path: root/chrome/browser/ui/search/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/ui/search/')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 1272 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ui/search/ b/chrome/browser/ui/search/
index f80fbf9..a3f465b 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/ui/search/
+++ b/chrome/browser/ui/search/
@@ -4,22 +4,13 @@
#include "chrome/browser/ui/search/instant_controller.h"
-#include <iterator>
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_result.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/search_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/content_settings/content_settings_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/content_settings/host_content_settings_map.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service_factory.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/history/history_tab_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/platform_util.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search/instant_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search/instant_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search/search.h"
@@ -28,7 +19,6 @@
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_instant_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/search/instant_ntp.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/ui/search/instant_overlay.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/search/instant_tab.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/search/search_tab_helper.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h"
@@ -46,7 +36,6 @@
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_view.h"
#include "net/base/escape.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
-#include "third_party/icu/public/common/unicode/normalizer2.h"
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
@@ -54,11 +43,6 @@
namespace {
-// An artificial delay (in milliseconds) we introduce before telling the Instant
-// page about the new omnibox bounds, in cases where the bounds shrink. This is
-// to avoid the page jumping up/down very fast in response to bounds changes.
-const int kUpdateBoundsDelayMS = 1000;
// For reporting Instant navigations.
enum InstantNavigation {
@@ -85,128 +69,6 @@ void RecordNavigationHistogram(bool is_local, bool is_click, bool is_extended) {
-void RecordFallbackReasonHistogram(
- const InstantController::InstantFallbackReason fallback_reason) {
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("InstantExtended.FallbackToLocalOverlay",
- fallback_reason,
- InstantController::INSTANT_FALLBACK_MAX);
-InstantController::InstantFallbackReason DetermineFallbackReason(
- const InstantPage* page, std::string instant_url) {
- InstantController::InstantFallbackReason fallback_reason;
- if (!page) {
- fallback_reason = InstantController::INSTANT_FALLBACK_NO_OVERLAY;
- } else if (instant_url.empty()) {
- fallback_reason = InstantController::INSTANT_FALLBACK_INSTANT_URL_EMPTY;
- } else if (!chrome::MatchesOriginAndPath(GURL(page->instant_url()),
- GURL(instant_url))) {
- fallback_reason = InstantController::INSTANT_FALLBACK_ORIGIN_PATH_MISMATCH;
- } else if (!page->supports_instant()) {
- fallback_reason = InstantController::INSTANT_FALLBACK_INSTANT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
- } else {
- fallback_reason = InstantController::INSTANT_FALLBACK_UNKNOWN;
- }
- return fallback_reason;
-void AddSessionStorageHistogram(bool extended_enabled,
- const content::WebContents* tab1,
- const content::WebContents* tab2) {
- base::HistogramBase* histogram = base::BooleanHistogram::FactoryGet(
- std::string("Instant.SessionStorageNamespace") +
- (extended_enabled ? "_Extended" : "_Instant"),
- base::HistogramBase::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag);
- const content::SessionStorageNamespaceMap& session_storage_map1 =
- tab1->GetController().GetSessionStorageNamespaceMap();
- const content::SessionStorageNamespaceMap& session_storage_map2 =
- tab2->GetController().GetSessionStorageNamespaceMap();
- bool is_session_storage_the_same =
- session_storage_map1.size() == session_storage_map2.size();
- if (is_session_storage_the_same) {
- // The size is the same, so let's check that all entries match.
- for (content::SessionStorageNamespaceMap::const_iterator
- it1 = session_storage_map1.begin(),
- it2 = session_storage_map2.begin();
- it1 != session_storage_map1.end() && it2 != session_storage_map2.end();
- ++it1, ++it2) {
- if (it1->first != it2->first || it1->second.get() != it2->second.get()) {
- is_session_storage_the_same = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- histogram->AddBoolean(is_session_storage_the_same);
-string16 Normalize(const string16& str) {
- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- const icu::Normalizer2* normalizer =
- icu::Normalizer2::getInstance(NULL, "nfkc_cf", UNORM2_COMPOSE, status);
- if (normalizer == NULL || U_FAILURE(status))
- return str;
- icu::UnicodeString norm_str(normalizer->normalize(
- icu::UnicodeString(FALSE, str.c_str(), str.size()), status));
- if (U_FAILURE(status))
- return str;
- return string16(norm_str.getBuffer(), norm_str.length());
-bool NormalizeAndStripPrefix(string16* text, const string16& prefix) {
- string16 norm_prefix = Normalize(prefix);
- string16 norm_text = Normalize(*text);
- if (norm_prefix.size() <= norm_text.size() &&
-, norm_prefix.size(), norm_prefix) == 0) {
- *text = norm_text.erase(0, norm_prefix.size());
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// For TOOLKIT_VIEWS, the top level widget is always focused. If the focus
-// change originated in views determine the child Widget from the view that is
-// being focused.
-gfx::NativeView GetViewGainingFocus(gfx::NativeView view_gaining_focus) {
-#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
- views::Widget* widget = view_gaining_focus ?
- views::Widget::GetWidgetForNativeView(view_gaining_focus) : NULL;
- if (widget) {
- views::FocusManager* focus_manager = widget->GetFocusManager();
- if (focus_manager && focus_manager->is_changing_focus() &&
- focus_manager->GetFocusedView() &&
- focus_manager->GetFocusedView()->GetWidget())
- return focus_manager->GetFocusedView()->GetWidget()->GetNativeView();
- }
- return view_gaining_focus;
-// Returns true if |view| is the top-level contents view or a child view in the
-// view hierarchy of |contents|.
-bool IsViewInContents(gfx::NativeView view, content::WebContents* contents) {
- content::RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView();
- if (!view || !rwhv)
- return false;
- gfx::NativeView tab_view = contents->GetView()->GetNativeView();
- if (view == rwhv->GetNativeView() || view == tab_view)
- return true;
- // Walk up the view hierarchy to determine if the view is a subview of the
- // WebContents view (such as a windowed plugin or http auth dialog).
- while (view) {
- view = platform_util::GetParent(view);
- if (view == tab_view)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool IsFullHeight(const InstantOverlayModel& model) {
- return model.height() == 100 && model.height_units() == INSTANT_SIZE_PERCENT;
bool IsContentsFrom(const InstantPage* page,
const content::WebContents* contents) {
return page && (page->contents() == contents);
@@ -256,19 +118,9 @@ InstantController::InstantController(BrowserInstantController* browser,
bool extended_enabled)
: browser_(browser),
- instant_enabled_(false),
- use_local_page_only_(true),
- preload_ntp_(true),
- model_(this),
- use_tab_for_suggestions_(false),
- last_omnibox_text_has_inline_autocompletion_(false),
- last_verbatim_(false),
- last_transition_type_(content::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK),
- last_match_was_search_(false),
- omnibox_bounds_(-1, -1, 0, 0),
- allow_overlay_to_show_search_suggestions_(false) {
+ omnibox_bounds_(-1, -1, 0, 0) {
// When the InstantController lives, the InstantService should live.
