path: root/chrome/browser/resources/media_internals/media_internals.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/resources/media_internals/media_internals.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 281 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/resources/media_internals/media_internals.js b/chrome/browser/resources/media_internals/media_internals.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c3e3a1e..0000000
--- a/chrome/browser/resources/media_internals/media_internals.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-<include src="cache_entry.js"/>
-<include src="disjoint_range_set.js"/>
-<include src="event_list.js"/>
-<include src="item_store.js"/>
-<include src="media_player.js"/>
-<include src="metrics.js"/>
-<include src="util.js"/>
-cr.define('media', function() {
- 'use strict';
- // Stores information on open audio streams, referenced by id.
- var audioStreams = new media.ItemStore;
- // Active media players, indexed by 'render_id:player_id'.
- var mediaPlayers = {};
- // Cached files indexed by key and source id.
- var cacheEntriesByKey = {};
- var cacheEntries = {};
- // Map of event source -> url.
- var requestURLs = {};
- // Constants passed to us from Chrome.
- var eventTypes = {};
- var eventPhases = {};
- // The <div>s on the page in which to display information.
- var audioStreamDiv;
- var cacheDiv;
- // A timer used to limit the rate of redrawing the Media Players section.
- var redrawTimer = null;
- /**
- * Initialize variables and ask MediaInternals for all its data.
- */
- function initialize() {
- audioStreamDiv = $('audio-streams');
- cacheDiv = $('cache-entries');
- // Get information about all currently active media.
- chrome.send('getEverything');
- }
- /**
- * Write the set of audio streams to the DOM.
- */
- function printAudioStreams() {
- /**
- * Render a single stream as a <li>.
- * @param {Object} stream The stream to render.
- * @return {HTMLElement} A <li> containing the stream information.
- */
- function printStream(stream) {
- var out = document.createElement('li');
- =;
- out.className = 'audio-stream';
- out.setAttribute('status', stream.status);
- out.textContent += 'Audio stream ' +'.')[1];
- out.textContent += ' is ' + (stream.playing ? 'playing' : 'paused');
- if (typeof stream.volume != 'undefined') {
- out.textContent += ' at ' + (stream.volume * 100).toFixed(0);
- out.textContent += '% volume.';
- }
- return out;
- }
- var out = document.createElement('ul');
- {
- out.appendChild(s);
- });
- audioStreamDiv.textContent = '';
- audioStreamDiv.appendChild(out);
- }
- /**
- * Redraw each MediaPlayer.
- */
- function printMediaPlayers() {
- for (var key in mediaPlayers) {
- mediaPlayers[key].redraw();
- }
- redrawTimer = null;
- }
- /**
- * Write the set of sparse CacheEntries to the DOM.
- */
- function printSparseCacheEntries() {
- var out = document.createElement('ul');
- for (var key in cacheEntriesByKey) {
- if (cacheEntriesByKey[key].sparse)
- out.appendChild(cacheEntriesByKey[key].toListItem());
- }
- cacheDiv.textContent = '';
- cacheDiv.appendChild(out);
- }
- /**
- * Receiving data for an audio stream.
- * Add it to audioStreams and update the page.
- * @param {Object} stream JSON representation of an audio stream.
- */
- function addAudioStream(stream) {
- audioStreams.addItem(stream);
- printAudioStreams();
- }
- /**
- * Receiving all data.
- * Add it all to the appropriate stores and update the page.
- * @param {Object} stuff JSON containing lists of data.
- * @param {Object} stuff.audio_streams A dictionary of audio streams.
- */
- function onReceiveEverything(stuff) {
- audioStreams.addItems(stuff.audio_streams);
- printAudioStreams();
- }
- /**
- * Removing an item from the appropriate store.
- * @param {string} id The id of the item to be removed, in the format
- * "item_type.identifying_info".
- */
- function onItemDeleted(id) {
- var type = id.split('.')[0];
- switch (type) {
- case 'audio_streams':
- audioStreams.removeItem(id);
- printAudioStreams();
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * A render process has ended, delete any media players associated with it.
