path: root/chrome/browser/views/location_bar/location_bar_view.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/views/location_bar/location_bar_view.h')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 394 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/views/location_bar/location_bar_view.h b/chrome/browser/views/location_bar/location_bar_view.h
index 019e7a1..1e2b2d7 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/views/location_bar/location_bar_view.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/views/location_bar/location_bar_view.h
@@ -6,399 +6,8 @@
#pragma once
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/task.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_context_menu_model.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/first_run/first_run.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/location_bar.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_model_observer.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/toolbar_model.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/views/extensions/extension_popup.h"
-#include "chrome/common/notification_observer.h"
-#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
-#include "gfx/font.h"
-#include "gfx/rect.h"
-#include "views/controls/native/native_view_host.h"
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
-#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit_view_win.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit_view_gtk.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/gtk/accessible_widget_helper_gtk.h"
-class CommandUpdater;
-class ContentSettingImageView;
-class EVBubbleView;
-class ExtensionAction;
-class GURL;
-class InstantController;
-class KeywordHintView;
-class LocationIconView;
-class PageActionWithBadgeView;
-class Profile;
-class SelectedKeywordView;
-class StarView;
-class TemplateURLModel;
-namespace views {
-class HorizontalPainter;
-class Label;
-// LocationBarView class
-// The LocationBarView class is a View subclass that paints the background
-// of the URL bar strip and contains its content.
-class LocationBarView : public LocationBar,
- public LocationBarTesting,
- public views::View,
- public views::DragController,
- public AutocompleteEditController,
- public TemplateURLModelObserver {
- public:
- // The location bar view's class name.
- static const char kViewClassName[];
- class Delegate {
- public:
- // Should return the current tab contents.
- virtual TabContents* GetTabContents() = 0;
- // Returns the InstantController, or NULL if there isn't one.
- virtual InstantController* GetInstant() = 0;
- // Called by the location bar view when the user starts typing in the edit.
- // This forces our security style to be UNKNOWN for the duration of the
- // editing.
- virtual void OnInputInProgress(bool in_progress) = 0;
- };
- enum ColorKind {
- };
- // The modes reflect the different scenarios where a location bar can be used.
- // The normal mode is the mode used in a regular browser window.
- // In popup mode, the location bar view is read only and has a slightly
- // different presentation (font size / color).
- // In app launcher mode, the location bar is empty and no security states or
- // page/browser actions are displayed.
- enum Mode {
- NORMAL = 0,
- };
- LocationBarView(Profile* profile,
- CommandUpdater* command_updater,
- ToolbarModel* model,
- Delegate* delegate,
- Mode mode);
- virtual ~LocationBarView();
- void Init();
- // True if this instance has been initialized by calling Init, which can only
- // be called when the receiving instance is attached to a view container.
- bool IsInitialized() const;
- // Returns the appropriate color for the desired kind, based on the user's
- // system theme.
- static SkColor GetColor(ToolbarModel::SecurityLevel security_level,
- ColorKind kind);
- // Updates the location bar. We also reset the bar's permanent text and
- // security style, and, if |tab_for_state_restoring| is non-NULL, also restore
- // saved state that the tab holds.
- void Update(const TabContents* tab_for_state_restoring);
- void SetProfile(Profile* profile);
- Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
- // Returns the current TabContents.
- TabContents* GetTabContents() const;
- // Sets |preview_enabled| for the PageAction View associated with this
- // |page_action|. If |preview_enabled| is true, the view will display the
- // PageActions icon even though it has not been activated by the extension.
- // This is used by the ExtensionInstalledBubble to preview what the icon
- // will look like for the user upon installation of the extension.
- void SetPreviewEnabledPageAction(ExtensionAction *page_action,
- bool preview_enabled);
- // Retrieves the PageAction View which is associated with |page_action|.
- views::View* GetPageActionView(ExtensionAction* page_action);
- // Toggles the star on or off.
- void SetStarToggled(bool on);
- // Shows the bookmark bubble.
- void ShowStarBubble(const GURL& url, bool newly_bookmarked);
- // Sizing functions
- virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize();
- // Layout and Painting functions
- virtual void Layout();
- virtual void Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
- // No focus border for the location bar, the caret is enough.