// InstantService sets up profile-level facilities such as the ThemeSource for
@@ -287,267 +139,6 @@ InstantController::~InstantController() {
-void InstantController::OnAutocompleteStart() {
- if (UseTabForSuggestions() && instant_tab_->supports_instant()) {
- this, "OnAutocompleteStart: using InstantTab");
- return;
- }
- // Not using |instant_tab_|. Check if overlay is OK to use.
- InstantFallbackReason fallback_reason = ShouldSwitchToLocalOverlay();
- if (fallback_reason != INSTANT_FALLBACK_NONE) {
- ResetOverlay(GetLocalInstantURL());
- RecordFallbackReasonHistogram(fallback_reason);
- this, "OnAutocompleteStart: switching to local overlay");
- } else {
- this, "OnAutocompleteStart: using existing overlay");
- }
- use_tab_for_suggestions_ = false;
-bool InstantController::Update(const AutocompleteMatch& match,
- const string16& user_text,
- const string16& full_text,
- size_t selection_start,
- size_t selection_end,
- bool verbatim,
- bool user_input_in_progress,
- bool omnibox_popup_is_open,
- bool escape_pressed,
- bool is_keyword_search) {
- if (!extended_enabled() && !instant_enabled_)
- return false;
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, base::StringPrintf(
- "Update: %s user_text='%s' full_text='%s' selection_start=%d "
- "selection_end=%d verbatim=%d typing=%d popup=%d escape_pressed=%d "
- "is_keyword_search=%d",
- AutocompleteMatchType::ToString(match.type).c_str(),
- UTF16ToUTF8(user_text).c_str(), UTF16ToUTF8(full_text).c_str(),
- static_cast<int>(selection_start), static_cast<int>(selection_end),
- verbatim, user_input_in_progress, omnibox_popup_is_open, escape_pressed,
- is_keyword_search));
- // Store the current |last_omnibox_text_| and update |last_omnibox_text_|
- // upfront with the contents of |full_text|. Even if we do an early return,
- // |last_omnibox_text_| will be updated.
- string16 previous_omnibox_text = last_omnibox_text_;
- last_omnibox_text_ = full_text;
- last_match_was_search_ = AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match.type) &&
- !user_text.empty();
- // TODO(dhollowa): Complete keyword match UI. For now just hide suggestions.
- // Note, this early escape is happens prior to the
- // DCHECKs below because |user_text| and |full_text| have different semantics
- // when keyword search is in effect.
- if (is_keyword_search) {
- if (UseTabForSuggestions())
- instant_tab_->sender()->Update(string16(), 0, 0, true);
- else
- HideOverlay();
- last_match_was_search_ = false;
- last_suggestion_ = InstantSuggestion();
- return false;
- }
- // Ignore spurious updates when the omnibox is blurred; otherwise click
- // targets on the page may vanish before a click event arrives.
- if (omnibox_focus_state_ == OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE)
- return false;
- // If the popup is open, the user has to be typing.
- DCHECK(!omnibox_popup_is_open || user_input_in_progress);
- // If the popup is closed, there should be no inline autocompletion.
- DCHECK(omnibox_popup_is_open || user_text.empty() || user_text == full_text)
- << user_text << "|" << full_text;
- // If there's no text in the omnibox, the user can't have typed any.
- DCHECK(!full_text.empty() || user_text.empty()) << user_text;
- // If the user isn't typing, and the popup is closed, there can't be any
- // user-typed text.
- DCHECK(user_input_in_progress || omnibox_popup_is_open || user_text.empty())
- << user_text;
- // The overlay is being clicked and will commit soon. Don't change anything.
- // TODO(sreeram): Add a browser test for this.
- if (overlay_ && overlay_->is_pointer_down_from_activate())
- return false;
- // In non-extended mode, SearchModeChanged() is never called, so fake it. The
- // mode is set to "disallow suggestions" here, so that if one of the early
- // "return false" conditions is hit, suggestions will be disallowed. If the
- // query is sent to the overlay, the mode is set to "allow" further below.
- if (!extended_enabled())
- search_mode_.mode = SearchMode::MODE_DEFAULT;
- // In non extended mode, Instant is disabled for URLs and keyword mode.
- if (!extended_enabled() &&
- (!last_match_was_search_ ||
- match.type == AutocompleteMatchType::SEARCH_OTHER_ENGINE)) {
- HideOverlay();
- return false;
- }
- if (!UseTabForSuggestions() && !overlay_) {
- HideOverlay();
- return false;
- }
- if (extended_enabled()) {
- if (!omnibox_popup_is_open) {
- if (!user_input_in_progress) {
- // If the user isn't typing and the omnibox popup is closed, it means a
- // regular navigation, tab-switch or the user hitting Escape.
- if (UseTabForSuggestions()) {
- // The user is on a search results page. It may be showing results for
- // a partial query the user typed before they hit Escape. Send the
- // omnibox text to the page to restore the original results.
- //
- // In a tab switch, |instant_tab_| won't have updated yet, so it may
- // be pointing to the previous tab (which was a search results page).
- // Ensure we don't send the omnibox text to a random webpage (the new
- // tab), by comparing the old and new WebContents.
- if (escape_pressed &&
- instant_tab_->contents() == browser_->GetActiveWebContents()) {
- // TODO(kmadhusu): If the |full_text| is not empty, send an
- // onkeypress(esc) to the Instant page. Do not call
- // onsubmit(full_text). Fix.
- if (full_text.empty()) {
- // Call onchange("") to clear the query for the page.
- instant_tab_->sender()->Update(string16(), 0, 0, true);
- instant_tab_->sender()->EscKeyPressed();
- } else {
- instant_tab_->sender()->Submit(full_text);
- }
- }
- } else if (!full_text.empty()) {
- // If |full_text| is empty, the user is on the NTP. The overlay may
- // be showing custom NTP content; hide only if that's not the case.
- HideOverlay();
- }
- } else if (full_text.empty()) {
- // The user is typing, and backspaced away all omnibox text. Clear
- // |last_omnibox_text_| so that we don't attempt to set suggestions.
- last_omnibox_text_.clear();
- last_user_text_.clear();
- last_suggestion_ = InstantSuggestion();
- if (UseTabForSuggestions()) {
- // On a search results page, tell it to clear old results.
- instant_tab_->sender()->Update(string16(), 0, 0, true);
- } else if (overlay_ && search_mode_.is_origin_ntp()) {
- // On the NTP, tell the overlay to clear old results. Don't hide the
- // overlay so it can show a blank page or logo if it wants.
- overlay_->Update(string16(), 0, 0, true);
- } else {
- HideOverlay();
- }
- } else {
- // The user switched to a tab with partial text already in the omnibox.
- HideOverlay();
- // The new tab may or may not be a search results page; we don't know
- // since SearchModeChanged() hasn't been called yet. If it later turns
- // out to be, we should store |full_text| now, so that if the user hits
- // Enter, we'll send the correct query to
- // instant_tab_->sender()->Submit(). If the partial text is not a query
- // (|last_match_was_search_| is false), we won't Submit(), so no need to
- // worry about that.
