path: root/chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view.h')
1 files changed, 654 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view.h b/chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a443bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view.h
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#pragma once
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "app/menus/simple_menu_model.h"
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/timer.h"
+#include "build/build_config.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_window.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tabs/tab_strip_model_observer.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_bubble_host.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_frame.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/views/infobars/infobar_container.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/tab_strip.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/base_tab_strip.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/views/unhandled_keyboard_event_handler.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
+#include "gfx/native_widget_types.h"
+#include "views/window/client_view.h"
+#include "views/window/window_delegate.h"
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+#include "chrome/browser/hang_monitor/hung_plugin_action.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/hang_monitor/hung_window_detector.h"
+#include "views/controls/menu/native_menu_win.h"
+// NOTE: For more information about the objects and files in this directory,
+// view:
+class AccessiblePaneView;
+class AccessibleViewHelper;
+class BookmarkBarView;
+class Browser;
+class BrowserBubble;
+class BrowserViewLayout;
+class ContentsContainer;
+class DownloadShelfView;
+class EncodingMenuModel;
+class FullscreenExitBubble;
+class HtmlDialogUIDelegate;
+class InfoBarContainer;
+class LocationBarView;
+class SideTabStrip;
+class StatusBubbleViews;
+class TabContentsContainer;
+class TabStripModel;
+class ToolbarView;
+class ZoomMenuModel;
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+class AeroPeekManager;
+class JumpList;
+namespace views {
+class ExternalFocusTracker;
+class Menu;
+class SingleSplitView;
+// BrowserView
+// A ClientView subclass that provides the contents of a browser window,
+// including the TabStrip, toolbars, download shelves, the content area etc.
+class BrowserView : public BrowserBubbleHost,
+ public BrowserWindow,
+ public BrowserWindowTesting,
+ public NotificationObserver,
+ public TabStripModelObserver,
+ public menus::SimpleMenuModel::Delegate,
+ public views::WindowDelegate,
+ public views::ClientView,
+ public InfoBarContainer::Delegate {
+ public:
+ // The browser view's class name.
+ static const char kViewClassName[];
+ // Explicitly sets how windows are shown. Use a value of -1 to give the
+ // default behavior. This is used during testing and not generally useful
+ // otherwise.
+ static void SetShowState(int state);
+ explicit BrowserView(Browser* browser);
+ virtual ~BrowserView();
+ void set_frame(BrowserFrame* frame) { frame_ = frame; }
+ BrowserFrame* frame() const { return frame_; }
+ // Returns a pointer to the BrowserView* interface implementation (an
+ // instance of this object, typically) for a given native window, or NULL if
+ // there is no such association.
+ static BrowserView* GetBrowserViewForNativeWindow(gfx::NativeWindow window);
+ // Returns a Browser instance of this view.
+ Browser* browser() const { return browser_.get(); }
+ // Returns the show flag that should be used to show the frame containing
+ // this view.
+ int GetShowState() const;
+ // Called by the frame to notify the BrowserView that it was moved, and that
+ // any dependent popup windows should be repositioned.
+ void WindowMoved();
+ // Called by the frame to notify the BrowserView that a move or resize was
+ // initiated.
+ void WindowMoveOrResizeStarted();
+ // Returns the apparent bounds of the toolbar, in BrowserView coordinates.
+ // These differ from |toolbar_.bounds()| in that they match where the toolbar
+ // background image is drawn -- slightly outside the "true" bounds
+ // horizontally, and, when using vertical tabs, behind the tab column.
+ gfx::Rect GetToolbarBounds() const;
+ // Returns the bounds of the content area, in the coordinates of the
+ // BrowserView's parent.
+ gfx::Rect GetClientAreaBounds() const;
+ // Returns the constraining bounding box that should be used to lay out the
+ // FindBar within. This is _not_ the size of the find bar, just the bounding
+ // box it should be laid out within. The coordinate system of the returned
+ // rect is in the coordinate system of the frame, since the FindBar is a child
+ // window.
+ gfx::Rect GetFindBarBoundingBox() const;
+ // Returns the preferred height of the TabStrip. Used to position the OTR
+ // avatar icon.