- virtual void PaintFocusBorder(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { }
- // Called when any ancestor changes its size, asks the AutocompleteEditModel
- // to close its popup.
- virtual void VisibleBoundsInRootChanged();
- // Set if we should show a focus rect while the location entry field is
- // focused. Used when the toolbar is in full keyboard accessibility mode.
- // Repaints if necessary.
- virtual void SetShowFocusRect(bool show);
- // Select all of the text. Needed when the user tabs through controls
- // in the toolbar in full keyboard accessibility mode.
- virtual void SelectAll();
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // Event Handlers
- virtual bool OnMousePressed(const views::MouseEvent& event);
- virtual bool OnMouseDragged(const views::MouseEvent& event);
- virtual void OnMouseReleased(const views::MouseEvent& event, bool canceled);
- // AutocompleteEditController
- virtual void OnAutocompleteWillClosePopup();
- virtual void OnAutocompleteLosingFocus(gfx::NativeView view_gaining_focus);
- virtual void OnAutocompleteWillAccept();
- virtual bool OnCommitSuggestedText(const std::wstring& typed_text);
- virtual void OnSetSuggestedSearchText(const string16& suggested_text);
- virtual void OnPopupBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
- virtual void OnAutocompleteAccept(const GURL& url,
- WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
- PageTransition::Type transition,
- const GURL& alternate_nav_url);
- virtual void OnChanged();
- virtual void OnInputInProgress(bool in_progress);
- virtual void OnKillFocus();
- virtual void OnSetFocus();
- virtual SkBitmap GetFavIcon() const;
- virtual std::wstring GetTitle() const;
- // Overridden from views::View:
- virtual std::string GetClassName() const;
- virtual bool SkipDefaultKeyEventProcessing(const views::KeyEvent& e);
- virtual AccessibilityTypes::Role GetAccessibleRole();
- // Overridden from views::DragController:
- virtual void WriteDragData(View* sender,
- const gfx::Point& press_pt,
- OSExchangeData* data);
- virtual int GetDragOperations(View* sender, const gfx::Point& p);
- virtual bool CanStartDrag(View* sender,
- const gfx::Point& press_pt,
- const gfx::Point& p);
- // Overridden from LocationBar:
- virtual void ShowFirstRunBubble(FirstRun::BubbleType bubble_type);
- virtual void SetSuggestedText(const string16& text);
- virtual std::wstring GetInputString() const;
- virtual WindowOpenDisposition GetWindowOpenDisposition() const;
- virtual PageTransition::Type GetPageTransition() const;
- virtual void AcceptInput();
- virtual void FocusLocation(bool select_all);
- virtual void FocusSearch();
- virtual void UpdateContentSettingsIcons();
- virtual void UpdatePageActions();
- virtual void InvalidatePageActions();
- virtual void SaveStateToContents(TabContents* contents);
- virtual void Revert();
- virtual const AutocompleteEditView* location_entry() const {
- return location_entry_.get();
- }
- virtual AutocompleteEditView* location_entry() {
- return location_entry_.get();
- }
- virtual LocationBarTesting* GetLocationBarForTesting() { return this; }
- // Overridden from LocationBarTesting:
- virtual int PageActionCount() { return page_action_views_.size(); }
- virtual int PageActionVisibleCount();
- virtual ExtensionAction* GetPageAction(size_t index);
- virtual ExtensionAction* GetVisiblePageAction(size_t index);
- virtual void TestPageActionPressed(size_t index);
- // Overridden from TemplateURLModelObserver
- virtual void OnTemplateURLModelChanged();
- // Thickness of the left and right edges of the omnibox, in normal mode.
- static const int kNormalHorizontalEdgeThickness;
- // Thickness of the top and bottom edges of the omnibox.
- static const int kVerticalEdgeThickness;
- // Space between items in the location bar.
- static const int kItemPadding;
- // Space between items in the location bar when an extension keyword is
- // showing.
- static const int kExtensionItemPadding;
- // Space between the edges and the items next to them.
- static const int kEdgeItemPadding;
- // Space between the edge and a bubble.
