i.e. from another application to the shim then to
+ // Chrome.
+ [main_menu addItemWithTitle:l10n_util::GetNSString(IDS_FILE_MENU_MAC)
+ action:nil
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [main_menu addItemWithTitle:l10n_util::GetNSString(IDS_EDIT_MENU_MAC)
+ action:nil
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [main_menu addItemWithTitle:l10n_util::GetNSString(IDS_WINDOW_MENU_MAC)
+ action:nil
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [NSApp setMainMenu:main_menu];
+void AppShimController::SendQuitApp() {
+ channel_->Send(new AppShimHostMsg_QuitApp);
+bool AppShimController::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) {
+ bool handled = true;
+ IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(AppShimController, message)
+ IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AppShimMsg_LaunchApp_Done, OnLaunchAppDone)
+ IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AppShimMsg_Hide, OnHide)
+ IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AppShimMsg_RequestUserAttention, OnRequestUserAttention)
+ IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AppShimMsg_SetUserAttention, OnSetUserAttention)
+ IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
+ return handled;
+void AppShimController::OnChannelError() {
+ Close();
+void AppShimController::OnLaunchAppDone(apps::AppShimLaunchResult result) {
+ if (result != apps::APP_SHIM_LAUNCH_SUCCESS) {
+ Close();
+ return;
+ }
+ std::vector<base::FilePath> files;
+ if ([delegate_ getFilesToOpenAtStartup:&files])
+ SendFocusApp(apps::APP_SHIM_FOCUS_OPEN_FILES, files);
+ launch_app_done_ = true;
+void AppShimController::OnHide() {
+ [NSApp hide:nil];
+void AppShimController::OnRequestUserAttention() {
+void AppShimController::OnSetUserAttention(
+ apps::AppShimAttentionType attention_type) {
+ switch (attention_type) {
+ [NSApp cancelUserAttentionRequest:attention_request_id_];
+ attention_request_id_ = 0;
+ break;
+ attention_request_id_ = [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
+ break;
+ attention_request_id_ =
+ [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSInformationalRequest];
+ break;
+ }
+void AppShimController::Close() {
+ [delegate_ terminateNow];
+bool AppShimController::SendFocusApp(apps::AppShimFocusType focus_type,
+ const std::vector<base::FilePath>& files) {
+ if (launch_app_done_) {
+ channel_->Send(new AppShimHostMsg_FocusApp(focus_type, files));
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void AppShimController::SendSetAppHidden(bool hidden) {
+ channel_->Send(new AppShimHostMsg_SetAppHidden(hidden));
+@implementation AppShimDelegate
+- (BOOL)getFilesToOpenAtStartup:(std::vector<base::FilePath>*)out {
+ if (filesToOpenAtStartup_.empty())
+ return NO;
+ out->insert(out->end(),
+ filesToOpenAtStartup_.begin(),
+ filesToOpenAtStartup_.end());
+ filesToOpenAtStartup_.clear();
+ return YES;
+- (void)setController:(AppShimController*)controller {
+ appShimController_ = controller;
+- (void)openFiles:(NSArray*)filenames {
+ std::vector<base::FilePath> filePaths;
+ for (NSString* filename in filenames)
+ filePaths.push_back(base::mac::NSStringToFilePath(filename));
+ // If the AppShimController is ready, try to send a FocusApp. If that fails,
+ // (e.g. if launching has not finished), enqueue the files.
+ if (appShimController_ &&
+ appShimController_->SendFocusApp(apps::APP_SHIM_FOCUS_OPEN_FILES,
+ filePaths)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ filesToOpenAtStartup_.insert(filesToOpenAtStartup_.end(),
+ filePaths.begin(),
+ filePaths.end());
+- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication*)app
+ openFile:(NSString*)filename {
+ [self openFiles:@[filename]];
+ return YES;
+- (void)application:(NSApplication*)app
+ openFiles:(NSArray*)filenames {
+ [self openFiles:filenames];
+ [app replyToOpenOrPrint:NSApplicationDelegateReplySuccess];
+- (BOOL)applicationOpenUntitledFile:(NSApplication*)app {
+ if (appShimController_) {
+ return appShimController_->SendFocusApp(apps::APP_SHIM_FOCUS_REOPEN,
+ std::vector<base::FilePath>());
+ }
+ return NO;
+- (void)applicationWillBecomeActive:(NSNotification*)notification {
+ if (appShimController_) {
+ appShimController_->SendFocusApp(apps::APP_SHIM_FOCUS_NORMAL,
+ std::vector<base::FilePath>());
+ }
+- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)
+ applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication*)sender {
+ if (terminateNow_ || !appShimController_)
+ return NSTerminateNow;
+ appShimController_->SendQuitApp();
+ // Wait for the channel to close before terminating.