+ int GetTabStripHeight() const;
+ // Takes some view's origin (relative to this BrowserView) and offsets it such
+ // that it can be used as the source origin for seamlessly tiling the toolbar
+ // background image over that view.
+ gfx::Point OffsetPointForToolbarBackgroundImage(
+ const gfx::Point& point) const;
+ // Returns the width of the currently displayed sidebar or 0.
+ int GetSidebarWidth() const;
+ // Accessor for the TabStrip.
+ BaseTabStrip* tabstrip() const { return tabstrip_; }
+ // Accessor for the Toolbar.
+ ToolbarView* toolbar() const { return toolbar_; }
+ // Returns true if various window components are visible.
+ bool IsTabStripVisible() const;
+ // Returns true if the vertical tabstrip is in use.
+ bool UseVerticalTabs() const;
+ // Returns true if the profile associated with this Browser window is
+ // off the record.
+ bool IsOffTheRecord() const;
+ // Returns true if the non-client view should render the Off-The-Record
+ // avatar icon if the window is off the record.
+ bool ShouldShowOffTheRecordAvatar() const;
+ // Handle the specified |accelerator| being pressed.
+ bool AcceleratorPressed(const views::Accelerator& accelerator);
+ // Provides the containing frame with the accelerator for the specified
+ // command id. This can be used to provide menu item shortcut hints etc.
+ // Returns true if an accelerator was found for the specified |cmd_id|, false
+ // otherwise.
+ bool GetAccelerator(int cmd_id, menus::Accelerator* accelerator);
+ // Shows the next app-modal dialog box, if there is one to be shown, or moves
+ // an existing showing one to the front. Returns true if one was shown or
+ // activated, false if none was shown.
+ bool ActivateAppModalDialog() const;
+ // Returns the selected TabContents. Used by our NonClientView's
+ // TabIconView::TabContentsProvider implementations.
+ // TODO(beng): exposing this here is a bit bogus, since it's only used to
+ // determine loading state. It'd be nicer if we could change this to be
+ // bool IsSelectedTabLoading() const; or something like that. We could even
+ // move it to a WindowDelegate subclass.
+ TabContents* GetSelectedTabContents() const;
+ // Retrieves the icon to use in the frame to indicate an OTR window.
+ SkBitmap GetOTRAvatarIcon();
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+ // Called right before displaying the system menu to allow the BrowserView
+ // to add or delete entries.
+ void PrepareToRunSystemMenu(HMENU menu);
+ // Returns true if the Browser object associated with this BrowserView is a
+ // normal-type window (i.e. a browser window, not an app or popup).
+ bool IsBrowserTypeNormal() const {
+ return browser_->type() == Browser::TYPE_NORMAL;
+ }
+ // Returns true if the Browser object associated with this BrowserView is a
+ // app panel window.
+ bool IsBrowserTypePanel() const {
+ return browser_->type() == Browser::TYPE_APP_PANEL;
+ }
+ // Returns true if the Browser object associated with this BrowserView is a
+ // popup window.
+ bool IsBrowserTypePopup() const {
+ return (browser_->type() & Browser::TYPE_POPUP) != 0;
+ }
+ // Register preferences specific to this view.
+ static void RegisterBrowserViewPrefs(PrefService* prefs);
+ // Returns true if the specified point(BrowserView coordinates) is in
+ // in the window caption area of the browser window.
+ bool IsPositionInWindowCaption(const gfx::Point& point);
+ // Returns whether the fullscreen bubble is visible or not.
+ bool IsFullscreenBubbleVisible() const;
+ // Invoked from the frame when the full screen state changes. This is only
+ // used on Linux.
+ void FullScreenStateChanged();
+ // Restores the focused view. This is also used to set the initial focus
+ // when a new browser window is created.
+ void RestoreFocus();
+ // Called when the activation of the frame changes.