- last_user_text_ = user_text;
- last_suggestion_ = InstantSuggestion();
- }
- return false;
- } else if (full_text.empty()) {
- // The user typed a solitary "?". Same as the backspace case above.
- last_omnibox_text_.clear();
- last_user_text_.clear();
- last_suggestion_ = InstantSuggestion();
- if (UseTabForSuggestions())
- instant_tab_->sender()->Update(string16(), 0, 0, true);
- else if (overlay_ && search_mode_.is_origin_ntp())
- overlay_->Update(string16(), 0, 0, true);
- else
- HideOverlay();
- return false;
- }
- } else if (!omnibox_popup_is_open || full_text.empty()) {
- // In the non-extended case, hide the overlay as long as the user isn't
- // actively typing a non-empty query.
- HideOverlay();
- return false;
- }
- last_omnibox_text_has_inline_autocompletion_ = user_text != full_text;
- // If the user continues typing the same query as the suggested text is
- // showing, reuse the suggestion (but only for INSTANT_COMPLETE_NEVER).
- bool reused_suggestion = false;
- if (last_suggestion_.behavior == INSTANT_COMPLETE_NEVER &&
- !last_omnibox_text_has_inline_autocompletion_) {
- if (StartsWith(previous_omnibox_text, full_text, false)) {
- // The user is backspacing away characters.
- last_suggestion_.text.insert(0, previous_omnibox_text, full_text.size(),
- previous_omnibox_text.size() - full_text.size());
- reused_suggestion = true;
- } else if (StartsWith(full_text, previous_omnibox_text, false)) {
- // The user is typing forward. Normalize any added characters.
- reused_suggestion = NormalizeAndStripPrefix(&last_suggestion_.text,
- string16(full_text, previous_omnibox_text.size()));
- }
- }
- if (!reused_suggestion)
- last_suggestion_ = InstantSuggestion();
- // TODO(kmadhusu): Investigate whether it's possible to update
- // |last_user_text_| at the beginning of this function.
- last_user_text_ = user_text;
- if (!extended_enabled()) {
- // In non-extended mode, the query is verbatim if there's any selection
- // (including inline autocompletion) or if the cursor is not at the end.
- verbatim = verbatim || selection_start != selection_end ||
- selection_start != full_text.size();
- }
- last_verbatim_ = verbatim;
- last_transition_type_ = match.transition;
- url_for_history_ = match.destination_url;
- // Allow search suggestions. In extended mode, SearchModeChanged() will set
- // this, but it's not called in non-extended mode, so fake it.
- if (!extended_enabled())
- search_mode_.mode = SearchMode::MODE_SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS;
- if (UseTabForSuggestions()) {
- instant_tab_->sender()->Update(user_text, selection_start,
- selection_end, verbatim);
- } else if (overlay_) {
- allow_overlay_to_show_search_suggestions_ = true;
- overlay_->Update(extended_enabled() ? user_text : full_text,
- selection_start, selection_end, verbatim);
- }
- content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
- content::Source<InstantController>(this),
- content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
- // We don't have new suggestions yet, but we can either reuse the existing
- // suggestion or reset the existing "gray text".
- browser_->SetInstantSuggestion(last_suggestion_);
- // Record the time of the first keypress for logging histograms.
- if (!first_interaction_time_recorded_ && first_interaction_time_.is_null())
- first_interaction_time_ = base::Time::Now();
- return true;
scoped_ptr<content::WebContents> InstantController::ReleaseNTPContents() {
if (!extended_enabled() || !browser_->profile() ||
browser_->profile()->IsOffTheRecord() ||
@@ -562,180 +153,29 @@ scoped_ptr<content::WebContents> InstantController::ReleaseNTPContents() {
scoped_ptr<content::WebContents> ntp_contents = ntp_->ReleaseContents();
// Preload a new Instant NTP.
- if (preload_ntp_)
- ResetNTP(GetInstantURL());
- else
- ntp_.reset();
+ ResetNTP(GetInstantURL());
return ntp_contents.Pass();
-// TODO(tonyg): This method only fires when the omnibox bounds change. It also
-// needs to fire when the overlay bounds change (e.g.: open/close info bar).
-void InstantController::SetPopupBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
- if (!extended_enabled() && !instant_enabled_)
- return;
- if (popup_bounds_ == bounds)
- return;
- popup_bounds_ = bounds;
- if (popup_bounds_.height() > last_popup_bounds_.height()) {
- update_bounds_timer_.Stop();
- SendPopupBoundsToPage();
- } else if (!update_bounds_timer_.IsRunning()) {
- update_bounds_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE,
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kUpdateBoundsDelayMS), this,
- &InstantController::SendPopupBoundsToPage);
- }
void InstantController::SetOmniboxBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
if (!extended_enabled() || omnibox_bounds_ == bounds)
omnibox_bounds_ = bounds;
- if (overlay_)
- overlay_->sender()->SetOmniboxBounds(omnibox_bounds_);
if (ntp_)
if (instant_tab_)
-void InstantController::HandleAutocompleteResults(
- const std::vector<AutocompleteProvider*>& providers,
- const AutocompleteResult& autocomplete_result) {
- if (!extended_enabled())
- return;
- if (!UseTabForSuggestions() && !overlay_)
- return;
- // The omnibox sends suggestions when its possibly imaginary popup closes
- // as it stops autocomplete. Ignore these.
- if (omnibox_focus_state_ == OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE)
- return;
- DVLOG(1) << "AutocompleteResults:";
- std::vector<InstantAutocompleteResult> results;
- if (UsingLocalPage()) {
- for (AutocompleteResult::const_iterator match(autocomplete_result.begin());
- match != autocomplete_result.end(); ++match) {
- InstantAutocompleteResult result;
- PopulateInstantAutocompleteResultFromMatch(
- *match, std::distance(autocomplete_result.begin(), match), &result);
- results.push_back(result);
- }
- } else {
- for (ACProviders::const_iterator provider = providers.begin();
- provider != providers.end(); ++provider) {
- for (ACMatches::const_iterator match = (*provider)->matches().begin();
- match != (*provider)->matches().end(); ++match) {
- // When the top match is an inline history URL, the page calls
- // SetSuggestions(url) which calls FinalizeInstantQuery() in
- // SearchProvider creating a NAVSUGGEST match for the URL. If we sent
- // this NAVSUGGEST match back to the page, it would be deduped against
- // the original history match and replace it. But since the page ignores
- // SearchProvider suggestions, the match would then disappear. Yuck.
- // TODO(jered): Remove this when FinalizeInstantQuery() is ripped out.
