path: root/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/tabs/test.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/tabs/test.js')
1 files changed, 576 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/tabs/test.js b/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/tabs/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba02f033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/tabs/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+// tabs api test
+// browser_tests.exe --gtest_filter=ExtensionApiTest.Tabs
+// We have a bunch of places where we need to remember some state from one
+// test (or setup code) to subsequent tests.
+var firstWindowId = null;
+var secondWindowId = null;
+var firstTabIndex = null;
+var testTabId = null;
+var windowEventsWindow = null;
+var moveTabIds = {};
+var pass = chrome.test.callbackPass;
+var assertEq = chrome.test.assertEq;
+var assertTrue = chrome.test.assertTrue;
+function pageUrl(letter) {
+ return chrome.extension.getURL(letter + ".html");
+ function getSelected() {
+ chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, pass(function(tab) {
+ assertEq("about:blank", tab.url);
+ assertEq("about:blank", tab.title);
+ firstWindowId = tab.windowId;
+ firstTabIndex = tab.index;
+ }));
+ },
+ function create() {
+ chrome.tabs.create({"windowId" : firstWindowId, "selected" : false},
+ pass(function(tab){
+ assertTrue(tab.index > firstTabIndex);
+ assertEq(firstWindowId, tab.windowId);
+ assertEq(false, tab.selected);
+ assertEq("chrome://newtab/", tab.url);
+ }));
+ },
+ function createInOtherWindow() {
+{}, pass(function(win) {
+ // The newly created window is now the currentWindow.
+ // Create a tab in the older window.
+ chrome.tabs.create({"windowId" : firstWindowId, "selected" : false},
+ pass(function(tab) {
+ assertEq(firstWindowId, tab.windowId);
+ }));
+ // Create a tab in this new window.
+ chrome.tabs.create({"windowId" :}, pass(function(tab) {
+ assertEq(, tab.windowId);
+ }));
+ }));
+ },
+ function createAtIndex() {
+ chrome.tabs.create({"windowId" : firstWindowId, "index" : 1},
+ pass(function(tab) {
+ assertEq(1, tab.index);
+ }));
+ },
+ function createSelected() {
+ chrome.tabs.create({"windowId" : firstWindowId, "selected" : true},
+ pass(function(tab) {
+ assertTrue(tab.selected);
+ chrome.tabs.getSelected(firstWindowId, pass(function(selectedTab) {
+ assertEq(,;
+ }));
+ }));
+ },
+ function setupTwoWindows() {
+ setupWindow(["about:blank", "chrome://newtab/", pageUrl("a")],
+ pass(function(winId, tabIds) {
+ firstWindowId = winId;
+ testTabId = tabIds[2];
+ createWindow(["chrome://newtab/", pageUrl("b")],
+ pass(function(winId, tabIds) {
+ secondWindowId = winId;
+ }));
+ }));
+ },
+ function getAllInWindow() {
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(firstWindowId,
+ pass(function(tabs) {
+ assertEq(3, tabs.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
+ assertEq(firstWindowId, tabs[i].windowId);
+ assertEq(i, tabs[i].index);
+ // The most recent tab should be selected
+ assertEq((i == 2), tabs[i].selected);
+ }
+ assertEq("about:blank", tabs[0].url);
+ assertEq("chrome://newtab/", tabs[1].url);
+ assertEq(pageUrl("a"), tabs[2].url);
+ }));
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(secondWindowId,
+ pass(function(tabs) {
+ assertEq(2, tabs.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
+ assertEq(secondWindowId, tabs[i].windowId);
+ assertEq(i, tabs[i].index);
+ }
+ assertEq("chrome://newtab/", tabs[0].url);
+ assertEq(pageUrl("b"), tabs[1].url);
+ }));
+ },
+ /* TODO: Enable this test when is fixed. This bug causes a
+ newly created window not to be set as the current window, if
+ Chrome was not the foreground window when the create call was made.
+ function getAllInWindowNullArg() {
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(null, pass(function(tabs) {
+ assertEq(2, tabs.length);
+ assertEq(secondWindowId, tabs[0].windowId);
+ }));
+ }, */
+ function update() {
+ chrome.tabs.get(testTabId, pass(function(tab) {
+ assertEq(pageUrl("a"), tab.url);
+ // Update url.
+ chrome.tabs.update(testTabId, {"url": pageUrl("c")},
+ pass(function(tab){
+ chrome.test.assertEq(pageUrl("c"), tab.url);
+ // Check url.
+ chrome.tabs.get(testTabId, pass(function(tab) {
+ assertEq(pageUrl("c"), tab.url);
+ }));
+ }));
+ }));
+ },
+ function updateSelect() {
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(firstWindowId, pass(function(tabs) {
+ assertEq(false, tabs[1].selected);
+ assertEq(true, tabs[2].selected);
+ // Select tab[1].