+ virtual void ActivationChanged(bool activated);
+ // Overridden from BrowserWindow:
+ virtual void Show();
+ virtual void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
+ virtual void Close();
+ virtual void Activate();
+ virtual void Deactivate();
+ virtual bool IsActive() const;
+ virtual void FlashFrame();
+ virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetNativeHandle();
+ virtual BrowserWindowTesting* GetBrowserWindowTesting();
+ virtual StatusBubble* GetStatusBubble();
+ virtual void SelectedTabToolbarSizeChanged(bool is_animating);
+ virtual void UpdateTitleBar();
+ virtual void ShelfVisibilityChanged();
+ virtual void UpdateDevTools();
+ virtual void UpdateLoadingAnimations(bool should_animate);
+ virtual void SetStarredState(bool is_starred);
+ virtual gfx::Rect GetRestoredBounds() const;
+ virtual bool IsMaximized() const;
+ virtual void SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen);
+ virtual bool IsFullscreen() const;
+ virtual LocationBar* GetLocationBar() const;
+ virtual void SetFocusToLocationBar(bool select_all);
+ virtual void UpdateReloadStopState(bool is_loading, bool force);
+ virtual void UpdateToolbar(TabContents* contents, bool should_restore_state);
+ virtual void FocusToolbar();
+ virtual void FocusAppMenu();
+ virtual void FocusBookmarksToolbar();
+ virtual void FocusChromeOSStatus() {}
+ virtual void RotatePaneFocus(bool forwards);
+ virtual void DestroyBrowser();
+ virtual bool IsBookmarkBarVisible() const;
+ virtual bool IsBookmarkBarAnimating() const;
+ virtual bool IsToolbarVisible() const;
+ virtual gfx::Rect GetRootWindowResizerRect() const;
+ virtual void DisableInactiveFrame();
+ virtual void ConfirmSetDefaultSearchProvider(
+ TabContents* tab_contents,
+ TemplateURL* template_url,
+ TemplateURLModel* template_url_model);
+ virtual void ConfirmAddSearchProvider(const TemplateURL* template_url,
+ Profile* profile);
+ virtual void ToggleBookmarkBar();
+ virtual views::Window* ShowAboutChromeDialog();
+ virtual void ShowUpdateChromeDialog();
+ virtual void ShowTaskManager();
+ virtual void ShowBookmarkBubble(const GURL& url, bool already_bookmarked);
+ virtual void SetDownloadShelfVisible(bool visible);
+ virtual bool IsDownloadShelfVisible() const;
+ virtual DownloadShelf* GetDownloadShelf();
+ virtual void ShowReportBugDialog();
+ virtual void ShowClearBrowsingDataDialog();
+ virtual void ShowImportDialog();
+ virtual void ShowSearchEnginesDialog();
+ virtual void ShowPasswordManager();
+ virtual void ShowRepostFormWarningDialog(TabContents* tab_contents);
+ virtual void ShowContentSettingsWindow(ContentSettingsType content_type,
+ Profile* profile);
+ virtual void ShowCollectedCookiesDialog(TabContents* tab_contents);
+ virtual void ShowProfileErrorDialog(int message_id);
+ virtual void ShowThemeInstallBubble();
+ virtual void ConfirmBrowserCloseWithPendingDownloads();
+ virtual void ShowHTMLDialog(HtmlDialogUIDelegate* delegate,
+ gfx::NativeWindow parent_window);
+ virtual void ContinueDraggingDetachedTab(const gfx::Rect& tab_bounds);
+ virtual void UserChangedTheme();
+ virtual int GetExtraRenderViewHeight() const;
+ virtual void TabContentsFocused(TabContents* source);
+ virtual void ShowPageInfo(Profile* profile,
+ const GURL& url,
+ const NavigationEntry::SSLStatus& ssl,
+ bool show_history);
+ virtual void ShowAppMenu();
+ virtual bool PreHandleKeyboardEvent(const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event,
+ bool* is_keyboard_shortcut);
+ virtual void HandleKeyboardEvent(const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event);
+ virtual void ShowCreateShortcutsDialog(TabContents* tab_contents);
+ virtual void Cut();
+ virtual void Copy();
+ virtual void Paste();
+ virtual void ToggleTabStripMode();
+ virtual void ShowInstant(TabContents* preview_contents);
+ virtual void HideInstant();
+ virtual gfx::Rect GetInstantBounds();
+ // Overridden from BrowserWindowTesting:
+ virtual BookmarkBarView* GetBookmarkBarView() const;
+ virtual LocationBarView* GetLocationBarView() const;
+ virtual views::View* GetTabContentsContainerView() const;