- static const int kBubblePadding;
- protected:
- void Focus();
- private:
- typedef std::vector<ContentSettingImageView*> ContentSettingViews;
- friend class PageActionImageView;
- friend class PageActionWithBadgeView;
- typedef std::vector<PageActionWithBadgeView*> PageActionViews;
- // Returns the amount of horizontal space (in pixels) out of
- // |location_bar_width| that is not taken up by the actual text in
- // location_entry_.
- int AvailableWidth(int location_bar_width);
- // If |view| fits in |available_width|, it is made visible and positioned at
- // the leading or trailing end of |bounds|, which are then shrunk
- // appropriately. Otherwise |view| is made invisible.
- // Note: |view| is expected to have already been positioned and sized
- // vertically.
- void LayoutView(views::View* view,
- int padding,
- int available_width,
- bool leading,
- gfx::Rect* bounds);
- // Update the visibility state of the Content Blocked icons to reflect what is
- // actually blocked on the current page.
- void RefreshContentSettingViews();
- // Delete all page action views that we have created.
- void DeletePageActionViews();
- // Update the views for the Page Actions, to reflect state changes for
- // PageActions.
- void RefreshPageActionViews();
- // Sets the visibility of view to new_vis.
- void ToggleVisibility(bool new_vis, views::View* view);
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // Helper for the Mouse event handlers that does all the real work.
- void OnMouseEvent(const views::MouseEvent& event, UINT msg);
- // Helper to show the first run info bubble.
- void ShowFirstRunBubbleInternal(FirstRun::BubbleType bubble_type);
- // Current profile. Not owned by us.
- Profile* profile_;
- // The Autocomplete Edit field.
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- scoped_ptr<AutocompleteEditViewWin> location_entry_;
- scoped_ptr<AutocompleteEditViewGtk> location_entry_;
- // The CommandUpdater for the Browser object that corresponds to this View.
- CommandUpdater* command_updater_;
- // The model.
- ToolbarModel* model_;
- // Our delegate.
- Delegate* delegate_;
- // This is the string of text from the autocompletion session that the user
- // entered or selected.
- std::wstring location_input_;
- // The user's desired disposition for how their input should be opened
- WindowOpenDisposition disposition_;
- // The transition type to use for the navigation
- PageTransition::Type transition_;
- // Font used by edit and some of the hints.
- gfx::Font font_;
- // An object used to paint the normal-mode background.
- scoped_ptr<views::HorizontalPainter> painter_;
- // An icon to the left of the edit field.
- LocationIconView* location_icon_view_;
- // A bubble displayed for EV HTTPS sites.
- EVBubbleView* ev_bubble_view_;
- // Location_entry view wrapper
- views::NativeViewHost* location_entry_view_;
- // The following views are used to provide hints and remind the user as to
- // what is going in the edit. They are all added a children of the
- // LocationBarView. At most one is visible at a time. Preference is
- // given to the keyword_view_, then hint_view_.
- // These autocollapse when the edit needs the room.
- // Shown if the user has selected a keyword.
- SelectedKeywordView* selected_keyword_view_;
- // View responsible for showing suggested text. This is NULL when there is no
- // suggested text.
- views::Label* suggested_text_view_;
- // Shown if the selected url has a corresponding keyword.
- KeywordHintView* keyword_hint_view_;
- // The content setting views.
- ContentSettingViews content_setting_views_;
- // The page action icon views.
- PageActionViews page_action_views_;
- // The star.
- StarView* star_view_;
- // The mode that dictates how the bar shows.
- Mode mode_;
- // True if we should show a focus rect while the location entry field is
- // focused. Used when the toolbar is in full keyboard accessibility mode.
- bool show_focus_rect_;
- // Whether bubble text is short or long.
- FirstRun::BubbleType bubble_type_;
- // This is in case we're destroyed before the model loads. We store the model
- // because calling profile_->GetTemplateURLModel() in the destructor causes a
- // crash.
- TemplateURLModel* template_url_model_;
-#if defined(OS_LINUX)
- scoped_ptr<AccessibleWidgetHelper> accessible_widget_helper_;
- // Should instant be updated? This is set to false in OnAutocompleteWillAccept
- // and true in OnAutocompleteAccept. This is needed as prior to accepting an
- // autocomplete suggestion the model is reverted which triggers resetting
- // instant.
- bool update_instant_;
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/location_bar/location_bar_view.h"
+// TODO(beng): remove this file once all includes have been updated.