+ terminateRequested_ = YES;
+ return NSTerminateLater;
+- (void)applicationWillHide:(NSNotification*)notification {
+ if (appShimController_)
+ appShimController_->SendSetAppHidden(true);
+- (void)applicationWillUnhide:(NSNotification*)notification {
+ if (appShimController_)
+ appShimController_->SendSetAppHidden(false);
+- (void)terminateNow {
+ if (terminateRequested_) {
+ [NSApp replyToApplicationShouldTerminate:NSTerminateNow];
+ return;
+ }
+ terminateNow_ = YES;
+ [NSApp terminate:nil];
+// A ReplyEventHandler is a helper class to send an Apple Event to a process
+// and call a callback when the reply returns.
+// This is used to 'ping' the main Chrome process -- once Chrome has sent back
+// an Apple Event reply, it's guaranteed that it has opened the IPC channel
+// that the app shim will connect to.
+@interface ReplyEventHandler : NSObject {
+ base::Callback<void(bool)> onReply_;
+ AEDesc replyEvent_;
+// Sends an Apple Event to the process identified by |psn|, and calls |replyFn|
+// when the reply is received. Internally this creates a ReplyEventHandler,
+// which will delete itself once the reply event has been received.
++ (void)pingProcess:(const ProcessSerialNumber&)psn
+ andCall:(base::Callback<void(bool)>)replyFn;
+@interface ReplyEventHandler (PrivateMethods)
+// Initialise the reply event handler. Doesn't register any handlers until
+// |-pingProcess:| is called. |replyFn| is the function to be called when the
+// Apple Event reply arrives.
+- (id)initWithCallback:(base::Callback<void(bool)>)replyFn;
+// Sends an Apple Event ping to the process identified by |psn| and registers
+// to listen for a reply.
+- (void)pingProcess:(const ProcessSerialNumber&)psn;
+// Called when a response is received from the target process for the ping sent
+// by |-pingProcess:|.
+- (void)message:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)event
+ withReply:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)reply;
+// Calls |onReply_|, passing it |success| to specify whether the ping was
+// successful.
+- (void)closeWithSuccess:(bool)success;
+@implementation ReplyEventHandler
++ (void)pingProcess:(const ProcessSerialNumber&)psn
+ andCall:(base::Callback<void(bool)>)replyFn {
+ // The object will release itself when the reply arrives, or possibly earlier
+ // if an unrecoverable error occurs.
+ ReplyEventHandler* handler =
+ [[ReplyEventHandler alloc] initWithCallback:replyFn];
+ [handler pingProcess:psn];
+@implementation ReplyEventHandler (PrivateMethods)
+- (id)initWithCallback:(base::Callback<void(bool)>)replyFn {
+ if ((self = [super init])) {
+ onReply_ = replyFn;
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)pingProcess:(const ProcessSerialNumber&)psn {
+ // Register the reply listener.
+ NSAppleEventManager* em = [NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager];
+ [em setEventHandler:self
+ andSelector:@selector(message:withReply:)
+ forEventClass:'aevt'
+ andEventID:'ansr'];
+ // Craft the Apple Event to send.
+ NSAppleEventDescriptor* target = [NSAppleEventDescriptor
+ descriptorWithDescriptorType:typeProcessSerialNumber
+ bytes:&psn
+ length:sizeof(psn)];
+ NSAppleEventDescriptor* initial_event =
+ [NSAppleEventDescriptor
+ appleEventWithEventClass:app_mode::kAEChromeAppClass
+ eventID:app_mode::kAEChromeAppPing
+ targetDescriptor:target
+ returnID:kAutoGenerateReturnID
+ transactionID:kAnyTransactionID];
+ // Note that AESendMessage effectively ignores kAEDefaultTimeout, because this
+ // call does not pass kAEWantReceipt (which is deprecated and unsupported on
+ // Mac). Instead, rely on OnPingChromeTimeout().
+ OSStatus status = AESendMessage(
+ [initial_event aeDesc], &replyEvent_, kAEQueueReply, kAEDefaultTimeout);
+ if (status != noErr) {
+ OSSTATUS_LOG(ERROR, status) << "AESendMessage";
+ [self closeWithSuccess:false];
+ }
+- (void)message:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)event
+ withReply:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)reply {
+ [self closeWithSuccess:true];
+- (void)closeWithSuccess:(bool)success {
+ onReply_.Run(success);
+ NSAppleEventManager* em = [NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager];
+ [em removeEventHandlerForEventClass:'aevt' andEventID:'ansr'];
+ [self release];
+extern "C" {
+// |ChromeAppModeStart()| is the point of entry into the framework from the app
+// mode loader.
+int ChromeAppModeStart(const app_mode::ChromeAppModeInfo* info);
+} // extern "C"
+int ChromeAppModeStart(const app_mode::ChromeAppModeInfo* info) {
+ CommandLine::Init(info->argc, info->argv);
+ base::mac::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool scoped_pool;
+ base::AtExitManager exit_manager;
+ chrome::RegisterPathProvider();
+ if (info->major_version < app_mode::kCurrentChromeAppModeInfoMajorVersion) {
+ RAW_LOG(ERROR, "App Mode Loader too old.");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (info->major_version > app_mode::kCurrentChromeAppModeInfoMajorVersion) {
+ RAW_LOG(ERROR, "Browser Framework too old to load App Shortcut.");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ g_info = info;
+ // Set bundle paths. This loads the bundles.