+ chrome.tabs.update(tabs[1].id, {selected: true},
+ pass(function(tab1){
+ // Check update of tab[1].
+ chrome.test.assertEq(true, tab1.selected);
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(firstWindowId, pass(function(tabs) {
+ assertEq(true, tabs[1].selected);
+ assertEq(false, tabs[2].selected);
+ // Select tab[2].
+ chrome.tabs.update(tabs[2].id, {selected: true},
+ pass(function(tab2){
+ // Check update of tab[2].
+ chrome.test.assertEq(true, tab2.selected);
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(firstWindowId, pass(function(tabs) {
+ assertEq(false, tabs[1].selected);
+ assertEq(true, tabs[2].selected);
+ }));
+ }));
+ }));
+ }));
+ }));
+ },
+ // Do a series of moves so that we get the following
+ //
+ // Before:
+ // Window1: (newtab),a,b,c,d,e
+ // Window2: (newtab)
+ //
+ // After:
+ // Window1: (newtab),a,e,c
+ // Window2: b,(newtab),d
+ function setupLetterPages() {
+ var pages = ["chrome://newtab/", pageUrl('a'), pageUrl('b'),
+ pageUrl('c'), pageUrl('d'), pageUrl('e')];
+ setupWindow(pages, pass(function(winId, tabIds) {
+ firstWindowId = winId;
+ moveTabIds['a'] = tabIds[1];
+ moveTabIds['b'] = tabIds[2];
+ moveTabIds['c'] = tabIds[3];
+ moveTabIds['d'] = tabIds[4];
+ moveTabIds['e'] = tabIds[5];
+ createWindow(["chrome://newtab/"], pass(function(winId, tabIds) {
+ secondWindowId = winId;
+ }));
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(firstWindowId, pass(function(tabs) {
+ assertEq(pages.length, tabs.length);
+ for (var i in tabs) {
+ assertEq(pages[i], tabs[i].url);
+ }
+ }));
+ }));
+ },
+ function move() {
+ // Check that the tab/window state is what we expect after doing moves.
+ function checkMoveResults()
+ {
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(firstWindowId, pass(function(tabs) {
+ assertEq(4, tabs.length);
+ assertEq("chrome://newtab/", tabs[0].url);
+ assertEq(pageUrl("a"), tabs[1].url);
+ assertEq(pageUrl("e"), tabs[2].url);
+ assertEq(pageUrl("c"), tabs[3].url);
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(secondWindowId, pass(function(tabs) {
+ assertEq(3, tabs.length);
+ assertEq(pageUrl("b"), tabs[0].url);
+ assertEq("chrome://newtab/", tabs[1].url);
+ assertEq(pageUrl("d"), tabs[2].url);
+ }));
+ }));
+ }
+ chrome.tabs.move(moveTabIds['b'], {"windowId": secondWindowId, "index": 0},
+ pass(function(tabB) {
+ chrome.test.assertEq(0, tabB.index);
+ chrome.tabs.move(moveTabIds['e'], {"index": 2},
+ pass(function(tabE) {
+ chrome.test.assertEq(2, tabE.index);
+ chrome.tabs.move(moveTabIds['d'], {"windowId": secondWindowId,
+ "index": 2}, pass(function(tabD) {
+ chrome.test.assertEq(2, tabD.index);
+ checkMoveResults();
+ }));
+ }));
+ }));
+ },
+ function remove() {
+ chrome.tabs.remove(moveTabIds["d"], pass(function() {
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(secondWindowId,
+ pass(function(tabs) {
+ assertEq(2, tabs.length);
+ assertEq(pageUrl("b"), tabs[0].url);
+ assertEq("chrome://newtab/", tabs[1].url);
+ }));
+ }));
+ },
+ function detectLanguage() {
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(firstWindowId, pass(function(tabs) {
+ chrome.tabs.detectLanguage(tabs[0].id, pass(function(lang) {
+ assertEq("en", lang);
+ }));
+ }));
+ },
+ /* TODO(rafaelw): Ideally, this test would include a page with known content,
+ it'd take a capture and compare it to some expected output.
+ TODO(rafaelw): This test fails in at least three distinct ways. One where
+ the function actually fails to get anything and logs a "Internal error
+ while trying to capture visible region of the current tab" error from the
+ browser process.
+ function captureVisibleTab() {
+ // Take First Capture
+ chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(firstWindowId,
+ pass(function(window1Url) {
+ assertEq("string", typeof(window1Url));
+ assertTrue(window1Url.length > 0);
+ // Take Second Capture
+ chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(secondWindowId,
+ pass(function(window2Url) {
+ assertEq("string", typeof(window2Url));
+ assertTrue(window2Url.length > 0);
+ assertTrue(window1Url != window2Url);
+ // Now pass null for windowId - it should come back with something
+ // equal to either the first or second window. This is nondeterministic
+ // depending on whether you let chrome stay focused, or click
+ // focus away (or are running on the try/build servers).
+ chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(null, pass(function(url) {
+ assertEq("string", typeof(url));
+ assertTrue(url.length > 0);
+ assertTrue(url == window1Url || url == window2Url);
+ }));
+ }));
+ }));
+ }, */
+ function tabsOnCreated() {
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(chrome.tabs.onCreated, function(tab) {
+ assertEq(pageUrl("f"), tab.url);
+ });
+ chrome.tabs.create({"windowId": firstWindowId, "url": pageUrl("f"),
+ "selected": true}, pass(function(tab) {}));
+ },
+ function tabsOnUpdatedIgnoreTabArg() {
+ // A third argument was added to the onUpdated event callback.
+ // Test that an event handler which ignores this argument works.
+ var onUpdatedCompleted = chrome.test.listenForever(chrome.tabs.onUpdated,
+ function(tabid, changeInfo) {
+ if (tabid == moveTabIds['a'] && changeInfo.status == "complete") {
+ onUpdatedCompleted();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ chrome.tabs.update(moveTabIds['a'], {"url": pageUrl("f")}, pass());
+ },
+ function tabsOnUpdated() {
+ var onUpdatedCompleted = chrome.test.listenForever(
+ chrome.tabs.onUpdated,
+ function(tabid, changeInfo, tab) {
+ // |tab| contains the id of the tab it describes.
+ // Test that |tabid| matches this id.
+ assertEq(tabid,;
+ // If |changeInfo| has a status property, than
+ // it should match the status of the tab in |tab|.
+ if (changeInfo.status) {
+ assertEq(changeInfo.status, tab.status);
+ }
+ if (tabid == moveTabIds['a'] && changeInfo.status == "complete") {
+ onUpdatedCompleted();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ chrome.tabs.update(moveTabIds['a'], {"url": pageUrl("f")}, pass());
+ },
+ function tabsOnMoved() {
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(chrome.tabs.onMoved, function(tabid, info) {
+ assertEq(moveTabIds['a'], tabid);
+ });
+ chrome.tabs.move(moveTabIds['a'], {"index": 0}, pass());
+ },
+ function tabsOnSelectionChanged() {
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(chrome.tabs.onSelectionChanged,
+ function(tabid, info) {
+ assertEq(moveTabIds['c'], tabid);
+ }
+ );
+ chrome.tabs.update(moveTabIds['c'], {"selected": true},
+ pass());
+ },
+ function tabsOnRemoved() {
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(chrome.tabs.onRemoved, function(tabid) {
+ assertEq(moveTabIds['c'], tabid);
+ });
+ chrome.tabs.remove(moveTabIds['c'], pass());
+ },
+ function setupTabsOnAttachDetach()
+ {
+ setupWindow(["", ""], pass(function(winId, tabIds) {
+ firstWindowId = winId;
+ testTabId = tabIds[1];
+ createWindow([""], pass(function(winId, tabIds) {
+ secondWindowId = winId;
+ }));
+ }));
+ },
+ function tabsOnAttached() {
+ function moveAndListen(tabId, properties, callback) {
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(chrome.tabs.onAttached,
+ function(testTabId, info) {
+ // Ensure notification is correct.
+ assertEq(testTabId, tabId);
+ assertEq(properties.windowId, info.newWindowId);
+ assertEq(properties.index, info.newPosition);
+ if (callback)
+ callback();
+ });
+ chrome.tabs.move(tabId, properties);
+ };
+ // Move tab to second window, then back to first.
+ // The original tab/window configuration should be restored.
+ // tabsOnDetached() depends on it.
+ moveAndListen(testTabId, {"windowId": secondWindowId, "index": 0},
+ pass(function() {
+ moveAndListen(testTabId, {"windowId": firstWindowId, "index": 1});
+ }));
+ },
+ function tabsOnDetached() {
+ function moveAndListen(tabId, oldWindowId, oldIndex, properties,
+ callback) {
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(chrome.tabs.onDetached,
+ function(detachedTabId, info) {
+ // Ensure notification is correct.
+ assertEq(detachedTabId, tabId);
+ assertEq(oldWindowId, info.oldWindowId);
+ assertEq(oldIndex, info.oldPosition);
+ if (callback)
+ callback();
+ });
+ chrome.tabs.move(tabId, properties);
+ };
+ // Move tab to second window, then back to first.