- if ((*provider)->type() == AutocompleteProvider::TYPE_SEARCH &&
- match->type == AutocompleteMatchType::NAVSUGGEST) {
- continue;
- }
- InstantAutocompleteResult result;
- PopulateInstantAutocompleteResultFromMatch(*match, kNoMatchIndex,
- &result);
- results.push_back(result);
- }
- }
- }
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, base::StringPrintf(
- "HandleAutocompleteResults: total_results=%d",
- static_cast<int>(results.size())));
- if (UseTabForSuggestions())
- instant_tab_->sender()->SendAutocompleteResults(results);
- else if (overlay_)
- overlay_->sender()->SendAutocompleteResults(results);
- content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
- content::Source<InstantController>(this),
- content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
void InstantController::OnDefaultSearchProviderChanged() {
if (ntp_ && extended_enabled()) {
- if (preload_ntp_)
- ResetNTP(GetInstantURL());
- }
- // Do not reload the overlay if it's actually the local overlay.
- if (overlay_ && !overlay_->IsLocal()) {
- overlay_.reset();
- if (extended_enabled() || instant_enabled_) {
- // Try to create another overlay immediately so that it is ready for the
- // next user interaction.
- ResetOverlay(GetInstantURL());
- }
- }
-bool InstantController::OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(int count) {
- if (!extended_enabled())
- return false;
- if (!UseTabForSuggestions() && !overlay_)
- return false;
- if (UseTabForSuggestions())
- instant_tab_->sender()->UpOrDownKeyPressed(count);
- else if (overlay_)
- overlay_->sender()->UpOrDownKeyPressed(count);
- return true;
-void InstantController::OnCancel(const AutocompleteMatch& match,
- const string16& user_text,
- const string16& full_text) {
- if (!extended_enabled())
- return;
- if (!UseTabForSuggestions() && !overlay_)
- return;
- // We manually reset the state here since the JS is not expected to do it.
- // TODO(sreeram): Handle the case where user_text is now a URL
- last_match_was_search_ = AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match.type) &&
- !full_text.empty();
- last_omnibox_text_ = full_text;
- last_user_text_ = user_text;
- last_suggestion_ = InstantSuggestion();
- // Say |full_text| is "" and |user_text| is "ama". This means the
- // inline autocompletion is ""; so the selection should span from
- // user_text.size() to full_text.size(). The selection bounds are inverted
- // because the caret is at the end of |user_text|, not |full_text|.
- if (UseTabForSuggestions()) {
- instant_tab_->sender()->CancelSelection(user_text, full_text.size(),
- user_text.size(), last_verbatim_);
- } else if (overlay_) {
- overlay_->sender()->CancelSelection(user_text, full_text.size(),
- user_text.size(), last_verbatim_);
+ ResetNTP(GetInstantURL());
-void InstantController::OmniboxNavigateToURL() {
- RecordNavigationHistogram(UsingLocalPage(), false, extended_enabled());
- if (!extended_enabled())
- return;
- if (UseTabForSuggestions())
- instant_tab_->sender()->Submit(string16());
void InstantController::ToggleVoiceSearch() {
if (instant_tab_)
@@ -773,29 +213,15 @@ void InstantController::InstantPageLoadFailed(content::WebContents* contents) {
if (!is_local)
- } else if (IsContentsFrom(overlay(), contents)) {
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, "InstantPageLoadFailed: overlay");
- bool is_local = overlay_->IsLocal();
- DeletePageSoon(overlay_.Pass());
- if (!is_local)
- ResetOverlay(GetLocalInstantURL());
+ } else {
-content::WebContents* InstantController::GetOverlayContents() const {
- return overlay_ ? overlay_->contents() : NULL;
content::WebContents* InstantController::GetNTPContents() const {
return ntp_ ? ntp_->contents() : NULL;
-bool InstantController::IsOverlayingSearchResults() const {
- return model_.mode().is_search_suggestions() && IsFullHeight(model_) &&
- (last_match_was_search_ ||
- last_suggestion_.behavior == INSTANT_COMPLETE_NEVER);
bool InstantController::SubmitQuery(const string16& search_terms) {
if (extended_enabled() && instant_tab_ && instant_tab_->supports_instant() &&
search_mode_.is_origin_search()) {
@@ -809,156 +235,6 @@ bool InstantController::SubmitQuery(const string16& search_terms) {
return false;
-bool InstantController::CommitIfPossible(InstantCommitType type) {
- if (!extended_enabled() && !instant_enabled_)
- return false;
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, base::StringPrintf(
- "CommitIfPossible: type=%d last_omnibox_text_='%s' "
- "last_match_was_search_=%d use_tab_for_suggestions=%d", type,
- UTF16ToUTF8(last_omnibox_text_).c_str(), last_match_was_search_,
- UseTabForSuggestions()));
- // If we are on an already committed search results page, send a submit event
- // to the page, but otherwise, nothing else to do.
- if (UseTabForSuggestions()) {
- !instant_tab_->IsLocal() &&
- (last_match_was_search_ ||
- last_suggestion_.behavior == INSTANT_COMPLETE_NEVER)) {
- last_suggestion_.text.clear();
- instant_tab_->sender()->Submit(last_omnibox_text_);
- instant_tab_->contents()->GetView()->Focus();
- EnsureSearchTermsAreSet(instant_tab_->contents(), last_omnibox_text_);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (!overlay_)
- return false;
- // If the overlay is not showing at all, don't commit it.
- if (!model_.mode().is_search_suggestions())
- return false;
- // If the overlay is showing at full height (with results), commit it.
- // If it's showing at parial height, commit if it's navigating.
- if (!IsOverlayingSearchResults() && type != INSTANT_COMMIT_NAVIGATED)
- return false;
- // There may re-entrance here, from the call to browser_->CommitInstant below,
- // which can cause a TabDeactivated notification which gets back here.
- // In this case, overlay_->ReleaseContents() was called already.
- if (!GetOverlayContents())
- return false;
- // Never commit the local overlay.
- if (overlay_->IsLocal())
- return false;
- // Extended mode doesn't need or use the Cancel message.
- if (!extended_enabled())
- overlay_->sender()->Cancel(last_omnibox_text_);
- } else if (type != INSTANT_COMMIT_NAVIGATED) {
- overlay_->sender()->Submit(last_omnibox_text_);
- }
- // We expect the WebContents to be in a valid state (i.e., has a last
- // committed entry, no transient entry, and no existing pending entry).
- scoped_ptr<content::WebContents> overlay = overlay_->ReleaseContents();
- CHECK(overlay->GetController().CanPruneAllButVisible());
- // If the overlay page has navigated since the last Update(), we need to add
- // the navigation to history ourselves. Else, the page will navigate after
- // commit, and it will be added to history in the usual manner.
- const history::HistoryAddPageArgs& last_navigation =
- overlay_->last_navigation();
- if (!last_navigation.url.is_empty()) {
- content::NavigationEntry* entry = overlay->GetController().GetActiveEntry();
- // The last navigation should be the same as the active entry if the overlay
- // is in search mode. During navigation, the active entry could have
- // changed since DidCommitProvisionalLoadForFrame is called after the entry
- // is changed.
- // TODO(shishir): Should we commit the last navigation for
- last_navigation.url == entry->GetURL());
- // Add the page to history.
- HistoryTabHelper* history_tab_helper =
- HistoryTabHelper::FromWebContents(overlay.get());
- history_tab_helper->UpdateHistoryForNavigation(last_navigation);
- // Update the page title.