+ virtual views::View* GetSidebarContainerView() const;
+ virtual ToolbarView* GetToolbarView() const;
+ // Overridden from NotificationObserver:
+ virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details);
+ // Overridden from TabStripModelObserver:
+ virtual void TabDetachedAt(TabContents* contents, int index);
+ virtual void TabDeselectedAt(TabContents* contents, int index);
+ virtual void TabSelectedAt(TabContents* old_contents,
+ TabContents* new_contents,
+ int index,
+ bool user_gesture);
+ virtual void TabReplacedAt(TabContents* old_contents,
+ TabContents* new_contents,
+ int index);
+ virtual void TabStripEmpty();
+ // Overridden from menus::SimpleMenuModel::Delegate:
+ virtual bool IsCommandIdChecked(int command_id) const;
+ virtual bool IsCommandIdEnabled(int command_id) const;
+ virtual bool GetAcceleratorForCommandId(int command_id,
+ menus::Accelerator* accelerator);
+ virtual bool IsLabelForCommandIdDynamic(int command_id) const;
+ virtual string16 GetLabelForCommandId(int command_id) const;
+ virtual void ExecuteCommand(int command_id);
+ // Overridden from views::WindowDelegate:
+ virtual bool CanResize() const;
+ virtual bool CanMaximize() const;
+ virtual bool IsModal() const;
+ virtual std::wstring GetWindowTitle() const;
+ virtual std::wstring GetAccessibleWindowTitle() const;
+ virtual views::View* GetInitiallyFocusedView();
+ virtual bool ShouldShowWindowTitle() const;
+ virtual SkBitmap GetWindowAppIcon();
+ virtual SkBitmap GetWindowIcon();
+ virtual bool ShouldShowWindowIcon() const;
+ virtual bool ExecuteWindowsCommand(int command_id);
+ virtual std::wstring GetWindowName() const;
+ virtual void SaveWindowPlacement(const gfx::Rect& bounds,
+ bool maximized);
+ virtual bool GetSavedWindowBounds(gfx::Rect* bounds) const;
+ virtual bool GetSavedMaximizedState(bool* maximized) const;
+ virtual views::View* GetContentsView();
+ virtual views::ClientView* CreateClientView(views::Window* window);
+ // Overridden from views::ClientView:
+ virtual bool CanClose() const;
+ virtual int NonClientHitTest(const gfx::Point& point);
+ virtual gfx::Size GetMinimumSize();
+ // InfoBarContainer::Delegate overrides
+ virtual void InfoBarSizeChanged(bool is_animating);
+ protected:
+ // Appends to |toolbars| a pointer to each AccessiblePaneView that
+ // can be traversed using F6, in the order they should be traversed.
+ // Abstracted here so that it can be extended for Chrome OS.
+ virtual void GetAccessiblePanes(
+ std::vector<AccessiblePaneView*>* panes);
+ // Save the current focused view to view storage
+ void SaveFocusedView();
+ int last_focused_view_storage_id() const {
+ return last_focused_view_storage_id_;
+ }
+ // Overridden from views::View:
+ virtual std::string GetClassName() const;
+ virtual void Layout();
+ virtual void ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add,
+ views::View* parent,
+ views::View* child);
+ virtual void ChildPreferredSizeChanged(View* child);
+ virtual AccessibilityTypes::Role GetAccessibleRole();
+ // Factory Methods.
+ // Returns a new LayoutManager for this browser view. A subclass may
+ // override to implemnet different layout pocily.
+ virtual views::LayoutManager* CreateLayoutManager() const;
+ // Initializes a new TabStrip for the browser view. This can be performed
+ // multiple times over the life of the browser, and is run when the display
+ // mode for the tabstrip changes from horizontal to vertical.
+ virtual void InitTabStrip(TabStripModel* tab_strip_model);
+ // Browser window related initializations.
+ virtual void Init();
+ private:
+ friend class BrowserViewLayout;
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+ // Creates the system menu.
+ void InitSystemMenu();
+ // Returns the BrowserViewLayout.
+ BrowserViewLayout* GetBrowserViewLayout() const;
+ // Layout the Status Bubble.
+ void LayoutStatusBubble();
+ // Prepare to show the Bookmark Bar for the specified TabContents. Returns
+ // true if the Bookmark Bar can be shown (i.e. it's supported for this
+ // Browser type) and there should be a subsequent re-layout to show it.