+ base::mac::SetOverrideOuterBundlePath(g_info->chrome_outer_bundle_path);
+ base::mac::SetOverrideFrameworkBundlePath(
+ g_info->chrome_versioned_path.Append(chrome::kFrameworkName));
+ // Calculate the preferred locale used by Chrome.
+ // We can't use l10n_util::OverrideLocaleWithCocoaLocale() because it calls
+ // [base::mac::OuterBundle() preferredLocalizations] which gets localizations
+ // from the bundle of the running app (i.e. it is equivalent to
+ // [[NSBundle mainBundle] preferredLocalizations]) instead of the target
+ // bundle.
+ NSArray* preferred_languages = [NSLocale preferredLanguages];
+ NSArray* supported_languages = [base::mac::OuterBundle() localizations];
+ std::string preferred_localization;
+ for (NSString* language in preferred_languages) {
+ if ([supported_languages containsObject:language]) {
+ preferred_localization = base::SysNSStringToUTF8(language);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string locale = l10n_util::NormalizeLocale(
+ l10n_util::GetApplicationLocale(preferred_localization));
+ // Load localized strings.
+ ui::ResourceBundle::InitSharedInstanceWithLocale(
+ locale, NULL, ui::ResourceBundle::DO_NOT_LOAD_COMMON_RESOURCES);
+ // Launch the IO thread.
+ base::Thread::Options io_thread_options;
+ io_thread_options.message_loop_type = base::MessageLoop::TYPE_IO;
+ base::Thread *io_thread = new base::Thread("CrAppShimIO");
+ io_thread->StartWithOptions(io_thread_options);
+ g_io_thread = io_thread;
+ // Find already running instances of Chrome.
+ pid_t pid = -1;
+ std::string chrome_process_id = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->
+ GetSwitchValueASCII(app_mode::kLaunchedByChromeProcessId);
+ if (!chrome_process_id.empty()) {
+ if (!base::StringToInt(chrome_process_id, &pid))
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid PID: " << chrome_process_id;
+ } else {
+ NSString* chrome_bundle_id = [base::mac::OuterBundle() bundleIdentifier];
+ NSArray* existing_chrome = [NSRunningApplication
+ runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:chrome_bundle_id];
+ if ([existing_chrome count] > 0)
+ pid = [[existing_chrome objectAtIndex:0] processIdentifier];
+ }
+ AppShimController controller;
+ base::MessageLoopForUI main_message_loop;
+ main_message_loop.set_thread_name("MainThread");
+ base::PlatformThread::SetName("CrAppShimMain");
+ // In tests, launching Chrome does nothing, and we won't get a ping response,
+ // so just assume the socket exists.
+ if (pid == -1 &&
+ !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
+ app_mode::kLaunchedForTest)) {
+ // Launch Chrome if it isn't already running.
+ ProcessSerialNumber psn;
+ CommandLine command_line(CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM);
+ command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kSilentLaunch);
+ // If the shim is the app launcher, pass --show-app-list when starting a new
+ // Chrome process to inform startup codepaths and load the correct profile.
+ if (info->app_mode_id == app_mode::kAppListModeId) {
+ command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kShowAppList);
+ } else {
+ command_line.AppendSwitchPath(switches::kProfileDirectory,
+ info->profile_dir);
+ }
+ bool success =
+ base::mac::OpenApplicationWithPath(base::mac::OuterBundlePath(),
+ command_line,
+ kLSLaunchDefaults,
+ &psn);
+ if (!success)
+ return 1;
+ base::Callback<void(bool)> on_ping_chrome_reply =
+ base::Bind(&AppShimController::OnPingChromeReply,
+ base::Unretained(&controller));
+ // This code abuses the fact that Apple Events sent before the process is
+ // fully initialized don't receive a reply until its run loop starts. Once
+ // the reply is received, Chrome will have opened its IPC port, guaranteed.
+ [ReplyEventHandler pingProcess:psn
+ andCall:on_ping_chrome_reply];
+ main_message_loop.PostDelayedTask(
+ base::Bind(&AppShimController::OnPingChromeTimeout,
+ base::Unretained(&controller)),
+ base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kPingChromeTimeoutSeconds));
+ } else {
+ // Chrome already running. Proceed to init. This could still fail if Chrome
+ // is still starting up or shutting down, but the process will exit quickly,
+ // which is preferable to waiting for the Apple Event to timeout after one
+ // minute.
+ main_message_loop.PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&AppShimController::Init,
+ base::Unretained(&controller)));
+ }
+ main_message_loop.Run();
+ return 0;