- history_tab_helper->UpdateHistoryPageTitle(*entry);
- }
- // Add a fake history entry with a non-Instant search URL, so that search
- // terms extraction (for autocomplete history matches) works.
- HistoryService* history = HistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(
- Profile::FromBrowserContext(overlay->GetBrowserContext()),
- if (history) {
- history->AddPage(url_for_history_, base::Time::Now(), NULL, 0, GURL(),
- history::RedirectList(), last_transition_type_,
- history::SOURCE_BROWSED, false);
- }
- overlay->GetController().PruneAllButVisible();
- } else {
- content::WebContents* active_tab = browser_->GetActiveWebContents();
- AddSessionStorageHistogram(extended_enabled(), active_tab, overlay.get());
- overlay->GetController().CopyStateFromAndPrune(
- &active_tab->GetController());
- }
- if (extended_enabled()) {
- // Adjust the search terms shown in the omnibox for this query. Hitting
- // ENTER searches for what the user typed, so use last_omnibox_text_.
- // Clicking on the overlay commits what is currently showing, so add in the
- // gray text in that case.
- last_suggestion_.behavior == INSTANT_COMPLETE_NEVER) {
- // Update |last_omnibox_text_| so that the controller commits the proper
- // query if the user focuses the omnibox and presses Enter.
- last_omnibox_text_ += last_suggestion_.text;
- }
- EnsureSearchTermsAreSet(overlay.get(), last_omnibox_text_);
- }
- // Save notification source before we release the overlay.
- content::Source<content::WebContents> notification_source(overlay.get());
- browser_->CommitInstant(overlay.Pass(),
- content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
- notification_source,
- content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
- // Hide explicitly. See comments in HideOverlay() for why.
- model_.SetOverlayState(SearchMode(), 0, INSTANT_SIZE_PERCENT);
- // Delay deletion as we could've gotten here from an InstantOverlay method.
- DeletePageSoon(overlay_.Pass());
- // Try to create another overlay immediately so that it is ready for the next
- // user interaction.
- ResetOverlay(GetInstantURL());
- if (instant_tab_)
- use_tab_for_suggestions_ = true;
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, "Committed");
- return true;
void InstantController::OmniboxFocusChanged(
OmniboxFocusState state,
OmniboxFocusChangeReason reason,
@@ -967,9 +243,8 @@ void InstantController::OmniboxFocusChanged(
"OmniboxFocusChanged: %d to %d for reason %d", omnibox_focus_state_,
state, reason));
- OmniboxFocusState old_focus_state = omnibox_focus_state_;
omnibox_focus_state_ = state;
- if (!extended_enabled() && !instant_enabled_)
+ if (!extended_enabled() || !instant_tab_)
@@ -977,32 +252,12 @@ void InstantController::OmniboxFocusChanged(
- if (extended_enabled()) {
- if (overlay_)
- overlay_->sender()->FocusChanged(omnibox_focus_state_, reason);
- if (instant_tab_) {
- instant_tab_->sender()->FocusChanged(omnibox_focus_state_, reason);
- // Don't send oninputstart/oninputend updates in response to focus changes
- // if there's a navigation in progress. This prevents Chrome from sending
- // a spurious oninputend when the user accepts a match in the omnibox.
- if (instant_tab_->contents()->GetController().GetPendingEntry() == NULL)
- instant_tab_->sender()->SetInputInProgress(IsInputInProgress());
- }
- }
- if (state == OMNIBOX_FOCUS_VISIBLE && old_focus_state == OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE) {
- // If the user explicitly focused the omnibox, then create the overlay if
- // it doesn't exist. If we're using a fallback overlay, try loading the
- // remote overlay again.
- if (!overlay_ || (overlay_->IsLocal() && !use_local_page_only_))
- ResetOverlay(GetInstantURL());
- } else if (state == OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE &&
- old_focus_state != OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE) {
- // If the focus went from the omnibox to outside the omnibox, commit or
- // discard the overlay.
- OmniboxLostFocus(view_gaining_focus);
- }
+ instant_tab_->sender()->FocusChanged(omnibox_focus_state_, reason);
+ // Don't send oninputstart/oninputend updates in response to focus changes
+ // if there's a navigation in progress. This prevents Chrome from sending
+ // a spurious oninputend when the user accepts a match in the omnibox.
+ if (instant_tab_->contents()->GetController().GetPendingEntry() == NULL)
+ instant_tab_->sender()->SetInputInProgress(IsInputInProgress());
void InstantController::SearchModeChanged(const SearchMode& old_mode,
@@ -1015,9 +270,6 @@ void InstantController::SearchModeChanged(const SearchMode& old_mode,
old_mode.mode, new_mode.origin, new_mode.mode));
search_mode_ = new_mode;
- if (!new_mode.is_search_suggestions())
- HideOverlay();
if (instant_tab_ && old_mode.is_ntp() != new_mode.is_ntp())
@@ -1025,57 +277,14 @@ void InstantController::SearchModeChanged(const SearchMode& old_mode,
void InstantController::ActiveTabChanged() {
- if (!extended_enabled() && !instant_enabled_)
+ if (!extended_enabled())
LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, "ActiveTabChanged");
- // When switching tabs, always hide the overlay.
- HideOverlay();
- if (extended_enabled())
- ResetInstantTab();
+ ResetInstantTab();
void InstantController::TabDeactivated(content::WebContents* contents) {
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, "TabDeactivated");
- if (extended_enabled() && !contents->IsBeingDestroyed())
- if (GetOverlayContents())
- HideOverlay();
-void InstantController::SetInstantEnabled(bool instant_enabled,
- bool use_local_page_only) {
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, base::StringPrintf(
- "SetInstantEnabled: instant_enabled=%d, use_local_page_only=%d",
- instant_enabled, use_local_page_only));
- // Non extended mode does not care about |use_local_page_only|.
- if (instant_enabled == instant_enabled_ &&
- (!extended_enabled() ||
- use_local_page_only == use_local_page_only_)) {
- return;
- }
- instant_enabled_ = instant_enabled;
- use_local_page_only_ = use_local_page_only;
- preload_ntp_ = !use_local_page_only_;
- // Preload the overlay.
- HideInternal();
- overlay_.reset();
- if (extended_enabled() || instant_enabled_)
- ResetOverlay(GetInstantURL());
- // Preload the Instant NTP.
- ntp_.reset();
- if (extended_enabled() && preload_ntp_)
- ResetNTP(GetInstantURL());
- if (instant_tab_)
- instant_tab_->sender()->SetDisplayInstantResults(instant_enabled_);
void InstantController::ThemeInfoChanged(
@@ -1083,52 +292,12 @@ void InstantController::ThemeInfoChanged(
if (!extended_enabled())
- if (overlay_)
- overlay_->sender()->SendThemeBackgroundInfo(theme_info);
if (ntp_)
if (instant_tab_)
-void InstantController::SwappedOverlayContents() {
- model_.SetOverlayContents(GetOverlayContents());
-void InstantController::FocusedOverlayContents() {
-#if defined(USE_AURA)
- // On aura the omnibox only receives a focus lost if we initiate the focus
- // change. This does that.