+ // |contents| can be NULL.
+ bool MaybeShowBookmarkBar(TabContents* contents);
+ // Prepare to show an Info Bar for the specified TabContents. Returns true
+ // if there is an Info Bar to show and one is supported for this Browser
+ // type, and there should be a subsequent re-layout to show it.
+ // |contents| can be NULL.
+ bool MaybeShowInfoBar(TabContents* contents);
+ // Updates sidebar UI according to the current tab and sidebar state.
+ void UpdateSidebar();
+ // Displays active sidebar linked to the |tab_contents| or hides sidebar UI,
+ // if there's no such sidebar.
+ void UpdateSidebarForContents(TabContents* tab_contents);
+ // Updated devtools window for given contents.
+ void UpdateDevToolsForContents(TabContents* tab_contents);
+ // Updates various optional child Views, e.g. Bookmarks Bar, Info Bar or the
+ // Download Shelf in response to a change notification from the specified
+ // |contents|. |contents| can be NULL. In this case, all optional UI will be
+ // removed.
+ void UpdateUIForContents(TabContents* contents);
+ // Updates an optional child View, e.g. Bookmarks Bar, Info Bar, Download
+ // Shelf. If |*old_view| differs from new_view, the old_view is removed and
+ // the new_view is added. This is intended to be used when swapping in/out
+ // child views that are referenced via a field.
+ // Returns true if anything was changed, and a re-Layout is now required.
+ bool UpdateChildViewAndLayout(views::View* new_view, views::View** old_view);
+ // Invoked to update the necessary things when our fullscreen state changes
+ // to |fullscreen|. On Windows this is invoked immediately when we toggle the
+ // full screen state. On Linux changing the fullscreen state is async, so we
+ // ask the window to change it's fullscreen state, then when we get
+ // notification that it succeeded this method is invoked.
+ void ProcessFullscreen(bool fullscreen);
+ // Copy the accelerator table from the app resources into something we can
+ // use.
+ void LoadAccelerators();
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+ // Builds the correct menu for when we have minimal chrome.
+ void BuildSystemMenuForBrowserWindow();
+ void BuildSystemMenuForAppOrPopupWindow(bool is_app);
+ // Retrieves the command id for the specified Windows app command.
+ int GetCommandIDForAppCommandID(int app_command_id) const;
+ // Callback for the loading animation(s) associated with this view.
+ void LoadingAnimationCallback();
+ // Initialize the hung plugin detector.
+ void InitHangMonitor();
+ // Invoked from TabSelectedAt or when instant is made active. Is
+ // |change_tab_contents| is true, |new_contents| is added to the view
+ // hierarchy, if |change_tab_contents| is false, it's assumed |new_contents|
+ // has already been added to the view hierarchy.
+ void ProcessTabSelected(TabContents* new_contents, bool change_tab_contents);
+ // Last focused view that issued a tab traversal.
+ int last_focused_view_storage_id_;
+ // The BrowserFrame that hosts this view.
+ BrowserFrame* frame_;
+ // The Browser object we are associated with.
+ scoped_ptr<Browser> browser_;
+ // BrowserView layout (LTR one is pictured here).
+ //
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // | | Tabs (1) |
+ // | |--------------------------------------------------------------|
+ // | | Navigation buttons, menus and the address bar (toolbar_) |
+ // | |--------------------------------------------------------------|
+ // | | All infobars (infobar_container_) * |
+ // | |--------------------------------------------------------------|
+ // | | Bookmarks (bookmark_bar_view_) * |
+ // | |--------------------------------------------------------------|
+ // | |Page content (contents_) || |
+ // | |--------------------------------------|| Sidebar content |
+ // | || contents_container_ and/or ||| (sidebar_container_) |
+ // | || preview_container_ ||| |
+ // | || |(3) |
+ // | Tabs (2)|| ||| |
+ // | || ||| |
+ // | || ||| |
+ // | || ||| |
+ // | |--------------------------------------|| |
+ // | |==(4)=========================================================|
+ // | | |
+ // | | |
+ // | | Debugger (devtools_container_) |
+ // | | |
+ // | | |
+ // | |--------------------------------------------------------------|
+ // | | Active downloads (download_shelf_) |
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // (1) - tabstrip_, default position
+ // (2) - tabstrip_, position when side tabs are enabled
+ // (3) - sidebar_split_
+ // (4) - contents_split_
+ //
+ // * - The bookmark bar and info bar are swapped when on the new tab page.
