path: root/chrome/test/pyautolib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/test/pyautolib/')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/test/pyautolib/ b/chrome/test/pyautolib/
index 8a2e3d4..fe2143a 100644
--- a/chrome/test/pyautolib/
+++ b/chrome/test/pyautolib/
@@ -1253,10 +1253,16 @@ class PyUITest(pyautolib.PyUITestBase, unittest.TestCase):
u'child_processes': [ { u'name': u'Shockwave Flash',
u'pid': 93766,
u'type': u'Plug-in'}],
- # There's one extension process per extension.
- u'extension_processes': [
- { u'name': u'Webpage Screenshot', u'pid': 93938},
- { u'name': u'Google Voice (by Google)', u'pid': 93852}],
+ u'extension_views': [ {
+ u'name': u'Webpage Screenshot',
+ u'pid': 93938,
+ u'extension_id': u'dgcoklnmbeljaehamekjpeidmbicddfj',
+ u'url': u'chrome-extension://dgcoklnmbeljaehamekjpeidmbicddfj/'
+ 'bg.html',
+ u'view': {
+ u'render_process_id': 2,
+ u'render_view_id': 1},
+ u'view_type': u'EXTENSION_BACKGROUND_PAGE'}]
u'properties': {
u'BrowserProcessExecutableName': u'Chromium',
u'BrowserProcessExecutablePath': u''
@@ -2234,6 +2240,43 @@ class PyUITest(pyautolib.PyUITestBase, unittest.TestCase):
return self._GetResultFromJSONRequest(cmd_dict, windex=windex)
+ def ExecuteJavascriptInRenderView(self, js, view, frame_xpath=''):
+ """Executes a script in the specified frame of an render view.
+ The invoked javascript function must send a result back via the
+ domAutomationController.send function, or this function will never return.
+ Args:
+ js: script to be executed
+ view: A dictionary representing a unique id for the render view as
+ returned for example by
+ self.GetBrowserInfo()['extension_views'][]['view'].
+ Example:
+ { 'render_process_id': 1,
+ 'render_view_id' : 2}
+ frame_xpath: XPath of the frame to execute the script. Default is no
+ frame. Example:
+ '//frames[1]'
+ Returns:
+ a value that was sent back via the domAutomationController.send method
+ Raises:
+ pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError if the automation call returns an error.
+ """
+ cmd_dict = {
+ 'command': 'ExecuteJavascriptInRenderView',
+ 'javascript' : js,
+ 'view' : view,
+ 'frame_xpath' : frame_xpath,
+ }
+ result = self._GetResultFromJSONRequest(cmd_dict)['result']
+ # Wrap result in an array before deserializing because valid JSON has an
+ # array or an object as the root.
+ json_string = '[' + result + ']'
+ return json.loads(json_string)[0]
def CallJavascriptFunc(self, function, args=[], tab_index=0, windex=0):
"""Executes a script which calls a given javascript function.