- if (!model_.mode().is_default())
- browser_->InstantOverlayFocused();
-void InstantController::ReloadOverlayIfStale() {
- // The local overlay is never stale.
- if (overlay_ && (overlay_->IsLocal() || !overlay_->is_stale()))
- return;
- // If the overlay is showing or the omnibox has focus, don't refresh the
- // overlay. It will get refreshed the next time the overlay is hidden or the
- // omnibox loses focus.
- if (omnibox_focus_state_ == OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE && model_.mode().is_default())
- ResetOverlay(GetInstantURL());
-void InstantController::OverlayLoadCompletedMainFrame() {
- if (!overlay_ || overlay_->supports_instant())
- return;
- InstantService* instant_service = GetInstantService();
- content::WebContents* contents = overlay_->contents();
- DCHECK(contents);
- if (instant_service->IsInstantProcess(
- contents->GetRenderProcessHost()->GetID())) {
- return;
- }
- InstantSupportDetermined(contents, false);
void InstantController::LogDebugEvent(const std::string& info) const {
DVLOG(1) << info;
@@ -1145,12 +314,8 @@ void InstantController::ClearDebugEvents() {
void InstantController::MostVisitedItemsChanged(
const std::vector<InstantMostVisitedItem>& items) {
- if (overlay_)
- overlay_->sender()->SendMostVisitedItems(items);
if (ntp_)
if (instant_tab_)
@@ -1190,10 +355,6 @@ Profile* InstantController::profile() const {
return browser_->profile();
-InstantOverlay* InstantController::overlay() const {
- return overlay_.get();
InstantTab* InstantController::instant_tab() const {
return instant_tab_.get();
@@ -1207,7 +368,7 @@ void InstantController::OnNetworkChanged(
// Not interested in events conveying change to offline
if (type == net::NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_NONE)
- if (!extended_enabled_ || use_local_page_only_)
+ if (!extended_enabled_)
if (!ntp_ || ntp_->IsLocal())
@@ -1228,14 +389,7 @@ void InstantController::InstantPageRenderViewCreated(
// Ensure the searchbox API has the correct initial state.
- if (IsContentsFrom(overlay(), contents)) {
- overlay_->sender()->SetDisplayInstantResults(instant_enabled_);
- overlay_->sender()->FocusChanged(omnibox_focus_state_,
- omnibox_focus_change_reason_);
- overlay_->sender()->SetOmniboxBounds(omnibox_bounds_);
- overlay_->InitializeFonts();
- } else if (IsContentsFrom(ntp(), contents)) {
- ntp_->sender()->SetDisplayInstantResults(instant_enabled_);
+ if (IsContentsFrom(ntp(), contents)) {
@@ -1286,29 +440,14 @@ void InstantController::InstantSupportDetermined(
- } else if (IsContentsFrom(overlay(), contents)) {
- if (!supports_instant) {
- HideInternal();
- bool is_local = overlay_->IsLocal();
- DeletePageSoon(overlay_.Pass());
- // Preload a local overlay in place of the broken online one.
- if (!is_local && extended_enabled())
- ResetOverlay(GetLocalInstantURL());
- }
- content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
- content::Source<InstantController>(this),
- content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
+ } else {
void InstantController::InstantPageRenderViewGone(
const content::WebContents* contents) {
- if (IsContentsFrom(overlay(), contents)) {
- HideInternal();
- DeletePageSoon(overlay_.Pass());
- } else if (IsContentsFrom(ntp(), contents)) {
+ if (IsContentsFrom(ntp(), contents)) {
} else {
@@ -1318,31 +457,7 @@ void InstantController::InstantPageRenderViewGone(
void InstantController::InstantPageAboutToNavigateMainFrame(
const content::WebContents* contents,
const GURL& url) {
- if (IsContentsFrom(overlay(), contents)) {
- // If the page does not yet support Instant, we allow redirects and other
- // navigations to go through since the Instant URL can redirect - e.g. to
- // country specific pages.
- if (!overlay_->supports_instant())
- return;
- GURL instant_url(overlay_->instant_url());
- // If we are navigating to the Instant URL, do nothing.
- if (url == instant_url)
- return;
- // Commit the navigation if either:
- // - The page is in NTP mode (so it could only navigate on a user click) or
- // - The page is not in NTP mode and we are navigating to a URL with a
- // different host or path than the Instant URL. This enables the instant
- // page when it is showing search results to change the query parameters
- // and fragments of the URL without it navigating.
- if (model_.mode().is_ntp() ||
- ( != ||
- url.path() != instant_url.path())) {
- }
- } else if (IsContentsFrom(instant_tab(), contents)) {
+ if (IsContentsFrom(instant_tab(), contents)) {
// The Instant tab navigated. Send it the data it needs to display
// properly.
@@ -1351,118 +466,6 @@ void InstantController::InstantPageAboutToNavigateMainFrame(
-void InstantController::SetSuggestions(
- const content::WebContents* contents,
- const std::vector<InstantSuggestion>& suggestions) {
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, "SetSuggestions");
- // Ignore if the message is from an unexpected source.
- if (IsContentsFrom(ntp(), contents))
- return;
- if (UseTabForSuggestions() && !IsContentsFrom(instant_tab(), contents))
- return;
- if (IsContentsFrom(overlay(), contents) &&
- !allow_overlay_to_show_search_suggestions_)
- return;
- InstantSuggestion suggestion;
- if (!suggestions.empty())
- suggestion = suggestions[0];
- // TODO(samarth): allow InstantTabs to call SetSuggestions() from the NTP once
- // that is better supported.
- bool can_use_instant_tab = UseTabForSuggestions() &&
- search_mode_.is_search();
- bool can_use_overlay = search_mode_.is_search_suggestions() &&
- !last_omnibox_text_.empty();
- if (!can_use_instant_tab && !can_use_overlay)
- return;
- if (suggestion.behavior == INSTANT_COMPLETE_REPLACE) {
- if (omnibox_focus_state_ == OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE) {
- // TODO(samarth,skanuj): setValue() needs to be handled differently when
- // the omnibox doesn't have focus. Instead of setting temporary text, we
- // should be setting search terms on the appropriate NavigationEntry.
- // (Among other things, this ensures that URL-shaped values will get the
- // additional security token.)
- //
- // Note that this also breaks clicking on a suggestion corresponding to
- // gray-text completion: we can't distinguish between the user
- // clicking on white space (where we don't accept the gray text) and the
- // user clicking on the suggestion (when we do accept the gray text).
- // This needs to be fixed before we can turn on Instant again.
- return;
- }
- // We don't get an Update() when changing the omnibox due to a REPLACE
- // suggestion (so that we don't inadvertently cause the overlay to change
- // what it's showing, as the user arrows up/down through the page-provided
- // suggestions). So, update these state variables here.