+ moveAndListen(testTabId, firstWindowId, 1,
+ {"windowId": secondWindowId, "index": 0}, pass(function() {
+ moveAndListen(testTabId, secondWindowId, 0,
+ {"windowId": firstWindowId, "index": 1});
+ }));
+ },
+ function setupRelativeUrlTests() {
+ setupWindow(["about:blank"], pass(function(winId, tabIds) {
+ firstWindowId = winId;
+ }));
+ },
+ function relativeUrlTestsTabsCreate() {
+ // Will be called from relative.html
+ window.relativePageLoaded = chrome.test.callbackAdded();
+ var createCompleted = chrome.test.callbackAdded();
+ chrome.tabs.create({windowId: firstWindowId, url: 'relative.html'},
+ function(tab){
+ testTabId =;
+ createCompleted();
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ function relativeUrlTestsTabsUpdate() {
+ // Will be called from relative.html
+ window.relativePageLoaded = chrome.test.callbackAdded();
+ chrome.tabs.update(testTabId, {url: pageUrl("a")}, function(tab) {
+ chrome.test.assertEq(pageUrl("a"), tab.url);
+ chrome.tabs.update(, {url: "relative.html"}, function(tab) {
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ function relativeUrlTestsWindowCreate() {
+ // Will be called from relative.html
+ window.relativePageLoaded = chrome.test.callbackAdded();
+{url: "relative.html"});
+ },
+ function windowsOnCreated() {
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(, function(window) {
+ chrome.test.assertTrue(window.width > 0);
+ chrome.test.assertTrue(window.height > 0);
+ windowEventsWindow = window;
+ chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(, pass(function(tabs) {
+ assertEq(pageUrl("a"), tabs[0].url);
+ }));
+ });
+{"url": pageUrl("a")}, pass(function(tab) {}));
+ },
+ /* TODO: Enable this test when is fixed. This bug causes a
+ newly created window not to be set as the current window, if
+ Chrome was not the foreground window when the create call was made.
+ function windowsOnFocusChanged() {
+{}, pass(function(window) {
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(,
+ function(windowId) {
+ assertEq(, windowId);
+ });
+ }));
+ }, */
+ function windowsOnRemoved() {
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(, function(windowId) {
+ assertEq(, windowId);
+ });
+, pass());
+ },
+ function setupConnect() {
+ // The web page that our content script will be injected into.
+ var relativePath = '/files/extensions/api_test/tabs/relative.html';
+ var testUrl = 'http://localhost:1337' + relativePath;
+ setupWindow([testUrl], pass(function(winId, tabIds) {
+ testTabId = tabIds[0];
+ waitForAllTabs(pass());
+ }));
+ },
+ function connectMultipleConnects() {
+ var connectCount = 0;
+ function connect10() {
+ var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTabId);
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(port.onMessage, function(msg) {
+ assertEq(++connectCount, msg.connections);
+ if (connectCount < 10)
+ connect10();
+ });
+ port.postMessage("GET");
+ }
+ connect10();
+ },
+ function connectName() {
+ var name = "akln3901n12la";
+ var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTabId, {"name": name});
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(port.onMessage, function(msg) {
+ assertEq(name,;
+ var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTabId);
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(port.onMessage, function(msg) {
+ assertEq('',;
+ });
+ port.postMessage("GET");
+ });
+ port.postMessage("GET");
+ },
+ function connectPostMessageTypes() {
+ var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTabId);
+ // Test the content script echoes the message back.
+ var echoMsg = {"num": 10, "string": "hi", "array": [1,2,3,4,5],
+ "obj":{"dec": 1.0}};
+ chrome.test.listenOnce(port.onMessage, function(msg) {
+ assertEq(echoMsg.num, msg.num);
+ assertEq(echoMsg.string, msg.string);
+ assertEq(echoMsg.array[4], msg.array[4]);
+ assertEq(echoMsg.obj.dec, msg.obj.dec);
+ });
+ port.postMessage(echoMsg);
+ },
+ function connectPostManyMessages() {
+ var port = chrome.tabs.connect(testTabId);
+ var count = 0;
+ var done = chrome.test.listenForever(port.onMessage, function(msg) {
+ assertEq(count++, msg);
+ if (count == 999) {
+ done();
+ }
+ });
+ for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+ port.postMessage(i);
+ }
+ },
+ /* TODO: Enable this test once we do checking on the tab id for
+ chrome.tabs.connect (
+ function connectNoTab() {
+ chrome.tabs.create({}, pass(function(tab) {
+ chrome.tabs.remove(, pass(function() {
+ var port = chrome.tabs.connect(;
+ assertEq(null, port);
+ }));
+ }));
+ }, */
+ function sendRequest() {
+ var request = "test";
+ chrome.tabs.sendRequest(testTabId, request, pass(function(response) {
+ assertEq(request, response);
+ }));
+ },
+ // TODO(asargent)
+ // It would be an improvement to check the captureVisibleTab results
+ // against a known-good result.