+ // Additionally contents_ is positioned on top of the bookmark bar when
+ // the bookmark bar is detached. This is done to allow the
+ // preview_container_ to appear over the bookmark bar.
+ // Tool/Info bars that we are currently showing. Used for layout.
+ // active_bookmark_bar_ is either NULL, if the bookmark bar isn't showing,
+ // or is bookmark_bar_view_ if the bookmark bar is showing.
+ views::View* active_bookmark_bar_;
+ // The TabStrip.
+ BaseTabStrip* tabstrip_;
+ // The Toolbar containing the navigation buttons, menus and the address bar.
+ ToolbarView* toolbar_;
+ // The Bookmark Bar View for this window. Lazily created.
+ scoped_ptr<BookmarkBarView> bookmark_bar_view_;
+ // The download shelf view (view at the bottom of the page).
+ scoped_ptr<DownloadShelfView> download_shelf_;
+ // The InfoBarContainer that contains InfoBars for the current tab.
+ InfoBarContainer* infobar_container_;
+ // The view that contains sidebar for the current tab.
+ TabContentsContainer* sidebar_container_;
+ // Split view containing the contents container and sidebar container.
+ views::SingleSplitView* sidebar_split_;
+ // The view that contains the selected TabContents.
+ TabContentsContainer* contents_container_;
+ // The view that contains devtools window for the selected TabContents.
+ TabContentsContainer* devtools_container_;
+ // The view that contains instant's TabContents.
+ TabContentsContainer* preview_container_;
+ // The view managing both the contents_container_ and preview_container_.
+ ContentsContainer* contents_;
+ // Split view containing the contents container and devtools container.
+ views::SingleSplitView* contents_split_;
+ // Tracks and stores the last focused view which is not the
+ // devtools_container_ or any of its children. Used to restore focus once
+ // the devtools_container_ is hidden.
+ scoped_ptr<views::ExternalFocusTracker> devtools_focus_tracker_;
+ // The Status information bubble that appears at the bottom of the window.
+ scoped_ptr<StatusBubbleViews> status_bubble_;
+ // A mapping between accelerators and commands.
+ std::map<views::Accelerator, int> accelerator_table_;
+ // True if we have already been initialized.
+ bool initialized_;
+ // True if we should ignore requests to layout. This is set while toggling
+ // fullscreen mode on and off to reduce jankiness.
+ bool ignore_layout_;
+ scoped_ptr<FullscreenExitBubble> fullscreen_bubble_;
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+ // The additional items we insert into the system menu.
+ scoped_ptr<views::SystemMenuModel> system_menu_contents_;
+ scoped_ptr<ZoomMenuModel> zoom_menu_contents_;
+ scoped_ptr<EncodingMenuModel> encoding_menu_contents_;
+ // The wrapped system menu itself.
+ scoped_ptr<views::NativeMenuWin> system_menu_;
+ // This object is used to perform periodic actions in a worker
+ // thread. It is currently used to monitor hung plugin windows.
+ WorkerThreadTicker ticker_;
+ // This object is initialized with the frame window HWND. This
+ // object is also passed as a tick handler with the ticker_ object.
+ // It is used to periodically monitor for hung plugin windows
+ HungWindowDetector hung_window_detector_;
+ // This object is invoked by hung_window_detector_ when it detects a hung
+ // plugin window.
+ HungPluginAction hung_plugin_action_;
+ // The custom JumpList for Windows 7.
+ scoped_ptr<JumpList> jumplist_;
+ // The custom AeroPeek manager for Windows 7.
+ scoped_ptr<AeroPeekManager> aeropeek_manager_;
+ // The timer used to update frames for the Loading Animation.
+ base::RepeatingTimer<BrowserView> loading_animation_timer_;
+ UnhandledKeyboardEventHandler unhandled_keyboard_event_handler_;
+ scoped_ptr<AccessibleViewHelper> accessible_view_helper_;
+ NotificationRegistrar registrar_;