- last_omnibox_text_ = suggestion.text;
- last_user_text_.clear();
- last_suggestion_ = InstantSuggestion();
- last_match_was_search_ = suggestion.type == INSTANT_SUGGESTION_SEARCH;
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, base::StringPrintf(
- "ReplaceSuggestion text='%s' type=%d",
- UTF16ToUTF8(suggestion.text).c_str(), suggestion.type));
- browser_->SetInstantSuggestion(suggestion);
- } else {
- if (FixSuggestion(&suggestion)) {
- last_suggestion_ = suggestion;
- if (suggestion.type == INSTANT_SUGGESTION_SEARCH &&
- suggestion.behavior == INSTANT_COMPLETE_NEVER)
- last_omnibox_text_ = last_user_text_;
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, base::StringPrintf(
- "SetInstantSuggestion: text='%s' behavior=%d",
- UTF16ToUTF8(suggestion.text).c_str(),
- suggestion.behavior));
- browser_->SetInstantSuggestion(suggestion);
- content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
- content::Source<InstantController>(this),
- content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
- } else {
- last_suggestion_ = InstantSuggestion();
- }
- }
- // Extended mode pages will call ShowOverlay() when they are ready.
- if (!extended_enabled())
- ShowOverlay(100, INSTANT_SIZE_PERCENT);
-void InstantController::ShowInstantOverlay(const content::WebContents* contents,
- int height,
- InstantSizeUnits units) {
- if (extended_enabled() && IsContentsFrom(overlay(), contents))
- ShowOverlay(height, units);
-void InstantController::LogDropdownShown() {
- // If suggestions are being shown for the first time since the user started
- // typing, record a histogram value.
- if (!first_interaction_time_.is_null() && !first_interaction_time_recorded_) {
- base::TimeDelta delta = base::Time::Now() - first_interaction_time_;
- first_interaction_time_recorded_ = true;
- if (search_mode_.is_origin_ntp()) {
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Instant.TimeToFirstShowFromNTP", delta);
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, base::StringPrintf(
- "LogShowInstantOverlay: TimeToFirstShowFromNTP=%d",
- static_cast<int>(delta.InMilliseconds())));
- } else if (search_mode_.is_origin_search()) {
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Instant.TimeToFirstShowFromSERP", delta);
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, base::StringPrintf(
- "LogShowInstantOverlay: TimeToFirstShowFromSERP=%d",
- static_cast<int>(delta.InMilliseconds())));
- } else {
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Instant.TimeToFirstShowFromWeb", delta);
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, base::StringPrintf(
- "LogShowInstantOverlay: TimeToFirstShowFromWeb=%d",
- static_cast<int>(delta.InMilliseconds())));
- }
- }
void InstantController::FocusOmnibox(const content::WebContents* contents,
OmniboxFocusState state) {
if (!extended_enabled())
@@ -1505,9 +508,6 @@ void InstantController::NavigateToURL(const content::WebContents* contents,
// has switched tabs).
if (!extended_enabled())
- if (overlay_) {
- HideOverlay();
- }
if (transition == content::PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_BOOKMARK) {
@@ -1520,43 +520,12 @@ void InstantController::NavigateToURL(const content::WebContents* contents,
browser_->OpenURL(url, transition, disposition);
-void InstantController::OmniboxLostFocus(gfx::NativeView view_gaining_focus) {
- // If the overlay is showing custom NTP content, don't hide it, commit it
- // (no matter where the user clicked) or try to recreate it.
- if (model_.mode().is_ntp())
- return;
- if (model_.mode().is_default()) {
- // If the overlay is not showing at all, recreate it if it's stale.
- ReloadOverlayIfStale();
- return;
- }
- // The overlay is showing search suggestions. If GetOverlayContents() is NULL,
- // we are in the commit path. Don't do anything.
- if (!GetOverlayContents())
- return;
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // TODO(sreeram): See if Mac really needs this special treatment.
- if (!overlay_->is_pointer_down_from_activate())
- HideOverlay();
- if (IsFullHeight(model_))
- else if (!IsViewInContents(GetViewGainingFocus(view_gaining_focus),
- overlay_->contents()))
- HideOverlay();
std::string InstantController::GetLocalInstantURL() const {
return chrome::GetLocalInstantURL(profile()).spec();
std::string InstantController::GetInstantURL() const {
- if (extended_enabled() &&
- (use_local_page_only_ || net::NetworkChangeNotifier::IsOffline()))
+ if (extended_enabled() && net::NetworkChangeNotifier::IsOffline())
return GetLocalInstantURL();
const GURL instant_url = chrome::GetInstantURL(profile(),
@@ -1601,7 +570,8 @@ void InstantController::ResetNTP(const std::string& instant_url) {
void InstantController::ReloadStaleNTP() {
- ResetNTP(GetInstantURL());
+ if (extended_enabled())
+ ResetNTP(GetInstantURL());
bool InstantController::ShouldSwitchToLocalNTP() const {
@@ -1626,33 +596,6 @@ bool InstantController::ShouldSwitchToLocalNTP() const {
return !(InStartup() && chrome::ShouldPreferRemoteNTPOnStartup());
-void InstantController::ResetOverlay(const std::string& instant_url) {
- HideInternal();
- overlay_.reset();
-InstantController::ShouldSwitchToLocalOverlay() const {
- if (!extended_enabled())
- if (!overlay())
- return DetermineFallbackReason(NULL, std::string());
- // Assume users with Javascript disabled do not want the online experience.
- if (!IsJavascriptEnabled())
- if (overlay()->IsLocal())
- bool page_is_current = PageIsCurrent(overlay());
- if (!page_is_current)
- return DetermineFallbackReason(overlay(), GetInstantURL());
void InstantController::ResetInstantTab() {
if (!search_mode_.is_origin_default()) {
content::WebContents* active_tab = browser_->GetActiveWebContents();
@@ -1661,11 +604,7 @@ void InstantController::ResetInstantTab() {
new InstantTab(this, browser_->profile()->IsOffTheRecord()));
- use_tab_for_suggestions_ = true;
- // Hide the |overlay_| since we are now using |instant_tab_| instead.
- HideOverlay();
} else {
@@ -1673,7 +612,6 @@ void InstantController::ResetInstantTab() {
void InstantController::UpdateInfoForInstantTab() {
if (instant_tab_) {
- instant_tab_->sender()->SetDisplayInstantResults(instant_enabled_);
// Update theme details.
@@ -1696,168 +634,8 @@ bool InstantController::IsInputInProgress() const {
omnibox_focus_state_ == OMNIBOX_FOCUS_VISIBLE;
-void InstantController::HideOverlay() {
- HideInternal();
- ReloadOverlayIfStale();
-void InstantController::HideInternal() {
- // If GetOverlayContents() returns NULL, either we're already in the desired
- // MODE_DEFAULT state, or we're in the commit path. For the latter, don't
- // change the state just yet; else we may hide the overlay unnecessarily.
- // Instead, the state will be set correctly after the commit is done.
- if (GetOverlayContents()) {
- model_.SetOverlayState(SearchMode(), 0, INSTANT_SIZE_PERCENT);
- allow_overlay_to_show_search_suggestions_ = false;
- // Send a message asking the overlay to clear out old results.