- * @param {number} renderer The id of the render process.
- */
- function onRendererTerminated(renderer) {
- for (var key in mediaPlayers) {
- if (mediaPlayers[key].renderer == renderer) {
- $('media-players').removeChild(mediaPlayers[key]);
- delete mediaPlayers[key];
- break;
- }
- }
- printMediaPlayers();
- }
- /**
- * Receiving net events.
- * Update cache information and update that section of the page.
- * @param {Array} updates A list of net events that have occurred.
- */
- function onNetUpdate(updates) {
- updates.forEach(function(update) {
- var id =;
- if (!cacheEntries[id])
- cacheEntries[id] = new media.CacheEntry;
- switch (eventPhases[update.phase] + '.' + eventTypes[update.type]) {
- var key = update.params.key;
- // Merge this source with anything we already know about this key.
- if (cacheEntriesByKey[key]) {
- cacheEntriesByKey[key].merge(cacheEntries[id]);
- cacheEntries[id] = cacheEntriesByKey[key];
- } else {
- cacheEntriesByKey[key] = cacheEntries[id];
- }
- cacheEntriesByKey[key].key = key;
- break;
- cacheEntries[id].readBytes(update.params.offset,
- update.params.buff_len);
- cacheEntries[id].sparse = true;
- break;
- cacheEntries[id].writeBytes(update.params.offset,
- update.params.buff_len);
- cacheEntries[id].sparse = true;
- break;
- requestURLs[] = update.params.url;
- break;
- // Record the total size of the file if this was a range request.
- var range = /content-range:\s*bytes\s*\d+-\d+\/(\d+)/i.exec(
- update.params.headers);
- var key = requestURLs[];
- delete requestURLs[];
- if (range && key) {
- if (!cacheEntriesByKey[key]) {
- cacheEntriesByKey[key] = new media.CacheEntry;
- cacheEntriesByKey[key].key = key;
- }
- cacheEntriesByKey[key].size = range[1];
- }
- break;
- }
- });
- printSparseCacheEntries();
- }
- /**
- * Receiving values for constants. Store them for later use.
- * @param {Object} constants A dictionary of constants.
- * @param {Object} constants.eventTypes A dictionary of event name -> int.
- * @param {Object} constants.eventPhases A dictionary of event phase -> int.
- */
- function onReceiveConstants(constants) {
- var events = constants.eventTypes;
- for (var e in events) {
- eventTypes[events[e]] = e;
- }
- var phases = constants.eventPhases;
- for (var p in phases) {
- eventPhases[phases[p]] = p;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Receiving notification of a media event.
- * @param {Object} event The json representation of a MediaLogEvent.
- */
- function onMediaEvent(event) {
- var source = event.renderer + ':' + event.player;
- var item = mediaPlayers[source] ||
- new media.MediaPlayer({id: source, renderer: event.renderer});
- mediaPlayers[source] = item;
- item.addEvent(event);
- // Both media and net events could provide the size of the file.
- // Media takes priority, but keep the size in both places synchronized.
- if (cacheEntriesByKey[]) {
- = ||
- cacheEntriesByKey[].size;
- cacheEntriesByKey[].size =;
- }
- // Events tend to arrive in groups; don't redraw the page too often.
- if (!redrawTimer)
- redrawTimer = setTimeout(printMediaPlayers, 50);
- }
- return {
- initialize: initialize,
- addAudioStream: addAudioStream,
- cacheEntriesByKey: cacheEntriesByKey,
- onReceiveEverything: onReceiveEverything,
- onItemDeleted: onItemDeleted,
- onRendererTerminated: onRendererTerminated,
- onNetUpdate: onNetUpdate,
- onReceiveConstants: onReceiveConstants,
- onMediaEvent: onMediaEvent
- };
- * Initialize everything once we have access to the DOM.
- */
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
- media.initialize();