- overlay_->Update(string16(), 0, 0, true);
- }
- // Clear the first interaction timestamp for later use.
- first_interaction_time_ = base::Time();
- first_interaction_time_recorded_ = false;
- if (instant_tab_)
- use_tab_for_suggestions_ = true;
-void InstantController::ShowOverlay(int height, InstantSizeUnits units) {
- // Nothing to see here.
- if (!overlay_)
- return;
- // If we are on a committed search results page, the |overlay_| is not in use.
- if (UseTabForSuggestions())
- return;
- LOG_INSTANT_DEBUG_EVENT(this, base::StringPrintf(
- "Show: height=%d units=%d", height, units));
- // Must have updated omnibox after the last HideOverlay() to show suggestions.
- if (!allow_overlay_to_show_search_suggestions_)
- return;
- // The page is trying to hide itself. Hide explicitly (i.e., don't use
- // HideOverlay()) so that it can change its mind.
- if (height == 0) {
- model_.SetOverlayState(SearchMode(), 0, INSTANT_SIZE_PERCENT);
- if (instant_tab_)
- use_tab_for_suggestions_ = true;
- return;
- }
- // Show at 100% height except in the following cases:
- // - The local overlay (omnibox popup) is being loaded.
- // - Instant is disabled. The page needs to be able to show only a dropdown.
- // - The page is over a website other than search or an NTP, and is not
- // already showing at 100% height.
- if (overlay_->IsLocal() || !instant_enabled_ ||
- (search_mode_.is_origin_default() && !IsFullHeight(model_)))
- model_.SetOverlayState(search_mode_, height, units);
- else
- model_.SetOverlayState(search_mode_, 100, INSTANT_SIZE_PERCENT);
- // If the overlay is being shown at full height and the omnibox is not
- // focused, commit right away.
- if (IsFullHeight(model_) && omnibox_focus_state_ == OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE)
-void InstantController::SendPopupBoundsToPage() {
- if (last_popup_bounds_ == popup_bounds_ || !overlay_ ||
- overlay_->is_pointer_down_from_activate())
- return;
- last_popup_bounds_ = popup_bounds_;
- gfx::Rect overlay_bounds = browser_->GetInstantBounds();
- gfx::Rect intersection = gfx::IntersectRects(popup_bounds_, overlay_bounds);
- // Translate into window coordinates.
- if (!intersection.IsEmpty()) {
- intersection.Offset(-overlay_bounds.origin().x(),
- -overlay_bounds.origin().y());
- }
- // In the current Chrome UI, these must always be true so they sanity check
- // the above operations. In a future UI, these may be removed or adjusted.
- // There is no point in sanity-checking |intersection.y()| because the omnibox
- // can be placed anywhere vertically relative to the overlay (for example, in
- // Mac fullscreen mode, the omnibox is fully enclosed by the overlay bounds).
- DCHECK_LE(0, intersection.x());
- DCHECK_LE(0, intersection.width());
- DCHECK_LE(0, intersection.height());
- overlay_->sender()->SetPopupBounds(intersection);
-bool InstantController::FixSuggestion(InstantSuggestion* suggestion) const {
- // We only accept suggestions if the user has typed text. If the user is
- // arrowing up/down (|last_user_text_| is empty), we reject suggestions.
- if (last_user_text_.empty())
- return false;
- // If the page is trying to set inline autocompletion in verbatim mode,
- // instead try suggesting the exact omnibox text. This makes the omnibox
- // interpret user text as an URL if possible while preventing unwanted
- // autocompletion during backspacing.
- if (suggestion->behavior == INSTANT_COMPLETE_NOW && last_verbatim_)
- suggestion->text = last_omnibox_text_;
- // Suggestion text should be a full URL for URL suggestions, or the
- // completion of a query for query suggestions.
- if (suggestion->type == INSTANT_SUGGESTION_URL) {
- // If the suggestion is not a valid URL, perhaps it's something like
- // "". Try prefixing "http://". If it still isn't valid, drop it.
- if (!GURL(suggestion->text).is_valid()) {
- suggestion->text.insert(0, ASCIIToUTF16("http://"));
- if (!GURL(suggestion->text).is_valid())
- return false;
- }
- // URL suggestions are only accepted if the query for which the suggestion
- // was generated is the same as |last_user_text_|.
- //
- // Any other URL suggestions--in particular suggestions for old user_text
- // lagging behind a slow IPC--are ignored. See
- //
- // TODO(samarth): Accept stale suggestions if they would be accepted by
- // SearchProvider as an inlinable suggestion.
- return suggestion->query == last_user_text_;
- }
- // We use |last_user_text_| because |last_omnibox_text| may contain text from
- // a previous URL suggestion at this point.
- if (suggestion->type == INSTANT_SUGGESTION_SEARCH) {
- if (StartsWith(suggestion->text, last_user_text_, true)) {
- // The user typed an exact prefix of the suggestion.
- suggestion->text.erase(0, last_user_text_.size());
- return true;
- } else if (NormalizeAndStripPrefix(&suggestion->text, last_user_text_)) {
- // Unicode normalize and case-fold the user text and suggestion. If the
- // user text is a prefix, suggest the normalized, case-folded completion
- // for instance, if the user types 'i' and the suggestion is 'INSTANT',
- // suggest 'nstant'. Otherwise, the user text really isn't a prefix, so
- // suggest nothing.
- // TODO(samarth|jered): revisit this logic.
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
bool InstantController::UsingLocalPage() const {
- return (UseTabForSuggestions() && instant_tab_->IsLocal()) ||
- (!UseTabForSuggestions() && overlay_ && overlay_->IsLocal());
-bool InstantController::UseTabForSuggestions() const {
- return instant_tab_ && use_tab_for_suggestions_;
+ return instant_tab_ && instant_tab_->IsLocal();
void InstantController::RedirectToLocalNTP(content::WebContents* contents) {
@@ -1871,31 +649,6 @@ void InstantController::RedirectToLocalNTP(content::WebContents* contents) {
// entry.
-void InstantController::PopulateInstantAutocompleteResultFromMatch(
- const AutocompleteMatch& match, size_t autocomplete_match_index,
- InstantAutocompleteResult* result) {
- DCHECK(result);
- result->provider = UTF8ToUTF16(match.provider->GetName());
- result->type = match.type;
- result->description = match.description;
- result->destination_url = UTF8ToUTF16(match.destination_url.spec());
- // Setting the search_query field tells the Instant page to treat the
- // suggestion as a query.
- if (AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match.type))
- result->search_query = match.contents;
- result->transition = match.transition;
- result->relevance = match.relevance;
- result->autocomplete_match_index = autocomplete_match_index;
- DVLOG(1) << " " << result->relevance << " "
- << UTF8ToUTF16(AutocompleteMatchType::ToString(result->type)) << " "
- << result->provider << " " << result->destination_url << " '"
- << result->description << "' '" << result->search_query << "' "
- << result->transition << " " << result->autocomplete_match_index;
bool InstantController::IsJavascriptEnabled() const {
GURL instant_url(GetInstantURL());
GURL origin(instant_url.GetOrigin());